Скачать oldnewexplorer для windows 11

Целых 3 года назад мир увидела окончательная версия ОС Windows 8, которая задала новый вид интерфейса. За ней последовала 10 версия, которая поддержала тенденцию своего предка…

Но все же достоинства ОС вполне перекрывали все ее недостатки и поэтому многие постепенно стали переходить на новые ОС, покидая седьмую. Неудивительно, что вскоре предприимчивые программисты смогли решить большинство проблем с интерфейсом при помощи нехитрой программки. OldNewExplorer позволяет вновь вернуться к классическому виду проводника, каким он был в Windows 7. Пользователь может как вернуть своей системе старый дизайн, так и позаимствовать из него только некоторые элементы, комбинируя их с новыми.

OldNewExplorer имеет достаточно гибкую настройку и предоставляет большие возможности. Помимо банальной смены ленточного проводника на стандартный, она возвращает нижнюю панель сведений, воскрешает привычную сортировку и делает еще множество полезных вещей. Причем каждая функция прекрасно работает и по отдельности от остальных, а значит, благодаря OldNewExplorer можно с легкостью кастомизировать не только внешний вид, но и функционал окон проводника.

OldNewExplorer - твики для проводника #1

OldNewExplorer 1.1.9 2023

OldNewExplorer представляет собой обычное, но весьма полезное программное обеспечение, которое нужно для операционной системы Windows от восьмого поколения обновления и выше. Благодаря способностям данной нам утилиты юзеры сумеют возвратить традиционный вид ОС, который был свойственен в седьмой версии обновления – самой комфортной и пользующейся популярностью.

  • Работа в пассивном режиме;
  • Не нагружает центральный микропроцессор;
  • Отсутствую лаги и задержки;
  • Животрепещуще для всех ОС старше 7 поколения;

В особенности животрепещущая данная программа будет для Windows 10, ведь крайняя версия обновления не нравится весьма почти всем людям, потому что интерфейс таковой системы очень сложен и не понятен. Потому, чтоб не поменять свою ОС, проще установить данное приложение.

  • Язык интерфейса: на Русском языке, на Английском и других
  • Лечение: Крякнутый
  • Системные требования: Windows 10 / 11 / 8.1 / 8 / 7 (х32/x64/x86 бит)
  • Типы файлов: RAR, EXE

Пароль к архиву: 1progs

OldNewExplorer is a utility that allows you to return the familiar Explorer from Windows 7 to Windows 8, 10 and possibly future versions of the operating system from Microsoft. Returning» means changing the key arrangement on the toolbar and switching to the old directory tree structure. «Return» to the old shell is literally one click away. Just start OldNewExplorer and click on the «Install» button. You can also select a number of parameters to change. For example, the program allows you to return the standard media grouping, change the display of libraries, switch to the standard command line instead of the Ribbon panel, and choose the style of windows. If for some reason you are not satisfied with the results of the program, you can quickly undo all the changes by pressing the «Unistall» key. The installation and uninstallation processes require the user to have administrator rights.

OldNewExplorer itself works in a portable mode and leaves no «traces» in the system. The developer of the program warns that support for Windows 10 is currently added in test mode. So use OldNewExplorer on the top ten at your own risk. Also keep in mind that sometimes you may need to restart your computer or simply reboot your user account to make changes to Explorer. The program is completely free and does not contain any paid functions.

— allows you to return the Explorer structure from Windows 7 to Windows 8 and 10;

— one click to make changes to the shell. If necessary, changes can also be quickly undone;

— replaces the Ribbon panel with a familiar command line;

— changes the settings for grouping folders;

— is completely free.

Customizes Windows Explorer to older, more familiar versions.

Removes undesirable Windows 10 features.

Lightweight and easy to use.

No regular updates or improvements implemented.

Limited customization options available.

