Скачать vb6 для windows 10

Visual Basic is one of the easiest programming languages both in the present and back in the past. Before going any further, remember we are providing the setup file to download Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 for Windows OS. Visual Basic is an IDE and completely different from Visual Basic .NET.

As we mentioned before Visual Basic is a great IDE that is suitable for both beginners and professionals. Using the application within low resources you can perform amazingly great work.

The application was released with the code name “Aspen”. It was developed by Microsoft and was released in June of 1998. Visual Basic was released for the support of Visual Basic programming language.

VB6 aka Visual Basic 6 was the last version of the application by Microsoft to support Windows 9X (The Windows 9X starts from MS-DOS to Windows 2000). It was also the last version to include Visual J++, integration with Internet Explorer for using java virtual machine.

From a great developing environment to providing a number of tools, VB6 has it all. For developers with experience or for someone who performs developing as a hobby, it is a great option. As the application is compatible with Visual. Net, C, C++, JavaScript, Java, Python, and numbers of other programming languages.

The application is also compatible with Windows, iOS, and Android. When it comes to tools, Visual Basic provides a number of tools and services to work on high end and complicated projects.

Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 has tools like editors with bookmarking, syntax highlighting, and a rich toolbox that enables the users to search instantly and code browsing. Other than editors with bookmarking and syntax highlighting, options like advanced coding, debugging profiling and testing tools are also available.

While using the application you will notice that it has a friendly interface. You will experience a welcoming interface with numerous options.

The application has a friendly GUI with full options to bring changes to properties like borders types, color, and hue settings.

Other tools like brush, pencil, and more are also accessible. A wide range of handy features like zooming in or out for diagram or editors, multi-monitor support, quick drag and drop, easy navigation through code, methods, variables, and files.

download visual basic 6
download visual basic 6.0

You are here to download Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 full standalone setup file for your Windows 10. However, before you download and install it on your system. You will need to download the latest version of Java on your system, as to start the installation it is required to have Java on your system.

So, here is the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 for your Windows 10 with latest performance and compatibility updates.

System requirements for VB6

Before you download Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, make sure you have the following specs:

For operating systems Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 will work. Still, we would like to recommend you not to use the application on windows 7. As the application doesn’t quite get along with Windows 7.

There is a requirement for 256 MB of RAM memory with 100 MB of free storage space. The application can be used on Intel Pentium III or any latest version.

Related: Download Arduino IDE for your Windows

What is Visual Basic used for?

Visual Basic 6.0 is an application that provides a solid and easy to use environment for the developers to develop applications. The application is a great option for users to compile applications on Windows OS, as the application has a similar GUI to Windows OS.

It is suitable for both beginners and professionals to develop desktop applications, hardware drivers, and many more. For users being unknown to the application. There is a solid online community to help beginners in their journey.

Is Visual Basic and Visual Studio the same?

Before starting you will need to know that Microsoft has released a language named Visual Basic (which is now Visual Basic .Net) back in the 90s. The same language was and is also used in Visual Basic 6.0. Now, let’s know the difference.

VB6 or Visual Basic 6.0 is basically a component of Visual Studio. The Visual Studio refers to Visual Basic, Visual C#, Visual C++, etc. Here Visual Basic is an IDE to create an application in Visual Basic or other Visual-related languages whereas Visual Studio is a text editor for programming languages.

Whereas Visual basic support only Visual Basic based languages, Visual Studio support almost all the programming languages.

The Visual Basic 6.0 is also known as VB6.EXE, VB5.EXE, ZipExeStub.exe, VB62.EXE or VB60.EXE.

Visual Basic SP6 4 is one of the most famous versions of it. Most of the time users also prefer to call it Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 too.

Microsoft visual basic 6.0 download for windows 10 full version

File: Microsoft_Visual_Basic_6.exe

Size: 2-5 MB

Program class: IDE (integrated development environment)

Language: English

Released date: June 1998

Setup type: Offline Installer/ Full Standalone setup

License: Trail

Developer: Microsoft

Microsoft visual basic 6.0 download for windows 10
Microsoft visual basic 6.0 download for windows 10

Download and Install Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Professional or Enterprise (English) Edition for free and it is compatible to install on Windows 7/8/10/11 or Windows Vista, XP. It comes with all premium features.

Visual basic 6 is a powerful programming language. It allows users to create, edit, and modify programs in a variety of operating systems. VB 6 supports many different programming languages such as C++, C#, and VBScript among others.

What is Visual Basic 6.0?

VB6 is a programming language that allows users to create, edit and modify programs in a variety of operating systems such as Windows, iOS, and Android. It is a full-fledged programming language which means it can be used to create complex programs with different subroutines. Unlike other languages, Visual Basic 6 is relatively simple because it uses English words instead of codes. This enables users not familiar with coding to be able to use the features of the program.

