The windows cleaned right now


All the tickets
… sold

  1. were;

  2. have been;

  3. are.

our flight … delayed
because of the

  1. was being;

  2. was;

  3. has been.

… made from milk.

  1. is;

  2. was;

  3. is

hope you …
at the station tomorrow


  1. are being;

  2. are;

  3. will be.

the time the postman arrived,
all the letters … s

  1. have already been;

  2. had already been;

  3. were already.

He … interviewed
at the moment.



C) has been.

had to take a different
road because the bridge … repaired.

  1. was being;

  2. is being;

  3. was.

furniture for
our living room .. delivered

  1. haven’t been;

  2. isn’t;

  3. hasn’t been.

… hurt
in the accident last night.

  1. are;

  2. will be;

  3. were.

… cleaned
right now.

  1. are;

  2. are being;

  3. have been.

I … for
the basketball team.

  1. was just chosen;

  2. have just been chosen;

  3. am just chosen.

The door … locked
6 o’clock tomorrow.

A) was;

B) will be;

C) is being.

tree … planted
by my great-grandfather half
a century ago.

  1. was;

  2. was being;

  3. had been.

14. This
sort of advertisement … seen

  1. has been;.

  2. is being;

  3. is.

… sent
to all
clients every week.

  1. have been;

  2. are

  3. are.

Nothing can
… done
about this.

  1. be;

  2. be

  3. have been.

… taken
hospital only tomorrow.

  1. is;

  2. will be;

  3. is being.

18. When
he arrived home,
the burglar
… taken
away in

  1. was already;

  2. had
    already been;

  3. was already being.

building … built by an American architect
last year.

  1. was being;

  2. was;

  3. is.

business …
on the idea that you buy cheap
and sell expensive.

  1. is;

  2. is being;

  3. had been.

Test 6 Tenses (Passive Voice) Present Indefinite; Present Continuous; Present Perfect; Future Simple; Future Perfect; Past Simple; Past Continuous; Past Perfect.

правильный ответ.

Ten hotels … damaged by pickets in the weekend
strike of hotel workers.

  1. have been;

  2. were;

  3. were being.

arrived at 2.30 p.m. He
… told to wait in the
VIP lounge.

  1. had been;

  2. has been;

  3. is.

I got on the bus, money …
by the
bus driver.

  1. had been;

  2. was;

  3. was being.

The streets … swept
every day.


are being;

have been.

their mother was ill, the children … after
by the neighbours.

  1. were looked;

  2. had been looked;

  3. were being looked.

the time the secretary returned, the fax … received
by the manager.

  1. was;

  2. has been;

  3. had been.

… insured
with a big life insurance company.

  1. am;

  2. am being;

  3. had been.

afraid Mr. Jones … forced
to retire because
of ill health any day now.

  1. was;

  2. has been;

  3. will be.

new public library … built
the whole last year.

  1. is being;

  2. was being;

  3. was.

My car … fixed
yet because the garage is still
waiting for spare parts.

  1. isn’t;

  2. hasn’t been;

  3. isn’t being.

When we returned from our holiday, we found out that
our flat
… broken

  1. was;

  2. has been;

  3. had been.

His son … in
a car crash a few years ago.

  1. died;

  2. was died;

  3. was dead.

13. The
footballer … sent
off for bad behaviour.

  1. had been;

  2. was being;

  3. was.

There were various people at the party whom
I … introduced

  1. am not;

  2. hadn’t been;

  3. haven’t been.

… done
by 5 p.m. tomorrow.

A) will be;


C) will have been.

My father’s car … serviced at the moment.

  1. is;

  2. is being;

  3. will be.

17. A
new shopping centre … opened
in a month.

  1. will be;

  2. has been;

  3. will have been.

18. A
friend of mine … offered
an interesting job recently.

  1. was;

  2. has been;

  3. is.

The Smiths … for
a few

  1. aren’t heard of;

  2. haven’t been heard;

  3. haven’t been heard of.

20. When
I got to the car park, my car wasn’t there. It … stolen.

  1. has been;

  2. was being;

  3. had been.



1) В;
2) А; 3) С; 4) В; 5) С; 6) В; 7) А; 8) С; 9) С; 10)
А; 11) В; 12) В; 13) А;

14) В; 15) В; 16) А; 17) С;
18) В; 19) В; 20) В.


С; 2) В; 3) В; 4) С; 5) С; 6) А; 7) А; 8) А; 9) В; 10)
В; 11) В; 12) А;

С; 14) С; 15) В; 16) С; 17) А; 18)
С; 19) С; 20) В.


