Роутер asus rt n66u антенна

ASUS RT-N66U — одна из самых популярных моделей маршрутизаторов на рынке. Но, как это часто бывает, встроенные антенны часто не отвечают ожиданиям пользователей в плане качества сигнала. В этой статье мы рассмотрим варианты замены антенн для ASUS RT-N66U и дадим советы по их выбору.

Один из наиболее эффективных способов повысить качество сигнала и улучшить покрытие зоны WiFi является замена стандартных антенн на внешние. Внешние антенны обеспечивают большую свободу в настройке направленности сигнала и позволяют улучшить покрытие в конкретном направлении. Кроме того, они могут иметь более высокий коэффициент усиления, что существенно улучшит прием и передачу сигнала.

При выборе антенн для роутера ASUS RT-N66U стоит обращать внимание на несколько ключевых характеристик. Важным фактором является частотный диапазон антенн, который должен быть совместим с диапазоном, используемым вашим роутером. Также следует обратить внимание на тип и количество антенн, необходимое для вашего конкретного кейса использования.

Необходимо также помнить, что самые дорогие и мощные антенны могут быть излишними для домашнего использования. Нужно выбирать оптимальное решение в зависимости от площади помещений и количества устройств, подключенных к WiFi.


  1. Обзор роутера ASUS RT-N66U
  2. Особенности антенны для роутера
  3. Преимущества использования антенны ASUS RT-N66U
  4. Рекомендации по установке и настройке антенны
  5. Итоги обзора антенны ASUS RT-N66U

Обзор роутера ASUS RT-N66U

Один из главных преимуществ роутера ASUS RT-N66U — это его высокая скорость передачи данных. Благодаря технологии 802.11n, он способен обеспечить скорость до 900 Мбит/с, что позволяет быстро загружать и скачивать файлы, смотреть видео в HD-качестве и проводить онлайн-игры без задержек.

ASUS RT-N66U также обладает усиленной системой безопасности, которая защищает вашу сеть от несанкционированного доступа и вредоносных программ. Он оснащен мощными встроенными антеннами, которые обеспечивают широкий диапазон покрытия Wi-Fi сигнала и стабильное соединение даже на больших расстояниях.

В дополнение к этому, роутер ASUS RT-N66U имеет четыре порта Gigabit Ethernet, что обеспечивает быстрое и надежное подключение к проводной сети. Он также поддерживает функцию двухчастотной работы, что позволяет одновременно использовать два разных диапазона Wi-Fi для оптимальной производительности.

Компактный и стильный дизайн роутера ASUS RT-N66U позволяет легко интегрировать его в любой интерьер без привлечения лишнего внимания. Управление и настройка роутера просты и интуитивно понятны, что позволяет даже новичкам быстро освоить все его функции и возможности.

Выводя все это воедино, роутер ASUS RT-N66U является отличным выбором для тех, кто ищет высокопроизводительное устройство с надежной и безопасной сетью. Он обладает всеми необходимыми функциями для обеспечения стабильного и быстрого Интернет-подключения, а также предлагает удобное управление и интуитивно понятную настройку.

Особенности антенны для роутера

Основные особенности антенны для роутера ASUS RT-N66U включают:

1. Высокая усиленность сигнала Антенна для роутера ASUS RT-N66U имеет высокую усиленность, что позволяет значительно расширить покрытие сигнала и повысить скорость передачи данных. Благодаря этому, пользователи могут пользоваться интернетом с максимальной скоростью даже на значительном удалении от роутера.
2. Направленность сигнала Антенна ASUS RT-N66U имеет направленную диаграмму излучения, что позволяет ей сосредотачивать сигнал в определенном направлении. Это особенно полезно, если роутер находится в отдаленной комнате или на другом этаже, и нужно усилить сигнал в конкретном направлении.
3. Два излучателя Роутер ASUS RT-N66U оснащен двумя излучателями, что значительно повышает эффективность передачи данных. Один излучатель работает на частоте 2,4 ГГц, другой — на 5 ГГц, что позволяет роутеру использовать разные частоты для подключения различных устройств и обеспечивает более стабильное и быстрое соединение.
4. Оптимизированная конструкция Антенна для роутера ASUS RT-N66U имеет компактные размеры и элегантный дизайн, что позволяет ей эффективно вписаться в интерьер любого помещения. Благодаря своей конструкции, антенна легко устанавливается и настраивается, обеспечивая удобство использования.

В целом, антенна для роутера ASUS RT-N66U является надежным и эффективным решением, которое позволяет значительно повысить качество сигнала и обеспечить стабильное соединение. Она идеально подходит для использования в домашних условиях, а также в офисах и других местах, где нужно обеспечить широкое покрытие Wi-Fi сети.

