Скачать старую версию ccleaner для windows 7

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    Предыдущие версии CCleaner

    Довольно часто последняя версия приложения при установке на старые устройства работает с ошибками. Иногда новые версии приложений могут не работать на вашем смартфоне из-за системной несовместимости. Пока разработчик приложения устраняет проблему, попробуйте использовать более старую версию приложения. Если вам нужно выполнить откат CCleaner, обратитесь к истории версий приложения на Uptodown. Она содержит все версии файлов, доступные для загрузки с Uptodown для этого приложения. Скачать откаты CCleaner для Windows. Любая версия CCleaner, распространяемая на Uptodown, не содержит вирусов и может быть загружена бесплатно.

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    Устаревшая версия

    На этой странице вы можете загрузить CCleaner прошлой версии 4.19.4867.

    Возможно после обновления программа вам больше не нравиться, или к примеру разработчики удалили функцию которая была в прошлой версии, не стоит огорчаться ведь у нас есть решение.

    SOFTPORTAL регулярно пополняет «Архив прошлых версий» что вы всегда имели доступ к старым версиям программ, но все же, мы рекомендуем скачивать последнюю версию CCleaner, поскольку с каждой новой версией разработчики убирают возможные проблемы с безопасностью.
    Следите за изменениями на нашем сайте, чтобы всегда знать о выходе новых версий программы.

    — Это особенно важно для категории программного обеспечения которое отвечает за безопасность ПК.

    — Ниже размещена ссылка на официальный источник с которого вы можете загрузить эту программу

    Для тех кто попал сюда случайно и не знаком с функционалом программы: Это приложение, которое избавляет от ненужных файлов, которые могут снизить скорость и общую производительность компьютера. Нежелательные файлы занимают место без уважительной причины. CCleaner удаляет любые ненужные файлы, которые могут замедлить работу вашего компьютера, а значит и производительность. Это достигается путем удаления всех следов бесполезных реестров после удаления программы и комплексного антивирусного сканирования.

    Он также удаляет поврежденные файлы, дублированный контент и файлы вредоносных программ. Он имеет простой поль…читать больше

    Архив старых версий CCleaner


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    statsСтатистика: 30,171 версии из 1,984 программы

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    • Официальный сайт: http://www.ccleaner.com
    • Компания: Piriform Ltd.
    • Недавно добавленные версия: CCleaner 5.14.5493
    • Самая популярная версия:
      CCleaner 1.30.310 — 24,787 Загрузка

    CCleaner Последняя версия

    CCleaner 5.14.5493

    Загрузить сейчас

    6.51 MB

    Проверенный: Свободный от программ-шпионов, рекламного ПО и вирусов

    CCleaner Популярная версия

    CCleaner 1.30.310

    Загрузить сейчас

    Добавить информацию
    1.39 MB

    Проверенный: Свободный от программ-шпионов, рекламного ПО и вирусов

    Выберите версию CCleaner Скачать бесплатно!

