Скачать gitlab для windows 10

  • Installation
  • Update
  • Uninstall
  • Windows version support policy

    • Future releases
  • Windows troubleshooting

    • Get runner logs
    • I get a PathTooLongException during my builds on Windows

      • a) Use Git with core.longpaths enabled
      • b) Use NTFSSecurity tools for PowerShell
    • I can’t run Windows BASH scripts; I’m getting The system cannot find the batch label specified - buildscript
    • How can I get colored output on the web terminal?
    • The service did not start due to a logon failure error when starting service
    • Job marked as success or failed incorrectly
    • Job marked as success and terminated midway using Kubernetes executor
    • Docker executor: unsupported Windows Version
    • Kubernetes executor: unsupported Windows Version
    • I’m using a mapped network drive and my build cannot find the correct path
    • The build container is unable to connect to service containers
    • The job cannot create a build directory and fails with an error

To install and run GitLab Runner on Windows you need:

  • Git, which can be installed from the official site
  • A password for your user account, if you want to run it under your user
    account rather than the Built-in System Account.


  1. Create a folder somewhere in your system, ex.: C:\GitLab-Runner.
  2. Download the binary for 64-bit or 32-bit and put it into the folder you
    created. The following assumes you have renamed the binary to gitlab-runner.exe (optional).
    You can download a binary for every available version as described in
    Bleeding Edge — download any other tagged release.
  3. Make sure to restrict the Write permissions on the GitLab Runner directory and executable.
    If you do not set these permissions, regular users can replace the executable with their own and run arbitrary code with elevated privileges.
  4. Run an elevated command prompt:
  5. Register a runner.
  6. Install GitLab Runner as a service and start it. You can either run the service
    using the Built-in System Account (recommended) or using a user account.

    Run service using Built-in System Account (under directory created in step 1. from above, ex.: C:\GitLab-Runner)

    cd C:\GitLab-Runner
    .\gitlab-runner.exe install
    .\gitlab-runner.exe start

    Run service using user account (under directory created in step 1. from above, ex.: C:\GitLab-Runner)

    You have to enter a valid password for the current user account, because
    it’s required to start the service by Windows:

    cd C:\GitLab-Runner
    .\gitlab-runner.exe install --user ENTER-YOUR-USERNAME --password ENTER-YOUR-PASSWORD
    .\gitlab-runner.exe start

    See the troubleshooting section if you encounter any
    errors during the GitLab Runner installation.

  7. (Optional) Update the runner’s concurrent value in C:\GitLab-Runner\config.toml
    to allow multiple concurrent jobs as detailed in advanced configuration details.
    Additionally, you can use the advanced configuration details to update your
    shell executor to use Bash or PowerShell rather than Batch.

Voila! Runner is installed, running, and will start again after each system reboot.
Logs are stored in Windows Event Log.


  1. Stop the service (you need an elevated command prompt as before):

    cd C:\GitLab-Runner
    .\gitlab-runner.exe stop
  2. Download the binary for 64-bit or 32-bit and replace runner’s executable.
    You can download a binary for every available version as described in
    Bleeding Edge — download any other tagged release.

  3. Start the service:

    .\gitlab-runner.exe start


From an elevated command prompt:

cd C:\GitLab-Runner
.\gitlab-runner.exe stop
.\gitlab-runner.exe uninstall
cd ..
rmdir /s GitLab-Runner

Windows version support policy

GitLab officially supports LTS versions of Microsoft Windows operating systems and so we follow the Microsoft
Servicing Channels lifecycle policy.

This means that we support:

  • Long-Term Servicing Channel,
    versions for 5 years after their release date. Note that we don’t
    support versions that are on extended support.
  • Semi-Annual Channel
    versions for 18 months after their release date. We don’t support
    these versions after mainstream support ends.

This is the case for both the Windows binaries that we
distribute, and also for the Docker executor.

GitLab provides Windows operating system runner images until the EOL (End-Of-Life) date for the operating system. After the EOL date of the Windows OS, GitLab stops releasing runner images with the EOL Windows OS version.