    1. А;
      2) С; 3) В; 4) С; 5) В; 6) С; 7) В; 8) А; 9) В; 10)
      С; И) В; 12) В;

С; 14) С; 15) В;16) А; 17) В; 18)
С; 19) С; 20) С.


А; 2) В; 3) В; 4) В; 5) В; 6) В; 7) А; 8) А; 9) В; 10)
В; 11) С; 12) А;

13) В;
14) В; 15) С; 16) А; 17) В; 18)
В; 19) С; 20) А.


В; 2) В; 3) А; 4) С; 5) В; 6) В; 7) А; 8) С; 9) С;
14) С;

С; 16) А; 17) В; 18)
В; 19) В; 20) А.


В; 2) А; 3) С; 4) А; 5) В; 6) С; 7) А; 8) С; 9) В;10)
В; 11) С; 12) А; 13) С;

В; 15) С; 16) В; 17) А; 18)
В; 19) С; 20) С.

                          TEST  1 (Passive Voice)


Choose the right answer.

1.  All the tickets ___   sold already.

     a/ were, b/have been,  c/ are

2.Yeaterday our flight ______ delayed  because of the fog.

    a/ was being   b/was   c/ has been

3.Cheese ___ made from milk.

    a/ is   b/ was   c/  is being

4.I hope you ___ met at the station tomorrow in the morning.

     a/are being   b/ are   c/ will be

5. By the time the postman arrived , all the letters ___ sent.

    a/have already been  b/ had already been   c/  were  already

6. He _____ interviewed at the moment.

   a/is   b/is  being   c/ has  been

7. We  had to take a different road because the bridge ___  repaired.

       a/  was  being  b/is being   c/ was

8. The furniture for our living room ___ delivered  yet.

      a/ haven’t  been   b/  isn’t   c/  hasn’t  been

9. Several people ___ hurt in the accident last night.

 a/  are   b/ will  be   c/ were

  1. The  windows ___ cleaned right  now.

  a/are   b/ are  being  c/  have been

  1. I ___ for the  basketball team.

 a/ was just chosen   b/ have  just  been chosen  c/ am  just  chosen

  1. The  door ____ locked  at  6 o’clock tomorrow.

  a/ was   b/  will  be   c/  is  being

13.Nothing can ____ done about this.

  a/ be   b/  be being   c/  have  been

14.When we arrived  home, the burglar ___ taken away  in a police car.

  a/ was already   b/ had already  been  c/  was already being

15. Most  business ___ based  on the idea that you  buy cheap and sell dear.

  a/ is   b/ is  being   c/ had been

Tenses: тренировочные тесты.(7-8 классы)

Test 1.

Аctive Voice:

Indefinite; Present Continuous; Present Perfect; Present Perfect Continuous.

Выберите правильный ответ.

1. People … their lives worrying about money.

A) are spending;

B) spend;

C) have spent.

2. Every day Johnny … to a street corner and … for the school bus.

A) walks … waits;

B) is walking … waits;

C) walks … is waiting.

3. Fiona never buys expensive clothes, …?

A) does Fiona;

B) doesn’t she;

C) does she.

4. Who … Phil with his homework?

A) does help;

B) helps;

C) do help.

5. The conference … on the 1st February.

A) is opening;

B) does open;

C) opens.

6. Jill …. long brown hair and big blue eyes.

A) is having;

B) has;

C) have.

7. I … what you’re talking about.

A) don’t understand;

B) am not understanding;

С) does not understand.

8. It … at the moment.

A) doesn’t rain;

B) don’t rain;

C) isn’t raining.

9. I … from St. Petersburg, though I … in Moscow at the moment.

A) have come live;

B) am coming … am living;

C) come … am living.

10. We … each other since our childhood.

A) have known;

B) have been knowing;

C) know.

11. They … meat at the market.

A) are always buying;

B) always buy;

C) have always been buying.

12. How … his new job?

A) is your brother liking;

B) does your brother like;

C) has your brother liked.

13. “What … of it?” – “In my opinion, it’s not a very good idea.”

A) do you think;

B) are you thinking;

C) have you thought.

14. She …English since September.

A) is studying;

B) has been studying;


15. What time … lunch?

A) have you usually had;

B) do you usually have;

C) are you usually having.

16. Anna is here. She …

A) has just come;

B) just came;

C) is just coming.

17. Look! Ann … a letter.

A) writes;

B) are writing;

C) is writing.

18. How many books have you read …?

last year;

this year;

in 2000.

19. “Where’s your sister?” — “She … a bath.”

A) has;

B) is having;

C) has been having.

20. … playing football, don’t you?

