Скачать notepad app для windows 10

Клондайк Программиста

Клондайк Программиста


Проект «Клондайк Программиста» создан с целью коллекционирования наиболее интересных материалов из различных сфер деятельности.
Мы не преследуем цель незаконного распространения материалов, поэтому если Вы являетесь правообладателем, сообщите нам о нарушении по указанным здесь контактам.

Получайте уведомления о новых материалах на свои компьютеры и телефоны, чтобы не пропустить ничего интересного.

Клондайк программиста

v0.4 codename «Evolution»


A modern, lightweight text editor with a minimalist design.

Store link




What is Notepads and why do I care?

I have been waiting long enough for a modern Windows 10 notepad app to come before I decided to create one myself. Don’t get me wrong, Notepad++, VS Code, and Sublime are great text editors. I have used them all and I will continue to use them in the future. However, they are either too heavy or look less appealing. There are times that I just wanted to use Windows notepad for things like writing notes or editing config files. So I decided to create a win32 notepad replacement here and try to give it a modern look and feel. Most importantly, it has to be blazingly fast and appeals to everyone.

So here comes the “Notepads” 🎉 (s stands for Sets).

  • Fluent design with a built-in tab system.
  • Blazingly fast and lightweight.
  • Launch from the command line or PowerShell by typing: notepads or notepads %FilePath%.
  • Multi-line handwriting support.
  • Built-in Markdown live preview.
  • Built-in diff viewer (preview your changes).
  • Session snapshot and multi-instances.

Screenshot Dark
Screenshot Markdown
Screenshot DiffViewer
Screenshot Light


  • Ctrl+N/T to create new tab.
  • Ctrl+(Shift)+Tab to switch between tabs.
  • Ctrl+Num(1-9) to quickly switch to specified tab.
  • Ctrl+»+»/»-» for zooming. Ctrl+»0″ to reset zooming to default.
  • Ctrl+L/R to change text flow direction. (LTR/RTL)
  • Alt+P to toggle preview split view for Markdown file.
  • Alt+D to toggle side-by-side diff viewer.

Platform limitations (UWP):

  • You won’t be able to save files to system folders due to UWP restriction (windows, system32, etc.).
  • You cannot associate potentially harmful file types (.cmd, .bat etc.) with Notepads.
  • Notepads does not work well with large files; the file size limit is set to 1MB for now. I will add large file support later.


Notepads is available in the Microsoft Store. You can get the latest version of Notepads here for free: Microsoft Store Link.

You can also use the Windows Package Manager to install notepads:

winget install "Notepads App"


  • Notepads Releases

Disclaimer and Privacy statement:

To be 100% transparent:

  • Notepads does not and will never collect user information in terms of user privacy.
  • I will not track your IP.
  • I will not record your typings or read any of your files created in Notepads including file name and file path.
  • No typings or files will be sent to me or third parties.

I am using analytics service «AppCenter» to collect basic usage data plus some minimum telemetry to help me debug runtime errors. Here is the thread I made clear on this topic: #334

Feel free to review the source code or build your own version of Notepads since it is 100% open sourced.

You might notice that I work for Microsoft but Notepads is my personal project that I accomplish during free time (to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more😃). I do not work for the Windows team, nor do I work for a Microsoft UX/App team. I am not expert on creating Windows apps either. I learned how to code UWP as soon as I started this project, so don’t put too much hope on me or treat it as a project sponsored by Microsoft.


  • How to contribute?
  • Notepads is free and open source, if you like my work, please consider:
    • Star this project on GitHub
    • Leave me a review here
    • ko-fi

Dependencies and References:

  • Windows Community Toolkit
  • XAML Controls Gallery
  • Windows UI Library
  • ColorCode Universal
  • UTF Unknown
  • DiffPlex
  • Win2D

Special Thanks:

  • Yi Zhou — App icon designer, Notepads App Icon (old) is greatly inspired by the new icon for Windows Terminal.

  • Mahmoud Qurashy — App icon and file icon(s) designer, creator of the new Notepads App Icon.

