Rmsvc что это за служба windows 10

The RMSVC service is a Windows service (software component) that is responsible for the Remote Management of the computer. It allows users to remotely manage their computer from a remote location. This service is part of the Windows operating system and is used by system administrators to manage their networks. It is also used by users to access their computer from a remote location.

Why is the RMSVC Service Needed?

The RMSVC service is needed to allow users to remotely manage their computer. It provides a secure connection between the user and the computer, allowing the user to access the computer from a remote location. This allows users to access their computer from any location, without having to physically be present at the computer. It also allows system administrators to manage their networks from a remote location.

Is the RMSVC Service Safe?

Yes, the RMSVC service is safe to use. It uses secure protocols to ensure that the connection between the user and the computer is secure. It also uses encryption to protect the data that is being transferred between the user and the computer. The service also has built-in security measures to protect the user from malicious attacks.

RMSVC Service Related Errors and Troubleshooting

The RMSVC service can sometimes encounter errors when attempting to connect to a remote computer. The most common errors include:

  • The connection to the remote computer has failed.
  • The remote computer is not responding.
  • The remote computer is not available.
  • The remote computer is not responding to requests.

To troubleshoot these errors, you should first check the connection between the user and the remote computer. Make sure that the connection is stable and that the remote computer is available. If the connection is stable, then you should check the security settings on the remote computer and make sure that they are configured correctly. If the security settings are not configured correctly, then you should reconfigure them and try to connect again.

If the connection is still not working, then you should check the firewall settings on the remote computer. Make sure that the firewall is not blocking the connection. If the firewall is blocking the connection, then you should configure the firewall to allow the connection.

If the connection is still not working, then you should check the network settings on the remote computer. Make sure that the network settings are configured correctly. If the network settings are not configured correctly, then you should reconfigure them and try to connect again.

Can the RMSVC Service be Disabled?

Yes, the RMSVC service can be disabled. To disable the service, you should open the Services window in Windows and locate the RMSVC service. Right-click on the service and select the “Stop” option. This will stop the service and prevent it from running.

How to Fix the RMSVC Service?

If the RMSVC service is not working properly, then you should follow the steps below to fix it:

  1. Check the connection between the user and the remote computer.
  2. Check the security settings on the remote computer.
  3. Check the firewall settings on the remote computer.
  4. Check the network settings on the remote computer.
  5. Restart the RMSVC service.

If the service is still not working properly, then you should contact a qualified technician to help you troubleshoot the issue.


The RMSVC service is an important Windows service (software component) that is used to allow users to remotely manage their computer. It provides a secure connection between the user and the computer, allowing the user to access the computer from a remote location. The service is safe to use and can be disabled if necessary. If the service is not working properly, then you should follow the steps outlined above to fix it.

Отключение ненужных служб Windows 10 один из способов оптимизации работы системы. Чтобы приступить к оптимизации системы таким способом, нужно знать, не только какие процессы вам требуются или нет, но и как их отключать. В этой статье мы подробно расскажем, как выключить лишние службы в Windows 10.


Перед тем, как мы начнём рассказывать какие службы нужно отключить в Windows 10, вам стоит узнать, как это делать. Существует 2 основных способа — через приложение (services.msc) и через командную строку (cmd.exe).

Если в первом случае, вам доступен список доступных процессов с их статусом, то в командной строке придется вводить все команды самостоятельно.

Рассмотрим, как отключить ненужные службы в Windows 10 каждым способом:

  • Откройте окно выполнить (сочетание клавиш Win+R) и введите команду services.msc и нажмите ОК

Вам откроется окно “Службы” где будет показан список выполняемых или остановленных процессов в данный момент.

Попробуйте двойным кликом мыши открыть какой либо процессе, например Xbox Game Monitoring.

Тут будет доступна следующая информация:

  • Имя — необходимо для быстрого отключения/включения через CMD
  • Отображаемое имя и описание
  • Тип запуска — для полноценного отключения нужно выставить значение “Отключена”
  • Состояние — запущенная, остановленная, приостановленная.

Кроме этого, больше информации можно получить во вкладке “Зависимости”, где можно проследить взаимосвязь нескольких процессов в рамках системы.

2. Командная строка используется для более быстрой работы с процессами, если вам известно имя. Не знаете, как убрать ненужные службы в Windows 10 — эти команды вам помогут.

Для остановки используется команда:

net stop “имя”
а для запуска — net start “имя”

Для полной остановки (выключение автозапуска и остановка), выполните следующую команду :

sc config “имя” start= disabled
sc stop “имя”

пробел после значения “start=” обязателен.

Удаление службы в Windows 10 выполняется следующей командой:

sc delete “имя”

Мы показали, как удалить или отключить службу в Windows 10 используя приложение или Командную строку Windows. А теперь расскажем про список ненужных служб Windows 10.


Примечание: редакция сайта URL.ru не несёт ответственности за действия пользователей и их устройства. Перед отключением, обязательно удостоверьтесь, что эта служба не помешает корректной работе вашего устройства.

С выходом новых версий системы, данный список может меняться — службы удаляться из системы, переименовываться или добавляться новые.