    Версия программного обеспечения Дата выпуска Размер
    CCleaner 1.06.050 25.03.2004 285.24 KB
    CCleaner 1.06.051 03.04.2004 285.37 KB
    CCleaner 1.07.052 12.04.2004 288.42 KB
    CCleaner 1.08.053 26.04.2004 250.72 KB
    CCleaner 1.08.054 04.05.2004 251.11 KB
    CCleaner 1.09.056 14.05.2004 254.27 KB
    CCleaner 1.09.057 20.05.2004 254.69 KB
    CCleaner 1.10.058 28.05.2004 260.11 KB
    CCleaner 1.10.059 06.06.2004 260.83 KB
    CCleaner 1.11.062 20.06.2004 260.00 KB
    CCleaner 1.12.063 31.07.2004 285.17 KB
    CCleaner 1.13.068 04.09.2004 295.21 KB
    CCleaner 1.13.069 13.09.2004 304.71 KB
    CCleaner 1.14.072 07.10.2004 306.86 KB
    CCleaner 1.15.078 03.11.2004 320.38 KB
    CCleaner 1.16.080 06.12.2004 360.00 KB
    CCleaner 1.16.082 Добавить информацию 360.00 KB
    CCleaner 1.16.084 Добавить информацию 376.33 KB
    CCleaner 1.17.088 19.01.2005 391.64 KB
    CCleaner 1.17.090 Добавить информацию 402.92 KB
    CCleaner 1.17.094 Добавить информацию 404.65 KB
    CCleaner 1.18.099 Добавить информацию 407.59 KB
    CCleaner 1.18.101 Добавить информацию 409.13 KB
    CCleaner 1.19.105 Добавить информацию 428.55 KB
    CCleaner 1.19.108 Добавить информацию 435.94 KB
    CCleaner 1.20.118 Добавить информацию 471.04 KB
    CCleaner 1.21.130 Добавить информацию 472.74 KB
    CCleaner 1.22.142 Добавить информацию 490.07 KB
    CCleaner 1.23.160 Добавить информацию 498.75 KB
    CCleaner 1.24.180 Добавить информацию 503.94 KB
    CCleaner 1.25.201 Добавить информацию 512.85 KB
    CCleaner 1.26.128 Добавить информацию 528.59 KB
    CCleaner 1.26.218 Добавить информацию 528.59 KB
    CCleaner 1.27.242 Beta Добавить информацию 534.14 KB
    CCleaner 1.27.255 Beta Добавить информацию 1.24 MB
    CCleaner 1.27.260 Добавить информацию 1.25 MB
    CCleaner 1.28.277 Добавить информацию 1.38 MB
    CCleaner 1.29.295 Добавить информацию 1.39 MB
    CCleaner 1.30.310 Добавить информацию 1.39 MB
    CCleaner 1.31.325 Добавить информацию 1.39 MB
    CCleaner 1.32.345 Добавить информацию 1.40 MB
    CCleaner 1.33.382 15.09.2006 1.42 MB
    CCleaner 1.34.405 18.10.2006 1.43 MB
    CCleaner 1.34.407 19.10.2006 1.43 MB
    CCleaner 1.35.424 23.11.2006 1.43 MB
    CCleaner 1.36.430 15.12.2006 1.43 MB
    CCleaner 1.37.456 Добавить информацию 2.56 MB
    CCleaner 1.38.485 06.03.2007 2.56 MB
    CCleaner 1.39.502 17.04.2007 2.59 MB
    CCleaner 1.40.520 16.05.2007 2.59 MB
    CCleaner 1.41.0 Добавить информацию 2.59 MB
    CCleaner 1.41.544 13.07.2007 2.59 MB
    CCleaner 30.06.2011 3.26 MB
    CCleaner 2.00.475 Beta 16.08.2007 2.50 MB
    CCleaner 2.00.491 Beta 2 Добавить информацию 2.49 MB
    CCleaner 2.00.491 Beta2 24.08.2007 2.49 MB
    CCleaner 2.00.495RC 31.08.2007 2.49 MB
    CCleaner 2.00.495 RC Добавить информацию 2.49 MB
    CCleaner 2.00.500 10.09.2007 2.49 MB
    CCleaner 2.01.507 02.10.2007 2.51 MB
    CCleaner 2.02.525 05.11.2007 2.60 MB
    CCleaner 2.02.527 06.11.2007 2.60 MB
    CCleaner 2.03.532 26.11.2007 2.60 MB
    CCleaner 2.04.543 17.01.2008 2.61 MB
    CCleaner 2.05.555 21.02.2008 2.61 MB
    CCleaner 2.06.567 25.03.2008 2.62 MB
    CCleaner 2.07.575 28.04.2008 2.76 MB
    CCleaner 2.08.588 29.05.2008 2.78 MB
    CCleaner 2.09.600 26.06.2008 2.78 MB
    CCleaner 2.10.618 29.07.2008 2.79 MB
    CCleaner 2.11.636 22.08.2008 2.79 MB
    CCleaner 2.12.651 24.09.2008 2.80 MB
    CCleaner 2.12.660 29.09.2008 2.80 MB
    CCleaner 2.13.720 23.10.2008 2.82 MB
    CCleaner 2.14.750 25.11.2008 2.84 MB
    CCleaner 2.14.763 01.12.2008 2.84 MB
    CCleaner 2.15.815 19.12.2008 3.02 MB
    CCleaner 2.16.830 27.01.2009 3.02 MB
    CCleaner 2.17.853 27.02.2009 3.04 MB
    CCleaner 2.18.878 24.03.2009 3.04 MB
    CCleaner 2.19.889 28.04.2009 3.08 MB
    CCleaner 2.19.900 30.04.2009 3.08 MB
    CCleaner 2.19.901 07.05.2009 3.08 MB
    CCleaner 2.20.920 28.05.2009 3.10 MB
    CCleaner 2.21.940 25.06.2009 3.10 MB
    CCleaner 2.22.968 27.07.2009 3.13 MB
    CCleaner 2.22.993 28.07.2009 3.14 MB
    CCleaner 2.23.993 26.08.2009 3.14 MB
    CCleaner 2.23.999 02.09.2009 3.14 MB
    CCleaner 2.24.1010 28.09.2009 3.16 MB
    CCleaner 2.25.1025 26.10.2009 3.16 MB
    CCleaner 2.26.1050 26.11.2009 3.17 MB
    CCleaner 2.27.1070 23.12.2009 3.20 MB
    CCleaner 2.28.1091 28.01.2010 3.21 MB
    CCleaner 2.29.1111 25.02.2010 3.24 MB
    CCleaner 2.30.1130 29.03.2010 3.22 MB
    CCleaner 2.31.1153 26.04.2010 3.23 MB
    CCleaner 2.32.1165 26.05.2010 3.23 MB
    CCleaner 2.33.1184 24.06.2010 3.24 MB
    CCleaner 2.34.1200 26.07.2010 3.26 MB
    CCleaner 2.35.1219 25.08.2010 3.27 MB
    CCleaner 2.35.1223 01.09.2010 3.27 MB
    CCleaner 2.36 27.09.2010 1.13 MB
    CCleaner 2.36.1233 27.09.2010 3.27 MB
    CCleaner 3.0 28.10.2010 2.68 MB
    CCleaner 3.00.1303 28.10.2010 2.68 MB
    CCleaner 3.00.1310 03.11.2010 2.68 MB
    CCleaner 3.01.1327 25.11.2010 2.83 MB
    CCleaner 3.02 23.12.2010 2.84 MB
    CCleaner 3.02.1343 23.12.2010 2.84 MB
    CCleaner 3.03 25.01.2011 2.87 MB
    CCleaner 3.03.1366 25.01.2011 2.65 MB
    CCleaner 3.04 24.02.2011 2.89 MB
    CCleaner 3.04.1389 24.02.2011 2.89 MB
    CCleaner 3.05 24.03.2011 2.91 MB
    CCleaner 3.05.1408 Добавить информацию 2.91 MB
    CCleaner 3.05.1409 24.03.2011 2.91 MB
    CCleaner 3.06 26.04.2011 2.92 MB
    CCleaner 3.06.1433 26.04.2011 2.92 MB
    CCleaner 3.07 26.05.2011 2.95 MB
    CCleaner 3.07.1457 26.05.2011 2.95 MB
    CCleaner 3.08 27.06.2011 3.07 MB
    CCleaner 3.08.1475 27.06.2011 3.07 MB
    CCleaner 3.09 26.07.2011 3.29 MB
    CCleaner 3.09.1493 26.07.2011 3.29 MB
    CCleaner 3.10 25.08.2011 3.32 MB
    CCleaner 3.10.1525 25.08.2011 3.32 MB
    CCleaner 3.11.1541 26.09.2011 3.33 MB
    CCleaner 3.11.1550 04.10.2011 3.33 MB
    CCleaner 3.11.1551 04.10.2011 3.33 MB
    CCleaner 3.12 24.10.2011 3.35 MB
    CCleaner 3.12.1572 24.10.2011 3.35 MB
    CCleaner 3.13 27.11.2011 3.39 MB
    CCleaner 3.13.1600 28.11.2011 3.39 MB
    CCleaner 3.14 21.12.2011 3.40 MB
    CCleaner 3.14.1616 21.12.2011 3.40 MB
    CCleaner 3.15 25.01.2012 3.42 MB
    CCleaner 3.15.1643 25.01.2012 3.42 MB
    CCleaner 3.16 23.02.2012 3.46 MB
    CCleaner 3.16.1666 23.02.2012 3.46 MB
    CCleaner 3.17 26.03.2012 3.48 MB
    CCleaner 3.17.1688 26.03.2012 3.48 MB
    CCleaner 3.17.1689 27.03.2012 3.48 MB
    CCleaner 3.18 25.04.2012 3.49 MB
    CCleaner 3.18.1707 25.04.2012 3.49 MB
    CCleaner 3.19 24.05.2012 3.68 MB
    CCleaner 3.19.1721 24.05.2012 3.68 MB
    CCleaner 3.20.1750 25.06.2012 3.71 MB
    CCleaner 3.21 25.07.2012 3.73 MB
    CCleaner 3.21.1767 25.07.2012 3.73 MB
    CCleaner 3.22.1800 24.08.2012 3.75 MB
    CCleaner 3.23 25.09.2012 3.76 MB
    CCleaner 3.23.1823 Добавить информацию 3.76 MB
    CCleaner 3.24 25.10.2012 3.82 MB
    CCleaner 3.24.1850 Добавить информацию 3.83 MB
    CCleaner 3.25 26.11.2012 3.89 MB
    CCleaner 3.25.1872 Добавить информацию 3.97 MB
    CCleaner 3.26.1888 21.12.2012 3.98 MB
    CCleaner 3.27 24.01.2013 4.00 MB
    CCleaner 3.27.1900 Добавить информацию 4.00 MB
    CCleaner 4.14 23.05.2014 4.53 MB
    CCleaner 5.14.5493 26.01.2016 6.51 MB

    Есть ли у вас версия программного обеспечения, которая в настоящее время не в списке?

