Скачать scanmaster elm для windows

Scanmaster ELM — это программа для компьютерной диагностики, которая может выводить информацию о состоянии всех систем автомобиля. Для её работы потребуется ноутбук или стационарный компьютер, модуль ELM327 и автомобиль, поддерживающий интерфейс OBD-II / EOBD.

Большинство современных автомобилей, таких как Audi, Opel, Ford, Mazda, Hyundai и другие, могут передавать данные о состоянии автомобиля, результаты самодиагностики и возможные ошибки через специальный порт On-board diagnostics (OBDII). Данные передаются в особом формате, который может быть расшифрован модулем ELM327. Программа Scanmaster ELM может работать с этим модулем и выводить на экран компьютера большое количество различной информации об автомобиле.

В зависимости от марки машины, количество выводимой информации может сильно различаться. В основном это расшифровка кодов ошибок, также это могут быть данные о работе двигателя, расходе топлива, средней скорости движения, положения дроссельной заслонки, температуры охлаждающей жидкости и многого другое. Кроме того, при помощи программы можно исправлять проблему с индикатором Check Engine на приборной панели и обнулять счетчик ошибок. Также в Scanmaster ELM есть виртуальная приборная панель, на которой расположены работающие в реальном времени датчики измерения скорости, тахометр, вольтметр, индикатор уровня топлива и другие.

Чтобы русифицировать программу, установите её, выбрав английский язык основным, затем распакуйте с заменой файлов содержимое архива с русификатором в каталог с установленной программой (по умолчанию C:\Program Files\WGSoft\ScanMaster-ELM\).

ScanMaster-ELM — программа для диагностики автомобилей с электронными блоками управления (ЭБУ), оснащенными системой диагностики стандарта OBD-II/EOBD. Это платное программное обеспечение. Доступна ознакомительная демо-версия с ограниченными функциональными возможностями.

Программа поддерживается операционными системами Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 (32 и 64 бит). Интерфейс имеет неполный перевод на русский язык (следует выбрать в настройках уже после установки программы).

Одна из сильных сторон программы ScanMaster-ELM — поддержка 9 протоколов соединения с бортовой системой диагностики автомобилей, что говорит об универсальности этого программного обеспечения. Сюда входят:

  1. SAE J1850 PWM (41.6 Kbaud)
  2. SAE J1850 VPW (10.4 Kbaud)
  3. ISO 9141-2 (5 baud init, 10.4 Kbaud)
  4. ISO 14230-4 KWP (5 baud init, 10.4 Kbaud)
  5. ISO 14230-4 KWP (fast init, 10.4 Kbaud)
  6. ISO 15765-4 CAN (11 bit ID, 500 Kbaud)
  7. ISO 15765-4 CAN (29 bit ID, 500 Kbaud)
  8. ISO 15765-4 CAN (11 bit ID, 250 Kbaud)
  9. ISO 15765-4 CAN (29 bit ID, 250 Kbaud)

Пользователю необязательно каждый раз выбирать в настройках ScanMaster-ELM тот или иной протокол связи с ЭБУ автомобиля, т.к. программа способна автоматически определять его.

Среди прочих особенностей приложения и его функциональных возможностей отметим:

  • Поддержка общих идентификаторов параметров (PID) SAE J1979 (диагностический режим «$ 01») от $00 до $87.
  • Встроенная база с описанием распространенных кодов проблем DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) с возможностью выполнения поиска по кодам. Также программа может обращаться к онлайн базе данных, в которой на момент написания обзора хранились описания к более чем 38000 кодам DTC.
  • Отображение идентификационной информацию, применимой к тестируемому автомобилю (VIN, идентификатор калибровки, номер проверки калибровки, отслеживание эксплуатационных характеристик).
  • Отображение всех или только заданных пользователем параметров диагностических данных, поддерживаемых контроллером OBD II транспортного средства, с линейными графиками и измерителями.
  • Возможность просмотра состояния системы автомобиля даже в случаях, когда диагностический код неисправности, связанный с выбросами, был сохранен в режиме стоп-кадра.
  • Считывание кодов неисправности выбросов (и их общие описания SAE), которые вызывают включение контрольной лампы неисправности (Check Engine). Отображение номеров DTC для номеров и описаний DTC, не определенных SAE, которые сообщаются электронным блоком управления автомобиля OBD II.
  • Поддерживает более 4200 описаний общих диагностических кодов неисправностей из SAE J2012 и более 3600 расширенных кодов OBD-II, или коды, определенные производителем оригинального оборудования (OEM) .
  • Возможность удаления из памяти ЭБУ всей диагностической информации, связанной с выбросами (диагностический режим «$ 04»).
  • Просмотр результатов тестирования датчика кислорода, выполненного модулем управления трансмиссией автомобиля в режиме «Датчики кислорода» (диагностический режим «$ 05»).
  • Отображение непостоянных результатов диагностических тестов, характерных для производителей транспортных средств с режимом «Мониторинг результатов тестов».
  • Отображение сообщений о постоянно отслеживаемых тестах, связанных с выбросами автомобиля, которые не прошли во время ездового цикла и еще не доработаны для индикации диагностического кода неисправности в режиме «Ожидающие диагностические коды неисправностей».
  • Встроенная система оценки состояния автомобиля, показывающая готовность ТС к государственной проверке.
  • Отображение виртуальной приборной доски, синхронизированной с приборной доской диагностируемого автомобиля.
  • Специальные тесты для измерения мощности, крутящего момента и других параметров двигателя.
  • Измерение расхода топлива.
  • Специальные диагностические тесты для автомобилей марок Opel (1996 — 2004 годов производства) и Alfa Romeo (1998 — 2002 годов производства).
  • Поддержка методы прямого подключения для интерфейсов USB, Bluetooth и WLAN.
  • Экспорт зарегистрированных данных в формате Excel (CSV) и другие возможности.

Стоимость лицензионной версии программы ScanMaster-ELM на момент написания обзора составляла 59 евро.




Просмотров: 36704

ScanMaster ELM для Windows (7/8/10)

Версия: 2.1.104 от 04.04.2018.



Free (Бесплатная)


русский, английский


Windows (7/8/10)


32 bit/x32, 64 bit/x64

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Поделись с друзьями:

Scanmaster ELM & mdash; is a computer diagnostic program that can display information about the status of all vehicle systems. It requires a laptop or desktop computer, an ELM327 module and a car that supports OBD-II / EOBD.

Most modern vehicles such as Audi, Opel, Ford, Mazda, Hyundai and others can transmit vehicle condition data, self-diagnostic results and possible errors through a special On-board diagnostics (OBDII) port. The data is transmitted in a special format that can be decoded by the ELM327 module. Scanmaster ELM can work with this module and display a lot of different information about the vehicle on the computer screen.

Depending on the make of the machine, the amount of information displayed may vary greatly. Basically it is a decoding of error codes, also it can be the data on engine work, fuel consumption, average speed of movement, position of a throttle valve, temperature of a cooling liquid and many other things. In addition, you can use the program to fix the problem with the Check Engine indicator on the dashboard and reset the error counter. The Scanmaster ELM also has a virtual dashboard with real-time speed sensors, tachometer, voltmeter, fuel level indicator and others.

ScanMaster ELM allows users to conveniently diagnose and troubleshoot vehicle systems, enhancing maintenance efficiency and vehicle lifespan.

To Russify the program, install it by selecting English as the main language, then extract the contents of the archive with the Russifier into the directory with the program installed (by default C:\Program Files\WGSoft\ScanMaster-ELM\).

— Real-time display of vehicle status information;

— a large number of supported devices;

— decoding of DTCs;

— the ability to reset the error register;

— the ability to disable the Check Engine indicator;

— Display of system test results;

— Display of operational data in the form of graphs;

— virtual dashboard;

— a simple interface;

— there’s a Russifier.

Highly compatible with OBD-2 compliant vehicles.

Supports real-time graphing of sensor data.

Features a straightforward, user-friendly interface.