Initial setup process might be confusing for beginners.


image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


OldNewExplorer is a free software offering for people who want to keep their displays and look of their windows versions looking like the version they are most at comfort using (eg: windows 7 or 8. The developer does caution they are still testing with Windows 10, so that is use at your own risk, but they promise you can easily install or uninstall if you are not happy with this product which is said to be commercial-free and simple to utilize.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Old New Explorer is a software that makes it easy to return the current explorer on windows 8 to the old explorer similar to what that of windows 7. with the push of a button you can turn your new explorer of windows 8 to that of window 7. You can use this software to change standard media grouping,switching to old directory tree, switch to standard command, change the display library.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Program that’s used to reverse your computer back to the older version of either windows or windows explorer very difficult to understand the functions of this software unless practically used to see results

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Old New Explorer is a shell extension that can undo improvements to the file browsing. It is single and a light weight utility that allows you to retrieve the old classic appearance of the file explorer. It is easy to install and easy to use and has many unique features too. It can hide the caption text and icon. It is a licensed software.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

George T*********x

OldNewExplorer is a free Windows Shell extension that restores the classic look of the Windows Explorer, allowing users to customize their user interface in Windows versions 8.1, 8 and 7. It adds a variety of features such as the ability to customize the Ribbon, to resize the columns and to restore the classic menus, toolbars and context menus.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Leo N.

OldNewExplorer software is a great tool for quickly and easily viewing files and folders on your computer. I’ve been using it for over a year and have found it to be reliable and efficient. The files can be easily searched and sorted, and the navigation is simple and intuitive. The software also has a nice preview feature, which makes it easy to view images and documents without having to open them. I especially like the ability to sync my folders across multiple devices. Overall, OldNewExplorer is a great software solution for managing and viewing files.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Oscar J*******f

I’ve been using OldNewExplorer for several weeks now and it’s a realy usefuly and convienient tool. Its a great way to make exploring folders quick and easy.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Arran B******u

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Max Bienaime

This software enhances the Windows Explorer interface by providing users with the ability to customize the look and feel of the file manager. It offers features such as removing the ribbon toolbar, enabling classic navigation pane, and enabling glass transparency. Additionally, it allows users to change the color of the navigation pane and remove the white spaces around the window. Overall, it provides a more streamlined and customizable user experience for Windows Explorer.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Aidan Virrey

OldNewExplorer is a Windows software that allows users to customize the appearance of their File Explorer, including adding back the classic Windows 7 style.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


OldNewExplorer is a software utility designed to customize file explorer in Windows operating systems. Its most significant feature allows users to revert to the traditional Windows 7-style interface, offering a familiar and simplified browsing experience. Additionally, it enables easy toggling of various interface elements such as command bar and details pane.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


A simple interface to customize Windows Explorer, offering a straightforward way to tweak its appearance.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Restores classic Windows Explorer features. Easy to use.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Restores classic Windows Explorer look.


OldNewExplorer — это портативная программа настройки проводника Windows, которая позволяет легко изменять его в соответствии с вашими личными предпочтениями, даже оставляя его в виде классической версии проводника.

Софт обладает множеством опций, позволяющих полностью восстановить проводник Виндовс в старом стиле (например, из Vista и 7) или просто изменить то, что вам не нравится. Вы можете восстановить устройства и группировку дисков, а также улучшить некоторые встроенные визуальные стили.


  • Программа может восстановить библиотеки и удалить папки, которые были добавлены в Windows 8.1.
  • это вернет библиотеки на прежнее место, причем программа делает все это без изменения реестра или нарушения совместимости приложений.
  • Чтобы установить любую из модификаций, вам нужно просто выбрать параметры, которые вы хотите изменить в своем интерфейсе, а затем нажать кнопку «Установить».
  • Это касается и удаления любой модификации с помощью кнопки «Uninstall».


