Скачать ncap для windows 10

Npcap 1.77

Installer available at https://npcap.com/#download

  • Fixed a memory leak in Npcap 1.76 only which occurs while capturing traffic
    at high data rates. Fixes #688.

  • Fixed an issue in Npcap 1.76 where packets delivered to the driver by NDIS in
    a single indication, having the same timestamp, would be placed in the packet
    queue in reverse order. Fixes #684.

  • Fixed an issue with Npcap 1.75 and 1.76 where changing timestamp modes could
    result in all packets being delivered with the same timestamp. Fixes #695.

  • Fixed an issue with the Npcap installer that caused it to install duplicate
    certificates in the system’s certificate store, which caused problems for
    some software. The fixed installer will remove the duplicates. Fixes #692.

Npcap 1.76

Installer and symbols available at https://npcap.com/#download

  • Our code signing key has been reissued to «Nmap Software LLC» replacing the old «Insecure.Com LLC» subject name.

  • Improve performance of the driver by reducing lock contention and consolidating data copy operations. This may help address #663.

  • Additional fixes to locking discipline to potentially address a BSoD issue, #679.

Npcap 1.75

Installer available from https://npcap.com/#download

  • Fix a critical regression in Npcap 1.74 which caused all captured packets to have the same timestamp. Fixes #668.

Npcap 1.74

Installer available from https://npcap.org/#download

  • Updated libpcap to 1.10.4.

  • Fixed an issue (#667) that prevented capture handles from receiving packets after a NDIS stack pause operation.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause inaccurate timestamps when multiple handles were open and using different timestamp modes. Fixes #666.

  • Fixed an issue preventing raw WiFi frame capture since Npcap 1.60.

  • Fixed an issue causing «failed to set hardware filter to promiscuous mode» errors with NetAdapterCx-based Windows 11 miniport drivers. Npcap was interpreting the NDIS spec too strictly; we have opened an issue with Microsoft to address the fault in netadaptercx.sys. Fixes #628.

  • Addressed several code readability and portability fixes in Packet.dll discovered using clang-tidy via Visual Studio Code Analysis.

Npcap 1.73

Installer, SDK, and symbols available from https://npcap.com/#download

  • Fixed an issue causing «failed to set hardware filter to promiscuous mode»
    errors due to a new code path failing to return appropriate error codes. Fix
    by Guy Harris in PR #656.
    Fixes #628.

  • Fixed an issue with WlanHelper causing «error 0x7b» since Npcap 1.70.Fix by
    Hauke Neitzel in PR #652.
    Fixes #649.

  • Fixed an issue preventing capture handles from reattaching after NDIS stack
    pause operations, resulting in persistent ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED (1617)
    errors. Fixes #627.

  • Restored original behavior of timestamps in the default case,
    Since Npcap 0.9994, the timestamp was resynchronized after NDIS stack pause
    operations, which reduced timestamp drift from wall clock time but made it no
    longer monotonic, making packet interval calculations inaccurate. This
    restores the default behavior of WinPcap.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented Npcap 1.71 and 1.72 from being completely
    removed on uninstall. A misconfigured npcap driver service had persisted.
    Fixes #657.

  • Fixed an issue where applications using Npcap 1.20 or later DLLs with a Npcap
    1.00 driver would crash due to a stack buffer overrun when the driver returned
    too many bytes in response to a request for timestamp modes. Additionally,
    changed NPFInstall.exe to attempt to uninstall the Npcap NetCfg component
    prior to installation, in case an improperly-uninstalled component persists.

  • Updated libpcap to 1.10.3.

Npcap 1.72

Installer and debug symbols available at https://npcap.com/

  • Fixed an issue where promiscuous mode or other hardware packet filters are ignored after a second
    handle is opened on the same adapter, including handles opened in the process of listing adapters
    with pcap_findalldevs(). Fixes #647.

  • Fixed an issue with validation of parameters to PacketGetNetInfoEx(). The NEntries parameter
    was not being checked for values less than or equal to 0. Fixes #625.