Преимущества использования антенны ASUS RT-N66U

  1. Усиление сигнала: антенна ASUS RT-N66U позволяет увеличить дальность покрытия вашего Wi-Fi сигнала. Благодаря усилению сигнала, вы сможете получить доступ к Интернету даже в труднодоступных местах вашего дома или офиса.
  2. Повышение скорости передачи данных: благодаря использованию антенны ASUS RT-N66U, вы сможете получить более стабильное и высокоскоростное подключение к Интернету. Это особенно важно для чтения стримингового контента, онлайн-игр и других задач, требующих большой пропускной способности.
  3. Улучшение качества сигнала: антенна ASUS RT-N66U помогает снизить уровень помех и шумов, что способствует более стабильной и качественной передаче данных. Вы сможете избежать сбоев связи и нестабильного соединения, что особенно важно при осуществлении видеозвонков и потоковой передачи видео.
  4. Простота установки и использования: антенна ASUS RT-N66U легко крепится к роутеру и не требует дополнительных настроек. Вы сможете наслаждаться усиленным Wi-Fi сигналом всего в несколько минут после установки.

В целом, антенна ASUS RT-N66U является отличным выбором для улучшения работы вашего роутера. Она поможет вам получить более высокую скорость и стабильность подключения к Интернету, а также расширить покрытие вашей Wi-Fi сети.

Рекомендации по установке и настройке антенны

1. Установите антенну в правильное положение:

Антенны должны быть установлены вертикально и располагаться в разных направлениях. Это поможет улучшить качество сигнала в разных частях помещения. Попробуйте различные варианты расположения антенн и выберите наиболее эффективное положение.

2. Проведите сканирование доступных Wi-Fi сетей:

Прежде чем настраивать антенну, рекомендуется провести сканирование доступных Wi-Fi сетей. Это позволит вам определить наиболее загруженные каналы и выбрать наиболее свободные для использования.

3. Настройте направленное покрытие:

ASUS RT-N66U поддерживает настройку направленного покрытия сигнала. Если у вас есть определенные места, где требуется лучшее покрытие, вы можете настроить антенну таким образом, чтобы сигнал был сфокусирован в направлении нужных вам зон.

4. Проверьте силу сигнала:

После установки антенны рекомендуется проверить силу сигнала в разных частях помещения. Если есть зоны с плохим приемом, попробуйте изменить положение антенн или использовать усилители сигнала для улучшения покрытия.

5. Настройте безопасность:

При настройке безопасности своей Wi-Fi сети убедитесь, что используется надежный пароль и шифрование. Это поможет защитить вашу сеть от несанкционированного доступа.

6. Обновляйте прошивку:

Регулярно проверяйте наличие новых обновлений прошивки для роутера ASUS RT-N66U. Обновление прошивки может улучшить производительность и функциональность роутера, в том числе и работы с антенной.

Следуя этим рекомендациям, вы сможете максимально эффективно использовать антенну для роутера ASUS RT-N66U и настроить стабильное и качественное беспроводное соединение.

Итоги обзора антенны ASUS RT-N66U

В результате проведенного обзора антенны для роутера ASUS RT-N66U можно сделать следующие выводы:

  1. Антенна обладает высоким качеством связи и обеспечивает стабильное соединение с сетью.
  2. Устройство легко устанавливается и настраивается, не требует больших усилий.
  3. ASUS RT-N66U обладает улучшенной дальностью действия и может передавать сигнал на большую площадь.
  4. Антенна имеет компактный и стильный дизайн, который отлично сочетается с современным интерьером.
  5. Устройство снабжено разъемами для подключения внешних антенн, что позволяет улучшить качество связи еще больше.
  6. ASUS RT-N66U поддерживает работу в различных режимах, что делает его универсальным и удобным для использования.

В целом, антенна для роутера ASUS RT-N66U является надежным и функциональным устройством, которое поможет улучшить качество сети и расширить зону покрытия. Рекомендуется для использования как в домашних условиях, так и в офисе.

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Всенаправленная антенна 10 дБи 2,4 ГГц, 5 ГГц, усилитель Wi-Fi RP-SMA для маршрутизатора Asus RT-AC66U RT-N66U RT-N16 AC1750 D-Link-0

Всенаправленная антенна 10 дБи 2,4 ГГц, 5 ГГц, усилитель Wi-Fi RP-SMA для маршрутизатора Asus RT-AC66U RT-N66U RT-N16 AC1750 D-Link

Тип карты памяти

microSD, microSDHC, microSDXC

Вес ? масса устройства в граммах.

* Информация о технических характеристиках, комплекте поставки, стране изготовления и внешнем виде товара носит справочный характер и основывается на последних доступных сведениях от продавца.

Всенаправленная антенна 10 дБи 2,4 ГГц, 5 ГГц, усилитель Wi-Fi RP-SMA для маршрутизатора Asus RT-AC66U RT-N66U RT-N16 AC1750 D-Link



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Тип карты памяти

microSD, microSDHC, microSDXC

Вес ? масса устройства в граммах.

* Информация о технических характеристиках, комплекте поставки, стране изготовления и внешнем виде товара носит справочный характер и основывается на последних доступных сведениях от продавца.


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Одни плюсы, особенно спасибо за качество и функционал. Искусная модель zenpad.


