SIP софтфоны и мобильные SIP клиенты (приложения) для Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iPhone.
SIP софтфон для бизнеса. Разработан для операторов колл-центра, менеджеров по продажам и секретарей. Собирает онлайн статистику и записывает все звонки. Легко подключается к Битрикс24, amoCRM, 1С, Мегаплан, Excel
Корпоративный SIP софтфон для Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iPhone, Blackberry (в т.ч. планшетов). Набор функций для бизнес-пользователей (для интеграции, централизованного контроля и безопасности). Поддержка видеосвязи
Open-source (и бесплатный) SIP клиент для Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, Windows Phone. Есть веб-версия для звонков через браузер. Немного запутанное управление звонками
Бесплатный софтфон (есть платная версия без ограничений функционала) для iPhone, Android, WP8, windows, mac и linux.
SIP клиент Windows, Mac, Android и iOS. Работает только через IP-АТС 3CX, к которой можно подключить любого провайдера IP-телефонии. Имеет все необходимые функции для работы с ним в офисе. BLF кнопки.
Популярный бесплатный sip-клиент для Windows. Настраиваемый перевод звонка. Выбор устройств записи/воспроизведения. Получение информации об абоненте из вашей CRM через http. Локальная запись разговора.
Простой и элегантный SIP клиент для Windows, Mac и Linux. Есть две версии, бесплатная (урезанная) и платная. Поддерживает индикацию статуса, чат, HD Video и ZRTP шифрование. Позволяет передавать файлы.
Популярный бесплатный sip-клиент для андроид. Поддерживает чат, эхоподавление. Есть API
Очень легкий бесплатный SIP клиент для Windows. Есть поддержка видео h264 и h263+. Шифрование.
Бывший GnomeMeeting. Открытый и бесплатный VoIP клиент/мессенжер для Linux. Поддерживает основные стандарты телефонии SIP и H.323
Время на прочтение
3 мин
Количество просмотров 315K
Ранее мы опубликовали статью «Phonerlite — лучший бесплатный SIP клиент для Windows», после получили с десяток комментов и даже пару писем на почту с просьбой сделать обзор всех SIP-клиентов.
Мы выбрали семь наиболее популярных клиентов и использовали каждый из них в течении одного дня.
1) X-lite
Для большинства людей это был первый SIP клиент, с которым они познакомились. Года четыре назад лучшей альтернативы казалось и не было. Раньше (да и сейчас у многих) он выглядел так:
Прошло время и его причесали, подкрасили и накачали протеинами с силиконом — теперь при установке он требует Microsoft NET Framework4 и Microsoft Visual C++.
Он реально разжирел, как в потреблении ресурсов, так и в размерах окна, на его фоне остальные клиенты кажутся подтянутыми атлетами.
А реклама в бесплатной версии (предлагающая перейти на платную) никуда не делась. Есть подозрение, что CounterPath использует X-Lite для обкатки своего основного продукта Bria, что сильно сказывается на стабильности новых версий, а для связи это критически важный показатель. Также мы очень разочаровались когда не смогли позвонить на другой домен, так как он не поддерживает прямые звонки. X-lite уже совсем не торт.
2) Blink
Также как и у X-Lite у Blink есть две версии, бесплатная (урезанная) и платная. Например в бесплатной версии урезана функция перевода звонка, что делает невозможным использование бесплатной версии в офисе. А для частного использования очень даже ничего.
3) MicroSIP
Из названия сразу понятно что это за клиент, он действительно очень легкий, после установки он занимает всего 2,5МБ и в процессе работы потребляет всего 5-12 МБ оперативной памяти. Есть поддержка видео h264 и h263+. Это как раз тот случай, когда название точно характеризует программу.
Этот клиент придется по вкусу многим.
4) 3CX Phone
Многим наверно он и так знаком, в целом он хорош, имеет все необходимые функции для работы с ним в офисе. У него есть фишка которая его выгодно отличает, это BLF кнопки, к сожалению с первого раза нам не удалось заставить их работать с нашим сервисом, будет время постараемся разобраться.
5) Zoiper
Есть версии практически для всех ОС. Также как и первые два SIP-клиента имеет платную версию, например, при попытке перевести звонок всплывает уведомление с пол экрана о недоступности этой функции и открывает страницу с предложением купить лицензию. Поработать на нем толком не получилось.
6) Linphone
Opensource проект, сейчас они сосредоточились на мобильных клиентах, а десктоп версия
не развивается, запутанное управление звонками, кнопка перевода звонка появляется когда совершаешь второй вызов, но толку от нее мало. Если вам надо делать пару звонков в день, то сойдет.
7) SJ Phone
Хорошая задумка, есть все необходимое, но вот его уже почти шесть лет, как не обновляли (XPsp2, v.1.65.377a, 20.03.07 (NEW!) ), много багов. Использовать можно, но ничего хорошего из этого не выйдет.
Сводная таблица
Если вам нужен SIP-клиент для работы, то вам следует посмотреть в сторону 3CX Phone, Phonerlite.
А для частного общения — Blink и MicroSIP.
Это не весь список SIP-клиентов, в дальнейшем мы будем делать еще обзоры.
Выбирать вам, благо выбор есть.
— colorful call/end/bottom buttons
— additional missed call icon for «answered elsewhere»
— shortcuts with toggle state and 2 actions
— start the softphone only on a main monitor
— fixed «Deny Incoming» for «Remote Domain» and «User or Domain»
— call forwarding for local account
— improved echo cancellation
— can now work without a connected microphone
3.21.2 [MicroSIP-3.21.2.exe | portable] (408302 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.21.2.exe | portable] (58903 downloads)
— added VP9 video codec
— restore tray icon when explorer crashes
— pjsip update 2.12
3.20.7 [MicroSIP-3.20.7.exe | portable] (714990 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.20.7.exe | portable] (114822 downloads)
— starred contacts
— ability to select a number (number / phone / mobile) to dial from the context menu of contacts
— do not disable STUN atimatically in case of symmetic NAT, message only
— added automatic startup setting
— added attended transfer feature (using feature codes) to the shortcuts
— more informative error messages
— finished function of forwarding incoming calls
— minor fixes
3.20.6 [MicroSIP-3.20.6.exe | portable] (261202 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.20.6.exe | portable] (40855 downloads)
— added call forwarding feature for incoming calls
— auto answer by multiple caller numbers with wildcast
— added mute hotkeys: Ctrl+I and Ctrl+O
— removed option to display password for existing account
— STUN is disabled for the local account
— hide the local account configuration by default to not confuse users
— security improvements
— other fixes
3.20.5 [MicroSIP-3.20.5.exe | portable] (325832 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.20.5.exe | portable] (52829 downloads)
— added auto answer by caller number
— added stereo option for Opus codec
— do not apply dial plan/prefix for presence subscription
— conference call recording in one file
— improved handling of IP changes
— faster reconnecting to SIP server
— fixed possible crash when using user directory
3.20.3 [MicroSIP-3.20.3.exe | portable] (263096 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.20.3.exe | portable] (44308 downloads)
— automatic registration and update without breaking when changing networks
— disable video and messaging in settings
— minor edits
3.20.1 [MicroSIP-3.20.1.exe | portable] (154317 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.20.1.exe | portable] (25854 downloads)
— incoming call window: always on top
— support of virtual display software
— conference in the single call mode
— added headsets support
3.20.0 [MicroSIP-3.20.0.exe | portable] (133795 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.20.0.exe | portable] (23504 downloads)
— instant call ending
— auto-answer fixes
— dial plan improvement
3.19.31 [MicroSIP-3.19.31.exe | portable] (159152 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.19.31.exe | portable] (28441 downloads)
— presence subscription: added support of BLF and call pickup for Asterisk
— presence subscription: fixed TCP transport
— dialplan: added support of call pickup
— account: default transport changed to UDP
— real-time updating of sound devices when changing the default device in Windows settings
3.19.30 [MicroSIP-3.19.30.exe | portable] (84513 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.19.30.exe | portable] (15081 downloads)
