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cmd2 : immersive interactive command line applications

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Develper’s Toolbox •
Philosophy •
Installation •
Documentation •
Tutorials •
Hello World •
Projects using cmd2 •


cmd2 is a tool for building interactive command line applications in Python. Its goal is to make it
quick and easy for developers to build feature-rich and user-friendly interactive command line
applications. It provides a simple API which is an extension of Python’s built-in
cmd module. cmd2 provides a wealth of features on top
of cmd to make your life easier and eliminates much of the boilerplate code which would be necessary
when using cmd.

The developers toolbox

system schema

When creating solutions developers have no shortage of tools to create rich and smart user interfaces.
System administrators have long been duct taping together brittle workflows based on a menagerie of simple command line tools created by strangers on github and the guy down the hall.
Unfortunately, when CLIs become significantly complex the ease of command discoverability tends to fade quickly.
On the other hand, Web and traditional desktop GUIs are first in class when it comes to easily discovering functionality.
The price we pay for beautifully colored displays is complexity required to aggregate disperate applications into larger systems.
cmd2 fills the niche between high ease of command discovery applications and smart workflow automation systems.

The cmd2 framework provides a great mixture of both worlds. Application designers can easily create complex applications and rely on the cmd2 library to offer effortless user facing help and extensive tab completion.
When users become comfortable with functionality, cmd2 turns into a feature rich library enabling a smooth transition to full automation. If designed with enough forethought, a well implemented cmd2 application can serve as a boutique workflow tool. cmd2 pulls off this flexibility based on two pillars of philosophy:

  • Tab Completion
  • Automation Transition


Deep extensive tab completion and help text generation based on the argparse library create the first pillar of ‘ease of command discovery’. The following is a list of features in this category.

  • Great tab completion of commands, subcommands, file system paths, and shell commands.
  • Custom tab completion for user designed commands via simple function overloading.
  • Tab completion from persistent_history_file sources added with very little friction.
  • Automatic tab completion of argparse flags and optional arguments.
  • Path completion easily enabled.
  • When all else fails, custom tab completion based on choices_provider can fill any gaps.

cmd2 creates the second pillar of ‘ease of transition to automation’ through alias/macro creation, command line argument parsing and execution of cmd2 scripting.

  • Flexible alias and macro creation for quick abstraction of commands.
  • Text file scripting of your application with run_script (@) and _relative_run_script (@@)
  • Powerful and flexible built-in Python scripting of your application using the run_pyscript command
  • Transcripts for use with built-in regression can be automatically generated from history -t or run_script -t


On all operating systems, the latest stable version of cmd2 can be installed using pip:

pip install -U cmd2

cmd2 works with Python 3.6+ on Windows, macOS, and Linux. It is pure Python code with few 3rd-party dependencies.

For information on other installation options, see
Installation Instructions in the cmd2


The latest documentation for cmd2 can be read online here: https://cmd2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

It is available in HTML, PDF, and ePub formats.

The best way to learn the cmd2 api is to delve into the example applications located in source under examples.


  • PyOhio 2019 presentation:
    • video
    • slides
    • example code
  • Cookiecutter Templates from community
    • Basic cookiecutter template for cmd2 application : https://github.com/jayrod/cookiecutter-python-cmd2
    • Advanced cookiecutter template with external plugin support : https://github.com/jayrod/cookiecutter-python-cmd2-ext-plug
  • Example Applications

Hello World

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""A simple cmd2 application."""
import cmd2

class FirstApp(cmd2.Cmd):
    """A simple cmd2 application."""

  def do_hello_world(self, _: cmd2.Statement):
    self.poutput('Hello World')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    c = FirstApp()

Found a bug?

