Скачать cura ultimaker windows 7 64

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Используйте оригинальные материалы

Чтобы достичь идеальной 3D-печати, рекомендуем выбирать оригинальные расходные материалы UltiMaker, которые всегда доступны по лучшей цене у нашего представителя в России и СНГ.

На сайте официального дистрибьютора iGo3D.ru

Обновленные древовидные поддержки, улучшенные края и новые профили материалов.

UltiMaker Cura 5.4 упрощает удаление полей и опор с готовых отпечатков. Пользователи серии UltiMaker S также могут использовать профили для нашего новейшего композитного материала UltiMaker PET CF! Все это в дополнение к множеству настроек и изменений, которые вы ожидаете от каждого выпуска Cura!

Особенности нарезки

В основе UltiMaker Cura лежит мощный механизм слайсинга с открытым исходным кодом, созданный на основе многолетней разработки экспертов и вклада пользователей.

  • Профили печатают определенные приложения одним нажатием кнопки
  • Рекомендуемые профили, протестированные в течение тысяч часов, обеспечивают надежные результаты
  • «Пользовательский режим» предоставляет более 400 настроек для детального управления
  • Регулярные обновления постоянно улучшают функции и качество печати

Интегрированный рабочий процесс

Если у вас есть 3D-принтер, то программное обеспечение имеет значение. Получите максимум от своего принтера с помощью ПО, разработанного с учетом особенностей вашего рабочего процесса.

  • Бесшовная интеграция со всеми продуктами UltiMaker
  • Интеграция CAD-плагинов с SolidWorks, Siemens NX, Autodesk Inventor и др.
  • Совместимые типы файлов: STL, OBJ, X3D, 3MF, BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG

Простота в использовании

Производство не должно быть сложным. UltiMaker разработали программное обеспечение таким образом, чтобы им мог пользоваться любой — как опытный, так и начинающий пользователь 3D-принтера.

  • Подготовьте 3D-модель к печати за несколько минут с помощью рекомендуемых настроек
  • Просто выберите настройки скорости и качества, и можно приступать к печати
  • UltiMaker Cura — бесплатное программное обеспечение с открытым исходным кодом

UltiMaker Marketplace

Профессиональная 3D-печать с помощью UltiMaker Marketplace.

  • Загружайте профили материалов от ведущих брендов для вашего приложения
  • Избегайте ручной настройки при использовании сторонних материалов
  • Загружайте полезные плагины, чтобы настроить процесс подготовки к печати, отмеченные звездами нашего сообщества​

Посетить маркетплейс

Вебинар: Основные возможности самого популярного в мире слайсера на примере UltiMaker S5

Ultimaker.Cura, Release version: 5.4.0

Command Line

Download Links For Version 5.4.0

Download Links For Version 5.3.1

Download Links For Version 5.3.0

Download Links For Version 5.2.2

Download Links For Version 5.2.1

Download Links For Version 5.2.0

Download Links For Version 5.1.1

Download Links For Version 5.1.0

Download Links For Version 5.0.0

Download Links For Version 4.9.1

Download Links For Version 4.8.0

Download Links For Version 4.7.1

Download Links For Version 4.6.1

Download Links For Version 4.6.0

Download Links For Version 4.5.0


  • last updated 7/20/2023 4:27:30 PM

  • Publisher:

  • License:


No dependency information


Ultimaker Cura 4.6.1

Бесплатное программное обеспечение для 3D-печати с открытым исходным кодом для Windows. Он специально разработан для работы с 3D-принтерами Ultimaker Cura, также может работать и с другими принтерами. Используя это программное обеспечение, вы можете легко загрузить файл 3D-объектов в форматах 3MF, G-File, X3D, STL, BMP, PNG и т. д. Согласно входной 3D-модели, она быстро готовит фрагменты вашей модели и готовит ее к печати. Перед печатью модели вы можете просмотреть ее, масштабировать и настроить различные параметры по своему усмотрению.

Сайт: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura
Лицензия: бесплатно
Язык интерфейса: Русский есть
ОС: Windows 7 – 10 x64
Скачать: Ultimaker.Cura-4.6.1-win64.exe


UltiMaker Cura 5.4.0

Introduced the new Tree Support contributed by @ThomasRahm
Try it for yourself with this dragon pencil cup.

  • Improved slicing time for Tree Support
  • Introduced 10 new settings and updated 2 so anyone can tune the behavior
  • Updated options for Tree Support Rest Preference to be more correct
  • Fixed a bug where Tree Support would generate unsupported islands
  • Fixed a bug where slicing would fail if Preference was set to On Any Flat Surface
  • Fixed a bug where branches were not generated when Support Interface was enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where the Support Overhang Angle caused a crash with Tree Support
  • Fixed a bug where the Support Interface was not correctly generated with Tree Support

Changed the order in which the brim is printed so it’s easier to remove
Introduced the Smart Brim setting that changes the order in which the brim lines are printed making them easier to remove. Try it for yourself with this Cura Cookie Cutter.

