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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 27, 2023. It is now read-only.

The «This Update Has More Features Than It Should Have» Update!

Hi again!

Sorry this took so long — life got in the way and I got a bit sidetracked adding more features than this «minor» update really deserves. Regardless, here you go!


Release 3.1 improves upon Release 3 by addressing some of the more egregious bugs that snuck their way in. There are also some performance enhancements as I went through and refactored everything. Seriously, RoundedTB started off as a tiny proof-of-concept months ago and I just sorta piled a load of code on top of it, so it certainly needed a tidy up. Don’t worry though, there’s a couple of new things to try out in this version too!

New features

  • The option to have the taskbar «fill» when a window is maximised (or when alt+tab or the Task Switcher is invoked if you’re on Windows 11)
  • The ability to summon the app’s settings pane by re-opening it from Start
  • The option to have the tray show only when you’re hovering over it
  • Automatic detection for when the taskbar «overflows» in dynamic mode, and switching back to basic mode as a result

Known issues

  • When initially enabling dynamic mode with centred taskbar icons, the taskbar may stretch to the left. If this happens, just set the taskbar to left-aligned then back to the centre once and it should be fixed.
  • Autohiding is not supported and may lead to a lot of flickering, especially with TranslucentTB compatibility or dynamic/split mode enabled.
  • Rounded corners are not antialiased (smooth) due to a Windows limitation.
  • Dynamic mode/split mode only work correctly when the taskbar is horizontal at the top/bottom of the screen.
  • Split mode on Windows 10 only supports the main taskbar, secondary taskbars will not be split.
  • When using dynamic mode, the taskbar may occasionally become too large, too small or not update. This can usually be fixed by moving a window to or from that monitor, or briefly changing the taskbar alignment.
  • Compatibility with taskbar mods outside of TranslucentTB is not currently guaranteed.


Thank you so much for using RoundedTB! Honestly it’s been such a joy to have a project like this to work on, and all of you have made it happen! Especially thanks to the incredibly generous peeps who have sponsored me — you have no idea how much that means to me 💙💙💙

If you run into any bugs or issues with these new features, make sure to let me know here on GitHub or in the Discord server so I can resolve them as quickly as possible.

Second (sorta) preview for R3.1

R3.1 is apparently getting a bunch of features much to my surprise (I got a bit carried away, sorry!) This should be the final preview build before its released.

What’s new:

  • Many bugs squished during a complete refactor of a lot of the code (better performance, fewer random resizes etc.)
  • Starting RoundedTB with a centred taskbar for the first time should no longer lead to accidental left-alignment (delete %localappdata%/rtb.json to test)
  • Running this build of RoundedTB whilst its already running should now open the app settings
  • New option to fill taskbar when a window is maximised
  • New option to fill taskbar when alt+tab or Task Switcher is in use (Win11 only)
  • New option to show tray only when the mouse hovers over it
  • Dynamic mode will now automatically disable if the taskbar overflows with too many icons (portrait displays etc.)
  • Tray icon should now always respect system theme on-the-fly
  • Probably some new bugs.

Notable known issue:

  • Disabling running on startup doesn’t work properly. Do it from Task Manager or Settings for now. Will be fixed for release

Please report any other issues you find! Super-close to release now.

The «It’s Finally Got New Features!» Update!

It’s finally here!

After much waiting, R3 is ready for all of you to use. There’s plenty of new features, and likely plenty of new bugs to explore as well!


New features

  • Dynamic mode for Windows 11, providing a dock-like segmented taskbar!
  • Split mode, a simplified version of dynamic mode for Windows 10!
  • Independent margin controls!
  • Better support for TranslucentTB (version 2021.5 and above)!
  • An updated icon (including icons for the Development and Canary builds)!
  • A new help/about window!
  • Debug logging!
  • Bug fixes!
  • More bugs!

Known issues

  • Auto-hiding is still incredibly experimental and may lead to a lot of flickering, especially with TranslucentTB compatibility or dynamic/split mode enabled.
  • Rounded corners are not antialiased due to a Windows limitation.
  • Dynamic mode/split mode only work correctly when the taskbar is horizontal at the top/bottom of the screen.
  • Split mode on Windows 10 only supports the main taskbar, secondary taskbars will not be split.
  • When using dynamic mode, the taskbar may occasionally become too large, too small or not update. This can usually be fixed by moving a window to or from that monitor or briefly changing the taskbar alignment.
  • Compatibility with taskbar mods outside of TranslucentTB version 2021.5 is not currently guaranteed.