A) Do you like;

B) You like;

C) You don’t like.

Test 2.

Аctive Voice:

Indefinite; Present Continuous; Present Perfect; Present Perfect Continuous.

Выберите правильный ответ.

1. The past 10 years … the happiest in her life.

  1. are;

  2. are being;

  3. have been.

2. He … many mistakes in his exam papers.

A) always makes;

В) is always making;

C) always make.

3. «Oh, Ann! Haven’t seen you for ages! …?» — «Oh, I’m OK, thanks. And you?»

  1. What do you do;

  2. How are you;

  3. What are you doing.

4. I … an appointment with my dentist next week.

  1. have;

  2. have been having;

  3. am having.

5. I can’t see …

  1. with who Jane is dancing;

  2. who is Jane dancing with;

  3. who is dancing with Jane.

6. My mother … the headmaster tomorrow.

A) is seeing;

B) see

C) has seen.

7. He is working on this project, …?

A) won’t he;

B) is he;

C) isn’t he.

8. I have …

  1. met her just now;

  2. met her a minute ago;

  3. met her when I was fifteen years old.

9. They are having a meeting, …?

A) haven’t they;

  1. aren’t they;

  2. are they.

10. The proposal … great!

  1. is sounding;

  2. sounds;

  3. sound.

11. The plane … at 9 p.m.

  1. is arriving;

  2. arrives;

  3. is going to arrive.

12. The pizza … delicious without any cheese at all.

  1. tastes;

  2. is tasting;

  3. has tasted.

13. Kate is a vegetarian. She … meat.

  1. isn’t eating;

  2. hasn’t been eating;

  3. doesn’t eat.

14. We must be off. It … late.

  1. is going to get;

  2. gets;

  3. is getting.

15. She is the most friendly person I …

  1. have ever been meeting;

  2. have ever met;

  3. ever meet.

16. Henry … English for three years now.

  1. is learning;

  2. has learnt;

  3. has been learning.

17. They … a lot of problems since they moved to St. Petersburg.

A) have had;

B) have;

C) are having.

18. Things … more and more expensive these days.

A) get;

B) has got;

C) are getting.

19. It … all day long already.

  1. is snowing;

  2. has snowed;

  3. has been snowing.

20. Mr Tigers is making phone calls …

  1. every day;

  2. now;

  3. far too often.

Test 3.

Аctive Voice:

Present Perfect; Past Simple; Past Continuous; Past Perfect.

Выберите правильный ответ.

1. In his youth, he … very lazy.

  1. was;

  2. has been;

  3. was being.

2. The children … so much noise that we couldn’t listen to the news on the radio.

  1. made;

  2. had made;

  3. were making.

3. … when you came in?

  1. Did it snow;

  2. Was it snowing;

  3. Was it snow.

4. Our neighbours … their house recently.

  1. painted;

  2. were painting;

  3. have painted.

5. When … from his business trip?

  1. has he returned;

  2. did he return;

  3. was he returning.


6. How many people … in the Second World War?

  1. did die;

  2. have died;

  3. died.

7. My sister … some new clothes last week.

  1. had bought;

  2. bought;

  3. was buying.

8. How long ago …?

  1. did they marry;

  2. have they married;

  3. they married.

9. I called Frank, his mother told me that he …

A) already left;

B) had already left;

C) was already leaving

10. While Tom … on his letter, the telephone …

  1. worked … was ringing;

  2. was working … was ringing;

  3. was working … rang.

11. They met yesterday, …?

  1. did they;

  2. didn’t they;

  3. they did.

12. When they … me, they … talking.

  1. had seen … stopped;

  2. saw … stopped;

С) saw … had stopped.

13. He … a cigarette two months ago.

  1. has last smoked;

  2. was last smoking;

  3. last smoked.

14. Ken … in the army for ten years before he retired and married.

  1. was;

  2. was being;

  3. had been.

15. When the play … the audience went home.

A) had ended;


C) was ending.

16. Не … a light breakfast and then … to work.

  1. had … went;

  2. had had … went;

  3. has had … went.

17. I … «Pigmalion» before I saw it on the stage.

  1. was reading;

  2. had read;

C) read.

18. … smoking recently?

  1. Does he give up;

  2. Did he give up;

  3. Has he given up.

19. Who … after Kate’s children all this time?

  1. has looked after;

  2. has she been looking;

  3. has been looking.

20. The secretary … three letters so far.

  1. has been typing;

  2. is typing;

  3. has typed.

Test 4. Аctive Voice:

Present Perfect; Past Simple; Past Continuous; Past Perfect.

Выберите правильный ответ.