— sound quality indication in realtime
— call history: added export functionality
— extended mode: release call hold when switching tabs
— contacts: export/import with «info»
— messaging: improved sending
— incoming calls: improved phone book search
— auto answer: beep then answer, not simultaneously as before
— dialplan: added support in the call log and redial
— presence subscription: added support for formatted phone numbers
— recording: fixed save recording location
— internal optimization
3.19.29 [MicroSIP-3.19.29.exe | portable] (48895 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.19.29.exe | portable] (9384 downloads)
— added sound quality indication — MOS (green, yellow, red icon)
— added option to disable REC button
— changed Opus bitrate 64 kbit/s
— store contact «info», preserve it after search
— users directory: added «refresh» parameter
— users directory: Yealink export multiple telephone numbers
— fixed voicemail icon update
— fixed display name in incoming call
3.19.28 [MicroSIP-3.19.28.exe | portable] (106493 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.19.28.exe | portable] (22205 downloads)
— added contact profile
— added keypad into transfer/conference dialog
— added G.722.1 codec
— updated contacts import/export
— updated users directory
— fixed dialing with DTMF commands and parameters in the number
— fixed WinXP compatibility
3.19.27 [MicroSIP-3.19.27.exe | portable] (70247 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.19.27.exe | portable] (14264 downloads)
— added mp3 recording
— added hide CID feature
— added conference shortcut type
— new implementation of dial plan
— fixed duration rounding
— fixed ICE checkbox
3.19.26 [MicroSIP-3.19.26.exe | portable] (46310 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.19.26.exe | portable] (8086 downloads)
— added Dial Plan
— removed previous number in transfer dialog
— changed calling status icons
— idle status (without SIP registration)
— blind transfer fixes
— single call mode enabled by default
— fixed «on the phone» icon
3.19.25 [MicroSIP-3.19.25.exe | portable] (19358 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.19.25.exe | portable] (3051 downloads)
— fixed crash in some Brazilian networks
3.19.24 [MicroSIP-3.19.24.exe | portable] (14831 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.19.24.exe | portable] (2559 downloads)
— number prefix: replace «+» with prefix, if defined
— hot keys: F2 — answer, F4 — decline
— added call waiting option
— added call hold time counter
— save dialed numbers from callto links or command line
— echo canceler enabled by default
— added new languages
— fixed several issues
— fixed RTL in dialpad
3.19.22 [MicroSIP-3.19.22.exe | portable] (55236 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.19.22.exe | portable] (8899 downloads)
— added option: auto-answer delay
— popup when dial from command line
— added ini option: no ignore call
— modified calls storage
3.19.21 [MicroSIP-3.19.21.exe | portable] (72898 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.19.21.exe | portable] (12305 downloads)
— added ringtone volume adjustment
— reduced volume of sounds
— configure keep-alive and register refresh interval
— ability to specify chain of SIP proxies (using space as separator)
— other improvements and fixes
3.19.19 [MicroSIP-3.19.19.exe | portable] (27328 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.19.19.exe | portable] (4411 downloads)
— configure local account
— improved dialing prefix logic
— added Auto Conference button (disable Single call mode)
— changed Users Directory module; added optional «info» field
— other changes and fixes
3.19.18 [MicroSIP-3.19.18.exe | portable] (39124 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.19.18.exe | portable] (6343 downloads)
— added default Calls/Contacts action in Settings
— added Dialing Prefix in Account
— added Merge All / Separate All in conference
— added more LPCM codec rates
— added support of Yealink users directory
— added Call Ended status in Calls
— added scrolling in Calls and Contacts
— shortcuts optimization
— fixed recording after call hold
— fixed redial in extended mode
— fixed sorting by date in Calls
— misc fixes and improvements
— pjsip update 2.9
3.19.17 [MicroSIP-3.19.17.exe | portable] (56322 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.19.17.exe | portable] (9684 downloads)
— minior edits and fixes
3.19.15 [MicroSIP-3.19.15.exe | portable] (18706 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.19.15.exe | portable] (2847 downloads)
— auto unmute on a new call
— ALT to set focus on the menu button
— show blocked incoming calls on the call page
— show original failed call message
— fixed VP8 bitrate setting
3.19.14 [MicroSIP-3.19.14.exe | portable] (40488 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.19.14.exe | portable] (7555 downloads)
— Ctrl+Tab to switch between tabs
— F10 to set focus on the menu button
— now works with any processor, starting with Pentium II
— avoid sample-rate conversion, better quality and performance
— call recording at original sampling rate
— best performance out of the box
— update library ffmpeg 3.4.5 (Windows XP support)
— update library x264 0.157
— update library SDL 2.0.9
— update library VPX 1.8.0
— update library opus-1.3
3.19.12 [MicroSIP-3.19.12.exe | portable] (13920 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.19.12.exe | portable] (3673 downloads)
— changed recording filename format
— support of international filenames
— new implementation of updates checker
— improved thread interaction
— improved call recording path selection
3.19.11 [MicroSIP-3.19.11.exe | portable] (7826 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.19.11.exe | portable] (1535 downloads)
— settings are divided into 2 columns
— reject call with busy command (decline in the past)
— added ability to specify multiple STUN or NS
— hide voicemail button
— pjsip update 5931
— fixed call recording path
— other improvements
3.19.10 [MicroSIP-3.19.10.exe | portable] (34802 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.19.10.exe | portable] (7239 downloads)
— added call recording (all calls or manual recording)
— added contacts CSV import/export
— added command events: cmdOutgoingCall, cmdCallRing, cmdCallBusy
— added number column in contacts list
— fixed command events execution sequence
— fixed codepage in audio and video devices names
— other fixes
3.19.8 [MicroSIP-3.19.8.exe | portable] (70275 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.19.8.exe | portable] (14659 downloads)
— added DNS SRV option
— added support of UTF8 and UTF16 in Google CSV import
— added tooltips for bottom buttons
— added bugfix for CANCEL outgoing call
— updated VP8 codec
3.19.7 [MicroSIP-3.19.7.exe | portable] (29517 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.19.7.exe | portable] (6133 downloads)
— audio codecs adapted for screen readers, manage with Space and Delete keys
— changed Dialer resizing
— fixed Opus codec
— fixed several possible crashes
— pjsip update 5861
3.19.5 [MicroSIP-3.19.5.exe | portable] (8000 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.19.5.exe | portable] (1972 downloads)
— missed call tray icon
— AA and DND buttons changes
— changed crash report
— pjsip update 5851
3.19.0 [MicroSIP-3.19.0.exe | portable] (1430 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.19.0.exe | portable] (196 downloads)
— new layout
— subscribe text info for contact (new column)
— on-the-phone presnece status
— changelog in update dialog
— system fixes
3.18.5 [MicroSIP-3.18.5.exe | portable] (42270 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.18.5.exe | portable] (9032 downloads)
— import contacts (Google CSV format)
— AMR codec parameters changed to be compatible with Android SIP dialer
— small fixes
3.18.3 [MicroSIP-3.18.3.exe | portable] (31656 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.18.3.exe | portable] (7090 downloads)
— added RTP port range setting
— added SIP source port setting
— added «rport» option
— added possibility to make call with media button
— fixed window focus at startup
3.18.2 [MicroSIP-3.18.2.exe | portable] (7266 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.18.2.exe | portable] (1588 downloads)
