Скачать драйвер для nvidia geforce4 mx 440 with agp8x для windows 7

Производитель: NVIDIA
Устройство: DISPLAY

Драйвер доступен для следующих операционных систем:

ОС Версия Дата выпуска Скачать
Windows XP 8/24/2011 Скачать
Windows XP 8/23/2011 Скачать
Windows XP 8/24/2011 Скачать
Windows 2000 6/20/2011 Скачать
Windows XP 6/20/2011 Скачать
Windows XP 8/23/2011 Скачать
Windows XP 9/3/2011 Скачать
Windows XP64 6/20/2011 Скачать
Windows XP 8/23/2011 Скачать
Windows XP 8/29/2011 Скачать
Windows XP 9/8/2011 Скачать
Windows XP 8/25/2011 Скачать
Windows XP 8/29/2011 Скачать
Windows XP 8/30/2011 Скачать
Windows 2000 6/21/2011 Скачать
Windows XP 6/21/2011 Скачать
Windows XP 9/7/2011 Скачать
Windows XP64 9/7/2011 Скачать
Windows Vista 9/7/2011 Скачать
Windows Vista x64 9/7/2011 Скачать
Windows 7 x32 9/7/2011 Скачать
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  5. NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X


  • NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X

    (22 окт 2006)

    Файл *.inf:

    Windows Vista

В каталоге нет драйверов для NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X под Windows.
Скачайте DriverHub для автоматического подбора драйвера.

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Официальные пакеты драйверов помогут исправить ошибки и неполадки в работе NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X (видеокарты).
Скачать последние версии драйверов на NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X для компьютеров и ноутбуков на Windows.

Версия: для Windows 7, 8, 10 и 11

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Драйвер для видеокарты NVidia GeForce4 MX 440.

Данная страница загрузки содержит отдельный драйвер для 32-х и 64-х битных операционных систем (ОС) Windows XP/2K/Server 2003.
Размер файлов: 61.4 Мб. и 48.1 Мб.; Версия: 93.71.

Официальной поддержки более поздних выпусков ОС нет.
Однако существуют рекомендации, выполняя которые, можно установить в систему, например в 32-х битную Windows 7, драйвер и при этом, будут доступны функции аппаратного ускорения адаптера.
Последовательность действий:

  • скачать драйвер версии 81.98 (размер файла: 29.8 Мб.).
  • произвести инсталляцию в режиме совместимости. Для этого нужно нажать правой кнопкой мыши на установочный файл, выбрать «Свойства» и вкладку «Совместимость». Отмечаем «Запустить программу в режиме совместимости с: Windows XP (пакет обновления 3)», затем начать установку.

Данные рекомендации не дают сто процентной гарантии корректной работы видеокарты. Более того, очень часто при перезагрузке системы или запуске приложения, требующего аппаратного ускорения, может появиться BSOD (синий экран). Решением может быть установка другой совместимой версии драйвера — 61.77 (размер файла: 20.6 Мб.).

Certifications for Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x

5 stars for Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x «WOW! Finally my PC got up to speed!» Melany Kim 7/18/2016

Our main support OS are: Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 10, Windows 10 64 bit, Windows 10 32 bit, and Windows 8.

Windows Compatibility for Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x driver

Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x Driver Details:

Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x File Name: nvidia_geforce4_mx_440_with_agp8x.zip

Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x Driver Version: 8172mg.52

Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x ZIP Size: 133.kb

Manufacturer: Nvidia

Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x was fully scanned at: 10/6/2023

Scan Status: driver download scanOK

Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x now has a special edition for these Windows versions: Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 10, Windows 10 64 bit,, Windows 10 32 bit, Windows 8,
Windows 10 IoT 64bit, Windows 8 Enterprise 64bit, Windows 10 Pro 64bit, Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit, Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit, Windows 7 Starter 32bit, Windows XP Starter Edition 64bit, Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, Windows Vista Home Basic 32bit, Windows 7 Enterprise (Microsoft Windows NT) 32bit, Windows 7 Home Basic 32bit, Windows 10 Pro Education 32bit, Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (Microsoft Windows NT) 32bit,

Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x Download Stats:

Driver Uploaded: 3/11/2019

Direct Downloads: 1544
Most Recent Download: 11/23/2019

Managed Downloads: 627
Most Recent Download: 11/24/2019

Download Mirrors: 1
Current Delay: 13 Seconds
Driver License: FS {free software}

Direct Download Success Stats:

Reports Issued By 1497/1544 Users

Success Reported By 189/1497 Users

Driver Download Score66/100

Driver Installation Score69/100

Overall preformance Score63/100

Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x 75 Thumbs Up75Thumbs

Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x 21 Thumbs Down21Thumbs

Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x driver direct download was reported as adequate by a large percentage of our reporters, so it should be good to download and install.

Installation Manager Success Stats:

Reports Issued By 497/627 Users

Success Reported By 388/497 Users

Driver Download Score84/100

Driver Installation Score77/100

Overall preformance Score94/100

Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x 384 Thumbs Up384Thumbs

Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x 17 Thumbs Down17Thumbs

Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x driver installation manager was reported as very satisfying by a large percentage of our reporters, so it is recommended to download and install.


1. Direct Download

Select your OS and press «Download».

This option requires basic OS understanding.
Select Your Operating System, download zipped files, and then proceed to
manually install them.
Recommended if Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x is the only driver on your PC you wish to update.

2. Driver Installation Manager

This option requires no OS understanding.
Automatically scans your PC for the specific required version of Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x + all other outdated drivers, and installs them all at once.

Please help us maintain a helpfull driver collection.
After downloading and installing Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x, or the driver installation manager, take a few minutes to send us a report:
* Only registered users can upload a report.

Don’t have a password?
Please register, and get one.

Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x may sometimes be at fault for other drivers ceasing to function

These are the driver scans of 2 of our recent wiki members*

*Scans were performed on computers suffering from Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x disfunctions.

Scan performed on 4/25/2019, Computer: Fujitsu FMVTE90YD — Windows 7 64 bit

Outdated or Corrupted drivers:6/19

Device/Driver Status Status Description Updated By Scanner
Intel Mobile Intel(R) 45 Express Chipset Series PCI Express Root Port — 2A41 Up To Date and Functioning
Mice And Touchpads
Synaptics Souris compatible PS/2 Up To Date and Functioning
Logitech Logitech USB WheelMouse Outdated
Logitech Logitech iFeel Mouse (USB) Up To Date and Functioning
Usb Devices
Samsung Samsung SCH-u365 Up To Date and Functioning
Samsung GT-S3350 Up To Date and Functioning
Sound Cards And Media Devices
VIA Vinyl AC97 Codec Combo Driver (WDM) Up To Date and Functioning
Network Cards
Qualcomm Atheros Atheros AR8131 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.20) Up To Date and Functioning
Microsoft Keyboard Device Filter Corrupted By Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x
Hard Disk Controller
Winbond Sony Memory Stick controller(WB) Up To Date and Functioning
Intel Intel(r) AIM External TV Encoder Driver 5 Up To Date and Functioning
Nokia Nokia 5230 USB Phone Parent Up To Date and Functioning
SMSC SMSC Fast Infrared Driver Corrupted By Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x
Cameras, Webcams And Scanners
Brother Brother DCP-115C USB Up To Date and Functioning
Video Cards
ATI ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9600/9700 Series Up To Date and Functioning
Input Devices
Eastern Times USB-HID (Human Interface Device) Outdated
Port Devices
hspa Modem Application3 port (COM6) Corrupted By Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x
Sony Digital Flat Panel (1024×768) Corrupted By Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x
Mobile Phones And Portable Devices
Acer NOKIA Up To Date and Functioning

