Скачать windows 10 20h1 iso

Windows 10 Version 2004 (20H1) 64-bit edition, released May 27, 2020. This ISO is the point-zero release of the operating system, meaning that it does not include any updates or patches released after. This ISO includes both the Home and Pro editions.

This ISO was downloaded from the Microsoft Software Download Center and is being uploaded here to archive and preserve older releases of Windows. Activation keys are not included with this download.

2020-10-06 15:20:12
Reviews allowed
Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4



Reviews can no longer be added to this item.


March 1, 2023
great for old dvs with 4.7 gigs

this is the last version of windows to put 64 bit versions on a dvd if you one laying around this is useful and a drive for it on a modern pc and then later on update it to 21h2 so no flash drive needed.


June 7, 2022

This is pretty useful. Since I never update, I use Windows 10 2004, I copy those files from my host to edit files, since I’m lazy to get from a VM.

Лучшая игровая сборка виндовс 10 без лишнего хлама подойдёт даже на слабый компьютер. Бесплатно скачать Windows 10 x64 для игр без лишнего v2004 русский ISO образ 1.4Gb торрент для установки через флешку.
С большой радостью презентуем вам новую игровую гибридную сборку Home Hybrid Compact x64. Основной принцип ее конструкции – использование загрузчика Флибустьера для супер-урезанной лайт-сборки Лопаткина. Но кроме этого еще много чего было проделано, чтобы превратить эту систему в полноценную игровую сборку. Было предусмотрено все нужное, чтобы не было конфликта между загрузчиком от одного автора и самой системой от другого автора. Хотим сразу предупредить, что системы Лопаткина не проходят (обычно) sfc /scannow, потому что данный автор капитально урезает WinSxS и, соответственно, с установкой/удалением «Компонентов Windows», а также с обновлениями возникают проблемы. Вот это 2 самых значимых минуса лайт-сборок Лопаткина, но зато во всех остальные отношениях система работает очень круто, экономично и быстро. Настоятельно советуем не убирать отметку с установки StartIsBack, потому что на сборках lbn часто замечаются проблемы со стандартным «Пуск», которые StartIsBack полностью ликвидирует. В общем, можете оставлять в flblauncher все как есть по умолчанию, а после завершения инсталляции обязательно запустите Restart.cmd В систему добавлено практически все нужное дополнительное ПО, что может вам потребоваться в играх, да и в целом сборка отлично настроена, включая повышенный уровень конфиденциальности (Лопаткин по максимуму вырезал телеметрию). По тестам данная сборка отлично работает. Даже предыдущая Hybrid Compact заполучила положительный рейтинг и немало позитивных отзывов за долгий период, следовательно, сборка такой конструкции имеет право на существование.

Дата обновлений: 09.07.2020
Версия: Win10 2004 Hybrid Compact Home [19041.331]
Разрядность: 64-бит
Язык Интерфейса: RUS Русский
Таблетка: по умолчанию — вечная активация
Первоисточник: www.microsoft.com
Автор установщика: by Flibustier
Автор оригинала системы: by Lopatkin
Создатели сборки: специалисты windows64.net
Размер образа: 1,42 Gb

Загрузить Windows 10 x64 для игр без лишнего v2004 русский ISO образ торрент

Требования к железу: проц не ниже 2х1 ГГц, не менее 2 ГБ ОЗУ, 5 ГБ места и видео под DX9.

Преимущества новой версии Hybrid Compact
Представленная версия Hybrid Compact – лучше, чем предыдущая, по многим характеристикам.
-Во-первых, система – не инсайдерская, а базовая официальная Виндовс 2004 с нужными апдейтами. То есть, никаких тайм-бомб у нее нет, ну и в целом гораздо более стабильна.
-Во-вторых, были интегрированы требуемые dll’ки (для самых разных программ и игр) – Visual C++ (2005-2019) и, конечно же, в полном объеме DirectX. После установки система будет запрограммирована на использование именно нового NET Framework 4.8.
-В-третьих, был решен вопрос с подкачкой. Лопаткин, как известно, ее всегда отключают, а потом многие забывают ее включить. Поэтому по умолчанию будет задействован твик, включающий подкачку – причем, с оптимизированным размером.
-В-четвертых, Store нормально ставится с flblauncher, и вам не надо его установщик искать где-либо еще.
Ну и еще одно отличие от предыдущей версии: вечная активация, которая будет произведена по умолчанию, если вы не отключите данную опцию.