Npcap 1.71

Installer, debug symbols, and SDK available from https://npcap.org/#download

  • Increase strictness in checking for and restoring adapter parameters modified during capture:
    hardware packet filter and lookahead will only be modified if the original value can be
    determined. This fixes issues with connectivity on certain adapter types (WWAN and some WiFi
    adapters) after a capture is closed.

  • Modify NDIS binding parameters so that Npcap will bind both above and below a NIC teaming or
    network bridge IM driver. This may improve capture options in related situations, like #115.

  • Updated build configurations to enable DEP and ASLR for npcap.sys, which were missing from the
    original configs inherited from WinPcap. Additionally, enabled Control Flow Guard for Packet.dll
    and all helper EXEs.

  • Fix a BSoD issue on Windows 8.1 due to registering a service without a name. Fixes #565.

  • Fix an issue with admin-only mode where high-integrity processes (UAC not enforced) could not open
    or list adapters. Fixes #606.

  • Restored an undocumented data member of the struct ADAPTER that is not used internally. Directly
    accessing members of the ADAPTER struct from Packet32.h is highly discouraged, since the
    API in Packet32.h is not intended for use apart from libpcap. Closes #609.

  • Extensive refactoring of driver code for performance and maintainability.

Npcap 1.70

Installer, debug symbols, and SDK available from https://npcap.org/#download

  • Major overhaul of Packet.dll to improve performance of PacketGetAdapterNames(), used by
    pcap_findalldevs(), and PacketOpenAdapter(), used in all libpcap functions that return a
    pcap_t. Reduced calls to GetAdaptersAddresses(), properly caching results for short periods.
    Errors from lower functions are correctly propagated, making diagnosis of failures easier. Fixes
    #168, #61, and #586.

  • PacketGetNetType() now always sets the LinkSpeed field to 0. Many adapters did not support the OID
    that was being used to get the link speed, and libpcap (Npcap’s published API) does not pass this
    information through, so there should be no impact on the majority of software. Software that needs
    link speed may use pcap_oid_get_request() or GetAdaptersAddresses() to get the information.

  • The undocumented char PacketLibraryVersion[] export has been removed. The PacketGetVersion()
    function is the documented way to get the runtime version of the Packet.dll library.

  • Packet injection operations (pcap_inject(), PacketSendPacket(), pcap_sendqueue_transmit(),
    and PacketSendPackets()) now properly pend the related Write IRP until the NBLs have
    been returned by NDIS. This may make packet injection more efficient.

  • Packet injection operations are no longer limited to one at a time. Multiple threads can issue
    multiple send operations concurrently on the same capture handle without issue, unless system
    resource limits result in allocation failures. Additionally, WinPcap’s limit of 256 concurrent
    sends on each adapter has been removed. Each Write call is still synchronous, however.

  • Loopback packet capture and injection now uses fewer WFP filters and callbacks, avoids duplicate
    packet processing, uses inspection rather than blocking filters, and persists callout driver
    objects while still removing callout filters when captures are not using them. These and other
    improvements increase loopback capture efficiency and reduce interference with other network

  • Npcap is only supported on Windows 7 SP1 and later, and requires KB4474419 to support SHA-2
    signature validation. The installer will now check these specific requirements, rather than
    attempting an installation that will fail anyway.

  • Added timeouts to subprocess executions in the installer to prevent a hung installation.

  • Fixed a minor issue with Npcap OEM’s silent installer: Npcap 1.55 and later ought to avoid
    reinstalling the same version if the existing installation options match the requested options,
    but /winpcap_mode=no would never match.

  • Packet sendqueue operations (pcap_sendqueue_transmit(), PacketSendPackets())
    with time synchronization (sync parameter) have been improved to use timed waits when
    possible, only falling back to busy wait for inter-packet delays of less than 50
    microseconds. Time difference calculations have been revised to avoid integer overflows
    and loss of precision. Fixes #580.