New features and improvements:

  • Updated the UltiMaker logo to reflect the new company logo
  • Added support for the updated mainboard revisions of UltiMaker S3, S5, and S7
  • Introduced Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter so only the expansion of smaller holes can be tuned while leaving larger holes untouched.
  • Introduced Skirt Height setting to make a skirt easier to remove
  • Improved the minimum layer time for printers with multiple extruders.
  • Improved accuracy of when the M104 Hotend Temperature command is added
  • Improved printing order of the prime tower to include a dual brim, primed every layer, and primed before and after the extruder switch.
  • Improved behavior for opening and closing categories when adding a new printer
  • Removed the settings related to Wire Printing since it was broken and barely used.
  • Upgraded PyQt to version 6.4.2 which improves responsiveness in the UI

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the brim line would not be printed in the same orientation
  • Fixed a bug where models dropped to the buildplate when they were supposed to be floating
  • Fixed a bug where models would overlap if multiple models were loaded at the same time
  • Fixed a bug where an error would be shown too often in One At A Time print sequence
  • Fixed a bug where the message for a new Beta version available would show up during the Beta.
  • Fixed a bug where ESun PLA+ would display unsupported.
  • Fixed a bug where the printjob name was hard to read in darkmode
  • Fixed a bug where the Minimum Layer Time was incorrectly interpolated
  • Fixed a bug where Cura would crash on star-up for some Linux systems because of missing SimpleButton, contributed by @fieldOfView
  • Fixed a bug where the Post Processing Plugin would create extra folders, contributed by @fieldOfView
  • Fixed AppImage Icon for Linux systems, contributed by @leoheck
  • Fixed a bug where the buildplate temperature in the USB printing monitor was not rounded, contributed by @asteroids1975
  • Fixed a bug where retracting for Filament Change was not performed correctly because of an extra /n in the gcode. Contributed by @JuanManuelCuello
  • Fixed a bug where the material estimation would not show currencies correctly. Contributed by @Diegovd

Bugs resolved since the Beta Release

  • Fixed a bug where undesirable micro-segments would introduce jagged paths on curved surfaces.
  • Fixed a bug where it was not possible to use custom support and brim meshes
  • Fixed a bug Cura would not start when upgrading from a Cura 5.4 Nightly
  • Fixed a bug where Connect Top/Bottom Polygons would cause a slicing crash
  • Fixed a bug where generic materials were missing for some printers
  • Fixed a bug where Support Horizontal Expansion would be incorrectly applied to tree supports
  • Fixed a bug where nozzles were missing from the Elegoo Neptune 3 Plus. Contributed by @GregValiant

Printer definitions, profiles, and materials:

  • Introduced UltiMaker PET CF with Annealing and Engineering intents
  • Updated Infill- and Skin Overlap settings for UltiMaker printers
  • Enabled a modest Support Brim by default for UltiMaker printers
  • Updated Support Interface speeds for PVA for UltiMaker printers
  • Added Gutenberg G-Zero, contributed by @ChipCE
  • Added Hellbot Magna SE 300, and Magna SE Pro, contributed by @DevelopmentHellbot
  • Added Kingroon KP3S Pro, contributed by @willuhmjs
  • Added LNL3D D3, D3 Vulcan, D5 and D6, contributed by @LNL3D
  • Added Longer LK4 X, contributed by @BradleyFord
  • Added Mixware Hyper K, Hyper S, Vulcan, and Wand, contributed by @Mixwarebot
  • Added Snapmaker 2 A150, A250 an A350 dual extruder printers, contributed by @highpowerxh
  • Added Sovol SV04, contributed by @Joyce-lujunxu
  • Added Sovol SV06 plus, and updated Sovol SV06, contributed by @Ashok-Varma and @eropple
  • Added WeeFun Tina2, and WeeFun Tina2, contributed by @syntax1269
  • Updated Creality 3 S1, Creality 3 S1 Plus, and Creality 3 S1 Pro, contributed by @sparkym3
  • Updated Cremaker profile to remove material temperature boost, contributed by @hyu7000

Community translations:

  • Updated Brazilian translations, contributed by @Patola

Known critical issues:

  • Support Brim is missing if the Buildplate Adhesion is set to None. We are tracking reports here.
  • Hide seam is actually not hidden and can give random results, for now changing the Seam Corner Preference to None will give better results. We are tracking reports here.
  • Combing Not In Skin can result in unexpected stringing. We are tracking reports here.
  • Multiple external monitors on Windows (especially if from the same brand) might be a problem under some circumstances.
  • Does Cura (not) work on your OS (version)? See this article for clarification.

We are interested in having Cura and Klipper/Smooth Motion 3D printers work together more smoothly and are looking for input on how to do this. Do you have feedback on this topic? Please leave a comment on our discussion.

UltiMaker Cura 5.4.0-beta.1

Introduced the new Tree Support contributed by @ThomasRahm
Try it for yourself with this dragon pencil cup.

  • Improved slicing time for Tree Support
  • Introduced 10 new settings and updated 2 so anyone can tune the behavior
  • Updated options for Tree Support Rest Preference to be more correct
  • Fixed a bug where Tree Support would generate unsupported islands
  • Fixed a bug where slicing would fail if Preference was set to On Any Flat Surface
  • Fixed a bug where branches were not generated when Support Interface was enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where the Support Overhang Angle caused a crash with Tree Support
  • Fixed a bug where the Support Interface was not correctly generated with Tree Support

Changed the order in which the brim is printed so it’s easier to remove
Introduced the Smart Brim setting that changes the order in which the brim lines are printed making them easier to remove.
Visit our Thingiverse page to download this cookie cutter to try the smart brim for yourself.

Other new features and improvements:

  • Updated the UltiMaker logo to reflect the new company logo
  • Added support for the updated mainboard revisions of UltiMaker S3, S5, and S7
  • Introduced Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter so only the expansion of smaller holes can be tuned while leaving larger holes untouched.
  • Introduced Skirt Height setting to make a skirt easier to remove
  • Improved the minimum layer time for printers with multiple extruders.
  • Improved accuracy of when the M104 Hotend Temperature command is added
  • Improved printing order of the prime tower to include a dual brim, primed every layer, and primed before and after the extruder switch.
  • Improved behavior for opening and closing categories when adding a new printer
  • Removed the settings related to Wire Printing since it was broken and barely used.

