Описание и рекомендации
KingRoot – утилита для получения прав суперпользователя на Андроид устройствах. Приложение выпускается в двух изданиях: apk файл для смартфонов, планшетов и exe-установщик на ПК.
Русская версия интерфейса доступна только для мобильных аппаратов.
Краткая инструкция по установке
Инсталляция на телефон, планшет производится после разблокировки опции использования неизвестных источников (раздел «Безопасность» настроек аппарата).
Установка на компьютер сопряжена с двумя сложностями:
- Необходимо активировать отладку по USB на смартфоне.
- Инсталляционный модуль исполнен на китайском языке, что требует выбирать клавиши по наитию.
Программой Кинг Рут поддерживаются устройства с версией Android 2.2 – 6.0 для мобильной утилиты и 2.1 – 7.0 при рутировании аппарата через USB-порт ПК. Если одно из изданий неспособно предоставить root-права, рекомендуется использовать альтернативный выпуск.
Работа на Android-устройстве
Приложение собрано на базе двух модулей, где KingRoot наделяет мобильный аппарат правами рут.
Второй программный блок – KingUser предоставляет владельцу смартфона ряд дополнительных функций:
- управление секцией автозагрузки;
- настройка root-прав у конкретных программ;
- удаление приложений;
- мастер по очистке телефона от bloatware – предустановленного софта, отключению ненужных уведомлений и прочего.
КингРут имеет возможность удаления root-прав, допускает автоматическое обновление через Wi-Fi сеть. Перечисленные опции активируются пользователем через настройки. Оригинальная функция мобильного издания – защита устройства от вирусов.
Запуск с компьютера
ПК релиз софта характеризуется ограниченными возможностями. Фактически, программа позволяет только установить режим суперпользователя.
Другая особенность издания под ПК связана с предложением инсталляции вспомогательного софта – Purify, сразу после получения рут. Оферту можно отклонить.
Последнюю версию KingRoot скачать на Андроид бесплатно предлагает наш сайт. Интерфейс мобильного выпуска утилиты исполнен на русском, софт под ПК – англоязычный.
В целях безопасности, на некоторые архивы был установлен пароль: 12345.
Скачать KingRoot 5.4.0 для Android (ZIP пароль: 12345)
Скачать KingRoot 5.3.7 для Android (ZIP пароль: 12345)
Скачать KingRoot 3.5.0 для Windows (ZIP)
KingRoot PC App, is the best application for rooting your Android from a PC. It has a new interface. The app will remove all unnecessary data. No doubt, KingRoot for pc is the best choice to root your PC. The app helps you without any fee. You can use it confidently without any fear of malware or bugs. The most compatible app with all types of devices.
Requirements for KingRoot PC
To install the app, check the compatibility of your operating system. You can get more productivity from the app by following the steps given below,
- Window XP/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10
- Enable the debugging mode of USB on the device
- Check the charging of the device
- 4GB RAM for your PC
- 15GB minimum space is required on Hard Disk
- The video card should be 256 MB
- The network connection should be stable
To install or download the KingRoot follow the given instructions
- First of all download or install KingRoot from the blue link option
- After installing open the file and follow the steps
- Here you have to give your password and registration ID
- Connect the PC with your device through a USB
- Enable the debugging mode of USB to debug it
- Go to Setting>About Phone>Build Number
- For becoming a developer click it seven times
- Now once more Go to Setting>Developer Option>USB debugging>Enable
- Tap on “ Try to Root “and the device will be rooted within a few minutes
- After seeing the message “ Root Completed “ close the application
- Your device reboots Several Times during rooting. You can click “ verify root “ to check whether the rooting is successful or not
Easy to Use
Working simply goes well with any type of PC. With one click, you can root your device. Although it has a Chinese interface, now you can see it in English too.
Secure and Safe
The app will help to remove all extra material from your PC. These extra unchecked applications result in vague use of storage space. This will cause logging devices. You can get a really hassle-free device with the rooting of your device.
