Sonic dash for windows 10

A working version of the Sonic Dash Windows 10 App, here is a guide on how to install it. 

The game is quite bare, far different from the game as it is now, and some features are broken. From what I’ve seen the characters that cost real money are broken and unpurchaseable. This version also suffers from dipping performance, even on my highly above average gaming system.

This guide may look long, but I am breaking it into small steps to help those who are not tech-savvy

This guide was preformed on a Windows 10 64bit System

1. Download the .zip file, you will need a zip extractor to extract the file.

2. Extract the .zip and you should see a APPX file, a Security Certificate file, a Personal Information file, and a PVK file

3. DO NOT TOUCH THE APPX FILE, NOT YET! Instead, double click on the Security Certificate file. You should get a window open asking you to «Install Certificate…», click on this

4. Now, select «Local Machine», click Next, you may get a popup asking you for administrator privileges, select «Yes»

5. Select «Place all certificates in the following store», then click «Browse…», then scroll down until you see the folder «Trusted People». Double-click this and press «OK», press «Next» then «Finish»

6. Double click on the «Personal Information» file, repeat the same steps as last time, «Local Machine», «Yes» to the admin prompt, type nothing in the password box, «Place certificates in the following store», «Browse…», double-click «Trusted People», then «Finish»

7. Finally, double-click the APPX file, you should get a small Microsoft store popup, install the app, and if everything went smooth the app should be installed. You should be able to find the application by searching for the app name in the bottom-left search bar, or in the recently added apps section

Enjoy all Sonic’s speed in Windows

The most famous hedgehog of the video game world, Sonic the Hedgehog now arrives on Windows with the popular endless runner game Sonic Dash. You’ll be able to run, jump and collect rings at full speed on 3D settings that are definitely more enjoyable on your computer, rather than on your phone.

Go as far as you can with the fastest hedgehog in the world.

A fun, classic and renovated Sonic

  • Possibility to play with Sonic, Tails, Shadow and Knuckles.
  • Addictive endless runner game.
  • 3D settings.
  • Power-ups available to improve each character’s skills.
  • Battles against the final boss on each level.
  • Exclusive missions to add to the multiplier and earn more points.

Nobody has forgotten about the classic characters from the 90’s. Sega has known how to keep up the interest for its most representative character: an incredibly fast blue hedgehog.

Requirements and additional information:

  • Offers in-app purchases.

Lauriane Guilloux
Lauriane Guilloux

Hi, I’m Lauriane Guilloux. I grew up surrounded by gadgets and technology and everyone who knows me assumes that it will always be one of my greatest interests. I’ve evolved hand-in-hand with PCs, laptops, video gaming consoles, smartphones,…

Особенности игры

Соник Даш: беги и прыгай!

Мало кто из современных игроков не знает мультфильм о синем еже, бегающем, подобно молнии. Если кто-то и не видел эту историю, то наверняка слышал о ней. В 90-х приставки с ежом по имени Соник и его друзьями обладали огромной популярностью.

И сейчас, с появлением новых технологий, многие разработчики берутся за своеобразное переиздание старых классических игр. Sonic Dash на ПК — именно такая игра. Простая аркада, в которой бегущий персонаж собирает игровые бонусы и побеждает встречающихся ему на пути противников, не забывая преодолевать многочисленные препятствия.

Вы сможете выбрать себе персонажа из нескольких представленных. Кроме самого Соника, доступны: лисёнок Тейлз, ехидна Наклз и ещё один ёж Шедоу.

Геймплей: прохождение, особенности

Трёхмерная яркая графика, очень живая анимация! Персонажи узнаваемы для тех, кто с ними уже знаком, и просто радуют глаз тем, кто сталкивается с ними впервые. Геймплей очень простой, игра практически бесконечна. Ваш персонаж бегает по многочисленным извилистым локациям, собирая бонусы, чтобы в конце уровня сразиться с боссом и перейти на следующий, более сложный и интересный уровень

Обладая специальной способностью — dash — Соник может резко увеличивать силу своего рывка. Эта функция очень помогает при прохождении сложных участков. Но у неё есть свои ограничения: она требует времени на перезарядку и ограничена по использованию. Зато врагов Соник атакует автоматически, что изрядно экономит время и усилия. Все параметры суперрывка могут быть развиты дополнительно за счёт игровых бонусов, которые играющий персонаж собирает во время своего бесконечного бега. Это очень поможет при сражении с главным боссом — Заззо, но прежде чем добраться до него, придётся одолеть шесть его помощников.