Other Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where undesirable micro segments would introduce jagged paths on curved surfaces.
  • Fixed a bug where the brim line would not be printed in the same orientation
  • Fixed a bug where models dropped to the buildplate when they were supposed to be floating
  • Fixed a bug where models would overlap if multiple models were loaded at the same time
  • Fixed a bug where an error would be shown too often in One At A Time print sequence
  • Fixed a bug where the message for a new Beta version available would show up during the Beta.
  • Fixed a bug where ESun PLA+ would display unsupported.
  • Fixed a bug where the printjob name was hard to read in darkmode
  • Fixed a bug where the Minimum Layer Time was incorrectly interpolated
  • Fixed a bug where Cura would crash on star-up for some Linux systems because of missing SimpleButton, contributed by @fieldOfView
  • Fixed a bug where the Post Processing Plugin would create extra folders, contributed by @fieldOfView
  • Fixed AppImage Icon for Linux systems, contributed by @leoheck
  • Fixed a bug where the buildplate temperature in the USB printing monitor was not rounded, contributed by @asteroids1975
  • Fixed a bug where retracting for Filament Change was not performed correctly because of an extra /n in the gcode. Contributed by @JuanManuelCuello

Printer definitions, profiles and materials:

  • Updated Infill- and Skin Overlap settings for UltiMaker printers
  • Enabled a modest Support Brim by default for UltiMaker printers
  • Updated Support Interface speeds for PVA for UltiMaker printers
  • Added Gutenberg G-Zero, contributed by @ChipCE
  • Added Hellbot Magna SE 300, and Magna SE Pro, contributed by @DevelopmentHellbot
  • Added Kingroon KP3S Pro, contributed by @willuhmjs
  • Added LNL3D D3, D3 Vulcan, D5 and D6, contributed by @LNL3D
  • Added Longer LK4 X, contributed by @BradleyFord
  • Added Mixware Hyper K, Hyper S, Vulcan, and Wand, contributed by @Mixwarebot
  • Added Snapmaker 2 A150, A250 an A350 dual extruder printers, contributed by @highpowerxh
  • Added Sovol SV04, contributed by @Joyce-lujunxu
  • Added Sovol SV06 plus, and updated Sovol SV06, contributed by @Ashok-Varma and @eropple
  • Added WeeFun Tina2, and WeeFun Tina2, contributed by @syntax1269
  • Updated Creality 3 S1, Creality 3 S1 Plus, and Creality 3 S1 Pro, contributed by @sparkym3
  • Updated Cremaker profile to remove material temperature boost, contributed by @hyu7000

UltiMaker Cura 5.3.1

Restored and updated translations for 11 languages

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the machine definitions could not be updated
  • Fixed a bug where part of the model would not have fuzzy skin
  • Fixed a bug where a project files that contain an intent profile would not load correctly
  • Fixed a bug where Pause At Height was not working correctly for Griffin (UltiMaker printers)
  • Fixed a bug where slicing was blocked if initial printing temperature was higher than the printing temperature
  • Fixed a bug where Gcode would display NOMESH instead of NONMESH, contributed by @ckvsoft
  • Fixed a bug where users were unable to slice with certain materials

UltiMaker Cura 5.3.0

This release does not yet contain the new tree support implementation by @ThomasRahm. You can download a special Cura version for that here.

Interlocking Structure Generation
This new setting enables you to interlock multiple materials together, even if those materials are not compatible, contributed by @BagelOrb. Try it for yourself with this test model.

Brim per Material
A brim can now be printed with multiple materials in the same model, contributed by @BagelOrb

Updated Recommended Print Settings Menu
The number of settings available in the recommended has expanded. The redesign will make it easier to use intent profiles or save custom profiles.

Other new features and improvements.

  • Improved the Zseam behavior so Hide Seam is generated less randomly.
  • Fixed the order in which concentric top/bottom patterns are printed.
  • Replaced mentions of Ultimaker by UltiMaker to correctly reflect the merger.
  • Updated Load Project window with a new design.
  • Added tooling to automatically generate translation files to reduce the chance of human error.
  • Added quality type to slice meta-data so it can be displayed in the Ultimaker Digital Factory.
  • Added a new way to update profiles by adding a Save/Compare Settings Button in custom window.
  • Improved onboarding so it is easier to add your first cloud printer or a non-UltiMaker printer.
  • Included options to download .MSI and .PKG for easier software distribution.
  • Smoothed some support generation, so support is generated less jittery.
  • Reduced unnecessary support generation for small overhang regions, like textures.
  • Improved support generation so the support doesn’t fold around the model.
  • Reduced stringing for Lift Head setting by removing the move in XY.
  • Added a Minimum Layer Time Temperature setting.
  • Added settings for Support Interface Wall Line Count, Support Roof Line Count, and Support Floor Line Count.
  • Added Brim Inside Avoid Margin setting, contributed by @BagelOrb
  • Added prefix ‘Printing’ to post processing plugin script «DisplayFilenameAndLayerOnLCD» contributed by @brunohenriquy
  • Added Enable, G-code Before, and G-code After To Filament Change, contributed by @victornpb
  • Added support for per-object retraction settings, contributed by @jeremysalwen
  • Updated PauseAtHeight so M18 becomes M84 when disarming, contributed by @Cycov
  • Added an option to keep stepper motors engaged to Pause At Height, contributed by @Cycov
  • Added an option to Beep at Pause to Pause At Height, contributed by @Cycov
  • Added Additional Gcode Fields to Pause At Height, contributed by @Cycov
  • Make Layer Number the default in Pause At Height, contributed by @discip
  • Added more information when rotating a model using the arrows, contributed by @Fabbro03
  • Added the «CTRL +» shortcut to open Preferences window, contributed by @Ladnessness
  • Added the option to add Machine Action buttons in the Printer Preferences, contributed by @julianCast