If you think you’ve found a bug, please first read through the open Issues. If you’re confident it’s a new bug, go ahead and create a new GitHub issue. Be sure to include as much information as possible so we can reproduce the bug. At a minimum, please state the following:

  • cmd2 version
  • Python version
  • OS name and version
  • What you did to cause the bug to occur
  • Include any traceback or error message associated with the bug

Projects using cmd2

Application Name Description
Jok3r Network & Web Pentest Automation Framework
CephFS Shell Ceph is a distributed object, block, and file storage platform
psiTurk An open platform for science on Amazon Mechanical Turk
Poseidon Leverages software-defined networks (SDNs) to acquire and then feed network traffic to a number of machine learning techniques.
Unipacker Automatic and platform-independent unpacker for Windows binaries based on emulation
tomcatmanager A command line tool and python library for managing a tomcat server
Expliot Internet of Things (IoT) exploitation framework
mptcpanalyzer Tool to help analyze mptcp pcaps
clanvas Command-line client for Canvas by Instructure

Possibly defunct but still good examples

  • JSShell

Leader badge

IMPORTANT NOTE: The PyCmd project has moved to GitHub: https://github.com/horeah/PyCmd

PyCmd is a smart command prompt extension for Windows’ cmd.exe; its purpose is to emulate a few power features of UNIX shells (decent Tab-completion, persistent history, etc.)


  • Smart Tab-completion (similar to e.g. bash)
  • Searchable, persistent command history
  • Enhanced editing (copy/paste, undo, emacs key bindings)
  • History of recently visited directories


GNU Library or Lesser General Public License version 2.0 (LGPLv2)

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User Ratings


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4 / 5

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4 / 5

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3 / 5

User Reviews

  • All
  • ★★★★★
  • ★★★★
  • ★★★
  • ★★
  • Very nice enhancement to CMD.EXE for the command history, the TAB completion mechanism and the trailing backslash. Really add comfort and rapidity to console usage.
    One small flaw however, that caused me not to give the full 5 stars: it does not «transmit» the error code received from a program to the errorlevel environment variable. Example: lets say that I write a program and my exit code is 1244 (under Windows it means «The operation being requested was not performed because the user has not been authenticated») ; well when I check the errorlevel by $ echo %errorlevel%, I get ‘0’… while when under regular CMD.EXE I get 1244.
    You may well think it’s a small detail, but for me it’s important that is why I did not give it 5 stars. But still it’s my everyday-usage console CMD extension.
    Thank you for the very good work.

  • Simply awesome! Been using it daily since years. And useful and _intuitive_ features still get added sometimes, like the ALT-UP thingy in the last version. Keep it up!

  • Works well but do not provide a real «plus» to windows cmd

Read more reviews >

Additional Project Details

Operating Systems


Intended Audience

Advanced End Users

User Interface


Programming Language


Related Categories

Python System Shells


2.4.3 (January 27, 2023)

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed ValueError caused when passing Cmd.columnize() strings wider than display_width.
  • Enhancements
    • Renamed utils.str_to_bool() -> utils.to_bool().
    • Enhanced utils.to_bool() so that it accepts and converts bool, int, and float in addition to str.

2.4.2 (July 13, 2022)

  • Enhancements
    • Updated argparse decorator to remove annotations when the docstring is used for a command’s help text.
    • Updated unit test to be Python 3.11 compliant.

2.4.1 (April 13, 2022)

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed value for ansi.Bg.YELLOW.
    • Fixed unit tests for ansi.allow_style.
  • Enhancements
    • async_alert() raises a RuntimeError if called from the main thread.

2.4.0 (February 22, 2022)

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed issue in ansi.async_alert_str() which would raise IndexError if prompt was blank.
    • Fixed issue where tab completion was quoting argparse flags in some cases.
  • Enhancements
    • Added broader exception handling when enabling clipboard functionality via pyperclip.
    • Added PassThroughException to __init__.py imports.
    • cmd2 now uses pyreadline3 when running any version of Python on Windows
    • Improved memory usage in certain use cases of tables (e.g. nested colored tables)
  • Deletions (potentially breaking changes)
    • Deleted cmd2.fg and cmd2.bg which were deprecated in 2.3.0. Use cmd2.Fg and cmd2.Bg instead.

2.3.3 (November 29, 2021)

  • Enhancements
    • Added clearer exception handling to BorderedTable and SimpleTable.

2.3.2 (November 22, 2021)

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed issue where a ns_provider could be passed None instead of its correct cmd2.Cmd or CommandSet value.