1. He … his wallet on the train.

  1. lost;

  2. had lost;

  3. has lost.

2. The boy … his hand because he knew the right answer to the question.


  1. raised;

  2. has risen.

3. I … my grandfather. He died when I was two or three years old.

  1. have never met;

  2. never met;

  3. was never meeting.

4. No one of my classmates has … Australia.

  1. been to;

  2. been in;

  3. never been to.

5. Since I … university, I’ve been interested in sociology.

  1. have been at;

  2. was at;

  3. has gone to.

6. After leaving school, James … it very difficult to get a good job.

A)has found;

  1. found;

  2. had found.

7. When her new fur coat?

  1. did she buy;

  2. has she bought;

  3. did she bought.

8. When we finally got to the airport, the plane … yet.

  1. hadn’t landed;

  2. didn’t land;

  3. wasn’t landing.

9. As soon as we reached our house, we realised that somebody … it.

  1. was breaking into;

  2. had broken into;

  3. broke into.

10. When Harold … in, we all … where he …

  1. had come … knew … was;

  2. came … knew … had been;

  3. came … were knowing … had been.

11. Tom couldn’t answer the teacher’s question because he …

  1. daydreamed;

  2. had daydreamed;

  3. was daydreaming.

12. Everybody was doing something when a new employee came in, …?

  1. weren’t they;

  2. wasn’t everybody;

  3. didn’t he.

13. I … her since she left a year ago.

  1. didn’t see;

  2. haven’t seen;

  3. hadn’t seen.

14. The whole audience … to cheer the soloist.

  1. was rising;

  2. rose;

  3. raised.

15. I … so sunburnt that my skin …

  1. had got… peeled;

  2. got… was peeling;

  3. got… peeled.

16. When … to drive a car?

  1. did you learn;

  2. have you learnt;

  3. were you learning.

17. When she was young, she … people. Nobody liked it.

  1. had always criticised;

  2. was always criticising;

  3. always criticised.

18. Everybody … the party when the police arrived/

  1. were leaving;

  2. was leaving;

C) had left.

19. My elder brother … at 7 a.m., … breakfast and then … to the institute.

  1. had got up … had … went;

  2. got up … had had … went;

  3. got up … had … went.

20. Nobody … Charlie Chaplin completely.

  1. knew;

  2. has known;

  3. was knowing.

Test 5

Tenses (Passive Voice)

Present Indefinite; Present Continuous; Present Perfect;
Future Simple; Future Perfect; Past Simple; Past Continuous; Past Perfect.

Выберите правильный ответ.

1. All the tickets … sold already.

  1. were;

  2. have been;

  3. are.

2. Yesterday our flight … delayed because of the fog.

  1. was being;

  2. was;

  3. has been.

3. Cheese … made from milk.

  1. is;

  2. was;

  3. is being.

4. I hope you … met at the station tomorrow in the morning.

  1. are being;

  2. are;

  3. will be.

5. By the time the postman arrived, all the letters … sent.

  1. have already been;

  2. had already been;

  3. were already.

6. He … interviewed at the moment.

A) is;

B) is being;

C) has been.

7. We had to take a different road because the bridge … repaired.

  1. was being;

  2. is being;

  3. was.

8. The furniture for our living room .. delivered yet.

  1. haven’t been;

  2. isn’t;

  3. hasn’t been.

9. Several people … hurt in the accident last night.

  1. are;

  2. will be;

  3. were.

10. The windows … cleaned right now.

  1. are;

  2. are being;

  3. have been.

11. I … for the basketball team.

  1. was just chosen;

  2. have just been chosen;

  3. am just chosen.

12. The door … locked at 6 o’clock tomorrow.

A) was;

B) will be;

C) is being.

13. This tree … planted by my great-grandfather half a century ago.

  1. was;

  2. was being;

  3. had been.

14. This sort of advertisement … seen everywhere.

  1. has been;.

  2. is being;

  3. is.

15. Letters … sent to all our clients every week.

  1. have been;

  2. are being;

  3. are.

16. Nothing can … done about this.

  1. be;

  2. be being;

  3. have been.

17. Clare … taken to hospital only tomorrow.

  1. is;

  2. will be;

  3. is being.

18. When he arrived home, the burglar … taken away in a police car.

  1. was already;

  2. had already been;

  3. was already being.

19. The building … built by an American architect last year.

  1. was being;

  2. was;

  3. is.

20. Most business … based on the idea that you buy cheap and sell expensive.

  1. is;

  2. is being;

  3. had been.