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a slicing crash if models were placed in the center of the buildplate.
  • Fixed a slicing crash that would happen if Adaptive Layers Maximum Variation had a negative value.
  • Fixed a bug where an «object of type SettingFunction is not JSON serializable» error would prevent users from using certain plug-ins.
  • Fixed a bug where hole expansion would affect interlocking holes.
  • Fixed a bug where fuzzy skin would also apply to interlocking structures.
  • Fixed a bug where you could not load gcodes in Cura in some cases
  • Fixed a bug where some models would slice slower with Skin-Edge Support Layers
  • Fixed a bug where layers were skipped by inserting a support interface on a raft
  • Fixed a bug where Relative Extrusion was not calculated correctly when using Retract Continue.
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent advanced users from slicing a batch with multiple STLs in a script.
  • Fixed a bug where skirt lines would not follow the convex contours of models.
  • Fixed a bug where Exclusing Slicing Tolerance was not applied correctly to bottom-layer(s).
  • Fixed a bug where small travels were not retracted correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where the printjob time showed 0 minutes if adaptive layer height was enabled.
  • Fixed a bug with Skin Overlap where the skin would overlap with the roofing.
  • Fixed a bug where Support Interface would be generated on top of support.
  • Fixed a bug where the Floor Support Interface would not be generated in certain models.
  • Fixed a bug where a long material list would disappear from the screen.
  • Fixed a bug where support is not generated correctly if Support Pattern is Concentric.
  • Fixed a bug where an increased Skin Removal Width would cut off part of the skin area.
  • Fixed a bug where Support Towers would be generated but would support nothing.
  • Fixed a bug where Small Feature Size would also be applied to inner-wall loops.
  • Fixed a bug where adhesion would be printed outside of the buildplate, contributed by @BagelOrb
  • Fixed a bug where a primetower brim was printed when it shouldn’t, contributed by @BagelOrb
  • Fixed a bug where Ooze/Draft shields did not avoid prime tower, contributed by @BagelOrb
  • Fixed a bug where not all Mac users could not use USB printing, contributed by Sovenger
  • Fixed input value for platform offset when adding a logo, contributed by @drewdoggy
  • Fixed a bug where the travel move at the end of a layer unretracts, contributed by @richfelker
  • Fixed a bug where WallToolPaths are not simplified, contributed by @Piezoid
  • Fixed a bug where iterators were moving out of range, contributed by @Piezoid and @plaintoothpaste
  • Fixed a bug where the Maximum Area Deviation value was too small, contributed by @Piezoid
  • Fixed a bug where we did not ‘pickle’ DefinitionContainers correctly, contributed by @Piezoid
  • Fixed a bug where an airgap was present in Spiralized Outer Contour, contributed by @richfelker
  • Fixed a bug where speeds defined for slower layers would impact speeds accelerations and jerks for the whole print, contributed by @richfelker
  • Fixed a bug where materials with longer names in Materials Preferences were harder to read, contributed by @Ghostkeeper

Bugs resolved in the Beta Release

  • Fixed a bug where no support would be generated for narrow ridges
  • Fixed a bug where Hole Horizontal Expansion would remove part of the model
  • Fixed a bug where Support Horizontal Expansion was broken
  • Fixed a bug where Enable Conical Support would prevent support from being generated
  • Fixed a bug where the brim would be printed from inside out
  • Fixed a bug where the brim width would not be respected in multi-extrusion
  • Fixed a bug where missing Geetech A10, Geetech Mizar S, and Geetech A30 definitions would cause a corrupt configuration error message
  • Fixed a bug where you could not resize the Recommended settings window
  • Fixed a bug where wiping in the walls (as opposed to infill) wasn’t working

Printer definitions, profiles and materials:

  • Support Towers are working again and enabled by default for all printers.
  • Updated Support Horizontal Expansion, Support Join Distance, and Minimum Support Area Settings to improve support reliability.
  • Updated intent and quality files for UltiMaker printers to have more consistent file names.
  • Updated default Support Interface Pattern to ZigZag for UltiMaker printers
  • Updated Maximum Combing Distance for UltiMaker printers
  • Updated UltiMaker ABS Silver Metallic to the correct UltiMaker ABS Silver
  • Updated AnkerMake M5 definitions, contributed by @just-trey
  • Updated Anycubic i3 Mega S/Pro profile, contributed by @NilsRo
  • Updated Creality Ender CR10 start Gcode, contributed by @InstantMuffin
  • Updated Creality Sermoon V1 profiles to include hotend specifics, contributed by @iggomez
  • Updated Geetech A10M, A10, A20, A20M, A20T, A30M, MizarS, contributed by @whoseyoung
  • Updated PPGF30 temperature from 235 to 240, introduced by @heed818
  • Updated Rigid3D machine definitions, contributed by @mehmetsutas
  • Updated Sovol SV01, SV02, and SV03, contributed by @eropple
  • Updated Sovol’s SV01 and SV02 bed dimensions, contributed by @eropple
  • Updated VzBot definition, contributed by @ckvsoft
  • Added AnkerMake M5, contributed by @just-trey
  • Added Anycubic Kobra Go, contributed by @razzeee
  • Added Artillery Hornet, contributed by @wilds
  • Added Biqu Hurakan, contributed by @looxonline
  • Added Blocks ONE MKII, Blocks One, Blocks Pro S100, Blocks Pro S30, Blocks R21, Blocks RD50, and Blocks Zero, contributed by @jgrilo-blocks
  • Added Creality CR-10 Smart, contributed by @eropple
  • Added Creality Ender-3 S1 Plus, and Ender-3 S1 Pro, contributed by @izilzty
  • Added Creality Sermoon V1, and Sermoon V1 Pro, contributed by @lggomez
  • Added Dagoma Sigma, and updated Dagome Pro430, contributed by @0r31
  • Added Elegoo Neptune 1, Neptune 2s, Neptune 3, Neptune 3 Max, Neptune 3 Plus, Neptune 3 Pro, and Neptune X, contributed by @NARUTOfzr
  • Added FablabBcn PastePrinter, contributed by @EDUARDOCHAMORRO
  • Added Flsun V400, contributed by @dengdaitianhei
  • Added Fusion3 F410, contributed by @64bittuning
  • Added Geetech A10Pro, A30Pro, A30T, E180, GiantArmD200, I3ProB, i3ProC, I3PrW, MeCreator, MeCreator2, MeDucer, Mizar, MizarM, MizarMax, MizarMax, MizarPro, and Thunder, contributed by @whoseyoung
  • Added Klema 180, Klema 250, Klema 250 Pro, Klema 250 Twin, and Klema 500, contributed by @polyntsev
  • Added Modix V3 BIG-120X, V3 BIG-120Z, V3 BIG-180X, V3 BIG-40, V3 BIG-60, V3 BIG-Meter, V4 big 60, V4 120x, V4 120z, V4 180x, and V4 BIG-Meter, contributed by @Modix3D
  • Added SnakeOil Standard 180, and SnakeOil Standard 250, contributed by @ChipCE
  • Added Sovol SV01PRO, SV05, and…