The EOL date for a Windows OS version will not necessarily align with a GitLab major release; therefore, we will typically stop releasing an EOL image in a GitLab minor release. A removal notice will be included in the release post of the GitLab version in which we stopped publishing the image with the EOL Windows version.

As a single source of truth we use
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/lifecycle/products/ which specifies
both the release and mainstream support dates.

Below is a list of versions that are commonly used and their end of life

OS Mainstream support end of life date
Windows 10 1809/2019 January 2024
Windows Server Datacenter 1809/2019 January 2024

Future releases

Microsoft releases new Windows Server products in the
Semi-Annual Channel
twice a year, and every 2 — 3 years a new major version of Windows Sever
is released in the
Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC).

GitLab aims to test and release new GitLab Runner helper images that
include the latest Windows Server version (Semi-Annual Channel) within 1
month of the official Microsoft release date on the Google Cloud Platform. Refer to the
Windows Server current versions by servicing option list
for availability dates.

Windows troubleshooting

Make sure that you read the FAQ section which describes
some of the most common problems with GitLab Runner.

If you encounter an error like The account name is invalid try to add .\ before the username:

.\gitlab-runner.exe install --user ".\ENTER-YOUR-USERNAME" --password "ENTER-YOUR-PASSWORD"

If you encounter a The service did not start due to a logon failure error
while starting the service, please look in the FAQ to check how to resolve the problem.

If you don’t have a Windows Password, the GitLab Runner service won’t start but you can
use the Built-in System Account.

If you have issues with the Built-in System Account, please read
Configure the Service to Start Up with the Built-in System Account
on Microsoft’s support website.

Get runner logs

When you run .\gitlab-runner.exe install it installs gitlab-runner
as a Windows service. You can find the logs in the Event Viewer
with the provider name gitlab-runner.

If you don’t have access to the GUI, in PowerShell, you can run

PS C:\> Get-WinEvent -ProviderName gitlab-runner

   ProviderName: gitlab-runner

TimeCreated                     Id LevelDisplayName Message
-----------                     -- ---------------- -------
2/4/2021 6:20:14 AM              1 Information      [session_server].listen_address not defined, session endpoints disabled  builds=0...
2/4/2021 6:20:14 AM              1 Information      listen_address not defined, metrics & debug endpoints disabled  builds=0...
2/4/2021 6:20:14 AM              1 Information      Configuration loaded                                builds=0...
2/4/2021 6:20:14 AM              1 Information      Starting multi-runner from C:\config.toml...        builds=0...

I get a PathTooLongException during my builds on Windows

This is caused by tools like npm which will sometimes generate directory structures
with paths more than 260 characters in length. There are two possible fixes you can
adopt to solve the problem.

a) Use Git with core.longpaths enabled

You can avoid the problem by using Git to clean your directory structure, first run
git config --system core.longpaths true from the command line and then set your
project to use git fetch from the GitLab CI project settings page.

b) Use NTFSSecurity tools for PowerShell

The NTFSSecurity PowerShell module provides
a Remove-Item2 method which supports long paths. GitLab Runner will
detect it if it is available and automatically make use of it.

I can’t run Windows BASH scripts; I’m getting The system cannot find the batch label specified - buildscript

You need to prepend call to your Batch file line in .gitlab-ci.yml so that it looks like call C:\path\to\test.bat. Here
is a more complete example:

  - call C:\path\to\test.bat

Additional info can be found under issue #1025.

How can I get colored output on the web terminal?

Short answer:

Make sure that you have the ANSI color codes in your program’s output. For the purposes of text formatting, assume that you’re
running in a UNIX ANSI terminal emulator (because that’s what the webUI’s output is).

Long Answer:

The web interface for GitLab CI emulates a UNIX ANSI terminal (at least partially). The gitlab-runner pipes any output from the build
directly to the web interface. That means that any ANSI color codes that are present will be honored.

Older versions of Windows’ CMD terminal (before Win10 version 1511) do not support
ANSI color codes — they use win32 (ANSI.SYS) calls instead which are not present in
the string to be displayed. When writing cross-platform programs, a developer will typically use ANSI color codes by default and convert
them to win32 calls when running on a Windows system (example: Colorama).