Важные особенности сборки
-Обратите внимание, что это Home, а не Pro или Enterprise, а потому даже изначально нет Bitlocker. Отсутствует и групповая политика.
-Лопаткин повырезал даже многие полезные вещи, как например, Internet Explorer и Paint. Поэтому перед установкой игровой сборки скачайте заранее установщик Chrome. Он вам пригодится, т.к. браузеров в данной Виндовс нет вообще.
-В сборке нет сенсорных/экранных клавиатур, отсутствуют восстановление, Xbox, речь, Hyper-V, IIS, рукописный ввод, Metro-хлам, заставки, шрифты стран Азии, InputMethod, IE11, MigWiz, все кеши, Защитник, Кортана, Paint, Edge, IME. Также эта сборка – не для тех, кому нужно создать локальную сеть, ведь само сетевое обнаружение не работает.
-Данная система примерно 0.8-0.9 ГБ RAM потребляет после старта, это очень экономичное значение для Win10 2004. Место тоже занимает по минимуму. Те, у кого SSD с малой емкостью, наверняка останутся очень довольными такой экономией пространства. Одно дело, когда система всего несколько гигабайт занимает, и совсем другое, — когда больше 20 ГБ. В оригинале 10-ки чрезмерно много хлама, а в лайт-системах от LBN почти весь этот хлам отсутствует.

Полезные рекомендации
Когда вы запустите скрипт Restart.cmd, он произведет финальную конфигурацию – с использованием ShutUp10. Она нужна для повышенной (а точнее, максимальной) конфиденциальности. В ней можете выбрать хоть все настройки (или только рекомендуемые – чтобы вообще без риска), но соглашаться на перезагрузку в ShutUp10 не нужно. Осуществив настройки и подтвердив их, просто закроете окно данной программы, чтобы скрипт мог завершить свою задачу полностью, а затем он сам осуществит рестарт ПК.
Еще важный совет: если есть принтер, вам потребуется перевести Диспетчер печати в автоматический режим и запустить данную службу.

Дополнительная информация
Система Лопаткина была подобрана из категории максимально урезанных сборок. В принципе, вы сами видите по размеру сборки, что в ней под корень урезано очень многое. Такая минималистичная Виндовс подойдет не каждому. Еще хотим заметить, что многие проблемы с предыдущей версией Hybrid Compact были связаны с тем, что ее основа была инсайдерской десяткой, а эта сборка – уже на основе проверенного релиза. Не должны быть грубые ошибки, связанные с железом и с вылетом игр – также и потому, что рискованных твиков для оборудования в системах Лопаткина нет.
Создание такой гибридной сборки оправдано гармоничным сочетанием преимуществ flblauncher и капитальной урезкой LBN. Кроме того, одни хвалят Флибустьера, другие – Лопаткина, и вот, пожалуйста, сборка, которая сочетает профессионализм и того, и другого сборщика. Ну и от себя (а вернее, от Microsoft) мы добавили VC++, DirectX – чтоб юзеры не заморачивались их установкой, а также решили вопросы с подкачкой, обеспечили гармоничное взаимодействие установщика с системой. Если вы оставите все настройки установщика, как они представлены, то все должно работать оптимально. В ISO образах допускается установщик браузера и некоторые пользовательские изменения по умолчнию для браузера Chrome, каждый может без проблем изменить настройки браузера на свои предпочтительные. Все авторские сборки перед публикацией на сайте, проходят проверку на вирусы. ISO образ открывается через dism, и всё содержимое сканируется антивирусом на вредоносные файлы.

