Room that has no windows or doors

What kind of room has no doors or windows

What kind of room has no doors or windows riddle is a very funny riddle. Here is the answer with explanation to this riddle. Try to thing the answer and then check the correct answer below.

What Kind of Room Has No Doors or Windows Riddle Question

Riddle: What kind of room has no doors or windows?

What Kind of Room Has No Doors or Windows Riddle Answer

The answer to What kind of room has no doors or windows riddle is “Mushroom.” If you see the spelling of mushroom it has word room in it but doesn’t have doors or windows (Mush-Room).

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September 27, 2023 HOME & GARDEN

We’ve all heard riddles at some point in our lives. They can be amusing, challenging, and thought-provoking. One such classic riddle is, “What kind of room has no doors or windows?” It may seem like a simple question, but it can open a world of fascinating discussion about riddles and their importance in cognitive development. 

In this article, we’ll unravel the answer to this riddle, explore the history and benefits of riddles, and provide you with a few more mind-bending puzzles to tackle.

Decoding the Riddle: What Kind of Room Has No Doors Or Windows?

What Kind Of Room Has No Doors Or Windows?

The Answer Revealed

Without further ado, the answer to the riddle is a mushroom. You might be wondering how a mushroom is in a room without doors or windows. Well, it’s a play on words; “mushroom” sounds like “much room,” hence the clever twist. 

If you’re wondering how to seamlessly integrate a TV into your living room with a bay window, look no further! In our comprehensive guide on “How to Put a TV in the Living Room with a Bay Window,” we provide expert tips and creative solutions to help you make the most of your unique space.

Riddles like these invite us to think beyond the literal meaning and challenge our conventional ways of understanding language.

A Brief History Of Riddles

Riddles have been an integral part of human culture for thousands of years. Ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Sumerians, used riddles in their literature, myths, and rituals. The famous Greek myth of the Sphinx and her riddle is a prime example of how riddles were woven into storytelling and folklore.

Riddles In Literature And Folklore

Throughout history, riddles have also found their way into literature and folklore. From the Bible’s enigmatic parables to the cunning riddles posed by Gollum in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Hobbit,” riddles have captivated readers and listeners alike. 

They often serve as a narrative device to convey wisdom or provide a test for the protagonist to overcome.

Cognitive Benefits Of Riddles

Solving riddles is not just a fun pastime; it also has various cognitive benefits. Engaging in riddle-solving activities can help improve memory, problem-solving skills, and overall brain health.

Improved Memory

Riddles often require the solver to recall information, make connections between different pieces of data, and think creatively. This process helps exercise the brain, leading to improved memory and cognitive function.

Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills

Riddles often involve lateral thinking, which means approaching problems from unique and creative angles. This type of thinking can be applied to various aspects of life, helping individuals develop better problem-solving skills.

Brain Health And Mental Stimulation

Solving riddles and puzzles can help keep the brain active and engaged, potentially delaying the onset of age-related cognitive decline. Some studies have shown that mental stimulation through activities like riddle-solving can lower the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.

More Riddles To Challenge Your Mind

More Riddles To Challenge Your Mind

Now that you know the answer to the classic riddle, “What kind of room has no doors or windows,” you might be eager to tackle more puzzles. Here are a few more riddles to get your brain gears turning:

  • What has keys but can’t open locks? (Answer: A piano)
  • What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years? (Answer: The letter ‘M’)
  • 3. What has a heart that doesn’t beat? (Answer: An artichoke)
  • I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have nobody, but I come alive with the wind. What am I? (Answer: An echo)
  • What gets wetter as it dries? (Answer: A towel)

When faced with the challenge of decorating a dining room with no windows, our insightful guide on “How To Decorate A Dining Room With No Windows” is your go-to resource. Discover ingenious design ideas and expert strategies to brighten and enhance the ambiance of your windowless dining space. From selecting the right lighting fixtures to choosing reflective surfaces and creating a welcoming atmosphere, this post offers a wealth of inspiration to help you create a dining area that’s both inviting and visually appealing. Embark on a journey to transform your windowless dining room into a stylish and cozy retreat.


Riddles like “What kind of room has no doors or windows” have entertained and challenged people for centuries. Solving riddles not only provides a fun and engaging mental exercise but also offers various cognitive benefits, such as improved memory, enhanced problem-solving skills, and better overall brain health. 

As you continue to explore the world of riddles and puzzles, you’ll sharpen your mind and unlock the doors to creative thinking. So, go ahead and challenge yourself with more riddles, and enjoy the mental workout they provide

About The Author

Ms. Olivia Writer

Olivia is a highly-skilled professional in the fields of Interior Design, Architecture, and Home Decor. She has a wealth of experience and a deep passion for creating spaces that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Olivia’s work has been widely recognized for its innovative design solutions and attention to detail, earning her a reputation as a leading voice in the industry.