UltiMaker Cura 5.3.0-beta.1

This release does not yet contain the new tree support implementation by @ThomasRahm. You can download a special Cura version for that here.

Interlocking Structure Generation
This new setting enables you to interlock multiple materials together, even if those materials are not compatible, contributed by @BagelOrb. Try it for yourself with this test model.

Brim per Material
A brim can now be printed with multiple materials in the same model, contributed by @BagelOrb

Updated Recommended Print Settings Menu
The number of settings available in the recommended has expanded. The redesign will make it easier to use intent profiles or save custom profiles.

Other new features and improvements.

  • Improved the Zseam behavior so Hide Seam is generated less randomly.
  • Fixed the order in which concentric top/bottom patterns are printed.
  • Replaced mentions of Ultimaker by UltiMaker to correctly reflect the merger.
  • Updated Load Project window with a new design.
  • Added tooling to automatically generate translation files to reduce the chance of human error.
  • Added quality type to slice meta-data so it can be displayed in the Ultimaker Digital Factory.
  • Added a new way to update profiles by adding a Save/Compare Settings Button in custom window.
  • Improved onboarding so it is easier to add your first cloud printer or a non-UltiMaker printer.
  • Included options to download .MSI and .PKG for easier software distribution.
  • Smoothed some support generation, so support is generated less jittery.
  • Reduced unnecessary support generation for small overhang regions, like textures.
  • Improved support generation so the support doesn’t fold around the model.
  • Reduced stringing for Lift Head setting by removing the move in XY.
  • Added a Minimum Layer Time Temperature setting.
  • Added settings for Support Interface Wall Line Count, Support Roof Line Count, and Support Floor Line Count.
  • Added Brim Inside Avoid Margin setting, contributed by @BagelOrb
  • Added prefix ‘Printing’ to post processing plugin script «DisplayFilenameAndLayerOnLCD» contributed by @brunohenriquy
  • Added Enable, G-code Before, and G-code After To Filament Change, contributed by @victornpb
  • Added support for per-object retraction settings, contributed by @jeremysalwen
  • Updated PauseAtHeight so M18 becomes M84 when disarming, contributed by @Cycov
  • Added an option to keep stepper motors engaged to Pause At Height, contributed by @Cycov
  • Added an option to Beep at Pause to Pause At Height, contributed by @Cycov
  • Added Additional Gcode Fields to Pause At Height, contributed by @Cycov
  • Make Layer Number the default in Pause At Height, contributed by @discip
  • Added more information when rotating a model using the arrows, contributed by @Fabbro03
  • Added the «CTRL +» shortcut to open Preferences window, contributed by @Ladnessness
  • Added the option to add Machine Action buttons in the Printer Preferences, contributed by @julianCast

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed missing translations (available with 5.3.0-beta.2)
  • Fixed a slicing crash if they were placed in the center of the buildplate.
  • Fixed a slicing crash that would happen if Adaptive Layers Maximum Variation had a negative value.
  • Fixed a bug where an «object of type SettingFunction is not JSON serializable» error would prevent users from using certain plug-ins.
  • Fixed a bug where hole expansion would affect interlocking holes.
  • Fixed a bug where fuzzy skin would also apply to interlocking structures.
  • Fixed a bug where Relative Extrusion was not calculated correctly when using Retract Continue.
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent advanced users from slicing a batch with multiple STLs in a script.
  • Fixed a bug where skirt lines would not follow the convex contours of models.
  • Fixed a bug where Exclusing Slicing Tolerance was not applied correctly to bottom-layer(s).
  • Fixed a bug where small travels were not retracted correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where the printjob time showed 0 minutes if adaptive layer height was enabled.
  • Fixed a bug with Skin Overlap where the skin would overlap with the roofing.
  • Fixed a bug where Support Interface would be generated on top of support.
  • Fixed a bug where the Floor Support Interface would not be generated in certain models.
  • Fixed a bug where a long material list would disappear from the screen.
  • Fixed a bug where support is not generated correctly if Support Pattern is Concentric.
  • Fixed a bug where an increased Skin Removal Width would cut off part of the skin area.
  • Fixed a bug where Support Towers would be generated but would support nothing.
  • Fixed a bug where Small Feature Size would also be applied to inner-wall loops.
  • Fixed a bug where adhesion would be printed outside of the buildplate, contributed by @BagelOrb
  • Fixed a bug where a primetower brim was printed when it shouldn’t, contributed by @BagelOrb
  • Fixed a bug where Ooze/Draft shields did not avoid prime tower, contributed by @BagelOrb
  • Fixed a bug where not all Mac users could not use USB printing, contributed by Sovenger
  • Fixed input value for platform offset when adding a logo, contributed by @drewdoggy
  • Fixed a bug where the travel move at the end of a layer unretracts, contributed by @richfelker
  • Fixed a bug where WallToolPaths are not simplified, contributed by @Piezoid
  • Fixed a bug where iterators were moving out of range, contributed by @Piezoid and @plaintoothpaste
  • Fixed a bug where the Maximum Area Deviation value was too small, contributed by @Piezoid
  • Fixed a bug where an airgap was present in Spiralized Outer Contour, contributed by @richfelker
  • Fixed a bug where speeds defined for slower layers would impact speeds accelerations and jerks for the whole print, contributed by @richfelker
  • Fixed a bug where materials with longer names in Materials Preferences were harder to read, contributed by @Ghostkeeper

