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Download Orbot VPN For Windows 10/11 and Mac Free (2023 Latest)

Different VPN applications are there in the market but a few of them lack some features. Orbot for PC helps browse the internet securely and safely.

Do you want to use a more secured virtual private network application on the system then you have landed in the right position as we are going to guide you on how to install it on your system? If the answer is “Yes”, then Orbot VPN for Windows 10/11 PC download is your top choice as it is open-source and ad-free, what more could you ask?

Why use Orbot

As we know internet service provider takes an eye on our data, therefore privacy is very important. Keep in mind that data is very useful for advertisers therefore it is our responsibility to be smart enough to protect and save our data.

We can use this to hide our identity on the internet as it gives a different IP address. Moreover, use this to secure data more confidentially.

If you feel that you are not safe while surfing the net and your mobile or system consuming more of it then it is due to the fact that at times the user is not sure what site he is visiting and whether it is secured or not. This is where this app comes in handy; it keeps you anonymous during all of this.

Like all other ones, this one cannot be found on the Mac or Windows store as well, thus the user is not able to directly install it on a Windows pc but we have found another method for you.

There are two ways:

  • Google Chrome; helps in a specific browser such as Chrome, Firefox, and other famous ones.
  • Bluestacks Emulator; This helps in the virtual environment and allows you to run Android apps on a PC.

Orbot VPN New Features

Check out the following features to learn more about this application:

  1. With this, you can get more secure while surfing the internet and it is known as Orbot for PC.
  2. It has been designed especially for Android but can be used on Windows PCs to be more secure on that method.
  3. It is available open-source which means your data is safe and secured and you do not need to worry about this.
  4. It comes in free and there is no paid plan or anything like that, so use it as a charm.

READ: Download Cisco Packet Tracer Latest Version For Windows 10.

The Benefits of using Orbot – Privacy is important

As it’s powered by TOR, the VPN service cannot be blocked by sites and services like others are. This is due to the fact that it keeps on bouncing from one system to another until a connection is established. Moreover, unlike other apps, It does not render any add-in to its interface.

As standard services are known to encrypt data and then connect to the target server its functionality first encrypts data and then scatters it via different systems across the globe.

The reasons why you will love it:

  • Open-source and no advertisements

Unlike all the traditional applications that show ads whenever the application is opened, this is free from them. This is due to the fact that it is open-source and free to check codes of software.

  • Provides protection against being spied upon

This is able to encrypt the user’s internet traffic and then the data is sent via various systems before reaching the end server. Application is used to ensure that the privacy and data of the user remain protected from prying eyes, ISP, and the government.

  • Protects your entire network of devices

Users can proxy all their outgoing traffic from the android device through this if they have access to root. Moreover, users can also manage which application they want to use with it.

How to use Orbot VPN in Windows 10/11 using Chrome

You can now get this on your system. Keep in mind that the application is limited to the chrome browser.

For this:

  1. In the first step, you need to visit the “official chrome web store”. Search for this on Google or any other search engine.
  2. Now you can see the search bar o the top right side, click it, and search for “Orbot on Windows pc” in that bar.
  3. Once done, look for the app you need to install, as you find it click on “add to chrome browser”.
  4. It takes some time to add it to your system browser therefore you need to show some patience in all of this.
  5. As it gets installed, you can see its icon on that bar sign with your account.

That’s it! You’re done. Use this to be more secure and safe.

If you are a user of mac then follow the same steps, you just need to download its chrome version and you are good to go.

READ: Download Cisco AnyConnect VPN For Windows 10/11.

How to use Orbot VPN using a Tor Proxy

If you are not much into using the Chrome browser then there is another alternative method as well.

We have created a virtual Android environment with the help of an emulator and then installed this on the system. Follow through to know about the complete process:

  • In the first step, you need to install “BlueStacks emulator”, and sign in with a Google account, it can be downloaded from here.
  • Then you need to start the Playstore application, For this click on the “app icon” and then search this on the Windows PC search bar.

Orbot VPN For Windows 10 64-Bit Download

  • Look for the official application, and select the “install button” to begin with the installation.

How to use Orbot on Windows 10

  • Once it has been installed on your system, you can see the open button to start it.

Orbot Tor VPN for PC

  • Users can also start it by clicking on the icon available on the main dashboard.

Orbot VPN Latest Version

And you’re done! We hope this helps you to get more ideas.

What you need to know about Orbot – FAQ

Does it really work on PC? – In short, yes!

There are two methods by which you can download it.

Support for Windows 10, 11, or 8?

Yes, this is an android proxy application. It helps the user to be more secure on the internet and hide their identity online.

Any legal troubles with using Tor?

No, it is not illegal unless and until you use it for such purposes. Users can use this on PC too for educational and information purposes.

Does it have any viruses or concerns?

Yes, it is totally safe to use this. Moreover, it helps users to be more secure in the online world out there.

Is it true that Orbot can be tracked on Windows?

There is no fixed answer to this if you use this for illegal activities then you are not secured at all.

Is Orbot VPN owned by any government or country?