Нет, вот нет ни единого недостатка! И это истина!


Удовлетворена приобретением. Вау-эффекта нет, но и не должно быть, все-таки. Хорошие параметры — Макс. время работы, Вес в упаковке, г, Глонасс. Ну и неплохой внешний — как вишенка на торте.
Модель zenpad — это образец практичности, гармонии и безупречного стиля.
Читайте сюда! всенаправленная антенна 10 дби 2,4 ггц — просто класс! Я в экстазе! Безусловно стоит своих денег (я брала в праздники, по скидке, сейчас чуть дороже, но и теперь точно стоит своих денег). Моя оценка — твердая пятерка c плюсиком!

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Are you guaranteeing that 120mW is safe for this hardware, since I have not read about anyone who is running at that level? Have you ran this level for any significant time, and have used your own router as the beta test for hardware failure?

I am not an Asus engineer and until THEY provide a(n official) response that says what is safe (see my updates in my other post which include comments they made in an e-mail i have received), nobody here can guarantee anything, especially since some components may get hot inside the router that won’t always be (at least not fully) evident from touching the case.

80mW or 120mW is typically nothing unusual in other routers, but since this is a new deisgn we can NOT compare it (on an apples to apples basis) to, for example, at least one other firm’s router design (running Tomato on a WRT54GL) that easily worked fine with 250mW (or more) for years in Europe — as per the link I posted last time.

Regardless, Asus also should be responsible and limit the maximum calue to what is safe and not just go by the FCC limit, assuming 500mW (whiuch the current firmware allows) is unsafe (something which, again, I am not qualified to answer).
Again, the RT-N66U design is different and I do NOT claim to be an expert.
I will wait for Asus, or a qualified expert, to tell us.

As someone noted, for those who do experiment, there is a warranty for 2 years.
Refurb is not an issue IMHO since the refurb (if it is a true ‘refurb’ and not used) will be newer than the unit you’re sending in.
I am not advocating any levels since I don’t want someone to come crying to me.

For my needs (my home and my wifi adapters), if firmware xxxxxx102 is as good as 90 again, I won’t need to bump the level at all.
The OP has issues when using it with the 40mW setting (not sure how large his place is or the environment and construction / design of the living space he is in. This is where TX power levels could help (or at least rule out the power level as an issue before buying an antenna that may do nothing).

All that being said, if everyone is supposed to keep it at 40mW to be safe, then why even have an adjustment (not even talking about 500mW, just talking about 80mW e.g.).

Once again, Asus did not provide a clear answer yet. I may reply to the
e-mail I got an push (again) for a safe level.

If I find 40mW in xxxx102 is not enough, I will experiment with bumping it and be happy to share my experiences here for others to draw on.

Keep in mind also that individual router usage (i.e. CPU usage), from user A to user B e.g., can also have an impact on temperatures to a certain extent. However if neither user A nor user B is taxing it with heavy loads, it should not be a significant factor from one user to another.

Again, adjust at your risk as I said a few weeks ago…

PS: Hopefully Asus did some testing at design time and took temperature measurements (they switched frrm a fan to a large heatsink — which limits hardware failures due to fans breaking down), so they presumably took measurements along the way.
Maybe they can use this to provide guidance. After all, they offer the feature in the stock firmware.

EDIT: The DEFAULT power in Asus firmware 102 is now displayed as 80mW in both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.
I guess this is the optimal value the router is tuned to by default that they referred to in their e-mail…

With rising levels of market competitiveness comes a rise in dishonest advertising. As a result, it is getting harder to buy a product that meets your needs and expectations.

It’s best to do some research on a product before buying it if you don’t want to end up regretting it. However, if you’re unsure about the best Asus Rt N66U Antenna Upgrade, then kudos—you’ve arrived to the proper location.

Product requirements can differ from individual to person. By examining their features, services, and dependability, we developed our list of the top items to assist you in finding the ideal one. Consequently, you won’t regret buying any of them.

So without further ado, let’s get started!

Here is our Expert Recommended top Asus Rt N66U Antenna Upgrade picks

20 Best Asus Rt N66U Antenna Upgrade Reviews & Buying Guide

Popularity Score 9.5

Quality Score 9.4

Sentiment Score 9.2

ASUS N900 WiFi Router (RT-N66U) - Dual Band Gigabit Wireless Internet Router, 4 GB Ports, Gaming & Streaming, Easy Setup, Parental Control

Editorial Score

review rating shield

Highlighted Features

  • File Sharing, Printer Sharing, and 3G Sharing via Two Multi-Functional Built-in USB Ports
  • Download Master for Wireless Data Storage and Access to Router-Connected USB Storage Devices
  • ASUSWRT Dashboard UI for Easy Setup, Signal Monitoring, and Network Application Control
  • WAN Ports – 1 x 10/100/1000M, LAN Ports – 4 x 10/100/1000M
  • Expanded Wireless Coverage with 3 Detachable High-Powered Antennas

Additional Info :