Test 6

Tenses (Passive Voice)

Present Indefinite; Present Continuous; Present Perfect;
Future Simple; Future Perfect; Past Simple; Past Continuous; Past Perfect.

Выберите правильный ответ.

1. Ten hotels … damaged by pickets in the weekend strike of hotel workers.

  1. have been;

  2. were;

  3. were being.

2. He arrived at 2.30 p.m. He … told to wait in the VIP lounge.

  1. had been;

  2. has been;

  3. is.

3. When I got on the bus, money … collected by the bus driver.

  1. had been;

  2. was;

  3. was being.

4. The streets … swept every day.

A) are;

B) are being;

C) have been.

5. When their mother was ill, the children … after by the neighbours.

  1. were looked;

  2. had been looked;

  3. were being looked.

6. By the time the secretary returned, the fax … received by the manager.

  1. was;

  2. has been;

  3. had been.

7. I … insured with a big life insurance company.

  1. am;

  2. am being;

  3. had been.

8. I’m afraid Mr. Jones … forced to retire because of ill health any day now.

  1. was;

  2. has been;

  3. will be.

9. A new public library … built the whole last year.

  1. is being;

  2. was being;

  3. was.

10. My car … fixed yet because the garage is still waiting for spare parts.

  1. isn’t;

  2. hasn’t been;

  3. isn’t being.

11. When we returned from our holiday, we found out that our flat … broken into.

  1. was;

  2. has been;

  3. had been.

12. His son … in a car crash a few years ago.

  1. died;

  2. was died;

  3. was dead.

13. The footballer … sent off for bad behavior.

  1. had been;

  2. was being;

  3. was.

14. There were various people at the party whom I … introduced to.

  1. am not;

  2. hadn’t been;

  3. haven’t been.

15. Everything … done by 5 p.m. tomorrow.

A) will be;


C) will have been.

16. My father’s car … serviced at the moment.

  1. is;

  2. is being;

  3. will be.

17. A new shopping centre … opened in a month.

  1. will be;

  2. has been;

  3. will have been.

18. A friend of mine … offered an interesting job recently.

  1. was;

  2. has been;

  3. is.

19. The Smiths … for a few years.

  1. aren’t heard of;

  2. haven’t been heard;

  3. haven’t been heard of.

20. When I got to the car park, my car wasn’t there. It … stolen.

  1. has been;

  2. was being;

  3. had been


TEST№ 1.

1) В; 2) А; 3) С; 4) В; 5) С; 6) В; 7) А; 8) С; 9) С; 10) А; 11) В; 12) В; 13) А;

14) В; 15) В; 16) А; 17) С; 18) В; 19) В; 20) В.

TEST№ 2.

1) С; 2) В; 3) В; 4) С; 5) С; 6) А; 7) А; 8) А; 9) В; 10) В; 11) В; 12) А;

13) С; 14) С; 15) В; 16) С; 17) А; 18) С; 19) С; 20) В.

TEST№ 3.

    1. А; 2) С; 3) В; 4) С; 5) В; 6) С; 7) В; 8) А; 9) В; 10) С; И) В; 12) В;

13) С; 14) С; 15) В;16) А; 17) В; 18) С; 19) С; 20) С.

TEST№ 4.

1) А; 2) В; 3) В; 4) В; 5) В; 6) В; 7) А; 8) А; 9) В; 10) В; 11) С; 12) А;

13) В; 14) В; 15) С; 16) А; 17) В; 18) В; 19) С; 20) А.

TEST№ 5.

1) В; 2) В; 3) А; 4) С; 5) В; 6) В; 7) А; 8) С; 9) С; 10)В;11)В;12)В;13)А; 14) С;

15) С; 16) А; 17) В; 18) В; 19) В; 20) А.

TEST№ 6.

1) В; 2) А; 3) С; 4) А; 5) В; 6) С; 7) А; 8) С; 9) В;10) В; 11) С; 12) А; 13) С;

14) В; 15) С; 16) В; 17) А; 18) В; 19) С; 20) С.


Действительный залог

I. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1. He … school two years ago.

a) finishes,

b) will finish,

c) finished.

2. I … for Moscow last Sunday.

a) left,

b) leave,

c) was leaving.


II. Выберите правильный вспомогательный глагол:

  1. … you meet her at the station?

a) does,

b) did,

c) was.

2. … she cook breakfast every morning?

a) does,

b) did,

c) was.

  1. … the quests dancing when you came?

a) does,

b) was,

c) were.


III. Завершите разделительные вопросы, выбрав правильный вариант:

1. You went to the stadium with him, …?

a) don’t you,

b) didn’t you,

c) won’t you,

d) wasn’t you.

  1. He will see this show tonight, …?

    a) doesn’t he,

    b) didn’t he,

    c) won’t he,

    d) wasn’t he.

  2. They are going to have a party on Saturday, …?

a) didn’t they,

b) aren’t they,

c) won’t they,

d) don’t they.


IV. Сопоставьте вопросы и краткие ответы:

  1. Will you join us?

  2. Is it warm outside?

  3. Did you buy the book?

  4. Were they late for classes?

  5. Does your father work in the office?

    1. Yes, they were.

    2. Yes, he does.

    3. Yes, it is.

    4. Yes, I shall.

    5. Yes, I did.


V. Определите, на какой из вопросов данные утверждения являются ответами:

1. She lost her umbrella.

a) When did you lose her umbrella?

b) Where did she lose her umbrella?

c) What did she lose?

d) Why did she lose her umbrella?

2. She sang wonderfully at the concert.

a) When did she sing?

b) Where did she sing?

c) What did she sing?

d) Why did she sing?


VI. Укажите предложение, в котором глагол “have” является вспомогательным:

  1. I had a good time in the south.

  2. She had to tell the truth.

  3. They have told the truth.


VII. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

  1. I … all my exams in June.

a) have passed,

b) passed,

c) is passing.

2. I … my exams and can have a good time now.

a) have passed,

b) passed,

c) am passing.

3. I … my exams in June and go to the seaside.

a) have passed,

b) passed,

c) shall pass.


VIII. Выберите правильный вспомогательный глагол:

  1. I … not heard this news.

a) did,

b) have,

c) will.

2. She … not marry him.

a) was,

b) have,

c) did.

3. I … not always do morning exercises.

a) do,

b) have,

c) am.


IX. Укажите правильную форму глагола:

1. We … her at the University yesterday.

a) saw,

b) have seen.

  1. I … her at the University today.

    a) saw,

    b) have seen.

  2. He … school this year.

a) finished,

b) has finished.


X. Укажите, каким временем переводится сказуемое в предложениях:

1. She has known him since childhood.

a) настоящим,

b) прошедшим.

2. I have finished the work.

a) настоящим,

b) прошедшим.

3. They have been friends for many years.

a) настоящим,

b) прошедшим.

4. I have never been to Australia.

a) настоящим,

b) прошедшим.


XI. Завершите разделительные вопросы, выбрав правильный вариант:

1. She has bought many good things today, …?

a) didn’t she,

b) hasn’t she,

c) hadn’t she.

2. We had a good rest in a holiday-home, …?

a) didn’t we,

b) haven’t we,

c) hadn’t we.

3. He has to walk to the station, …?

a) doesn’t he,

b) hasn’t he,

c) isn’t he.


XII. Укажите, в каком предложении глагол употребляется в Past Perfect:

  1. She has bought a new pair of shoes.

  2. She has a lot of different shoes at home.

  3. She had bought a pair of new shoes for yesterday’s party.

  4. She is going to buy a pair of new shoes for the party.

  5. She had new shoes on at the party.


XIII. Укажите предложения, в которых “have” является вспомогательным глаголом:

  1. Have you worked all day?

  2. Have a good time!

  3. They have never met before.

  4. She has a lot of animals at home.


XIV. Соедините правильно две половины в одно предложение:

1. She plays tennis…

a) …at this moment.

2. She is playing tennis…

b) …an hour ago.

3. She has played tennis…

c) …every Monday.

4. She played tennis…

d) …next Monday.

5. She will play tennis…

e) …just now.


XV. Сопоставьте английские предложения с русскими:

  1. She is writing the letter.

    a) Она написала письмо.

    b) Она пишет письмо.

  2. They have come.

a) Они идут.

b) Они пришли.


XVI. Завершите разделительные вопросы, выбрав правильный вариант:

1. Mother is watching TV, …?

a) isn’t she,

b) doesn’t she,

c) hasn’t she.

2. You have built your house, …?

a) aren’t you,

b) don’t you,

c) haven’t you.

3. They had cleaned the house before our arrival, …?

a) didn’t they,

b) hadn’t they,

c) wont they.


Страдательный и Действительный залоги

XVII. Укажите предложения, в которых 3-я форма глагола является частью сказуемого в страдательном залоге:


a) The letter written a month ago came only yesterday.

b) The letter was written yesterday.


a) These jeans are made in the USA.

b) I enjoyed your home-made cake.


a) I didn’t like the leading role played by that young actor.

b) The leading role was played by a young actor.


XVIII. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

  1. This bag … for all occasions.

a) is used,

b) used,

c) is using.