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    Нужна версия программного обеспечения, которая в настоящее время не в списке?

    Сделать запрос сейчас программного обеспечения!

    CCleaner Описание

    Другие программы Интернет

    • Ad aware
    • Avast Free Antivirus
    • AVG Anti Virus
    • Avira AntiVir
    • CatSpy
    • ClamWin Free Antivirus
    • Comodo Internet Security
    • Eset NOD32
    • HijackThis
    • HomeGuard Activity Monitor
    • KeePass Password Safe
    • Lockmydrive
    • Malwarebytes
    • Microsoft Security Essentials
    • Norton AntiVirus

    CCleaner Комментарии

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    (13 Sep 2023)

    Taking the hassle out of PC maintenance 

    • Limited testing of the new Health Check user experience to better guide you through the cleaning and optimization steps. 

    Fixing bugs and other improvements 

    • We resolved an issue that prevented some users from auto-updating CCleaner or activating their licence.  
    • We fixed an issue where a crash could occur when the scheduled cleaning was starting.  
    • We fixed some text alignment in the UI for Dutch localization. 

    (16 Aug 2023)

    Taking the hassle out of PC maintenance 

    • New cleaning rules for BlueStacks 5, GoToMeeting, Icecream Screen Recorder, iTop PDF, NordPass, and Proton VPN. 
    • Updated cleaning rules for VMware Player and VMware Horizon Client.

    Fixing bugs and other improvements 

    • Driver Updater UX improvements and minor bug fixes. 

    (19 Jul 2023)

    Taking the hassle out of PC maintenance 

    • We’ve further improved the troubleshooting assistant that helps you quickly identify and reverse a problematic driver update. 

    Fixing bugs and other improvements 

    • Additional improvements in security and stability. 

    (14 Jun 2023)

    Taking the hassle out of PC maintenance 

    • Cleaning rule upgrade improves the cleaning of more than 30 applications including: 
    • Box Drive 64 Bit 
    • Corel PaintShop Pro 2021 64 bit 
    • GoodSync 
    • Google Drive & Google Drive Backup and Sync 
    • Nextcloud Desktop Client 
    • Plex Media Server. Plex Home Theatre application 
    • Skype 
    • TortoiseGit, TortoiseSVN 
    • Viber 
    • VMware Player, VMware Horizon Client 
    • VNC Viewer 
    • Windows Defender backup 
    • And others 
    • Further enhancements to smart cookie scanning in Health Check including: 
    • More frequently chosen websites for Cookie Allowlist. 
    • Website URL spelling validation and already saved bookmarks validation. 

    Fixing bugs and other improvements 

    • Additional improvements in stability, accessibility, and security – digital signature algorithm verification. 
    • OperaGX bookmarks can now be correctly imported. 
    • Fixed a bug that could show paused driver updates in the Skipped category instead of the Paused category. 
    • The appropriate message “No Bookmarked websites yet” is now displayed when a user with no bookmarks clicks on «Import cookies» in the Health Check Cookie Allowlist. 

    (18 May 2023)

    Taking the hassle out of PC maintenance 

    • Immediately after updating drivers (or after restarting your PC following an update), a report now highlights which drivers have been updated and any that may potentially cause issues – enabling users to revert some or all updates, or schedule a reminder to revert later. 

    Fixing bugs and other improvements 

    • CCleaner now loads faster thanks to app startup optimization. 
    • Fixed issue which, in some cases, resulted in the incorrect message «Not supported product». 
    • Customize, Privacy, Space, Speed, and Security screens in Health Check now resize correctly according to the current window. 

    (02 May 2023)

    Taking the hassle out of PC maintenance 

    • We’ve made Health Check cookie scanning smarter, so it preserves cookies for your favorite, commonly used websites in the same way as Custom Clean. 
    • New ‘My account’ area has a more modern look and feel with quick access to subscription settings, cleaning schedule, recommended products, and CCleaner support. 

    Fixing bugs and other improvements 

    • Improvements to users’ post-purchase onboarding. 
    • Fixed issue when TeamViewer cleaning could restart the service.

    Patch update 6.11.10455

    • We have released a hotfix for version 6.11 that fixes CCleaner crashing when TeamViewer is cleaned. Crashing could have occurred in either Custom Clean or Health Check.

    (24 Apr 2023)

    Taking the hassle out of PC maintenance 

    • We’ve made Health Check cookie scanning smarter, so it preserves cookies for your favorite, commonly used websites in the same way as Custom Clean. 
    • New ‘My account’ area has a more modern look and feel with quick access to subscription settings, cleaning schedule, recommended products, and CCleaner support. 

    Fixing bugs and other improvements 

    • Improvements to users’ post-purchase onboarding. 
    • Fixed issue when TeamViewer cleaning could restart the service. 

    (15 Mar 2023)

    Taking the hassle out of PC maintenance 

    • We have expanded cleaning with 23 new options, especially for popular apps in Windows Store and social media apps (e.g., Douyin, YouPlay, Facebook Messenger), video editing (Video Editor Master, ClipChamp), and Mozilla Firefox. 
    • The new Driver Updater engine brings more stability and performance and now supports more than 50 million available driver updates. 
    • A new UI and FAQ section for Driver Updater now makes it easier to understand how to keep drivers up to date and troubleshoot any unexpected behavior after the update. 

    Fixing bugs and other improvements 

    • Stability improvements in the areas of connection establishment.  
    • Fixed occasional crashes during cleaning or logging. 

