Network Interface Controllers > 5G Gigabit Ethernet > PCI Express
Network Interface Controllers > 2.5G Gigabit Ethernet > PCI Express
RTL8125 / RTL8125B(G)
Network Interface Controllers > 10/100/1000M Gigabit Ethernet > PCI Express
Network Interface Controllers > 10/100M Fast Ethernet > PCI Express
Realtek PCIe FE / GBE / 2.5G / 5G Ethernet Family Controller Software Files
Unix (Linux)
Download | Description | Version | Update Time | File Size |
UEFI UNDI Driver (X64/ARM) | 2.063 | 2023/08/30 | 196 KB |
Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller — представляет собой целый пакет драйверов, который нужен для настройки и нормальной работы сетевых карт на чипах Realtek. Этот пакет драйверов совместим со всеми версиями ОС Windows. Кроме этого, вы можете их установить, как на 32-бит, так и на 64-бит системы.
С помощью PCIe GBE Family Controller вы с легкостью сможете настроить встроенные системные платы сетевых карт с интерфейсом PCI, PCI Express cо скоростью передачи данных соответственно 1000 Mбит/с.
В архиве вы сможете найти драйвера для следующих сетевой карт Realtek: RTL8111B / RTL8168B / RTL8111 / RTL8168 / RTL8111C / RTL8111CP / RTL8111D (L) / RTL8168C / RTL8111DP / RTL8111E / RTL8111H / RTL8168E / RTL8111F / RTL8411/ RTL8111G / RTL8111GUS / RTL8411B(N)RTL8118AS / RTL8119i / RTL8111L / RTL8168H / RTL8111EP / RTL8111FP / RTL8111K / RTL8111L
Также, добавлена поддержка: 2.5G Gigabit Ethernet — PCI Express RTL8125 / RTL8125B(S)
Скачать драйвера Реалтек (Обновлено: 28.02.2023):
- Win11 Auto Installation Program (NetAdapterCx) 1124.011 , 1125.011 , 1166.011 , 1168.011 28/02/2023 — Автоустановщик для Windows 11 (4 MB)
- Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller LAN Driver 10063 02202023 для Windows 10 / 11 — Автоустановщик для Windows 10 / 11 (5 Мб)
- Win Server 2022 Auto Installation Program (NDIS) v110.001 02/11/2022 (4 MB)
- Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller LAN Driver 7142_11222021 для Windows 7 (5 Мб)
- Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller LAN Driver 8088 11222021 for Win8, Win8.1 и Server 2012 (5 Мб)
- Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller LAN Driver 10635_01222016 для Vista и Server 2008 (5.82 Мб)
- Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller LAN Driver 5836_14022018 для WinXP и Server 2003 (5.71 Мб)
- RTL8111DP/EP DASH Все в одном Комплект установки для Win7/Win8/Win8.1 V.1.12.0034 (18 Мб)
- RTL8111DP/EP DASH console tool для Win7/Win8/Win8.1 V.5.9.491 (23 Мб)
- Dash In-Band Config для Windows v1.05 (0.1 Mb)
- Windows Diagnostic Program для Win XP (5 Мб)
- Windows Diagnostic Program для Win 7/8/8.1/10/11 v2.0.7.3 (6 Мб)
- Windows Diagnostic Program только для Win 10 Only (10 Мб)
Unix (Linux):
- LINUX драйвер для kernel и больше 4.7 v8.0.50.03 (93 Kb)
- FreeBSD 7.x и 8.0 1.98 (93 Kb)
- 2.5G Ethernet LINUX драйвер v9.009.02 r8125 для kernel и выше 4.15 (58 Кб)
- GBE Ethernet LINUX driver r8168 для kernel и выше 5.17 v8.051.02(113 Kb)
- DASH PXE ROM Code для RTL8111DP/EP/FP v.203 (120 Kb)
- UEFI UNDI Драйвер v2.059 (X64/ARM) (120 Kb)
- PXE ROM code — 0007-RTEGPXE.266 (170 KB)
- PXE и RPL ROM code — 0007-RTEGROM.266 (170 KB)
- NDIS Дравер GBE 1.53 (70 Kb)
- DASH GBE NDIS2 driver 1.53 (40 Kb)
- 2.5G NDIS2 driver 1.56 (40 Kb)
- 2.5G PXE ROM Code (70 Kb)
- DOS Diagnostic program (RSET8168) — 0002-RSET8168_124 (56 Kb)
- RTL8125B Ring Library driver 9.007.01 (79 KB)
- Realtek fw pack для ring driver v20210514 (75 Kb)
- RTL8111H Ring Library driver v8.049.00 (75 Kb)
- MacOS 10.7 на компьютере Mac на базе Intel версии 2.0.6 (147 Kb)
Realtek PCIe FE / GBE / 2.5G / Gaming Ethernet Family Controller для Windows
Драйвер для сетевой карты Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller – это современное ПО, которое подходит ко всем устройствам на базе одноименного чипа. Оно повысит стабильность в работе и позволит использовать максимальную скорость подключения, поддерживаемую оборудованием.