  • Packet sendqueue operations now more strictly check timestamp order. If an out-of-order
    timestamp is encountered, the packet will not be transmitted. PacketSendPackets() will
    set the last error value to ERROR_INVALID_TIME. Since packets may be
    reported slightly out-of-timestamp-order on multiprocessor machines due to
    processing delays, only timestamps that are more than 1ms earlier than the
    preceding timestamp will generate the error.

  • Npcap is now built with the Win11 SDK and WDK (10.0.22000). We look forward to
    implementing support for the exciting new features of NDIS and WFP.

  • Improve capture handle state transitions within the Npcap driver. State mismatches led
    to issues like #584, where the wrong error code was
    reported when the adapter was detached and reattached.

  • Fix an issue where raw WiFi capture handles (/dot11_support install option) would not
    reattach after a network disconnect and reconnect. Normal handles got this ability in
    Npcap 1.60, but raw WiFi frame captures (monitor mode) did not take advantage of it.
    Fixes #591.

  • Npcap now avoids setting hardware packet filters (OID_GEN_CURRENT_PACKET_FILTER,
    PacketSetHwFilter()) that the miniport does not declare support for. This may improve
    compatibility with WWAN (e.g. 3G and LTE) and VPN connections.

  • Npcap now tracks the original lookahead value (OID_GEN_CURRENT_LOOKAHEAD,
    PacketSetMaxLookahead()) before requesting the max value from the miniport, and restores it once
    the capture handle is closed. The practice of setting the lookahead to max value was inherited
    from WinPcap, and may be changed in the future subject to performance testing.

Npcap 1.60

Installer and debug symbols available from https://npcap.org/#download

  • Npcap can now tolerate network disconnections or NDIS stack
    modifications that previously resulted in programs like Wireshark
    stopping with the error «PacketReceivePacket error: The device has
    been removed. (1617)». This error may still be returned, but user
    programs can consider it a transient error. If the network is
    reconnected, capture can resume on the same handle. Fixes

  • Improved validation for IRP parameters, resolving potential BSoD
    crashes that could be triggered by software interacting directly
    with the driver’s device interface. These bugs still affect the last
    releases of WinPcap. Thanks to Ilja Van Sprundel from IOActive for
    reporting them.

  • Fix an issue with NX pool compatibility that caused Npcap 1.50 and
    1.55 to fail to run on some Windows 7 systems. Fixes

  • Fix how the installer handles /option=enforced, which was broken
    in Npcap 1.55. Fixes #556.

  • Concurrently released the Npcap SDK Version 1.12, which fixes native
    ARM compilation by including the ARM64 wpcap.lib, among other
    changes. The SDK now has its own change log at

  • Further driver source code hardening to catch more bugs
    before they manifest in worse ways. This includes adding more SAL
    annotations for code analysis, extra assertions, etc.

  • The /prior_driver installer option now selects the Npcap 1.30
    driver, since Microsoft’s cross-certificate expired 30 minutes
    before we signed Version 1.31. See

  • Simplified the code base by removing a bunch of unused or
    unneccessary code. This includes «kernel dump mode» (MODE_DUMP)
    which was inherited from WinPcap 3.1 even though it had already been
    deactivated there in 2005. Also removed legacy WinPcap code which allowed
    their (long discontinued) «Pro» version DLL to install the driver
    itself. This is not allowed by modern operating systems. We were
    able to remove a bunch of code from NPFInstall.exe too. Updated the
    INF file to prevent npf_wifi service from being configured, since it
    was never actually used.

  • Fix an issue causing pcap_setmode()/PacketSetMode() with a value
    of MODE_CAPT to fail. MODE_CAPT is the default for new handles,
    so this only affects software that uses MODE_STAT and then
    switches to MODE_CAPT, or software that expects a call to
    pcap_setmode(MODE_CAPT) on a handle already in MODE_CAPT to
    succeed. Fixes #558.