    (14 Feb 2023)

    Taking the hassle out of PC maintenance

    • In Software Updater, we’ve added 50 software titles to our update library to keep more of your installed apps up-to-date

    Fixing bugs and other improvements

    • We fixed an issue where crashes could occur when registering a license
    • We upgraded our developer toolkit to provide our developers with enhanced debugging, testing, and code analysis capabilities to improve code quality and reliability

    Coming soon

    • A new welcome screen which helps you immediately run your favorite tasks and explore more features
    • A UI update with new FAQ section for Driver Updater
    • Driver Updater engine and performance improvements

    (18 Jan 2023)

    Taking the hassle out of PC maintenance

    • In Driver Updater, we’ve added some new information next to the progress bar to give you realtime information when installing new updates
    • You can now see what stage each driver update is at

    Fixing bugs

    • We fixed an issue where crashes could occur after cleaning a closed browser
    • In Driver Updater, we fixed alignment issues with text in some languages
    • In Software Updater, we aligned how errors are shown

    (14 Dec 2022)

    Simplifying the app

    We’ve optimized the app to start up more quickly

    Taking the hassle out of PC maintenance

    In Driver Updater, we’ve added a new ‘Pause Updates’ option to give you more control over which devices get updated

    • You can pause all future updates for a driver from its ‘Details’ screen
    • Pausing updates for a device removes it from the ‘available updates’ counts
    • The new flow has ‘confirm’ steps that explain what happens when driver updates are paused and skipped
    • All devices in the ‘paused’ state are grouped together at the bottom of the drivers list
    • All skipped driver versions are also grouped together in this list
    • We’ve added some hint panels that give more information about the ‘paused’ and ‘skipped’ groups
    • The new ‘Pause Updates’ and ‘Skipped Versions’ experiences fully support the NVDA screen reader

    In Driver Updater, we’ve also made some other UX improvements:

    • We’ve made it easier to access the Driver Details view
    • Rows in the driver lists now highlight when the mouse cursor moves over them

    Fixing bugs

    • In Health Check, we fixed version information not showing for software updates
    • In Driver Updater, we fixed crashes that could occur during an update or when closing CCleaner
    • In Software Updater, we fixed Google Drive showing «Unknown publisher»

    (16 Nov 2022)

    All-new cleaning for Windows 11

    • Windows 11 Widgets: safely removes logging data, temporary JavaScript files, and images from various widgets such as weather & news feeds. 
    • Microsoft Teams: 13 different types of cached data, log files and other temporary files
    • Skype: removes cached data
    • Microsoft News: cleans up temporary browsing files (images, HTML data) and cookies
    • Windows Defender: removes log files which are unnecessary for the average user 
    • OneDrive for Windows 11: clears out unneeded cache files
    • Temporary files: tweaked for Windows 11
    • Microsoft Clipchamp: cleans this video editor on Windows 11

    Other cleaning improvements

    • Windows Explorer: detects and removes outdated Windows Search data, log files, and shortcuts to recently used files
    • Start Menu Notifications: new rule which removes Live Tiles from your Start Menu
    • Microsoft Family Safety: removes temporary files & folders
    • Chrome and Opera: more extensive cleaning definitions
    • Slack: additional cache & log file cleaning
    • AnyDesk: delete old chat logs, trace files, as well as cached png and icon files
    • RealPlayer: detects and removes JPG and thumbnail files, cache files, and outdated index files from all versions of RealPlayer SP, 15, 16, and Cloud
    • Resso: new cleaning for this music streaming app

    Cleaning for apps installed via Microsoft Store

    • McAfee Personal Security AntiVirus
    • Pinterest
    • Video Compressor: Resize & Compress Video

    Fixing bugs

    • Fixed rare crash during app upgrade process
    • Fixed rare crash during app update process
    • Drivers no longer shown as ‘Skipped’ if updated by another app
    • Driver version still shown as ‘Skipped’ if driver downdated by another app

    (24 Oct 2022)

    Taking the hassle out of PC maintenance

    We’ve stopped various games and other apps from accidentally being put into ‘sleep mode’:

    • Riot Vanguard/Valorant
    • Logitech MX Master
    • Alienware Command Center
    • Winzip Courier
    • AnyDesk

    Simplifying the app

    • We’ve made minor updates to the look and feel of some of our screens to make them more consistent and easier to read 
    • In Performance Optimizer, we’ve added text to indicate when another app is preventing CCleaner from putting an app into ‘Sleep mode’
    • We’ve added a handy link to Premium Tech Support for CCleaner Premium customers  

    Fixing bugs

    • We fixed several types of uncommon crash when launching CCleaner
    • We fixed a write error that sometimes occurs during the update process
    • We fixed an issue where programs in the Performance Optimizer ignore list remained after uninstalling and reinstalling CCleaner

    Keeping you safe

    • Our commitment to keeping the app secure means we frequently close off potential security issues, even if minor
    • In this release, we have focused on addressing issues found through expert penetration testing

    (20 Sep 2022)

    Version 6.04 brings various usability improvements to CCleaner. In Health Check, the scan now ignores files that were modified less than a minute ago, meaning that, after we’ve cleaned, the app won’t communicate that a PC is “under the weather” when it’s not!

    This release also includes some minor usability tweaks to the new Cleaning Schedule interface. Plus, we have improved our error reporting to get better information if the app crashes, so we can address critical issues sooner.

    Taking the hassle out of PC maintenance

    • In Health Check, the scan now ignores files that were modified less than a minute ago
    • We’ve made some small usability tweaks to Performance Optimizer and Cleaning Schedule

    Fixing bugs

    • Fixed CCleaner re-enabling Windows System Restore on every launch; going forward, System Restore will only be activated if enabled via Driver Updater
    • Fixed all drivers disappearing from lists after closing ‘Restart Now’ popup
    • Fixed an issue causing backups to be removed due to an access rights issue
    • We now require restarts for reverting as well as updating certain drivers (fixes issue where the scan gets stuck at 0%)
    • We’ve fixed some visual issues that occur when Windows is scaled above 100%
    • We’ve added a reporting tool that will help us to identify the most common crashes and their causes


    (22 Aug 2022)

    Giving a PC a regular check-up with CCleaner keeps it running smoothly. In version 6.03, we have updated and expanded our scheduling tools to make it even easier to stay on top of this maintenance.

    We’ve redesigned the scheduling interface to make it simpler to set up automatic cleaning in CCleaner Professional. It now notifies you before cleaning starts and then again once cleaning is complete to confirm the results. A handy switch also allows scheduled cleaning to be paused (while keeping the settings saved). Using the free version? Set a reminder to clean instead!

    Alongside this change, the interface for Driver Updater has been improved to make it clearer how long a driver update is taking.