If your program is doing the above, then you need to disable that conversion for the CI builds so that the ANSI codes remain in the string.

See GitLab CI YAML docs
for an example using PowerShell and issue #332
for more information.

The service did not start due to a logon failure error when starting service

When installing and starting the GitLab Runner service on Windows you can
meet with such error:

gitlab-runner install --password WINDOWS_MACHINE_PASSWORD
gitlab-runner start
FATA[0000] Failed to start GitLab Runner: The service did not start due to a logon failure.

This error can occur when the user used to execute the service doesn’t have
the SeServiceLogonRight permission. In this case, you need to add this
permission for the chosen user and then try to start the service again.

  1. Go to Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools.
  2. Open the Local Security Policy tool.
  3. Choose the Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment on the
    list on the left.
  4. Open the Log on as a service on the list on the right.
  5. Click the Add User or Group… button.
  6. Add the user (“by hand” or using Advanced… button) and apply the settings.

According to Microsoft’s documentation
this should work for: Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8.1,
Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, and Windows 8.

The Local Security Policy tool may be not available in some
Windows versions — for example in “Home Edition” variant of each version.

After adding the SeServiceLogonRight for the user used in service configuration,
the command gitlab-runner start should finish without failures
and the service should be started properly.

Job marked as success or failed incorrectly

Most Windows programs output exit code 0 for success. However, some programs don’t
return an exit code or have a different value for success. An example is the Windows
tool robocopy. The following .gitlab-ci.yml fails, even though it should be successful,
due to the exit code output by robocopy:

  stage: test
    - New-Item -type Directory -Path ./source
    - New-Item -type Directory -Path ./dest
    - Write-Output "Hello World!" > ./source/file.txt
    - robocopy ./source ./dest
    - windows

In the case above, you need to manually add an exit code check to the script:. For example,
you can create a PowerShell script:

$exitCodes = 0,1

robocopy ./source ./dest

if ( $exitCodes.Contains($LastExitCode) ) {
    exit 0
} else {
    exit 1

And change the .gitlab-ci.yml file to:

  stage: test
    - New-Item -type Directory -Path ./source
    - New-Item -type Directory -Path ./dest
    - Write-Output "Hello World!" > ./source/file.txt
    - ./robocopyCommand.ps1
    - windows

Also, be careful of the difference between return and exit when using PowerShell
functions. While exit 1 will mark a job as failed, return 1 will not.

Job marked as success and terminated midway using Kubernetes executor

Please see Job execution.

Docker executor: unsupported Windows Version

GitLab Runner checks the version of Windows Server to verify that it’s supported.

It does this by running docker info.

If GitLab Runner fails to start with the following error, but with no Windows
Server version specified, then the likely root cause is that the Docker
version is too old.

Preparation failed: detecting base image: unsupported Windows Version: Windows Server Datacenter

The error should contain detailed information about the Windows Server
version, which is then compared with the versions that GitLab Runner supports.

unsupported Windows Version: Windows Server Datacenter Version (OS Build 18363.720)

Docker 17.06.2 on Windows Server returns the following in the output
of docker info.

Operating System: Windows Server Datacenter

The fix in this case is to upgrade the Docker version of similar age, or later,
than the Windows Server release.

Kubernetes executor: unsupported Windows Version

Kubernetes executor on Windows might fail with the following error:

Using Kubernetes namespace: gitlab-runner
ERROR: Preparation failed: prepare helper image: detecting base image: unsupported Windows Version: 
Will be retried in 3s ...
ERROR: Job failed (system failure): prepare helper image: detecting base image: unsupported Windows Version: 

To fix it, add node.kubernetes.io/windows-build nodeSelector in the section [runners.kubernetes.node_selector]
of your GitLab Runner config file, For example:

     "kubernetes.io/arch" = "amd64"
     "kubernetes.io/os" = "windows"
     "node.kubernetes.io/windows-build" = "10.0.17763"

I’m using a mapped network drive and my build cannot find the correct path

If GitLab Runner is not being run under an administrator account and instead is using a
standard user account, mapped network drives cannot be used and you’ll receive an error stating
The system cannot find the path specified. This is because using a service logon session
creates some limitations
on accessing resources for security. Use the
UNC path
of your drive instead.

