Создание загрузочной флешки debian windows


In this tutorial we will cover the process on how to create a Debian Bootable USB in Windows 10. Later on, with this USB we will be able to boot up Debian installation and install Debian system on the PC. After this tutorial, you can then check out the steps on how to dual boot Windows 10 and Debian

Requirements for this procedure:

1. 8GB USB

2. Debian iso image (Download here)

3. Software Rufus (Download here)

4. A Torrent client.

Below you have a video with instructions on how to make a Debian Bootable USB:


Downloading Debian iso

So, first you need is to download the Debian iso image. Follow the link provided in the post. Once you visit the Debian page, find the section where it says – A larger complete installation image. Underneath that section, you’ll see a list of download options.

Download options are for 32bit and 64bit versions. Also, there are CD and DVD versions.

I suggest downloading DVD version. It’s a larger .iso but contains all necessary apps, repositories, updates and it will save you time once you install Debian.

create a Debian Bootable USB in Windows 10

The links will you guide to download page where you’ll have a list of torrent files to download. Download the file appropriate for your PC and download the .iso using the torrent client.

create a Debian Bootable USB in Windows 10

Rufus download and flashing iso on the USB

Next what needs to be done is to download Rufus. Rufus is a free software that creates a bootable USB. I use it all the time. Follow the download link listed above.

Rufus is also an app that does not install on your PC, the .exe file you download will run the app right away.

Once the Debian .iso is finished downloading, insert your USB drive and start the Rufus.

In the first field – select your USB drive.

In the second field – select partition type – MBR for non EUFI systems or GPT for the EUFI systems.

create a Debian Bootable USB in Windows 10

For the file system, leave it by default – FAT32

Volume label you can input what you like.

Right next to option – Create a bootable disk using – Select ISO image.

Right next to ISO image field click the button – It will prompt you to find and select your Debian ISO image.

Once you do that, hit START button.

The process will start and it will take some time to finish.


The steps we covered in this article are following – We downloaded the Debian ISO image, installed the Rufus bootloader, used Rufus to in order to create a debian bootable usb in Windows 10.

Thank you very much for your time…

Программа Debian является уникальным приложением и аналогом операционной системы Убунту. Она имеет много пользовательских возможностей. Однако главной проблемой у новичков считается правильная установка Debian с флешки. В целом процесс занимает несколько этапов: подбор устройства или создание загрузочного аналога, запись Debian на флешку, установка программы с нее. В каждом шаге есть свои специфические особенности, которые каждый пользователь должен знать.

Особенности установки Дебиан с флешки

Прежде чем говорить об установке Debian на флешку и с нее, следует рассмотреть основные достоинства и недостатки такого метода, основные нюансы и специфические особенности Debian usb instill.

К плюсам многие продвинутые пользователи относят:

  1. Возможность полного форматирования программы и ее подстройки под свои параметры в любом гаджете.
  2. Возможность подключения без использования виртуального пространства в любой точке нахождения пользователя.
  3. Возможность сохранения программы на элементе в случае форс-мажора.

Наряду с достоинствами процесс имеет один существенный недостаток:

  • Возможность занести вместе с загрузочным оборудованием вирусные приложения и пакеты, что в крайнем случае приведет к полной неисправности различных устройств.

Чтобы установить Debian с флешки, существует множество методик. Ниже будут расписаны самые универсальные для абсолютно любых моделей и версий ноутбуков способы.

Этапы загрузки включают в себя несколько важных моментов:

  1. Проверка носителя на вирусы и соответствие его с конкретным компьютерным оборудованием.
  2. Скачивание или установка на носитель образов программы Дебиан.
  3. Загрузка с устройства Дебиан на компьютер с последующей установкой программы.
  4. Проверка работы установленного приложения.

Внимание! В целом для этого в качестве Debian flash можно использовать любую объемную флеш-карту с достаточным свободным местом.