    Expanding our cleaning

    • We’ve added new cleaning for Microsoft Store installations of Instagram, Facebook, and  iCloud
    • We’ve improved cleaning for Store installations of WhatsApp

    Taking the hassle out of PC maintenance

    • New and improved Cleaning Schedule controls! (Options > Cleaning Schedule)
      • All-new cleaning reminders!
      • Setting up cleaning reminders/automation is simpler than ever!
      • Any existing cleaning schedule is preserved
      • Pause your cleaning schedule at any time without losing your settings
    • An upgraded Driver Updater experience!
      • The progress of driver downloads and updates is shown more clearly
      • Some improvements to driver-to-device matching

    Fixing bugs

    • Fixed a rare crash when scanning for drivers
    • Fixed a rare issue that occurs when activating a license
    • We fixed an issue that would cause a loss of settings in CCleaner Portable
    • Screen readers are now more polite when reading “FAQ”

    (20 Jul 2022)

    CCleaner 6.02 brings new cleaning and usability improvements to our maintenance and optimization features. Performance Optimizer has had some updates to make it even easier to use. We’ve also made it more easy to track which driver updates are being skipped, and we’ve added more free cleaning for numerous popular Microsoft Store apps, including TikTok and Telegram. This cleaning is optional: you can control it in Custom Clean.

    Expanding our cleaning

    • We’ve added new cleaning for Microsoft Store installations of:
      • TikTok, Telegram, Discord & Amazon Prime
      • Adobe Acrobat, Dolby access, Microsoft Sticky Notes, Lively Wallpaper
    • We’ve improved cleaning for Store installations of:
      • Microsoft Todo, iTunes, annd Amazon Music
    • We’ve stopped Health Check from cleaning Store installations of:
      • Telegram, Acrobat Adobe Reader and Discord

    Taking the hassle out of PC maintenance

    • Skipped driver updates are now grouped in their own list

    Helping you to keep your PC running fast and smooth

    • We’ve made various improvements to Performance Optimizer
      • It’s now clearer when an app is waiting for a Windows restart before it can be placed into Sleep Mode
      • Increased size of the program list so you can see more programs at once
      • Updated the mouse hover behavior on buttons and list rows to make your experience more intuitive
      • Added a helpful explanation of what to expect when you put your first program into ‘sleep mode’ 
      • Added confirmation text if the ‘Active/Sleeping Programs’ lists are empty
      • Added confirmation text once you’ve put your programs into ‘sleep mode’ (or ignore)

    Simplifying the app

    • We fixed an issue in Health Check where ticks were not being displayed
    • We’re working on improvements to how you manage your cleaning schedule — watch this space!

    Fixing bugs

    • During uninstallation, CCleaner now only removes the files it creates from its install directory
    • Fixed default cookies not being set in some installers
    • Fixed a rare crash reported by one of our users

    Keeping you safe

    • Our commitment to keeping the app secure means we frequently close off potential security issues, even if minor.
    • In this release we have focused on addressing issues found through static code analysis.

    Note about CCleaner Portable

    We have paused releases of CCleaner Portable while we resolve a compatibility issue. We aim to have this resolved in v6.03.


    (20 Jun 2022)

    CCleaner 6.01 brings even better cleaning, maintenance, and optimization to your PC. First, our new Performance Optimizer has some improvements to make it easier to use. Second, we’ve added more free cleaning for a number of popular apps present on the Microsoft Store, including iTunes and Netflix. This cleaning is optional: you can turn it on in Custom Clean. Third, Software Updater can provide updates to an additional 30 apps, taking its coverage to more than 150 popular apps! Finally, thank you to those who reported long loading times for CCleaner, this should be back to normal now in this release.

    Helping you to keep your PC running fast and smooth

    • We’ve rectified the Driver Updater badge counter so it no longer shows the wrong number of drivers to update in some cases
    • We’ve made many quality-of-life improvements to Performance Optimizer:
    • We’ve optimized its own performance to use fewer resources
    • We’ve added a notification for  made it more obvious when an app requires a restart before it can enter or leave Sleep Mode
    • We’ve made some wording clearer
    • We’ve fixed some visual bugs 
    • We’ve fixed an issue that occurred when switching from non-admin to admin in Windows
    • We’ve added better error reporting so our engineers can fix issues more quickly

    Expanding our cleaning

    • We’ve added cleaning for Microsoft Store installations of: 
    • Amazon Music, iTunes & Spotify
    • Netflix, Disney+ & VLC Media Player
    • WhatsApp
    • Microsoft To Do
    • Raw Image Extension
    • Trio Office

    Taking the hassle out of PC maintenance

    • We fixed an issue where CCleaner took a long time to load if you have large driver backup files present
    • Software Updater now supports an additional 30 applications; including OpenOffice, Plex Media — Player and CPU-Z
    • Request more apps for Software Updater at ideas.ccleaner.com

    Simplifying the app

    • New caret arrows in Driver Updater show that driver categories can be expanded
    • The Account menu, where you can manage your license and start a free trial, is now easier to find 

    Keeping you safe

    • As part of our continued commitment to security, we’ve made various minor security improvements based on testing (penetration testing, static code analysis)
    • Updates like these are typical, preventative measures taken by all good software companies
    • One such example is that we’ve upgraded the version of OpenSSL we use for secure data transfer to the latest one (1.1.1o)

    Note about CCleaner Portable

    We have paused releases of CCleaner Portable while we resolve a compatibility issue. We hope to have this resolved soon.


    (12 May 2022)

    Helping you to keep your PC running fast and smooth

    • Added a new Performance Optimizer feature
    • Scans for apps that run in the background
    • Allows you to sleep apps that aren’t needed, reducing system load
    • Keeps apps asleep while not in use
    • Wakes apps up safely when needed by you or another application
    • Contains a guide and FAQ section
    • We fixed some bugs found during our feature preview test phase
    • You can read more about this feature in our blog post

    Expanding our cleaning

    • Added cleaning of Windows Software Distribution logs
    • Added optional cleaning of Google programs backup files
    • Added optional cleaning of Apple programs backup files
    • Added optional cleaning of Steam backup files
    • Improved cleaning of Safari internet history
    • Improved cleaning of Chromium internet cache (JS files)

    Taking the hassle out of PC maintenance

    • We’ve added 50 new apps to our Software Updater!
    • More to come this summer
    • Request an app at ideas.ccleaner.com

    Simplifying the app

    • Added a helpful ‘Paste’ button into the License Key screen
    • Improved Account Menu display for high-DPI screens
    • Made some license registration errors more understandable
    • To avoid mishaps, CCleaner will always be installed to a /CCleaner/ folder

    Making the app inclusive (Accessibility)

    • Our new Performance Optimizer feature has full support for NVDA screen reader
    • The Account Manager menu now works better with NVDA screen reader

    Keeping you safe

    • As part of our continued commitment to security, we’ve made various minor security improvements based on testing (penetration testing, static code analysis).
    • Updates like these are typical, preventative measures taken by all good software companies.

    (11 Apr 2022)

    In this release, we’ve expanded cleaning for Edge, Firefox and Chrome and renamed some files for better clarity around what CCleaner is cleaning.