The build container is unable to connect to service containers

To use services with Windows containers:

  • Use the networking mode that creates a network for each job.
  • Ensure that the FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILD feature flag is enabled.

The job cannot create a build directory and fails with an error

When you use the GitLab-Runner with the Docker-Windows executor, a job might fail with an error like:

fatal: cannot chdir to c:/builds/gitlab/test: Permission denied`

When this error occurs, ensure the user the Docker engine is running as has full permissions to C:\Program Data\Docker.
The Docker engine must be able to write to this directory for certain actions, and without the correct permissions it will fail.

Read more about configuring Docker Engine on Windows.

Last updated on August 18, 2023

GitLab is a comprehensive DevOps tool that is geared to improve efficiency in the software creation process. It’s a web-based Git repository, where you can host public open-source software and private repositories.

The GitLab platform has the tools needed to manage and execute all project tasks, starting with the planning and brainstorming stage to source code management and publishing.

While GitLab has a premium option with a monthly subscription rate, I’ll show you how to create an account and get started with GitLab for free.

  1. Click the Download button on the sidebar, and the GitLab account creation page will open in a new tab.
  2. Enter your first and last name, username, email, and create a secure password. Then, prove you aren’t a robot and click on the Register button.
  3. You will get a verification email. Click on the Confirm Your Account link in the email, and you’ll be redirected back to the GitLab login page.
  4. Once you are logged in, you can start creating your own project, invite users to your group, and explore public projects. There is also an excellent welcome tutorial that goes through the site’s interface, documentation, and shows you how to make the most of the GitLab tools.

If GitLab isn’t the right Git Repository for your needs, you can delete your account in a few simple steps.

  1. Log in to your GitLab account.
  2. Click on the account avatar on the top-right corner of the page, and a menu window will open. Click on Preferences.
  3. Click on the Account option on the sidebar menu.
  4. At the bottom of the page is a section to delete your account. Press the Delete Account button. You will need to re-enter your password for security reasons, and then the account will be disabled.

While your account will be deleted, GitLab reserves the right to move some of the user content under a “Ghost User” account. This is to maintain the code for posterity. You can get more information in the user account deletion documentation.

If you’re still looking for a Git Repository, check out the free GitLab alternatives below.

GitLab is a complete DevOps platform that is presented as a single application. Instead of needing multiple programs, it’s an all-in-one tool that streamlines the workflow for the entire software and development team. It has the tools necessary to manage the complete lifecycle of the software, from the early development stages to the production and publishing. You can assign tasks to your team, track any changes, and accept changes from outside users. Once the product is released and live, you can continue using GitLab to monitor any bugs, feature requests, or pull requests that appear.

GitLab is a popular Git repository among fortune 500 companies and big software developers. It’s unique with its approach to managing the complete lifecycle features in a single application. A free GitLab account is perfect for individuals and small teams. It includes 5 GB of storage, 10 GB or monthly transfers, and an open-source – MIT license for your software. There is also a premium subscription designed for larger teams and with some added features. You can test it for free with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

In the realm of software development, there exists a sequence of seven essential phases. It begins with conceiving the idea, followed by outlining the project, strategizing, actual creation, assessment and testing, launch, and the ongoing vigilance over user experience and product functionality. GitLab makes it easy to stay on top of all seven stages, so nothing gets forgotten or stuck at one of the stages.

Some of the helpful features include:

  • Version control and Git repository management
  • Send chats between them members, developers, and managers
  • Leave notes on the code for the team to look over or inspect for bugs
  • Comprehensive tools to oversee multiple builds and changes in the code
  • Merge different tools with conditional presets that fit the project demands
  • Rollback the software and accept changes directly from the project tree

Integrated Security in your DevOps Lifestyle

GitLab ensures that all codes and software are protected with several integrated security features.

The Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tests the source code in the CI/CD pipeline for weaknesses and security bugs. The SAST test also gives you access to check for Secret Detection. These are accidental or unknowing secrets and credentials in the code. You can view the reports in the Merge Request and Pipeline view.