Printer definitions, profiles and materials:

  • Support Towers are working again and enabled by default for all printers.
  • Updated Support Horizontal Expansion, Support Join Distance, and Minimum Support Area Settings for UltiMaker printers to improve support reliability.
  • Updated intent and quality files for UltiMaker printers to have more consistent file names.
  • Updated default Support Interface Pattern to ZigZag for UltiMaker printers
  • Updated Maximum Combing Distance for UltiMaker printers
  • Updated UltiMaker ABS Silver Metallic to the correct UltiMaker ABS Silver
  • Updated AnkerMake M5 definitions, contributed by @just-trey
  • Updated Anycubic i3 Mega S/Pro profile, contributed by @NilsRo
  • Updated Creality Ender CR10 start Gcode, contributed by @InstantMuffin
  • Updated Creality Sermoon V1 profiles to include hotend specifics, contributed by @iggomez
  • Updated Geetech A10M, A10, A20, A20M, A20T, A30M, MizarS, contributed by @whoseyoung
  • Updated PPGF30 temperature from 235 to 240, introduced by @heed818
  • Updated Rigid3D machine definitions, contributed by @mehmetsutas
  • Updated Sovol SV01, SV02, and SV03, contributed by @eropple
  • Updated Sovol’s SV01 and SV02 bed dimensions, contributed by @eropple
  • Added AnkerMake M5, contributed by @just-trey
  • Added Anycubic Kobra Go, contributed by @razzeee
  • Added Artillery Hornet, contributed by @wilds
  • Added Biqu Hurakan, contributed by @looxonline
  • Added Blocks ONE MKII, Blocks One, Blocks Pro S100, Blocks Pro S30, Blocks R21, Blocks RD50, and Blocks Zero, contributed by @jgrilo-blocks
  • Added Creality CR-10 Smart, contributed by @eropple
  • Added Creality Ender-3 S1 Plus, and Ender-3 S1 Pro, contributed by @izilzty
  • Added Creality Sermoon V1, and Sermoon V1 Pro, contributed by @lggomez
  • Added Dagoma Sigma, and updated Dagome Pro430, contributed by @0r31
  • Added Elegoo Neptune 1, Neptune 2s, Neptune 3, Neptune 3 Max, Neptune 3 Plus, Neptune 3 Pro, and Neptune X, contributed by @NARUTOfzr
  • Added FablabBcn PastePrinter, contributed by @EDUARDOCHAMORRO
  • Added Flsun V400, contributed by @dengdaitianhei
  • Added Fusion3 F410, contributed by @64bittuning
  • Added Geetech A10Pro, A30Pro, A30T, E180, GiantArmD200, I3ProB, i3ProC, I3PrW, MeCreator, MeCreator2, MeDucer, Mizar, MizarM, MizarMax, MizarMax, MizarPro, and Thunder, contributed by @whoseyoung
  • Added Klema 180, Klema 250, Klema 250 Pro, Klema 250 Twin, and Klema 500, contributed by @polyntsev
  • Added Modix V3 BIG-120X, V3 BIG-120Z, V3 BIG-180X, V3 BIG-40, V3 BIG-60, V3 BIG-Meter, V4 big 60, V4 120x, V4 120z, V4 180x, and V4 BIG-Meter, contributed by @Modix3D
  • Added SnakeOil Standard 180, and SnakeOil Standard 250, contributed by @ChipCE
  • Added Sovol SV01PRO, SV05, and SV06, contributed by @eropple
  • Added UMO+ DXU, contributed by @ansonl
  • Added Voron Trident 250, Trident 300, and Trident 350, contributed by @RagingRoosevelt

Community translations:

  • Updated French translations, contributed by @xommit
  • Updated a typo in Japanese translations, contributed by @tamorikawa

Known critical issues:

  • 🌍 Currently the translation files seem to be missing in these Beta builds. We are working on a solution so everyone can test this Beta in their preferred language. Translations are now available!
  • Under certain angles, the Interlocking Structures are not effective, yet.
  • The Gcode Reader Plug-in is broken since Cura 5.2, and will not load gcodes correctly yet.
  • Some models have been slicing slower since Cura 5.1. #14108
  • Reports have been coming in that Cura is running slow on Windows 11 #13820
  • Multiple external monitors on Windows (especially if from the same brand) <a href=»https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us…

UltiMaker Cura 5.2.2

Introducing the UltiMaker S7
— Included support for the new UltiMaker S7

Bug fixes:

  • Allow UltiMaker S7 printers to receive Material Profiles

Printer definitions, profiles and materials:

  • Improved Initial Layer settings for UltiMaker S7, S5, and S3 printers
  • Disabled Support Towers for UltiMaker S7, S5, and S3 printers
  • Cleaned up material profiles, by removing duplicate setting segments, and unused elements
  • Updated preferred quality type for all UltiMaker 3D printers

Known critical issues:

  • Support is sometimes missing in detailed parts, where previous releases supported them properly (still). (Will probably not be fixed in stable. This is currently slated for 5.3)
  • Multiple external monitors on Windows (especially if from the same brand) might be a problem under some circumstances. (Will probably not be fixed in stable.)
  • If you are looking for an AppImage for your Linux OS we recommend using linux.AppImage. If you run into issues with launching your AppImage, we have linux-modern.AppImage ready as an alternative.