  • When installing Npcap in WinPcap API-Compatible mode (the default),
    the Npcap installer will perform the uninstallation of WinPcap
    directly instead of running the WinPcap uninstaller. This prevents
    the WinPcap uninstaller from rebooting the system and allows us to
    clean up partial or broken installations.

  • Further deprecate the «Legacy loopback support» option: The
    npcapwatchdog scheduled task will not check for the existence of the
    Npcap Loopback Adapter.

  • Added the PnpLockDown directive to the npcap.sys INF file for
    additional Windows file protection of the driver binary.

  • Replaced a feature of NPFInstall.exe and the SimpleSC.dll NSIS
    plugin with Powershell commands to improve installer size and
    compatibility. May fix #226.

  • While you won’t see it in the code itself, we dramatically improved
    our automated build and testing proceses. We now run automated
    native-arch builds and testing of multiple programs (particularly
    the SDK Examples) on all 3 architectures (x86, x64, and ARM). All
    tests are run with the debug build of the driver (assertions on) and
    Driver Verifier with at least standard settings, and only when that
    passes is the release build run through the same tests, also with
    Driver Verifier. The tests are also run in x86 emulation on x64 and

Npcap 1.55

Installer and debug symbols available from https://npcap.org/#download . Npcap SDK 1.11 was released concurrently, with only minor changes to const-ness of some function parameters in Packet32.h and additional documentation on installer options.

  • Npcap installer can now recognize NetCfg status codes indicating that a
    reboot is required (0x0004a020, NETCFG_S_REBOOT), and will prompt the user
    to reboot. In silent mode, the installer will return code 3010 (0x0bc2,
    ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED) to indicate this result. Fixes #224.

  • Npcap installer’s silent mode now offers better control over when to remove
    and reinstall an existing Npcap installation. Documentation has been updated
    for the new installation options /require_version, /require_features, and
    /force and will be published with the new Npcap SDK 1.11. Fixes #523.

  • Fixed an installation failure (0xe0000247) on Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2 and
    earlier systems which have not updated root certificates. The root certificates
    are now installed to the Roots trust store. Fixes #233.

  • Fixed an issue since Npcap 1.30 where broadcast and subnet masks for adapters
    returned by pcap_findalldevs() were in host byte order, displaying values
    like «». Fixes #525.

  • Libpcap 1.10.1 has been updated to include some recent changes to the libpcap-1.10
    release branch which extend support to adapters with the NdisMediumIP media type,
    including Wireguard Wintun virtual adapters. Fixes #173.

  • Added specific bad-value checks for issues originating in other drivers which
    may be incorrectly attributed to Npcap. These checks, in combination with
    additional const qualifiers, should serve as assurance that Npcap is not
    modifying traffic during capture and cannot be responsible for such crashes.

  • Powershell commands launched by the installer are now run with the
    -NoProfile option. Fixes #529.

  • Npcap SDK minor change to add const qualifiers to parameters to several Packet.dll functions.

  • Npcap installer now uses Unicode internally. This may result in mixed-encoding install.log files.

Npcap is packet capture library for Windows operating system. Npcap is created and developed as a Nmap project. Npcap is based on WinPcap project which is currently not actively developed. The most important feature of Npcap is support for Windows 10 operating systems where WinPcap only supports up to Windows 7.

Npcap Features

Npcap provides a lot of powerful features according to WinPcap. Here are some of them.

  • `NDIS 6 support` will make the Npcap work with newer Windows operating systems like Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, etc.
  • `Extra Security` will only provide packet capture to the Administrator level users. If a non-Admin user tries to package capture he should pass UAC (User Account Control).
  • `Loopback Packet Capture` makes Npcap capture loopback interface packet capture which is generally used for different services to communicate on the local host.
  • `Loopback Packet Injection` makes Npcap inject packets to the loopback interfaces.
  • `Libpcap` API support is very useful where popular applications like Wireshark, tcpdump can use Npcap easily like a native application.
  • `WinPcap` compatibility is another useful compatibility feature for Npcap.

