Скачать драйвер для монитора asus windows 10

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  • 3 Ways to Download and Install ASUS Monitor Drivers Windows 10/11

By Linda | Follow |
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Do you need to download and install ASUS monitor drivers on Windows 10/11 PCs? This post from MiniTool Partition Wizard offers 3 simple ways for you. You can choose one according to your condition.

In most cases, you don’t need to download and install monitor drivers because Windows comes with universal monitor drivers, which are suitable for most Plug & Play monitors.

However, if the monitor driver becomes corrupted or you want to further improve your viewing experience in terms of color quality, resolution, and so on, you may need to download and install monitor drivers.

How to download and install ASUS monitor drivers Windows 10/11? You can use the following methods.

Method 1. Use Device Manager

This tool is built in Windows and you don’t need to install any third-party software. Here is the guide:

  • Open Device Manager.
  • Expand the Display adapters
  • Right-click on the ASUS monitor and choose Update driver.
  • Select “Search automatically for updated driver software“. This will automatically detect, download, and install the driver.

How to Download and Update ASUS Drivers Windows 10/11

Method 2. Use Driver Update Software

ASUS’s official driver update software is MyASUS. If your PC is bought from ASUS, this software is pre-installed on your PC. If this software is not on your PC, you can install it from Microsoft Store. To download this software, you should make sure your PC meets the following requirements:

  • The OS should be Windows 10 RS3 (1709) and above. You can open the Run box and type “winver” to check that.
  • Your PC has installed the ASUS System Control Interface driver. You can check that in Device Manager > System devices

When the MyASUS software is installed, you can launch it and then go to Customer Support > Live Update to download and install the ASUS monitor drivers.

If your PC has few ASUS components or you think installing MyASUS is troublesome, you can use third-party software to update ASUS monitor drivers, or you can update ASUS monitor drivers manually.

How To Update Your BIOS Of The ASUS Motherboard: 4 Methods

Method 3. Install ASUS Monitor Drivers Manually

Step 1: Get the ASUS monitor drivers download.

  • Go to ASUS Support Download Center.
  • Search your monitor model. If you don’t know the model name, you can find that on the sticker attached to the monitor.
  • When the display product is listed, click the Driver & Tools
  • Choose the OS you use and it will list suitable ASUS monitor drivers for you. You need to download it and unzip it.

Tip: Windows 7/ 8 driver can’t be used on Windows 10 System.

Step 2: If the downloaded file is executable, you should run it to update ASUS monitor drivers. If the downloaded file is the WHQL driver, it will contain the following three files: . cat, .icc, and .inf. In this case, you should install the driver through the following steps:

1. WHQL is short for Windows Hardware Quality Labs. If a product has this certification, it means that this product and its driver are 100% compatible with Windows.
2. Not every monitor model is approved for WHQL drivers, but it should not affect normal monitor use.

  • Right-click the INF file and choose Install.
  • Right-click on the desktop, click Screen resolution > Advanced settings > Monitor to see whether Monitor Type is recognized. If it is recognized, it means that the driver install is successful.
  • Then, skip to the Color Management tab, click the Color Management button, skip to the All Profiles tab, click the Add button, and select the ICC file. This will improve the color experience.

About The Author


Position: Columnist

Linda has been working as an editor at MiniTool for 5 years. She is always curious about computer knowledge and learns it crazily. Her articles are simple and easy to understand. Even people who do not understand computer can gain something. By the way, her special focuses are disk management, data recovery and PDF editing.

Asus Monitors Windows drivers were collected from official vendor’s websites and trusted sources. This software will let you to fix Asus Monitors or Asus Monitors errors and make your stuff work. Here you can download all latest versions of Asus Monitors drivers for Windows devices with Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, and 7 (32-bit/64-bit). You can download all drivers for free. We check all files and test them with antivirus software, so it’s 100% safe to download. Get the latest WHQL certified drivers that works well.

Asus Monitors Drivers: A Comprehensive Guide

The Asus Monitors drivers are software programs that enable communication between the operating system on your computer and devices. These drivers play a crucial role in ensuring optimal performance and stability of your PC.