This is actually a puzzle that can keep you thinking for hours to find the right answer. But if you keep thinking about different rooms and houses, you may not get the right answer.

So, if you’ve been brainstorming and haven’t found the answer, keep reading.

A popular and tricky puzzle or riddle question – “What Kind Of Room Has No Doors Or Windows ?” And at first glance, it seems that the answer is impossible.

After all, what is the use of a room without doors and windows?

How would you even get into it?

But as soon as you remember that many riddles are connected with a play on words, everything becomes obvious.

Just try to think of something with the word “room” that doesn’t refer to a room in the traditional sense.

Are you still struggling? Here is the answer for you !

What Kind Of Room Has No Doors Or Windows Answer ?

What Kind Of Room Has No Doors Or Windows Answer to this riddle Is – “Mushroom

In fact, this is not the kind of room you might think of before you know the correct answer.

This question is asked as a riddle and people may not get the right answer and then just type this question into Google search to find the answer.

In fact, many people get confused because they keep thinking about rooms, i.e. bedroom, bathroom, etc.

Here’s another riddle for you to try. It’ll keep you confused for hours, but the answer’s actually pretty stupid.

Throughout lockdown, one think that has bee keeping the world entertained is riddles. The little brain teasers are really frustrating, but also really fun at the same time.

If you need a new one to try, then have a go at this – What kind of room has no doors or windows?

Find out the answer below.

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Riddle: What Kind Of Room Has No Doors Or Windows

The riddle simply goes like this:

  • What kind of room has no doors or windows?

CLUE: It’s not actually a type of room.

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Answer: What Kind Of Room Has No Doors Or Windows

The answer is:

  • A mushroom.

Yes, that’s right. I told you it wasn’t a type of room! But it does have the word room in it.

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It’s so stupid that you can’t help but laugh!

Some riddles are actually really intelligent and have long-winded answers that take ages to work out. Others, are just pretty stupid.

This riddle definitely fits into the stupid category. It doesn’t really have an explanation at all.

The answer is really hard to get, and then when you hear the word mushroom you hate the riddle so much, but you also can’t help but laugh.

Oh the joys of riddles!

  • MORE: Answer: Pepsi Has 4 Letters riddle explained – you’ll kick yourself!

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What Room Has No Doors Or Windows Riddles To Solve

what room has no doors or windows riddles to solve with answers 201709 1850

Solving What Room Has No Doors Or Windows Riddles

Here we’ve provide a compiled a list of the best what room has no doors or windows puzzles and riddles to solve we could find.

Our team works hard to help you piece fun ideas together to develop riddles based on different topics. Whether it’s a class activity for school, event, scavenger hunt, puzzle assignment, your personal project or just fun in general our database serve as a tool to help you get started.

The results compiled are acquired by taking your search «what room has no doors or windows» and breaking it down to search through our database for relevant content.

Browse the list below:

What Kind Of Room Has No Doors Or Windows Riddle

201704 1112 ggafe

Am Room With Windows Riddle

A Room Full Of Water

You Are In A Cement Room Riddle

202207 2322 eebfc

In the mirror, you will notice the dark patch and using the table wood, you can break the wall and escape.

A cement wall doesn’t mean that the wall is wet or dry. You happen to notice the dark patch on the wall where the cement was wet, and thus if you push the wall using the table wood, it would break easily. Thus you can escape easily from the room.

My House Has No Doors Riddle

201710 1640 difca

Pick A Room Riddle

Behind one door is a bottomless pit with no end. Behind another door is an electric chair which you must sit in. Behind the last door is a pool full of acid. You must go in one of the rooms to the danger. Which one should you go through?»> It is Halloween and your friends dare you to go into a haunted house. You creep up to the door, a little scared wondering what is behind the door. You go in and there is a long hallway leading out into a dark musty room with three doors.

You’re kind of scared once you are inside. You try to turn back, to get back outside, but when you turn around the door is closed and locked. You yell for help but there is only silence. The room is dark and you look for a light source. You see a light switch and try to turn it on. Sadly the power is out. You are terrified but have no choice but to follow the long hallway to the three doors in the pitch black.


Answer: What Kind Of Room Has No Doors Or Windows riddle explained – think outside the box!

Here’s another riddle for you to try. It’ll keep you confused for hours, but the answer’s actually pretty stupid.

Throughout lockdown, one think that has bee keeping the world entertained is riddles. The little brain teasers are really frustrating, but also really fun at the same time.

If you need a new one to try, then have a go at this – What kind of room has no doors or windows?

Find out the answer below.

Riddle: What Kind Of Room Has No Doors Or Windows

The riddle simply goes like this:

CLUE: It’s not actually a type of room.

Remember folks, comment your answer below!