— improved compatibility in SDP negotiation
— increased maximum SIP packet length
3.18.1 [MicroSIP-3.18.1.exe | portable] (1973 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.18.1.exe | portable] (414 downloads)
— high quality WebRTC echo canceler instead of Speex
— echo canceler enabled by default
— Public Address setting now affects also on Via and Contact headers
— rejecting an offered stream in SDP according RFC 3264
— minor fixes
3.17.8 [MicroSIP-3.17.8.exe | portable] (10198 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.17.8.exe | portable] (2462 downloads)
— added Busy(DND) presence status
— red presence icon for on-the-phone status
— auto answer button disabled by default
— fixed multi launch from browser and command line
3.17.7 [MicroSIP-3.17.7.exe | portable] (1424 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.17.7.exe | portable] (311 downloads)
— added DND and Auto Answer buttons
— disabled hdpi mode (wrong scaling)
— small fixes
3.17.6 [MicroSIP-3.17.6.exe | portable] (4174 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.17.6.exe | portable] (1823 downloads)
— visual changes
— fixed multi instance management in Wine
3.17.3 [MicroSIP-3.17.3.exe | portable] (7933 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.17.3.exe | portable] (1924 downloads)
— added option «Bring to Front on Incoming Call»
— project has moved in new IDE and built with modern compiler
— update library SDL 2.0.7
— update library VPX 1.7.0
— update library ffmpeg 3.4.1
— update library x264 0.152
— new G.729 codec implementation (annexes A and B supported)
— software video render for RDP connection
— other fixes
3.16.9 [MicroSIP-3.16.9.exe | portable] (9169 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.16.9.exe | portable] (2227 downloads)
— fixed media buttons
— fixed broken info in crash report
— settings dialog internal edits
3.16.8 [MicroSIP-3.16.8.exe | portable] (6678 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.16.8.exe | portable] (1559 downloads)
— added AMR-WB codec
— added option: «Handle Media Buttons»
— improved multi instance management
— exploit protection (enabled SafeSEH, removed shared memory block)
3.16.7 [MicroSIP-3.16.7.exe | portable] (7328 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.16.7.exe | portable] (1866 downloads)
— added handling of media buttons for call answer, hold and hang up
— fixed possible crash and deadlock
3.16.4 [MicroSIP-3.16.4.exe | portable] (8877 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.16.4.exe | portable] (2077 downloads)
— added redial last number button
— added G.723 codec (no licence, limited usage)
— added possibility to pass DTMF automatically
— added auto answer after by timeout «Call-Info: answer-after=5»
— fixed application crash
— fixed H.264 video
— fixed save bitrate
— fixed make active option in menu
— code optimization
— update openssl 1.1.0f
— update pjsip 2.7.1
3.15.10 [MicroSIP-3.15.10.exe | portable] (16426 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.15.10.exe | portable] (3560 downloads)
— shortcuts feature (configurable buttons)
3.15.9 [MicroSIP-3.15.9.exe | portable] (14369 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.15.9.exe | portable] (3120 downloads)
— adjusting speakers volume only for calls
— HW/SW level microphone adjustment option
— microphone amplification option
— mute improvement
— improved VU-meters
— fixed VU-meters for WinXP
— fixed VU-meters for conference call
— fixed VU-meters for Wine (Linux)
— other fixes
3.15.7 [MicroSIP-3.15.7.exe | portable] (7528 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.15.7.exe | portable] (1653 downloads)
— VU meters and volume buttons
— added ini settings: autoHangUpTime, maxConcurrentCalls, noResize
— fixed hiding voicemail icon
— fixed call ending notification sound
3.15.6 [MicroSIP-3.15.6.exe | portable] (5086 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.15.6.exe | portable] (1208 downloads)
— voicemail feature
— disable session timers option
— fixed date/time display in Calls list
3.15.5 [MicroSIP-3.15.5.exe | portable] (600 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.15.5.exe | portable] (134 downloads)
— save position of incoming call window
— port knocker feature (UDP-ping SIP server before register, see help for details)
— added possibility to dial numbers with parameters and headers. Example: sip:user@host:port;param=pval?header=hval
— STUN server moved into Settings
— small fixes
3.15.4 [MicroSIP-3.15.4.exe | portable] (22450 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.15.4.exe | portable] (5307 downloads)
— bug fixes
3.15.3 [MicroSIP-3.15.3.exe | portable] (12108 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.15.3.exe | portable] (2679 downloads)
— DTMF method option (Auto, In-band, RCF2833, SIP-INFO)
— audible remote DTMF signals (RCF2833, SIP-INFO)
— mute microphone while sending in-band DTMF
— fixed bug in dialing from command line
3.15.2 [MicroSIP-3.15.2.exe | portable] (885 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.15.2.exe | portable] (152 downloads)
— pjsip update 2.6
— small edits
3.15.1 [MicroSIP-3.15.1.exe | portable] (16769 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.15.1.exe | portable] (4103 downloads)
— conference calls
— improved attended transfer
— icons for calls
— answer call from command line
— fixed ini-file path (portable version)
— fixed possible crash
3.14.5 [MicroSIP-3.14.5.exe | portable] (26458 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.14.5.exe | portable] (6124 downloads)
— VP8 video codec
— TLS/SRTP indication
— Display Diversion data
3.14.4 [MicroSIP-3.14.4.exe | portable] (10494 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.14.4.exe | portable] (2215 downloads)
— fixed video latency
— updated ffmpeg library 3.1.5
— updated h264 video codec
3.14.3 [MicroSIP-3.14.3.exe | portable] (4434 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.14.3.exe | portable] (963 downloads)
— search in Calls and Contacts, sorting by columns
— clear search field with ESC key
— transfer a call: select number from Contacts
— added Account name
— send crash report optionaly
— Opus compatibility with Asterisk 11
— fixed video synchronization
3.14.0 [MicroSIP-3.14.0.exe | portable] (19388 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.14.0.exe | portable] (4860 downloads)
— fixed Opus codec compatibility
— Opus sample rate 16kHz, bitrate 20-32kbit/sec
— pjsip update 2.5.5
3.12.8 [MicroSIP-3.12.8.exe | portable] (8758 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.12.8.exe | portable] (1905 downloads)
— fixed startup after the sleep mode
— local account disabled by default
— automatically send crash report
— fixed «add account» translation
— improved startup performance
— fixed application manifest
— updated Opus library
— Opus: sample rate 24kHz, bitrate 24kbit/sec
3.12.3 [MicroSIP-3.12.3.exe | portable] (12585 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.12.3.exe | portable] (2973 downloads)
— fixed possible call dropping (proper INFO handling)
— fixed audio device release
3.12.1 [MicroSIP-3.12.1.exe | portable] (699 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.12.1.exe | portable] (211 downloads)
— added Opus codes (16kHz, 16kbit/s). Do not forget to enable in Settings
— autodetecting of devices when plugged new hardware or microphone jack, works also when call is active
— autodetecting of devices for RDP sessions
— Calls page: show time in local format
— display audio codecs in user friendly format
— RTL (Right-to-left) for Arabic, Hebrew, etc
— for compatibility with old harware, reverted ability to specify local port, more on Help page (sourcePort)
— added AES-CM-256 for SRTP
— fixed stereo
— fixed repeating of ringing sound
3.11.0 [MicroSIP-3.11.0.exe | portable] (11619 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.11.0.exe | portable] (3148 downloads)
— pjsip update 2.4.5
— updated video codecs
— fixed video compatibility
— fixed sound player closing
— added option: random position of answer box
3.10.11 [MicroSIP-3.10.11.exe | portable] (10767 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.10.11.exe | portable] (2552 downloads)
— internal optimization
