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Anti-WebMiner version 1.1
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Общие обсуждения
сеть — домен на server 2003
проблемная машина xp.
вообщем стояла ось xpsp1 — пролез какой-то вирусняк (с процессом spools.exe) вылечил, поставил pandu antivir, но суть не в этом.
в процессах висит один из svchostov — и грузит систему постоянно на 30-40-50 процентов.
методом тыка нашел какой сервис принадлежит ему — оказался DNS-Client.
поставил sp2 +все заплатки — не помогло.
В принципе при отключении данной службы, все работает хорошо.
Вопрос1 — можно ли вылечить ЭТО.
и второй — мне вообще-то все равно — могу отключить службу — Чем это чревато?
ЗЫ. проверял несколькими антивирями, все путем.
Изменен тип
26 ноября 2010 г. 14:43
Изменен тип
After installing Fall Creators Update (KB4058043, KB4057247, KB4055237, KB4055994) on Windows 10 Pro 1709 (16299.125) I noticed a long delay in the opening of websites.
- The DNS Client service load is about 25% CPU.
- You can’t open any website and get access to the internet at all for several minutes.
- The hosts file size is 1185 Kb (43211 lines).
- In the Event Viewer appears an error 7011 from Service Control Manager — «A timeout (30000 milliseconds) was reached while waiting for a transaction response from the Dnscache service».
- The DNS Client service load ~25% CPU and 20,7 MB RAM.
- DNS lookup works, but in the same time ping to any IP doesn’t, just freezes.
- Process Monitor shows that svchost.exe reads the hosts file for a «long» time.
After a while I decided to go back to this problem and check how long does it take for the «DNS Client» service to read the hosts file.
Number of lines (with comments) | Number of real lines (only domains) | hosts file size, bytes | Windows 10 Home 1709 (16299.251) | Windows 10 Pro 1803 (17134.137) | |
Version of svchosts.exe file | 10.0.16299.15 | 10.0.17134.1 | |||
Freeze | Yes | Yes | |||
hosts #1 (1000 lines) | 1 000 | 1 000 | 28 888 | <1 s. | <1 s. |
hosts #2 (43k lines with comments) | 43 211 | 38 487 | 1 213 150 | ~32 s. | ~58 s. |
hosts #3 (#2 compressed) | 38 487 | 38 487 | 1 090 350 | ~26 s. | ~48 s. |
- Use short hosts file (up to 1000 lines).
- Compress hosts file:
- Remove all comments.
- Replace «» (loopback Internet protocol (IP) address) to «» (non-routable meta-address).
- Disable «Dnscache» service, but it may hurt something else.
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Hello Everyone,
The past couple of days I’ve noticed an unusually high CPU utilization from one of the svchost.exe processes. Upon deeper inspection it turns out that the DNS Client (Dnscache) is the culprit. I’ve been able to curb the CPU thrasing (constant 60-80%) by disabling the DNS Client service on startup.
Does anyone know if this is a known (and unresolved) issue? I’ve checked so many forums, blogs, etc. but there doesn’t seem to be a good answer, everyone is just grasping. I tried the search function on this site but wasn’t successful either.
I’m running Vista Enterprise 32-bit SP1 on a Dell Latitude D630 with the latest Windows updates and Dell drivers/firmware.
Thanks for any help you can offer!
Please understand that Microsoft provides different support services which have different service levels and support boundaries. Regarding this issue (high CPU), it is necessary to collect related dump file to analyze the root cause. However, debugging service is out of our Forum support boundaries. I’d like to recommend that you contact Microsoft Customer Support Service (CSS) for assistance, the support professionals there are better qualified to assist you.
To obtain the phone numbers for specific technology request please take a look at the web site listed below:
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=fh;EN-US;PHONENUMBERSThank you for your understanding.