  • Alexandru Sterpu — App Tester, who helped me a lot during preview/beta testing.

  • Code Contributors: DanverZ, BernhardWebstudio, Csányi István, Pavel Erokhin, Sergio Pedri, Lucas Pinho B. Santos, Soumya Ranjan Mahunt, Belleve Invis, Maickonn Richard, Xam

  • Documentation Contributors: Craig S.

  • Localization Contributors:

    • [fr-FR][French (France)]: François Rousselet, François-Joseph du Fou, Armand Delessert
    • [es-ES][Spanish (Spain)]: Jose Pinilla
    • [zh-CN][Chinese (S)]: lindexi, walterlv, Jackie Liu
    • [hu-HU][Hungarian (Hungary)]: Csányi István, Kristóf Kékesi
    • [tr-TR][Turkish (Turkey)]: Mert Can Demir, Emirhakan Tanhan
    • [ja-JP][Japanese (Japan)]: Mamoru Satoh
    • [de-DE][German (Germany)]/[de-CH][German (Switzerland)]: Walter Wolf
    • [ru-RU][Russian (Russia)]: Pavel Erokhin, krlvm
    • [fi-FI][Finnish (Finland)]: Esa Elo
    • [uk-UA][Ukrainian (Ukraine)]: Taras Fomin aka Tarik02
    • [it-IT][Italian (Italy)]: Andrea Guarinoni, Bunz
    • [cs-CZ][Czech (Czech Republic)]: Jan Rajnoha
    • [pt-BR][Portuguese (Brazil)]: Lucas Pinho B. Santos
    • [ko-KR][Korean (Korea)]: Donghyeok Tak
    • [hi-IN][Hindi (India)]/[or-IN][Odia (India)]: Soumya Ranjan Mahunt
    • [pl-PL][Polish (Poland)]: Daxxxis
    • [ka-GE][Georgian (Georgia)]: guram mazanashvili
    • [hr-HR][Croatian (Croatia)]: milotype
    • [zh-TW][Chinese (T)]: Tony Yao
    • [pt-PT][Portuguese (Portugal)]: O.Leitão
    • [sr-Latn][Serbian (Latin)]: bzzrak
    • [sr-cyrl][Serbian (Cyrillic)]: bzzrak
  • Notepads CI/CD pipeline: Built with ❤ by Pipeline Foundation

Stay tuned 📢:

  • Notepads Discord Server

для Windows

Notepad++ скриншот № 1

Notepad++ — текстовый редактор, предназначенный для программистов и всех тех, кого не устраивает скромная функциональность входящего в состав Windows Блокнота.

Основные особенности программы:

  • Подсветка текста и возможность сворачивания блоков, согласно синтаксису языка программирования
  • Поддержка большого количества языков (C, C++, Java, XML, HTML, PHP, Java Script, ASCII, VB/VBS, SQL, CSS, Pascal, Perl, Python, Lua, TCL, Assembler)
  • WYSIWYG (печатаешь и получаешь то, что видишь на экране)
  • Настраиваемый пользователем режим подсветки синтаксиса
  • Авто-завершение набираемого слова
  • Одновременная работа с множеством документов
  • Одновременный просмотр нескольких документов
  • Поддержка регулярных выражений Поиска/Замены
  • Полная поддержка перетягивания фрагментов текста
  • Динамическое изменение окон просмотра
  • Автоматическое определение состояния файла
  • Увеличение и уменьшение
  • Заметки
  • Выделение скобок при редактировании текста
  • Запись макроса и его выполнение

Что нового в Notepad++ 8.5.7?

  • Различные улучшения и исправления.