— dynamicly source ports allocation
3.10.10 [MicroSIP-3.10.10.exe | portable] (6603 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.10.10.exe | portable] (1554 downloads)
— fixed possible call dropping (proper INFO handling)
3.10.9 [MicroSIP-3.10.9.exe | portable] (10148 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.10.9.exe | portable] (2461 downloads)
— fixed dialing from command line
3.10.8 [MicroSIP-3.10.8.exe | portable] (840 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.10.8.exe | portable] (185 downloads)
— attended transfer (in multicall mode)
— internal improvements
3.10.6 [MicroSIP-3.10.6.exe | portable] (6679 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.10.6.exe | portable] (1605 downloads)
— improved accounts management and allocation of network ports
— improved users directory
3.10.5 [MicroSIP-3.10.5.exe | portable] (15257 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.10.5.exe | portable] (3646 downloads)
— speaker level amplifier
— sticky sound level controls
— Ctrl+M opens Account
— small improvements
3.10.4 [MicroSIP-3.10.4.exe | portable] (902 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.10.4.exe | portable] (179 downloads)
— fixed DirectX video renderer (bug in ver.3.10.3)
3.10.3 [MicroSIP-3.10.3.exe | portable] (186 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.10.3.exe | portable] (67 downloads)
— removed wrong dependency from VC redistributable in video library
— DirectX everywhere, instead OpenGL in some places
— optimized SDL library
3.10.2 [MicroSIP-3.10.2.exe | portable] (280 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.10.2.exe | portable] (67 downloads)
— fixed appearance of popup window, on incoming call
3.10.1 [MicroSIP-3.10.1.exe | portable] (18602 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.10.1.exe | portable] (4371 downloads)
— fixed possible problems with cancelling of outgoing call
3.10.0 [MicroSIP-3.10.0.exe | portable] (1627 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.10.0.exe | portable] (381 downloads)
— sound notification when ending call
— sound notification incoming/outgoing message
— store contacts in separate XML file
— improved performance of export Contacts from remote Directory
— pjsip update 5062 (2.4 release)
3.9.7 [MicroSIP-3.9.7.exe | portable] (18233 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.9.7.exe | portable] (4502 downloads)
— placing calls on hold automaticaly
— detection of portable sound devices without restart (headsets, usb sound card, etc.)
— links association tel: sip: and callto:
— hot keys for menu items
— fixed small bugs
3.9.6 [MicroSIP-3.9.6.exe | portable] (12440 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.9.6.exe | portable] (3081 downloads)
— unicode
— Single call mode by default
— Video call and Message from Dialer
— Hold and Transfer from Dialer in Single call mode
— better navigation from keyboard
— changed behaviour of ESC key on Dialer page
— context menu in Calls, Contacts, Messages by keyboard
— UI improvements
— command line: /exit
— /minimized always (even with second run)
— fixed possible exception when switching tabs in main window
3.8.1 [MicroSIP-3.8.1.exe | portable] (10773 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.8.1.exe | portable] (2534 downloads)
— multiple SIP accounts
— BLF call pickup
— other fixes and improvements
— pjsip update 4915 (2.3 release)
3.6.5 [MicroSIP-3.6.5.exe | portable] (1058 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.6.5.exe | portable] (308 downloads)
— fixed ringback tone
3.6.4 [MicroSIP-3.6.4.exe | portable] (146 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.6.4.exe | portable] (66 downloads)
— fixed auto answer by SIP header
— changed ports allocation to avoid conflicts with other softphones and old NAT records
3.6.3 [MicroSIP-3.6.3.exe | portable] (20942 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.6.3.exe | portable] (4666 downloads)
— fixed directory of users
— added presence field in directory of users xml
3.6.2 [MicroSIP-3.6.2.exe | portable] (965 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.6.2.exe | portable] (243 downloads)
— dial numbers with spaces from Contacts
— fixed echo cancellation
3.6.1 [MicroSIP-3.6.1.exe | portable] (99 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.6.1.exe | portable] (46 downloads)
— fixed directory of users
3.6.0 [MicroSIP-3.6.0.exe | portable] (786 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.6.0.exe | portable] (238 downloads)
— echo cancellation option
— force codec for incoming call option
— improved installer
— pjsip update 4795 (2.2.1 release)
3.5.2 [MicroSIP-3.5.2.exe] (6580 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.5.2.exe] (1606 downloads)
— fixed presence (contact status)
3.5.1 [MicroSIP-3.5.1.exe] (1988 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.5.1.exe] (468 downloads)
— release sound card when not used
— smaller Settings window size
3.5.0 [MicroSIP-3.5.0.exe] (119 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.5.0.exe] (56 downloads)
— added volume and mute controls
— added support of Windows domain
— optimized CPU usage
3.4.5 [MicroSIP-3.4.5.exe] (8759 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.4.5.exe] (2402 downloads)
— fixed compatibility with WinXP
3.4.4 [MicroSIP-3.4.4.exe] (628 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.4.4.exe] (188 downloads)
— fixed autoanswer beep
— popup main window when answer on call
3.4.3 [MicroSIP-3.4.3.exe] (66 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.4.3.exe] (43 downloads)
— fixed incorrect password deadlock
— ability to call yourself
— remote party DNS lookup
3.4.2 [MicroSIP-3.4.2.exe] (34 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.4.2.exe] (32 downloads)
— fixed deadlock in single call mode
3.4.1 [MicroSIP-3.4.1.exe] (22 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.4.1.exe] (27 downloads)
— fixed several deadlocks and possible exception
— messages window: smaller font size of system messages
— messages window: remote party host and SRTP indication
3.4.0 [MicroSIP-3.4.0.exe] (53 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.4.0.exe] (34 downloads)
— improvements of incoming call window
— incoming call window in center of screen
— fixed sound routing when in call
— new incoming call sound
— beep instead ringing sound when in call
— fast (forced) calls hangup, if there is network or remote sip problems
— refuse a wrong (repeated) incoming call requests
— no autoanswer if already in call
— improvements of single call mode
— fixed End button in dialer in single call mode, when ignoring incoming call
— changed dynamic payloads to be compatible with buggy direct media in Asterisk 11
— new default codecs set
— VAD disabled by default
— behaviour improvements if you have specified SIP port
— internal improvements
3.3.36 [MicroSIP-3.3.36.exe] (5789 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.36.exe] (1650 downloads)
— contacts: light grey for unknow presence status, dark grey — unsubscribed
— fixed freezing caused by presence subscription
— fixed Call button in WinXP (bug was in 3.3.35)
3.3.35 [MicroSIP-3.3.35.exe] (325 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.35.exe] (88 downloads)
— option to call with video from dialer, contacts and calls pages
— ignore incoming call (not decline) when you closes incoming call window
— exit microsip from task bar (jump list)
— grey tray icon when offline
— messaging interface changes
— multiple contacts selection for deleting
— fixed call hold
— cross-domain calls: fixed calls, presence, messaging
— improved smart number recognition
— fixed repeating of symmetric NAT message
3.3.31 [MicroSIP-3.3.31.exe] (3145 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.31.exe] (993 downloads)
— changed behaviour of answer call window, to not accept or reject incoming call by mistake
— fixed deadlock when used CmdIncomingCall
3.3.30 [MicroSIP-3.3.30.exe] (187 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.30.exe] (49 downloads)
— now «public address» affects on RTP address
— equal buttons height
— pjsip update 4654
3.3.29 [MicroSIP-3.3.29.exe] (32 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.29.exe] (25 downloads)
— directory of users (sync contacts list with remote server over XML)