Visual Basic 6.0 Features

1. Ability to run on different operating systems

Visual basic 6 can be used to create programs for different operating systems including Windows and iOS.

2. Quick development time

Visual basic 6 allows programmers to create and edit programs through a drag-and-drop method, thereby creating quick programs that are easy to understand and modify.

Visual Basic 6.0

3. Object Oriented Programming Language

Visual basic 6 is an object-oriented programming language which means it uses the concept of objects which contain information attributes, methods, and functions that can be added when creating subroutines within objects.

Visual basic 6 uses class modules to define objects which contain information such as text, numerical values and methods. These objects can be reused hence improving the ease of program creation.

4. Full access controls

Visual basic 6 allows users to create programs with full access controls including subroutines, global variables and private variables among others. It also has the ability to control program execution with procedures among other features which make it so versatile when it comes to creating complex programs.

5. Support for Windows development kits

Visual basic 6 is able to support SDKs from different operating systems such as Windows, Android, and iOS.

Visual Basic 6.0
Size 613MB
Release date 6.0 / 1998
Platform Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11 (32/64Bit)
License Freeware
Category Programming language Soft
Developed by Microsoft
File Name en_vs6_ent_cd1
Version 6.0

? Safe & Secure

System requirements for Visual basic 6.0

Processor Pentium-III or above, 600 MHz
RAM 256 MB or above
OS Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 2003 server or Windows 7 (both 64-bit or 32-bit )
Free Space 900 Megabyte

How to install Visual Basic 6.0

1. Download the program.
2. After downloading the program, click on the “Visual Basic 6 icon”.
3. Select your version of Windows and click next.
4. Follow the instructions to install Visual Basic 6.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Visual basic 6 on your computer. 6. Click next when you finish installing Visual basic 6 on your computer.

Visual Basic 6.0

7. Follow any other steps if necessary, such as converting your documents for use in Visual basic 6 or installing a few components for use with Visual basic 6 like the Microsoft redistributable files required for this program to run correctly and update its files among others.


Visual Basic 6 is a versatile programming language that has made it easy for programmers to create and modify highly complex and detailed programs faster than with other programming languages. The ease of creating programs with Visual Basic 6 is what has made it a convenient tool for use in different industries where they need to create complex and accurate programs.

Visual Basic 6 programs can be used in different operating systems including Windows, Android, and iOS making it a versatile programming language that offers users a lot of freedom when using it to create different kinds of software.

Visual Basic 6.0 — популярная версия интегрированной среды разработки с классическим языком программирования Visual Basic разрабатываемая компанией MicroSoft, с улучшенным компилятором и расширенным функционалом для обработки строк и массивов. Основное назначение Visual Basic, это создание событийных Windows приложений с поддержкой графического интерфейса и баз данных, при этом, несмотря на унаследованную парадигму и синтаксис оригинального Бейсика, его структура сильно приблизилась к Паскалю.

Простота языка Бейсик дополненная возможностями использования графического интерфейса Windows, а так же достаточно низкий порог входа быстро сделали Visual Basic одним из самых популярных IDE для быстрой разработки прикладных программ. Не последнюю роль в росте популярности сыграла интеграция Визуал Бейсика с графическим интерфейсом пользователя. Программисты получили возможность использования готовых элементов интерфейса Windows (кнопок, всплывающих окон и т.д.) и их размещения с помощью мыши и избавились от утомительного описания того или иного окна, сосредоточившись непосредственно на коде, исполняемом в ответ на действия пользователя.

Несмотря на появление в пятой версии Visual Basic возможности компилирования программ в исполняемые файлы, для их запуска в операционной системе Windows требовалась библиотека MSVBVM60.dll (как и в случае с Visual C++, программы  которого работают только при наличии библиотек Microsoft Visual C Redistributable Package).

Как уже упоминалось ранее, Visual Basic 6.0 это последний представитель классического языка, после которого Майкрософт существенно изменили платформу, выпустив версию Visual Basic .NET, которая потеряла обратную совместимость с классическими версиями и фактически является совершенно другим языком. Последние версии Visual Basic .NET были включены в состав Visual Studio, с которым распространяются по сей день.

Обратите внимание, что оригинальный Visual Basic 6.0 имеет проблемы совместимости с современными операционными системами. Для Windows 7 скачивайте портативную версию Visual Basic на русском языке, которая поддерживает все возможности установочного пакета. К сожалению, Visual Basic 6.0 не работает под управлением Windows 10, поэтому пользователям этой операционной системы нужно устанавливать современную Microsoft Visual Studio Community Edition (для работы с Visual Basic) и ознакомиться с инструкцией, размещённой в разделе файлов.