Минимальные системные требования

Прежде чем скачать игру Sonic Dash на компьютер, следует убедиться, что ваша операционная система имеет подходящие параметры. Игра является очень «лёгкой» и может быть установлена на любую Windows, начиная от версии XP. Подойдёт система как в 32, так и в 64 разряда. Для установки на ОС ниже 8.1 необходимо иметь эмулятор андроид-устройства. На операционной системе, начиная с 8.1 и выше, игра может быть запущена без установки эмулятора.

Чтобы установить Sonic Dash на ПК, необходимо предварительно установить эмулятор андроид-устройства. Так как игра изначально предназначена для мобильных устройств, то без эмулятора не обойтись.

Запустив программу эмуляции, найдите игру по названию, введя его в строку поиска. Откройте подходящую страницу из предложенных и нажмите кнопку «Установить».

При необходимости нажмите на кнопку «Принять» и процесс инсталляции будет запущен автоматически, не требуя дополнительного контроля.

После завершения инсталляции рекомендуем перезапустить эмулятор.

Sonic Dash для Андроид

Скачать Sonic Dash на Android

Sonic Dash для iOS

Скачать Sonic Dash на iOS

Система управления

Управление в игре изначально предназначено для устройства с сенсорным экраном, поэтому на этапе обучения будут всплывающие подсказки предполагающие подобное управление: «проведите линию», «коснитесь экрана» и тому подобные. Играя в Sonic Dash на компьютере, все эти функции переносятся на клавиатуру и компьютерную мышь. Настроить удобные для вас кнопки можно индивидуально в специальной вкладке программы эмуляции андроид-устройства.

При первом запуске вам предоставят помощь в обучении, подсказки, всплывающие советы по процессу прохождения. Согласно установкам по умолчанию, основные функции привязываются к клавишам с указанием направлений: стрелка «вверх» отвечает за прыжок, «вниз» нажимают, чтобы проползти под препятствием или сбить противника перекатом. Стрелки, указывающие направление, помогут свернуть в сторону, чтобы собрать как можно больше монеток.

Для активации функции dash необходимо нажать на полоску с аналогичным названием в нижней части экрана. Также эта функция по умолчанию привязана к «пробелу».

Похожие игры

Среди аналогов первым делом можно упомянуть Sonic Boom, который, по сути, является продолжением описываемого приложения. Игра вышла через 2 года после того, как первая часть уже обзавелась многочисленными поклонниками. В новой версии добавлены локации, переработан дизайн обстановки и персонажей. Появился и новый герой — барсук по имени Стикс. Для расширения функций и локаций можно воспользоваться несколькими способами: накопить игровую валюту, просматривать встроенную рекламу, устанавливать сторонние приложения или внося реальные деньги.

По сути, любые игры-раннеры являются своеобразными аналогами описываемой игры. Все раннеры обычно отличаются сюжетом и деталями функций. Например, «Smile» — бег по офисным коридорам огромной корпорации. «Parallyzed» — повествует о приключениях двух сестёр-стихий, спасающих друг друга в рамках специфического аркадного раннера. «Pepi skate 2» — раннер с использованием скейта, с помощью которого можно передвигаться по городским улицам.

Практически любые гонки и раннеры всех разновидностей понравятся поклонникам «Соника».

Выводы: стоит ли устанавливать игру

Конечно, данная игра не имеет большого числа принципиальных отличий, но она, безусловно, понравится всем поклонникам аркад, раннеров и, конечно, любителям персонажей истории о Сонике и его друзьях.

Категория: Игры
Разработчик: SEGA
Операционная система: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Vista, Android
Распространяется: бесплатно
Размер: 69 Мб
Интерфейс: русский, английский

Скачать Sonic Dash бесплатно на ПК или ноутбук

Мы проверяем программы, но не можем гарантировать абсолютную безопасность скачиваемых файлов. Файлы скачиваются с официальных источников. Если вы сомневаетесь, проверьте с помощью программ антивирусов (ссылки на скачивание ведут на официальные сайты).

Download Sonic Dash on PC (Windows 10 and Prior)

If you were born in the ’90s or before, you must be a fanatic about this game named Sonic dash. I was checking out the google play store when I found this game. It revived all the memories of childhood, And as it was addicting in the youth, It was the same even in 2015.

For those who are not yet familiar with this game, Well, in this game, you have to play with a blue-colored creature, which looks like a modern hedgehog, its name is Sonic, and you have to jump and roll to avoid the enemies collecting the rings.