Speed Up the System
With a single click, you can enhance the speed of your gadget. The latest version of the app very smoothly increases the working power of your gadget.
The app prevents you from frustrating ads through rooting it also helps you to back up your data. You need not do it manually.
You can completely control your device by using the Kingroot pc. It helps you to change the setting and look of your computer. The customization of the device is very easy with KingRoot.
Best for battery life
Kingroot gives long life to the battery of your device. It really works as a battery saver. You can maintain the durability and efficiency of your phone’s battery through rooting. You can save your day from ruining with a single click.
A Multi-purposes Program
KingRoot is used for many purposes. It roots your device very fast. Despite some irregularities, it is very useful and smooth.
Frequently updated
The app is updated regularly. Since its launch, a lot of new functions have been added. You can get its updated version at any time.
Simple Downloading of Program
It’s very simple to download the program with network connectivity. Although, it is in the English language you can install it by clicking the link in blue color.
Media Tech
A user-friendly interface with the simple process of rooting. 100% safe and risk-free app having simple and effective steps.
Anti-malware and Bugs
The application works as an anti-malware or bugs. It can fix any type of flaw or bug. You can use it for all devices.
Change in Setting
The application can change the basic setting through the contravention of all limits. This will prove a great power even for your mid-range device.
Manage Framework of Applications
The app is capable of checking the work of all running applications and helping to start the program.
Energizes the Applications
KingRoot for pc is a trusted app that supports several devices and energizes the apps to extend their work.
Free of Cost App
Kingroot pc will root your device at the cost of zero. Now it is available for all platforms such as; Windows PC, Windows Phone, Mac, Android, and blackberry.
Features KingRoot PC
- Easy to use interface
- Blocks irritating ads
- Cloud-based app
- Safe and secure
- Supports all types of devices
- Work as anti-malware or bugs
- Battery Saver
- Speed up devices
- Updated frequently
- Free of cost
- Manage and start a program
- 100% risk-free
- Simple process for downloading
- Easy backup
- Customize the device
- 98% success rate
KingRoot — windows-версия популярной программы для получения прав root на смартфонах и планшетах с операционной Android. Считается более функциональной, чем мобильная версия и поддерживает большее количество устройств.
Для получения полномочий root, необходимо скачать и установить на компьютер программу KingRoot и произвести предварительную настройку вашего смартфона или планшета. Убедитесь, что заряд батареи составляет более 30 процентов, проверьте доступ к интернету (посредством Wi-Fi или 3G/4G, подключение необходимо для скачивания файлов), включите на устройстве возможность установки приложений со сторонних сайтов и режим отладки по USB (подробная инструкция как включить режим отладки в разных версиях операционной системы Android доступна в программе). После этого подключите свое устройство к компьютеру с установленным KingRoot, который автоматически определит версию установленной операционной системы. Процесс рутования обычно занимает несколько минут, в его ходе смартфон может перезагружаться и при этом очень важно им не пользоваться и не отключать от компьютера до появления сообщения об успешном (или неудачном) окончании процесса.
Наиболее часто полномочия root необходимы для работы со взломанными приложениями, тонкой настройки устройства, а так же удаления из прошивки ненужных предустановленных программ. После получения root вы становитесь «суперпользователем», имеющим право вмешиваться в работу Андроид и изменять системные файлы. При этом необходимо быть особенно внимательным, так как в случае ошибки вы можете нарушить работу системы и для восстановления работоспособности устройства может понадобиться его перепрошивка.
К недостаткам программы KingRoot можно отнести лишь отсутствия перевода на русский и английский язык в установщике программы, что приводит к необходимости установки методом «научного» тыка, однако я справился с этим с первого же раза. Сама же программа имеет англоязычный интерфейс и минимальное количество настроек, поэтому её использование не вызывает сложностей.
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Less trash, more efficiency
Use Kingroot to rid your phone of pesky and useless apps. Throwing them out frees up RAM and hard drive space that you can use for other, more important things.