Lacks comprehensive user manual or support.

Interface may be confusing for beginners.

May experience occasional connectivity issues.


image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Scanmaster ELM & mdash; is a computer diagnostic program that can display information about the status of all vehicle systems. It requires a laptop or desktop computer, an ELM327 module and a car that supports OBD-II / EOBD.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


ScanMaster displays the information about a vehicle’s performance and mechanical status. This can be helpful to see what maintenance is needed for the vehicle anytime something is wrong or the check engine light is on. This can also reset the check engine light.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


ScanMaster ELM for Windows is a diagnostic tool for use in diagnosing problems with any automobiles with the OBD computer chip. It will run all standard tests and is extremely useful for auto repair shops as well as individual consumers. Imagine not having to bring your vehicle in to find out what is wrong with it. No longer will you be at the mercy of possible overcharges from a mechanic. When you take your vehicle in for repairs, you will already know what’s wrong. This would be an invaluable tool for people who want to repair their own vehicles.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


ScanMaster ELM is a simple software application tool which is used for diagnostic of vehicles under some standards from ELM Electronics company. Most of the control devices of ELM electronics in any type of vehicles can be monitored by this application software tool. It monitors health of the system and properly reports to computer or user in regular basis. It measures acceleration of vehicle and motor condition when running properly. This application is compatible with all types of Windows Operating Systems.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


ScanMaster ELM performs diagnostic scanning on any OBD-II or EOBD standard vehicles that contain the ELM327 chip. With multiple, easily readable tabs that cover all scannable bases, and a one-click connection to the ELM device, ScanMaster ELM takes the hassle out of the work. If you need a quick and easy way to determine or diagnose a vehicle, ScanMaster ELM is the tool you may just need.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


ScanMater ELM for Windows diagnostics scan tool for windows. Although the user interface could do with serious changes, it doesn’t and it shouldn’t take away from the credibility of the software. This software lets you simulate the acceleration of a car which is always good for any car enthusiacs including myself. In my opinion, with a little more improvements, it should be ready to go into the market. Also, this software is very accurate as the exact top speed of my favourite car was calculated on this and in practicality it was the exact same as i had calculated previously.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Well, this software is regularly suitable for machine repair shops and mechanic sheds etc.. all vehicle contains OBD-2 is automatically deducted by this software. We may get details about fuel consumption, acceleration of vehicles by this software. Easy to handle it.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


ScanMaster-ELM software is a great diagnostics scan tool for vehicles. This works well for automotive repair shops and seasonal home and hobby repair shops. I like how it provides extensive functionality and additional analysis to help fix and check on a vehicle. Some good examples are the measurement of fuel consumption, live viewing, acceleration of a vehicle from 0-100 km/h, a very comprehensive performance measurement, reading our and erasing trouble codes, dash board optimized for touch control and a diagnostic report to follow. I highly recommend this good software so you can accurately get your vehicle diagnosed and the problem fixed quickly. Or just to have basic maintenance done.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Logan V.

ScanMaster ELM is a diagnostic software package used to diagnose and troubleshoot various automotive vehicles. It is capable of communicating with an onboard diagnostic interface to read and clear engine diagnostic fault codes, reset service lights, and access real-time vehicle data. ScanMaster ELM can also be used to simulate and test vehicle systems, as well as to create and store repair reports.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Luke Y.

1. ScanMaster ELM is a great software for diagnosing OBD-II faults and live data.
2. The user interface is quite intuitive and easy to navigate.
3. The software is fast and efficient, with quick response times.
4. The data logging feature is highly useful and helps to quickly pinpoint faults.
5. The software supports a wide range of OBD-II protocols and vehicles.
6. It provides accurate data and fault codes for the supported vehicles.
7. The software is cost-effective and provides good value for money.
8. The customer support is quite helpful and responsive.
9. The software updates are quite frequent and help to keep it up-to-date.
10. Overall, ScanMaster ELM is a great software for diagnosing and reading OBD-II codes.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Muhammad M********o

ScanMaster ELM is an useful tool to diagnose and monitor car’s engine, however I found it quite difficult to use and navigate in the beginning.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Owen V*********a

The software is user-friendly and easy to navigate. It provides comprehensive diagnostic information and real-time data. Some users have reported occasional connectivity issues with certain vehicle models. The software is compatible with a wide range of vehicles and supports multiple protocols. The interface could benefit from some visual improvements to enhance user experience. The software is a reliable tool for vehicle diagnostics.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Arran L.

ScanMaster ELM software is a user-friendly and efficient tool for diagnosing and troubleshooting vehicle problems.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


ScanMaster ELM is a user-friendly and efficient diagnostic software for OBD-II compliant vehicles. Its primary feature is that it supports all five OBD-II protocols and manufacturer-specific diagnostic trouble codes, making it highly versatile. It’s also capable of displaying real-time sensor data, giving you an in-depth understanding of your vehicle’s operation.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Really easy to use, interprets error codes effectively, and connects seamlessly with the OBD2 scanner.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Comprehensive, user-friendly interface for vehicle diagnostics.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Easy to use, comprehensive diagnostics.

ScanMaster ELM is a computer diagnostic application that displays information about the state of all car systems. It necessitates the use of a laptop or desktop computer an ELM327 module, and a vehicle that supports OBD-II/EOBD.

ScanMaster - ELM for windows

Most current automobiles, including Audi, Opel, ford, Mazda and Hyundai can communicate vehicle status data, self-diagnostic findings and potential faults through a specific On-board diagnostic (OBDII) connection. The data is sent in a specific format that the ELM327 module can decipher. ScanMaster ELM can operate with this module to show a variety of vehicle information on the computer screen. You can also check out Apowersoft Screen Recorder.

Table of Contents

  • 1  ScanMaster ELM327 Free Download for Windows 11
  • 2 ScanMaster-ELM
  • 3 ELM327
    • 3.1 ELM327 Functions:
    • 3.2 Technical Setup Details
    • 3.3 Minimum System Requirements
  • 4 Frequently Asked Questions?
    • 4.1 What is ScanMaster-Elm?
    • 4.2 Is ScanMaster ELM327 a safe or Not?
    • 4.3 Who is developed ScanMaster ELM327 software?
    • 4.4 Is ScanMaster-ELM software available for free?
    • 4.5 ScanMaster ELM software used for
    • 4.6 Is ScanMaster software supports on Windows 11?
    • 4.7 What is the latest version of ScanMaster-ELM software?
    • 4.8 What is software works with ELM327?
    • 4.9 How do I connect my ELM327 to my computer?
  • 5 Conclusion on ScanMaster ELM327 for Windows 11


ScanMaster-ELM is an OBD-2/EOBD diagnostic scan tool for car diagnostics in accordance with OBD-II/EOBD standards, designed particularly for the ELM327 chip from ELM Electronics.

In combination with an ELM327-based interface, ScanMaster is a perfect OBD solution (also known as a scan tool or OBD scanner) for diagnosing any OBD-2-capable systems. It is also great for automobile repair companies as well as seasoned home and hobby technicians.

All control devices in OBD-2 compliant cars are immediately recognized and may be diagnosed using our software. In many cars, the engine and automatic gearbox, breaking systems, powerplant and other control components are removed.

In addition to conventional diagnostic capabilities, the program ScanMaster ELM 4.3 offers comprehensive capability and extra analyses based on data from the diagnostic interface.


The ELM327 is a programmable microcontroller manufactured by ELM Electronics that is used to translate the on-board diagnostics (OBD) interface present in most current automobiles. The ELM327 command protocol is a common PC-to-OBD interface standard that is widely used by other companies.

The original ELM327 is based on Microchip Technology’s PIC18F2480 microprocessor. ELM327 is a member of ELM Electronics OBD translator family. Other variations just implement a fraction of the OBD protocols.