Подготовка загрузочной флешки для Debian

Загрузочная флешка в Debian нужна для «транспортировки» программы на компьютер. С нуля получить это устройство достаточно сложно, поэтому многие пользователи предпочитают переделать ее аналог. Самый легкий способ – создание загрузочной флешки Debian из-под windows. Это можно сделать 2 методами.

С помощью программы UNetbootin

Скачать такую утилиту можно с сайта по адресу: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/. Предварительно следует отформатировать носитель.


  1. Запустить программу.
  2. Выбрать кнопку «Образ диска».
  3. Включить в списке вкладку «Стандарт ISO».
  4. Указать путь к дистрибутиву с расширением ISO.
  5. Выбрать в списке само устройство и тип носителя.
  6. Нажать кнопку «Ок».
  7. Через длительное время согласиться с перезагрузкой операционной системы, если планируется установка Дебиан на этом же компьютере. Иначе просто нажать кнопку «Выход».

Загрузочная флешка готова.

С помощью программы Universal USB Installer

В отличие от предыдущего способа, это приложение само форматирует съемный носитель. Скачать ее можно на сайте: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/.


  1. Запустить программное обеспечение.
  2. Выбрать в списке операционных систем запись «Try Unlisted Linux ISO».
  3. Указать путь к локации дистрибутива.
  4. Выбрать необходимый съемный носитель.
  5. Активировать особое место для форматирования устройства.
  6. Включить кнопку «Create».
  7. Согласиться с последующим форматированием элемента и загрузкой образа.

Загрузочная флешка готова.

Как записать Debian на флешку

Есть несколько распространенных методов.



  1. Установить утилиту.
  2. Запустить приложение и авторизироваться в ней.
  3. Выбрать нужный носитель.
  4. Нажать «Старт».

Через некоторое время Дебиан запишется на съемный элемент.



  1. Установить утилиту, добавить ключи репозитория.
  2. Обновить список пакетов.
  3. Запустить приложение.
  4. Выбрать необходимый образ и тип носителя.
  5. Нажать кнопку «Finish».

Дебиан в результате будет записана на носитель.



  1. Скачать простое оборудование Rufus.
  2. Запустить полученное приложение.
  3. Выбрать записывающее устройство.
  4. Поставить галочку напротив пункта «Создать загрузочный диск».
  5. Выбрать тип образ «ISO образ» и соответствующий ему аналог в файловой системе.
  6. Нажать «Старт».

В результате изучаемое приложение Дебиан будет записана на устройство.

Как установить Debian с флешки

Методика достаточно проста. Однако стоит в точности выполнять инструкцию по установке.

Технология процесса:

  1. Самой оптимальной операционной системой для этого процесса считается Линукс. Поэтому нужно найти компьютер с уже работающей платформой. Также следует подготовить съемный носитель с элементом Дебиан.
  2. Подключить носитель к компьютеру. Проверить его определение можно с помощью терминала (открыть его можно сочетанием клавиш Alt,Ctrl,T), введя в командную строку запись #dmesg.
  3. Выбрать соответствующий образ и скачать форматирующий файл img.gz.
  4. Удалить данные с флеш карты с помощью команды: # zcat boot.img.gz > /dev/sdX. Здесь sdX — имя нужного съемного устройства. Причем, узнать имя можно с помощью команды dmesg.
  5. Вынуть и снова вставить носитель в компьютер для перезагрузки данных.
  6. Проверить качество предыдущего шага с помощью выражений #mount /dev/sdX /mnt/ и # ls /mnt. В результате в списке должны быть файлы вида cfg,setup.exe.
  7. Скачать ISO образ netinstall размером 150-180 MB. Для работы в этом случае виртуальное пространство не потребуется.
  8. Установить образ на элемент командами: # mount /dev/sdX /mnt, # cp <path/to/iso/image> /mnt, # umount /dev/sdX.
  9. Перезагрузить компьютер и согласиться с установкой приложения Дебиан.

В результате изучаемый объект будет установлен.


Установка Debian с флешки – процесс трудоемкий, но легкий для понимания новичков. Именно этот способ установки программ считается наиболее безопасным и компактным для любых условий работы пользователя. Однако в процессе нужно учитывать все специфические особенности и нюансы.

To create a bootable USB, you can follow the steps below:


Go to the website of the OS you wish to install, and find an iso image to download. In your case, since you want to run a Debian OS, here is a link to its iso options: https://www.debian.org/distrib/netinst

Choose an iso image from the options, and click on it. This should automatically start the image download. While file is downloading, go to second step.


Get a utility program to format and create bootable USB flash drives. Some have already been suggested, so I will just link you to my favourite: https://rufus.akeo.ie/

Download the utility and go to third step.


By this stage, if your iso image has not yet finished downloading, then wait until it does.

Now that you have both the utility and the iso image downloaded:

  1. Plug in your USB drive
  2. Open Rufus (to write your USB)
  3. Select the iso image you just downloaded to write on the USB, and fill out the other options accordingly (eg. selecting your USB drive etc)
  4. Click on the option for starting the write process (with Rufus, it is the «Start» button)

Once Rufus finishes, simply reboot, booting from your USB, which should start up your Debian OS.

Translation(s): Deutsch — Ελληνικά — English — Español — Français — Italiano — Korean — Nederlands — Polski — ?Brasileiro — Romana — Русский — සිංහල-(Sinhala) — 简体中文


  1. Getting Familiar With Debian Releases

    1. Stable
    2. Testing
    3. Unstable
  2. Choosing The Appropriate Installation Media

    1. The Network Install Image
    2. The Full «CD/DVD» Image
  3. Non-Free Firmware
  4. Debian Live images
  5. Creating a Bootable Debian USB Flashdrive
  6. Booting From a USB Flash Drive
  7. Installation
  8. Installation FAQ
  9. Post-Install Tips
  10. See also

Getting Familiar With Debian Releases

Refer to Debian Releases for more information about the Debian versions, but the following ideas may guide your decision.


The whole point of Debian from day one was «Stable», in reaction to what else was extant at the time: SoftLandingSystems «SLS» and Slackware. Debian chose stability, as administrators needed for servers. Choose Debian «Stable» if you want the computer to just work for a prolonged period of time, without the risk of new packages breaking your habits or workflow. In most cases, when people talk about Debian, they are referring to Debian «Stable». The network install images for stable (bookworm) can be found at https://www.debian.org/CD/netinst/


If it is important to you to have recent packages of all the installed software continuously rolling through Debian, and you are fine with constantly downloading and installing updates that will stir up a bug at times, and you want to help squash bugs threatening to get into Stable, you may choose Debian «Testing». The network install images for testing (trixie) can be found at https://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/.


Security note

Unstable exclusively gets security updates through its package maintainers.
The Debian Security Team only maintains security updates for the current «stable» release.
If timely and official security updates are of any importance to your use case, do not migrate to Unstable.

If it is important to you to have the absolute latest packages available in Debian, you should learn about Debian «Unstable». There are currently no network install images for Unstable. If you want to install Unstable, download the image for Stable and upgrade through Testing to Unstable by editing /etc/apt/sources.list.

Be sure you have downloaded the installer for your hardware architecture. (The i386 architecture is for both Intel and AMD 32 bit CPUs. The amd64 architecture is for both Intel and AMD 64 bit CPUs.) The amd64 architecture is appropriate for most common hardware.

There are two main choices of installation media to meet your needs:

The Network Install Image

For those with reliable Internet access using a network install image often saves time, compared with downloading some of the 650 MB ISO images. This network install ISO (called «netinst») contains only a near-minimal Debian system. During installation as many packages as you request are downloaded from the Internet. A netinst ISO image is several hundred MB but the CD or DVD images are much larger and will almost surely contain packages which are downloaded but not installed by default.