If you wanna chat about RoundedTB, suggest features, get help, or just have a sneak-peek at the development process, check out the new Discord server. Alternatively if you encounter a bug feel free to file an issue.

Seriously though, thank you for all the support I’ve received in developing RoundedTB these past couple of months — it’s been awesome! Other than that, I hope you enjoy Release 3! 💙

Second preview for R3

Good news!

R3 is close, mostly just tidying stuff up now. I’m aiming to get the full release out ASAP. One new thing to note is the slightly updated icon. Actually, there are three; blue for releases, red for development previews (like this one!!) and yellow for CI/canary builds:
Now, onto this preview build…

New features

  • Win+F2 toggles hiding and showing the system tray in dynamic/split mode. In the future this might be customisable.
  • Split mode is now supported in Windows 10 (for horizontal taskbars only at the moment). It’s like dynamic mode, except not dynamic. The taskbar can be resized manually with a grabhandle, however. I’ll be working to bring a full dynamic mode to Windows 10 in the future, it’s just a bit more difficult on 10 due to its inferior taskbar.
  • Experimental compatibility with TranslucentTB (this requires an experimental build of TTB so it won’t work for you yet but trust me it’ll mostly work!)
  • Dynamically adjusting sliders for margin and corner radius

Fixes & improvements

  • Flickering caused by tray resizing no longer occurs
  • Autohide should now work with dynamic/split mode
  • Dynamic mode should no longer randomly resize as much (not quite perfect yet, notably on secondary monitors)
  • Not as many random crashes probably
  • Replaced «RTB» strings with «RoundedTB»
  • A bunch of minor fixes

Known issues

  • Taskbar still flickers occasionally
  • Autohide with dynamic mode is really ugly
  • Secondary taskbars may vanish on occasion — to resolve, move a window to or from that monitor
  • Dynamic mode/split mode currently only works on horizontal taskbars
  • Independent margin controls are disabled as they don’t work
  • Probably loads of tiny bugs I’m not aware of

Feel free to let me know of any bugs you encounter by filing an issue. Just make sure you tag the issue as prerelease!

Thanks for using RoundedTB, and sorry for the delay; not too much longer now! If you want to keep up-to-date with how I’m getting on, feel free to join the RoundedTB Discord server. If you want to try out canary versions that are even more experimental than this, you can always use this link to get whatever the absolute-latest build is.

Demo preview release for R3


A bunch of y’all have been wanting to play around with some of the upcoming features but I’m not quite done with R3 yet. As such, I thought I’d give you all this early prerelease version!

Notable features:

  • New default settings of 2/16
  • Early DWM patch for better TTB/TBX support
  • Faster update detection
  • You can no longer run this build and future builds if any version of RoundedTB is already running.
  • Dynamic and split taskbar mode for Windows 11 and 10 respectively:


Example demonstration:

This is a preview release; I don’t want you peeps using it and breaking your stuff. As such, running on startup is disabled, and you’ll get a warning message every time RTB starts. There’s also a different red icon to indicate it’s a preview build.

Seriously, there’s loads of bugs in this release. Loads of flickering in places, autohide is broken, Windows 10 support with the new split taskbar is iffy at best etc. — please don’t file issues on them, chances are I’m 110% aware! I’ll be doing a second prerelease prior to R3 where I’d love to get some feedback and any bug reports prior to the actual release, but for now just have a play around.

Things to bear in mind:

  • Autohide will not work for now; make sure it’s disabled before running this build.
  • If you accidentally lose access to the system tray and the RTB window, press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to bring up Task Manager, end RoundedTB, then restart Explorer.
  • Dynamic mode won’t actually be dynamic on Windows 10 — nor will it work at all if the taskbar is vertical.
  • If you’re on Windows 10 and you want to use split taskbar mode , right-click on the taskbar before enabling Dynamic Mode (will be Split Mode in R3), select Toolbars > New Toolbar and choose/create any empty folder. Then, just right-click the toolbar, and disable «Show Title». You can now resize this however you want, and when you enable Dynamic Mode, it will crop out that toolbar.
  • This build is not signed because I can’t afford a CSC yet
  • I’m really really tired lol it’s 5AM
  • Again, not going to be fixing bugs for this. Please refrain from filing issues and PRs based on this code.
  • If you want to talk about (read: not ask for support regarding) this build, feel free to message me on Discord at Torch#8888 or DM me on Twitter @​TorchCTI (I also randomly post progress updates here so y’know).