Драйвер сетевого адаптера предназначен для систем на базе Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows XP с архитектурой x86/x64 (32/64 бит).
Чипы Realtek могут быть интегрированы как в материнские платы, так и могут встречаться в отдельных аппаратных устройствах. Зачастую новые версии Windows сами устанавливают ПО для оборудования, однако установка специальных драйверов позволит исключить «глюки» в работе оборудования и раскрыть потенциал устройства. Например, Windows-драйвера для Гигабитных «сетевух» обычно ограничивают скорость на уровне 100 Мб и лишь установка отдельного ПО позволяет решить эту проблему.
Драйвера для сетевых карт Realtek делятся на несколько типов:
- Realtek Fast Ethernet Drivers
- Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller
- Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
Все эти виды включены в инсталяторы, вам осталось выбрать только вашу операционную систему и установить драйвера на компьютер.
Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller — пакет драйверов, необходимых для настройки и корректной работы сетевых адаптеров на чипах от Realtek. С нашего сайта вы можете скачать драйверы для компьютеров, работающих под управлением Windows XP и новее.
Список поддерживаемых устройств
Программа Реалтек PCIe ГБЕ Фэмили Контроллер предназначена для настройки PCI и PCI Express сетевых карт. Она может быть установлена практически на все версии Windows, как на 32-битные версии, так и на 64-битные.
Поддерживается следующий список 10/100M карт:
- RTL8101E/RTL8102E/RTL8103E/RTL8105E/RTL8106E/RTL8107E.
- RTL8401/RTL8402.
Поддерживаются также 10/100/1000M карты:
- RTL8111B/RTL8111C/RTL8111D/RTL8111E/RTL8111F/RTL8111G(S)/RTL8111H(S)//RTL8118(A)(S)/RTL8119i/RTL8111L.
- RTL8168B/RTL8168E/RTL8168H.
- RTL8111DP/RTL8111EP/RTL8111FP.
- RTL8411/RTL8411B.
Также поддерживается 2.5G гигабитная карта RTL8125.
С нашего сайта вы можете скачать последнюю версию Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller бесплатно, без регистрации и СМС.
Hello. I have a question. I tried to install latest PCIe GBE family controller drivers. On the site it says Upd: 02.24.2017, so the latest drivers should be from 2017 but when i install them- in my device manager it says that my PCIe GBE Family controller drivers are from 2016-12-23. Are the latest drivers from 2016 or i installed something wrongly?
Probably in the site says date when this was uploaded but they are created from 2016.
Hello. I have same problem. My Driver Booster shows weekly that my Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller have new 2017 version but after the update the system shows I still have the old version (2016-12-23).
Can someone helps what is the problem?-
Uninstall first
these drivers are old the latest greatest is 12/2018 for PCIe Realtek GBE Family
This is not the actual Realtek sight guys who knows what this guy is having you download
Драйвера определены как действующие а при проверке Опять показывает -проблемма с сетевым адаптером ???у меня ноутбук завис без вайфая а что делать то?? Заходил на сайт производителя Lenovo одна китайщина – вразумительных ответов НЕТ – пищат несите в сервис на обслуживание 4000 рублей а у меня ноут стоил 14000
Please try it in english, nobody can read this kyrillic!
It’s Russian language you can drag it into translater online and find out out what there was written 😉
estupido ignorante. tenes que ser gringo
Nice comment.
After the latest update, my 8168 keeps disconnecting. Both wireless and wired LAN go in disabled state, lights out at the port, disabled in the network overview. Takes around 10 seconds before it re-enables.
I tried to revert to the previous driver, but the issue remained, even though I didn’t have issues before the update. Please fix asap, as online gaming is impossible 23-1-2017
meu tambem esta assim vc conseguiu resolver se sim me fala como por favor
very helpfull
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I would like to get ethernet controllerr drive for windows xp,
Every 15 minutes or so, I lose my cable internet connection. When I run the troubleshooter, it solves the problem and it said that the standard gateway was not available. But after a few more minutes, it happens again. I’ve had this problem for a very long time and I updated this driver, but it didn’t help. I tried every possible solution I could find on the internet. Could this be caused by a still-existing bug in the driver? Could this be solved? It is really frustrating.