Scan performed on 4/26/2019, Computer: Panasonic CF-W7BWHNJR — Windows 7 32 bit

Outdated or Corrupted drivers:8/16

Device/Driver Status Status Description Updated By Scanner
Intel(R) ICH9 Family PCI Express Root Port 3 — 2944 Corrupted By Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x
Mice And Touchpads
Microsoft Logitech First/Pilot Mouse+ (USB) Up To Date and Functioning
Usb Devices
Intel(R) 7 Series/C216-Chipsatzfamilie — PCI Express-Stammport 1 — 1E10 Corrupted By Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x
Sound Cards And Media Devices
YUAN High-Tech Development Multimedia Controller Outdated
Network Cards
Realtek Realtek RTL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC Up To Date and Functioning
Microsoft Keyboard Device Filter Corrupted By Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x
Hard Disk Controller
Intel(R) 6300ESB Ultra ATA Storage/SATA Controller — 25A3 Up To Date and Functioning
ENE ENE CB-1410/851 Cardbus Controller Corrupted By Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x
Nokia Nokia E52 USB OBEX Up To Date and Functioning
Point Grey Research Texas Instruments OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller Up To Date and Functioning
Cameras, Webcams And Scanners
Realtek Realtek USB2.0 PC Camera Up To Date and Functioning
Video Cards
NVIDIA NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 Corrupted By Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x
Input Devices
Microsoft Microsoft Hardware USB Mouse Corrupted By Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x
Port Devices
Sony Ericsson Sony Ericsson 750 USB WMC Device Management (COM7) Up To Date and Functioning
Sony Digital Flat Panel (1024×768) Up To Date and Functioning
Mobile Phones And Portable Devices
Acer NOKIA Corrupted By Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x
Driver Model OS Original Upload Date Last Modification Driver File File Size Compatible Computer Models Availabilty To Instalation Manager
Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x 31.171.19 For Windows 7 32 bit 10/28/2014 12/29/2016 all_drivers-31.171.19.exe 111kb Lenovo 6066W8R, HP PS227AA-ABE t880.es, Lenovo ThinkStation S20, NEC VERSAE3100 NN780248559, and more.
Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x 71.1009 For Windows 7 64 bit 2/22/2015 12/30/2016 all_drivers-71.1009.exe 207kb HP Presario R3200, Sony VGN-CS62JB_R, Compaq DB266A-AB1 6215KR KO910, NEC PC-LL550KJ1K, LG FE-225JE1, and more.
Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x 221.182 For Windows 7 12/12/2014 12/28/2016 all_drivers-221.182.exe 78kb Sony VPCF128FJ, Compaq KY775AA-AB1 CQ3010KL, IBM Eserver xSeries 346 -[8840ECY, NEC PC-VY20MAZ79, Notebook MIM2280, Sony VPCZ12X9R, HP Presario V4000, Supermicro SYS-5017C-MF, Toshiba SATELLITE C55-A-1CR, Sony VPCF13FGX, NEC PC-VY25AAZR7, and more.
Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x 2.177 For Windows 10 9/10/2014 12/27/2016 all_drivers-2.177.exe 84kb HP PS354AA-ABX a809.fi, Fujitsu FMVXN0X81, OEGStone CS-B, Sony VGN-AW150Y, and more.
Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x For Windows 10 64 bit 12/18/2014 12/30/2016 all_drivers- 127kb NEC VERSAE6300 RNF41137188, Fujitsu MS-6318, HP FJ422AA-UUW a6551.sc, Acer TravelMate P455, TriGem AVERATEC, Sony VGN-TT250N, ZOTAC ZBOXNXS-AD11, ECS H57H-MUS, Haier T5B, HP HP dx2700 MT, Lenovo 20B7S07L00, and more.
Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x 1.1987 For Windows 7 32 bit 1/6/2015 12/30/2016 all_drivers-1.1987.exe 90kb Lenovo 20B6CTO1WW, Acer NC-E1-531-B9604G, NEC EASYNOTE P910R00406, Dell PowerEdge 1800, Fujitsu FMVNF50WWJ, HP HP ProBook 4530s, Fujitsu ESPRIMO E7935, Compaq DQ193A-ABZ S5300IT IT340, HP NF566AA-ABU a6718.uk, Shuttle XG41, Acer NC-V5-531-10076G50MASS, Lenovo ThinkCentre M72z, Toshiba Satellite S50-A0317, and more.
Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x W2.10078 For Windows 7 64 bit 2/15/2015 12/30/2016 all_drivers-w2.10078.exe 57kb Panasonic CF-19THR65Q2, HP FJ422AA-UUW a6551.sc, SAMSUN NC10, HP VC893AA-ABF s5108f, and more.
Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x 2321.1 For Windows 7 10/10/2014 12/27/2016 all_drivers-2321.1.exe 169kb HP PW706AA-ABM W5010LA, AT COMFOR OFFICE I10 SI, Sony VGN-NS20M_S, HP HP Pavilion dv2700 Notebook PC, Intel Poulsbo Chipset, Sony VGN-FW54E, Sony VGN-SZ13GP_B, HP RS904AA-ACP t3625.at, Gateway E4252, HP DA322A-ABZ 434, NEC NEC POWERMATE S8310-2001, and more.
Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x 321.193 For Windows 10 12/31/2014 12/27/2016 all_drivers-321.193.exe 111kb HP WC702AA-UUG HPE-130be, HP PAVILION ZV6000, KOHJINSHA APERA Series, Anhoch Goliath XD605, Fujitsu FMVNFB70RG, LG FD-223NC, MotherBoard By ZOTAC MotherBoard H61ITX-B-E, HP HP Compaq nx6125, IBM 2647LG7, and more.
Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x 62802 For Windows 10 64 bit 3/4/2015 12/29/2016 all_drivers-62802.exe 99kb IBM 818361U, IBM 8084W2J, LG P1-J555R, HP KN483AA-AB8 m9242.t, Packard Bell EasyNote LX86, Sony SVF1521R2EW, and more.
Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x 71.11.184 For Windows 8 1/26/2015 12/28/2016 zlc-71.11.184.exe 69kb Buympc MPC365, HP HP ProBook 6445b, DataLogic MS-N011, HP 23-b030ef, IBM 23745U9, and more.
Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x B61.1672.1 For Windows 7 32 bit 12/27/2014 12/28/2016 all_drivers-b61.1672.1.exe 145kb HP GX610AAR-ABA m9180f, Packard Bell EasyNote LS85, HP KX634AA-ABZ a6595.it, HP HP ENVY13 Notebook PC, Panasonic CF-18KHHEBLL, and more.
Nvidia Geforce4 Mx 440 With Agp8x 331.12.19 For Windows 7 64 bit 11/18/2014 12/28/2016 ufn-331.12.19.exe 169kb Sony VGN-SZ38GP, Lenovo 20AA000SUS, Biostar TA960, IBM EServer xSeries 365 -[88625RX, Sony VGN-FJ21B_R, HP KN280AA-ABM s3410la, HP PX588AA-ABX w5080.fi, NEC VERSAE6300 RNF91086795, and more.

Установщик драйверов:

В случае, когда вы не хотите тратить время на поиск нужного драйвера для вашего ПК,
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Скачать Outbyte Drivers Installer вы можете перейдя по этой ссылке

Установить драйвера автоматически

Список драйверов:

Найдено драйверов для устройства «NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X (Microsoft Corporation)»: 5. Для загрузки необходимого драйвера, выберите его из списка ниже и перейдите по ссылке «Скачать». Пожалуйста, убедитесь в соответствии выбранной версии драйвера вашей операционной системе для обеспечения корректности его работы.

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Драйверы для NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X (Microsoft Corporation)

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