System programming for windows 95

The impetus for «»Programming the Microsoft «»RM»» Win32 Driver Model»» is the convergence of device driver models in Windows 98 and Windows NT «»RM»» 5.0. The book-and-CD set was developed in close cooperation with the Microsoft systems group. Microsoft systems developers reviewed the chapters to ensure accurate information for the Windows 98 release and to verify that mini-drivers and other key changes that reconcile the driver model from Windows 95 are completely covered. To say the least, this reference is a must-have for driver developers, systems gurus, and computer science academics.

Programming the Microsoft Win32 Driver Model topics include:
— Overview to Win32 Driver Model and its architecture
— Writing a standard driver
— Advanced topics, such as multi-device controllers and buffer management
— Writing Win32 Driver Model class drivers
— Writing Win32 Driver Model mini-drivers

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The impetus for «»Programming the Microsoft «»RM»» Win32 Driver Model»» is the convergence of device driver models in Windows 98 and Windows NT «»RM»» 5.0. The book-and-CD set was developed in close cooperation with the Microsoft systems group. Microsoft systems developers reviewed the chapters

to ensure accurate information for the Windows 98 release and to verify that mini-drivers and other key changes that reconcile the driver model from Windows 95 are completely covered. To say the least, this reference is a must-have for driver developers, systems gurus, and computer science academics. Programming the Microsoft Win32 Driver Model topics include: — Overview to Win32 Driver Model and its architecture — Writing a standard driver — Advanced topics, such as multi-device controllers and buffer management — Writing Win32 Driver Model class drivers — Writing Win32 Driver Model mini-drivers

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The impetus for «»Programming the Microsoft «»RM»» Win32 Driver Model»» is the convergence of device driver models in Windows 98 and Windows NT «»RM»» 5.0. The book-and-CD set was developed in close cooperation with the Microsoft systems group. Microsoft systems developers reviewed the chapters to ensure accurate information for the Windows 98 release and to verify that mini-drivers and other key changes that reconcile the driver model from Windows 95 are completely covered. To say the least, this reference is a must-have for driver developers, systems gurus, and computer science academics. Programming the Microsoft Win32 Driver Model topics include: — Overview to Win32 Driver Model and its architecture — Writing a standard driver — Advanced topics, such as multi-device controllers and buffer management — Writing Win32 Driver Model class drivers — Writing Win32 Driver Model mini-drivers

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