A sample of some SAST reports

Container Host Security

Get accelerated Intrusion Detection and Prevention security with the built-in Container Host security. It monitors and restricts questionable and malicious activity that occurs in each container. This feature works through Falco, which monitors capabilities, and it combines Pod Security Policies and AppArmor to provide blocking capabilities. The result of the security combination is reported on system log entries, process starts, file activity, network ports opened, and more.

  • GitHub: GitHub is one of the largest open-source Git repositories. It specializes in version control, so developers can track any changes to the code, without overwriting another developer’s work. With GitHub, you can make branches and fork, make pull requests, and host your repo in a public or private setting.
  • Bitbucket: BitBucket is the best place to develop and store private codes. Unlike GitLab, which has public and private repos, companies that use BitBucket want the privacy of a private repo. It has integrated features through Jira, Crucible, and HipChat, for a smooth working environment.

Is GitLab really free?

If you’re an individual user or you have a small team, you can create a free GitLab account by following the steps above. The free account gives you access to the entire DevOps life span features, a free static website to host your software, 5 GB of storage, 400 CI/CD minutes per month, and an open-source MIT License. If you need access to multiple users, more storage, or access to the premium features, you will need to sign up for a monthly paid plan.

Is GitLab secure?

GitLab has a host of security features that are designed to protect your software from bugs, malicious codes, unauthorized users making changes to your private code, and container security.

GitLab is also secured with a powerful firewall to prevent unauthorized users or hackers from seeing your private codes and repositories.

What is a Git?

A Git is a distributed version control system (VCS) that was developed in 2005. It uses version control to track the code history and allow for multiple developers to work on a single piece of code at the same time. Git is used by an estimated 85% of developers, making it the most popular version control tool available.

Download GitLab now!

install gitlab on windows 10

Как установить Gitlab в Windows? Первая же ссылка в поисковике дала ответ: Самый легкий способ установить Gitlab в Windows-е — это установить виртуальную машину Linux и уже там установить Gitlab. Пост был опубликован на официальном форуме Гитлаба. Автор кажется не шутить? Хм… А есть ли все таки способ?

Обратимся к официальной документации. Раздел требования https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/install/requirements.html , где есть список поддерживаемых ОС.

  • Ubuntu
  • Debian
  • CentOS
  • openSUSE
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (please use the CentOS packages and instructions)
  • Scientific Linux (please use the CentOS packages and instructions)
  • Oracle Linux (please use the CentOS packages and instructions)

Что там написано про Windows?

Microsoft Windows

GitLab is developed for Linux-based operating systems. It does not run on Microsoft Windows, and we have no plans to support it in the near future. For the latest development status view this issue. Please consider using a virtual machine to run GitLab.

То есть,

Gitlab разрабатывался для Linux-based ОС. Оно не запуститься на Windows и у нас нет планов на поддержку этой ОС в ближайшее время. Следить за ходом разработки можете по ссылке. Если хотите запустить на Windows используйте виртуальную машину.

Вот те на… Но постойте, есть же Докер, философия которой заключается как раз в кросс платформенной доставке продукта. Даже есть целый раздел посвязенной установке через Docker https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/docker/README.html

Вот только если попытаться запустить на Windows вот этот конфиг:



















  image: ‘gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest’

  restart: always

  hostname: ‘gitlab.example.com’



      external_url ‘http://gitlab.example.com:8929’

      gitlab_rails[‘gitlab_shell_ssh_port’] = 2224








получите ошибку

Error executing action `run` on resource ‘ruby_block[directory resource: /var/opt/gitlab/git-data]’

Эта ошибка не нова, обсуждение ее началось два года назад, а может и более. Есть большая дискуссия на эту тему по этой ссылке


Сотни людей столкнулись с одним и тем же.

В чем же проблема?

Суть проблемы в самом докере для Windows. Во время установки Gitlab-a Chef скрипт пытается удостовериться что каталог принадлежит пользователю git:git, вместо этого получает none. Потому что, после монтирования, каталогу присваивается UID 0 : GID 0 755 unix file permissions, который невозможно изменить внутри контейнера

Обсуждение данной проблемы можно прочитать по ссылке


Корень проблемы заключается в архитектурных различиях ФС Windows и вряд ли решится в ближайшее время. Протокол SMB/CIFS не поддерживает расширенные права для файлов.