Параметры образа Windows 10 x64 для игр без лишнего v2004 русский ISO образ:

      Поиск в Панели задач:


      Наличие Магазина Microsoft Store:


      Способность обновляться (по Windows Update) :


      Адаптация сборки для игр:


      Степень урезки:


      Уровень популярности по скачиваниям:


      Репутация автора:


      Оценка качеству сборки (от windows64.net):


The latest version of Windows 10 20H1, i.e the version 1903 Build 18875 is now officially available for PC running a stable version of Windows 10. As usual, Microsoft has brought the beta or testing version in it’s famous Windows Insider program. If you want to get it downloaded you can enable the Windows Insider Setting and download it automatically on your system.

You can easily download the Windows 10 20H1 build 18875 ISO file on your desktop or laptop computers. Then you can easily install it using the Bootable USB option. Or if you have downloaded it on your PC, You can still run the setup using the simple steps and upgrade your current version of Windows.

Widnwos 10 20H1 iSO file download

Main features of Windows 10 20H1 ISO:

What’s new in Build 18875

Options Redesigned for Windows Hello

Security shouldn’t be intimidating, and we aspire to help you eliminate passwords. That’s why we want to make sure you can easily set up your first line of defense. By securing your device with Windows Hello. Your feedback that the previous design was cluttered, and confusing is what drove us to simplify the Sign-in options Settings. We believe this update will help you choose the safest and fastest sign-in option for your needs. whether that’s using a PIN or a biometric factor like fingerprint or facial recognition.

Ultimately, we want to help you make the right decision for your situation. By condensing each sign-in option into a list that explains individual properties and next step for setup, we hope you feel more informed the next time you decide how you want to sign in using enhanced security features with Windows Hello.

Input Improvements

Expanding SwiftKey’s Typing Intelligence to More Languages: In RS5 we started working on bringing SwiftKey’s AI technology to Windows. So we are excited to announce that we’re expanding support to the following languages:

  • English (Canada) – en-CA
  • English (India) – en-IN
  • Canada (French) – fr-CA
  • Belgium (French) – fr-BE
  • French (Switzerland) – fr-CH
  • Portuguese (Portugal) – pt-PT
  • German (Switzerland) – de-CH
  • Spanish (United States) – es-US

If you’re a touch keyboard user that writes in any of these languages, please try out the text predictions and shapewriting in this build and let us know how it feels for you. If you’d like to compare how the keyboard feels with and without this change, check the options for supported languages under Settings > Devices > Typing > Suggestions and Autocorrections.

Using a physical keyboard? Therefore Hardware keyboard text suggestions are also supported with the above languages now. Text suggestions for the hardware keyboard is a learning tool we originally introduced in RS4, and expanded language support for with RS5. If you’d like to try it out in one of the supported languages. So you can do so by enabling the “Show text suggestions as I type” feature under Settings > Devices > Typing.

Windows 10 19H1 Build 18272 ISO Download Link

Although still there is no assistant tool just like the Windows 10 1903 Update, it still gets updated.

Issues and errors While Installing Windows 10 Build 18875 [20H1]:

The Windows insider program users have reported some errors in this latest update. Most prominent of those are the 

  1. 0xca00a000 Error
  2. 0x80242016 Error

The main cause of the issue has been identified and developers at Microsoft are already fixing it. The main culprit is the older Build 18362.53 (KB4495666) Cumulative Update that was released early last week which has caused updates to Build 18875 to fail.

Download Windows 10 20H1 Build 18875 ISO file on your System:

You can download the ISO images by clicking on the below link

Windows 10 20H1 ISO

Thanks to the best source for Windows download links on twitter.

