Скачать браузер для windows 2000

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Что нового в этой версии:
Версия 6.6.4 может включать обновления, расширения и исправление ошибок.
Что нового в версии 6.5.1:
Версия 6.5.1 может включать обновления, расширения и…

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Популярные программы

Download Firefox: Windows 2000 versions

All old and new versions of Windows 2000 Firefox editions are available for download from legacy sources. If you are unable to find Windows 2000 versions of Firefox below, narrow down your search for the specific platform or app through below links. Apps are listed in chronological order from the release date with latest versions appears on top of the list.

App Version Released License OS Compatibility Download

Firefox 12

2012-04-24 web browser Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows 2000, Windows 2000 x64, Windows XP, Windows XP x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64


Firefox 11

2012-03-13 web browser Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows 2000, Windows 2000 x64, Windows XP, Windows XP x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64


Firefox 10

2012-01-31 web browser Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows 2000, Windows 2000 x64, Windows XP, Windows XP x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64


Firefox 9

2011-12-20 web browser Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows 2000, Windows 2000 x64, Windows XP, Windows XP x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64


Firefox 8

2011-11-08 web browser Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows 2000, Windows 2000 x64, Windows XP, Windows XP x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64


Firefox 7

2011-09-27 web browser Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows 2000, Windows 2000 x64, Windows XP, Windows XP x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64


Home > Download > InstallerForWindows2000

Note: This is a community installer for an unstable version of K-Meleon.

There is an unstable port of K-Meleon 74 for Windows 2000 that includes the Goanna 2.2 engine, Transport Layer Security (TLS) support, and several fixes from recent Goanna versions. Most web browsers designed for Windows 2000 (and 98) did not support TLS and cannot access modern sites using the HTTPS protocol. This is the most modern web engine that can run on the Windows 2000 and Windows 9X operating systems. If you are using Windows XP or higher, use the latest release from the Download page.

➥Download K-Meleon 74 for Windows 2000


Known Issues

  • This unofficial build has many of the same issues as the original K-Meleon 74. Its limited support of the JSBridgePlugin and the xpi format means that most XUL-based extensions will not work, even if they were written for K-Meleon 75.X and up.
  • Unfortunately, bugs in the text handling affect the macro plugin and the toolbars as well. Many macros have bugs or difficulty loading. The severity of bug varies from system to system.
  • Kplugins may not load in Windows XP.

Windows 98

To run this version of K-Meleon on Windows 9X systems like Windows 98, use KernelEx with KernelEx Core Updates 4.5.2016.18 or higher. Run the installer with the default options checked and set k-meleon.exe to Win2000SP4. For more information on using KernelEx: http://kernelex.sourceforge.net/wiki/K-Meleon

K-Meleon 1.5 can access modern sites on Windows 98 with Roytam’s TLS patches. It is more stable and does not require KernelEx to run on 9X operating systems. See this forum thread for details:


Retrozilla is a web browser for Windows 9X forked from an early version of Firefox. It is more stable but less compatible with modern sites. Version 2.2 of Retrozilla includes the TLS updates created by Roytam and used in this unofficial port.

A modern web browser for Windows 2000 is finally here! K-Meleon 74 makes the modern internet more easily accessible than ever in Windows 2000! Users no longer need to worry about web pages rendering improperly, loading videos online, and annoying SSL errors! K-Meleon will save the day with its modern Goanna 2.2 rendering engine! Now Facebook, Youtube, Reddit, Tumblr, Google Docs, Quizlet, eBay, and many newer sites are usable once again on a Vanilla Windows 2000 system!

Complete Toolbar, Menu, Context Menu, & Keyboard Shortcut Customization

    Windows 2000 SP4


    There is a bug in K-Meleon; the process refusing to exit! To fix the bug, follow this video by «hermes» of K-Meleon. The fix can be downloaded here.



    Opera 12.o2, being that this is the only major browser that still supports Windows 2000 it already is far ahead but it also supports major internet standards and supports plug-ins. Opera in a way is like Netscape in that is supports other functions like e-mail and torrents.

    Another common question is “What is the best browser for Windows 2000?”.

    As far as current major browsers that support Windows 2000 there is only one, Opera. Opera 12.o2, being that this is the only major browser that still supports Windows 2000 it already is far ahead but it also supports major internet standards and supports plug-ins.

    What was the last version of Internet Explorer for Windows 2000?

    The last version of Internet Explorer released for Windows 2000 was IE 6 Service Pack 1. It is not updated anymore at all and has not been updated with new features to make browsing the internet easier and more secure. Internet Explorer 6 was first released in 2001 and was no longer supported on July 13, 2010.

    What is the latest version of Firefox for Windows 2000?

    Firefox 12 is the last version of Firefox that works in Windows 2000. I really suggest you use one of the two browsers above before using Firefox as it will no longer be getting any security updates.

    Run Windows 2000 in your browser ! For me it took 5 minutes and about 25MB to boot to the UI. I didn’t see anything about making your own disk images, so looks like it’s locked to Free. DOS, Linux and Windows 2000. This entry was posted in javascript, microsoft, microsoft windows, random updates, windows 2000 by neozeed. Bookmark the permalink .

    Windows 2000 linux?

    Both Windows 2000 and Linux can be put to use as a file server, although the two present different technologies for doing so. Any special features Windows offers, Linux can also emulate to a high degree, and in some cases Linux actually has a slightly broader range of support. One main difference is the file systems used by both operating systems.

    Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 Update Rollup consists of previously released recommended, critical and security updates for Windows 2000, rolled into one convenient package. Installing this item provides you the same results as installing the individual updates. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer.

    I managed to run Windows 2000 off of my FAT32 formatted 32 GB flash drive on VMware Workstation Player 14. It’s a ONN unit with the model number ONA16AA017 and I purchased it at Walmart!, : B For Windows NT 4.0, you’ll probably need to get a 2 GB or 4 GB FAT16-formatted flash drive.

    Do I need to install Windows 2000 SP4 If I have sp3?

    Note: If you have not installed a previous Windows 2000 service pack, you need to install only Windows 2000 SP4 to get all of the Windows 2000 updates provided in previous service packs. If you have already installed Windows 2000 SP3, Microsoft recommends that you install Windows 2000 SP4 without uninstalling Windows 2000 SP3.

    SP4 is a collection of updates for Windows 2000. You can install SP4 either from the Service Pack 4 CD or from the Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 Web site.

    What emulated systems are available in run Linux?

    Run Linux or other Operating Systems in your browser! The following emulated systems are available: CPU OS User Interface VFsync access Startup Link TEMU Config Comment x86 Alpine Linux 3.12.0 Console Yes click here url.

    Can I install the Service Pack on more than one computer?

    Because you can use the Network installation method to install the service pack on multiple computers, and downloading the Network installation files takes a substantial amount of time, Microsoft recommends that you save the files that you download on your computer.

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