— smart recognition of number / phone / IP address (you can make local calls by IP and calls with SIP account at same time)
— minor bugs fixes
3.3.27 [MicroSIP-3.3.27.exe] (6026 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.27.exe] (2304 downloads)
— fixed password store
3.3.26 [MicroSIP-3.3.26.exe] (479 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.26.exe] (152 downloads)
— added «Allow IP rewrite» feature
3.3.25 [MicroSIP-3.3.25.exe] (416 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.25.exe] (169 downloads)
— changed minimize/close buttons behaviour
— store encrypted password
3.3.24 [MicroSIP-3.3.24.exe] (49 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.24.exe] (34 downloads)
— deny incoming calls feature
3.3.23 [MicroSIP-3.3.23.exe] (22 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.23.exe] (24 downloads)
Auto answer by SIP header
3.3.22 [MicroSIP-3.3.22.exe] (3140 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.22.exe] (1267 downloads)
— new presence statuses: «Ringing» and «On the phone» (your server must support this)
— updated «away» and «busy» icons
3.3.21 [MicroSIP-3.3.21.exe] (4017 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.21.exe] (1607 downloads)
— fixed freezing on incoming call
— pjsip update 4538
3.3.20 [MicroSIP-3.3.20.exe] (3498 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.20.exe] (1369 downloads)
— call timer in status bar
— bigger main window initial size
— merged name/number in «Calls» page
— context menu on status bar
— fixed linear PCM 16 bits/stereo codec
— fixed tray icon format
— internal improvements
3.3.18 [MicroSIP-3.3.18.exe] (3073 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.18.exe] (1208 downloads)
— resizable main window
— save / restore main window size
— save / restore column width on calls page
3.3.17 [MicroSIP-3.3.17.exe] (298 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.17.exe] (93 downloads)
— fixed incoming call window focus
3.3.16 [MicroSIP-3.3.16.exe] (3547 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.16.exe] (1370 downloads)
— gracefully disconnect from SIP server when Windows shutdown
— added minimize button
— sound: added AMR codec
— video: updated video codecs
— video: runtime CPU features detection (mmx, mmx2, sse, sse2, ssse3, etc)
— video: native Windows multithreading for encoding/decoding
3.3.14 [MicroSIP-3.3.14.exe] (3130 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.14.exe] (1349 downloads)
— minor edits
3.3.13 [MicroSIP-3.3.13.exe] (1019 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.13.exe] (450 downloads)
— support positioning with multiple monitors
— fixed main window positioning
3.3.12 [MicroSIP-3.3.12.exe] (83 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.12.exe] (46 downloads)
— added call state in status bar
— save position of main window
— improved save position/size of messages window
— interface improvements of messages and main window
— added icon for 16 bit color
— option «DTMF local playback» renamed into ‘Sound events» and now includes also outgoing call signals
— fixed focus on incoming call window
— account destroy fix
3.3.10 [MicroSIP-3.3.10.exe] (952 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.10.exe] (400 downloads)
— fixed lags caused by large calls log
— highly optimized calls log code
— added calls log limit, 1000 records
— compiled with optimization by speed
3.3.9 [MicroSIP-3.3.9.exe] (58 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.9.exe] (22 downloads)
— messages window size now can be smaller
— copy only number without domain from calls history
3.3.8 [MicroSIP-3.3.8.exe] (1766 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.8.exe] (716 downloads)
— copy to clipboard from calls history and contacts context menu
3.3.7 [MicroSIP-3.3.7.exe] (101 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.7.exe] (37 downloads)
— popup menu in calls/messages log (select all, copy)
3.3.6 [MicroSIP-3.3.6.exe] (21 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.6.exe] (18 downloads)
— resizing of chat window
— tab buttons: close/goto
— minor fixes
3.3.5 [MicroSIP-3.3.5.exe] (2162 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.5.exe] (968 downloads)
— fixed device selection bug
— totally removed ice mismatch check
3.3.4 [MicroSIP-3.3.4.exe] (831 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.4.exe] (379 downloads)
— always on top option
— popup menu on tabs
— fixed SILK codec
— calls — changes columns width
— updated stack 4312
3.3.3 [MicroSIP-3.3.3.exe] (40 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.3.exe] (24 downloads)
— incoming call info fixes
— fixed possible deadlock on incoming call
3.3.2 [MicroSIP-3.3.2.exe] (1007 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.2.exe] (476 downloads)
— fixed UDP transport selection
— auto startup in minimized state, otherwise in normal
— internal optimization
— updated stack 4310
3.3.1 [MicroSIP-3.3.1.exe] (83 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.1.exe] (29 downloads)
— fixed auto open of video preview of callee
— optimization of sound device selection
3.3.0 [MicroSIP-3.3.0.exe] (32 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.3.0.exe] (14 downloads)
— setting to specify device for ringing sound
3.2.4 [MicroSIP-3.2.4.exe] (1575 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.2.4.exe] (678 downloads)
— fixed spelling error CmdIncomingCall
— fixed CmdIncomingCall parameter
— CmdIncomingCall run in hidden mode
— disabled sip contact rewrite
— added User-Agent info on incoming call
3.2.3 [MicroSIP-3.2.3.exe] (42 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.2.3.exe] (27 downloads)
— fixed dial number from command line
— added option to execute command with CID as parameter on incoming call. Setup is ini file CmdIncomigCall.
— rejecting incoming calls only with unknown username but not with domain
3.2.2 [MicroSIP-3.2.2.exe] (663 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.2.2.exe] (332 downloads)
— fixed sleep/wakeup problems
— fixed application freezing
— fixed call duration on close tab
— fixed transport selection problems
— updated stack
— updated silk codec
— blocking incoming calls with invalid recipient
3.2.1 [MicroSIP-3.2.1.exe] (61 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.2.1.exe] (28 downloads)
— fixed duration bug
— added failed calls info
3.1.19 [MicroSIP-3.1.19.exe] (56 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.1.19.exe] (20 downloads)
— calls history (outgoing, incoming, missed), date and duration
— keep ringing continuously until call is answered
3.1.17 [MicroSIP-3.1.17.exe] (2152 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.1.17.exe] (996 downloads)
— ability to specify authorization user ID
— option to enable/disable log file
— fixed wake-up problems
3.1.16 [MicroSIP-3.1.16.exe] (1566 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.1.16.exe] (664 downloads)
— option to configure video bitrate
— added inband DTMF in addition to RFC2833 events
— do not send DTMF when on-hold
— DTMF local playback
— internal optimization
3.1.11 [MicroSIP-3.1.11.exe] (1820 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.1.11.exe] (754 downloads)
— new tabs style
— «Username» can has suffix «@domain» (for authorization)
— fixed custom port in presence/subscription queries
3.1.7 [MicroSIP-3.1.7.exe] (1344 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.1.7.exe] (627 downloads)
— separate call/end buttons
— changed buttons layout
— autoanswer with video
— fixed small single call mode bug
— updated translations
3.1.6 [MicroSIP-3.1.6.exe] (533 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.1.6.exe] (221 downloads)
— hold call
— transfer call
— tabs with close button / middle mouse button
3.1.4 [MicroSIP-3.1.4.exe] (744 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.1.4.exe] (316 downloads)
— fixed single mode
3.1.3 [MicroSIP-3.1.3.exe] (58 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.1.3.exe] (20 downloads)
— fixed caret pos issues when enter number
— changed video bitrate from 256 to 512 kbit/sec
3.1.2 [MicroSIP-3.1.2.exe] (50 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.1.2.exe] (31 downloads)
Many new, finally finished.
Please test it good.