Old New Explorer Configuration Windows 11 v1.1.9 24.09 | Windows 7 Style for Windows 11/10/8.1/8

OldNewExplorer is an application that gives you the shells of much older programs and systems. For instance, if you want your system to function like Windows 7 because you feel it worked better under that operating system, then you can use this tool to make that happen.

With this program utility, it has the Windows 7 interface and the functionality of Windows 10/11 and Windows 8.1. You have the option to reset the default drives to the Windows 7 default drives. This will make it easier for laymen users to manage their system. After all, most novices don’t like to see new changes to their computer’s visibility and appearance. That is what happens whenever new programs are installed. So, by using OldNewExplorer, a user like this can utilize the older presentation that they’re more comfortable with. This comes in handy if a problem arises with the newer presentation. In any case, it is always good for users to have more options when it comes to their interface.

With this software you can change your explorer. this is basically important for windows 10 & Windows 11. Specially for the Details Pane. hope it help you….



Extract files into directory which all users can access.

Run OldNewExplorerCfg.exe, click Install


Run OldNewExplorerCfg.exe, click Uninstall

Skinning Notes:

OldNewExplorer can override UIFILES from most files loaded by explorer.exe.

To take advantage of this, add UIFILES to your ShellStyle.dll named the following way:




Note that OldNewExplorer can load other types of resources loaded by Direct UI, for example TWINUI.DLL TILETEMPLATE

Overriding all resources may require explorer.exe restart.

Note that OldNewExplorer’s style, details, status bar settings override shell style resources.

WARNING: custom resource types are not loaded from ShellStyle.dll if it has MUI resource pair.

Merge it with MUI file and remove MUI resource.

Turn debug on:



launch DbgView.exe (Debug View) to monitor which UIFILES are loaded

Version History

v1.1.9 24.09.2019

* Support for disgusting dark mode

* Support for disgusting 19H2/20H1 search box

v1.1.8.4 04.08.2017

* Support for Windows 10 FCU

* Fixed silver cream style

v1.1.8.4 04.08.2016

* Support for Windows 10 FCU

* Fixed silver cream style

v1.1.8.2 26.07.2016

* Fix possible crash on process exit

v1.1.8.1 21.07.2016

* Support for build 14393

v1.1.8 03.04.2016

* Support for build 14295

v1.1.7.1 13.09.2015

* Fixed rare crash

v1.1.7 09.08.2015

* Fixed crashes

v1.1.6 03.08.2015

* Fixed deadlocking

v1.1.5.1 19.04.2015

* Fix for Windows 10 build 10049+

v1.1.5 21.03.2015

* Support for Windows 10 TP

* Option to replace navigation buttons

OldNewExplorer v1.1.9

Operating System: Windows 8/Windows 8.1/Windows 10

OldNewExplorer is the Windows 8.1 (Windows 8 & 10) shell extension/tweaker
which can undo «improvements» to file browsing made in newer Windows version.
Everything is optional for your liking.

* Restore devices / drives grouping
Everything is ‘Devices and drives’.
That’s stupid! O-N-E can restore grouping which made sense in Win7/8.

* Restore libraries / remove folders
Remove all those folders which were unoptionally added into Windows 8.1 This PC folder
and put the libraries back to their place, without registry hacking / breaking apps.

* Restore command bar / remove Ribbon
Because some people consider it an abomination.

* Restore details pane at bottom
Same reason; reclaim useful horizontal space.

* Improve styling
Get rid of some Win7 stuff here and there; improve styling with some built-in visual styles.
For themers / skinners, O-N-E can help to override a lot of hardcoded styling

in Windows 8, maybe even Start screen!

Windows 10
Use this method file as an alternative to remove the extra folders.

👉 How to Use Old New Explorer Configuration Windows 11 Windows 7 Style for Windows 11/10/8.1/8 Please Support Us ❤️ Subscribe OUR YouTube channel👍

Shakeel File, Guarantee that the Mobile/Pc Apps, Firmware, Flash Tools, Software or any other files on this page are 100% correct But use «At your own risk».


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