No, Orbot VPN is not owned by any government or country. It is owned by “The Tor Project” which is a non-profit organization.

Orbot VPN PC Alternatives

Below are some free choices that you can use instead for any reason you prefer. They are all equally good, fast and stable in terms of performance results:

  1. Goat VPN
  2. Kuto VPN
  3. SuperVPN

We all love security and require our data to be safe on the web, agree? This is why apps such as Orbot VPN for Windows 10/11 PC are free to download and help people. It is supported in 64-bit and 32-bit environments. It uses military-grade encryption protocols and the latest TLS versions to keep data secure so that it does not fall into the wrong hands.

Installation File Details:

App File Size 99.7 MB
Price Freeware
Name Orbot for Windows and Mac
App Developer Tor Project
OS Windows 10/11 64-Bit
Installations 293,000
Review Score 4.5/5.0
Version v9.5 (Latest)

Download Orbot VPN For Windows 10/11

Download Orbot VPN For Mac

1. — Вы используете Orbot на свой страх и риск; помните, что важные личные данные не всегда находятся на мобильном устройстве.

2. — Просмотр веб-страниц происходит намного медленнее, чем через обычный VPN, потому что ваш трафик зашифрован и передается по сети Tor.

3. Orbot — это оригинальный бесплатный VPN для iOS и macOS с открытым кодом на базе Tor.

4. Orbot поможет вам получить более безопасный и конфиденциальный доступ к Интернету без каких-либо дополнительных трат с вашей стороны.

5. ** Orbot — это бесплатное программное обеспечение с открытым исходным кодом.

6. — Orbot может не работать в сетях с расширенными ограничениями.

7. Если приложение не подключается, попробуйте использовать мосты (или другой тип моста).

8. — Защита вашего трафика от небезопасных беспроводных сетей и интернет-провайдеров.

9. — Доступ к сайтам .onion, доступным только через Tor.

10. — Просмотр информации в интернете через Tor.

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Orbot Прокси в комплекте с Tor на ПК

Orbot Прокси в комплекте с Tor, исходящий от разработчика The Tor Project, в прошлом работал на системе Android.

Теперь вы можете без проблем играть в Orbot Прокси в комплекте с Tor на ПК с помощью GameLoop.

Загрузите его в библиотеке GameLoop или результатах поиска. Больше не нужно смотреть на аккумулятор или разочаровывать звонки в неподходящее время.

Просто наслаждайтесь Orbot Прокси в комплекте с Tor на ПК на большом экране бесплатно!

Orbot Прокси в комплекте с Tor Введение


Прокси в комплекте с Tor

Orbot — это свободная программа для прокси-соединений, она позволяет другим приложениям более безопасно использовать интернет-соединение. Orbot использует Tor для шифрования интернет-трафика, который затем скрывается в ходе пересылки через несколько компьютеров в разных частях планеты. Tor является свободным программным приложением, а также открытой сетью, помогающей защититься от слежки в сетях, угрожающей личной свободе и частной жизни, конфиденциальным бизнес-деятельности и контактам, а также государственной программе безопасности, известной как анализ трафика.

Orbot — единственное приложение, которое создает действительно конфиденциальное соединение. Как сообщает издание New York Times, «когда соединение поступает из сети Tor, невозможно узнать, от кого или откуда оно активировано.» Tor получил награду Pioneer Award от Фонд Электронных Рубежей (EFF, Electronic Frontier Foundation) 2012 года.

ОТВЕРГАЙТЕ ЗАМЕНИТЕЛИ: Orbot это самый безопасный способ использовать интернет на Андроиде. Точка. Orbot несколько раз перенаправляет ваш зашифрованный трафик через компьютеры по всему миру вместо непосредственного соединения, как происходит в сетях VPN или в прокси-соединениях. Этот процесс немного более долгий, но наиболее устойчивая конфиденциальность и защита профиля пользователя искупают ожидание.

Конфиденциальный веб-серфинг: Используйте вместе с Orweb, самым анонимизорованном способе доступа к любым веб-сайтам, даже если обычно они блокированы, находятся под наблюдением или в скрытой сети. Получите Orweb: https://goo.gl/s3mLa

КОНФИДЕНЦИОНАЛЬНОЕ ОБЩЕНИЕ: Используйте Gibberbot совместно с Orbot для конфиденциального общения с кем бы то ни было, когда угодно, бесплатно. Получите Gibberbot: https://goo.gl/O3FfS

КОНФИДЕНЦИОНАЛЬНОСТЬ В ПРИЛОЖЕНИЯХ: Любое установленное приложение может использовать Tor, если имеет в функционале прокси-соединения, настройками можно найти здесь: https://goo.gl/2OA1y Используйте Orbot вместе с Twitter или воспользуйтесь конфиденциальным поиском в сети с помощью DuckDuckGo: https://goo.gl/lgh1p

ПРАВО НА ЧАСТНУЮ ЖИЗНЬ ДЛЯ КАЖДОГО: Tor может помочь вам конфиденциально изучать конкурента, миновать блокировку Facebook в школе или обойти брандмауэр, чтобы смотреть спортивные передачи на рабочем месте.