— resizable video window
— video preview
— ability to answer on video call without video
— updated SDL library
— updated PJSIP stack
— fixed bugs
3.1.1 [MicroSIP-3.1.1.exe] (51 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.1.1.exe] (23 downloads)
— added single call mode (single calls without message window), checkbox in settings.
— fixed tabs management when call ended
— fixed decline translation
3.0.22 [MicroSIP-3.0.22.exe] (608 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.0.22.exe] (227 downloads)
— TCP & TLS keep-alives decreased from 90 to 58 sec.
— fixed number input with AltGr key pressed
3.0.21 [MicroSIP-3.0.21.exe] (117 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.0.21.exe] (52 downloads)
— changed H.264 video format to 640×480@30fps as native for most webcams.
— fixed number input with Shift key pressed
3.0.20 [MicroSIP-3.0.20.exe] (85 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.0.20.exe] (41 downloads)
— send DTMF while typing in number field
— changed video size in codec H.264 from 720×480 to 720×576
— updated stack
3.0.19 [MicroSIP-3.0.19.exe] (353 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.0.19.exe] (156 downloads)
— input number with numpad/keyboard
3.0.18 [MicroSIP-3.0.18.exe] (1003 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.0.18.exe] (39 downloads)
— start from a script and call a number (microsip.exe <number>)
— added check if already running
3.0.15 [MicroSIP-3.0.15.exe] (1315 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.0.15.exe] (0 downloads)
— fixed common controls initialization
— updated stack
3.0.14 [MicroSIP-3.0.14.exe] (961 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.0.14.exe] (0 downloads)
— audio codecs management (disabling/prioritize)
— NAT type detection and check for compatibility with STUN
3.0.13 [MicroSIP-3.0.13.exe] (412 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.0.13.exe] (0 downloads)
— option to disable video codecs
— removed ICE mismatch check
3.0.12 [MicroSIP-3.0.12.exe] (130 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.0.12.exe] (0 downloads)
Added codec SILK: 8,12,16,24 kHz.
3.0.11 [MicroSIP-3.0.11.exe] (71 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.0.11.exe] (0 downloads)
— Added G.729 codec
— Option to disable VAD (Voice Activity Detection)
3.0.10 [MicroSIP-3.0.10.exe] (155 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.0.10.exe] (0 downloads)
— added codec info
— removed popup with error when audio device not found
— fixed minor bugs
3.0.9 [MicroSIP-3.0.9.exe] (551 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.0.9.exe] (0 downloads)
— fixed video in p2p calls
— fixed numbers in p2p calls
3.0.8 [MicroSIP-3.0.8.exe] (602 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.0.8.exe] (0 downloads)
— auto check update
— help links
3.0.7 [MicroSIP-3.0.7.exe] (571 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.0.7.exe] (0 downloads)
— fixeg bug in camera initialization
— updated stack
— minor interface changes
3.0.6 [MicroSIP-3.0.6.exe] (95 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.0.6.exe] (0 downloads)
— fixed outgoing call without video
3.0.5 [MicroSIP-3.0.5.exe] (15 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.0.5.exe] (0 downloads)
— added reporting of unsuccessful sending message
— fixed access memory bugs
3.0.4 [MicroSIP-3.0.4.exe] (37 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.0.4.exe] (0 downloads)
— call without video / answer without video
— option to select audio devices
— option to select default audio codec
— option to select default video codec
— added view log file in menu
3.0.3 [MicroSIP-3.0.3.exe] (27 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.0.3.exe] (0 downloads)
— fixed h263 codec
3.0.2 [MicroSIP-3.0.2.exe] (19 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.0.2.exe] (0 downloads)
— fixed video, works with multiple CPUs
— added h264 codec
— fixed messages tab close bug
— in this version you can not call or answer without video
3.0.1 [MicroSIP-3.0.1.exe] (36 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.0.1.exe] (0 downloads)
— Optimized RAM usage: ~10MB
— Fixed video streams
3.0.0 [MicroSIP-3.0.0.exe] (45 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-3.0.0.exe] (0 downloads)
First version with video.
— It requires double size of RAM: 20 MB
— Supported video codec: H263-1998
2.0.6 [MicroSIP-2.0.6.exe] (1865 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-2.0.6.exe] (0 downloads)
Last version without video. Has serious bugs, and deprecated.
— support of away status
— automatic away (10 minutes of inactivity)
— status icon in status bar
— name in window title
2.0.5 [MicroSIP-2.0.5.exe] (323 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-2.0.5.exe] (0 downloads)
— trim incoming messages
— small change in message window
2.0.4 [MicroSIP-2.0.4.exe] (254 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-2.0.4.exe] (0 downloads)
— interface improvements
— bug fix
2.0.3 [MicroSIP-2.0.3.exe] (257 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-2.0.3.exe] (0 downloads)
— fixed bug in SIP registration when uses proxy
2.0.2 [MicroSIP-2.0.2.exe] (97 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-2.0.2.exe] (0 downloads)
— build with static SSL libraries (removed dependency from Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package)
— wider buttons in dialpad
2.0.1 [MicroSIP-2.0.1.exe] (57 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-2.0.1.exe] (0 downloads)
— Option to disable publish presence
— Fixed bug in message area
— Selecting program language in installer
— Added Spanish
2.0.0 [MicroSIP-2.0.0.exe] (228 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-2.0.0.exe] (0 downloads)
— multiple active calls
— improved messages window
— interface changes
— automatically removed dash, point and brackets when we enter phone number
1.10.1 [MicroSIP-1.10.1.exe] (1232 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.10.1.exe] (0 downloads)
1. Improved ringing popup window
2. Field to specify «Call-Info» header
1.10.0 [MicroSIP-1.10.0.exe] (469 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.10.0.exe] (0 downloads)
1. notifications for multiple incoming calls
2. fixed call transfer from other party
3. info for failed outgoing call
4. other internal improvement
1.9.0 [MicroSIP-1.9.0.exe] (186 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.9.0.exe] (0 downloads)
1. New contacts management and presence
2. UI changes, save/restore last selected tab.
3. Option to subsribe on presence of contact
4. Option to select local listen port
5. Fixed bugs
1.8.2 [MicroSIP-1.8.2.exe] (235 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.8.2.exe] (0 downloads)
1. Fixed contact list bug
2. Updated stack
1.8.1 [MicroSIP-1.8.1.exe] (425 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.8.1.exe] (0 downloads)
1. Fixed freezing after waking up
2. Updated stack
1.8.0 [MicroSIP-1.8.0.exe] (428 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.8.0.exe] (0 downloads)
1. TLS transport — encryption of control traffic, including instant messages
2. Media (SRTP) encryption — voice encryption
3. Added STUN server in account config
4. Fixed TCP transport
1.7.2 [MicroSIP-1.7.2.exe] (209 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.7.2.exe] (0 downloads)
1. Added «Public address». If you have several IP addresses, this option allow to select IP address that will be sent with SIP queries.
2. Fixed re-registration bug when TCP protocol selected.
1.7.1 [MicroSIP-1.7.1.exe] (69 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.7.1.exe] (0 downloads)
Added german and dutch languages.
1.7.0 [MicroSIP-1.7.0.exe] (97 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.7.0.exe] (0 downloads)
1. Select transport: Auto/TCP/UDP
2. ICE disable/enable
3. Fixed bugs
1.6.5 [MicroSIP-1.6.5.exe] (58 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.6.5.exe] (0 downloads)
Multilanguage user interface.
Template for translation — langpack_english.txt.sample.
Currenly MicroSIP available in EN, RU, UA.
