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Название→ UniFi Network Controller
Версия→ 6.4.54
Лицензия→ Пробный период
Размер файла→ 161 Мб
Поддержка→ Windows 7, 8, 10
Разработчик→ Ubiquiti Inc.
Опубликовано→ 11 июля 2022

UniFi Network Controller — это профессиональный инструмент управления устройствами, который позволяет владельцам аппаратных устройств Ubiquiti удаленно управлять своими устройствами и получать доступ к широкому спектру инструментов диагностики и визуализации. Это единственное приложение, созданное с нуля компанией Ubiquiti Networks, крупным производителем продуктов для беспроводной передачи данных и беспроводного широкополосного доступа, можно использовать для полного управления широким спектром устройств, находящихся в вашем доме, офисе или организации. Благодаря тому, что оно ориентировано на более крупные корпоративные продукты и сети, это приложение полностью готово для работы с невероятно большим количеством устройств с первоклассными сервисами для мониторинга данных, безопасности, аналитики, отчетности и многого другого.

Скачать для компьютера

Скачайте бесплатно и установите UniFi Network Controller 6.4.54 по прямой ссылке с сервера. Программа имеет лицензию «Пробный период» и разработана Ubiquiti Inc., подходит для компьютера и ноутбука с Windows 7, 8, 10. Размер загружаемого файла составляет 161 Мб.

Описание программы

После установки UniFi Network Controller на ПК с Windows и входа в онлайн-сервис Ubiquity под своим именем пользователя и паролем вы обнаружите, что этот пакет управления сетью не имеет отдельного окна приложения, но доступен через ваш веб-сайт. браузер. Интерфейс элегантный, современный и интуитивно понятный, с шестью значками основных вкладок, расположенными слева, и большим списком данных, диагностикой и областью настроек, которая занимает большую часть области приложения. Весь визуальный стиль приложения сосредоточен вокруг темного фона и светло-серого текста и визуальных эффектов, а ярко-зеленые цвета выделяют наиболее важную «видимую» информацию.

Несмотря на то, что это приложение не совсем подходит для новичков в области сетевого администрирования, его интуитивно понятный интерфейс поможет вам легко использовать его для управления множеством различных сетевых параметров. Приложение подходит для больших сетей и имеет глубокую поддержку настроек администрирования, управления доменом и всеми необходимыми инструментами для извлечения максимальной производительности из вашей сети и устройств Ubiquity. Извлечение всех возможных процентов производительности стало проще благодаря вкладке комплексной статистики, показывающей весь ваш сетевой трафик, сведения о каждом устройстве, клиенте, домене и многом другом.

Контроллер Ubiquiti UniFi можно использовать БЕСПЛАТНО в рамках первоначальной пробной версии, после чего пользователям необходимо будет заплатить за постоянную лицензию. Приложение оптимизировано для Windows 10, 8.1 и 7 и имеет встроенную поддержку различных языков.

Скриншоты интерфейса

Комментарии пользователей

December 28th, 2022 — Trial — 100% Safe

Ubiquiti UniFi Controller is a device management tool that will help you manage your Ubiquity hardware and devices, control them remotely, diagnose problems, and visualize them easily.

You can use this utility if you have Ubiquity hardware and devices. It’s designed to help you manage your Ubiquity devices remotely and easily without using multiple apps.

It’s designed by Ubiquity Networks, one of the largest wireless hardware and data communication tool manufacturers.

Manage Your Ubiquiti Devices

This application’s main role and purpose are to control and manage the Ubiquity devices that you might own remotely and quickly. It can be used for all devices at home, your office, or your business complex.

It is primarily used for many devices simultaneously but can also work for single devices.

Ubiquiti UniFi Controller was designed for organizations and larger companies with many Ubiquity devices simultaneously. It doesn’t work as a standalone application when you install it on your computer.

Instead, you’ll have to log into your account, and then you’ll see that it will open a separate window in your browser where you can make the changes.

Tweak and Improve Your Hardware

With this app, you’ll be able to monitor Ubiquity hardware from one place. Here, you can easily diagnose common problems with these devices from one place.

You can also manage several devices at the same time if you want. It’s great for larger and smaller networks with just one device.

You can handle several parameters of your networks and tweak them, such as administration settings, domain settings, management of domains, and other tools that may be used to get the most performance possible out of your network. It’s easy to use for both beginners and advanced users.


Ubiquiti UniFi Controller is an app designed by Ubiquity to manage and control your network’s hardware, and it’s suitable for larger networks especially.

UniFi Network Controller is a professional device manager tool that enables owners of Ubiquiti hardware devices to easily manage them remotely and access a wide array of diagnostic and visualization tools.

Built from the ground up by Ubiquiti Networks, a large manufacturer of wireless data communication and wireless broadband products, this single app can be used for the complete management of a wide array of devices found inside your home, business, or organization. Because of its focus on larger enterprise products and networks, this app is fully ready to handle an incredibly large number of devices with top-of-the-line services for data monitoring, security, analytics, reports, and more.

After installing UniFi Network Controller on your Windows PC and logging into the Ubiquity online service using your username and password, you will find out that this network management suite does not have its own standalone app window, but is instead accessible via your web browser.

The interface is sleek, modern, and intuitive, with six main tab icons located on the left, and a large data listing, diagnostic, and configuration area taking the majority of the app area. The entire visual style of the app is focused on dark background and light-grey text and visual elements, with bright green colors highlighting some of the most important “glanceable” information.

Even though this app is not best suited for complete novices of networking management, its intuitive interface can help easily be used for handling many different parameters of the network. The app is well-suited for larger networks and has in-depth support for administration settings, domain management, and all the tools needed to extract maximum performance from your network and Ubiquity devices.

Extraction of every possible percent of performance is made easier with a comprehensive Statistic tab, that showcases all your network traffic, details for every device, client, domain, and more.

Ubiquiti UniFi Controller can be used for FREE via an initial trial service, after which users will be required to pay for a permanent license. The app is optimized for Windows 10, 8.1, and 7 and has built-in support for several international languages.

Last Updated on November 29, 2022 by Yousha

Unifi Controller is a software that can be used for network device management especially antenna (Access Point) indoor and outdoor made by Ubiquiti Networks. Unifi Controller can facilitate network Administrators to monitor network traffic as well as device maintenance and of course configure Ubiquiti network devices.

Unifi Controller can be used in both Windows, Mac OS, or Linux, notably Ubuntu and Debian. The Unifi Controller is indispensable for adopting Unifi Access Point made by Ubiquiti Network so that the device can be configured, such as Firewall, IP Address, and also configuration of Access Point names.

For versions of Windows you need a Java application before Unifi Controller can run properly. As for Linux and Mac OS versions you can directly run Unifi Controller. Unifi Controller does not require Internet access while on install, so in offline conditions you can still configure your Ubiquiti network device. You can download the Unifi Controller through the link below.

Developer: Nosware Inc.
Website: https://www.nosware.com


How do I get UniFi controller?

You can get the UniFi controller download from the link provided above and install.

Do I need Java for UniFi Controller?

If you have Windows OS, you should install a Java application before you proceed to use your UniFi controller. But for Mac OS and Linux, you can simply do the Unifi controller download from above and use it.

Do I need Unifi controller download?

This Unifi controller download is for those who want to manage their device network. If you have a antenna (Access Point) by Ubiquiti Networks, Unifi Controller will enable you to facilitate and monitor the network traffic in addition to maintenance and configuration of Ubiquiti network devices.

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