Значит пора ставить виртуальную машину?

Скорее всего, автор этого топика https://forum.gitlab.com/t/how-to-install-gitlab-on-windows/32 прав и самый легкий способ установки — это поставить виртуальную машину. Ведь недаром Windows официально даже не поддерживается.

Но! Если нужно, то можно взять вот такой конфиг и…

























version: «3.2»



    image: ‘gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest’

    hostname: ‘gitlab.example.com’

    restart: always



        external_url ‘https://gitlab.example.com’

        # Add any other gitlab.rb configuration here, each on its own line












Предварительно создав volumes вручную, и …

docker volume create gitlabopt

docker volume create gitlablogs

И вуаля после всех операции видим приветственное сообщение от Gitlab

install Gitlab on windows

Gitlab запустился
ошибка letsencrypt_certificate[gitlab.example.com] (letsencrypt::http_authorization) had an error. что делать?

Нужно отключить Lets Encrypt. Финальный конфиг будет выглядит так


























version: «3.2»



    image: ‘gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest’

    hostname: ‘gitlab.example.com’

    restart: always



        external_url ‘http://gitlab.example.com’

        # Add any other gitlab.rb configuration here, each on its own line

         letsencrypt[‘enabled’] = false












Найдите два отличия 😉 Естественно не забудьте добавить домен gitlab.example.com в etc/hosts


Как мы поняли установка Gitlab on Windows подходит только для экспериментальных целей или для тестирования новых фичей. Сами основатели предупреждают об отсутствии поддержки на Windows, поэтому использование в боевых целях не рекомендуется. Намного проще и дешевле будет поднять машину на Линуксе, хоть локально, хоть в облаке.

Кстатит, все работы проводились на версии Docker for Windows 18.06.1


Cloud service


GitHub has in a short time become one of the most used development platform for teams of software developers. GitHub is an online platform where developers code can share and manage. Because of this, teams can easily at the same time to the same application work.

GitHub is for the big teams is still quite expensive and the developed code is not on the private servers. For organizations that are looking for a free alternative is the open source package GitLab.

GitLab is an open source version of GitHub. It makes use of Git to a team of software development.

GitLab can be downloaded for free and installed on an own server room. In contrast to GitHub need for GitLab so don’t have to be paid, and the code is not on a remote server.

With GitLab you are able to create tickets, comment, code hosting, access to the code and manage code by several developers merge.

GitLab has the following characteristics:

  • free developer platform,
  • support of software development in a team,
  • installation on own server space,
  • clone from GitHub,
  • open source,
  • MIT-license.

GitLab screenshots


You can free download Gitlab and safe install the latest trial or new full version for Windows 10 (x32, 64 bit, 86) from the official site.

Devices: Desktop PC, Laptop (ASUS, HP, DELL, Acer, Lenovo, MSI), Ultrabook

OS: Professional, Enterprise, Education, Home Edition, versions: 1507, 1511, 1607, 1703, 1709, 1803, 1809

Download for Windows

Click here to download the latest (2.42.0) 32-bit version of Git for Windows. This is the most recent maintained build. It was released about 1 month ago, on 2023-08-30.

Other Git for Windows downloads

Standalone Installer

32-bit Git for Windows Setup.

64-bit Git for Windows Setup.

Portable («thumbdrive edition»)

32-bit Git for Windows Portable.

64-bit Git for Windows Portable.

Using winget tool

Install winget tool if you don’t already have it, then type this command in command prompt or Powershell.
winget install --id Git.Git -e --source winget

The current source code release is version 2.42.0. If you want the newer version, you can build it from the source code.

Now What?

Now that you have downloaded Git, it’s time to start using it.

  • Read the Book

    Dive into the Pro Git book and learn at your own pace.

  • Download a GUI

    Several free and commercial GUI tools are available for the Windows platform.

  • Get Involved

    A knowledgeable Git community is available to answer your questions.

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