Download 5403
File Size 0.00 KB
Create Date August 17, 2021
Last Updated October 9, 2023

Download Windows 10 ISO (both 64-bit and 32-bit) without cost. Download the most recent Windows 10 ISO file (x86 and x64) that can be used to boot the operating system. Get the iso file on your computer and use it to make a DVD or bootable USB drive.
Standard Windows 10 Functions
Though Microsoft adds and removes features from Windows 10, there are a few that have come to define the operating system.
We’ll take a look at these features in general, but recognize that they may differ between variants.
A Windows 7-style start menu integrated with cutting-edge software. Microsoft’s Cortana Assistant is a voice-activated digital helper. Microsoft Edge is a cutting-edge web browser with many useful features. Easy multi-tasking with Task View. Any time you receive a notification that requires your attention, it will be displayed in the Notification Center. Settings is Windows’s equivalent of a traditional control panel. Windows 10 updates: always have the most recent fixes, enhancements, and security patches available. Compatibility with home computers, portables, handhelds, and mobiles. Launch programs in both full-screen and regular windows. User Interface Fine-Tuned for Touch Screens (without keyboard and mouse). DirectX 12 allows you to fully take advantage of your computer’s resources, resulting in superior visuals in games and movies. A specialized set of buttons designed to improve the gaming experience.

Variants of Windows 10
Each major version of Windows 10 includes the following features and improvements:
1. Home
2. Pro s3. Enterprise
4. Education
Enterprise LTSC and a few other editions exist, but they are not part of the standard distribution. Microsoft alternates between releasing and skipping such editions. Microsoft can either skip over them or replace/cancel them with newer versions. Therefore, users should pay attention to the standard editions that come out with each version update and consistently update to the most recent versions.
There is no «Ultimate» version of Windows 10 available, as there was with Windows 7. Since there was no ultimate edition of Windows 8 either, it’s possible that it will never come out.
Let’s compare and contrast the various Windows 10 editions to see which one suits your needs.
A Home Version of Windows 10
Home Edition is the most basic version of Windows 10. Regular computer work should be fine with it. In general, if you only need a computer for casual use and light office tasks, the home edition should be fine. The Home version isn’t as stripped down as its name suggests. When compared to Windows 7 Home Edition, Windows 10 Home offers greater customization options and functionality. One such restriction is that the 64-bit version of Home can only use up to 128 GB of RAM memory. In all seriousness, we’re in the year 2021, and 128 GB of memory is still not commercially available. The most advanced gaming PCs feature up to 16 GB of RAM.
Windows 10 Pro (Professional) is designed for businesses and professionals who rely heavily on computers in their line of work, whether it be for photography, video editing, troubleshooting, virtualization, etc.
The Windows 10 Professional edition has everything the Home edition does plus the following:
Features like BitLocker, Windows To Go, Hyper-V, and Windows domain membership are especially helpful for enterprises.
As much as 2 terabytes of RAM can be used in the 64-bit version of Windows 10 Pro.
The Windows 10 Enterprise edition is tailored to the needs of large enterprises and IT departments. In comparison to previous releases, this one packs the most functionality. Even though it seems like a fantastic option with a ton of features, you and your business might not actually end up using very many of them.
Only businesses that either directly employ IT specialists or have a dedicated IT department will benefit from using Windows 10 Enterprise. It’s commonly agreed that the Enterprise version is overkill for small businesses and people who aren’t familiar with IT.
To install and use the Enterprise version of Microsoft Office, you will need a valid Volume License.
Features like AppLocker, Device Guard, DirectAccess, Virtualization, Microsoft Apps, and more are included in the Enterprise edition, which is in addition to everything included in the Pro edition.
The 64-bit edition of Windows 10 Enterprise can use up to 2 terabytes of RAM.
OS X Yosemite for School Use
Windows 10 Education is tailored specifically for educational institutions such as schools, colleges, universities, libraries, and the like. In order to activate and use Windows 10 Education, a Microsoft Academy Volume License must be purchased.
This edition is nearly identical to the Enterprise one, minus a few specialized business tools. The Windows 10 Education edition contains all of the features found in Windows 10 Pro.

