Swd generic скачать драйвер windows 10

Здесь представлены драйверы для SWD\GenericRaw.
Это Device ID от Generic software device.

Показаны только последние драйверы, совместимые с данным DeviceID. Почти все они совместимы с вашим оборудованием.
Тем не менее, вы можете попробовать использовать расширенный поиск, чтобы найти драйвер именно для вашего устройства.



Оборудование:P35W v3

Название:System Recovery Fix Tool The fix tool is to recover «F9» Smart Recovery function. Please note it only works on the laptop which comes with preinstalled Windows 10 after upgraded to version 1803


Размер файла:842.73Mb (883665932 bytes)

Дата выхода:06 Apr 2021

Система:Windows 10 64-bit


  • Generic USB Hub

    (01 мар 2023)

    Файл *.inf:

    Windows Vista

  • Generic USB Hub



    (12 июн 2013)

    Файл *.inf:

    Windows Vista

В каталоге нет драйверов для Generic USB Hub под Windows.
Скачайте DriverHub для автоматического подбора драйвера.

Драйверы для Generic USB Hub собраны с официальных сайтов компаний-производителей и других проверенных источников.
Официальные пакеты драйверов помогут исправить ошибки и неполадки в работе Generic USB Hub (другие устройства).
Скачать последние версии драйверов на Generic USB Hub для компьютеров и ноутбуков на Windows.



Name:System Recovery Fix Tool The fix tool is to recover «F9» Smart Recovery function. Please note it only works on the laptop which comes with preinstalled Windows 10 after upgraded to version 1809


Released:06 Apr 2021

System:Windows 10 64-bit


Description:System Recovery Fix Tool The fix tool is to recover «F9» Smart Recovery function. Please note it only works on the laptop which comes with preinstalled Windows 10 after upgraded to version 1809 for Gigabyte P35W v3
Build 17763



Name:System Recovery Fix Tool The fix tool is to recover «F9» Smart Recovery function. Please note it only works on the laptop which comes with preinstalled Windows 10 after upgraded to version 2004


Released:06 Apr 2021

System:Windows 10 64-bit


Description:System Recovery Fix Tool The fix tool is to recover «F9» Smart Recovery function. Please note it only works on the laptop which comes with preinstalled Windows 10 after upgraded to version 2004 for Gigabyte P35W v3
Build 19041



Name:System Recovery Fix Tool The fix tool is to recover «F9» Smart Recovery function. Please note it only works on the laptop which comes with preinstalled Windows 10 after upgraded to version 1903 /­1909


Released:06 Apr 2021

System:Windows 10 64-bit


Description:System Recovery Fix Tool The fix tool is to recover «F9» Smart Recovery function. Please note it only works on the laptop which comes with preinstalled Windows 10 after upgraded to version 1903 /1909 for Gigabyte P35W v3
Build 18362 /18363



Name:System Recovery Fix Tool The fix tool is to recover «F9» Smart Recovery function. Please note it only works on the laptop which comes with preinstalled Windows 10 after upgraded to version 1803


Released:06 Apr 2021

System:Windows 10 64-bit


Description:System Recovery Fix Tool The fix tool is to recover «F9» Smart Recovery function. Please note it only works on the laptop which comes with preinstalled Windows 10 after upgraded to version 1803 for Gigabyte P35W v3
Build 17134

Generic USB Hub 2.0 Driver Windows 10:

Many people find it difficult to get generic USB hub drivers for their devices because of the fact that the original manufacturers’ drivers are rarely if ever, made available for free. USB ports are used in so many different computer peripherals that sometimes it can be a challenge to track down the most up-to-date and appropriate drivers for your hardware. If you need an update, though, you don’t have to worry because there are companies on the web that offer the most up-to-date generic hub drivers. These are drivers that have been tested and are made to work with the specific devices that you might be using, including computers, laptops, digital cameras, handheld devices, mobile phones, and even handheld fans and air fresheners.

Downloading a Generic Hub Driver:

When you download a generic hub driver, you’re downloading a program that will install the appropriate software for your device. This means that if you’re dealing with a desktop computer, say a laptop, that has a USB port, then the driver will work just like it would on a laptop. It’ll connect to the computer, install the right driver and do all the other stuff necessary. But what if you’re dealing with something more robust, such as an ultra-port? It can be a little bit more tricky.

In the case of USB hubs, generic drivers are not usually provided by the manufacturer of the device. Instead, there are so many third-party companies online that deal in USB hubs that they often outsource their production to factories in developing countries where they can guarantee better quality. The downside is that when you download one of these programs, you could find that it doesn’t work with your system.

About Driver:

Why do you think that this happens? First, it’s not the manufacturer’s fault. They’ve been given very strict guidelines about the best way to build and produce USB ports. All the components are put together in a certain order so that they’ll be as easy to plug into a computer as possible. Second, a lot of the components have manufacturing standards that vary from one country to another. A generic hub isn’t going to be built to the same standard as a universal port does in any country.

So what can you do? The first thing you can do is to go online and download a driver from one of the legitimate third-party companies that deal with USB ports. Be sure to get one that has absolute stability, meaning that it should not experience any software or hardware conflicts. Compatibility should also be a priority; if the generic hub driver you’ve downloaded doesn’t work with your computer, you won’t be able to get anywhere.

It’s always a good idea to take the generic USB driver with you whenever you go to do a function. That way, you know you’re covered. Sometimes, the ports on your computer (especially those that are for USB 2.0) aren’t designed to work with particular brands of USB devices. In that case, you need a replacement driver in order to use them.

After installation:

Once you’ve installed the generic USB driver on your computer, the port should behave more like a real USB port. You should be able to use it to connect and drive various devices, including flash drives, external hard drives, music players, video game consoles, printers, scanners, and so on. A generic USB driver is also a good idea if you want to make sure that all printers or scanners will recognize the generic USB device when connected. This will ensure that you don’t run into compatibility issues with future devices that utilize the same ports.

Final Words:

Finally, never trust the website a company gives you to download its drivers. Generic USB drivers are important because they improve compatibility, make your life easier, and protect your computers from potential problems. However, you shouldn’t trust just anyone to give you an official driver or to tell you which one to install. Instead, spend a bit of time doing the research before you trust any website or program.

Download link:

So, the latest Generic USB Hub 2.0 Driver Windows 10 is available here to download for free. Follow the link to get the latest Generic USB Hub 2.0 Driver Windows from here.

Предлагаем скачать на нашем сайте драйвера для Generic USB Hub совместимые со следующими системами:

  • Windows Vista;
  • Windows 7;
  • Windows 8;
  • Windows10.

Необходимость в их установке в большинстве случаев появляется в результате программных сбоев имеющегося драйвера. В этом случае в диспетчере задач хаб отображается, как неизвестное USB-устройство и не может выполнять свои функции по расширению портов.

Представленное ПО не поддерживает автоматическую установку. Поэтому для его инсталляции необходимо найти в диспетчере устройств USB-хаб, кликнуть по его иконке правой кнопкой мыши и выбрать пункт Обновить драйвер. После этого в открывшемся мастере укажите путь к распакованному архиву и произведите инсталляцию продукта.

Как правило, под этим наименованием скрывается интегрированный USB-хаб, с помощью которого осуществляется подключение внешних устройств к материнской плате. В процессе работы он обеспечивает бесперебойную связь USB-портов, расположенных на задней панели корпуса, с хост-системой.

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