Thank you so much for all the support and for using RoundedTB it means the world to me ❤️ — I really can’t wait for you to get your hands on the final release build for R3.0, and I promise I’ve got even more cool ideas planned for the future!

The «It’s on the Store Now» Update!

Well as the title suggests, RoundedTB has been published to the Microsoft Store! This means no weird issues with your antivirus, and automatic updates. You can download it here.

Why is this update R2.2 (and R1.2.2.0 on the Store)? Well basically because I’m dumb, but that’s fine. Next update will be R3, and on the Store.


  • Supports running as UWP
  • New icon!!
  • Theme-responsive tray icon
  • Bees
  • Early support for recovering from Explorer crashing
  • Early support for adding/removing monitors
  • Early support for auto-hiding taskbar
  • Bug fixes
  • No longer packaged as a single executable (should help mitigate false AV detections)

The «It’s a Usable Piece Of Software Now» Update!

Good news! RoundedTB should be usable day-to-day now for most people.

I’ve added a bunch of new stuff:

  • The ability to save your settings (happens automatically when you click Apply and are stored in %localappdata%/rtb.json)
  • The option to have it run on startup. Note if you enable this option, don’t move the exe file (otherwise Windows won’t know where to look for it!)
  • Closing the window now minimises RTB to the notification area. Right-click the icon in the tray to show, hide and close RTB, as well as toggle the startup functionality.
  • Better multi-monitor scaling support.

Known issues:

  • On some scale factors, the margin width is occasionally off by one pixel. There’s a temporary partial mitigation for this in place but I’ll fix it properly another time.
  • Changing the DPI of a monitor whilst RTB is running will cause that taskbar to not perfectly match the applied settings until RTB is restarted.
  • Any new taskbars that appear after RTB starts won’t be accounted for until RTB is restarted.

Either way to all two people who wanted to use this, here you go! Still flagged as a prerelease because of above issues, and also if it’s detected as malware please do flag it as safe; I get it too and it’s just an annoying fact of how the app works and how it’s packaged:

One day I’ll have a CSC and enough leverage to get it not-falsely-flagged as malware immediately 🥺

Anyway thanks for using RoundedTB! I’ll try my best to bring some cool new things soon.

The «Hey it Works Pretty Well First-Try» Release

Initial release, see the readme for all the functionality. Amazingly this isn’t just a tech demo and it really just needs a little bit of polishing.

In upcoming updates, you can expect:

  • Starting with Windows
  • Dismissing the UI to the Notification Area (tray)
  • Perhaps a Store release (so its signed with automatic updates)? idk
  • Bug fixes!!

Until then have fun and if it breaks I’m not being held responsible.

(Oh, and if y’all could flag it as not-malware in the event that your browser/Windows prompts you that it is, that’d be fantastic ❤️ — feel free to scan it afterwards or just compile it yourself if you’re worried.)

Программист с ником Torchgm уже несколько месяцев публикует на GitHub сборки RoundedTB — бесплатной утилиты для Windows 10 и 11, позволяющей округлить панель задач и/или разделить её на две части (чтобы лента приложений и системный трей отображались отдельно). Программа оказалась довольно интересной и спустя время просочилась в СМИ.

Бесплатная RoundedTB для Windows разделяет и округляет панель задач. Смотрится эффектно

По умолчанию в RoundedTB активирован простой режим, позволяющий регулировать степень закругления панели задач, а также настраивающий отступ между значками и краями меню. Но есть и продвинутый режим, благодаря которому можно детально настраивать все параметры, активировать или деактивировать показ системного трея, а также включать разделение панели задач. Оно работает не только визуально: опустевшее пространство становится полностью активным и с ним можно взаимодействовать.