If your wireless network card is not recognized by the installer you might consider performing the installation using a wired (Ethernet cable) connection or installing using a different network card. In any case it may be preferable to install with a wired connection for bandwidth reasons or simply to defer wireless setup until after the initial installation.

If you have no way of establishing a network connection while installing then you will need to install using at least a partial set of the installation CDs or DVDs (at least Disc 1).

The Full «CD/DVD» Image

These images are for those who need all available packages that are in the current «stable» release of Debian.

Although there are over 30 CDs (or 5 DVDs) in a full set, only the first CD or DVD is required to install Debian. The additional images are optional and include extra packages, that can be downloaded individually during the installation, or later.

Non-Free Firmware

Since bookworm, non-free firmware is allowed to be included in the official installation media, so firmware should be no problem anymore for installation.

Please refer to the Firmware Page for details.

Debian Live images

Alternatively to the installation images mentioned above there are Live install images available.

They can start the usual debian-installer from the boot menu, but their main goal is the Live system, which starts a real Debian system directly from the iso image, without installation on your harddisk.

With this Live system, you can easily give Debian a try, and also test how well Debian interacts with your hardware.

And then there is the Calamares installer, an end-user-friendly alternative to our good old debian-installer, to install Debian on your harddisk.

To get this running, choose one of the Live iso images from https://www.debian.org/CD/live/ (it’s your choice which you prefer, but don’t choose the «standard» image for this purpose, since it has no graphical user interface), select Live system from the boot menu, and when the system is up choose «Install Debian» from the desktop.

The Calamares installer will guide you through the installation.

Creating a Bootable Debian USB Flashdrive

After downloading the .iso file, the next step is to create some form of bootable media that you can use to install Debian. The most common form of installation is from a USB flash drive. If you wish to use a CD or DVD, you can use that method as well.

To create a bootable USB drive from Microsoft Windows or Mac OS a usable choice is Rufus. Warning: Rufus has 2 writing modes «ISO» and «DD» mode, which you can select just before writing begins. For Debian installer images or Debian live images, you MUST select the «DD» writing mode — ISO mode will alter the copy of the image on the target media (confirmed August 27, 2021, using rufus version 3.15).

To create a bootable USB drive on Linux follow the installation instructions. [TL;DR cp debian.iso /dev/sdX Be cautious!]

To burn the .iso to a CD on Microsoft Windows use IMGBurn or, if using Windows 10, the builtin «Burn to disc» option when right clicking an ISO file.

Booting From a USB Flash Drive

If you plan to dual-booting with another OS, both OSes’ need to be installed with the same boot mode. Most computers built after 2012 boot in UEFI mode, so this configuration dictates use of UEFI mode when installing and booting Debian. If the other system of your computer are installed in BIOS(legacy) mode, then you must install Debian in BIOS mode as well.

You should be able to check the current boot mode in the first few seconds of your computer starting up. Some common options include the «F2», «F8», «F12», and «Del» keys.

Debian supports Secure Boot since the Debian buster release. If problems arise during the Debian installation or the first boot process (such as failing to boot the Linux Kernel at all and/or refusing to start Debian) turn off Secure Boot before attempting anything else. Moreover, a number of devices (commonly laptop computers) present subtle bugs/limitations when operating Linux under SecureBoot, which are not present otherwise. Make sure to check your device manufacturer’s support pages.
Example: Lenovo Linux SecureBoot limitations

Once the proper boot mode is set, you are ready to start your installation. If the Debian Installer does not load, you may have to change your boot options and specify booting from USB.


Prior to making any major change to your computer you should ALWAYS backup all of your work. While the Debian Installer has been extensively tested, it cannot prevent you from making mistakes nor prevent a power failure while you are installing your new operating system.
Also, ALWAYS double check the disk you are formatting to install Debian on. Formatting another disk/partition results in unrecoverable data loss on that disk/partition.