Итак, какие службы можно отключить в Windows 10:

Значение “Имя” используется в командной строке, для более быстрого отключения или удаления процесса.


Название Имя Примечание
Диспетчер проверки подлинности Xbox Live XblAuthManager Отключить, если не используется приложение Xbox
Xbox Accessory Management Service XboxGipSvc
Xbox Game Monitoring xbgm
Сетевая служба Xbox Live XboxNetApiSvc
Сохранение игр на Xbox Live XblGameSave

Особой оптимизации на  Windows 10 от выключения этих ненужных служб вы не заметите, но если вы не играете на ПК или ноутбуке, отключить их будет не лишним.


Название Имя Примечание
Служба пульса (Hyper-V) vmicheartbeat Отключить, если не используются виртуальные машины
Синхронизация времени Hyper-V vmictimesync
Обмен данными (Hyper-V) vmickvpexchange
Завершение работы в качестве гостя (Hyper-V) vmicshutdown
Виртуализация удаленных рабочих столов Hyper-V vmicrdv
Hyper-V PowerShell Direct vmicvmsession
Гостевой интерфейс Hyper-V vmicguestinterface

В системе есть ненужные службы Windows 10 для домашних ПК которые можно отключить. К ним и относятся и процессы  Hyper-V, так как они работают только на Pro версии ОС.


Название Имя Примечание
Superfetch SysMain Должна оптимизировать работу системы, но часто делает наоборот. Выключить если используется SSD
Биометрическая служба Windows WbioSrvc Отключить если не используется биометрических датчиков — отпечатков пальцев, сканер лица и т.д.
Диспетчер платежей и NFC/защищенных элементов SEMgrSvc Отключить, если не используется NFC на устройстве
Политика удаления смарт-карт SCPolicySvc На домашних устройствах вряд ли будут использоваться смарт-карты
DVR для игр и трансляции BcastDVRUserService Отключите, если не играете в игры и вам не нужен DVR
Родительский контроль WpcMonSvc Включите, если планируете использовать семейные учетные записи и родительский контроль
Звуковой шлюз Bluetooth BTAGService Выключить, если не используется Bluetooth
Сенсорная клавиатура и панель рукописного ввода TabletInputService Не требуется для ПК. Не выключать на планшетах и ноутбуках
Управления радио RmSvc Отключите, если не используете режим “В самолёте”
Смарт-карта SCardSvr На домашних устройствах вряд ли будут использоваться смарт-карты
Телефония TapiSrv Выключить, если не используется телефонная связь через ПК
Телефонная связь PhoneSvc
Географическое положение lfsvc Если не используется определение геолокации — выключить
Windows Search WSearch Перестанет работать поиск по файлам, но может ускорить медленное устройство
dmwappushsvc dmwappushservice Телеметрия — отключить
Регистрация ошибок WerSvc Отключить, если не используются средства диагностики ошибок
Вспомогательная служба IP iphlpsvc Если не используется IPv6
Windows License Manager LicenseManager Если не используете Магазин Microsoft

Отключение некоторых лишних служб Windows 10 поможет для оптимизации системы, но стоит быть внимательным и не отключать процессы, которые необходимы для корректной работы системы. Все эти команды довольно сложно отключить неопытному пользователю, поэтому расскажем про программы для отключения служб Windows 10.


Выполнить настройку и отключение ненужных служб Windows 10 может программа Easy Service Optimizer.

Приложение включает 3 предустановленных режима — Безопасно, Оптимально, Экстрим. Каждый из этих режимов имеет свой список системных процессов для выключения. Безопасный и Оптимально можно использовать без особой потери функционала. А вот режим Экстрим выключает практически все возможные процессы системы, но при этом значительно его ускоряя. При этом останутся только те, службы какие нельзя отключать в Windows 10.

Перед использованием приложения настоятельно рекомендуем сделать точку восстановления, чтобы у Вас была возможность вернуться к состоянию “до оптимизации”. Результат оптимизации может отличаться и лучше предостеречь свое устройство от дальнейших ошибок и проблем.

Easy Service Optimizer- программа для выключения ненужных служб Windows 10 распространяется бесплатно и скачать её можно с официального сайта разработчика — http://www.sordum.org/8637/easy-service-optimizer-v1-1

В данной статье мы предоставили небольшой список служб Виндовс 10 которые рекомендуется отключить, для оптимизации вашей системы, а также приложение, для похожих целей. Надеемся, что эта статья была полезна и решила вашу проблему оптимизации устройства путём отключения служб Windows 10 для повышения производительности.

What is Rmsvc?

The rmsvc.exe is a MCRD RM Service. This file is part of Microsoft Windows Operating System. Rmsvc.exe is developed by Microsoft Corporation. It’s a hidden file. Rmsvc.exe is usually located in the %WINDOWS% sub-folder and its usual size is 23,552 bytes.

What is Radio Management Service?

Radio Management Service is a Win32 service. When the Radio Management Service is started, it is running as NT AUTHORITY\LocalService in a shared process of svchost.exe along with other services. If Radio Management Service fails to start, the failure details are being recorded into Event Log.

How do I cancel my radio Management Service?