Бесплатная RoundedTB для Windows разделяет и округляет панель задач. Смотрится эффектно

Бесплатная RoundedTB для Windows разделяет и округляет панель задач. Смотрится эффектно

Бесплатная RoundedTB для Windows разделяет и округляет панель задач. Смотрится эффектно

Бесплатная RoundedTB для Windows разделяет и округляет панель задач. Смотрится эффектно

В середине ноября RoundedTB обновился до Release 3.1 (версия — скачать её можно в магазине Microsoft Store или на GitHub.

  • Теперь не боюсь за Windows: точки восстановления создаются каждый день. Вот как это настроить
  • 7 функций, которые сделают Windows 12 лучшей системой. Если Microsoft пойдёт на это
  • Эта бесплатная утилита от Microsoft в разы ускоряет работу. Она существует ещё с Windows 95
  • Эта утилита показывает, где используется выбранный файл в Windows и что мешает удалить его
  • Мод Windows 10 для игр: тестирую Atlas OS, из которого вырезали лишнее ради производительности

Download RoundedTB for Windows 10, 11 — A customization app that allows you to add margins, rounded corners, and segments to your taskbar


RoundedTB is a customization app that allows you to add margins, rounded corners, and segments to your taskbar. With RoundedTB, you can customise the shape and appearance of Windows’ taskbar, without modifying any system files or making any permanent system changes.

RoundedTB Basic Options:

The simplest way to use RoundedTB is available on is by simply entering a margin and corner radius. RoundedTB lives in the system tray, just right-click its icon to access all the settings.

  • Margin — controls how many pixels to remove from each side of the taskbar, creating a margin around it that you can see and click through.
  • Corner Radius — adjusts how round the corners of the taskbar should be.
  • Advanced — displays a host of additional advanced customisation options, explained below.
  • Apply — applies the selected settings to the taskbar.

RoundedTB Advanced Options:

These allow for further customisation, at the cost of some user-friendliness.

  • Independent Margins — in the advanced settings, a … button appears on the margin box. Click it to enable independent margins, which allow you to specify the margin for each side of the taskbar. You can also use negative values to hide the rounded corners for some sides, allowing you to «attach» the taskbar to different sides of the monitor.
  • Dynamic Mode (Windows 11) — dynamic mode automatically resizes the taskbars to accommodate the number of icons in it, making the taskbar behave similarly to macOS’ Dock.
  • Split Mode (Windows 10) — split mode is a simplified version of dynamic mode for Windows 10. Due to a more limited taskbar, dynamically resizing the taskbar isn’t possible. However after some setup, split mode allows you to separate the taskbar from the system tray and resize it at will. I admit it’s certainly not as cool as dynamic mode but for now it’s better than nothing. For info on setting up, see the bottom of this readme.
  • Show System Tray — this toggles whether or not the system tray, clock etc. is displayed in dynamic/split mode. It can be toggled at any time by pressing Win+F2.
  • TranslucentTB Compatibility — due to a bug in Windows, apps that alter the composition of the taskbar don’t allow RoundedTB’s changes to show up automatically. Whilst I’m currently not aware of a fix, I’ve worked closely with Sylveon to enable some level of compatibility between TranslucentTB and RoundedTB. This is experimental and will flicker slightly. It requires TranslucentTB version 2021.5 to function.
  • About RoundedTB — provides information about the current version of RoundedTB. The «Debug» section lets you open the config and log files.

New features:

  • Dynamic mode for Windows 11, providing a dock-like segmented taskbar!
  • Split mode, a simplified version of dynamic mode for Windows 10!
  • Independent margin controls!
  • Better support for TranslucentTB (version 2021.5 and above)!
  • An updated icon (including icons for the Development and Canary builds)!
  • A new help/about window!
  • Debug logging!
  • Bug fixes!
  • More bugs!

Оформление панели задач в RoundedTBЕсли вас не устраивает стандартный вид панели задач Windows 11 или Windows 10, существует множество способов изменить её оформление как средствами системы, так и с помощью сторонних утилит, таких как TaskbarX, Taskbar11 или Taskbar Groups.

В этом коротком обзоре речь пойдет о RoundedTB — ещё одной бесплатной утилите, позволяющей изменить внешний вид панели задач в последних версиях системы. О том, как именно — далее в статье.