Installation FAQ

Q: I am at the Software Selection screen in the Debian Installer, where I can choose a selection of desktop environments.
What is Debian desktop environment (the first choice)?
A: If you do NOT select any desktop environment and leave the default Debian desktop environment checkbox ticked,
you will install the GNOME desktop environment on your machine.
If you choose «Debian desktop environment» AND a specific desktop, the specific choice overrides the GNOME default.

Q: Why does my Wi-Fi not work during the installation process ?
A: If you are using a laptop computer, you might need proprietary firmware for your wireless network card to function, which Debian does not include by default.
Please refer to the «Non-Free Firmware» section above OR install Debian using a wired connection, if possible, and setup wireless after installing.

Post-Install Tips

  • If you set up a root password during install, you will find your user without sudo privileges. This is intended behaviour.
    To enable sudo after a fresh install of Debian:

$ su -l
# adduser USERNAME sudo
# exit
  • Then, log out of the desktop environment and log in again. You can check the success of the above by entering
$ groups
  • It is a canonical good practice to update your installation straight away after rebooting into your new system:

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
  • SSD performance

    The default scheduler/IO settings for Debian are optimised for maximum stability and good throughput.

    More SSD performance may be achieved, by performing some steps to optimise your system for SSDs.

See also

  • DebianDesktopHowTo

  • An updated installer that supports the newest hardware

  • DebianLive — Debian Live CD / DVD / USB

  • InstallFAQ — Including how to install unstable (sid).

  • A Portable Installer and Package Archive

  • FAI, Fully Automatic Installation

  • Install From Windows

  • Switching from Windows to Debian

  • How to install from within an existing system

  • PackageManagement — Managing your system

  • Netinst with nVidia nForce onboard Ethernet (old?)

  • Debian GNU/Linux Installation Guide (all architectures, stable branch)

  • PXEBootInstall — The manual for setting up a netboot server.

  • https://www.debian.org/CD/vendors

  • All Debian images

ToDo | CategoryObsolete — this page needs a thorough rewrite

Debian is a free Linux distribution which users can install to operate their computers. You can install Debian Linux on a computer using a bootable flash drive with Debian Linux setup files on it. This article describes the process to install latest version Debian Linux as a Single Boot Host Operating System on a Computer by creating a bootable Debian Linux USB Flash Drive on an existing Windows System while replacing the existing operating system. You can use a Flash Drive of 4 GB or more to make it Debian Linux bootable Flash Drive.

To create a Debian Linux bootable Flash Drive (in other words Pen Drive or USB Drive) on a Windows system and install it as a single host operating system follow the Five easy steps below:

Step 1: Download Debian Linux ISO File

Login to your Windows System, open a web browser and navigate to official website of Debian Linux Operating System. On the Home Page, click on “Getting Debian” menu to navigate to download page of current release of Debian Linux Operating System.

On download page, scroll down the page and click on “complete installation image” link to navigate to CD-DVD ISO image page. On the CD-DVD ISO image page click on “Download CD/DVD images using HTTP” option to navigate to Downloading Debian CD/DVD images via HTTP/FTP page. On this page, click on “Official CD/DVD images of the stable release” link to navigate to page for downloading stable release’s ISO file. There will be two section on the page viz. “CD” and “DVD”. It is better to use a DVD as the capacity of CD is too low for ISO image files and you will need multiple CDs for the purpose. Thus, it is better to use a single DVD instead of multiple CDs.

Under the DVD section, there will be links for different computer architectures such as 64-bit, 32-bit, etc. Most modern computers are built on 64-bit architectures nowadays. Thus, click on “amd64” link to navigate to ISO file download link page.

Scroll down the page to check the link for DVD-1. It will in the format “debian-version-architecture-DVD-serial_number.iso”. For example, “debian-10.2.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso”. Click on the link to download Debian 64-bit DVD–1 ISO file.

Debian Linux DVD-1 There would be options for DVD-2 and DVD-3 iso files as well. These additional DVD-2 & DVD-3 ISO files shall not be required for installation as these contains additional packages which can be downloaded and installed over internet later.