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Visual Basic 6 (VB6) was one of the easiest programming languages to learn back in the day. It was released in 1998 and is now replaced by Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET). Even though it is outdated by several years, the programs created and compiled with VB6 can still work with the latest Windows operating systems which is why you can still find people attempting to install VB6 on Windows 10.

install visual basic (vb6)

If you’re trying to install VB6 on newer operating systems starting from Windows 8 onward, especially with 64-bit architecture, you are sure to encounter installation problems. These range from not being able to continue the install without first installing discontinued versions of Java to the setup process hanging and crashing.

In this article, we’ll show you how to successfully install Visual Basic 6 (VB6) in Windows 10 64-bit.

Bypass Update Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java Requirement

A computer should always maintain the latest version of Java and it’s pointless having the discontinued Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java on the computer just to install Visual Basic 6. The problem is, the VB6 setup does not allow you to continue with the installation if you untick the “Update Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java” checkbox as it grays out the Next button.

Vb6 java box

The solution is to bypass the VB6 setup by either tricking it into thinking Microsoft Java is already installed or by telling it not to install Java in the first place. Then you can reach the next phase of the installation.

There are two ways in which you can do this which we’ll list below, you only need to use one of them.

Trick VB6 setup into thinking Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java is Installed

The VB6 installer checks if the file msjava.dll exists in the SysWOW64 folder for 64-bit systems or System32 for 32-bit systems. Placing the file into the right folder will let the VB6 install continue.

a) For the quickest and easiest way of doing this, you can download the msjava.dll file from the link below and copy it to the required directory.

Download MSJava.dll

If you’re unsure about the architecture of your Windows operating system, simply try to copy msjava.dll to the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder. If it doesn’t exist, you have a 32-bit system and should copy the file to the C:\Windows\System32 folder instead.

b) Alternatively, the same DLL file is also present on the installation disc. You can extract it if you have an archiver such as 7-Zip installed on your system. Go to the IE4 folder located on the install CD, right click on MSJAVX86.exe, go to 7-Zip and select “Open archive“.

In 7-Zip, double click on javabase.cab which will open it. Look for msjava.dll in the list, drag it onto the Desktop and then copy it to SysWOW64 or System32. Copying to the Desktop first will avoid any access denied error when trying to copy the file directly from 7-Zip.

Copy msjava dll to desktop

After copying msjava.dll to either the System32 or SysWOW64 folder, you can launch the Visual Basic 6 setup.exe file to start the installation. It now doesn’t prompt you to update Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java.

Tell VB6 setup Not To Install Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java

If you have the VB6 setup files on your hard drive, it’s possible to edit the settings file for the installer and tell it not to ask for Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java. This will ignore the requirement and continue the install process.

a) The simplest option here is to download the SETUPWIZ.INI file from the link below. As the name implies, this is the setup wizard configuration file. Make sure to download the correct INI for your version of Visual Studio.

Download SETUPWIZ.INI (For Visual Studio 6 Enterprise)
Download SETUPWIZ.INI (For Visual Studio 6 Professional)

Place the INI file in the main installation files folder overwriting the current file. Then start the installation and it won’t ask to install Java.

b) If you want to edit the file manually, go to the main folder and open the SETUPWIZ.INI file with Notepad. Look for the line “VmPath=ie4\msjavx86.exe”.

Delete setupwiz vmpath line

Simply delete the whole line or everything after the “=” sign and save the file. The install can be continued but you must also follow the next steps as well or the installation will not complete successfully.

Change VB6 Setup Options To Prevent The Install From Hanging Or Failing

While fixing the above issue gets round the first hurdle of installing Visual Basic 6 on Windows 10, there are some other things that will cause the install to fail.

First of all, you will likely experience the “Setup is updating your system…” progress getting stuck and doing nothing else. After a few seconds, the installer becomes unresponsive and then hangs. Looking in Task Manager will show high CPU usage for ACMSETUP.EXE and the setup window has to be closed manually.

Vb6 setup is updating your system

If you fix that, another error that appears will be a “Setup was unable to create a DCOM user account in order to register…valec.exe” message box.

Vb6 dcom user account error

With the default install options, the VB6 installer will likely produce another error message which is “javasign.dll was unable to register itself in the system registry”.

Javasign dll unable to register error

These last two error messages will cause the install to halt with a message saying the setup could not be completed. Since the Visual Basic 6 installer is over 20 years old, there are unsurprisingly some components that will not install properly in Windows 10 which causes the failures. Excluding those components from the install process will allow VB6 to install without errors.

You can use either method below to turn off the options during setup that cause the install to fail.

Disable the Setup Components Automatically

This method is the easiest and requires no manual changes to the setup options during install. We found that the install process is handled by an STF file in the Setup folder on the disc. The optional components are pre-enabled in this file so we found the offenders and disabled them by default.

1. Download the correct file according to the version of Visual Studio you are using. Click on the link below then right click on the grey Download button and select “Save link as” in your browser. This stops the file opening in a browser tab as a text file.