ТОП-сегодня раздела «Редакторы кода»

скачать Notepad++Notepad++ 8.5.7

Notepad++ — это редактор, представляющий альтернативу стандартному Блокнотику, который входит…

скачать Hex EditorHex Editor

Hex Editor — мощный и в то же время удобный в эксплуатации редактор Шестнадцатеричных и…

скачать AtomAtom 1.63.1

Atom — кроссплатформенный текстовый редактор с открытым исходным кодом и поддержкой…

скачать Resource HackerResource Hacker 5.2.1

Resource Hacker — бесплатная утилита, предназначенная для просмотра, изменения, добавления,…

Отзывы о программе Notepad++

kelvin phitrow про Notepad++ 8.5.3 [25-05-2023]

написано что есть поддержка WinXP, и даже есть версия 32 бита,
качаю, а она не ставится..
Кто проверял совместимость?! руки бы оторвать, по самую шею!!
6 | 3 | Ответить

Вячеслав про Notepad++ 8.4.7 [26-11-2022]

Отличная прога! Все работает! Спасибо автору!!
3 | 6 | Ответить

ILLJ86 про Notepad++ 8.3.3 [17-03-2022]

Самый Адекватный Блокнот
Для разработчиков и Вэб дизайнеров.
10 | 10 | Ответить

tolkopro в ответ ILLJ86 про Notepad++ 8.4.1 [14-05-2022]

Использую его лишь для открытия файлов Не текстового расширения! И для открытия крупных файлов.
Писать код в нём крайне невозможно. Возможно дополнительные плагины и настройки помогут, но это неудобно.
Он точно не для разработки и написания кода! Максимум, годится для правки javascript кода.
6 | 5 | Ответить

AZJIO про Notepad++ 8.3 [15-02-2022]

Программа нормальная, но автор любитель лозунгов, то и дело вставляет то «я шарли», то топит за гомосексуалистов. В общем пришлось отказаться дабы не поддерживать его лозунги. Если что, на оффоруме есть тема «Boycott Notepad++ «, я туда тоже написал.
19 | 9 | Ответить

Neo в ответ AZJIO про Notepad++ 8.4.1 [14-05-2022]

Ах, вон оно что.. То-то думаю, что она недоделанная такая по умолчанию?
5 | 9 | Ответить

Rublox про Notepad++ 7.8.5 [24-03-2020]

El programa me funciono a la perfeccion! facil y rapido muchas gracias.
14 | 16 | Ответить

A modern, lightweight text editor with a minimalist design.

Store link




What is Notepads and why do I care?

I have been waiting long enough for a modern Windows 10 notepad app to come before I decided to create one myself. Don’t get me wrong, Notepad++, VS Code, and Sublime are great text editors. I have used them all and I will continue to use them in the future. However, they are either too heavy or look less appealing. There are times that I just wanted to use Windows notepad for things like writing notes or editing config files. So I decided to create a win32 notepad replacement here and try to give it a modern look and feel. Most importantly, it has to be blazingly fast and appeals to everyone.

So here comes the “Notepads” 🎉 (s stands for Sets).

  • Fluent design with a built-in tab system.
  • Blazingly fast and lightweight.
  • Launch from the command line or PowerShell by typing: notepads or notepads %FilePath%.
  • Multi-line handwriting support.
  • Built-in Markdown live preview.
  • Built-in diff viewer (preview your changes).
  • Session snapshot and multi-instances.

Screenshot Dark
Screenshot Markdown
Screenshot DiffViewer
Screenshot Light


  • Ctrl+N/T to create new tab.
  • Ctrl+(Shift)+Tab to switch between tabs.
  • Ctrl+Num(1-9) to quickly switch to specified tab.
  • Ctrl+»+»/»-» for zooming. Ctrl+»0″ to reset zooming to default.
  • Ctrl+L/R to change text flow direction. (LTR/RTL)
  • Alt+P to toggle preview split view for Markdown file.
  • Alt+D to toggle side-by-side diff viewer.

Platform limitations (UWP):

  • You won’t be able to save files to system folders due to UWP restriction (windows, system32, etc.).
  • You cannot associate potentially harmful file types (.cmd, .bat etc.) with Notepads.
  • Notepads does not work well with large files; the file size limit is set to 1MB for now. I will add large file support later.


Notepads is available in the Microsoft Store. You can get the latest version of Notepads here for free: Microsoft Store Link.