2.3.1 (November 18, 2021)

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed issue introduced in 2.3.0 with AlternatingTable, BorderedTable, and SimpleTable that caused
      header alignment settings to be overridden by data alignment settings.
  • Enhancements
    • CompletionItems now saves the original object from which it creates a string.
    • Using CompletionItems as argparse choices is fully supported. cmd2 patched argparse to compare input to
      the original value instead of the CompletionItems instance.
    • ArgparseCompleter now does the following if a list of CompletionItems was created with numerical types:
      • Sorts completion hints numerically
      • Right-aligns the left-most column in completion hint table

2.3.0 (November 11, 2021)

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed AttributeError in rl_get_prompt() when prompt is None.
    • Fixed bug where using choices on a Settable didn’t verify that a valid choice had been entered.
    • Fixed bug introduced in cmd2 2.0.0 in which select() converts return values to strings. It should never
      have converted return values.
  • Enhancements
    • Added settings to Column class which prevent a table from overriding existing styles in header
      and/or data text. This allows for things like nesting an AlternatingTable in another AlternatingTable.
    • AlternatingTable no longer automatically applies background color to borders. This was done to improve
      appearance since the background color extended beyond the borders of the table.
    • Added ability to colorize all aspects of AlternatingTables, BorderedTables, and SimpleTables.
    • Added support for 8-bit/256-colors with the cmd2.EightBitFg and cmd2.EightBitBg classes.
    • Added support for 24-bit/RGB colors with the cmd2.RgbFg and cmd2.RgbBg classes.
    • Removed dependency on colorama.
    • Changed type of ansi.allow_style from a string to an ansi.AllowStyle Enum class.
  • Deprecations
    • Deprecated cmd2.fg. Use cmd2.Fg instead.
    • Deprecated cmd2.bg. Use cmd2.Bg instead.
  • Breaking Changes
    • To support the color upgrade, all cmd2 colors now inherit from either ansi.FgColor or ansi.BgColor.
      Therefore, ansi.style() no longer accepts colors as strings.

2.2.0 (September 14, 2021)

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed extra space appended to each alias by «alias list» command
  • Enhancements
    • New function set_default_ap_completer_type() allows developer to extend and modify the
      behavior of ArgparseCompleter.
    • Added ArgumentParser.get_ap_completer_type() and ArgumentParser.set_ap_completer_type(). These
      methods allow developers to enable custom tab completion behavior for a given parser by using a custom
      ArgparseCompleter-based class.
    • Added ap_completer_type keyword arg to Cmd2ArgumentParser.__init__() which saves a call
      to set_ap_completer_type(). This keyword will also work with add_parser() when creating subcommands
      if the base command’s parser is a Cmd2ArgumentParser.
    • New function register_argparse_argument_parameter() allows developers to specify custom
      parameters to be passed to the argparse parser’s add_argument() method. These parameters will
      become accessible in the resulting argparse Action object when modifying ArgparseCompleter behavior.
    • Using SimpleTable in the output for the following commands to improve appearance.
      • help
      • set (command and tab completion of Settables)
      • alias tab completion
      • macro tab completion
    • Tab completion of CompletionItems now includes divider row comprised of Cmd.ruler character.
    • Removed --verbose flag from set command since descriptions always show now.
    • All cmd2 built-in commands now populate self.last_result.
    • Argparse tab completer will complete remaining flag names if there are no more positionals to complete.
    • Updated async_alert() to account for self.prompt not matching Readline’s current prompt.
  • Deletions (potentially breaking changes)
    • Deleted set_choices_provider() and set_completer() which were deprecated in 2.1.2
  • Breaking Changes
    • Renamed set_default_argument_parser() to set_default_argument_parser_type()

2.1.2 (July 5, 2021)

  • Enhancements
    • Added the following accessor methods for cmd2-specific attributes to the argparse.Action class
      • get_choices_callable()
      • set_choices_provider()
      • set_completer()
      • get_descriptive_header()
      • set_descriptive_header()
      • get_nargs_range()
      • set_nargs_range()
      • get_suppress_tab_hint()
      • set_suppress_tab_hint()
  • Deprecations
    • Now that set_choices_provider() and set_completer() have been added as methods to the
      argparse.Action class, the standalone functions of the same name will be removed in version
      2.2.0. To update to the new convention, do the following:

      • Change set_choices_provider(action, provider) to action.set_choices_provider(provider)
      • Change set_completer(action, completer) to action.set_completer(completer)

cmd2 works on Linux, macOS, and Windows. It requires Python 3.7 or
higher, pip, and setuptools. If you’ve got all that, then you can just:


Depending on how and where you have installed Python on your system and on
what OS you are using, you may need to have administrator or root privileges
to install Python packages. If this is the case, take the necessary steps
required to run the commands in this section as root/admin, e.g.: on most
Linux or Mac systems, you can precede them with sudo:

$ sudo pip install <package_name>


If you have Python 3 >=3.7 installed from python.org, you will already have pip and setuptools, but may
need to upgrade to the latest versions:

On Linux or OS X:

$ pip install -U pip setuptools

On Windows:

> python -m pip install -U pip setuptools

Install from PyPI¶

pip is the recommended installer. Installing packages from PyPI with pip is

This will install the required 3rd-party dependencies, if necessary.

Install from GitHub¶

The latest version of cmd2 can be installed directly from the master branch
on GitHub using pip:

$ pip install -U git+git://github.com/python-cmd2/cmd2.git

Install from Debian or Ubuntu repos¶

We recommend installing from pip, but if you wish to install from Debian or
Ubuntu repos this can be done with apt-get.

For Python 3:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-cmd2

This will also install the required 3rd-party dependencies.


Versions of cmd2 before 0.8.9 should be considered to be of unstable
“beta” quality and should not be relied upon for production use. If you
cannot get a version >= 0.8.9 from your OS repository, then we recommend
installing from either pip or GitHub — see Install from PyPI or
Install from GitHub.

Upgrading cmd2¶

Upgrade an already installed cmd2 to the latest version from PyPI:

This will upgrade to the newest stable version of cmd2 and will also
upgrade any dependencies if necessary.

Uninstalling cmd2¶

If you wish to permanently uninstall cmd2, this can also easily be done with pip:

macOS Considerations¶

macOS comes with the libedit library which is
similar, but not identical, to GNU Readline. Tab completion for cmd2
applications is only tested against GNU Readline.

There are several ways GNU Readline can be installed within a Python
environment on a Mac, detailed in the following subsections.

gnureadline Python module¶

Install the gnureadline Python module which is statically linked against a specific compatible version of GNU Readline:

$ pip install -U gnureadline

readline via conda¶

Install the readline package using the conda package manager included
with the Anaconda Python distribution:

readline via brew¶

Install the readline package using the Homebrew package manager (compiles
from source):

$ brew install openssl
$ brew install pyenv
$ brew install readline

Then use pyenv to compile Python and link against the installed readline

We all know that nowadays Python is one of the most popular coding languages among all.  While installing Python, one IDE named IDLE is also installed. Using the IDLE we can write and also run our programs. But we can also run python programs on CMD or command prompt as CMD is the default command-line interpreter on Windows. 

But there’s a need to set up the environment variable in windows to use python on the command-line. Following are the steps to add Python Environment to Windows path:

Step 1: For setting up Python on CMD we must check whether Python is installed on your machine or not. For doing this go to the Windows search bar and search for python. If you find python in the result then you are good to go.

You can see Python3 is installed on my computer

If python is not installed on your computer, then it can be installed with How to install Python on Windows?. 

Step 2: Now check whether python is already set up in Command Prompt or not. For doing this just open cmd and type python. If you see any python version then it is already setup. 

You can see after typing python nothing happened. So, python is not set up on cmd yet.

Step 3: Now open the Windows search bar and search for “idle”. Without opening the app click on “Open file location”. If you didn’t get the option right click on the app and you will get it.

Now a file location will be opened on Windows explorer.

Step 4: Now right-click on “IDLE” and click on “open file location”

Click on “Open file location”

After opening the file location copy the path.

Copy the location 

Step 5: Now go to the windows search bar and search for “Environment variables” and open it.

Open this  

After opening the menu click on “Environment Variables”

Click on the “Environment Variables”

Now double click on the “path” in the “System Variables”

In the “Edit System Variable” menu click on “new”, then paste the file location you copied and click ok.

Now close the Environment menus by clicking ok and congratulation, we have set up the Command Prompt for python.

Step 6: Now check whether it works. Open Command Prompt and type “python” and hit enter. You will see a python version and now you can run your program there.

Last Updated :
28 Jul, 2020

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