Brand ASUS
Color White
Item Dimensions
Height 3
Width 24
Length 30
Weight 13.58

Popularity Score 9.8

Quality Score 9.2

Sentiment Score 9.8

ASUS AC1750 WiFi Router (RT-AC66U B1) - Dual Band Gigabit Wireless Internet Router, ASUSWRT, Gaming & Streaming, AiMesh Compatible, Included Lifetime Internet Security, Adaptive QoS, Parental Control

Editorial Score

review rating shield

Highlighted Features

  • Effortless router setup with ASUSWRT web-based interface. OS Support – Linux,Windows 8,Windows 10,Windows 7 ,Mac OS X or higher,Windows 8.1,Windows XP
  • 1GHz CPU powers dual-band 3×3 802.11ac Wi-Fi technology for speeds up to 1750Mbps and wide, responsive coverage for large homes. Coverage area – 3,000 square feet
  • AiProtection Powered by Trend Micro provides multi-stage protection from vulnerability detection to protecting sensitive data
  • Integrated USB 3.0 and 2.0 ports enable printer sharing throughout your network and remote file access with AiCloud 2.0 support
  • Monitor and manage your network with ease from your mobile device using the intuitive ASUS Router App; Firewall:SPI intrusion detection,DoS protection

Additional Info :

Brand ASUS
Color Multicolor
Item Dimensions
Height 3
Width 39
Length 27
Weight 59.78

Popularity Score 9

Quality Score 9.3

Sentiment Score 9

ASUS AC1900 WiFi Gaming Router (RT-AC68U) - Dual Band Gigabit Wireless Internet Router, Gaming & Streaming, AiMesh Compatible, Included Lifetime Internet Security, Adaptive QoS, Parental Control

Editorial Score

review rating shield

Highlighted Features

  • 1 GigaHertz dual core CPU enables smart multitasking by dedicating separate lanes for Wi Fi and USB data; Network standard: IEEE 802; 11a, IEEE 802; 11B, IEEE 802; 11G, IEEE 802; 11N, IEEE 802; 11AC, IPv4, IPv6. Memory: 128 MB Flash; 256 MB RAM
  • Monitor and manage your network with ease from your mobile device using the intuitive ASUS router app
  • Effortless router setup with the ASUSWRT web based interface; Dual band connectivity for compatibility and performance
  • Dual band with the latest 802; 11 AC 3×3 technology for combined speeds of up to 1900 Mbps
  • A protection powered by Trend Micro provides multi stage protection from vulnerability detection to protecting sensitive data; Please refer the installation manual and the user manual before use which is highly essential; Dc output: 19 Volt with maximum 1; 75 a current; Guest network: 2; 4 GigaHertz x 3, 5 GigaHertz x 3

Additional Info :

Brand ASUS
Color Black
Item Dimensions
Height 14
Width 21
Length 39
Weight 77.19

Popularity Score 8.9

Quality Score 8.9

Sentiment Score 9.5

Asus Rt-ac66u B1 Ieee 802.11ac Ethernet Wireless Router RT-AC1750 B1 (Renewed)

Editorial Score

review rating shield

Highlighted Features

  • Asus Rt-ac66u B1 Ieee 802.11ac Ethernet Wireless Router – 2.40 Ghz Ism Band – 5 Ghz Unii Band(3 X External) – 1750 Mbit/s Wireless Speed – 4 X Network Port – 1 X Broadband Port – Usb – Gigabit Ethernet – Vpn Supported – Desktop

Additional Info :

Brand Asus
Color Grey
Item Dimensions
Height 14
Width 30
Length 23
Weight 61.68

Popularity Score 8.9

Quality Score 9.6

Sentiment Score 9.4

ASUS WiFi Router (RT-AC1200_V2) - Dual Band Wireless Internet Router, Gaming & Streaming, Easy Setup, Parental Control

Editorial Score

review rating shield

Highlighted Features

  • Advanced parental control helps you protect your children from Internet addiction You can restrict the times that each device can access the internet by applying scheduled time limits
  • Enjoy the ASUSWRT dashboard UI for easy setup and manage your router
  • Maximum Range : 2000 Sq Ft
  • Concurrent 300 Mbps(2 4GHz) and 867 Mbps (5GHz) throughput for high speed wireless performance
  • Improved coverage and multi device performance with four external antennas — two each for the 2 4 GHz and 5 GHz bands

Additional Info :

Brand ASUS
Color Silver
Item Dimensions
Height 9
Width 26
Length 35
Weight 56.48

Popularity Score 9.2

Quality Score 9.4

Sentiment Score 9.1

ASUS AC2900 WiFi Gaming Router (RT-AC86U) - Dual Band Gigabit Wireless Internet Router, WTFast Game Accelerator, Streaming, AiMesh Compatible, Included Lifetime Internet Security, Adaptive QoS