“Service ‘Radio Management Service’ (RMSvc) could not be deleted….The solution is to delete the “Security” sub-key of the service.

  1. Open Registry Editor (regedit.exe)
  2. Navigate to:
  3. Delete sub-key called “Security”
  4. Restart computer.

How do I enable Radio Management Service?

Simply follow these steps:

  1. On Cortana/Search, type “service”, then choose Services.
  2. On the Services window, look for Radio Management Service.
  3. Double-click on it, change Startup type to Automatic, if it’s set to Manual. Then save changes.
  4. Right-click again, then select Start.
  5. Restart device.

What is Radio Management Service in Windows 10?

3] Restart Radio Management Service This service handles all operations related to Airplane mode and Radio services. Restarting the service may resolve the problem. Open Windows Service by reaching “services” in the Start menu. Locate Radio Management service, and double click on it to open.

Where is Radio Management Service?

Press the Windows Logo key + R to open a Run. Type msc into the Run dialog and press Enter. In the Services Manager, scroll down and locate a service named Radio Management. Double-click on the Radio Management service once you locate it.

What startup programs can I disable Windows 10?

Let’s take a closer look at some common startup programs that slow down Windows 10 from booting and how you can safely disable them….Commonly Found Startup Programs and Services

  • iTunes Helper.
  • QuickTime.
  • Zoom.
  • Google Chrome.
  • Spotify Web Helper.
  • CyberLink YouCam.
  • Evernote Clipper.
  • Microsoft Office.

What do you need to know about rmsvc.exe?

RMSvc.exe file information. The process known as MCRD RM Service or RMSvc belongs to software Microsoft Windows Operating System or Acer Quick Access by Microsoft (www.microsoft.com) or Acer (www.acer.com). Description: RMSvc.exe is not essential for the Windows OS and causes relatively few problems.

Where to find radio management service ( rmsvc ) file?

See the list of dependencies above. 1. Run the Command Prompt as an administrator. 2. Copy the command below, paste it into the command window and press ENTER: 3. Close the command window and restart the computer. The RmSvc service is using the RMapi.dll file that is located in the %WinDir%\\System32 folder.

Is the rmsvc.exeprocess also known as MCRD RM?

The RMSvc.exeprocess is also known as MCRD RM Serviceor, as the case may be, RMSvcand is a part of Microsoft Windows Operating Systemor, as the case may be, Acer Quick Access. This software is produced by Microsoft(www.microsoft.com) or, as the case may be, Acer(www.acer.com).

Is there a defective version of rmsvc.execan?

This software is produced by Microsoft(www.microsoft.com) or, as the case may be, Acer(www.acer.com). An obsolete or defective version of RMSvc.execan cause problems for your computer that can range from slowness to error messages such as these:

What does the RMSvc.exe file do?

The RMSvc.exe process is also known as MCRD RM Service or, as the case may be, RMSvc and is a part of Microsoft Windows Operating System or, as the case may be, Acer Quick Access. This software is produced by Microsoft (www.microsoft.com) or, as the case may be, Acer (www.acer.com). An obsolete or defective version of RMSvc.exe can cause problems for your computer that can range from slowness to error messages such as these:

  • MCRD RM service has stopped working. Windows is checking for a solution to the problem… (Windows 10, 8, 7)
  • MCRD RM service has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available. (Windows 10, 8, 7)
  • RMSvc.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. (Windows XP)
  • Access violation at address FFFFFFFF in module RMSvc.exe. Read of address 00000000.

What you should know about RMSvc.exe MCRD RM service

RMSvc.exe is not part of Windows, but it is important nonetheless. The file RMSvc.exe is found in a subdirectory of C:\Windows.
The file size is 28,160 bytes.
This particular software does not appear as a visible window, but only in Task Manager. The RMSvc file was developed by a so-called third party provider — and not by Microsoft. You can find the file or its related application in Control Panel under Programs. You can then rerun the setup or uninstall the program.
For this reason, 35% of all experts consider this file to be a possible threat. The probability that it can cause harm is high.

A RMSvc.exe file has a 8% certainty of being dangerous if it is found in a subdirectory of «C:\Program Files». In this case, the file size is usually 449,768 bytes.
You may uninstall the related program using Windows Control Panel. The application does not appear as a visible window, but only in Task Manager. The original file is digitally signed. Check your file. The original file has been signed by a trusted signature authority. This lets you check your copy to see if it is a counterfeit. This file does not come from Microsoft and is not part of the operating system.

If you see this file on your hard drive or in Windows Task Manager, please make sure that it is not a malicious variant. It’s a fact that many trojans try to cloak their true identity by calling themselves RMSvc.exe. With the above information or by using tools like Security Task Manager you can determine if, in your case, the file is an undesirable variant.

What do other computer users say about RMSvc?

The file spreads very slowly and does not often make an appearance. Therefore, feedback from other users is not yet available.

source: file.net

How to uninstall the program or Acer Quick Access

To remove MCRD RM service from your computer, please follow the manual instructions below or use an automatic uninstaller product.

  1. Click the Windows Start Button. You find it in the lower left corner of the taskbar.
  2. Type the word uninstall.
  3. