The room is large but windows are not large

помогите с заданием по Английскому языку

Выберите правильную форму глагола to be для следующих предложений:

5.There . many cows in front of the house.

6.There . a lot of light and air in the room.

Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:

7.His children are so nice. I am very fond of (их) , a. them, b. their, c. they, d. him

8.There are (мало) foreign students in our Institute, a. few, b. a few, c. some, d. a lot of

9.Her flat is on the ground floor, (моя) is on the second floor, a. my, b. me, c. mine, d. I

10.Whose map is this? It is (его) , a. him, b. his, c. he, d. hers

11.(Кто из) of the students is painting the slogan? a. some, b. which, c. who, d. why

12.Their Institute is in N. Street, (наш) is in the centre of the city, a. our, b. we, c. ours, d. us

13.Give me (какой-нибудь) magazine, please, a. few, b. some, c. a few, d. any

14.Say it (повторите) , please, a. again, b. through, c. to, d. only

15.Ask (его) about his new flat, a. him, b. his, c. her, d. he

16.(его) daughter is seven years old. a. he, b. his, c. him, d. her

17.(Её) parents are pensioners, a. his, b. her, c. she, d. their

18.Tom is telling (нам) about his work, a. them, b. we, c. our, d. us

19.Show (им) the plan of our work.

a. they, b. their, с. them, d. us

20.Tell us (несколько) words about your studies, a. few, b. many, c. few, d. little

21.She is helping (своему) brother with his lessons, a. my, b. our, c. his, d. her

22.There are (несколько) ties in the box. a. few, b. no, c. any, d. some

23.(Почему) are you late?

a. why, b. because, c. who, d. what

24.(Их) children are at home, a. them, b. their, c. they, d. our

25.The room is large, but (её) windows are not large, a. their, b. its, c. her, d. our

Выберите соответствующие смыслу слова для следующих предложений:

26.There are not. conveniences in the house, a. some, b. no, c. any, d. much

27.Are there . students in the reading-room? a. any, b. no, c. some, d. not any

28.Is there . bread on the plate? a. few, b. any, c. many, d. some

29.There is not . ink in my pen. a. any, b. many, c. some, d. few

30.Tom has no mother. ..mother is dead, a. us, b. him, c. his, d. her

31.Peter is fond of reading. Give these books to . a. his, b. her, c. him, d. he

32.The students are in the classroom. Let’s go there and tell . about our plans.

a. they, b. their, c. them, d. theirs

33.The park is so beautiful and . trees are so high, a. his, b. their, c. its, d. him

34.We are answering . questions, a. ours, b. him, c. them, d. their

35.These books are good. Let’s give . to the children, a. theirs, b. their, c. them, d. him

Выберите правильные предлоги для следующих предложений:

36.Why are you standing in the corridor? Come . please, a. in, b. into, c. out of, d. —

37.The workers are going . the hall, a. of, b. in, c. to, d. into

38.Who is . duty today? a. of, b. in, c. on, d. for

39. what language are you speaking? a. at, b. -,c. on, d. in

40.Let’s work . designs, a. for, b. after, c. on, d. at

41.There is a picture . the sofa, a. around, b. in, c. on, d. over

42.There are a lot of flowers . the building of our Institute, a. around, b. after, c. for, d. with

43.Mary is writing . chalk on the blackboard, a. for, b. with, c. around, d. of

44.A have a few books . modern writers, a. at, b. by, c. after, d. with

45.The desk is . the wall, a. in, b. with, c. on, d. at

46.There is no chair . the corner, a. of, b. on, c. in, d. at

47.Tom is giving . me the book, a. to, b. -,c. for, d. after

48.They are not showing any designs . us. a. for, b. into, c. -,d. to

49.Answer . my questions, a. b. on, c. to, d. for

Выберите правильные артикли для следующих предложений:

50.Are those . English books?

51.Open . door, please.

52.There is . picture on the page 20.

53.There are . flowers on the table.

54.Where is . your plan?

55.What colour are . walls in your room?

Выберите антонимы для следующих слов: give (a. to put, b. to take, c. to show)

57.busy (a. free, b. white, c. comfortable) go out (a. to come in, b. to come, c. to go)

59.low (a. comfortable, b. high, c. modern) stand up (a. to sit, b. to sit down, c. to stand) be over (a. to begin, b. to say again, c. to be late)

62.there (a. in front of, b. here, c. around)

63.much (a. a lot of, b. little, c. few)

64.small (a. many, b. large, c. little)

65.many (a. few, b. a few, c. little)

1. Our class is over.
2. I am very sorry.
3. What are you doing?
4. Who is speaking?
5. There are many cows in front of the house.
6. There is a lot of light and air in the room.
7. His children are so nice. I am very fond of them
8. There are a few foreign students in our Institute
9. Her flat is on the ground floor, my is on the second floor
10. Whose map is this? It is his
11. Which of the students is painting the slogan?
12. Their Institute is in N. Street, ours is in the centre of the city
13. Give me some magazine, please
14. Say it again, please
15. Ask him about his new flat
16. His daughter is seven years old.
17. Her parents are pensioners,
18. Tom is telling us about his work,
19. Show them the plan of our work.
20. Tell us a few words about your studies
21. She is helping her brother with his lessons
22. There are some ties in the box.
23. Why are you late?
24. Their children are at home
25. The room is large, but its windows are not large
26. There are not any conveniences in the house
27. Are there any students in the reading-room?
28. Is there any bread on the plate?
29. There is not any ink in my pen.
30. Tom has no mother. His mother is dead
31. Peter is fond of reading. Give these books to him.
32. The students are in the classroom. Let’s go there and tell them about our plans.
33. The park is so beautiful and its trees are so high
34. We are answering their questions
35. These books are good. Let’s give them to the children.
36. Why are you standing in the corridor? Come in please,
37. The workers are going in the hall
38. Who is on duty today?
39. what language are you speaking?
40. Let’s work on designs
41. There is a picture over the sofa
42. There are a lot of flowers around the building of our Institute.
43. Mary is writing with chalk on the blackboard
44. A have a few books by modern writers
45. The desk is on the wall
46. There is no chair in the corner
47. Tom is giving me the book
48. They are not showing any designs to us.
49. Answer my questions
50. Are those English books?
51. Open the door, please.
52. There is a picture on the page 20.
53. There are flowers on the table.
54. Where is . your plan?
55. What colour are the walls in your room?
56. to give — to take
57. busy — free
58. to go out -to come in
59. low — high
60. to stand up — to sit down
61. to be over — to begin
62. there — here
63. much — few



25. Library books mustn’t _____ for more than two weeks.
A. be kept B. keep C. be keeping D. keeping

26. She wants _____ why you decided _____ the meeting earlier.
A. to know; leave B. know; leave
C. to know; to leave D. know; to leave

27. I don’t think they will _____ the competition.
A. to win B. have won C. winning D. win

28. There are not _____ conveniences in the house.
A. some B. no C. any D. much

29. I don t want to depend too much _____ my parents.
A. by B. on C. at D. with

30. Before you leave, don’t forget to turn _____ the light.
A. off B. on C. over D. under

31. He usually gets to his school _____ bus.
A. off B. by C. with D. under

32. I don t read newspapers. I only looked it _____.
A. of B. through C. upon D. up

33. There are a lot of flowers _____ the building of our institute.
A. after B. through C. around D. by

34. She is helping her brother with _____ lessons.
A. my B. their C. her D. his

35. The room is large but _____windows are not large.
A. her B. my C. its D. his

36. Ask _____ about his new flat. A. his B. himself C. him D. he

37. Their Institute is in N. street, _____ is in the centre of the city.
A. him B. our C. ours D. us

38. Show _____ the plan of our work.
A. them B. as C. their D. they

39. She was surprised that he knew her name. She _____ never met him before.
A. was B. did C. were D. had

40. The employees_____ informed last night that their company was going into receivership.
A. was B. did C. were D. had

41. _____ it raining when you left your office this afternoon?
A. is B. was C. were D. are

42. How many times _____ your travel documents checked before you boarded the airplane?
A. had B. was C. were D. are

43. _____ you do much sightseeing when you were on vacation in Madrid?
A. Had B. Did C. Were D. Are

44. Which of these is an adjective? It is _____.
A. hard B. hardly C. hardship D. hardware

45. Which of these is an adverb? It is ______.
A. quicker B. quickly C. shy D. sly

46. Which of these is a personal pronoun? It is ______.
A. there B. they C. their D. them

47. Which of these is a preposition? It is _____.
A. thorn B. thorough C. thron D. through

48. Which of these is a noun? It is ______.
A. there B. think C. thing D. through

49. There was a big traffic jam downtown and ______.
A. slowly the cars moved B. the cars snowly moved
C. the cars moved slowly D. slowly moved the cars

50. There are ______ on the ground this autumn as last year.
A. not so many leaves B. not such many leaves
C. so not many leaves D. not leaves so many


помогите проити по анлийскому тест пожалуйста.

2. I have … money in my pocket.

3. Police. work on holiday in the USA

4. The student . as an apprentice to a trained worker next week.

shall work
will work
would work

will have
will allow
will be able to
will do

6. This text is easy, there are … new words in it.

not much
a lot of

7. What . wonderful weather it is today!

8. We could estimate and classify this material … .

A why B where C when D how many

10. … work is not interesting.

11. There isn’t . sense in what you suggest.

12. You . take care of your parents.

should to
ought to
are to
need to

13. This is such . tasty yogurt!

14. When . you buy the new TV set?

15. The room is large but … windows are not large.

16. I am sorry. I am late. I come in?

17. A typist is someone who . letters and reports.

is typing
are typing

18. The pupil . his work carelessly.

have done
had made

19. We have a meeting at 5 o’clock, so you …. be on time.

20. What magazine . you looking through when I came in?

21. I’ve got no idea where .

it is
is it
has it
does it

23. Who speaks French in your family? I .

24. The meeting … at 5 o’clock.

has begun
was beginning

25. We … to stay at home because it was raining.

were able to

26. You’ll need … rice if you want to make a Chinese meal.

a few
a lot

27. ..any exhibitions devoted to this anniversary organised in Russia?

28. We shall . the results when we finish our experiments,

to be discussing
to discuss

29. My cat caught twenty … last year!

30. I . this wonderful film when I was 16.

have seen
had seen


Помогите пожалуйста решите тест :


He usually gets to his school _____ bus.

A. off B.

By C.

With D.



I don t read newspapers.

I only looked it _____.

A. of B.

Through C.

Upon D.



There are a lot of flowers _____ the building of our institute.

A. after B.

Through C.

Around D.



She is helping her brother with _____ lessons.

A. my B.

Their C.

Her D.



The room is large but _____windows are not large.

A. her B.

My C.

Its D.



Ask _____ about his new flat.

A. his B.

Himself C.

Him D.



Their Institute is in N.

Street, _____ is in the centre of the city.

A. him B.

Our C.

Ours D.



Show _____ the plan of our work.

A. them B.

As C.

Their D.



She was surprised that he knew her name.

She _____ never met him before.

A. was B.

Did C.

Were D.



The employees_____ informed last night that their company was going into receivership.

A. was B.

Did C.

Were D.



_____ it raining when you left your office this afternoon?

A. is B.

Was C.

Were D.



How many times _____ your travel documents checked before you boarded the airplane?

A. had B.

Was C.

Were D.



_____ you do much sightseeing when you were on vacation in Madrid?

A. Had B.

Did C.

Were D.



Which of these is an adjective?

It is _____.

A. hard B.

Hardly C.

Hardship D.



Which of these is an adverb?

It is ______.

A. quicker B.

Quickly C.

Shy D.


Вы зашли на страницу вопроса Помогите пожалуйста решите тест :31?, который относится к
категории Английский язык. По уровню сложности вопрос соответствует учебной
программе для учащихся 5 — 9 классов. В этой же категории вы найдете ответ
и на другие, похожие вопросы по теме, найти который можно с помощью
автоматической системы «умный поиск». Интересную информацию можно найти в
комментариях-ответах пользователей, с которыми есть обратная связь для
обсуждения темы. Если предложенные варианты ответов не удовлетворяют,
создайте свой вариант запроса в верхней строке.

Комплексный грамматический тест
1. The queen of Great Britain is not … absolute monarch.
a. the b. an c. —
2. Open … door, please.
a. the b. a c. —
3. There is … picture on page 20.
a. the b. a c. —
4. There are … flowers on the table.
a. the b. a c. —
5. Where is … your plan?
a. the b. an c. —
6. What colour are … walls in your room?
a. the b. a c. —
7. Are those … English books?
a. the b. an c. —
8. Are you standing in the corridor? Come … please.
a. in b. into c. out d. —
9. The workers are going … the hall.
a. of b. in c. to d. into
10. Who is … duty today?
a. of b. in c. on d. for
11. I’m fond of listening … these tapes.
a. — b. in c. to d. of
12. … what languages are you speaking?
a. at b. — c. on d. in
13. Let’s work … our designs.
a. for b. after c. on d. at
14. There is a picture … sofa.
a. around b. in c. on d. over
15. There are a lot of flowers … the building of our institute.
a. around b. after c. for d. with
16. Mary is writing … chalk on the blackboard.
a. for b. with c. around d. of
17. I have a few books … modern writers.
a. at b. by c. after d. with
18. The desk is … the wall.
a. in b. with c. on d. at
19. There is no chair … the corner.
a. of b. on c. in d. at
20. Tom is giving … me the book.
a. to b. — c. for d. after
21. They are not showing any designs … us.
a. for b. into c. — d. to
22. Он уедет за границу после того, как книга будет издана.
a. will have been published b. will be published c. has been published
23. Now she … difficulty in putting fact in order.
a. is having b. has been having c. had
24. Like it or not, TV … the supreme holiday attraction over it upstaged the cinema by showing old films.
a. has been b. is c. was
25. You are a good football-player. Since when … you … football?
a. have been playing b. did play c. had been playing
26. My brother … music lessons for three years now.
a. have taken b. has been taking c. took
27. Perhaps in the future men … on the sea, away from the crowded and noisy cities on land.
a. will live b. would live c. are living
28. There … ten pens and a magazine on the table.
a. is b. are c. am d. was
29. There … many cars in front of the house.
a. is b. are c. am d. was
30. Who … speaking?
a. is b. are c. am d. was
31. What … you doing?
a. is b. are c. am d. was
32. I … very sorry.
a. is b. are c. am d. was
33. Our class … over.
a. is b. are c. am d. was
34. You … take care of your parents.
a. should b. ought to c. are to
35. My sight is getting worse. Next year, I’m afraid, I … read without glasses.
a. can not b. may not c. won’t be able to
36. Don’t you see I’m tired? You … me, you know.
a. might have helped b. could help c. may help
37. Police, fire fighters, newspaper reporters and radio broadcasters … work on holiday in the USA.
a. could b. might c. must
38. The period between 1688 and the middle of the eighteenth century … named “the accumulation of capital”.
a. need be b. will be able to be c. can be
39. The power of knowledge … placed in the hands of people.
a. should be b. ought to be c. need to be
40. We … commemorate great people.
a. must b. need to c. may
41. Whatever else the government … to undertake, its duty is to keep order in civil society.
a. must try b. might try c. may try
42. No museum … ever … buy even one painting by this artist.
a. has … been able to b. might … have c. has … been allowed
43. Twelve delegates representing gypsy groups from several countries … for six days of talks at the end of February.
a. can meet b. have to meet c. are to meet
44. … you … get up early yesterday to meet the delegation at the airport?
a. Did … have to b. Had … to c. Have … had to
45. The leopard … not change his spots.
a. need b. can c. ought
46. We … learn from the past. все для изучающих Английский язык
a. may b. need c. must
47. Teenagers who commit crimes … be treated as adults and sentenced to significant punishment.
a. would b. should c. ought to
48. The Senate and the House of Representatives … approve a bill for it to become a law.
a. had to b. must c. was to
49. Excuse me, … you tell me the way to the Houses of Parliament, please?
a. could b. may c. will
50. … you come and sit down?
a. Could b. Are c. Won’t
51. … you like a cup of coffee?
a. Should b. Would c. Could
52. I … mind a drink, if you had one.
a. shouldn’t b. wouldn’t c. haven’t
53. There are (мало) foreign students in our Institute.
a. few b. a few c. some d. a lot of
54. Her flat is on the ground floor, (моя) is on the second.
a. my b. me c. mine d. I
55. Whose map is this? It’s (его).
a. him b. his c. he d. hers
56. (Кто из) of the students is painting the slogan?
a. some b. which c. who d. why
57. Their Institute is in N. street, (наш) is in the centre of the city.
a. our b. we c. ours d. us
58. Give me (какой-нибудь) magazine, please.
a. few b. some c. a few d. any
59. Say it (повторите), please.
a. again b. through c. to d. only
60. Ask (его) about his new flat.
a. him b. his c. her d. he
61. (Его) daughter is seven years old.
a. he b. his c. him d. her
62. (Ее) parents are pensioners.
a. his b. her c. she d. their
63. Tom is telling (нам) about his work.
a. them b. we c. our d. us
64. Show (им) the plan of our work.
a. they b. their c. them d. as
65. The room is large but (ее) windows are not large.
a. their b. its c. her d. our
66. Tell us (несколько) words about your studies.
a. few b. many c. a few d. little
67. She is helping (своему) brother with his lessons.
a. my b. our c. his d. her
68. There are (несколько) ties in the box.
a. few b. no c. any d. some
69. (Почему) are you late?
a. why b. because c. who d. what все для изучающих Английский язык
70. (Их) children are at home.
a. them b. their c. they d. our
71. His children are so nice. I am fond of (их).
a. them b. their c. they d. him
72. Are there … students in the reading-room?
a. any b. no c. some d. not any
73. There are not … conveniences in the house.
a. some b. no c. any d. much
74. Is there … bread on the plate?
a. few b. any c. many d. some
75. There is not … ink in my pen.
a. any b. many c. some d. few
76. Tom has no mother. … mother is dead.
a. us b. him c. his d. her
77. Peter is fond of reading. Give these books to … .
a. his b. her c. him d. he
78. The students are in the classroom. Let’s go there and tell … about our plans.
a. they b. their c. them d. theirs
79. The park is so beautiful and … trees are so high.
a. his b. their c. its d. him
80. We are answering … questions.
a. ours b. him c. them d. their
81. These books are good. Let’s give … to the children.
a. theirs b. their c. them d. him
Выбрать антоним (слово, противоположное по значению).
82. busy
a. free b. white c. comfortable
83. to give
a. to put to take c. to show
84. to go out
a. to come in b. to come c. to go
85. low
a. comfortable b. high c. modern
86. to stand up
a. to sit b. to sit down c. to stand
87. to be over
a. to begin b. to say again c. to be late
88. there
a. in front of b. here c. around
89. much
a. a lot of b. little c. few
90. small
a. many b. large c. little
91. many
a. few b. a few c. little
92. В книжном шкафу много книг.
a. There are few English books in the
b. The English books are in the bookcase. c. There are a lot of English books
in the bookcase.
93. В нашем городе нет заводов. все для изучающих Английский язык
a. There are some plants in our town. b. There aren’t any plants in our town. с. Those plants are not in our town.
94. He выходите, пожалуйста.
a. Come in, please. b. Don’t go out, please. c. Let’s go out.
95. Давайте ответим на их вопросы.
a. Let’s answer their questions. b. Don’t answer their questions. c. We are not answering their questions.
96. Пусть она отошлет письмо своему брату.
a. Let’s send her a letter from her
b. Let her send a letter to her brother. c. Don’t send her a letter from her
97. На полке лежит какой-то журнал.
a. The magazine is on the shelf. b. There is some magazine on the shelf. c. Is there any magazine on the shelf?
98. Памятник находится в центре города.
a. There is a monument in the centre of
the town.
b. The monument is in the centre of the
c. There are some monuments in the
centre of the town.
99. О чем они говорят?
a. What book are they speaking about? b. Are they speaking English? c. What are they speaking about?
100. Извините меня.
a. I am wrong sorry. b. I am right. c. I am sorry.

                                        Тест №1                

Выберите правильные артикли(отсутствие артикля обозначается знаком 0):

  1. the;  b. a(an);  c.0
  1. Open…door, please.
  2. There is… picture on page 20.
  3. There are… flowers on the table.
  4. Where is…your plan?    
  5. What colour are …walls in your room?
  6. Are those… English books?              

 Выберите  правильные предлоги (отсутствие предлога обозначается знаком 0):

  1. Why are standing in the in the corridor? Come …, please.
  1. in;  b. into;  c. out of;  d.0
  1. Who is …duty today?

a.  of; b. in; c. on; d. for

  1. I am fond of listening… these records.

a. 0; b. in; c. on; d. in

  1. …what language are you speaking?

a. at;  b. 0 ; c. on; d. in

  1.  There is a picture …the sofa.

a. round;  b. in ; c. on;  d. over

  1.   There are a lot of flowers… the building of our institute.

a. around ;  b. after;  c. for ; d. with

  1.  Mary is writing… chalk on the blackboard.

a .for;  b. with ; c. around ; d. of

  1. The  desk is …the wall.

a. in; b. with ; c. on; d. at

  1.   Tom is giving… me the book.

a. to ;b.0 ; c. for ; d. after

  1.   They are not showing any designs…us.

a. for ; b. into; c. 0 ; d. to

Выберите правильный глагол:

  1. is ;  b. are;  c. am;  d. was
  1.   There… ten pens and a magazine on the table.
  2.   There …many cars in front of the house.
  3.   Who…speaking?
  4.   What… you doing?
  5.   I…very sorry.
  6.   Our class…over.

Выберите необходимые модальные глаголы:

  1. My sight is getting worse. Next year, I’m afraid, I…read without glasses.                                                      a. Can not ;  b. may not ; c. won’t able to
  2. The police, fire-fighters, newspaper reporters…work on holiday in the USA.

a.  could; b. might;  c. must

  1. …you…get up early yesterday to meet the delegation at the airport?                                                                                                   a. Did…have to ; b. Had…to ; c. Have had
  2.  … you like a cup of coffee?

a. Should ; b. Would;  c. Could

Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:

  1.   There are (мало) foreign students in our institute.

a. few;  b. many;  c. some; d. a lot of

  1.   Her flat is on the ground floor, (моя) is on the ground floor.

a. my;  b. me; c. mine; d. I

  1.   Whose map is this? It’s (его).

а. him; b. his;  c. he; d. hers

  1.   Give me ( какой-нибудь) magazine, please.

а. few ; b. some; c.a few;  d. anything

  1.   Their institute is in N. street, (наш) is in centre of the city.

a. our;  b. we; c. ours; d. us

  1.   Say it(повторите), please.

a. again;  b. through ; c. to;  d. only

  1.   Ask (его) about his new flat.

a. him;  b. his;  c. her;  d. he

  1.   (Его) daughter is seven years old.

a. he;  b. his;  c him ; d. her

  1.  (Ее)  parents are pensioners.

a. his;   b. she;  c. she;  d. their

  1.  Tom  is telling (нам) about  his work.

a. them;  b. we; c. our; d. us

  1. Show (им) the plan of our work.

a. they;   b. their; c. them; d. us

  1. The  room is big, but (ее) windows are not large.

a. their; b. its; c. her;  d. our

  1. Tell us (несколько) words about your studies.

a. a few  b. many c. much d. a little

  1. She is helping (своему) brother with his lessons

a. my;  b. our;  c. his; d. her

  1.  (Почему) are you late?

a. Why;  b. Because; c. who;  d. what

  1.  (Их) children are at home.

a. them;  b. their;  c. they;  d. our

  1.   His children are so nice. I am fond of (их).

a. them; b. their;  c. they; d. him

Выберите слова, противоположные по значению(антонимы):

  1.   busy( a. free; b. white;  c. comfortable)
  2.   to give(a. to put;  b. to take;  c. to show)
  3.    low( a. comfortable; b. high;  c. modern)
  4.   to stand up( a. to sit;  b. to sit down;  c. to stand)
  5.   to be over( a. to begin;  b. to say again;  c. to be late)
  6.  there ( a. in front of; b. here;  c. around)
  7.   much ( a. a lot of; b. little;  c. few)
  8.   small ( a. many;  b. a few; c. little)
  9.   many  ( a. much; b. a few; c. little)

Для следующих предложений выберите английские эквиваленты:

  1.   В книжном шкафу много английских книг.

        a. There are a few English books in the bookcase.

 b. The English books are in the bookcase.

         c. There are a lot of English books in the bookcase.

  1. В нашем городе нет заводов.

         a. There are some plants in our town.

         b. There are not any plants in our town.

                  c. Those plants are not in our town.

  1.  Не  выходите, пожалуйста.

  a.  Come in, please.

          b.  Don’t go out, please.

          c.   Let’ go out.

  1.   Давайте  ответим на их вопросы.                                                                        a.  Let’ answer their questions                                                                        b. Don’t answer their questions.                                                                        c. We are not answering their questions.        
  2.    Пусть  она отошлет письмо своему брату.                                                        a.  Let’s send her a letter from her brother.                                                        b. Let her send a letter to her brother.                                                                c. Don’t send her a letter from her brother.                                                        
  3. О чем они говорят?                                                                                        a. What book  are they speaking about?                                                                b. Are         they speaking English?                                                                        c. What are they speaking about?        

Выберите вспомогательный глагол:

  1. Who speaks English in your family? I…                                                                                           a. have  b. do  c. am
  2. When…you buy the new TV set?

a. did b. were  c. are

61.   We…never been to London

        a. had b. were  c. have

62.   …your  friend like to watch TV in the evening?                                                                    

         a.  do  b. does  c. is                                                                        

63.   What are you doing?  I…reading a book.                                                                a. was b. am c. shall

64.   Many new buildings… built  in our town last year.                                                        a. had   b. are  c. were

65. The letter … sent tomorrow.                                                                                a. will  be  b. has  c. will

66.  I… Nick today.                                                                                                a.  haven’t seen  b. hadn’t been  c. didn’t see

67.  Were you tired after the skiing trip yesterday? Yes, I…                                

a. were  b. did  c. was

68.  When we came into the hall, they … this problem.                                                        a. were discussing  b. discussed  c. have discussed

69.  We … from the institute in five years.                                                                a. have graduate  b. graduate  c. shall graduate                                

70.   Don’t go out. It… hard.                                                                                a. is raining  b. was raining  c. rains

Переведите на английский язык:

  1. Ваша семья маленькая?
  2. Он лучший студент в нашей группе
  3. Мой друг работает в школе.
  4. Погода вчера была плохая.
  5. Он вернется в понедельник.
  6. Когда мы вошли в комнату, он читал книгу.
  7. Можно я возьму вашу ручку?
  8. На том столе нет цветов.

Тест №2

Выберите  правильные артикли(отсутствие артикля обозначается знаком 0) :

  1. a(an) ;   b. the;  c.  0
  1. I have… lot of English books.
  2. His father is…old.
  3. She is …architect.
  4. My brothers are…doctors.
  5. I am… artist.
  6. These are…nice ties.
  7. That is…good plan.
  8. The plans are on…table
  9. … my plates are good.

Выберите  правильные предлоги:

  1. I am very fond…sport.
  1. of;   b. with;  c. in
  1. His ties are… the box.
  1. on;  b. in; c. at
  1. The paper is…the shelf.
  1. on;  b. at;  c. in
  1. Put the plates…the table.
  1. in; b. at ; c. on

Выберите  правильные  времена  глаголов:

  1. We…take a vacation this month.
  1. is not;  b. did not;  c. shall not
  1. Probably, I…my friends  at this time.
  1. shall have visited ; b. shall be visiting;  c. have visited
  1. After the festival is over she… a vacation with her family.
  1. will take;  b. take;  c. taking

Выберите правильную форму глагола to be или to have:                                                                    a. has;   b. have;  c. is ; d. are;  e. am                                                                                                                

  1. My brother…got English magazines.
  2. …you got a flat in Moscow?
  3. I…very busy today.
  4. …the floor clean
  5. …you well?
  6. How many students…present?
  7. Who…got thin paper?

Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:

  1. (Эти)  books are thin.
  1. this;   b. these;  c. that;  d. those
  1. What colour are (те) pens?
  1. that;  b. those;   c. these; d. this
  1. (Этот) house is of modern design.
  1. that;  b. these;  c. this; d. those
  1. (Это)  is our classroom.
  1.  that; b. this; c. these; d. those
  1. (Какая) book is this?
  1. that; b. this;  c. what ; d. who
  1. (Где) is your flat?
  1. Why;   b. where;  c. what;  d. colour
  1. Have you got (тонкие) notebooks?
  1. grey;  b. clean;  c. thin;  d. thick
  1. He has got (мало) friends here.
  1. many;  b. few;  c. a lot of;  d. much
  1. She has got (много) bread.
  1. few;  b. little; c. many; d. much
  1. (Сколько)  rooms has your brother got?
  1. how many;  b. how much; c. where; d. why        
  1.  (  У кого)  has clean paper?
  1. What;   b. Who;  c. Where;  d. Why
  1. What is (его)  father?
  1. her ; b. his; c. my;  d. their
  1. Where are (ee) parents?
  1.  her;  b. his ;c. their; d. its
  1. This is (их) flat.
  1. their; b. its;  c. her; d. his
  1.   What  colour are the walls in that room? (Ee)  walls are grey.
  1. her;  b. its; c. his; d. their
  1. (Наша) flat has five rooms.
  1. my ; b. his;  c. their; d. our
  1. I have (только) one brother.
  1. with ; b. also ;c. very; d. only
  1. I am (свободен) today.
  1. busy;  b. free;  c. married; d. unwell

Выберите синонимы:

  1. much (a. a lot of;  b. few ;  c. little;  d. how much)
  2.  nice (a. good; b. bad; c. thick; d. brown)
  3. big (a. large;  b. nice; c. brown; d. class)
  4. many ( a. much;  b. few; c. little ; d. large)

Выберите антонимы:

  1. old( a. young;  b. nice; c. small;  d. big)
  2. to be well (a. to be busy;  b. to be ill;  c. to be fine; d. to be married)
  3. thin ( a. thick;  b. big;  c. large; d. good)
  4. to take ( a. to give;  b. to put;  c. to open)
  5. to be present( a. to be absent;  b. to be well;  c. to be fond of)
  6. few (a. much;  b. little; c. many;  d. only)

  Выберите соответствующие смыслу выражения:

  1. Boris has no father. His father is…
  1. a worker;  b. social work;  c. absent ; d. dead
  1. Ann… sport and she spends a lot of time on it.
  1. is fond of;  b. is present;  c. is free;  d. is dead
  1. His mother is a pensioner… she is old.
  1. or;  b. but;  c. because;  d. only
  1. We have no white bread. We have only… bread.
  1. brown;  b. yellow ;  c. good; d. bad
  1. …English in class!
  1. open;  b. speak;  c. close;  d. spell

Выберите английские эквиваленты для предложений:

  1. Как поживают ваши родители?
  1. Are your parents well?
  2. Where are your parents?
  3. How are your parents?
  1. Сколько лет вашей дочери?
  1. How is your daughter?
  2. How old is your daughter?
  3. How many daughters have you got?

Выберите правильные вопросы:

  1. These are thin pencils.

a. What is this?

b.  Are these pencils thin or thick?

c.  Are these thin or thick pencils?

d.  Where are the pencils?

 60. The English books are on the shelf.

a. What books are on shelf?

b. Are those English or Russian books?

c. Is the English book on the shelf?

d. Is the shelf on the wall?

Выберите модальные глаголы:

  1.  He (должен был)  read a lot of books to make his report.
  1. Was able to  b. had to c. was allowed to
  1. I shall not (cмогу)  to go to the skating-rink with you tomorrow.
  1. Be able b. have  c. can
  1. He will ( разрешат) to go in for sports again.
  1. Be able  b. have c. be allowed
  1. You ( должны были)  finish this work two weeks ago.
  1. Had to be  b. had to  c. must be
  1. (Умеет) your brother speak English?
  1. Can  b. may c. must

Выберите вспомогательный глагол:

  1. When…you finish writing your report?
  1. Have  b. did c. are
  1. What magazine …you looking through when I came in?
  1. Did b. were  c. have
  1. The problem … discussed at our next meeting.
  1. Was b. will c. will be
  1. …it still raining?- No, the rain has already stopped.
  1. Is b. will  c. does
  1. Many new houses… built in our town at present.
  1. Were  b. were being c. are

Переведите на английский язык:

  1. Эта девушка русская?- Да.
  2. Их комната больше нашей.
  3. Она не ходит туда каждое утро.
  4. Я читал эту книгу в прошлом году.
  5. Фильм будет очень интересным.
  6. Вчера он два часа рассказывал о своей поездке.
  7. Вы не должны курить здесь
  8. В вашей группе много студентов?

Тест №3

Выберите правильные предлоги:

  1. We go home…bus
  1. in b. by c. to
  1. They are going to leave… Moscow tonight.
  1. to b. for c. in
  1. The hall is full…people.
  1. of b. by c. for  
  1. Let’s listen…the new records.
  1. to b. for c. over
  1. How do you get…your office?
  1. by b. in c. to
  1. How much time do you spend…your English a day?
  1. at b. on  c. for
  1. We are very busy …weekends.
  1. out of b. at c. on
  1. The classes end… 3 o’clock.
  1. at b. in c. to
  1. You must translate this text…Russian
  1. in b. into c. for

Выберите глагол-связку или вспомогательный глагол:

  1. do b. does c. is d. are
  1. …you speak English?
  2. Where…your son study?
  3. I can’t translate this text because I …know a lot of words.
  4. Peter …not doing any sports this winter since he is unwell.
  5. When…the first spring flowers appear on the ground?
  6. …it snowing now?
  7. …it often rain in autumn?
  8. …it still dark?
  9. When …it get light in January?
  10. What hobby group…you going to join?
  11. My father …too old  to do this work.
  12. How long…it take you to get to the institute?

Выберите модальные глаголы:

  1. must  b. can c. may  d. need
  1. I am sorry. I am late. …come in?
  2. My sister studies French. She…already read and speak French a little.
  3. It is late. I…go home.
  4. Must I describe the picture? No, you…not.
  5. May I take these magazines home? No, you…not.
  6. There are no people in the hall, we…have a talk here.
  7. The weather is getting worse. It…rain.
  8. … your little daughter walk? No, she can’t. She is only eight months old.

Выберите правильную форму глагола:

  1. My brother… home late as a rule.
  1. come b. comes c. is coming
  1. Look, your brother…home.
  1. go b. goes c. is going
  1. What are doing? I…a book.
  1. read b. reads c. am reading
  1. When do you…?
  1. get up  b. gets up c. getting up
  1. Are you …to smoke?
  1. go b. to go c. going
  1. It does not…me long to wash and dress in the morning.
  1. take b. takes c. taking
  1. Does it sometimes…in summer?
  1. snow b. snows c. snowing
  1. My sister is fond of … .
  1. skate b. skates c. skating

Какой вспомогательный глагол будет использоваться для образования вопросительной формы?

  1. is b. do c. does
  1. They usually have dinner at home.
  2. He is getting older.
  3. It often rains in spring.

Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:

  1. He has (больше) free time than I have.
  1. more b. most c. better
  1. (Лучше) late than never.
  1. better b. best c. worse
  1. This is the(самый удобный)  chair.
  1. more comfortable  b. most comfortable  c. less comfortable
  1. He plays tennis (хуже) than I do.
  1. better  b. worse c. worst
  1. We have(меньше) flowers than they have.
  1. less b. least c. fewer
  1. We have(меньше) white paper than we have.
  1. less b. least c. fewer
  1. Winter is the (самое холодное) season in the year.
  1. cold b. colder c. coldest
  1. Take some other books because these stories are (слишком) easy for you.
  1. much b. too c. more
  1. He( coбирается) to paint a picture
  1. is fond of b. wants  c. is going
  1. It is not (так тепло)  in autumn as  in summer.
  1. warmer than b. the warmest  c. so warm
  1. My daughter  is(гораздо моложе) than she is.
  1. less younger b. much younger  c. youngest
  1. (Необходимо) for you to help your friends.
  1. It is possible  b. Necessary  c. It is necessary

Выберите антонимы для следующих слов:

  1. short( a. long b. black c. fine)
  2. early (a. never  b. late c. long)
  3. far( a. good b. often c. near)
  4. warm( a. dark b. cool c. bad)
  5. more(a. fewer b. larger c. smaller)
  6. best( a. least b. most c. worst)
  7. to come back (a. to leave b. to attend c. to forget)
  8. always( a. never b. seldom c. often)

Выберите правильную форму недостающей части сказуемого:

  1. Foreign languages are… by us.
  1. studying b. study c. studied
  1. Many books on art…published last year.
  1. are b. was c. were
  1. She is often…in the library.
  1. saw b. seen c. sees
  1. When…you born?
  1. were b. did c. had
  1. He… waiting for you the whole day yesterday. Why didn’t you come?
  1. is b. had c. was

Какой вспомогательный глагол следует употребить для образования вопросительной формы?

  1. It rained hard yesterday.
  1. does b. did c. was
  1. You have to see a doctor.
  1. are b. have c. do
  1. She often goes on business to Moscow
  1. is b. did c. does
  1. They  go to the disco on Saturdays.
  1. have b. do c. am
  1. These students combine studies and work.
  1. will b.are c. do

Переведите на английский язык:

  1. В нашей квартире три комнаты.
  2. Она не смогла написать нам письмо.
  3. Прочитайте эту статью.
  4. Она будет дома в 9 часов?- Нет.
  5. Семьи этих женщин большие?
  6. Она нечасто пишет мнею
  7. В 10 часов мы слушали радио.
  8. Я собираюсь вечером пойти к моему другу.

                                                         Тест №4

Выберите правильные предлоги:

  1. Let’s translate this article … Russian
  1. in b. into c. on
  1. Let’s listen…the latest news.
  1. for b. into c. in
  1. He gets …the institute by bus.
  1. to b. into c. in
  1. He is free… Mondays
  1. on  b. in c. at
  1. The classes are over… 3 o’clock.
  1. in b. at c. on

Выберите правильные  обстоятельства:

  1. I haven’t finished my drawing…
  1. yet b. just c. already
  1. I have… been to London
  1. never b. since c. now
  1. She has… painted the picture.
  1. yet b. just c. already

Выберите вспомогательный глагол:

  1. … he meet us at the station tomorrow?
  1. will b. does c. is
  1. … you finished writing your article yet?
  1. were  b. did c. have
  1. What magazine… you looking through when we came into the hall?
  1. did b. were c. are
  1. This problem… discussed at our last meeting.
  1. will be  b. was c. had
  1. When …they come back?
  1. did  b. have c. were
  1. …it still raining? Yes, it is.
  1. is b. does c. will
  1. …your sister want to buy a new television?
  1. has b. is c. does

Выберите правильную форму глагола:

  1. Oh, I am sorry. I didn’t … you at first.
  1. understanding b. understood c. understand
  1. He was so tired that he couldn’t …us.
  1. to join b. joined c. join
  1. Have you written the letter yet?- No, I haven’t. I…still…it.
  1. have written b. am writing c. was writing
  1. Did she… her plan last month?
  1. fulfills b. fulfill c. fulfilled
  1.  Does your son … to watch TV?
  1. likes b. liked c. like
  1. My father… home at 5 o’clock yesterday.
  1. was coming b. has come c. came
  1. At 5 o’clock I … to the news on the radio.
  1. was listening b. listened c. have listened

Какой вспомогательный глагол следует употребить для образования вопросительной формы?

  1. do b. did c. does d. had
  1. We played football yesterday.
  2. They had to stay at home.
  3. These workers combine work and studies.
  4. He goes on business to St.Petersburg.

Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:

  1. Foreign languages (изучаются) by the students.
  1. have learnt b. are learnt c. are learning
  1. (Умеете) you play tennis?
  1. must b. can c. may
  1. I (не смогу) to help you.
  1. shall not allowed b. shall not be able c. shall not have
  1. They(должны были) to take part in the competition.
  1. must be b. had  c. had to be
  1. He(сможет) go skiing.
  1. will have to b. will allow c. will be able to
  1. We (пришлось) to stay at home because it was raining.
  1. were able to b. had to c. could
  1. Do you speak(какой-нибудь) foreign language?
  1. some b. any c. something
  1. (Все) knows him.
  1. everything b. somebody c. everybody
  1. Did(кто-нибудь) ring me up?
  1. somebody b. anybody c. anything
  1.  This project is the(самый лучший) in our group.
  1. better b. best c. worst
  1. This flat(менее) comfortable than ours.
  1. worse b. least c. less
  1. The 21st  of June is the(самый длинный) day in the year.
  1. warmer b. longer c. longest
  1. Did you hear(что-нибудь) ?
  1. everything b. something c. anything
  1. He did not tell me (ничего).
  1. nothing b. something c. anything
  1. He rang(никому) up.
  1. anybody b. nobody c. somebody
  1. (Их) work is not interesting.
  1. them b. theirs c. their
  1. I can’t see(их).
  1. them b. they c. their
  1. I live in this house. There is a bus stop in front of (ним).
  1. him b. it c. its
  1. I have not met(его) sister.
  1. his b. him c. its
  1. I don’t hear(его).
  1. him b. his c. he

Найдите синонимы или определения к указанным словам:

  1.  usually( a. as a rule b. seldom c. often)
  2. to continue(a. to make pleasant b. to go on c. to enjoy)
  3. to arrive( a. to come b. to visit c. to introduce)
  4. to receive (a. to get b. to divide c. to depend)
  5. recently( a. a year ago b. not long ago c. some time later)
  6. to watch(a. to get interested b. to look attentively c. to devote)
  7. to leave( a. to attend b. to come in c. to go away)

Выберите пары слов- антонимов:

  1. a. famous-unknown b. outstanding-good c. thick-white
  2. a. to make progress- to forget get light-to get dark c. to be born-to live
  3. a. far-near b. happy-favourite c. to dance-to sing
  4. a. to be well -to be untidy b. to ask-to answer c. to be glad-to be free
  5. a. to read- to agree b. to miss classes-to attend classes c. to translate-to repeat
  6. a. to make-to do b. a lot of-few, little  c. to combine-to miss
  7. a. to learn-to forget b. to do-to finish c. to ask-to discuss

Заполните пропуски вспомогательными глаголами:

  1. Glass… made from sand
  1. are b. is c. will
  1. I… made some coffee. Would you like some?
  1. have b. was c. am
  1. This shopping centre…built ten years ago.
  1. are b. did c. was
  1. The streets in this town…cleaned every day
  1. have b. were c. are
  1. …you finished your work?
  1. are b. have c. do
  1. John… go to Italy for a holiday tomorrow.
  1. does b. have c. will
  1. George and Linda are here. They… arrived.
  1. have b. are c. did
  1. She is Italian, but she… born in France.
  1. is b. was c. has
  1. Can you tell me how this word… pronounced.
  1. has b. is c. was
  1. He… lost his passport.
  1. was b. does c. has

Переведите  на английский:

  1. Ребенок Анны не маленький.
  2. Моя книга интереснее вашей.
  3. Он изучает английский или немецкий?
  4. Мы ходили по магазинам, когда увидели его.
  5. В это время на следующей неделе мы будем путешествовать.
  6. Я только что получил письмо от своего друга.
  7. Пусть она сделает эту работу сама.
  8. Я не мог дать вам эту книгу, потому что дать ее Нине.

Тема 20. Искусство.

1.Заполните пропуски словами из рамочки, запишите и переведите текст. Complete the following definitions:
tested — engineering -knowledge – truths- technology — phenomena — creation- practice — experimentation
According to Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary, the definition of science is «……………………….. attained through study or……………………..,» or «knowledge covering general……………………..of the operation of general laws, esp. as obtained and ………………….. through scientific method [and] concerned with the physical world.» Science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge. This system uses observation and ……………………………. to describe and explain natural………………………… The term science also refers to the organized body of knowledge people have gained using that system. While …………………. is the branch of knowledge that deals with the…………………… and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, ………………………, applied science, and pure science.
2.Напишите письмо согласно образцу.