Does Cura (not) work on your OS (version)? See this article for clarification.

UltiMaker Cura 5.3.0-alpha+xmas

New tree support implementation by @ThomasRahm
This tree support uses significantly less filament, reduces printing time, and is easier to remove than our current tree supports. A number of new settings can now be applied to your tree supports, including support blocker, per-model settings, and support horizontal expansion.

The newly introduced settings are:

  • Tree Support Preferred Branch Angle
  • Tree Support Maximum Branch Angle
  • Tree Support Diameter Increase to Model
  • Tree Support Minimum Height To Model
  • Tree Support Initial Layer Diameter
  • Support Interface Priority
  • Tree Support Limit Branch Reach
  • Tree Support Optimal Branch Range
  • Tree Support Rest Preference

Known Issues

  • Engine crashes– Often if you try to rotate the model or move it away from the center it’s resolved. If this doesn’t resolve your issue we would love to get your project file to learn what’s wrong
  • Floating islands inside of support
  • Adaptive Layerheights are not always working correctly
  • Support Interface is not always working correctly
  • Multiple external monitors on Windows (especially if from the same brand) might be a problem under some circumstances.
  • If you are looking for an AppImage for your Linux OS we recommend using linux.AppImage. If you run into issues with launching your AppImage, we have linux-modern.AppImage ready as an alternative.
  • Windows users might get a «Microsoft Defender SmartScreen preventing the installation of an unrecognized app». You can verify if the publisher «NL, Utrecht, UltiMaker, UltiMaker» and click Run anyway by clicking on the More info text.

Does Cura (not) work on your OS (version)? See this article for clarification.

📣 We would love to hear your feedback here

Ultimaker Cura 5.2.1

Bug fixes:

  • Restored Italian translations (was French)
  • Restored simplified Chinese translations (was Czech)

Known critical issues:

  • While some small fixes have been made already, the placement of the seam is still more scattered than before 5.0. (Will try to fix in stable.)
  • Support is sometimes missing in detailed parts, where previous releases supported them properly (still). (Will probably not be fixed in stable. This is currently slated for 5.3)
  • Multiple external monitors on Windows (especially if from the same brand) might be a problem under some circumstances. (Will probably not be fixed in stable.)
  • If you are looking for an AppImage for your Linux OS we recommend using linux.AppImage. If you run into issues with launching your AppImage, we have linux-modern.AppImage ready as an alternative.

Does Cura (not) work on your OS (version)? See this article for clarification.

Ultimaker Cura 5.2.0

Abstract Cloud Printer Type
Online cloud printers are now grouped by type. You can slice with the (‘abstract’) printer type, and afterwards choose a specific printer to print with.

Support For ‘Guest’-Type Accounts (In Digital Factory)
Users with the ‘Guest’ role can prepare print jobs in Ultimaker Cura and send them to the printers via Digital Factory. These print jobs will not start until they are approved by a user with an ‘Member’ or ‘Admin’ role.

More Control Over Initial Layer Flow
Three new settings: ‘Initial Layer Outer Wall Flow’, ‘Initial Layer Inner Wall Flow’, ‘Initial Layer Bottom Flow’, to better counteract the ‘elephants foot’ phenomenon.

Other new features and improvements:

  • Auto-remove holes from not completely solid models in vase-mode
  • Add setting for ‘tree support max diameter’
  • Add option to drop-down models to the build-plate individually, contributed by @Piezoid
  • Added a preference to make the tray icon optional, contributed by @fieldOfView
  • (Community Developer Update: Proper workflow for ‘installing from source’ on Windows! See our wiki.)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a crash to do with the serialization of functions, contributed by @Piezoid
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when a user has non-latin characters in their Windows username
  • Another ‘Tree Support Starts in Air’ fix
  • Restore tooltips (if available) for Intents in Recommended print settings
  • Fix startup on ‘Zorin OS’ (a Linux flavor), contributed by @Tim453
  • On Windows, (admin) users should be able to uninstall via ‘Programs and Features’ again
  • Correct version number in Windows uninstaller
  • Uninstalling didn’t remove all files in Windows
  • (Windows) An uninstall could only be done by the original user that installed
  • Don’t ignore bottom pattern when spiralizing
  • Don’t ‘Union All’ for ‘Merged Meshes Overlap’
  • Seam placement was not in the correct corner in some cases
  • Cutting meshes with ‘surface’ set to ‘both’ cut through the mesh
  • Brim lines where ordered the wrong way in some cases
  • Random seam is now more random
  • Correctly apply combing when spiralizing, contributed by @smartavionics
  • Don’t spam the user with spurious ‘Cura Notification’s (Windows only)
  • Don’t spam the logs with duplicated deprecated warnings, contributed by @Patschke
  • Properly update the infill percentage in the top bar after an intent profile switch
  • In certain rare situations, layers would be printed multiple times when monotonic fill was on
  • Put tree support infill density at 0% by default
  • Machine settings: Also save values when closing the window, not just when focus’ changed
  • Reduce clickable area of settings checkboxes, to prevent mis-clicks
  • Fixed a crash when an unnamed tool would be accessed (possibly related to plugin use)
  • Fix an issue where a plugin would crash because of a missing dependency
  • Many helpful code refactors, contributed by @digitalfrost
  • Fix for to-mouse zoom on screens with scaling factor, contributed by @seaniepie
  • Models could not be multiplied in one-at-a-time mode

Printer definitions, profiles and materials:

  • Added Creality Ender 3 S1 profile, contributed by @Sebazzz
  • Added Anycubic Kobra (Max), contributed by @ANYCUBIC-3D
  • Added HCTECH printers, contributed by @3d-hctech
  • Added da Vinci Pro EVO, contributed by @heed818
  • Fix FLSUN QQ-S platform orientation, contributed by @RVillani
  • Fix Kingroon printers from going outside the build-volume in the end-gcode, contributed by @odaki
  • Added Geetech Mizar_S, contributed by @Geeetech3D
  • Added Tank-M printer, contributed by @KOONOVO3DPrinter
  • Update Renkforce RF100XL definition, contributed by @imakecodes
  • Added VzBot profiles, contributed by @ckvsoft
  • Added (additional) mingda printers, contributed by @jianshu-du
  • Added Naxe machines, contributed by @Naxecorp
  • Added T-Rex 2+, T-Rex 3, contributed by @jim-edwards
  • Update FLsun SR, contributed by @xPakrikx
  • Update Anycubic mega zero, contributed by @NOVAXIM
  • Added some Renkforce machines, contributed by @goofoo3d

Community translations:

  • Updated the Brazilian Portuguese translation, contributed by @Patola
  • Updated the Czech translation, contributed by @sustmi

Known critical issues:

  • While some small fixes have been made already, the placement of the seam is still more scattered than before 5.0. (Will try to fix in stable.)
  • Support is sometimes missing in detailed parts, where previous releases supported them properly (still). (Will probably not be fixed in stable. This is currently slated for 5.3)
  • Multiple external monitors on Windows (especially if from the same brand) might be a problem under some circumstances. (Will probably not be fixed in stable.)

Does Cura (not) work on your OS (version)? See this article for clarification.

Ultimaker Cura 5.2.0-beta

Abstract Cloud Printer Type
Online cloud printers are now grouped by type. You can slice with the (‘abstract’) printer type, and afterwards choose a specific printer to print with.

Support For ‘Guest’-Type Accounts (In Digital Factory)
Users with the ‘Guest’ role can prepare print jobs in Ultimaker Cura and send them to the printers via Digital Factory. These print jobs will not start until they are approved by a user with an ‘Member’ or ‘Admin’ role.

More Control Over Initial Layer Flow
Three new settings: ‘Initial Layer Outer Wall Flow’, ‘Initial Layer Inner Wall Flow’, ‘Initial Layer Bottom Flow’, to better counteract the ‘elephants foot’ phenomenon.

Other new features and improvements:

  • Auto-remove holes from not completely solid models in vase-mode
  • Add setting for ‘tree support max diameter’
  • Add option to drop-down models to the build-plate individually, contributed by @Piezoid
  • Added a preference to make the tray icon optional, contributed by @fieldOfView

Bug fixes:

  • Don’t ignore bottom pattern when spiralizing
  • Don’t ‘Union All’ for ‘Merged Meshes Overlap’
  • Seam placement was not in the correct corner in some cases
  • Cutting meshes with ‘surface’ set to ‘both’ cut through the mesh
  • Brim lines where ordered the wrong way in some cases
  • Random seam is now more random
  • Correctly apply combing when spiralizing, contributed by @smartavionics
  • Don’t spam the user with spurious ‘Cura Notification’s (Windows only)
  • Don’t spam the logs with duplicated deprecated warnings, contributed by @Patschke
  • Properly update the infill percentage in the top bar after an intent profile switch
  • An uninstall could only be done by the original user that installed
  • In certain rare situations, layers would be printed multiple times when monotonic fill was on
  • Put tree support infill density at 0% by default
  • Machine settings: Also save values when closing the window, not just when focus’ changed
  • Reduce clickable area of settings checkboxes, to prevent mis-clicks
  • Fixed a crash when an unnamed tool would be accessed (possibly related to plugin use)
  • Fix an issue where a plugin would crash because of a missing dependency
  • Many helpful code refactors, contributed by @digitalfrost
  • Fix for to-mouse zoom on screens with scaling factor, contributed by @seaniepie
  • Models could not be multiplied in one-at-a-time mode

Printer definitions, profiles and materials:

  • Added Creality Ender 3 S1 profile, contributed by @Sebazzz
  • Added Anycubic Kobra (Max), contributed by @ANYCUBIC-3D
  • Added HCTECH printers, contributed by @3d-hctech
  • Added da Vinci Pro EVO, contributed by @heed818
  • Fix FLSUN QQ-S platform orientation, contributed by @RVillani
  • Fix Kingroon printers from going outside the build-volume in the end-gcode, contributed by @odaki
  • Added Geetech Mizar_S, contributed by @Geeetech3D
  • Added Tank-M printer, contributed by @KOONOVO3DPrinter
  • Update Renkforce RF100XL definition, contributed by @imakecodes
  • Added VzBot profiles, contributed by @ckvsoft
  • Added (additional) mingda printers, contributed by @jianshu-du
  • Added Naxe machines, contributed by @Naxecorp
  • Added T-Rex 2+, T-Rex 3, contributed by @jim-edwards
  • Update FLsun SR, contributed @xPakrikx
  • Update Anycubic mega zero, contributed by @NOVAXIM
  • Added some Renkforce machines, contributed by @goofoo3d

Community translations (pending):

  • Updated the Brazilian Portuguese translation, contributed by @Patola
  • Updated the Czech translation, contributed by @sustmi

Known critical issues:

  • While some small fixes have been made already, the placement of the seam is still more scattered than before 5.0. (Will try to fix in stable.)
  • Support is sometimes missing in detailed parts, where previous releases supported them properly (still). (Will probably not be fixed in stable. This is currently slated for 5.3)
  • Multiple external monitors on Windows (especially if from the same brand) might be a problem under some circumstances. (Will probably not be fixed in stable.)

Does Cura (not) work on your OS (version)? See this article for clarification.

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