1.6.4 [MicroSIP-1.6.4.exe] (65 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.6.4.exe] (0 downloads)
1. Added «Proxy server» in account settings
2. Changed dialpad
1.6.3 [MicroSIP-1.6.3.exe] (61 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.6.3.exe] (0 downloads)
1. Disconnect from SIP server on suspend OS, connect on restore.
Works with waiting mode and hibernation.
2. Fixed presence — offline status.
1.6.2 [MicroSIP-1.6.2.exe] (113 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.6.2.exe] (0 downloads)
Option «Disable local account»:
By default local account always enabled,
so you can receive incoming calls also by IP address.
1.6.1 [MicroSIP-1.6.1.exe] (63 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.6.1.exe] (0 downloads)
1. Make and receive calls without SIP account (by IP addresses/hostnames)
2. Fixed bugs
1.6.0 [MicroSIP-1.6.0.exe] (33 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.6.0.exe] (0 downloads)
1. User interface improvement
2. Internal optimization
3. Fixed small bugs
1.5.3 [MicroSIP-1.5.3.exe] (124 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.5.3.exe] (0 downloads)
DTMF tones while dialling
1.5.2 [MicroSIP-1.5.2.exe] (100 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.5.2.exe] (0 downloads)
1. Small bug fix
2. Small UI improvements
1.5.1 [MicroSIP-1.5.1.exe] (58 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.5.1.exe] (0 downloads)
1. Improved user interface
2. Ability to edit contact
3. Fixed small bug in messages window
1.5.0 [MicroSIP-1.5.0.exe] (51 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.5.0.exe] (0 downloads)
1. Instant messages
2. Fixed bug with text in title
3. Updated PJSIP stack
1.4.3 [MicroSIP-1.4.3.exe] (363 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.4.3.exe] (0 downloads)
1. Customizable sound
2. «Auto-answer» feature
3. Conversation info in window title.
4. Removed dependency from Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package.
1.4.2 [MicroSIP-1.4.2.exe] (106 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.4.2.exe] (0 downloads)
1. Fixed contact list scrolling
2. Fixed Windows 7 problems
1.4.1 [MicroSIP-1.4.1.exe] (101 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.4.1.exe] (0 downloads)
1. MicroSIP now portable. It uses ini file in working directory vs Windows registry
1.4.0 [MicroSIP-1.4.0.exe] (183 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.4.0.exe] (0 downloads)
1. Contact list and buddies management
2. Presence (online/offline/unknown) of buddies
3. Added support of modern interface style
4. Popup on incoming call accept
5. Fixed interface bugs
1.3.1 [MicroSIP-1.3.1.exe] (93 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.3.1.exe] (0 downloads)
1. DLLs in installer
2. Windows 7 support
1.3 [MicroSIP-1.3.exe] (65 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.3.exe] (0 downloads)
1. Fixed double sound on incoming call
2. Fixed ending of ring sound
3. Added account state in application title
1.2 [MicroSIP-1.2.exe] (49 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.2.exe] (0 downloads)
1. Added ringout sound
2. New ringin sound
3. New application icon
4. Internal optimization
5. Installer
1.1 [MicroSIP-1.1.exe] (195 downloads), [MicroSIP-Lite-1.1.exe] (1 downloads)
1. Added «Domain» in settings
2. Storing dialed numbers
3. Smart number recognition
4. New sound of incoming ringing
5. Internal optimization
В данной статье будут рассматриваться различные софтфоны, которые можно установить на Windows. Для чего вообще необходим софтфон? Softphone – программный продукт, который позволяет пользователю совершать звонки через сеть Интернет или любую IP-сеть. Softphone не нуждается в дополнительных аппаратных решениях, кроме гарнитуры или веб-камеры. Чем же хорош выбор Softphone в отличии от аппаратного […]
В данной статье будут рассматриваться
различные софтфоны, которые можно установить на Windows.
Для чего вообще
необходим софтфон?
Softphone – программный продукт, который позволяет пользователю совершать звонки через сеть Интернет или любую IP-сеть. Softphone не нуждается в дополнительных аппаратных решениях, кроме гарнитуры или веб-камеры.
Чем же хорош выбор Softphone в отличии от
аппаратного VoIP-телефона?
- Нет необходимости покупать аппарат.
- Большинство VoIP-приложений бесплатны.
- Установка
на любое устройство: ПК, ноутбук, планшет или же смартфон. - Многие
имеют версии для популярных ОС, а так же для мобильных платформ. - Можно
работать вне офиса, удобно для удаленных сотрудников, если Вы находитесь дома/поездке/командировке/другом
филиале. - Некоторые
программные решения имеют чаты, функции файл-обмена.
В данной статье будут рассмотрены одни из популярных софтфонов, установка будет рассматриваться на Windows, т.е. это будет полезно тем, кто собирается установить софтфон на ПК или ноутбуке и поможет с выбором.
1. Zoiper
Это бесплатная программа для осуществления звонков в сети интернет в любых направлениях.
Далее будет представлена установка и настройка софтфона на Windows.
- Скачивание продукта
2. Перед тем, как скачать, предлагается выбрать
версию. Для обзора будет выбрана бесплатная.
3.Переходим к установке и запуску.
Выбираем «Continue as
4. Далее
необходимо ввести данные учётки, т.е. необходимо ввести внутренний номер, адрес
сервера и порт .
5. Далее вводим адрес нашего сервера
6. Далее будут
запрашиваться данные для имени авторизации и
outbound прокси сервера, что можно пропустить.
Далее вводим название аккаунта и выбираем протокол подключения и нажимаем Create
8. Далее софтфон просит одну минуту на конфигурационные
настройки, т.е. конфигурирование аудио/видео устройств, можно настроить, а
можно пропустить и будут использоваться дефолтные настройки
После успешной регистрации будет представлена данная
На данном этапе
закончена настройка учетной записи на софтфоне. Так же можно дополнительно
настроить некоторые параметры.
- X-Lite
Бесплатная программа, разработанная как для
операционных систем Windows, так и для Mac
- Скачивание продукта
- После установки представлена панель меню
- Необходимо настроить аккаунт.
Самые главные параметры натсройки:
Account name
– имя аккаунта
User ID – номер
Domain – ip адрес или доменное имя сервера
Password – пароль
- Зарегистрированн
аккаунт, а значит, что можно совершать вызовы.
- Детальная настройка
аккаунта: пропись голосовой почты, типа сигнализации портов и т.д.
- Microsip
простая по конфигурации и нетребовательная
к ресурсам системы вашего компьютера программа для VoIP — звонков, по открытому
протоколу инициирования сессии с любыми SIP-совместимыми телефонами или для
обычных телефонов.
- Скачивание продукта
- Панель меню софтфона
- Настройка учетной записи
Помимо этого так же есть дополнительные настройки.
- Заполняем параметры для регистрации аккаунта
Обязательные поля:
SIP сервер и Домен — ip адрес или доменное имя сервера
Пользователь – имя пользователя
Логин – логин пользователя
Пароль-пароль учетной записи
- Настроенный аккаунт
Статус онлайн, следовательно можно осуществлять звонки.
- PhonerLite
программные приложения для операционных систем Windows, доступные как
- Скачивание продукта
- Сразу открывается начальное меню для настройки
- Настройка учетной записи
- Созданная учетная запись
- Основной интерфейс
Это сокращённое Yet Another Telephony Engine (Ещё Одна Система
Телефонии) обеспечивающий связь по протоколам интернет телефонии (VoIP) и
телефонной сети общего пользования (PSTN).
- Скачиваем продукт
- В данном софтфоне после запуска появляется окно выбора
типа аккаунта
- Заполняем поля: Server, Domain, Authentication username
- Далее заполняем параметры аккаунта: login и password.
- Из скриншота видно, что регитсрация прошла успешно.