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We do not own the app/game/software nor are we affiliated with the download content (app, game, etc.) in any form. We are not the developer of downloadable content (apps, games, software, etc.). We have only hosted the download links from globally available resources.

Though we try our best to avoid spreading pirated content, if found, that item should be considered developed by independent developers who help to contribute to the internet community. This website/blog only hosts the link to the file from the global resource of third-party file hosting services. You may contact either the concerned file hosting service team or the developer for any queries. For further information, visit our DMCA and Privacy Policy pages.

Windows 10 2004 May 2020 Update (20H1) was publicly released on May 27, 2020, it was the ninth major update to Windows 10, which was preceded by version 1909. Compared to version 1909, Windows 10 brings many new features and updates to this release, such as Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 2, Cortana as a separate app with chat-based user interface, support for Windows Hello PIN sign-in in safe mode, password-less sign-in, full support for emoji 12, new disk type view in task manager, updated calculator app, redesigned network status page, new restart apps setting in sign-in options, UI improvements for tablet experience, improved Bluetooth pairing experience, multiple kaomoji added to emoji panel, optional driver support in Windows Update, new icons, fresh new experience for 2-in-1 convertible PCs, integrated file explorer in Windows subsystem for Linux, new default apps experience in settings, Windows Cloud Reset (cloud download), rename virtual desktops, the Xbox game bar now supports third-party widgets, Microsoft Edge reduced memory usage, improvements to Notepad, the «Your Phone» app gets more new features, and more.

General information from Windows 10 (for all versions and releases)

Windows 10 (the successor to Windows 8 / 8.1) was released for the first time to public on July 29, 2015, it was available for many device platforms like desktop / laptop PC, smartphone, tablet etc., and it uses the same software ecosystem in all platforms. Windows 10 is an operating system as a service for consumers and businesses. According to Microsoft, Windows 10 is based on ‘software as a service’ model in which the operating system receives ongoing updates rather than issuing a full new version. Windows 10 introduces Universal Windows Platform, a platform on which developed apps can work in all Windows 10 devices. In Windows 8, Universal Applications work in fullscreen, while in Windows 10, those apps work as normal software applications in a normal window.

The Windows 7-like start menu is back in the Windows 10, with app tiles like Windows 8 / 8.1. Users can change the start menu size to either full screen or small size. All types of applications can be snapped on the screen, which lets you work together. The taskbar has a task view icon that allows you to easily switch to different open apps, or create a new virtual desktop. Windows 10 includes two user interface (UI) modes, one is optimized for devices with keyboard and mouse, and the other is for a touch screen device.

Microsoft introduced several new features and applications in Windows 10’s first release such as Microsoft Edge Browser, Cortana Virtual Assistant, Universal Windows Platform, New Start Menu, Task View and Virtual Desktops, DirectX 12, Game bar, Multi-factor user authentication, Snap Assist, Notification centre, and more.

Windows 10 is available in many different editions, for home PCs, you can download a Home or Pro version, and for business computers you can install the Enterprise Edition, and in academic institutions you can use the Education edition of the operating system. Brief information about each PC edition of Windows 10 is given below:

Home — The Home Edition is the basic version of the operating system, designed for home PC users, and available for PC and tablet devices. It has all the new notable Windows 10 features such as Cortana Virtual Assistant, Edge Browser, Mobile Management Facility, Virtual Desktops in Task View, etc., while going for features like BitLocker, Windows, DirectAccess, not available in the Home version. The 32-bit version of the Home Edition supports up to 4 GB RAM, and the 64-bit version supports 128 GB RAM.

Pro — The Pro Edition is designed for home PC users, professionals, and small businesses, and is available for PC and tablet devices. It includes all the features of Home Edition, and more like BitLocker, Joining Windows domain, Hyper-V, Windows To Go, and more business features are included. The 64-bit version of the Pro edition supports 2 TB RAM in the system.