Editorial Score

review rating shield

Highlighted Features

  • Connector Type : USB
  • Dual-band (2.4 plus 5 GHz) AC2900 wireless router with the latest 802. 11AC MU-MIMO technology for data transfer speeds up to 2900 Mbps
  • Designed for lag-free online gaming and flawless 4K UHD streaming with WTFast game Accelerator and adaptive QoS; Product Segment: AC2900 ultimate AC performance: 750 plus 2167 Mbps
  • 1.8GHz 32bit dual-core processor optimizes network traffic and connectivity speeds from the USB 3. 1 Gen1 and 4x Gigabit LAN ports
  • Manage your network with the ASUS router app – setup your network, manage usage and parental controls, even get instant notifications about important network-based events. Connected devices must be 802. 11 ac-compatible for best results. Ac input: 110v240v(5060hz)

Additional Info :

Brand ASUS
Color Silver
Item Dimensions
Height 5
Width 40
Length 26
Weight 42.08

Popularity Score 9.2

Quality Score 8.9

Sentiment Score 9.1

ASUS N300 WiFi Router (RT-N12_D1) - 3 in 1 Wireless Internet Router/Access Point/Range Extender, 2T2R MIMO Technology, Gaming & Streaming, Easy Setup

Editorial Score

review rating shield

Highlighted Features

  • Powerful Online Multi tasking, throughput up to 300Mbps
  • 4 SSIDs help manage bandwidth allocation and access control
  • 2 detachable 5dBi antennas for more powerful and wider coverage
  • Multiple 3 in 1 Router/Access Point /Range Extender wireless modes
  • Operating Frequency: 2. 4 GHz

Additional Info :

Brand ASUS
Color Grey
Item Dimensions
Height 6
Width 31
Length 37
Weight 85.3

Popularity Score 9.6

Quality Score 9.6

Sentiment Score 8.9

ASUS RT-N66U Dual-Band Wireless-N900 Gigabit Router (Renewed)

Editorial Score

review rating shield

Highlighted Features

  • 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Concurrent Dual-Band Transmissions for Strong Signal Strength and Ultra-Fast Connection Rates up to 900Mbps
  • ASUSWRT Dashboard UI for Easy Setup, Signal Monitoring, and Network Application Control
  • Gigabit Ethernet Ports for the Fastest, Most Reliable Internet Performance
  • WAN Ports – 1 x 10/100/1000M, LAN Ports – 4 x 10/100/1000M
  • Download Master for Wireless Data Storage and Access to Router-Connected USB Storage Devices

Additional Info :

Brand ASUS
Color White
Item Dimensions
Height 3
Width 26
Length 36
Weight 41.29

Popularity Score 9

Quality Score 9.4

Sentiment Score 9.3

ASUS AX6000 WiFi 6 Gaming Router (RT-AX88U) - Dual Band Gigabit Wireless Router, 8 GB Ports, Gaming & Streaming, AiMesh Compatible, Included Lifetime Internet Security, Adaptive QoS, MU-MIMO

Editorial Score

review rating shield

Highlighted Features

  • Next gen Wi-Fi standard 802.11Ax Wi-Fi standard for better efficiency and throughput; ultrafast Wi-Fi speed 6000 Mbps Wi-Fi speed to handle even the busiest network with ease
  • Better partner with mesh system; compatible with ASUS AiMesh Wi-Fi system for seamless whole home coverage’s support: Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.6, Mac OS X 10.7, Mac OS X 10.8
  • Wider usage and more convenience 4 antennas plus 8 LAN ports to support more clients at the same time
  • Certified for Humans – Smart home made easy for non-experts. Setup with Alexa is simple.
  • Commercial-grade security – AiProtection powered by Trend Micro blocks internet security threats for all your connected smart devices

Additional Info :

Brand ASUS
Color Black
Item Dimensions
Height 10
Width 37
Length 37
Weight 21.99

Popularity Score 9

Quality Score 9.5

Sentiment Score 9.8

ASUS AC1900 WiFi Router (RT-AC67P) - Dual Band Wireless Internet Router, Easy Setup, VPN, Parental Control, AiRadar Beamforming Technology extends Speed, Stability & Coverage, MU-MIMO

Editorial Score

review rating shield

Highlighted Features

  • Fast Internet Router: This dual-band router is powered by 5G Wi-Fi and 256 QAM technology that delivers a total speed of up to 1900 Mbps (600Mbps for 2.4GHz, 1300Mbps for 5GHz), which provides you 4K streaming without lagging or jumping
  • PCMag Readers’ Choice Router: ASUS routers won the PCMag readers’ choice for 10 consecutive years by having the highest marks for delivering reliable and easy-to-use devices for Wi-Fi routers
  • Secure Router For Wireless Internet: This wireless router features 6 layers of advanced network security to let you enjoy reliably safe and high-speed Wi-Fi internet
  • Optimized Coverage With AiRadar Beamforming: With high power amplification and exclusive ASUS RF fine-tuning, this gigabit router is able to extend coverage up to 3000 Sq Ft, increase dynamic data speed and enhance stability
  • Control Your Network Router Anywhere: Downloading the ASUS Router App allows you to set up your router, manage network traffic, diagnose connection issues and even update firmware, all without needing to boot up a PC