You can also use the Windows Package Manager to install notepads:

winget install "Notepads App"


  • Notepads Releases

Disclaimer and Privacy statement:

To be 100% transparent:

  • Notepads does not and will never collect user information in terms of user privacy.
  • I will not track your IP.
  • I will not record your typings or read any of your files created in Notepads including file name and file path.
  • No typings or files will be sent to me or third parties.

I am using analytics service «AppCenter» to collect basic usage data plus some minimum telemetry to help me debug runtime errors. Here is the thread I made clear on this topic: https://github.com/0x7c13/Notepads/issues/334

Feel free to review the source code or build your own version of Notepads since it is 100% open sourced.

You might notice that I work for Microsoft but Notepads is my personal project that I accomplish during free time (to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more😃). I do not work for the Windows team, nor do I work for a Microsoft UX/App team. I am not expert on creating Windows apps either. I learned how to code UWP as soon as I started this project, so don’t put too much hope on me or treat it as a project sponsored by Microsoft.


  • How to contribute?
  • Notepads is free and open source, if you like my work, please consider:
    • Star this project on GitHub
    • Leave me a review here
    • ko-fi

Dependencies and References:

  • Windows Community Toolkit
  • XAML Controls Gallery
  • Windows UI Library
  • ColorCode Universal
  • UTF Unknown
  • DiffPlex
  • Win2D

Special Thanks:

  • Yi Zhou — App icon designer, Notepads App Icon (old) is greatly inspired by the new icon for Windows Terminal.

  • Mahmoud Qurashy — App icon and file icon(s) designer, creator of the new Notepads App Icon.

  • Alexandru Sterpu — App Tester, who helped me a lot during preview/beta testing.

  • Code Contributors: DanverZ, BernhardWebstudio, Csányi István, Pavel Erokhin, Sergio Pedri, Lucas Pinho B. Santos, Soumya Ranjan Mahunt, Belleve Invis, Maickonn Richard, Xam

  • Documentation Contributors: Craig S.

  • Localization Contributors:

    • [fr-FR][French (France)]: François Rousselet, François-Joseph du Fou, Armand Delessert
    • [es-ES][Spanish (Spain)]: Jose Pinilla
    • [zh-CN][Chinese (S)]: lindexi, walterlv, Jackie Liu
    • [hu-HU][Hungarian (Hungary)]: Csányi István, Kristóf Kékesi
    • [tr-TR][Turkish (Turkey)]: Mert Can Demir, Emirhakan Tanhan
    • [ja-JP][Japanese (Japan)]: Mamoru Satoh
    • [de-DE][German (Germany)]/[de-CH][German (Switzerland)]: Walter Wolf
    • [ru-RU][Russian (Russia)]: Pavel Erokhin, krlvm
    • [fi-FI][Finnish (Finland)]: Esa Elo
    • [uk-UA][Ukrainian (Ukraine)]: Taras Fomin aka Tarik02
    • [it-IT][Italian (Italy)]: Andrea Guarinoni, Bunz
    • [cs-CZ][Czech (Czech Republic)]: Jan Rajnoha
    • [pt-BR][Portuguese (Brazil)]: Lucas Pinho B. Santos
    • [ko-KR][Korean (Korea)]: Donghyeok Tak
    • [hi-IN][Hindi (India)]/[or-IN][Odia (India)]: Soumya Ranjan Mahunt
    • [pl-PL][Polish (Poland)]: Daxxxis
    • [ka-GE][Georgian (Georgia)]: guram mazanashvili
    • [hr-HR][Croatian (Croatia)]: milotype
    • [zh-TW][Chinese (T)]: Tony Yao
    • [pt-PT][Portuguese (Portugal)]: O.Leitão
    • [sr-Latn][Serbian (Latin)]: bzzrak
    • [sr-cyrl][Serbian (Cyrillic)]: bzzrak
  • Notepads CI/CD pipeline: Built with ❤ by Pipeline Foundation

Stay tuned 📢:

  • Notepads Discord Server

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with «Notepads» Project. README Source: 0x7c13/Notepads

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