What does REALTEK PCIe GBE Family Controller do? Is it necessary for a desktop PC? Thank you in advance.
Judy Alvarez
yes it is the software for your LAN card
I have a problem that I click control pannel and then click device manager and to network adapter- Realtek PCIe GBE is not correctly work. `The device can´t start (error 10)´. Let me know how to do?
AA=Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller LAN Driver 5832_02262015 for WinXP and Server 2003 (5.71 MB)
i am trying to install AA= in Windows XP 64bit which is installed in the Dell inspiron 3847 with 3i intel cpu.
it says in the uninstallation, “realtek gbe & fe ethernet pci-e nic driver” and not “Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller” it seems that it doesnt match with your posting.i dont know the chipet number because it is built with the DELL pc.
win 8.1 and win 10 suck, i am trying to go back to xp.
AA=Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller LAN Driver 5832_02262015 for WinXP and Server 2003 (5.71 MB)
after about 1 day struggling trying to install AA=, i gave up but when i returned to XP 64 bit, new installation found agian as usual for me to click away, i decided to click here and not setup.exe in the directory this time, and it worked !
thanks it worked.
Can i download one of these drivers to a USB stick because my desk top is missing the driver and can not access the internet ?
Thanks a lot
Tengo Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
He hecho todas las comprobaciones (velocidad 1 gb, versión controlador 10.12.1007.2016 y de fecha 7/10/2016)), cable cat 6, pero compruebo que no me da más de 100 Mbps-
Prueba a bajarte el programa de diagnostico que hay en los links. Cuando lo pongas verifica el cable. Puede ser que aunque sus especificaciones permitan mas velocidad, alguno de los hilos este abierto y no llegue mas que a 100 Mbps.
My network is running by this Realtek PCie GBE Family Controller. I now have it connected to router by cable. My question is if I can use it together with a cableless network??
I have a problem with the network adapter. With 0024 drivers for windows 10, when I turn on the PC, it do not always identify the connection and I have to restart my computer.
It worked. Downloaded and reinstalled Realtek PCI Gbe controller of Win 7 and fixed the issue. Thanks.
Marbert GC
Marbert :Me podrias decir de donde descargar el controlador para win 7? tengo la misma tarjeta y no pasa de 90 Mbps y tengo contratadas 300. Esta tarjeta es Fast eTernet o Gigabit. Gracias
I bought a PC, I can´t connect this PC that have this Realtek PCIe GBe in a wireless network. Can I?
I have setup wifi after installing gbe and realtek bt soon after some time it stop working plzzz tell me how to setup this wi fi driver plzzz
My wifi does not work anymore after last W10 update (12/19/17).
Ethernet doesn’t have a valid IP addressWill this update work
hello, I have recently had a problem recently I have changed the router and when I connect by ethernet in some cases the modem restarts from one moment to another, before had another modem and did not happen, it will be the new modem clarified that they changed it but for one of the same model, just update the driver to see if this helps me, if someone suggests something else thank you very much
I have recently had a windows 10 upgrade, now I can no longer connect via ethernet.
wifi is ok but very weak signal through my computer. That is why I have a Realtek controllerUploaded most recent driver from Realtek but it still does not function.
Have tried everything to fix but still not working, keep getting message
‘ethernet’ doesn’t have a valid IP configurationThis is a real problem for me .. Can anyone help??
HEY THERE. I am not even able to connect to wifi. Wifi options aren’t even shown on my desktop. Can you help?
Hoi …
I am new here … and i have a question.
I have in my desktop a “Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller” network controller.
Now … i have bought a new dual band router (2.4gh and 5gh) … but my network card sees only the 2.4 band.Is this normal??
I would say yes. Only because I had a discussion with my internet provider Atlantic Broadband about our new dual router by Linksys. They said do not use the 5 because it would not be compatible. So I am guessing that is why you are only seeing the 2.4 band. If not satisfied with my answer call your internet provider for support.
Roll back driver, the option is usually there for at least a week after upgrading. Or if you have your known good driver, uninstall the package using Revo Uninstaller, reboot & reinstall your good working driver. Newer drivers doesn’t always improve performance, especially on 3+ year old models.