Q. What kind of room has no doors or windows? 🧐

Answer: What Kind Of Room Has No Doors Or Windows

Yes, that’s right. I told you it wasn’t a type of room! But it does have the word room in it.

Million Dollar Listing LA | Season 13 | Preview Trailer

It’s so stupid that you can’t help but laugh!

Some riddles are actually really intelligent and have long-winded answers that take ages to work out. Others, are just pretty stupid.

This riddle definitely fits into the stupid category. It doesn’t really have an explanation at all.

The answer is really hard to get, and then when you hear the word mushroom you hate the riddle so much, but you also can’t help but laugh.

Oh the joys of riddles!

Have something to tell us about this article? Let us know


What kind of room has no doors or windows

1941 ratings
32 saves

Question: What kind of room has no doors or windows?

Answer: A mushroom.

By: RiddlezRLGrech on 26/7/16

By: TheShadowRider14 on 27/11/14

By: TheRiddler123 on 9/2/16

By: TheRiddler123 on 9/2/16

By: TheRiddler123 on 9/2/16

By: TheRiddler123 on 9/2/16

By: TheRiddler123 on 9/2/16

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Room that has no windows or doors

You are in a room with no windows, doors or any exit. The only items are a mirror and a table. How do you escape?

Hint: This is not a typical brain teaser.

Look in the mirror, then at the wall and back at the mirror to see what you saw. Use the saw to cut the table in half and join the two halves to make a whole. Put the “hole” on the wall and climb out.

I know, it’s lame. I like to have brain teasers that you can realistically guess, but this one’s so popular, I feel an obligation to include it.

Similar ones

39 Comments on «A Room With No Windows»

You look in the mirror to see what you saw, you take the saw and cut the table in half, two halves make a whole then you climb through the hole!

You look in the mirror, see what you saw, then saw a circle out of the room

You look in the mirror you see what you saw, you take the saw cut the tables in half, put the two halves together which makes a hole, climb through the hole and yell until your voice is hoarse, then take the horse and ride away!

Look in the mirror, see what you saw, grab the saw, two halves make a whole. Put the two halves on the wall. crawl through the whole and your out!

It’s a play on words. See the answer for a more thorough explanation.

If you don’t understand it don’t think logically in this riddle. This riddle requires a person to string a bunch of words, including all its meaning

look in the mirror to see what you saw you take the saw and cut the table in half two halts make a hole and you go in the hole

I wiil not understand this ans

ayesha, it is a play on words:
Look in the mirror, see what you saw, grab the saw, (so now you have a saw)

Take the saw and saw the table in two halves
two halves make a whole (sounds like ‘hole’). Put the two halves on the wall. crawl through the whole (hole) and your out!

this riddle is a play on the English language, using Homophones. other languages will not have this issue as often as English does.

How about just breaking the mirror or table in twos or threes, putting it together for the ‘whole’ and climb through it. Skip the saw part, cause ultimately the ‘hole’ is needed to climb out of.

Just stop imagining

Look in the mirror(saw), take the saw, saw the table, put them back together (whole), and go through the hole.

Y’all think too much about it. It’s a damn riddle. Something to be fun. Jeez. You guys are waayyyyy too serious about a joke

You don’t hardly need the table. Eventually you will get bored, and then you can just saw the board in half.

Look in the mirror to see what you saw, take the saw, cut the mirror in half, two halves make a whole, and then you climb through the hole. — no idea what the table is for.

OKAY OKAY we get it everyone has said the answer if u don’t get it too bad.

you look in the mirror and you see what you saw, you use the saw to cut the table in half, two halves make a whole and you jump through the hole.

You look in the mirror to see what you saw. You use what you saw to cut the tame in half. You use the halls to make a whole and then you get out.

.Sorry guys but if you’re in a closed room with only two items it’s impossible to see a saw. You’re screwed.

You see what you saw you take out the saw you cut the table in half 2 halves make a whole. you go through that hole.

U break the table in half, a half makes a whole and u crawl threw the hole lol. Or u can still do the mirror one works.

Punch the center of the mirror. Take a large shard of the broken mirror… Probably not a good sign that was the first place my head went.

this is still the most absurd riddle to imo…my dad told it to me once a year at least. he knows other, better riddles. he just likes this one. I never remember how it ends until I google it.

when he climbed out he found he was at the top of a cliff with no way down. The rain was coming down in sheets so he grabbed some and tied them together and climbed down. A river flowed at the bottom of the cliff so he walked along until he came to a ford. He jumped in the ford and drove off until he came to a fork in the road which gave him a flat. When he climbed the stairs of the flat he found two tarts. He ate the first one but the other one had a ladder in her stocking. He climbed the ladder and hasn’t been seen since.

U look in the mirror u see what u saw, u take the saw, cut the table in half, two halves make a whole and u jump through the hole

You look in the mirror, you see what you saw, you take the saw, saw the table in half, two halves make one (w)hole, you jump through the hole, you scream until your voice is hoarse, you jump on the ho(a)rse, and you ride away!

you only say the items are the mirror and table, where is the saw dome from?

This riddle should be removed from existence.

You are in a room with no windows, doors or any exit. The only items are a mirror and a table. How do you escape?

No windows, no doors, or any exit; would assume there is no light to see what could have seen (saw) in the a mirror.
A whole doesn’t make a hole.

One can only presume the person in the box is now part of a quantum study similar to ‘Schroeder’s cat’.

in the original the saw is obtained by scraping your hands against the wall until the are sore

Now this one was kind of easy for me because I know this one by my heart if you ask me I can get this done in like what two seconds but you take a you took the I’m looking at you see what you saw and you take what you saw and cut this table in half 2 add two holes equal a whole so you call through the whole week is how you get this all because when you look in the mirror you see what you saw so you take what you saw and you cut the tape on top get it you don’t really get comment below and I can explain it better puppy while I don’t understand this please explain more

Also the other one is if you have an orange and a knife you cut the orange in half with the knife and then you crawl to go hold because you have equal whole but yeah that’s the other one and that’s really need explaining because it’s really super easy cuz you have a knife in an orange and crawl through the hole so yeah that’s really it so I don’t really need to explain anymore but even if you don’t get it just let me know and I’ll do I’ll explain more

I understand the wordplay now, but i didn’t at first… Y’all helped me out!

You look in the mirror and you see what you saw. You take the saw and cut the table into two halves. You put the two halves of the table together which makes a whole. You climb out the hole and yell until your voice is hoarse. You climb on the horse and run off.

hate to ruin this silly joke with logic but mirrors reflect the present not the past. So you have no “saw” cute word play for a child though. But not a good riddle.

this riddle is a play on the English language, using Homophones. other languages will not have this issue as often as English does.


ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 1 A (Module 1). Номер №I


Перевод задания
Послушайте, как двое друзей говорят о безопасности в доме, и заполните пробелы.
Безопасность в доме
• Не оставляйте ключи возле дверей или, например, окна.
• Ночью держите мобильный телефон рядом с 51 ) _. ( И убедитесь, что он включен!)
• В вашем 52 ) _ должно быть освещение от заката до рассвета, 2,5 метра 53 ) _ или более.
• Если к вашей двери подойдет 54 ) _, всегда спрашивайте удостоверение личности.
• Помните: если вы не 55 ) _, не впускайте их!

A: Hi, Kate! Come in! Tell me about the talk! Was it interesting?
B: Yes, I learned a lot. For example, are those your keys there?
A: Yes. Why?
B: Well, you should never leave keys near doors or windows, especially if they’re open.
A: Why not?
B: Well, someone may come in and take your keys. And they know where you live, too!
A: You’re right! What else did you learn?
B: Well, you should always sleep with your mobile phone beside the bed. And you should keep it switched on.
A: I see! That way, you can contact the police immediately.
B: Yes. And if you have a garden, you should have dusk−to−dawn outside lights.
A: That a good idea.
B: And these should be two and a half metres high at least.
A: And was there anything else?
B: Yes. If a stranger knocks on your door, always ask them for ID.
A: But what should you do if you’re not sure?
B: You shouldn’t let them in!

Перевод AUDIO
A: Привет, Кейт! Заходи! Расскажи мне о разговоре! Было интересно?
B: Да, я многому научилась. Например, это твои ключи там?
A: Да. А что?
B: Ну, никогда не оставляй ключи возле дверей или окон, особенно если они открыты.
A: Почему нет?
B: Что ж, кто−нибудь может войти и забрать твои ключи. И они также знают, где ты живешь!
A: Ты права! Что еще ты узнала?
B: Ну, ты всегда должен спать с мобильным телефоном рядом с кроватью. И ты должен держать его включенным.
A: Понятно! Таким образом, можно немедленно связаться с полицией.
B: Да. А если у тебя есть сад, у тебя должно быть освещение на улице от заката до рассвета.
A: Это хорошая идея.
B: И оно должно быть высотой не менее двух с половиной метров.
A: А было что−нибудь еще?
B: Да. Если в твою дверь постучится незнакомец, всегда спрашивай у него удостоверение личности.
A: Но что делать, если ты не уверен?
B: Ты не должен впускать их!

Перевод ответа
Безопасность в доме
• Не оставляйте ключи возле дверей или окна.
• Ночью держите мобильный телефон рядом с 51 ) кроватью. (И убедитесь, что он включен!)
• В вашем 52 ) саду должно быть освещение от заката до рассвета, 2,5 метра 53 ) высотой или более.
• Если к вашей двери подойдет 54 ) незнакомец, всегда спрашивайте удостоверение личности.
• Помните: если вы не 55 ) уверены, не впускайте их!


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