Download VS98ENT.STF (For Visual Studio 6 Enterprise)
Download VS98PRO.STF (For Visual Studio 6 Professional)

2. Make sure that the VB6 install files are on your hard drive as you need to replace the original STF file. You can do that by simply copying all the files from the CD to a folder on your drive. This won’t work if you are trying to install from CD.

3. Go to the SETUP folder and copy the VS98***.STF you downloaded above replacing the file already there.

Replace vs98 stf file

4. Run the installer and go through the setup steps as usual. When you reach the component selection window, nothing has to be changed because the edited STF already did it.

Any other options that you want to enable or disable can be changed although you must make sure “Microsoft Visual InterDev 6.0”, “ADO and RDS”, and “Visual Studio Analyzer” remain disabled.

Disable the VB6 Setup Components Manually

This method is useful if you are installing from CD or the automatic option above doesn’t work.

1. During the setup, make sure the Custom install option is selected.

2. Continue the install until you’re asked to choose the components from the list. Highlight Data Access and click the “Change Option…” button to the right, then click “Change Option..” for a second time.

Vb6 highlight data access

3. Now you’ll get another list of components that belong to the ADO, RDS, and OLE DB Providers. Simply uncheck the first ADO and RDS option.

Disable ado and rds

A warning will popup that this component is an essential part of the application and it will not run properly if not installed. Click OK to acknowledge the warning and then click OK two more times to get back to the main install options window.

This will stop the installer hanging and crashing at the updating your system window.

3. Highlight Enterprise Tools and click the “Change Option…” button. At the bottom, uncheck Visual Studio Analyzer and click OK. This option is not in Visual Studio Professional so those users can ignore it.

Disable visual studio analyzer

Disabling the Visual Studio Analyzer will stop the DCOM user account error.

4. Uncheck Microsoft Visual InterDev 6.0 box in the main install options window. This will stop the javasign.dll error from appearing during install.

You can, of course, enable or disable other options in this window depending on personal preference. But make sure the components mentioned here are not enabled or the install won’t finish properly. Continue with the install and you should be able to reach the end with no major errors after a reboot.

Run Visual Basic In Compatibility Mode

After the install is complete, Visual Basic 6 should start. If you get an error on the New Project screen, an optional step to help is running VB6 in compatibility mode. In Explorer, navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98, right click on VB6.exe and select Properties.

run Vb6 in compatibility mode

In the Compatibility tab, check the “Run this program in compatibility mode for:” box and click OK. The default option of Windows XP (Service Pack 2) should be fine but you can experiment with Windows Vista or 98/Me if you wish.

Microsoft Visual Basic 6 для Windows 10, 8, 7

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • Категория: Разное
  • Год выпуска: 2020
  • Издатель: Microsoft
  • Платформа: Windows
  • Тип издания: Portable
  • Язык интерфейса: английский (ENG)
  • Версия: 6.0
  • Лекарство: не требуется

Скачать Visual Basic 6.0
31 Mb

446 | 168

У нас вы можете скачать Visual Basic через торрент. Это язык и среда программирования, которые используются для создания приложений, а также в обучении.

Проигрыватели доступен достаточно удобный редактор с подсветкой синтаксиса. Писать код в нем удобно и эффективно. Компилятор работает быстро и укажет на наличие ошибок. Если компиляции прошла гладко, то вы сможете запустить свою программу.

В сборку входят дополнительные компоненты:

  • ApiViewer 2004;
  • vbAdvance;
  • AxTools CodeSMART 2009;
  • Mouse Wheel Fix Add-in;
  • Visual SourceSafe Add-in;
  • Resource Editor;
  • OLE View;
  • Spy++.

Преимуществом VB является возможность создавать визуальные формы и окна с традиционными элементами управления (кнопки, поля, переключатели и так далее).

Визуал Бейсик 6.0 SP6 является последним самостоятельным релизом. Все последующие разработки поставлялись лишь совместно с Visual Studio.Так что если вам нужна standalone версия, то это ваш выбор. Программа поставляет в portable виде, что исключает появление ошибок в Windows 10, 7, 8, а также конфликтов с другими студиями.

Системные требования

ОС: Windows 10 / 7 / 8 / Vista / XP
Процессор: Intel или AMD
ОЗУ: 256 Mb
HDD: 50 Mb

Установка Визул Бейсик на Windows 10

  1. Поместить скачанные файлы в любую папку на компьютере
  2. Запустить Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0.exe
  3. Начать программировать.



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User | Дата: 26.12.2022 — 04:03

Visual Basic 6.0 не работает под управлением Windows 10, поэтому пользователям этой операционной системы нужно устанавливать современную Microsoft Visual Studio Community Edition (для работы с Visual Basic)

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