3.Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1-7. так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

The Rock Wall.

1 In the morning the colonists took food and weapons and started along the beach toward the south. It was not necessary for one of them to stay behind. Since the arrival of the big box the day before they ____________ no difficulty in lighting a fire.


2 Not very far from the rock house there were some forest trees, and then a high wall of rock ____________ straight up to a height of about fifty metres. On the other side of in there was a big lake. “Let’s go and see where the water goes out of the lake”, said Jack.


3 They went round the end of the rock wall. It was a very difficult journey, but at last they came to the side of the lake. The boys tried ____________ fish in the lake, but there seemed to be very few.


4 Jack ____________ the way. LEAD
5 They heard the noise of ____________ water. FALL

4.Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 1-5. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям AE, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Выберите вариант ответа.

Worthless Food.

An odd thing has happened when it comes to food. Even though having the best, freshest, most wholesome food possible is one of the most significant considerations of daily life, frequently food does not receive the attention it 1__________. Because of vested commercial interests, greed, convenience and apathy, misinformation about food has made far too many people feel 2__________ about it, believing that anything they can swallow is okay for them. It’s not. You may be 3 __________ to buy someone’s product through advertising, false claims or promises of value. But much of the food is as worthless as eating crushed bricks. Far more ill health can be traced to what people eat than you might expect. The greatest 4 __________ to your health on this planet is not the increase of nuclear weapons, it is processed foods!

There is more devitalized worthless “food” 5 __________ to people today than real, authentic food that is necessary for our sustenance; and we have the food manufacturers to thank.

1 1) draws 2) devotes 3) attracts 4) deserves

2 1) confident 2) aware 3) familiar 4) accustomed

3 1) forced 2) convinced 3) required 4) obliged

4 1) risk 2) warning 3) precaution 4) threat

5 1) suggested 2) proposed 3) offered 4) meant

5.Выберите единственный правильный ответ из четырех предложенных, запишите предложение, переведите.

1.The Library of Congress is situated in __________.

A. Boston

B. Oxford

C. Washington

D. London

2. Margaret Thatcher was __________.

A. a film star

B. the leader of the Labor party

C. the British Prime Minister

D. the Queen of Britain

6.Выберите единственный правильный ответ из четырех предложенных, запишите предложения, переведите.

1. I did it _____ he told me so.

A. but B. if C. because D. on

2. We met some interesting people _____ the party last night.

A. over B. at C. because D. on

7.Выберите единственный правильный ответ из четырех предложенных, запишите, переведите.

1. I am supposed to wear a suit to work but sometimes I come in _____ clothes.

A. sporty B. formal C. official D. casual

2. That is _____ building I’ve ever seen.

A. much modern B. the most modern C. more modern D. modern

8.Выберите единственный правильный ответ из четырех предложенных.

1. I will not _____ any more of your time.

A. take back B. take about C. take from D. take up

2. You’ll _____ tell your parents about Ann’s behavior

A. should B. must C. have to D. had to

9.Выберите единственный правильный ответ из четырех предложенных.

1. For half an hour we watched her _____.

A. dances B. to dance C. dancing D. danced

2. Don’t you know that Alex _____ next month?

A. is getting married B. have got married C. got married D. gets marry

10.Вам дается 20 минут времени на выполнение данного задания.

Представьте, что вы получили от своего англоговорящего друга Колина письмо. Прочитайте письмо, напишите ответ из 100-140 слов, ответьте на все его вопросы и задайте свои 3 вопроса.

Пишите письмо согласно требованиям.

Желаем удачи.

11.Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:

1. There are (мало) foreign students in our Institute.

a. few; b. a few; с some; d. a lot of

2. Her flat is on the ground floor, (моя) is on the second floor.

a. my; b. me; с mine; d. I

3. Whose map is this? It’s (его).

a. him; b. his; с he; d. hers

4. (Кто из) of the students is painting the slogan?

a. some; b. which; с who; d. why

5. Their Institute is in N. street; (наш) is in the centre of the city.

a. our; b. we; с ours; d. us

6. Give me (какой-нибудь) magazine, please.

a. few; b. some; с a few; d. any

7. Say it (повторите), please.

a. again; b. through; с to; d. only

8. Ask (его) about his new flat.

a. him; b. his; с her; d. he

9. (Его) daughter is seven years old.

a. he; b. his; с him; d. her

10. (Ее) parents are pensioners.

a. his; b. her; с she; d. their

11. Tom is telling (нам) about his work.

a. them; b. we; с our; d. us

12. Show (им) the plan of our work.

a. they; b. their; с them; d. as

13. The room is large but (ее) windows are not large.

a. their; b. its; с her; d. our

14. Tell us (несколько) words about your studies.

a. few; b. many; с a few; d. little

15. She is helping (своему) brother with his lessons.

a. my; b. our; с his; d. her

16. There are (несколько) ties in the box.

a. few; b. no; с any; d. some

17. (Почему) are you late?

a. why; b. because; с who; d. what
12.Прочитайте газетную статью и переведите ее.

13.Выберите правильный вариант ответа. Запишите предложение. Переведите его.

1 __________ in the same hotel in New York.

I always stay

I am always staying

I stay always

I have always stayed

2. Joanna ______________ the dinner at the moment.

isn’t cooking

doesn’t cook

hasn’t cooked

isn’t cook

3. __________ my keys?

Where are

Where is

Where do

What is

4. ___________ provides a service to motorists.


Airport hotel

Guest house


5. _____________ is a room with one large bed for two people.

Double room

Single room

Family room

Twin room

6. Commercial hotel provides accommodation for_________.





7. I’ve just have a ________ with the manager.





8. Are you sure there is _____________ with a bath.





10. Do not worry sir! ______ it with me.





11. Luxury hotels ______ the highest international service.




are offering

12. This ____________ the room and breakfast.



is including

does include

13. She often ______ her mother at a hotel.


is helping


does help

14. Well? I think your room is correct, sir. Room 118, _______?

is not it

do not you

does not it

is it

15. Yes, one __________ room.




Тема 21. Социальный английский (15 часов).
1.Выберите правильный вариант ответа и запомните его, используйте при общении на английском языке.

1.What is English for «роскошный отель»

luxury hotel

cozy hotel

spacious hotel

high hotel

2.What is English for «обслуживание»





3.What is Russian for «lounge»





4.What is Russian for «accommodations»





5.Translate the sentence from Russian into English: «Гости обычно заказывают номер заранее.»

Guests usually book a room in advance.

Guests usually take a room in advance.

Guests often book a room in advance.

People usually book a room in advance.

6.Translate the sentence from Russian into English: «Это стоимость за проживание и завтрак».

This rate is for room and breakfast.

This cost is for room and breakfast.

This rate is for leaving and breakfast.

This check is for room and breakfast.

7.Translate the sentence from English into Russian: « I’d like to be a manager»

Я бы хотел стать менеджером.

Я хочу стать менеджером.

Мне нравиться быть менеджером.

Мне бы понравился менеджер.

8.Translate the sentence from English into Russian: « We’ve just met tourists».

Мы только что встретили туристов.

Мы уже встретили туристов.

Мы только что познакомились с туристами.

Мы уже поприветствовали туристов.

2.Сопоставьте две половины следующих выражений, чтобы получилась английская пословица:
A bad workman blames his tools.
Make hay while the sun shines.
Too many cooks spoilt the broth.
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
The early bird catches the worm.
East or west home is best.
3.Сопоставьте следующие выражения с наименованиями учреждений, в которых можно услышать эти фразы:
I only bought these last week and already the heel has come off. a shoe shop
Could I have a dozen of red roses, please? a florist’s
Do you have anything to help with a sore throat and a runny nose? a chemist’s
A large brown loaf and a couple of chocolate doughnuts, please. a baker’s
I’d like to send this first class and do you have any of those special airmail letters? a post office
I’m afraid this check-out is only for customers with fewer than ten items. a supermarket
Could you give me a couple of those avocados and a pound of the mushrooms, please? a greengrocer’s

4.У вас четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных А, В, С и D.Определите, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. Используйте каждое место действия из списка 15 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место действия. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1. At the post office.

2.At the booking office

3.At the airport

4.At a restaurant

5.In the hospital

Диалог A В С D

Dialogue А

A: Give me 100 first-class stamps, please.