Newer computers are more likely to benefit from the latest drivers. There’s no need to fix what isn’t broken & I speak from lots of experience. Most everytime someone with an older computer wants me to update their drivers, will later call on me to restore their system (why I image their computer before the driver install if there’s multiple ones). It’s faster for me to backup & restore versus diagnosting which driver(s) are incompatible.
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Hallo I have a little problem
PCIe GBE Family Controller now 106.12.1119.2014 and my system said we
must to take Where can I find this ??? and is this correct ????? -
Realtek Wifi Connection error in window7…
Access Violation at address 100417CF in module ‘RaWLAPI.dll’. Read of address 00000000.
please solution this error
“Driver Booster” tells me my Realtek PCIe GBE … drivers are VERY old and should be updated. (I’m not aware of any network performance problems.)
I just downloaded and unzipped Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller LAN Driver 7115_02262018 for Windows 7 (10 MB). The instructions and labels in that material (e.g., Read Me) specifically say it’s for WIN8, so I’m not using it to update my drivers. It’s too much hassle if this turns out to be wrong.
Driver Booster is Malware from IObit, many security solutions blocks the download. The installer will try & sneak in their other software (Advanced Systemcare), dangerous for many outside of the IT Pro world to run, especially the unneeded & potentially damaging registry cleaner. It’s best to update your drivers manually, if/when needed.
IObit gets much of their driver database from scanning the computers of those who uses their software, this is step #1. Then it updates drivers to their latest database, which may not be compatible with many OEM computers. I tried the software years ago, thankfully I’ve been in the practice of creating full disk image backups for a decade using Macrium Reflect (100% Free) & creating rescue media for recovery.
I have my Realtek connected via cable to my PC’s and working fine, however I am having difficulty in connecting it on Wi-Fi. No passwords or router addresses available!!! How/Where do I get the passwords and router address??
I had not used my computer any time recent but when I tried it says “Network Cable Unplugged” and I have tried updating the drivers but nothing works. Can someone please help me?
I have Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
My Acer tower computer since the latest Windows 10 upgrade no longer recognises the Ethernet Connection. I’ve tried to install the latest Realtek driver but sadly no joy. I’m at a loss to know what to do next. Any advice?
When my PC wakes up from power saving mode, it is a minute or two before I can use my Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller.
I changed the power setting by unchecking the ‘Allow the computer to turn off the device to save power’ button. But the issue persists.
I changed a setting in the registry editor per an instruction I found on the Internet. It did not clear the issue either.
I am running Windows 10.
Can you tell me how to keep the NIC from taking so long to wake from sleep?-
I am having the same issue as Fred!
I can count to potato. 1…….2…….Potato!
I have RTL GBE on board (BIOSTAR A68MD Pro with AMI BIOS). Working OK on Windows 10.
BUT… it doesn’t seem to want to work under MS-DOS :=(
even though the RealTEK diagnostic program for DOS (RSET8168.EXE) finds everything OK.I am loading : LSL , RTGEODI , ODIPKT
Everything /sounds/ correct, the DOS “TCPINFO.EXE” even confirms the board is given the desired IP address; BUT in effect TCPIP does NOT work :=(I do know DOS is considered “obsolete” but PLEASE help ! I have RTGEODI.COM dated: July 22, 2014,
size : 63,856 bytes from the Reatlek site’s download section. Is there a newer, working version ?
As a possibly better (than ODI) alternative, does Realtek or a 3rd party offer a “DOS Packet driver” for RT GBE adapters ?TIA ! Please Realtek person, if You do not fully understand the problem, do escalate up to a knowledgeable tech or engineer, THANKS !
I am really thankful to the holder of this web site who has shared this enormous paragraph at here.
I updated my driver Realtek PCIe GbE Family Controller # 2 to 10.28.615.2018
Since this I got problems with BSOD with stopcode “bad_pool_caller”
as per minidumpfile the cause was driver tcpip.sys
I degraded the driver to 10.27.511.2018 and see what happens -
TEAMING NOT WORK ON WINDOWS 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This package is the ONLY thing that worked for my HP P6 33276 with Realtek RTL817 1E. I could not load the driver directly, but when I used the included setup.exe it ran for a long time and then finally succeeded.