ELM327 Functions:

  • Read diagnostic trouble codes, both generic and manufacturer-specific.
  • Clear some trouble codes and turn off the MIL (“Malfunction Indicator Light”, more commonly known as the “Check Engine Light”).
  • Display current sensor data.
  • Engine RPM.
  • Calculated Load Value.
  • Coolant Temperature.
  • Fuel System Status.
  • Vehicle Speed.
  • Short Term Fuel Trim.
  • Long Term Fuel Trim.
  • Intake Manifold Pressure.
  • Timing Advance.
  • Intake Air Temperature.
  • Air Flow Rate.
  • Absolute Throttle Position.
  • Oxygen sensor voltages/associated short term fuel trims.
  • Fuel System status.
  • Fuel Pressure.

Technical Setup Details

  • Software Full Name: ScanMaster-ELM v4.3
  • Setup File Name: ScanMaster-ELM v4.3
  • Full Setup Size: 17.9 MB
  • Setup Type: Offline Installer / Full Standalone Setup
  • Compatibility Architecture: 32-Bit (x86) / 64-Bit (x64)
  • Latest Version Release Added on Jun-10-2014
  • License: Freeware
  • Developers: http://www.elm327.com/

Minimum System Requirements

  • Operating System: Windows XP/7/8/8.1/10
  • Memory (RAM): 2 GB
  • Hard Disk Space: 500 GB
  • Processor: Intel Pentium or above

Frequently Asked Questions?

What is ScanMaster-Elm?

ScanMaster-ELM is a OBD-2/EOBD diagnostic scan tool for vehicle diagnostics under OBD-II/EOBD standards that were developed specifically for the ELM327 chip from the company ELM Electronics.. In many vehicles are out of the engine and the automatic transmission, brake systems, powertrain and other control devices.

Is ScanMaster ELM327 a safe or Not?

Yes, ScanMaster-ELM327 is a safe and secure for used to interface with a vehicle’s on-board computer iva an OBD-II adapter.

Who is developed ScanMaster ELM327 software?

ScanMaster ELM327 is a software developed by WGSoft.de, a German software company that specializes in automotive diagnostic tools. The software is designed to work with the ELM327 OBD-II adapter.

Is ScanMaster-ELM software available for free?

ScanMaster-ELM software is not available for free, but it does offer a free trial version that users can download and use for a limited time period before purchasing the full version.

ScanMaster ELM software used for

ScanMaster ELM software is a diagnostic tool that is used to interface with a vehicle’s on-board computer via an OBD-II adapter. The software is designed to provide users with access to a wide range of diagnostic data, including real-time sensor readings, fault codes, and engine performance metrics.

Some of the specific uses of ScanMaster ELM software include:

  1. Diagnosing and troubleshooting problems with a vehicle’s engine, transmission, and other systems.
  2. Clearing fault codes and resetting warning lights.
  3. Monitoring engine performance and identifying potential issues before they become major problems.
  4. Customizing vehicle settings, such as disabling automatic start-stop or adjusting the throttle response.
  5. Tracking fuel economy and monitoring fuel consumption.

Is ScanMaster software supports on Windows 11?

ScanMaster ELM software is designed to be compatible with the Windows operating system, including Windows 11, 10, 8, 7.

What is the latest version of ScanMaster-ELM software?

The latest version of ScanMaster-ELM software was version 4.3, released by WGSoft.de in August 2021.

What is software works with ELM327?

  • List of ELM327 Software.
  • Car Scanner ELM OBD2.
  • OBD Auto Doctor.
  • Torque Pro.
  • Dash.
  • OBD Car Doctor.

How do I connect my ELM327 to my computer?

  • Plug the ELM327 Bluetooth device into the OBD-II port.
  • Set the smartphone, tablet or laptop to scan for available connections.
  • Select the ELM327 scan tool.
  • Input the pairing code.

Conclusion on ScanMaster ELM327 for Windows 11

I suppose you have followed each step carefully for Download ScanMaster ELM on PC. After downloading this software, open this software.

I suppose your PC does not installed this software. Then, you can download this extension from ItTechGyan website. Now import that software file to your PC.

At last, I hope you liked this post on ScanMaster ELM on Notebook!

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