КОНФИДЕНЦИАЛЬНОСТЬ ЭТО ПРОСТО: ознакомьтесь с нашим интерактивным пошаговым руководством: https://guardianproject.info/howto/browsefreely

ОН ОФИЦИАЛЕН: это официальная версия Tor для Android.

***Экспертный режим рута***

УНИВЕРСАЛЬНЫЙ РЕЖИМ: можно настроить Orbot для прозрачного пропускания всего трафика через Tor. Также Вы можете выбрать конкретные приложения, трафик которых нужно пропускать через Tor.

***Нам нравится ответная реакция***

О НАС: Проект Guardian представляет собой группу разработчиков, создающих безопасные мобильные приложения с открытым исходным кодом для лучшего будущего.

НАШ САЙТ: https://GuardianProject.info

В TWITTER: https://twitter.com/guardianproject

ОТКРЫТЫЙ ИСХОДНЫЙ КОД: Orbot свободное программное обеспечение. Взгляните на исходный код или просоединитесь к сообществу, чтобы улучшить его: https://gitweb.torproject.org/orbot.git

О TOR: https://TorProject.org

СООБЩИТЕ НАМ: мы упустили Вашу любимую опцию? Нашли досадную ошибку? Мы рады Вас слышать! Отправьте нам письмо: root@guardianproject.info

Если Orbot ещё не перевели на Ваш язык, мы с радостью примем Вас в нашу команду переводчиков: https://goo.gl/6hni4




The Onion Router, short GATE, is a collection of programs with which the users against censorship and Surveillance can defend themselves. TOR directs Internet Connections through a network of nodes, so that a follow-up, or an identification of the user is impossible or at least difficult.

Orbot is the official Android version of TOR. On devices with Root access can Orbot directly after the Installation, all App Connections through the TOR network routes, alternatively, you can select the application via the GATEWAY using the Web to communicate. Rooting is, however, no requirement to Orbot to use.

Orbot manages Connections to the Web via the TOR network that protects the privacy of the user. Android users without Root function can use the Software also use, and must then install any additional Apps. So working, for example, the mobile Firefox with the Addon Proxy Mobile with Orbot. Chats can be with the help of the App Gibberbot over TOR-network guide.

Orbot screenshots


You can free download Orbot and safe install the latest trial or new full version for Windows 10 (x32, 64 bit, 86) from the official site.

Devices: Desktop PC, Laptop (ASUS, HP, DELL, Acer, Lenovo, MSI), Ultrabook

OS: Professional, Enterprise, Education, Home Edition, versions: 1507, 1511, 1607, 1703, 1709, 1803, 1809

Orbot Tor Browser For PC

The Internet is very useful and necessary. And there are times we want to have total anonymity but it seems impossible to achieve.

That is why Orbot: Proxy with Tor is the best free application, which is able to keep our identity hidden. With Orbot: Proxy with Tor we can navigate in a normal way but we can also access the Deep Web, a part of the Internet only accessible through Orbot: Proxy with Tor.

Many people think that the app can only be accessed from a computer and that from an Android mobile it is not possible without having root access, but it is not true. It is very easy to have access to the app and you only have to install applications.

It is also important to know that apart from normal web pages there are some hidden pages that are only accessible through Orbot: Proxy with Tor.

There are servers that are always connected to Orbot: Proxy with Tor and cannot be accessed in any other way. You can not physically know where they are, they are dedicated to issues of questionable legality.

You can also download Orbot for PC from this page.

Orbit APK And Features:

  • It is a free proxy app which empowers other apps
  • It helps to use the internet more securely
  • The app help against privacy, confidential business activities, and security purposes.
  • The app perfectly support android 4.0

Orbot Tor Browser Alternatives

Following is the list of Orbot Tor Browser for Android alternatives you may want to try.

1. Tor Browser

Tor Browser for Android is the only official mobile browser world’s strongest tool for privacy and freedom online.

2. Firefox Focus: No Fuss Browser

Firefox Focus for everything you want to keep separate from your main browser.

3. Lantern: Open Internet for All

Lantern to easily access popular video, messaging and other apps while at school or work.

4. Private Browser

Private Browser is the best privacy keeper on web browsing.

Orbot Tor Browser APK file details:

Best Android Emulators Bluestacks & Nox App Player
Operating Systems Windows 7,8/10/11 or Mac
App Developer The Tor Project
App Updated November 02, 2022
APK Version 16.6.3-RC-1-tor.
Category Communication
Android Version Required for emulator Android 7.0 and up
APK File Size 14.98 MBs
File Name org-torproject-android-16-6-3-RC-1-tor-0-4-7-10_SOFTSTRIBE.apk

Download APK

Other Apps by the Same Developer:

  • Orfox
  • Tor Browser

About the Author

This article has been edited by Dilawar Pirzada. He has been writing on the web since 2013. He’s passionate about Android, WordPress and helping novice users find their way on the web. You can follow him on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.

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