Installing the Asus Monitors Drivers

To install the Asus Monitors drivers, follow these steps:

  • Visit the official website of the developer and navigate to the Drivers section.
  • Use the search bar or select your device model from the list.
  • Choose your operating system and click on «Search.»
  • Click on the «Download» button next to the latest version of the drivers compatible with your system.
  • Once downloaded, double-click on the installer file and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.

Updating the Asus Monitors Drivers

To update the Asus Monitors drivers, you can follow these steps:

  • Open the Device Manager on your computer.
  • Expand the category and locate your Asus Monitors driver.
  • Right-click on the driver and select «Update Driver.»
  • Choose the option to search for updated driver software automatically.
  • If an update is available, follow the prompts to download and install it.

Reinstalling the Asus Monitors Drivers

If you need to reinstall the Asus Monitors drivers for any reason, here’s what you can do:

  • Open the Device Manager on your computer.
  • Expand the necessary category and locate your Asus Monitors driver.
  • Right-click on the driver and select «Uninstall device.»
  • Follow the prompts to complete the uninstallation process.
  • Visit the official developer website and download the latest version of the driver for your needs.
  • Run the installer and follow the instructions to complete the installation process.

Rolling Back or Downgrading the Asus Monitors Drivers

If you encounter any issues with the latest version of the Asus Monitors drivers, you can roll back or downgrade to a previous version by following these steps:

  • Open the Device Manager on your computer.
  • Expand the necessary category and locate your Asus Monitors driver.
  • Right-click on the driver and select «Properties.»
  • Go to the «Driver» tab and click on «Roll Back Driver.»
  • Follow the prompts to complete the process.

Rolling Back or Downgrading the Asus Monitors Drivers

If you encounter any issues with the latest version of the Asus Monitors drivers, you can roll back or downgrade to a previous version by following these steps:

  • Open the Device Manager on your computer.
  • Expand the necessary category and locate your Asus Monitors driver.
  • Right-click on the driver and select «Properties.»
  • Go to the «Driver» tab and click on «Roll Back Driver.»
  • Follow the prompts to complete the process.

Uninstalling the Asus Monitors Drivers

If you need to uninstall the Asus Monitors drivers completely, here’s what you can do:

  • Open the Device Manager on your computer.
  • Expand the necessary category and locate your Asus Monitors driver.
  • Right-click on the driver and select «Uninstall device.»
  • Follow the prompts to complete the uninstallation process.
  • Restart your computer.

It is essential always to have the latest version of the Asus Monitors drivers installed for optimal performance and stability.

Порядок ручной загрузки и обновления:

Базовые драйверы ASUS Monitor должны быть объединены в %%os%% или загружены через обновление Windows®. Использование этих предустановленных драйверов может поддерживать основные функции вашего Monitor.
Перейдите по этой ссылке, чтобы узнать, как установить эти драйверы ASUS.

Как автоматически обновлять драйверы ASUS Monitor:

Рекомендация: Пользователи Windows, не имеющие опыта в обновлении драйверов устройства ASUS Монитор, могут выполнить обновления данных драйверов ASUS Monitor с помощью инструмента для обновления драйверов DriverDoc [DriverDoc — Продукт от Solvusoft]. DriverDoc облегчает процесс обновления драйверов ASUS, выполняя их автоматическое скачивание и обновление.

Самым большим преимуществом использования DriverDoc является доступ к более 2 150 000 драйверов (база пополняется на ежедневной основе), благодаря чему вы можете быть уверены, что все драйверы (не только Монитор) на вашем ПК обновляются на постоянной основе.

Установить необязательные продукты — DriverDoc (Solvusoft) | Лицензия | Политика защиты личных сведений | Условия | Удаление

ASUS Часто задаваемые вопросы относительно обновления

Как загрузить драйверы ASUS?

Драйверы ASUS можно обновить вручную с помощью Device Manager (Диспетчер устройства) или автоматически с помощью программного обеспечения для обновления драйверов.

Что может пойти не так, обновление драйверов ASUS и почему это сделать?

Большинство пользователей не обновляют драйверы устройств ASUS, потому что они не хотят создавать проблемы со своим ПК.

Каковы риски и преимущества обновлений драйверов ASUS?