Npcap Versions

Npcap is an open source project and provided free for most cases. But as an open source project, it needs some support for costs. So Npcap provides as 2 versions for open source and commercial use

  • Opensource Npcap source code can be downloaded, compiled and used for internal use.
  • Npcap OEM Commercial license is provided with enterprise features like silent installer and commercial support. With Npcap OEM commercial license npcap can be redistributed with different products and libraries.

Npcap can be downloaded from the following URL. The latest version of the Npcap is 0.996 .


Install Npcap

Windows 10 operating systems provide SmartScreen as a security measure. We can bypass SmartScreen check by clicking Run in the following window.

Bypass SmartScreen

Bypass SmartScreen

As Npcap requires access to the system functions the installation requires Administrative privileges with the following screen in order to start the installation. We will simply click Yes.

Npcap UAC

Npcap UAC

If there is an already install Npcap version it will be uninstalled automatically with the following screen.

Uninstall Older Npcap

Uninstall Older Npcap

In the following screen, we will accept the License Agreement of Npcap by clicking I Agree

Accept Npcap License

Accept Npcap License

The most important part of the Npcap installation is the following screen where we will set and provide installation options.

  • `Support loopback traffic` will provide support for Loopback adapter packet capture and injection which will create a Npcap  Loopback Adapter.
  • `Restrict Npcap driver’s access to Administrators only` will secure access to npcap packet capture to Administrative users
  • `Support raw 802.11 traffic for wireless adapters` will add wireless traffic capture support with IEEE 802.11 protocols
  • `Install Npcap in WinPcap API-compatible Mode` will set fully WinPcap compatibility.

Npcap Installation Options

Npcap Installation Options

The installation will take a little time to complete.

When the Npcap installation is completed successfully we will see the following screen.

Npcap Installation Completed

Npcap Installation Completed

Print Npcap Service Status

Npcap is installed as a driver with a service. In order to capture packets, the Npcap service should be working. The service is named as npcap and we can print or display service status from the command line with sc command. We will open an MS-DOS or PowerShell with Administrator privileges like below.

Windows CMD.exe or Command Shell Tutorial with Examples

> sc query npcap

We can see that the npcap service status is currently running.

Start Npcap Service

We can also start Npcap service with the sc command like below. This operation also requires Administrative privileges.

> sc start npcap

Stop Npcap Service

We can stop  Npcap service with the sc command like below. This operation also requires Administrative privileges.

> sc stop npcap

Ncap Info app is a great application that is also installable on PC. The Oym Inc. has developed it and, the popularity of Ncap Info software is increasing awesomely. Download Ncap Info for PC to install on Windows 10, 8, 7 32bit/64bit, even Mac. The weight of the apps is 78.1 MB.

On the latest update of the Ncap Info app on [lmt-post-modified-info], there are lots of changes that are properly enjoyable on the Computer, Desktop & Laptop.

Maybe you are seeking the way to free download Ncap Info APK to install on a PC. To enjoy Ncap Info on a big screen, you have to use an Emulator.

Here you will get three new technical tips to emulate Ncap Info APK on your computer. Choose any one from the following three guides.

Also Read: How To Download, Install, Play Or Use Android Apps On PC, Mac

#1 Steps To Install Ncap Info via BlueStacks On Windows & Mac

BlueStacks is a virtual Android engine to run the Ncap Info application on a computer. It has both edition EXE for Windows and DMG for Mac.

  • Firstly, go for download to install BlueStacks on PC
  • Secondly, start the engine on the computer
  • Thirdly, register or log in on the Google Play server. Or, if you have the APK, just drag it on the BlueStacks.
  • Fourthly, start searching- “Ncap Info”.
    Note: if not found on the play store, then download it from below.
  • Finally, click on the Install option under the official logo of the Ncap Info app


Bonus Tips: Most of the time, BlueStacks takes some more seconds on the first run. But don’t worry. The loading issue of Ncap Info via BlueStacks is depending on your Internet speed and PC configuration. If you still have problems with the setup or loading process, then follow the Nox guide below.