This game is available at the Apple app store for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. You can also play it on devices running on android, But to play on a PC with Windows 10 and prior, you will have to use an Android emulator.

In this post, I will guide you step by step on how you can play and download Sonic Dash on PC  with windows 10 and prior. For this, you will have to have an android emulator. In this guide, I will be using Bluestacks Player. You can also use another emulator to run this game on your PC.

If you want to run Sonic Dash on your Android device and cannot access the Google play store, You can download the APK file from the link below. After downloading, you just have to execute the APK file, and you are good to go. Now let us move on to how to Download Sonic Dash on PC.

Prerequisite Downloads:

Following are two downloadable files you will need in order to proceed. Sonic Dash APK file is stored on or mega cloud storage, Whereas Bluestacks Player download link from its official site is present below, So feel free to download. It is 100% secure to download the following two files on your PC.

  • Sonic Dash APK file
  • Bluestacks Player

How to Play and Download Sonic Dash on PC

Follow the following easy steps to download Sonic dash on PC and play this beautiful game.

  • First of all, download the Bluestacks Player from the link above.
  • Now you have to download the Sonic Dash APK file on your PC.
  • Run the Bluestacks player.
  • Locate the APK file of Sonic dash you just downloaded.
  • Run the APK file using Bluestacks.
  • Now Sonic dash can be played using Bluestacks on your PC with Windows 10 and prior.
  • Locate Sonic dash in the App drawer of bluestacks and run it.

Tip: You can also download Sonic dash directly from the Google Play store onto your PC using Bluestacks.

That’s all. Enjoy the game, and do give us feedback. If you have any issues regarding how to play and download Sonic Dash on PC, let us know in the comments, You can also request which game you want on your PC running on Windows 10.

Run faster, jump higher, spin and collect as many rings as possible with the SEGA mascot. In Sonic Dash for PC, the legendary blue hedgehog will have fun in a runner infinite game. Currently overtaken by certain titles of the same type such as Temple Run or Subway surfer, Sonic has not yet said his last word! Will it catch up with the competitors? Nothing is less sure. Nevertheless, with more than 500 million downloads on Android, this game remains among the best of its category. Here, we will show you how to download and install Sonic Dash on Windows and MacOS.

Name Sonic Dash Developer SEGA
Year of Launch 2013 File Size 536 Mo
Supported OS Android | iOS Category Runner Game
License Free In-App Purchases View the listBreeze Bundle | $3.99
Breakout Bundle | $3.99
Booster Bundle | $6.99
Chest Of Red Star Rings | $9.99
Classic Sonic | $3.99
Starter Bundle | $2.99
Sonic Dash Pocket Money | $1.99
Espio the Chameleon | $3.99
Free Revive | $1.99
Metal Sonic | $3.99
Language(s) English | French | German | Italian and 3 more. Store(s) Google Play Store | App Store
Official Website Rating

❭ 4.8 ✯ ❭ 6 votes

What is Sonic Dash for PC?

In fact, it’s a mix of a classic arcade game and a runner game where Sonic and his friends will run and spin around, beat enemies and save their world. Tails, Knuckles, Amy or even Shadow will be there by completing quests. The principle of Sonic Dash is therefore to sprint infinitely. The goal is to perform this action as far as possible while keeping the character alive. SEGA’s mascot doesn’t do it for fun as his mission is to fix ruined areas so animals can thrive there. Thus, during the adventure, our hero runs, takes loops and sweeps everything in his path.

Naturally, he must also dodge dangers, eliminate his enemies and unlock Items to go faster. The beginnings of Sonic Dash is one of the newest in the long list of Sonic titles. As a reminder, the very first title, called “Sonic The Hedgehog” which appeared in 1991, is a 2D platform game. Sonic Dash, launched in 2013 on appear on iOS and Android. This time, the developers have opted for a 3D runner game. It has also been available on Windows since 2014. Currently, there is even a Sonic Dash 2, called Sonic Boom. The PC game updates seem to be on stand-by for a few years now.

Sonic Dash for PC : An exciting free to play game

Sonic Dash is available in a free version and includes all the necessary options to inspire players but it still includes some paid In-App bonuses. For example, to unlock certain powerful characters, you will need to take out cash. You can also buy some ingenious items to go further and survive a little longer.

A 3D game with great graphics

Unlike previous Sonic games, in Sonic Dash, we mostly see the back of our favorite hedgehog. The interface is nicely decorated with an addictive visual to prevent the player from finding it monotonous. Thus, the latter will have morning scenery, sometimes beautiful sunsets. The animations as well as the effects of certain objects are also breathtaking, enough to make you want to spend a few hours there.