    We’ve also released a preview of our new Performance Optimizer feature to a limited number of CCleaner users for their feedback. This new feature puts apps into ‘Sleep’ mode if they’re not needed to boost system performance.

    Expanding our cleaning

    • We added cleaning of bookmark backups in Edge and Firefox
    • We expanded our Google Chrome ‘Metrics Temp Files’ rule to include Setup Metrics
    • We’ve renamed the ‘Windows SubSystems Temp Files’ rule to “Network Data Usage” to make it clearer that this rule removes historical, statistical data about your network usage.

    Helping you to keep your PC running smoothly

    • We have released a preview of our new Performance Optimizer feature to a small number of users for their feedback
    • This new feature is not yet suitable for users of assistive technologies, but will be when fully released
    • We expect to make it available to everyone very soon! :-)

    (16 Mar 2022)

    Maintaining cleaning reliability

    • We’re now cleaning Google syndication cookies fully in Google Chrome

    Making CCleaner easy to use

    • We’ve created a new way to register a license key in the product (find it in ‘Options’ > ‘License Key’)
    • We’ve improved the design of the screen to make it simpler to register your CCleaner license key
    • You’ll now see a more helpful message if something goes wrong
    • Finally, we have an improved screen where you can review and manage your license

    Keeping the app running smoothly

    • We addressed a bug that was causing the ‘Save to Text File’ action in the Uninstall tool to add unwanted whitespace, making it copy-paste-unfriendly for spreadsheets
    • CCleaner no longer crashes when importing cookies from a text file (‘Cookies to Keep’ right-click menu)

    (16 Feb 2022)

    Expanding our cleaning

    • Added new temp file cleaning for Chrome User Data
    • Added new temp file cleaning for various Windows system components
    • Added new temp file cleaning for Microsoft Photos app
    • Fixed a bug in cleaning for Windows Game Explorer

    Even more reliable driver updating

    • Since its release in July 2021, we have put a lot of focus on minimizing the possibility of errors when using Driver Updater
    • This release includes two new safety features in our proprietary technology, which reduce the likelihood of problems occurring
    • Driver Updater is a feature of our premium CCleaner Professional product
    • You can check for available updates for free, but you get updates you need to either upgrade or start a free trial

    NEW! Automatic language detection on install

    • Some of you told us that you uninstalled CCleaner because it doesn’t have translations when, in fact, we support over 60 languages!
    • To remedy this, when you first install CCleaner, it will intelligently start up in a suitable language based on your system settings
    • This only affects completely fresh installations (over-the-top installs do not modify language settings)
    • You can change your language setting inside the app ‘Options’ > ‘Settings’ (more).

    (25 Jan 2022)

    Better cleaning

    • We are cleaning Chromium browser cookies again, after a change to where Chromium stores them. This affects all Chromium browsers, e.g. CCleaner Browser, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave, Vivaldi, Opera and Yandex.
    • We’ve added support for cleaning Firefox where it’s installed via the Microsoft Store. Every app installed via the Microsoft Store saves to a new location, so we will be working our way through other popular apps on the Store to ensure that CCleaner is able to clean them.

    Improved technology

    • We have upgraded CCleaner to use C++ 20. This allows us to work more efficiently and deliver app improvements more quickly.

    Patch release 5.89.9401

    • We’ve resolved an issue that was preventing the app from updating successfully for some users
    • Information for technical types:

    Patch installer file version: 5.89.9401

    CCleaner.exe SHA-256: 2c301f39e66ffffb954419ab6c0a78b593cb28ed7f67752118b45362aadf9fe3

    CCleaner64.exe SHA-256: eaeff8e13536c6bad55b71e3d1a9c1b0e0fcc55e9cc1c85f5754fbe49121a120

    CCUpdate.exe SHA-256: 721ee7b402ce1ea6a69ed90f2501dfa003725d1135136ac88762307ad0f426c0

    uninst.exe SHA-256: c26eac8e5ab78e594ac70756e565e4bdf1d1397b630a3f89ed21502c94245d3e


    (24 Jan 2022)

    Better cleaning

    • We are cleaning Chromium browser cookies again, after a change to where Chromium stores them. This affects all Chromium browsers, e.g. CCleaner Browser, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave, Vivaldi, Opera and Yandex.
    • We’ve added support for cleaning Firefox where it’s installed via the Microsoft Store. Every app installed via the Microsoft Store saves to a new location, so we will be working our way through other popular apps on the Store to ensure that CCleaner is able to clean them.

    Improved technology

    • We have upgraded CCleaner to use C++ 20. This allows us to work more efficiently and deliver app improvements more quickly.

    (14 Dec 2021)

    Better driver updating

    • We’ve made some improvements to how Driver Updater searches for driver updates for you
    • We fixed an issue where the update counter on the Driver Updater icon was not updating correctly

    Improved accessibility support

    • We’ve improved navigation the ‘upgrade’ screen if you use NVDA screen reader 

    Bug fixes 

    • We fixed a bug in Health Check that was hiding the ‘Back to Overview’ button once you clicked on the icons for ‘Privacy,’ ‘Space,’ and others for more detailed information
    • We fixed a bug where you might get asked for admin permissions to run CCleaner (even if you’ve already granted them)
    • We fixed a bug where a ccleaner.ini file gets created incorrectly

    (16 Nov 2021)

    Better cleaning

    • We’ve improved Microsoft Edge Chromium cache cleaning
    • We’ve added new cleaning for Windows Event Trace Log (ETL) files

    A more helpful Driver Updater

    • The feature icon now tells you when there are driver updates available
    • We’ve fixed an issue that meant that some drivers would not update on the first attempt
    • We’ve fixed visual bugs that occur on high DPI screens or high zoom settings
    • Long driver names now display correctly in the app

    Easier subscription management

    • We’ve added a new menu where you can manage your CCleaner subscription and discover other CCleaner products

    Additional bug fixes

    • We’ve fixed an issue in Software Updater where some 32-bit software was incorrectly claiming updates were available
    • We’ve fixed some non-English display issues in Health Check

    (20 Oct 2021)

    Shh! CCleaner!

    • We’ve fixed a bug where cleaning and update notifications were interrupting fullscreen applications
    • Note: a notifications bug remains for users of Razor Cortex — we’re in contact with Razor and a fix is in progress

    Clearer information

    • We’ve made improvements to Smart Cleaning notifications to make them easier to understand
    • We’ve updated some text in Health Check to reduce confusion
    • We’ve fixed a bug where using a VPN connection would show certain parts of Health Check as ‘offline’
    • We’ve fixed a bug in the icon menu that was hiding the ‘Exit’ button beneath the Taskbar

    Speaking your language

    • We’ve fixed some Chinese character display issues in Health Check
    • We’ve improved how assistive technology reads out your current position in a list, in non-English languages

    Far out, man!