#2 How To Use Ncap Info APK on PC via Nox

Nox is a very lightweight app player to run Ncap Info on Windows and Macintosh OS.


  • Get Nox EXE/DMG and install on your personal computer
  • Register or Log in with Gmail ID
  • Start play services by opening the play app from home page of Nox Emulator
  • Search for the “Ncap Info App” and setup.

#3 Use Ncap Info For PC Without BlueStacks & Nox

Maybe you are not interested in using the Ncap Info on the computer with Emulators. So you should visit the official app landing page with the related apps. Then find the download option of the Ncap Info software. If found the Ncap Info.exe or Ncap Info.dmg, then download the versions you want. But you have to prefer the 32bit or 64bit properly.

Most of the Android app has not the EXE (executable file of Ncap Info) or DMG (Disk Image file of Ncap Info). Then you have to go with Emulator mandatorily.

Ncap Info Software File Details

Preferable Emulators Firstly, Nox then BlueStacks
Supported OS Windows (any edition) and Mac
APK Developer Oym Inc.
Current Version 1.2
Last Update [lmt-post-modified-info]
Minimum Supported Android Version
APK File Size 78.1 MB
Setup File Name & Format setup.exe/setup.dmg
Android Package Kit (APK) File Name com.Ncap Info.apk


It should be the installation of the Ncap Info app for PC is going to finish. And, you are enjoying Ncap Info APK on Windows and Mac platforms. Don’t forget to share your thought via comment.

Submitted by admin
on Sat, 02/15/2014 — 16:12

ncap is a network capture utility like libpcap (on which it is based) and tcpdump. It produces binary data in ncap(3) format, either on standard output (by default) or in successive dump files. This utility is similar to tcpdump(1), but performs IP reassembly and generates framing-independent portable output. ncap is expected to be used for gathering continuous research or audit traces.

Getting ncap

You can download ncap tarballs from https://dl.farsightsecurity.com/dist/ncap/.

Use with SIE

ncap is used within ISC’s Security Information Exchange to transfer packet traces from sensors to collectors. See file README.isc-sie in the ncap distribution for more information.

Use in Detecting DNS Cache Poisoning

An ncap module, named mod_urstate attempts to detect unsolicited dns responses that may be indicative of cache poisoning attempts. it does this by statefully tracking the application layer state of the dns transactions between recursive and authoritative dns servers. it gracefully handles query retransmissions due to client timeouts and byte identical responses from dns authorities. See the initial announcement and HOWTO.urstate.txt for more information.


Win10Pcap is provided as a Windows Installer module (.msi

  • Win10Pcap 10.2.5002 Windows 32bit and 64bit Installer

    Win10Pcap-v10.2-5002.msi (1.35 MB)

    Date: Octobar 8, 2015

    download package (.msi file) is digitally signed by a
    certificate by VeriSign. (You can verify the signature
    by yourself.)

Win10Pcap Update Information

  • Win10Pcap 10.2.5002 (October 8, 2015)
    Added the security check code on the read/write/ioctl
    procedures on the Win10Pcap kernel-mode driver. In the
    previous version of Win10Pcap, the kernel-mode driver
    did not check the virtual addresses which are passed
    from the user-mode. A local user was able to exploit
    this to read or write data bytes in the kernel-space
    memory. This had a risk to allow a local user to gain
    the escalated privilege on the local system. This
    security check code is to prevent such as illegal access
    from a local user. For details, please see

    The problem was reported by
    Meysam Firozi
    on October 7, 2015. I greatly appreciate Meysam Firozi’s
    contribution to report this problem.

  • Win10Pcap 10.2.5001 (June 10, 2015)
    Initial release.


You can use the original version of Wireshark with

  • Go to the
    Wireshark download page


See also

  • How to use
  • Source code
  • SDK

Compatible with Windows 10 on
both x86 and x64 platforms.

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