Attractive and fun gameplay

In the opus, the character will automatically run in a corridor divided into three parts. Simply tap continuously up or down and from right to left on your screen to boost the speed and manage directions. You also have to dodge obstacles. Above all, you will have to touch as many rings as possible by making a zigzag movement on your interface. As with other running games, you will find bonuses stars everywhere. You will have to take them if you want to improve your score and unlock more areas.

Also, your sprint will be safer if you do as you will gain speed and power. The fun part is that the faster your character runs, the more new environments you will discover and the better you will fight bosses. The objective is to fill the acceleration gauge so that you become invulnerable. You will also face Badnicks, robots in the form of animals created by Doctor Robotnik, which you will have to eliminate but these are just classic bots. To beat them, all you have to do is dodge first, then attack them at the right time.

Interface of Sonic Dash on Android available on Windows and Mac.

Sonic Dash is a funny running Game where you have to save the world from EggMan.

Install Sonic Dash for PC Windows using an emulator

BlueStacks and MEmu Play are famous Android emulators that work well with Windows and MacOS. With them, you can download and install Android and iOS applications on your computer and also use external hardware like your mouse and keyboard.

How to unlock other characters?

There are a multitude of characters available on Sonic Dash. Each of them has specific power-ups in addition to having a different visual of Sonic’s blue on your screen. Find popular hedgehogs such as Sonic and his friends Tails, Knuckles or Shadow and play with other characters like Amy, Blaze or Charmy. To unlock them, you need to:

Get More Red Star Rings

The most common way to unlock characters is to accumulate Red Stars. These are obtained by completing missions. For example, you can get Cream for 40 red stars and Blaze against 60 of them.

Restore predefined areas

There are characters that you can simply use when an area is no longer destroyed. If you manage to repair Seaside Hill Zone for example, Knuckles will be unlocked, for Amy, you have to free Beach Zone and for Miles, you have to restore Green Hill Zone.

Buy characters online

By paying directly in the application, you can find new characters and continue to play with more powers and some are exclusive to it. For example, the Espio Chameleon and Metal Sonic are available starting at $3.99.

All characters from Sonic Dash Running Game.

Sonic Dash let you play all characters from Sonic’s adventure. You can unlock them in game or purchase them in the application.

Few techniques to get to the end of the game

Avoid dying frequently

You have to dodge the various obstacles on the road to avoid dying and restarting the game each time. Most of the time, it’s because of the buildings that you can touch or the water in which you risk falling. Don’t forget the enemies on your way and remember that it costs rings to touch them if you aren’t at full speed.

Defeat enemies in Sonic Dash for PC

If you accidentally bump into enemies, your rings will decrease. Fortunately, there is a simple way to take them down easily: You have to run over them while the game counter is running. This will make you invulnerable despite running at high speed.

What types of upgrades can I buy on Sonic Dash for PC?

Many upgrades will be offered to you once you accumulate more rewards or Red Stars. Thus, you will have the choice between speed accelerators to go faster or a lightning start for example. The best is to opt for the improvements that will remain with your character for life. Forget the consumable items at once and think about saving instead.

How to accumulate more red stars?

You will need to complete Daily Challenges to get Red Stars for free, it’s not easy but they will be of great use to you on the way. A word of advice, don’t resurrect Sonic with them. That would be a waste, unless maybe you are about to break the world record…

What can I buy with red stars?

Unlock characters

Some characters can only be unlocked if you have purchased them with red stars.

Resurrect heroes

To prevent the race from stopping permanently, you will have to keep your character alive as long as possible but it’s not always easy with the various obstacles encountered. Thus, Sonic can be resurrected once for free. You only have to wait about ten seconds if you have fallen into water. Thereafter, if you fall again, you are dead and you must use a star to raise him. Nevertheless, the price will be doubled as the practice continues.

Strengthen character skills

To pass each level, you must increase your abilities. Using the red rings, you can improve the power of your favorite characters by obtaining new items. You also have the option of buying shields to protect yourself while running quickly.

Sonic Dash for PC daily challenges and rewards

To avoid monotony and often keep you on the game, there are unique missions to multiply the final score. Completing these daily challenges allows you to have more characters or generate more red star rings. To discover the quests of the day as well as the objectives available, just look in the Rewards section of the game. With the rewards obtained, you can, among other things, buy ring magnets for your supply of red stars along the way.

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