Software microsoft windows currentversion ufh shc

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  •  I have an start menu entry placed under this path on Win8 only. 


    Does anyone have an idea what this registry meant for ?


  • Hi mkr23,

    Can you please advise if you are creating a Metro App. The reason I ask is that Metro Style developers do not need write installers or uninstallers, as this is handled by the appx paclage process and not by the developer. Are you writing a Desktop app. If
    so then you might be better posting to either to the desktop Development Forums


    • Edited by

      Tuesday, July 24, 2012 9:15 PM

    • Proposed as answer by
      Wednesday, July 25, 2012 11:27 PM
    • Marked as answer by
      Thursday, May 9, 2013 4:48 PM

There isn’t such a setting. When I suggested during the beta/Developer Preview that they add such a setting, I was mocked with a reply that said «This is exactly like the Start menu behavior in windows 95. We didn’t want to delete any features» (mocking
the objection I have to removing choice/features from Windows).

Except in this case, I was asking them to add a choice to not auto pin because unlike the Start menu which has folders, the Start screen quickly becomes a mess. Apparently they think a flat view of all shortcuts is the same as the Windows 95 menu which neatly
organized those shortcuts into folders. Shows really how they don’t understand anything about UX.

Making software configurable and allowing users to make it function the way users want is not what Microsoft want. They are the new Apple, they will dictate how we should use our computers. It’s their way or the highway. They will also actively delete any
existing features and options the old features have. Better to avoid Windows 8.

I’m getting an error when I try to delete a registry key in a .bat file:

%SystemRoot%\System32\reg.exe delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\UFH\SHC" /v "    69    REG_MULTI_SZ    C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\UltraVNC\UltraVNC Server Settings.lnk\0C:\Program Files\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC\uvnc_settings.exe" /f

The error I am getting is:

    ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.

I am running from a user that has administrator rights and I run it as administrator.

This link shows what the sub key looks like:
enter image description here

music2myear's user avatar


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asked Jan 29 at 5:09

Docfxit's user avatar


I have figured out the answer to my cmd line.

@Echo Off
Set "Key=HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\UFH\SHC"
Set "Str=uvnc bvba"
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
If exist %~dpn0.txt del %~dpn0.txt
If exist %~dpn0Str.txt del %~dpn0Str.txt
for /F "tokens=1,2*" %%A in ('@%SystemRoot%\System32\reg.exe query "%Key%" /v * ^| find "%Str%"') DO @(Echo=@%SystemRoot%\System32\reg.exe delete "%Key%" /v "%%A" /f
if not errorlevel 1 echo Deleted "%%A" from "%Key%" >>%~dpn0.txt 
echo %%C >>%~dpn0Str.txt
cmd /k

This gives me the subkey name in %%A
This gives me the subkey data in %%C

Note: Echo= before the reg delete needs to be removed for it to execute
Note: This must be run as administrator

answered Jan 30 at 5:50

Docfxit's user avatar


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This blog post series has been inspired by a presentation at E2EVC on how to Optimize Logon Times to 3 seconds and fellow CTP Claudio Rodrigues who published a photo showing ControlUp Insights Logon Average of 4 seconds.

This 2nd post will show you how to Optimize the Operation System which will reduce the overall login times.

Previous Posts

Optimize Logon Times – Part 1: Citrix Director

OS Optimization

In the last blog post we achieve real login times in Citrix Director and got an average login time of 6.10 seconds with 50 brand new profiles. I forgot to mention that the Operating System was already some optimized according to Citrix’s Windows 8 and Server 2012 Optimization Guide.

You might know there’s a lots of stuff added to the Run key that steals unnecessary memory and CPU resources. By removing unneeded software you’ll likely get a higher user density AND a faster login as a bonus.


Group Policy CC Optimize Logon Times

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  • StatusTray – Provisioning Services
  • vDesk VDI – Personal vDisk
  • DisableStatus – Slow logon with black screen (Citrix XenApp 7.6 Slow Logon)


The DisableStatus fix is an interesting one, it might or might not apply to your environment. I just added it to see if it had any effect on Citrix XenApp 7.9 which it didn’t. Now if you have read the comments from Helge Klein’s post linked above there’s now a new problem.

We have found one thing slowing down our logons on XA7.6 and Win2012R2 – both with and without FR3. Using Process Monitor we could see Windows Explorer was trying to delete registry entries in HKCU\…\UFH\SHC.

We deleted all entries in this registry key for a user, then when the user next logged in the logon was around 30 seconds faster!

Again this didn’t have any big effect in my environment, but it’s a lab with temporary users. Take a look inside of the registry key and see if you have tons and tons of entries. There should only be x number equal to x number of shortcuts.


Registry Start Menu Icons

I did try to delete these entries at logon, but that broke my application shortcuts. So I found out that a better way was to add the location to the registry exclusion list in Citrix Profile Manager.

Citrix UPM Registry Exlusion

Now with brand new profiles the login time dropped from 6.10 to 5.60 seconds. An interesting observation is marked in red below. The first logons to each server is around 10-15 seconds and then it drops below 5 seconds (resources loaded into memory).


Running a new test with existing profiles give a login time of 4.28 seconds. A difference of 1.30 seconds between a new and existing profile.


As you remember from the last post Citrix Director shows a higher login time because of the way it starts the clock. There’s an excellent whitepaper from Goliath Technologies called The Complete Guide to Understanding the Citrix Logon Process for XenApp/XenDesktop which is HIGHLY recommended.


Now these 50 ms (new profile) probably seems like nothing, but you need to remember that I’m running on the worlds fastest consumer SSD storage. So where I gain 50 ms you’ll probably gain 10-15 seconds which makes a great deal. Please share you experience with these tunings in the comments below.


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Friday 30th of September 2022


Я использую Windows 8.1.

После того, как я вхожу, на экране больше 3 минут ничего не появляется, затем открывается Windows Explorer и запускаются все остальные мои автозагрузки. Я могу нажать CTRL + ALT + DELETE и запустить диспетчер задач, хотя Windows Explorer еще не открылся.

Пару месяцев назад (у меня была эта проблема некоторое время), я открыл диспетчер задач, запустил Process Monitor и посмотрел, что происходит. В глаза мне попалось то, что Windows Explorer пытался удалить записи реестра в HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ UFH \ SHC, но не смог найти ни одной записи, которую пытался удалить.

Это продолжается все время, пока проводник Windows все еще не виден (более 3 минут).

Вот изображение того, что показывает Process Monitor

Как видите, он пытается удалить записи реестра, но ни одно из имен не найдено.

Когда я запускаю Windows в безопасном режиме, у нее нет этой проблемы.

Вот мои установленные программы

Мои вопросы: что делает Windows Explorer, почему он это делает, и что я могу сделать, чтобы решить проблему? Я пытался удалить Avira, прежде чем посмотреть, было ли это причиной, но это не помогло. Я также пытался отключить все программы запуска (не переходя в безопасный режим), но это тоже не помогло.

1 ответ на вопрос


Try to start regedit, find HKEY_Current_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\UFH\SHC select all entries under that key and delete them.

This is ONLY «Start Menu Cache» and should not change anything, it will be rebuilt (with correct numbers) on next logon.

After that you will have quick logons again for a while.

You could make a .reg file or policy for that but that needs to be run «on logout», those entries are useful (when they are correct).

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