Additional Info :

Brand ASUS
Color Unknown
Item Dimensions
Height 10
Width 39
Length 31
Weight 96.68

Popularity Score 8.9

Quality Score 9.3

Sentiment Score 9.4

ASUS WiFi 6 Router (RT-AX3000) - Dual Band Gigabit Wireless Internet Router, Gaming & Streaming, AiMesh Compatible, Included Lifetime Internet Security, Parental Control, MU-MIMO, OFDMA

Editorial Score

review rating shield

Highlighted Features

  • Mobile App Support – Control and customize every feature at your fingertips using the ASUS Router App for both iOS and Android devices.
  • Maximum Range : 3000 Sq Ft
  • Commercial-grade network security for family – AiProtection Pro protects all the connected devices on your home network and advanced parental controls allow you to manage the family’s internet usage.
  • The Most Powerful Mesh System — AiMesh technology allows you to establish an even stronger mesh WiFi system with other ASUS AiMesh compatible routers, ensuring stable and seamless whole home coverage.
  • Ultra-Fast Wi-Fi – RT-AX3000 supports 160MHz bandwidth and 1024-QAM, boasting a total network speed of 3000 Mbps – 575Mbps on the 2. 4GHz band, and 2402GHz on the 5GHz band.

Additional Info :

Brand ASUS
Color White
Item Dimensions
Height 19
Width 29
Length 22
Weight 74.07

Popularity Score 9.1

Quality Score 9.7

Sentiment Score 9

ASUS RT-AX56U AX1800 WiFi 6 Dual-Band WiFi Router, Lifetime Internet Security with AiProtection, Whole-Home WiFi with AiMesh, MU-MIMO, OFDMA, VPN Setting (Renewed)

Editorial Score

review rating shield

Highlighted Features

  • Increase Capacity and Efficiency – Supporting not only MU-MIMO but also OFDMA technique to efficiently allocate channels communicate with multiple devices simultaneously
  • Next-Gen WiFi 6 Standard – Supporting the latest Wi-Fi standard 802 11AX (Wi-Fi 6) and 80MHz bandwidth for better capacity and efficiency
  • Ultrafast WiFi Speed – RT-AX56U supports 80MHz bandwidth and 1024-QAM for dramatically faster wireless connections With a total networking speed of about 1800Mbps — 574 Mbps on the 2 4GHz band and 1201 Mbps on the 5GHz band
  • Commercial-grade Security – lifetime free AiProtection powered by Trend Micro blocks internet security threats for all your connected smart devices
  • Better Partner with Mesh System – Compatible with ASUS AiMesh WiFi system for seamless whole-home coverage

Additional Info :

Brand ASUS
Color Silver
Item Dimensions
Height 20
Width 36
Length 31
Weight 27.27

Popularity Score 9

Quality Score 9.3

Sentiment Score 9.8

ASUS ZenWiFi AX6600 Tri-Band Mesh WiFi 6 System (XT8 1PK) - Whole Home Coverage up to 2750 sq.ft & 4+ rooms, AiMesh, Included Lifetime Internet Security, Easy Setup, 3 SSID, Parental Control, White

Editorial Score

review rating shield

Highlighted Features

  • Next-Gen Wi-Fi 6 Technology— With OFDMA and MU-MIMO, ZenWiFi AX enables more efficient, stable, and faster transmission even when multiple devices are transmitting data at the same time.
  • Always Up-to-date Protection— The lifetime free network security powered by Trend Micro makes sure your privacy on connected devices is protected.
  • AiMesh Supported– Mix and match ZenWiFi with AiMesh-compatible routers to form powerful and flexible whole-home WiFi system
  • Hassle Free Control – 3 steps setup and easy management with ASUS Router App
  • Banish WiFi Dead Zone—Tri-band mesh WiFi system with unique antenna placement delivers strong WiFi to every corner of your home, providing total wireless speed of 6600Mbps.

Additional Info :

Brand ASUS
Color Grey
Item Dimensions
Height 11
Width 23
Length 34
Weight 64.21

Popularity Score 9.2

Quality Score 9.5

Sentiment Score 9.3

ASUS ROG Rapture WiFi 6 Gaming Router (GT-AX11000) - Tri-Band 10 Gigabit Wireless Router, 1.8GHz Quad-Core CPU, WTFast, 2.5G Port, AiMesh Compatible, Included Lifetime Internet Security, AURA RGB

Editorial Score

review rating shield

Highlighted Features

  • Cutting edge hardware offers the best performance 1.8 GigaHertz Quad Core cpu and 2.5 G gaming port for ultimate performance
  • Triple level game acceleration accelerate game traffic With device, game packet and game server prioritization
  • Your own gaming mesh network Compatible with ASUS AiMesh Wi Fi system for seamless whole home coverage.Memory:256 MB Flash,1 GB RAM
  • ASUS AiProtection security to neutralize internet threats before they hit your network
  • Nextgen ax Wi Fi is backward compatible with 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi Fi devices and Supports current Wi Fi devices. Operating Frequency:2.4 GigaHertz, 5 GigaHertz 1, 5 GigaHertz 2