No more lagging
Kingroot is built from the ground up to speed up your phone. It removes bloatware and unnecessary applications to get this done.
This application is mainly used for improving battery life and reducing lag on mobile devices. Through the program for Windows, however, you can simplify the process by connecting your phone to the computer. Something that stands out is how easy it is to use. All you need to do is plug in your device, hit the root button, and you’re all set. It’s also lightweight, meaning it won’t take up a ton of space on your drive.
It improves a device’s performance and battery life using a few techniques. First off, it removes any and all bloatware that is present. These consume system resources, eat up RAM, and run in the background. All of this, together, slows down most devices and chews away at battery life. When you root your device with Kingroot, you can gain access to parts of your system that manufacturers would prefer you couldn’t. By doing this, you can cut out all these annoying programs.
Navigating the menus and options that it offers is also quite simple. It presents you with a soft and clean interface. It’s really easy on the eyes. There’s a strong feeling of professionalism surrounding this application.
There are drawbacks, however. In order to root your system, you are required to create a backup beforehand. Also, if there are issues with the cloud service, you won’t be able to root until they’re solved. Finally, although the features this application provides are fantastic, it is missing quite a few that other programs do provide.
Where can you run this program?
This program runs on Windows 7 and later. It’s also available for Android.
Is there a better alternative?
No. Even though this app is missing a few functions that are common with similar programs, like Magisk, it’s a safe and effective option for speeding up your device. It’s also simple enough for the average person.
Our take
Kingroot is an app with a very specific focus. Yes, it can root devices, but it only does this as a means to an end. Eventually, it wants to improve battery life and remove entities that are slowing down your phone.
Should you download it?
Yes. If you’re looking for a way to speed up your phone, connect it to your PC and use this program to get the job done.
- Clean interface
- Easy to use
- Lightweight
- Rooting requires system backup
- Cloud service issues
- Missing a few common features
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KingRoot for PC allows you to root your android device efficiently and effectively from your windows PC. You can download fee exe file of KingRoot from our site and install in your PC.
Some people ask questions like why does kingroot has an PC version when there is an independent android version that can root android without PC? This seem to somehow logical but in reality it is not that logical because PC version of kingroot supports way more devices than android version.
So lets begin.
WARNING: Rooting your device with KingRoot is highly Risky and can cause serious damages to your phone which we won’t be responsible for. If you want to root your android without any risk, please read our post Root any Android device- 100% SAFE & 100% GUARANTEED
Step 1: As you know the first step of this process is to download and install kingroot on your PC. So download kingroot for your PC from the link below and install it.
Download kingroot for PC/Windows
Step 2: Open kingroot on your PC and wait for few seconds. Follow the On screen Instructions to install KingRoot.
Step 3: After you launch KingRoot, there will be a message saying”Connect your device”. Connect or plug in your Android device to your computer using a USB. Once it’s plugged in, Kingroot will automatically detect your Android version and device model. It may take a moment for those who do not have your device driver installed on your PC. Kingroot PC will install it for you. Do make sure you have an internet connection to complete the driver installation. For those who already have your device driver installed in your PC, Kingroot will automatically detect it.
Step 4: Enable USB debugging mode on your device. To enable USB debugging Follow steps below:
- Go to Settings > About Phone > Build number > Tap it 7 times to become developer;
- Then again Go to Settings > Developer Options > USB Debugging. and enable it.
Step 5: Click on “Try to Root”. Rooting will begin with a progress percentage count like in screenshot below. It will take a few minutes to complete. Do Not touch, move or unplug your device. During the rooting process, your device will reboot several times.
Step 6: You will see a Root completed message with a huge tick on your PC once it’s completed. This means you have successfully rooted your device. It will be safe to close the application.
Step 7: During this period, your device will reboot itself. Once it’s rebooted, you can install root checker and click on verify root to see if root have succeeded.