2. Newspapers … only in the evening today.

a) are brought,

b) will be brought,

c) have brought.

  1. The shop … at 6 in the morning yesterday.

a) is opened,

b) was opened,

c) will be opened.


XIX. Какой вопрос относится к подчеркнутому слову:

Mary loves Nick, her neighbour.

  1. Who loves Nick? b) Whom does Mary love? c) What is Nick? d)Why does Mary love Nick?


XX. Соотнесите предложения с русским вариантом:


a) I read this book easily without a dictionary.

b) The book is easily read without a dictionary.

a) Книга легко читается без словаря.

b) Я легко читаю эту книгу без словаря.


a) A lot of new houses are built in our district every year.

b) They build a lot of new houses every year.

a) В нашем районе каждый год строится много домов.

b) Каждый год в нашем районе они строят много домов.












































Контрольная работа по английскому языку для учащихся 10(профильного)  класса

(вариант 1)

  1. Choose the right answer. Only one answer is correct.

1.All the tickets… sold already.

  1. were  b)have been  c) are.

   2.Yesterday our flight…. delayed because of the fog.

a)was being b) wasc)has been

 3. Cheese … made from milk.

        a) is   b) was  c) is being.

4. I hope you … met at the station tomorrow in the morning.

a) are being  b) are c) will be.

5. By the time the postman arrived? All the letters … sent.

a) have already been  b) had already been  c) were already.

6. He … interviewed at the moment.

a)is   b) is being  c) has been

7. We had to take a different road because the bridge … repaired.

a) was being  b) is being  c) was

8. The furniture for our living room … delivered yet.

a) haven’t been  b) isn’t  c) hasn’t been

9. Mathematics is  a …. subject at school.

a) forced  b)compulsory  c) required

10. They … me a lot at school.

a)taught b) studied  c) learned

11. I’m … my final exam next Monday.

a) passing  b) taking  c0 making

12. A … is all the different courses that are taught in a school or college.

a) curriculum  b) scheme  c) timetable.

13.A … is a state school in which children of all abilities study together.

a) public school  b) elementary  c) comprehensive.

14. In most countries you …. a special licence to hunt wild animals.

a) need to have  b) can have  c) may have

15. You … travel quickly from Alexandria to Cairo by coach.

a) must b) can  c) should

16. I … congratulate you on your success.

a) have to  b) might  c) must

17. Andrew … sing like an angel before his voice broke.

 a) was able to  b) could  c) had to.

18. We are always hopeful we … win something in the national lottery.

a) should  b) might  c)must

19.I … give up algebra because it got difficult for me.

a) was able to  b) was allowed  c) had to

20. your glass is empty. … I refill it?

a) Will b) Must  c)Shall

21. Form the adjectives using the following suffixes: -ful; -able (-ible); -ic; -ous; -y.

Horr…; enthusiast…,; success…; luck….;read…; hope…; risk…; enjoy…; danger…; power…;idealist…

22. Who is the … of your school?

a) director  b) headmaster  c)chief

23.I’m not … Geography and Physics.

a) well with  b) good with  c) good at.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для учащихся 10(профильного)  класса

(вариант 2)

  1. Several people … hurt in the accident last night
  1. are b) will be  c)were
  1. The windows … cleaned right now.
  1. are b) are being  c) have been
  1. I …for the basketball team.
  1. was just chosen  b) have just been chosen  c) am just chosen

4.The door .. locked at 6 o’clock tomorrow.

a) was  b) will be  c) is being

5. This tree … planted by my great-grandfather half a century ago.

a)was  b0 was being  c) had been.

6. This sort of advertisement .. seen everywhere.

a) has been  b) is being  c) is

7. Letters … sent to all our clients every week.

a) have been  b) are being  c)are

8. Clare …. Taken to hospital only tomorrow.

a) is  b) will be  c)is being

9. “Have you … your homework?” Pat’s mother asked her.

a) made  b) done  c) wrote.

10.Children often have to carry heavy….

a) sacks  b) schoolbags  c)handbags.

11. they have a very good school…..

a) restaurant b) bar  c) canteen

12. I’m … English and French classes.

a) following b) attending  c) visiting

13. Sit … your desk and go on with your work.

a) at b) on c) near.

14. I … get 2 tickets for Cup Final yesterday.

a) could b) was able to  c) might

15. …. you drive me home?

a) Shall b) Should c) Will

16. teenagers under the age of 18 … work in job that require them to drive.

a) needn’t  b) don’t have to  c) may not.