Выше были
представлены 5 различных софтфонов с их установкой и настройкой аккаунтов.
Ниже представлена сравнительаня таблица, что поможет Вам в
выборе программного продукта.
Zoiper |
X-Lite |
Microsip |
PhonerLite | YateClient | |
Бесплатная версия | + | + | + | + | + |
Добавление нескольких аккаунтов | + | + | + | + | + |
Расширенные настройки | — | + | + | + | + |
Простота регистрации | — | — | + | + | + |
Визуализация интерфейса | + | + | — | — | — |
Эргономичность настроек | — | — | + | — | + |
Версии под другие ОС (MAC, Linux, IOS, Android) | + | + | + | Windows, MAC, Linux |
Вывод: у каждого softphone есть свои плюсы и минусы. В данной статье рассматривались бесплатные версии softphone. Для стабильной работы необходимо проверять все параметры. Так же рекомендуем использовать платные версии softphone, в нашем примере отлично подойдет Zoiper. При платной версии открываются дополнительные настройки, что позволит оптимизировать процесс. Так же зависит на каком устройстве будете использовать softphone. Для Windows были рассмотрены 5 вариантов, выбор остается за Вами.
Here is a list of best free open source SIP client software for Windows. As these are open source software, thus you can also download and edit their source codes without any restrictions. SIP or Session Initiation Protocol is used to conduct real-time video, audio, and chat sessions. Using this protocol, you can also connect to traditional cellular networks. The main advantage of this protocol is its security and privacy as it employes various encryption technologies. These open-source SIP clients use the SIP protocol to connect and conduct video and audio conferences. Although, you need to have a verified SIP account to use these software. After adding your SIP account to these software, you can easily add multiple contacts and start communicating with others.
Through most of these software, you can also conduct group video conferences, audio conferences, and chat sessions. Although to conduct group chats and calls, you may need to create separate chat rooms or teams in some software. Besides this, you can also find the screen sharing feature in some software that helps users to share their desktop screen with one another. Through some of these SIP clients, you can even share files and data with other users. Go through the list to know more about these software.
My Favorite Open Source SIP Client Software For Windows:
Blink is my favorite software because it offers all the methods of communication that SIP network support. Plus, it uses various encryption technologies to secure communication between its users.
You can also check out lists of best free Open Source FTP Client, Secure Video Conferencing, and Link Video Conferencing software for Windows.
Blink is a free open source SIP client software for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Through this software, you can connect to other clients that follow the SIP protocol. Plus, it enables its users to communicate with each other through audio calls, video calls, and text chat services. Besides this, you can also use it to share your screen with another user. To use this software, you do need a SIP account. If you don’t have one then you can use its Add Account option to make a SIP account. Now, check out the main features of this software.
Main Features:
- Voice and Video Calls: Through this software, you can easily communicate with other users through video and audio calls. Both video and audio communication conducted through this software remain secure, as it uses ZRTP end to end encryption technology. Plus, it also employes technologies like HD video and audio echo cancellation to improve the video and audio quality.
- Chat Sessions: This software also lets you communicate through text chat that also remain end to end encrypted.
- File Transfer: Using it, you can easily share documents and files with other users.
- Screen Sharing: It is another handy feature through which users can share their screens with one another to improve collaboration.
- Conferencing: It is also possible to communicate with a group of users through this software. It also gives participant management features to the conference host.
Additional Features:
- It also offers some additional features such as call history, redial, voicemail, silence alerts, and more.
Final Thoughts:
It is one of the best free open source SIP client software that uses SIP protocol to help users communicate with each other through various mediums.
Linphone is another free open source SIP client software for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and IOS. This software offers a communication system that follows the SIP protocol. Using it, you can communicate with other users through video calls, audio calls, and instant messages. It also lets you conduct calls over cellular networks. To use this software, you do need a SIP account. Now, check out the main features of this software.
Main Features:
- Video and Audio Calls: Using these features, you can connect with a user through the video call or audio call method. Both the audio and video communication is done in HD quality.
- Chats: Using it, you can communicate with other users through instant messages.
- Conference Calls: Using this feature, you can connect and communicate with multiple users at a time. It lets its users use both audio and video conferencing methods.
- Encryption: This software offers various types of encryption methods that you can choose to secure your communication namely SRTP, ZRTP, and DTLS.
Additional Features:
- Status: Using it, users can update their current status like available, busy, do not disturb, etc., so that other connected users know whether you are available or not.
- Record: It is another handy feature through which you can record entire video and audio call sessions.
Final Thoughts:
It is a beautifully designed open source SIP client software that anyone can use to securely communicate with one or more users.
Jitsi is another free open source SIP client software for Windows, Linux, Ubuntu, and macOS. Through this software, you can connect with other users over networks that follow SIP, AIM, ICQ, SIP, and IPPI protocols. As it supports various network protocols, thus you can also use accounts of different networks other than SIP to connect and communicate with users.
This software is primarily used as a secure video conferencing software. Although, you can also use it to conduct audio conferencing and text messaging. Let’s take a brief look at the main features of this software.
Main Features:
- Audio Calls, Video Calls, and Chats: After adding other users to this software, you can easily conduct one on one audio and video calls. Similarly, you can communicate with one user at a time through messages.
- Conference Calls: This feature allows you to create a group of users with which you can conduct video and audio conferencing.
- Chat Room: If you want to communicate through chats with multiple users, then you can need to use this Chat Room feature.
- Share Desktop: It is another useful feature that lets its users share their screen with one another. Plus, it also lets users share files and documents.
Additional Features:
- Auto Answer and Call Forwarding: In this software, you can also set an automated answer so that caller gets a predefined response if you failed to pick up a call. Besides this, this software can also forward calls to another SIP account.
Final Thoughts:
It is another capable open source SIP client software that anyone can use to conduct audio conferencing, video conferencing, and group chat sessions over the internet.
Jami is the next free open source SIP client software for Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android. Using it, you can connect with other users over a secure SIP network. Plus, all the essential features to communicate with one or more users are also offered by it. Let’s take a brief look at the main features of this software.
Main Features:
- Video calls: In this software, you can conduct video calls with one or more users at a time. Plus, during video calls, users can share their desktop screen with each other.
- Audio Conferencing: Similar to video calls, you can also conduct audio calls consisting of one or more users.
- Messaging: Using it, users of this software can perform group and private text chats.
- Teams: In this software, you can create as many teams as you want consisting of any number of users to quickly conduct group meetings.
- Peer to Peer Connection: To offer a secure network and improve data transfer speeds, this software uses peer to peer connection technology.
Additional Feature:
- This software also lets you record both audio and video conferencing sessions that you can locally save in your system.
Final Thoughts:
It is a simple yet effective open source SIP client software that lets you conduct video and audio conferences over a secure SIP network.
MicroSIP is another free open source SIP client software for Windows. Using it, you can conduct high-quality VOIP calls over the SIP network. To use it, you just need a registered SIP account. After adding your account to this software, you can conduct audio calls and video calls with other users. Now, check out its main features.
Main Features:
- In this software, you can use both the audio and video calling methods to communicate with a user. Although, group video and audio calls are not allowed in it.
- This software also lets you send text messages to other users.
- This software keeps a record of all the incoming video and audio calls that you can access from the Logs tab.
- A handy auto-answer feature is also present in it that you can enable at any time so that caller gets a predefined message.
- To ensure the security and privacy of your calls, this software uses TLS / SRTP encryption technology.
Additional Feature:
- DND: It is a do not disturb feature, if enabled, you will not get any voice alerts or notifications regarding the incoming calls.
Final Thoughts:
It is another decent open source SIP client software through which you can securely communicate with other users.