Click on latest version Debian Linux ISO file to download ISO file. The browser will prompt to save the ISO file. Save the ISO file to your computer. Wait for the download to finish.

Step 2: Download Rufus Flashing tool

In the meantime, while the Debian Linux ISO file is downloading, navigate to official web site of Rufus to download Rufus flashing Software tool for creating a bootable Flash Drive. Scroll down the page and click on the link to download latest version of Rufus tool under download section. Wait the download to finish and close the web browser.

Step 3: Flash Debian Linux ISO to USB Flash Drive

Go to the download location and open Rufus tool by executing downloaded Rufus file. The “Device” dropdown box will be empty. Insert a Flash Drive in the USB slot of your computer. Rufus will detect the Flash and display in “Device” dropdown box. Now browse and select the Debian Linux ISO file from download location by clicking on “Select” button. Type in Label for the flash drive of your choice or continue with default label. Keep other options with default values and click on “Start”. Click “Yes” to allow Rufus to download additional system files for compatibility with the given ISO file. Click “OK” and continue with recommended option to “Write in ISO Image mode”. Ensure that there is no important data on the Flash Drive (as it will be erased) and click “Ok” to continue flashing the drive. Wait for the flashing to finish. Click “Close” when Rufus window display “Ready” as status to close the Rufus Tool on successful flashing of Flash Drive.

Step 4: Set and Boot from bootable Flash Drive

On system boot, press a designated key (F10, F12, F2, Del, Esc, F9) to enter BIOS or UEFI Setup. It could be different on different make and model. Try other keys as per Make and Model of your computer. Search for the booting device settings and select USB Drive as the Booting Device. Save and Exit BIOS / UEFI setup. The system will restart. While booting, press the designated key (F9, F10, F12, F2, Del, Esc) to display Boot Menu. It will display the list of booting devices. Select USB Drive as Boot Device and Hit Enter.

If the system will boot from the flash drive, it will display Debian splash screen on your computer screen. Press “Enter” on “Graphical Install” option to begin installation of Debian Linux.

On the installation wizard select Language, Location, Keyboard Layout and click on continue to proceed on each wizard screen. Then type in a host name and domain name of your choice and click on continue to proceed. You can leave domain name as blank if not available. Then, enter and re-enter root password and click on continue to proceed. Type in the Full Name of the main user and click on continue to proceed. Type in a username for the user and continue. Enter and re-enter user password and click on continue to proceed. Ensure that root password and User password are different for security purposes. Select your time zone to set system clock and continue. Choose “Guided – use entire Disk” and continue. Select the hard disk and continue. Select single or multiple partitions as per your choice and continue. Select “Finish partitioning and write changes to disk” and continue. Select “Yes” option and continue. Wait till installation process is on-going.

The installation wizard will ask whether you are using multiple or single DVD for installation. Select “No” as you will be using only single DVD and continue. Ensure that your system is connected to internet and select “Yes” to use network mirror for downloading additional system files. Select a mirror nearest to your geographical location and continue. Wait till installation process is on-going. Select ‘Yes’ to participate in package usage survey or “No” as per your choice. Wait till installation process is on-going. Choose pre-defined collections of your choice or continue with default. Wait till installation process is on-going. Select “Yes” to install Grub on Master Boot Record to automatically boot in Debian upon restart. Select the Primary Hard Disk and continue. Wait till installation process is on-going. Remove Flash Drive and click on “Continue” to reboot the machine. The system will reboot. Wait while system is rebooting.

Upon reboot, boot loader screen will display various options to load operating system on your computer. Press Enter to load Debian Linux from your Hard Disk. Enter Login password and hit enter or press Sign In button to Login to the fresh installed Debian Linux. Debian Linux OS will be ready for your use. Use it as per your requirements.

Watch the practical demonstration of the above process in following video:

We hope the above information was useful for you. Alas! Information keeps on updating. Follow us on social media, subscribe to our blog or subscribe our YouTube Channel to receive latest updates.

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