Additional Info :

Brand ASUS
Color Multicolor
Item Dimensions
Height 16
Width 28
Length 36
Weight 86.8

Popularity Score 8.9

Quality Score 8.9

Sentiment Score 8.9

Asus Wireless AC3100 Gigabit Router (RT-AC3100) (Renewed)

Editorial Score

review rating shield

Highlighted Features

  • MUMIMO technology enables multiple compatible clients to connect at each clients respective maximum speed
  • AiProtection Powered by Trend Micro provides multistage protection from vulnerability detection to protecting sensitive data
  • Dual band with the latest 802.11ac 4×4 technology for maximum throughput 3167 Mbps and extensive coverage
  • Built in access to WTFast Gamers Private Network of route-optimized servers ensures low, stable ping times for gaming

Additional Info :

Brand Asus
Color Silver
Item Dimensions
Height 13
Width 23
Length 26
Weight 71.77

Popularity Score 9.2

Quality Score 9

Sentiment Score 8.9

ASUS RT-N66R Dual-Band Wireless-N900 Gigabit Router IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n, IEEE 802.3/3u/3ab

Editorial Score

review rating shield

Highlighted Features

  • 1 x 10/100/1000M WAN; 4 x 10/100/1000M LAN
  • Up to 900Mbps wireless data Rates
  • Ieee 802.11a/b/g/n, IEEE 802.3/3U/3ab
  • Gigabit Ethernet ports for the fastest, most reliable internet performance
  • Coverage area – 2, 000 square feet

Additional Info :

Brand ASUS
Color Unknown
Item Dimensions
Height 7
Width 37
Length 21
Weight 81.26

Popularity Score 9.5

Quality Score 8.9

Sentiment Score 9.8

ASUS AC1200 WiFi Gaming Router (RT-ACRH12) - Dual Band Gigabit Wireless Router, 4 GB Ports, USB Port, Gaming & Streaming, Easy Setup, Parental Control, MU-MIMO

Editorial Score

review rating shield

Highlighted Features

  • 4 x Gigabit LAN port Speeds can be up to 10× faster than 100 Base T Ethernet connections
  • Enjoy the ASUSWRT dashboard UI for easy setup and manage your router
  • Maximum Range : 3000 Sq Ft
  • 300 Mbps (2 4GHz) and 867 Mbps (5GHz) for fast wireless performance
  • 1 x USB 2 0 port ASUS AiDisk offers network file sharing both locally and remotely

Additional Info :

Brand ASUS
Color White
Item Dimensions
Height 6
Width 38
Length 33
Weight 44.29

Popularity Score 8.9

Quality Score 9.4

Sentiment Score 9.3

ASUS WiFi Router (RT-AC1900P) - Dual Band Gigabit Wireless Internet Router, 5 GB Ports, Gaming & Streaming, AiMesh Compatible, Free Lifetime Internet Security, Parental Control equivalent to RT-AC68U

Editorial Score

review rating shield

Highlighted Features

  • Great Wi-Fi – Enjoy the combined dual-band speeds of up to 1900Mbps, 3X faster than 802.11n routers
  • Commercial-grade Security – AiProtection, powered by Trend Micro, blocks and neutralizes internet security threats for all your connected smart devices
  • Flexible Connectivity Options – 5X Gigabit Ethernet ports, 1X ultrafast USB 3.1 port and 1X USB 2.0 port
  • AiMesh Supported – Connect to other compatible ASUS routers to create a powerful and flexible whole-home Wi-Fi network
  • Ultrawide Coverage – High-performance antennas and ASUS AiRadar eliminate dead spots

Additional Info :

Brand ASUS
Color White
Item Dimensions
Height 14
Width 35
Length 23
Weight 31.13

Popularity Score 8.9

Quality Score 9.5

Sentiment Score 9.5

T-Mobile (AC-1900) By ASUS Wireless-AC1900 Dual-Band Gigabit Router, AiProtection with Trend Micro for Complete Network Security (Renewed)

Editorial Score

review rating shield

Highlighted Features

  • 4. Efortless router setup with the ASUSWRT web-based interface, you can Monitor and manage your network with ease from your mobile device using the intuitive ASUS Router App,
  • 5. Prodcut Comaptibilty: This Product is locked to the T-Mobile GSM network. It will NOT work with ANY OTHER carrier besides T-Mobile.
  • 2. Dual-band with the latest 802.11ac 3×3 technology for combined speeds of up to 1900 Mbps
  • 1. This Certified Refurbished product is tested and certified to look and work like new. The refurbishing process includes functionality testing, basic cleaning, inspection, and repackaging. The product ships with all relevant accessories, a minimum 90-day warranty, and may arrive in a generic box. Only select sellers who maintain a high performance bar may offer Certified Refurbished products on Amazon.com.
  • 3. 1 GHz Dual-core CPU enables smart multitasking by dedicating separate lanes for Wifi and USB data