17. Fred … watch TV last night because he had to get ready for his end-of-year exam.

a) might not  b) didn’t have to  c) wasn’t allowed

18. Well, you … tell me anything if you don’t want to.

a) couldn’t  b) mustn’t  c) needn’t

19. Sometimes I am not as brave as I …. be.

a) may  b) need c) should

20. My elder brother … speak 2 foreign languages.

a) can b) may c)is able to

21. Form the adjectives using the following suffixes: -less; -al; -ive; -ant;


Ide…; independ…; impuls…; motion…; historic…; creat….;pati…; impress…; fear…; attent…; talkat…

22…. is my favourite subject.

  1. Historic  b) History  c) Story

23. A nursery school is for….

a) babies  b) infant  c) nurses

Контрольная  работа для проведения промежуточной аттестации 
в 9аб классах  по английскому языку. 
1 вариант
I. Choose the right variant. 
1. By the end of the week I will be/will have been working with you for 2 months. 
2. Look! Lucy is climbing/climbs a tree! 
3. What did you do/were you doing when your mother was cooking dinner? 
4. I had seen/saw this film before, so I switched off the TV. By 11 o’clock I was fallen/had 
5. I was walking/walked my dog when I saw/had seen my neighbour and his wife. 
II. Fill in by or with
1. Moscow University was founded _____________ Lomonosov in 1755. 
2. The first flight into space was accomplished ______________ Yuri Gagarin. 
3. The story was written _____________Akunin in 2000 
4. Donald Duck was created ____________ Walt Disney in 1936. 
5. Rice is eaten ______________ chopsticks in China.
III. Choose the right answer.
1. All the tickets ___   sold already.
a/ were, b/have been,  c/ are
2. Yesterday our flight ______ delayed  because of the fog.
a/ was being   b/was   c/ has been
3. Cheese ___ made from milk.
Score: 5/___
Score: 5/___
a/ is   b/ was   c/  is being
I hope you ___ met at the station tomorrow in the morning.
a/are being   b/ are   c/ will be
5. By the time the postman arrived , all the letters ___ sent.
a/have already been  b/ had already been   c/  were  already
6. He _____ interviewed at the moment.
a/is   b/is  being   c/ has  been
7. We  had to take a different road because the bridge ___  repaired.
a/  was  being  b/is being   c/ was
8. The furniture for our living room ___ delivered  yet.
a/ haven’t  been   b/  isn’t   c/  hasn’t  been
9. Several people ___ hurt in the accident last night.
a/  are   b/ will  be   c/ were
10. The  windows ___ cleaned right  now.
a/are   b/ are  being  c/  have been
11. I ___ for the  basketball team.
a/ was just chosen   b/ have  just  been chosen  c/ am  just  chosen
12. The  door ____ locked  at  6 o’clock tomorrow.
a/ was   b/  will  be   c/  is  being 
13. Nothing can ____ done about this.
a/ be   b/  be being   c/  have  been
14. When we arrived  home, the burglar ___ taken away  in a police car.
a/ was already   b/ had already  been  c/  was already being
15. Most  business ___ based  on the idea that you  buy cheap and sell dear.
a/ is   b/ is  being   c/ had been
Score: 15/___ IV. Use the right model verb
1. Jack … to take part in the next competition. He has broken his leg.
a)  was able to     b) is able to     c)   will not be able
2. Shall I help you today? No, you ….do it today. You can do it this afternoon.
a) shouldn’t    b)  are not allowed  to      c) needn’t   
3. You … have food in the canteen only.
a)  have to   ) are not allowed  to        c) are  allowed  to      
4. You… to work in groups of five.
a) should    b) are  able  to   c) are
5. …youspeak any foreign language?  
а) may      b)can        c) might
V. Circle the right variant using Conditional Tenses
 1) If you put on your coat….
a) you don’t get cold b) you won’t get cold c) you wouldn’t get cold
2) If you add two and two….
a) you get four b) you will get four c) you would get four
3) If the weather was fine……
a) we will have a picnic b) we would have a picnic c) we had a picnic
4) If Sam made his home task….
a) he would get a good mark b) he will have a good mark c) he has a good mark
5) If you heat the water….
a) it will boil b) it boiled c) it boils
Score: 5/___
VI. People made these statements. Report them, using said. 
1. “Mary works in a bank”, Jane said. ____________________________________________________
2. “I’m staying with some friends”, Jim said. ______________________________________________
Score: 5/___
3. “I’ve never been to Russia”, Mike said. ________________________________________________
4. “Tom can’t use a computer”, Ella said. _________________________________________________
5. “I’ll stay at home on Sunday”, Bill said.________________________________________________
Score: 5/___
Total: 40/____

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