Доступ к новым аппаратным функциям, оптимизированная совместимость и общее повышение производительности — преимущества обновления драйверов ASUS. Основными рисками установки неправильных драйверов Монитор являются сбои программного обеспечения, снижение производительности и нестабильность ПК.

Какова совместимость операционных систем для драйверов ASUS?

ASUS имеет доступную версию драйверов в Windows.

Обновления драйверов устройств

Ошибки ASUS Monitor могут быть коренятся в устаревший или поврежденный драйвер устройства. Водители могут быть стабильно надежными, но бывают случаи, когда они внезапно перестают работать неожиданно. Хорошей новостью является то, что драйвер системы Монитор всегда может быть изменен для решения дилеммы ноутбука.

Часто трудно найти правильное решение аппаратной ошибки ASUS Monitor, посетив веб-сайт ASUS. Даже для тех, кто имеет опыт поиска, загрузки и ручного обновления драйверов ASUS Monitor, процесс все равно может быть исключительно утомительным и чрезвычайно раздражающим. Установка неправильного драйвера предотвратит запуск Windows вообще или хуже, приведет к абсолютному сбою.

Для времени и усилий, связанных с процессом обновления драйверов, мы настоятельно рекомендуем использовать утилиту драйверов. Хорошее программное обеспечение для обновления драйверов гарантирует, что у вас есть самый последний и лучший драйвер, поэтому вы никогда не останетесь с проблемой с вашим устройством снова. Резервное копирование драйверов обеспечивает безопасность, зная, что вы можете откатить любой драйвер к предыдущей версии, если что-то пойдет не так.

Поиск по моделям ASUS Монитор

  • 7200
  • AAM6000PI
  • B
  • L7300
  • LS
  • MB
  • MK
  • ML
  • MM
  • Moni TV
  • MS
  • MT
  • MW
  • MX
  • PA
  • PB
  • PG
  • PM
  • PW
  • Silicon Motion Lynx
  • Silicon Motion Lynx3D
  • Silicon Motion LynxE
  • Silicon Motion LynxEM
  • VB
  • VE
  • VG
  • VH
  • VK
  • VK221
  • VS

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Топ-драйверов, похожих на ASUS Монитор

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Загрузить новые драйверы ASUS Монитор (Обновление программного обеспечения)

Установить необязательные продукты — DriverDoc (Solvusoft) | Лицензия | Политика защиты личных сведений | Условия | Удаление

Table of Contents

How to Update Asus Display Drivers Windows 10?

Asus monitors are usually Plug&Play, which means you don’t need to install any additional software to use them. However, drivers are required for some monitors to improve viewing quality. If you’d like to download the drivers for your monitor, you can visit Asus’ website to find the relevant driver for your monitor. All you need to do is enter the model of your device and your operating system to find the right driver for your device. Download and unzip the driver to install your monitor. Read the article to get information on this Asus Monitor Drivers Windows 10.

Asus VE247H driver:

If your ASUS VE247H monitor is not functioning properly, you should update the device drivers. There are two ways to update the drivers for your device. One is to visit the official website of ASUS and search for the specific driver for your VE247H. However, you have to remember that downloading the correct driver for your model will save you time and trouble. Besides, installing the wrong driver can make the problem worse.

The other way is to use the built-in drivers that come with your operating system. These drivers should support all the basic functions of your ASUS hardware. But if you are an inexperienced user, it is better to use a driver update utility, such as Advanced Driver Update(c) PRO. This software is specially designed to install device drivers by detecting them through a computer’s hardware.

Another way to install the Asus VE247H driver is by downloading the appropriate software. You can install it manually or via the official website of ASUS. It will take less than five minutes. After installing the driver, you can enjoy the benefits of the device. It also offers enhanced security and increased convenience. To get the Asus VE247H driver, you must first install Windows 10 on your computer.

Asus Display / Monitor Driver Update Utility:

Using the Asus Display / Monitor Driver Update Utility can be a very easy process. It scans through your computer and automatically finds the right driver for your monitor. If there is an outdated or missing driver, simply click on the Update Selected Driver button to begin the updating process. The updated version of the driver will be downloaded and installed. Click on ‘Yes’ to complete the installation, otherwise, choose ‘No’ to cancel the process. You should restart your computer after each installation, or click the ‘Restart Later’ option if you prefer to save your time.