    • We’ve fixed some drivers thinking they were born in the 1970s!

    statsStats: 30,171 versions of 1,984 programs

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    CCleaner Latest Version

    CCleaner Popular Version

    Select Version of CCleaner to Download for FREE!

    Software Version Release Date Size
    CCleaner 1.06.050 Mar 25, 2004 285.24 KB
    CCleaner 1.06.051 Apr 3, 2004 285.37 KB
    CCleaner 1.07.052 Apr 12, 2004 288.42 KB
    CCleaner 1.08.053 Apr 26, 2004 250.72 KB
    CCleaner 1.08.054 May 4, 2004 251.11 KB
    CCleaner 1.09.056 May 14, 2004 254.27 KB
    CCleaner 1.09.057 May 20, 2004 254.69 KB
    CCleaner 1.10.058 May 28, 2004 260.11 KB
    CCleaner 1.10.059 Jun 6, 2004 260.83 KB
    CCleaner 1.11.062 Jun 20, 2004 260.00 KB
    CCleaner 1.12.063 Jul 31, 2004 285.17 KB
    CCleaner 1.13.068 Sep 4, 2004 295.21 KB
    CCleaner 1.13.069 Sep 13, 2004 304.71 KB
    CCleaner 1.14.072 Oct 7, 2004 306.86 KB
    CCleaner 1.15.078 Nov 3, 2004 320.38 KB
    CCleaner 1.16.080 Dec 6, 2004 360.00 KB
    CCleaner 1.16.082 Add info 360.00 KB
    CCleaner 1.16.084 Add info 376.33 KB
    CCleaner 1.17.088 Jan 19, 2005 391.64 KB
    CCleaner 1.17.090 Add info 402.92 KB
    CCleaner 1.17.094 Add info 404.65 KB
    CCleaner 1.18.099 Add info 407.59 KB
    CCleaner 1.18.101 Add info 409.13 KB
    CCleaner 1.19.105 Add info 428.55 KB
    CCleaner 1.19.108 Add info 435.94 KB
    CCleaner 1.20.118 Add info 471.04 KB
    CCleaner 1.21.130 Add info 472.74 KB
    CCleaner 1.22.142 Add info 490.07 KB
    CCleaner 1.23.160 Add info 498.75 KB
    CCleaner 1.24.180 Add info 503.94 KB
    CCleaner 1.25.201 Add info 512.85 KB
    CCleaner 1.26.128 Add info 528.59 KB
    CCleaner 1.26.218 Add info 528.59 KB
    CCleaner 1.27.242 Beta Add info 534.14 KB
    CCleaner 1.27.255 Beta Add info 1.24 MB
    CCleaner 1.27.260 Add info 1.25 MB
    CCleaner 1.28.277 Add info 1.38 MB
    CCleaner 1.29.295 Add info 1.39 MB
    CCleaner 1.30.310 Add info 1.39 MB
    CCleaner 1.31.325 Add info 1.39 MB
    CCleaner 1.32.345 Add info 1.40 MB
    CCleaner 1.33.382 Sep 15, 2006 1.42 MB
    CCleaner 1.34.405 Oct 18, 2006 1.43 MB
    CCleaner 1.34.407 Oct 19, 2006 1.43 MB
    CCleaner 1.35.424 Nov 23, 2006 1.43 MB
    CCleaner 1.36.430 Dec 15, 2006 1.43 MB
    CCleaner 1.37.456 Add info 2.56 MB
    CCleaner 1.38.485 Mar 6, 2007 2.56 MB
    CCleaner 1.39.502 Apr 17, 2007 2.59 MB
    CCleaner 1.40.520 May 16, 2007 2.59 MB
    CCleaner 1.41.0 Add info 2.59 MB
    CCleaner 1.41.544 Jul 13, 2007 2.59 MB
    CCleaner Jun 30, 2011 3.26 MB
    CCleaner 2.00.475 Beta Aug 16, 2007 2.50 MB
    CCleaner 2.00.491 Beta 2 Add info 2.49 MB
    CCleaner 2.00.491 Beta2 Aug 24, 2007 2.49 MB
    CCleaner 2.00.495RC Aug 31, 2007 2.49 MB
    CCleaner 2.00.495 RC Add info 2.49 MB
    CCleaner 2.00.500 Sep 10, 2007 2.49 MB
    CCleaner 2.01.507 Oct 2, 2007 2.51 MB
    CCleaner 2.02.525 Nov 5, 2007 2.60 MB
    CCleaner 2.02.527 Nov 6, 2007 2.60 MB
    CCleaner 2.03.532 Nov 26, 2007 2.60 MB
    CCleaner 2.04.543 Jan 17, 2008 2.61 MB
    CCleaner 2.05.555 Feb 21, 2008 2.61 MB
    CCleaner 2.06.567 Mar 25, 2008 2.62 MB
    CCleaner 2.07.575 Apr 28, 2008 2.76 MB
    CCleaner 2.08.588 May 29, 2008 2.78 MB
    CCleaner 2.09.600 Jun 26, 2008 2.78 MB
    CCleaner 2.10.618 Jul 29, 2008 2.79 MB
    CCleaner 2.11.636 Aug 22, 2008 2.79 MB
    CCleaner 2.12.651 Sep 24, 2008 2.80 MB
    CCleaner 2.12.660 Sep 29, 2008 2.80 MB
    CCleaner 2.13.720 Oct 23, 2008 2.82 MB
    CCleaner 2.14.750 Nov 25, 2008 2.84 MB
    CCleaner 2.14.763 Dec 1, 2008 2.84 MB
    CCleaner 2.15.815 Dec 19, 2008 3.02 MB
    CCleaner 2.16.830 Jan 27, 2009 3.02 MB
    CCleaner 2.17.853 Feb 27, 2009 3.04 MB
    CCleaner 2.18.878 Mar 24, 2009 3.04 MB
    CCleaner 2.19.889 Apr 28, 2009 3.08 MB
    CCleaner 2.19.900 Apr 30, 2009 3.08 MB
    CCleaner 2.19.901 May 7, 2009 3.08 MB
    CCleaner 2.20.920 May 28, 2009 3.10 MB
    CCleaner 2.21.940 Jun 25, 2009 3.10 MB
    CCleaner 2.22.968 Jul 27, 2009 3.13 MB
    CCleaner 2.22.993 Jul 28, 2009 3.14 MB
    CCleaner 2.23.993 Aug 26, 2009 3.14 MB
    CCleaner 2.23.999 Sep 2, 2009 3.14 MB
    CCleaner 2.24.1010 Sep 28, 2009 3.16 MB
    CCleaner 2.25.1025 Oct 26, 2009 3.16 MB
    CCleaner 2.26.1050 Nov 26, 2009 3.17 MB
    CCleaner 2.27.1070 Dec 23, 2009 3.20 MB
    CCleaner 2.28.1091 Jan 28, 2010 3.21 MB
    CCleaner 2.29.1111 Feb 25, 2010 3.24 MB
    CCleaner 2.30.1130 Mar 29, 2010 3.22 MB
    CCleaner 2.31.1153 Apr 26, 2010 3.23 MB
    CCleaner 2.32.1165 May 26, 2010 3.23 MB
    CCleaner 2.33.1184 Jun 24, 2010 3.24 MB
    CCleaner 2.34.1200 Jul 26, 2010 3.26 MB
    CCleaner 2.35.1219 Aug 25, 2010 3.27 MB
    CCleaner 2.35.1223 Sep 1, 2010 3.27 MB
    CCleaner 2.36 Sep 27, 2010 1.13 MB
    CCleaner 2.36.1233 Sep 27, 2010 3.27 MB
    CCleaner 3.0 Oct 28, 2010 2.68 MB
    CCleaner 3.00.1303 Oct 28, 2010 2.68 MB
    CCleaner 3.00.1310 Nov 3, 2010 2.68 MB
    CCleaner 3.01.1327 Nov 25, 2010 2.83 MB
    CCleaner 3.02 Dec 23, 2010 2.84 MB
    CCleaner 3.02.1343 Dec 23, 2010 2.84 MB
    CCleaner 3.03 Jan 25, 2011 2.87 MB
    CCleaner 3.03.1366 Jan 25, 2011 2.65 MB
    CCleaner 3.04 Feb 24, 2011 2.89 MB
    CCleaner 3.04.1389 Feb 24, 2011 2.89 MB
    CCleaner 3.05 Mar 24, 2011 2.91 MB
    CCleaner 3.05.1408 Add info 2.91 MB
    CCleaner 3.05.1409 Mar 24, 2011 2.91 MB
    CCleaner 3.06 Apr 26, 2011 2.92 MB
    CCleaner 3.06.1433 Apr 26, 2011 2.92 MB
    CCleaner 3.07 May 26, 2011 2.95 MB
    CCleaner 3.07.1457 May 26, 2011 2.95 MB
    CCleaner 3.08 Jun 27, 2011 3.07 MB
    CCleaner 3.08.1475 Jun 27, 2011 3.07 MB
    CCleaner 3.09 Jul 26, 2011 3.29 MB
    CCleaner 3.09.1493 Jul 26, 2011 3.29 MB
    CCleaner 3.10 Aug 25, 2011 3.32 MB
    CCleaner 3.10.1525 Aug 25, 2011 3.32 MB
    CCleaner 3.11.1541 Sep 26, 2011 3.33 MB
    CCleaner 3.11.1550 Oct 4, 2011 3.33 MB
    CCleaner 3.11.1551 Oct 4, 2011 3.33 MB
    CCleaner 3.12 Oct 24, 2011 3.35 MB
    CCleaner 3.12.1572 Oct 24, 2011 3.35 MB
    CCleaner 3.13 Nov 27, 2011 3.39 MB
    CCleaner 3.13.1600 Nov 28, 2011 3.39 MB
    CCleaner 3.14 Dec 21, 2011 3.40 MB
    CCleaner 3.14.1616 Dec 21, 2011 3.40 MB
    CCleaner 3.15 Jan 25, 2012 3.42 MB
    CCleaner 3.15.1643 Jan 25, 2012 3.42 MB
    CCleaner 3.16 Feb 23, 2012 3.46 MB
    CCleaner 3.16.1666 Feb 23, 2012 3.46 MB
    CCleaner 3.17 Mar 26, 2012 3.48 MB
    CCleaner 3.17.1688 Mar 26, 2012 3.48 MB
    CCleaner 3.17.1689 Mar 27, 2012 3.48 MB
    CCleaner 3.18 Apr 25, 2012 3.49 MB
    CCleaner 3.18.1707 Apr 25, 2012 3.49 MB
    CCleaner 3.19 May 24, 2012 3.68 MB
    CCleaner 3.19.1721 May 24, 2012 3.68 MB
    CCleaner 3.20.1750 Jun 25, 2012 3.71 MB
    CCleaner 3.21 Jul 25, 2012 3.73 MB
    CCleaner 3.21.1767 Jul 25, 2012 3.73 MB
    CCleaner 3.22.1800 Aug 24, 2012 3.75 MB
    CCleaner 3.23 Sep 25, 2012 3.76 MB
    CCleaner 3.23.1823 Add info 3.76 MB
    CCleaner 3.24 Oct 25, 2012 3.82 MB
    CCleaner 3.24.1850 Add info 3.83 MB
    CCleaner 3.25 Nov 26, 2012 3.89 MB
    CCleaner 3.25.1872 Add info 3.97 MB
    CCleaner 3.26.1888 Dec 21, 2012 3.98 MB
    CCleaner 3.27 Jan 24, 2013 4.00 MB
    CCleaner 3.27.1900 Add info 4.00 MB
    CCleaner 4.14 May 23, 2014 4.53 MB
    CCleaner 5.14.5493 Jan 26, 2016 6.51 MB

    CCleaner Description

    CCleaner is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool. It removes unused files from your system — allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history.

    It can clean history in both Firefox and Internet Explorer and also within the following realms of the Windows Operating System:

    • Recycle Bin
    • Clipboard
    • Windows Temporary files
    • Windows Log files.
    • Recent Documents (on the Start Menu).
    • Run history (on the Start Menu).
    • Windows XP Search Assistant history.
    • Windows XP old Prefetch data.
    • Windows memory dumps after crashes.
    • Chkdsk file fragments.

    If you enjoy this program, please consider making a donation to the software developer by visiting the manufacturer’s web site and clicking «Download.»

    Other Internet Software

    • Ad aware
    • Avast Free Antivirus
    • AVG Anti Virus
    • Avira AntiVir
    • CatSpy
    • ClamWin Free Antivirus
    • Comodo Internet Security
    • Eset NOD32
    • HijackThis
    • HomeGuard Activity Monitor
    • KeePass Password Safe
    • Lockmydrive
    • Malwarebytes
    • Microsoft Security Essentials
    • Norton AntiVirus

    OldVersion.com Points System

    When you upload software to oldversion.com you get rewarded by points. For every field that is filled out correctly, points will be
    rewarded, some fields are optional but the more you provide the more you will get rewarded!

    So why not upload a peice software today, share with others and get rewarded! click here to upload software>>

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