Enterprise — Enterprise Edition features most of all editions in terms of features, security, and hardware / software support. It is available for Microsoft Volume Licensing customers, and is designed for the use in small and large organizations. It includes all the features of the PRO version, and includes more business-oriented features like AppLocker, Microsoft Application Virtualization, Device Guard, DirectAccess, and more. The 64-bit version of Enterprise Edition supports up to 2 TB RAM.

Education — Education Edition is designed for educational institutions (for example, schools, colleges, etc.), it is available for institutions that own the Microsoft Academy Volume License. In terms of features and hardware / software support, it includes all the features of the PRO version, and is similar to the Enterprise Edition.

Since Windows 10 version 1511, Cortana works without the need for a Microsoft account.

As of Windows 10 version 1607, Microsoft Edge browser support browser extensions.

In Windows 10 version 1703 a new app called ‘Paint 3D’ was introduced.

Windows Mixed Reality, 3D features in Photos app, 3D in Microsoft Office, was introduced in Windows 10 version 1709.

Version 1803 includes Timeline in Task View, and Microsoft Fluent Design implementation in some part of the operating system.

Version 1809 includes Dark Mode in File Explorer, A new Phone Management app, Snip & Sketch Screenshot Tool, New Emojis, New Game Bar tool, etc.

Version 1903 includes separate search bar and Cortana in the taskbar, Windows sandbox, Notepad improvement and light theme.

The version 1909 has improved battery life and performance, and includes some new features.


Available in 110+ languages
CPU Platform(s) IA-32, X86-64
License Commercial


System requirements

Minimum for all Windows 10 editions (apply to version 2004):

  • 1 GHz processor or higher.
  • 1 GB (32-bit), 2 GB (64-bit) of RAM.
  • 32 GB disk space.

Installation instructions (clean installation)

Starting installer in PC (via USB)

Follow the steps given below:

  1. Download the Windows 10 ISO image file from the download section.
  2. Install a USB bootable creation software (such as Rufus) on your Windows computer.
  3. Plug in a USB flash drive (at least 8-16 GB of space) with your computer.
  4. Open the USB bootable creation software, and select the ISO image file of Windows 10, and start the process.
  5. As soon as done, plug the bootable USB into a system where you want to install Windows 10.
  6. Restart the computer.
  7. Press the boot device menu key and select USB to boot first.
  8. Select USB device and start the Windows 10 installer.

Starting installer in VMware

  1. Download the Windows 10 ISO image file from the download section.
  2. Launch the VMware Player, and start creating a new virtual machine.
  3. Select the ISO image file of Windows 10, and use the default settings for the virtual machine.
  4. Start the virtual machine and go to the Windows 10 installer.

Starting installer in VirtualBox

  1. Download the Windows 10 ISO image file from the download section.
  2. Launch the Virtualbox application on your computer, and start creating a new virtual machine.
  3. Select Windows 10 and use defualt settings for the virtual machine.
  4. Start VM and when it asks to select the Host Drive, then select the downloaded Windows 10 ISO file in step 1.

Last step

As soon as you go to the Windows 10 install screen, follow the steps given below:

  1. Select language, time, etc. settings, go to next, and press ‘Install Now’.
  2. Type your product key and proceed. (If you do not have any product key yet, you can skip the step and later activate Windows)
  3. Select the installation type on Custom (Advanced).
  4. On the partition selection screen, if your PC already has a Windows installed, then select Windows Drive and format the partition. Or, select the Unallocated space, click the Drive Options link and create a new partition.
  5. Select the primary partition, press Next, and start the installation.
  6. Wait while Windows 10 is being installed on your PC, your computer may restart several times during installation, don’t press any key and do not eject the USB drive.
  7. As soon as this is complete, it will ask you the product key, type your key, or click on the ‘Do this later’ text link.
  8. Use Express Settings, and create a user account.
  9. Follow the on-screen instructions and complete the installation.
  10. As soon as you go to the desktop screen, eject the USB drive from the PC.

Windows activation keys, or any kind of pirated content (for example, crack, patch, activator, etc.) are not included in the download file.

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