Next, download the Asus Display / Monitor Driver Update Utility to your PC. Make sure you are on the right version of Windows. Some motherboards only support one operating system, so you will not have any driver selection options. To download the driver update utility, simply double-click the setup file and follow the on-screen instructions. Once you have finished installing the driver, you need to restart your computer to apply the changes. If the Asus Display / Monitor Driver Update Utility is not available, try using Advanced Driver Updater.

If the Asus Display / Monitor Driver Update Utility doesn’t exist on the Asus website, or you are unable to download it for whatever reason, you can download an updated version from the company’s website. Once you’ve downloaded the new version of the driver, make sure your internet connection is stable and reboot your computer. If your computer has problems booting up or showing errors, you can use the advanced Driver Updater tool to fix the problem. Its extensive database of drivers enables it to fix almost all outdated drivers.

Asus vg248qe driver:

To fix various problems on your ASUS VG248QE monitor, you will need the Asus VG248QE driver. Usually, the Asus VG248QE driver is required to enable the full performance of your monitor. You can update the driver manually or automatically by following the steps listed below. Ensure that your Asus VG248QE driver is updated for your operating system and that you run the latest version of the drivers.

The Asus VG248QE is equipped with six presets for picture quality. The settings include Scenery, Theater, Game, sRGB, and Night View modes. You can also adjust the brightness and skin tone to enhance the overall picture quality. Additionally, the Asus VG248QE has an IR blaster for clearer sound. For Windows 10 users, an Asus VG248QE driver can be installed by using compatibility mode.

Automatic Driver Update Utility is a great tool to use for this task. Unlike manual installation, this utility scans your PC and automatically downloads and installs the right version of all missing and outdated drivers. You can backup and restore the previous version of the driver before installing it. Automatic Driver Update Utility can also backup and update individual drivers or all the drivers that are necessary for your computer to function. Remember that an outdated or missing driver can cause several problems on your computer, including a system crash.

If you want to run your Asus monitor perfectly on your system, then in the coming sections of this article, we will list the top methods to download Asus Monitor drivers for Windows 11/10 devices. 

Asus offers a wide range of electronic devices for ease in the modern world. The keyboards, CPUs, processors, mice, gamepads, and more offered by the brand are quite extensive and inclusive. The huge variety of tools allows users with various budgets and requirements to get the perfect device that suits their needs.

Asus also offers a variety of monitors. From high-end screens to basic ones, you will find anything and everything with Asus. However, to run any high-end or low-end monitor, you need to install the specific driver for that device. The driver is a set of instructional files that allow the system to work according to the acts of the system by being in communication with the OS at all times, stably.

Hence, if you are facing any problem with the monitor or want to protect your PC from such problems in the future, you need to download the Asus monitor or Asus portable monitor driver. For this, you can take the help of various methods. In the further sections of this article, we will have a look at all of the safest and easiest methods to download the monitor driver. So, without any further ado, let’s have a look at the technique right away.

Asus Monitor Drivers Download, Install and Update (Easily)

Below, you will find 4 different methods to download the Asus Monitor drivers. The first three methods are manual and hence tiring. However, the last method is the automatic one and allows you to update the monitor and every other device driver with a single click. So, first, go through all the methods, and then choose the one you like the most to install the driver.

Method 1: Use the Bit Driver Updater to Download, Install, and Update the Asus Monitor Drivers (Recommend)

The last and easiest method to update all kinds of drivers is to use the Bit Driver Updater. This is an amazing driver-updating solution that allows you to download all kinds of drivers, including the monitor ones with ease. This is the best solution that you can ever try to execute Asus Monitor drivers download for Windows 10/11.

The tool is much more than just a driver updating solution. Bit Driver Updater allows you to take a backup of the drivers as well. You can then restore these drivers or share them with others as and when necessary. The tool can also be used if you want to schedule the driver updates.

One of the best things is its driver ignore option. If you don’t want to install any driver, then you can add the same to the ignore list. The option to update all the drivers in a single click is just a blessing in disguise. You can easily boost the system performance as well with Bit Driver Updater. Other features are also present that make it easy to do and control all the tasks related to drivers. Let’s have a look at the next section to understand how the tool works.