Использование RoundedTB

Панель задач RoundedTB

Скачать приложение RoundedTB можно бесплатно в магазине приложений Microsoft Store, достаточно использовать поиск по библиотеке доступных приложений. Также можно использовать прямую ссылку на страницу приложения в магазине.

Сразу после установки и запуска RoundedTB будет добавлена в автозагрузку Windows, значок программы появится в области уведомлений, можно приступать к настройкам:

  1. Для доступа к параметрам RoundedTB нажмите правой кнопкой мыши по значку приложения в области уведомлений, выберите пункт «Show RoundedTB».
  2. После открытия упрощенного интерфейса настроек рекомендую сразу нажать по кнопке «Advanced», чтобы иметь доступ к большему количеству параметров. Основные настройки RoundedTB
  3. А теперь по порядку рассмотрим все параметры. Margin задает отступ от внешнего края панели задач. Рекомендую просто подвигать ползунок, чтобы увидеть результат — скорее всего он вам не понравится, но мы к нему ещё вернемся: полезный вариант использования существует. Расширенные настройки RoundedTB
  4. Corner radius задает радиус углов панели задач.
  5. Отметка Dynamic mode — включает отрисовку только тех областей панели задач, которые чем-то заняты (отметьте и нажмите «Apply» — «Применить», чтобы увидеть, о чем идет речь).
  6. Show system tray — включение или отключение отображения трея Windows (области уведомлений) при включенном Dynamic Mode. Если отображение отключено, то показать область уведомлений можно по нажатию клавиш Win+F2.
  7. Show system tray on hover — показывать область уведомлений при наведении мыши в область, где она расположена.
  8. TranslucentTB compatibility — включить совместимость с приложением TranslucentTB для настроек прозрачности панели задач (кратко касался приложения в статье про включение и отключение прозрачности Windows 10, там же есть ссылка на загрузку).
  9. Fill taskbar when maximized — заполнять всю панель задач (то есть не делить её на области) при использовании программ, развернутых на весь экран.
  10. Fill taskbar on Alt+Tab — заполнять всю панель задач при переключении между открытыми программами с помощью Alt+Tab.

Выше я отметил, что изменение значения «Margin» дает не очень красивый эффект, однако применение ему всё же можно найти: несли нажать по многоточию в поле ввода значения, то все значения отступов можно ввести отдельно.

Дополнительные параметры отступов RoundedTB

При этом есть возможность использовать отрицательные значения — это может быть полезным для пункта Inner Margin: «расширит» центральную часть панели задач, и при некоторых параметрах позволит добиться более приятного отображения крайних элементов на ней. Обратите внимание: при отсутствии значений во всех полях параметры, похоже, не работают — то есть там следует что-то указать (например, 0 вместо пустых значений).


Вот, пожалуй, и всё. Приложение простое, но не исключено, что кого-то из читателей заинтересует.

RoundedTB представляет собой узкоспециализированную, но очень интересную и бесплатную утилиту, которая понравится всем тем пользователям, кто любит экспериментировать с оформлением своего рабочего стола. С этим инструментом вы сможете кардинально изменить внешний вид графического интерфейса, используемого в передовых операционных системах — Windows 10-11.


Загрузка и установка

Переходим к инструкции, описывающей процесс инсталляции софта. Рассмотрим процесс в виде простой пошаговой инструкции:

  1. Всё что нужно сделать на первом этапе, это бесплатно скачать файл.
  2. Сначала производим распаковку. Для этого откройте текстовый документ и скопируйте код в буфер обмена.
  3. Уже через несколько минут инсталляция завершится. Вам нужно просто разрешать то, что будет просить инсталлятор.

Достоинства и недостатки

У любого ПО, в том числе и у нашего, есть сильные, а также слабые стороны.


  • удобство использования;
  • отсутствие конфликта с антивирусным ПО;
  • поддержка со стороны разработчиков.


  • запутанность настроек.


ПО может быть загружено при помощи торрент-раздачи. Смело производите инсталляцию. Файл проверен и не содержит вирусов.

Название программы: RoundedTB
Лицензия: Бесплатно
Обновлено и актуально: 2023 год

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