Additional Info :

Brand T-Mobile
Color Off-white
Item Dimensions
Height 3
Width 42
Length 41
Weight 27.77

Popularity Score 9

Quality Score 9.4

Sentiment Score 9.5

Asus RT-N12 D1 Wireless Router - IEEE 802.11n RT-N12/D1

Editorial Score

review rating shield

Highlighted Features

  • ISM Band: Yes
  • Wireless LAN Standard: IEEE 802.11n
  • UNII Band: No
  • ISM Maximum Frequency: 2.40 GHz
  • Total Number of Antennas: 2

Additional Info :

Brand Asus
Color White
Item Dimensions
Height 19
Width 28
Length 37
Weight 78.77

What To Look Before Buying Asus Rt N66U Antenna Upgrade

Our experts have created a buying guide for the Asus Rt N66U Antenna Upgrade. This guide includes a number of important considerations you should keep in mind when looking for the best product.

To assist you in choosing the ideal product whenever you need one, we have put together a comprehensive analysis on the factors.


It’s crucial to keep quality in mind whenever you’re making a purchase. Quality is defined as having a high level of perfection or excellence. Although it could be challenging to sum up clearly, it is crucial when making a purchase.

Although there are numerous aspects that affect a product’s quality, one of the most crucial ones is how effectively it fulfills your goal. It must be simple to use, dependable, and long-lasting if something is built to fulfill client expectations.

A product’s quality also depends on keeping the right ingredients in it. Remember to take into account every aspect of a product, from design to manufacture, while thinking about buying it to ensure you get the finest.

Materials and Structure

In general, people think that getting something is less complicated than worrying about how they’re going to get it there. There is more to back-end engineering than initially appears, though.

If you already own something, purchasing it online exposes you to more work than purchasing it at a real store would. They are presumably not being messed with by a dealer who also receives commissions from your transaction.

To help you choose a superior product that hasn’t been tampered with, enquire about the material and structural aspects of the goods.


A key component of online purchasing is considering a product’s lifespan, commonly known as the amount of time it will last. An item that will be used continuously is more important than a device that will require frequent maintenance or even replacement.

How long you anticipate a new product to survive depends on a number of fundamental factors that can be present. These include the item’s make up, how frequently it is used, and how well it works.

You should be aware of these elements and their implications for the specific goods you’re interested in purchasing before making a purchase.

Budget and Cost

You must take into account financial factors in order to obtain the greatest pricing because it is essential to ensure proper and effective utilization of the good or service for your requirements. You could find it simpler to get the best product pricing by carefully comparing options.

When it comes to quality, more expensive products typically surpass those that are less expensive, but this shouldn’t be cause for alarm. So, whenever possible, look for items at fair market value.

Establish a modest budget to start, and if you have one, make sure to stick to it. Don’t make an exception for high-end things just because they are on sale or otherwise influenced by sales.

Specific Attributes

It is worthwhile to give a product’s unique qualities considerable consideration before making a pricey purchase.

Customers may be more likely to purchase a product if it stands out from the competition in its category and has particular elements that contribute to its distinguishing appearance or functioning.

You determine whether something is a suitable fit for your needs by looking at features like colors or patterns that stand out from competing companies. Innovative shapes may also help a product better serve its purpose.

By using this variation, you can make sure you’re receiving the best bargain and that the you purchase will meet your unique requirements. This variation frequently has a significant impact on the product’s usability or functionality.

FAQs Regarding Asus Rt N66U Antenna Upgrade

The responses to various frequently asked questions about the top Asus Rt N66U Antenna Upgrade on the web have been gathered by our team.

You will gain a better understanding of what other Internet users are considering and how they are looking for solutions to particular issues by working on these topics.

1. Should I rely on user reviews to check the Asus Rt N66U Antenna Upgrade?

First of all, because they might not be totally truthful, consumer reviews are frequently inaccurate. Second, over time, consumer reviews could alter and become less credible. Third, variables other than customer feedback may have an impact on customer ratings.

2. What are some things to avoid when purchasing online?

It’s crucial to be aware of the risks when shopping online. Some common risks include fraudulent charges, such as receiving a product you didn’t actually order, and falling for a marketing ruse. 

3. What makes warranty so crucial when looking for the Asus Rt N66U Antenna Upgrade?

To safeguard your investment and keep you satisfied with the goods you are buying, the warranty is crucial. There are many reasons to having a warranty, but ultimately it comes down to whether you think the thing will function as promised.

You can be certain that the thing you’re purchasing will satisfy your unique needs and expectations if it comes with a warranty. Additional benefits of warranties include cost savings on replacements and repairs down the road.

Final Word

This article tries to assist you in weighing these benefits and drawbacks based on certain criteria to choose the best Asus Rt N66U Antenna Upgrade.

You should be able to avoid making impulsive purchases thanks to the considerations covered in this article. Take your time and carefully consider all of your options while according to the rules.

You’ll probably choose the proper item if you put the worth of the thing before your emotional comfort.

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