Extremely good and useful software – archive this package! -
running Linux kali 4.18.0-kali2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.18.10-2kali1 (2018-10-09) x86_64 GNU/Linux
have Reatek PCI GBE family controller but says its good up to Kali v. 4.7 ? Will it work with the recent kernel or i need something else? Also have Qualcome Atheros AR5B222 but cant find drivers for that also. This drivers search been a nightmare. Purchased TL NW7227 v1.10 adapter, having trouble installing that also. I am just about ready to expose and if someone is nice enough to offer to Team-view me and help get this fixed. Anyone
Muito obrigado pela disponibilização desses drivers, esse site foi o único que deu certo para a minha máquina. 😉
Hello everyone, I tried to install the driver – Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller LAN Driver 7119_06202018 for Windows 7 (10 MB) from first link. But my system said – this version realtek only for Windows Vista, but how? I have windows xp 2014, but i want to uninstall it then install Windows 7. Therefore i need realtek driver for windows 7 right? Sorry for my english) Thank you in advance.
Good evening, could you please be so kind and tell me, if I should update my driver ? If yes, pleas tell me the name or give me a link to update the right one. Thanks in advance, Gabriella
This is not the actual Realtek sight guys who knows what this guy is having u download or how new it is.
I installed this ethernet card on my WIN10 Pro computer (v 16299.15) with the last driver I downloaded on your website : V 10.28.615.2018 (date 15-08-2018).
But the status is always cable unplugged.
The cable work fine on another computer.
I tried other driver with no succes.
Parameters seems to be ok.
No firewall or anti-virus.
How can I this ethernet card be ok on WIN 10?
Thanks for your help.
On an Acer A515-51G with Win 10 Home, the LAN does not connect to the internet. The diagnostic test gives the following report:
Fail to perform PHY Loopback action.
Resource conflicts with other device.
FIFO buffers test fail.
Hardware errors occur, try again please.Is there a set of settings which can resolve the resource conflict? Or does this mean there is a hardware failure in the LAN chip?
AVG are telling me that the driver for my Realtek PCIe GBE family controller is out of date. This may be a way of AVG wanting me to subscribe to even more things, or it may be an improvement, if I can get it done.
I have tried to download the driver, the first on the list, but I am not a permitted client apparently.
Do I need to do something or shall I just forget the whole business?
Thanks for your time. -
Every 15 minutes or so, I lose my cable internet connection. When I run the troubleshooter, it solves the problem and it said that the standard gateway was not available. But after a few more minutes, it happens again. I’ve had this problem for a very long time and I updated this driver, but it didn’t help. I tried every possible solution I could find on the internet. Could this be caused by a still-existing bug in the driver? Could this be solved? It is really frustrating.
e disha nahai chal rahi
I have updated the PCIe FE Family Controller Driver to 10.34.307.2019 dated 07-Mar-19 in order to get internet speed to my 250Mbps but still I can not get more than 100Mbpson this pc , I checked the Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller Properties Speed & Duplex max value 100Mbps Full Duplex… no selection for 1Gbps. Could you help me how can I get this PC to download faster please.
I have the same problem, you can fix it?
PCIe FE Family Controller Driver means that you have 100Mbit/s card. FE means Fast Ethernet. Fast Ethernet = 100Mbit/s
So this is the reason why you cannot get 250Mbit/s internet speed and select 1Gbit/s in properties.
I have a problem. I use this device with my Surface Book 2 and it doesnt matter which monitor or TV I project it on it never finds the right size and doesnt fill up my 2nd screen or its too big. Can you halp me with this issue?
Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller LAN Driver 7125_04222019 for Windows 7 (10 MB) not installed in window 32 ultimate why every time giving error.
Hello! I have Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller installed and my provider give 500mb/s but i’m stuck to 100mb/s. I have the latest driver and a cat 5e ethernet cable. what should I do to increase my speed.
hello ;
i have 2 network network cards Realtek PCIe GBE / 2.5G Family Controller on win XP PC , how do I use teaming of these2 ethernet ports -
1.0 gbps full duplex is missing on speed and duplex, updated my driver nothing happened
hello i have a question is it possible to change the name of the driver because im sure that i use to have realtek pcie gbe family controller but now i have realtek gbe gaming family controller. i did a system restore thats when the name of the controller change im i crazy crazy or it possible 2 change it
eu instalo o controlador pcie gbe, mas só aparece o controlador pcie FE , porque ?
Can we enable VLAN for Realtek PCIe GbE Family Controller
best update ever! Thank you!
Win10/Win11 Auto Installation Program (NDIS): Does this automatically install Windows 11? Or am I reading the sentence incorrectly? I do not want Windows 11 installed, but I do want to upgrade my Realtek Gaming GBE Family Controller driver from V. to 10/29/2021 version. (Windows 10, Ver. 2OH2)