Asus Monitor Drivers Update with Bit Driver Updater:

Follow the series of steps shown below and update not only the monitor but any other driver as required:

  1. Click on the below button to download the Bit Driver Updater setup.Windows-Download-Button
  2. Install the tool, and run it on the system. The automatic deep scanning of the system for faulty drivers will begin automatically.Scan outdated driver of your windows pc
  3. After a minute, the tool will list all the outdated drivers, including the monitor driver. Click on the Update Now button across the driver to install it. Alternatively, click on Update All to get the updates for all drivers at once.Bit Driver Updater - Update all the driver
  4. Restart the system when the process concludes.

Most Recommend: Best Free Driver Updater for Windows 10, 11

Method 2: Download the Driver for Asus Monitor Using the Official Website

To help you with every problem related to any product, every manufacturer offers a support section. You can use the same section to execute the Asus Monitor drivers download. You can download the driver for any Asus device using this method. However, to proceed with the method, you should know the certain specifications of your device beforehand. Follow the steps below to know more:

  1. Visit the official website of Asus.
  2. Hover the mouse over the Support menu and click on Drivers & Manuals.Asus - Support then click on Drivers and Manual
  3. The website will redirect you to the Drivers page. On the same, either search for the device or select the same from the category.Enter Asus Model Information
  4. The product result will display on the right side of the screen. Click on Driver & Tools to proceed.Click on Driver and Tools
  5. From the page, download the required driver using the Download button. Install the same.

This method to download the driver is manual and complicated. Try the next method for a better solution to get the Asus display drivers.

Also Read: How To Update Graphics Drivers In Windows 10

Method 3: Use the Device Manager to Get the Updated Asus Monitor Driver

Another great solution to execute the Asus Monitor drivers update is with the help of the Device Manager. With the help of this tool, you can easily update different kinds of drivers. However, the tool is manual and requires quite a lot of effort from your end. Follow the steps for more information:

  1. Right-click on the Windows icon present on the taskbar. Select Device Manager from the list.Open Device manager
  2. The tool will come up in a sec or two. Double-click on the category of Monitors to expand it.Click on monitors category in device manager
  3. Right-click on the Asus monitor present in the list. Select the option reading Update Driver to proceed.Update Driver
  4. To proceed further with the process, click on the button reading Search Automatically for Drivers.Search Automatically for Updated Driver Software
  5. With the help of the instructions that follow, install the driver.

This method to update the Asus display drivers or monitor drivers is also manual. Hence, you may or may not be able to update using this procedure. However, there is another manual method that you can try.

Also Read: Fresco Logic USB Display Driver Download & Update for Windows

Method 4: Asus Monitor Drivers Update with Windows Update

The developers of the Windows operating system are quite smart. They understand the importance of updating the drivers of the system to improve its performance. Hence, the developers offered an integrated option in the Windows Update utility to update the drivers on Windows 11 as well. You can use the same to execute the Asus Monitor drivers download on Windows 11/10 devices. Follow the procedure below to know more:

  1. Press the Win+I keys to bring about the Settings of the OS and click on Update & Security.Click on update and security
  2. The window will open to the Windows Update utility. Wait for it to load and click on the Check for Updates button. This will direct the system to look for the latest version of the OS.Click on Check for Updates to get the latest windows
  3. If any updates appear after scanning, then you need to Download all of these. Don’t forget to install the optional and additional updates as well.
  4. The system will restart automatically multiple times during this procedure, let it do the same uninterruptedly.
  5. Moreover, repeat the above process once or twice to ensure that the system comes to the latest version.

This method does not guarantee that you will succeed. You may even fail to find the Asus monitor drivers update. Hence, for better performance and accurate results, follow the next and the last solution.

Asus Monitor Drivers: Downloaded Successfully

Using any of the methods explained above, you can easily update the Asus monitor driver. Once you do the same, you will see a drastic improvement in the performance of the device. Moreover, you will also find that far fewer problems appear now. You can try the same to update other drivers as well. However, for this, you need to take the help of the last method. If you have queries related to the Asus Monitor drivers update methods, then ask the same in the comments section below. You can also provide your valuable feedback there. Subscribe to our newsletter and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr.

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