1. The
queen of Great Britain is not … absolute monarch.

a. the
b. an c. —

Open … door, please.

a. the
b. a c. —

There is … picture on page 20.

a. the
b. a c. —

There are … flowers on the table.

a. the
b. a c. —

5. Where
is … your plan?

a. the
b. an c. —

What colour are … walls in your room?

a. the
b. a c. —

7. Are
those … English books?

a. the
b. an c. —

8. Are
you standing in the corridor? Come … please.

a. in
b. into c. out d. —

9. The
workers are going … the hall.

a. of
b. in c. to d. into

Who is … duty today?

a. of
b. in c. on d. for

I’m fond of listening … these tapes.

a. —
b. in c. to d. of

… what languages are you speaking?

a. at
b. — c. on d. in

Let’s work … our designs.

a. for
b. after c. on d. at

There is a picture … sofa.

around b. in c. on d. over

There are a lot of flowers … the building of our institute.

around b. after c. for d. with

Mary is writing … chalk on the blackboard.

a. for
b. with c. around d. of

17. I
have a few books … modern writers.

a. at
b. by c. after d. with

The desk is … the wall.

a. in
b. with c. on d. at

There is no chair … the corner.

a. of
b. on c. in d. at

Tom is giving … me the book.

a. to
b. — c. for d. after

They are not showing any designs … us.

a. for
b. into c. — d. to

Он уедет за границу после того, как книга будет издана.

a. will have been published b. will be published c.
has been published

23. Now she … difficulty in putting fact
in order.

a. is having b. has been having c. had

24. Like it or not, TV … the supreme holiday attraction over it
upstaged the cinema by showing old films.

a. has been b. is c. was

25. You are a good football-player. Since when … you …

a. have been playing b. did play c. had been playing

26. My brother … music lessons for three years now.

a. have taken b. has been taking c. took

27. Perhaps in the future men … on the sea, away from the
crowded and noisy cities on land.

a. will live b. would live c. are living

28. There … ten pens and a magazine on the table.

a. is b. are c. am d. was

29. There … many cars in front of the house.

a. is b. are c. am d. was

30. Who … speaking?

a. is b. are c. am d. was

31. What … you doing?

a. is b. are c. am d. was

32. I … very sorry.

a. is b. are c. am d. was

33. Our class … over.

a. is b. are c. am d. was

34. You … take care of your parents.

a. should b. ought to c. are to

35. My sight is getting worse. Next year, I’m afraid, I … read
without glasses.

a. can not b. may not c. won’t be able to

36. Don’t you see I’m tired? You … me, you know.

a. might have helped b. could help c. may help

37. Police, fire fighters, newspaper reporters and radio
broadcasters … work on holiday in the USA.

a. could b. might c. must

38. The period between 1688 and the middle of the eighteenth
century … named “the accumulation of capital”.

a. need be b. will be able to be c. can be

39. The power of knowledge … placed in the hands of people.

a. should be b. ought to be c. need to be

40. We … commemorate great people.

a. must b. need to c. may

41. Whatever else the government … to undertake, its duty is to
keep order in civil society.

a. must try b. might try c. may try

42. No museum … ever … buy even one painting by this artist.

a. has … been able to b. might … have c. has … been allowed

43. Twelve delegates representing gypsy groups from several
countries … for six days of talks at the end of February.

a. can meet b. have to meet c. are to meet

44. … you … get up early yesterday to meet the delegation at
the airport?

a. Did … have to b. Had … to c. Have … had to

45. The leopard … not change his spots.

a. need b. can c. ought

46. We … learn from the past.

a. may b. need c. must

47. Teenagers who commit crimes … be treated as adults and
sentenced to significant punishment.

a. would b. should c. ought to

48. The Senate and the House of Representatives … approve a bill
for it to become a law.

a. had to b. must c. was to

49. Excuse me, … you tell me the way to the Houses of
Parliament, please?

a. could b. may c. will

50. … you come and sit down?

a. Could b. Are c. Won’t

51. … you like a cup of coffee?

a. Should b. Would c. Could

52. I … mind a drink, if you had one.

a. shouldn’t b. wouldn’t c. haven’t

53. There are (мало)
foreign students in our Institute.

a. few b. a few c. some d. a lot of

54. Her flat is on the ground floor, (моя) is
on the second.

a. my b. me c. mine d. I

55. Whose map is this? It’s (его).

a. him b. his c. he d. hers

56. (Кто из) of
the students is painting the slogan?

a. some b. which c. who d. why

57. Their Institute is in N. street, (наш) is
in the centre of the city.

a. our b. we c. ours d. us

58. Give me (какойнибудь)
magazine, please.

a. few b. some c. a few d. any

59. Say it (повторите),

a. again b. through c. to d. only

60. Ask (его) about his new flat.

a. him b. his c. her d. he

61. (Его) daughter is seven years old.

a. he b. his c. him d. her

62. (Ее) parents are pensioners.

a. his b. her c. she d. their

63. Tom is telling (нам)
about his work.

a. them b. we c. our d. us

64. Show (им) the plan of our work.

a. they b. their c. them d. as

65. The room is large but (ее)
windows are not large.

a. their b. its c. her d. our

66. Tell us (несколько)
words about your studies.

a. few b. many c. a few d. little

67. She is helping (своему)
brother with his lessons.

a. my b. our c. his d. her

68. There are (несколько) ties
in the box.

a. few b. no c. any d. some

69. (Почему) are you late?

a. why b. because c. who d. what

70. (Их) children are at home.

a. them b. their c. they d. our

71. His children are so nice. I am fond of (их).

a. them b. their c. they d. him

72. Are there … students in the reading-room?

a. any b. no c. some d. not any

73. There are not … conveniences in the house.

a. some b. no c. any d. much

74. Is there … bread on the plate?

a. few b. any c. many d. some

75. There is not … ink in my pen.

a. any b. many c. some d. few

76. Tom has no mother. … mother is dead.

a. us b. him c. his d. her

77. Peter is fond of reading. Give these books to … .

a. his b. her c. him d. he

78. The students are in the classroom. Let’s go there and tell …
about our plans.

a. they b. their c. them d. theirs

79. The park is so beautiful and … trees are so high.

a. his b. their c. its d. him

80. We are answering … questions.

a. ours b. him c. them d. their

81. These books are good. Let’s give … to the children.

a. theirs b. their c. them d. him

Выбрать антоним (слово, противоположное по значению).

82. busy

a. free b. white c. comfortable

83. to give

a. to put to take c. to show

84. to go out

a. to come in b. to come c. to go

85. low

a. comfortable b. high c. modern

86. to stand up

a. to sit b. to sit down c. to stand

87. to be over

a. to begin b. to say again c. to be late

88. there

a. in front of b. here c. around

89. much

a. a lot of b. little c. few

90. small

a. many b. large c. little

91. many

a. few b. a few c. little

92. В книжном шкафу много книг.

a. There are few English books in the


b. The English books are in the bookcase. c. There are a lot of
English books

in the bookcase.

93. В нашем городе нет заводов.

a. There are some plants in our town. b. There aren’t any plants
in our town.
с. Those plants are not in our town.

94. He выходите, пожалуйста.

a. Come in, please. b. Don’t go out, please. c. Let’s go out.

95. Давайте ответим на их вопросы.

a. Let’s answer their questions. b. Don’t answer their questions.
c. We are not answering their questions.

96. Пусть она отошлет письмо своему брату.

a. Let’s send her a letter from her


b. Let her send a letter to her brother. c. Don’t send her a
letter from her


97. На полке лежит какой-то журнал.

a. The magazine is on the shelf. b. There is some magazine on the
shelf. c. Is there any magazine on the shelf?

98. Памятник находится в центре города.

a. There is a monument in the centre of

the town.

b. The monument is in the centre of the


c. There are some monuments in the

centre of the town.

99. О чем они говорят?

a. What book are they speaking about? b. Are they speaking
English? c. What are they speaking about?

100. Извините меня.

a. I am wrong sorry. b. I am right. c. I
am sorry.

помогите с заданием по Английскому языку

Выберите правильную форму глагола to be для следующих предложений:

5.There . many cows in front of the house.

6.There . a lot of light and air in the room.

Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:

7.His children are so nice. I am very fond of (их) , a. them, b. their, c. they, d. him

8.There are (мало) foreign students in our Institute, a. few, b. a few, c. some, d. a lot of

9.Her flat is on the ground floor, (моя) is on the second floor, a. my, b. me, c. mine, d. I

10.Whose map is this? It is (его) , a. him, b. his, c. he, d. hers

11.(Кто из) of the students is painting the slogan? a. some, b. which, c. who, d. why

12.Their Institute is in N. Street, (наш) is in the centre of the city, a. our, b. we, c. ours, d. us

13.Give me (какой-нибудь) magazine, please, a. few, b. some, c. a few, d. any

14.Say it (повторите) , please, a. again, b. through, c. to, d. only

15.Ask (его) about his new flat, a. him, b. his, c. her, d. he

16.(его) daughter is seven years old. a. he, b. his, c. him, d. her

17.(Её) parents are pensioners, a. his, b. her, c. she, d. their

18.Tom is telling (нам) about his work, a. them, b. we, c. our, d. us

19.Show (им) the plan of our work.

a. they, b. their, с. them, d. us

20.Tell us (несколько) words about your studies, a. few, b. many, c. few, d. little

21.She is helping (своему) brother with his lessons, a. my, b. our, c. his, d. her

22.There are (несколько) ties in the box. a. few, b. no, c. any, d. some

23.(Почему) are you late?

a. why, b. because, c. who, d. what

24.(Их) children are at home, a. them, b. their, c. they, d. our

25.The room is large, but (её) windows are not large, a. their, b. its, c. her, d. our

Выберите соответствующие смыслу слова для следующих предложений:

26.There are not. conveniences in the house, a. some, b. no, c. any, d. much

27.Are there . students in the reading-room? a. any, b. no, c. some, d. not any

28.Is there . bread on the plate? a. few, b. any, c. many, d. some

29.There is not . ink in my pen. a. any, b. many, c. some, d. few

30.Tom has no mother. ..mother is dead, a. us, b. him, c. his, d. her

31.Peter is fond of reading. Give these books to . a. his, b. her, c. him, d. he

32.The students are in the classroom. Let’s go there and tell . about our plans.

a. they, b. their, c. them, d. theirs

33.The park is so beautiful and . trees are so high, a. his, b. their, c. its, d. him

34.We are answering . questions, a. ours, b. him, c. them, d. their

35.These books are good. Let’s give . to the children, a. theirs, b. their, c. them, d. him

Выберите правильные предлоги для следующих предложений:

36.Why are you standing in the corridor? Come . please, a. in, b. into, c. out of, d. —

37.The workers are going . the hall, a. of, b. in, c. to, d. into

38.Who is . duty today? a. of, b. in, c. on, d. for

39. what language are you speaking? a. at, b. -,c. on, d. in

40.Let’s work . designs, a. for, b. after, c. on, d. at

41.There is a picture . the sofa, a. around, b. in, c. on, d. over

42.There are a lot of flowers . the building of our Institute, a. around, b. after, c. for, d. with

43.Mary is writing . chalk on the blackboard, a. for, b. with, c. around, d. of

44.A have a few books . modern writers, a. at, b. by, c. after, d. with

45.The desk is . the wall, a. in, b. with, c. on, d. at

46.There is no chair . the corner, a. of, b. on, c. in, d. at

47.Tom is giving . me the book, a. to, b. -,c. for, d. after

48.They are not showing any designs . us. a. for, b. into, c. -,d. to

49.Answer . my questions, a. b. on, c. to, d. for

Выберите правильные артикли для следующих предложений:

50.Are those . English books?

51.Open . door, please.

52.There is . picture on the page 20.

53.There are . flowers on the table.

54.Where is . your plan?

55.What colour are . walls in your room?

Выберите антонимы для следующих слов: give (a. to put, b. to take, c. to show)

57.busy (a. free, b. white, c. comfortable) go out (a. to come in, b. to come, c. to go)

59.low (a. comfortable, b. high, c. modern) stand up (a. to sit, b. to sit down, c. to stand) be over (a. to begin, b. to say again, c. to be late)

62.there (a. in front of, b. here, c. around)

63.much (a. a lot of, b. little, c. few)

64.small (a. many, b. large, c. little)

65.many (a. few, b. a few, c. little)

1. Our class is over.
2. I am very sorry.
3. What are you doing?
4. Who is speaking?
5. There are many cows in front of the house.
6. There is a lot of light and air in the room.
7. His children are so nice. I am very fond of them
8. There are a few foreign students in our Institute
9. Her flat is on the ground floor, my is on the second floor
10. Whose map is this? It is his
11. Which of the students is painting the slogan?
12. Their Institute is in N. Street, ours is in the centre of the city
13. Give me some magazine, please
14. Say it again, please
15. Ask him about his new flat
16. His daughter is seven years old.
17. Her parents are pensioners,
18. Tom is telling us about his work,
19. Show them the plan of our work.
20. Tell us a few words about your studies
21. She is helping her brother with his lessons
22. There are some ties in the box.
23. Why are you late?
24. Their children are at home
25. The room is large, but its windows are not large
26. There are not any conveniences in the house
27. Are there any students in the reading-room?
28. Is there any bread on the plate?
29. There is not any ink in my pen.
30. Tom has no mother. His mother is dead
31. Peter is fond of reading. Give these books to him.
32. The students are in the classroom. Let’s go there and tell them about our plans.
33. The park is so beautiful and its trees are so high
34. We are answering their questions
35. These books are good. Let’s give them to the children.
36. Why are you standing in the corridor? Come in please,
37. The workers are going in the hall
38. Who is on duty today?
39. what language are you speaking?
40. Let’s work on designs
41. There is a picture over the sofa
42. There are a lot of flowers around the building of our Institute.
43. Mary is writing with chalk on the blackboard
44. A have a few books by modern writers
45. The desk is on the wall
46. There is no chair in the corner
47. Tom is giving me the book
48. They are not showing any designs to us.
49. Answer my questions
50. Are those English books?
51. Open the door, please.
52. There is a picture on the page 20.
53. There are flowers on the table.
54. Where is . your plan?
55. What colour are the walls in your room?
56. to give — to take
57. busy — free
58. to go out -to come in
59. low — high
60. to stand up — to sit down
61. to be over — to begin
62. there — here
63. much — few



25. Library books mustn’t _____ for more than two weeks.
A. be kept B. keep C. be keeping D. keeping

26. She wants _____ why you decided _____ the meeting earlier.
A. to know; leave B. know; leave
C. to know; to leave D. know; to leave

27. I don’t think they will _____ the competition.
A. to win B. have won C. winning D. win

28. There are not _____ conveniences in the house.
A. some B. no C. any D. much

29. I don t want to depend too much _____ my parents.
A. by B. on C. at D. with

30. Before you leave, don’t forget to turn _____ the light.
A. off B. on C. over D. under

31. He usually gets to his school _____ bus.
A. off B. by C. with D. under

32. I don t read newspapers. I only looked it _____.
A. of B. through C. upon D. up

33. There are a lot of flowers _____ the building of our institute.
A. after B. through C. around D. by

34. She is helping her brother with _____ lessons.
A. my B. their C. her D. his

35. The room is large but _____windows are not large.
A. her B. my C. its D. his

36. Ask _____ about his new flat. A. his B. himself C. him D. he

37. Their Institute is in N. street, _____ is in the centre of the city.
A. him B. our C. ours D. us

38. Show _____ the plan of our work.
A. them B. as C. their D. they

39. She was surprised that he knew her name. She _____ never met him before.
A. was B. did C. were D. had

40. The employees_____ informed last night that their company was going into receivership.
A. was B. did C. were D. had

41. _____ it raining when you left your office this afternoon?
A. is B. was C. were D. are

42. How many times _____ your travel documents checked before you boarded the airplane?
A. had B. was C. were D. are

43. _____ you do much sightseeing when you were on vacation in Madrid?
A. Had B. Did C. Were D. Are

44. Which of these is an adjective? It is _____.
A. hard B. hardly C. hardship D. hardware

45. Which of these is an adverb? It is ______.
A. quicker B. quickly C. shy D. sly

46. Which of these is a personal pronoun? It is ______.
A. there B. they C. their D. them

47. Which of these is a preposition? It is _____.
A. thorn B. thorough C. thron D. through

48. Which of these is a noun? It is ______.
A. there B. think C. thing D. through

49. There was a big traffic jam downtown and ______.
A. slowly the cars moved B. the cars snowly moved
C. the cars moved slowly D. slowly moved the cars

50. There are ______ on the ground this autumn as last year.
A. not so many leaves B. not such many leaves
C. so not many leaves D. not leaves so many


помогите проити по анлийскому тест пожалуйста.

2. I have … money in my pocket.

3. Police. work on holiday in the USA

4. The student . as an apprentice to a trained worker next week.

shall work
will work
would work

will have
will allow
will be able to
will do

6. This text is easy, there are … new words in it.

not much
a lot of

7. What . wonderful weather it is today!

8. We could estimate and classify this material … .

A why B where C when D how many

10. … work is not interesting.

11. There isn’t . sense in what you suggest.

12. You . take care of your parents.

should to
ought to
are to
need to

13. This is such . tasty yogurt!

14. When . you buy the new TV set?

15. The room is large but … windows are not large.

16. I am sorry. I am late. I come in?

17. A typist is someone who . letters and reports.

is typing
are typing

18. The pupil . his work carelessly.

have done
had made

19. We have a meeting at 5 o’clock, so you …. be on time.

20. What magazine . you looking through when I came in?

21. I’ve got no idea where .

it is
is it
has it
does it

23. Who speaks French in your family? I .

24. The meeting … at 5 o’clock.

has begun
was beginning

25. We … to stay at home because it was raining.

were able to

26. You’ll need … rice if you want to make a Chinese meal.

a few
a lot

27. ..any exhibitions devoted to this anniversary organised in Russia?

28. We shall . the results when we finish our experiments,

to be discussing
to discuss

29. My cat caught twenty … last year!

30. I . this wonderful film when I was 16.

have seen
had seen


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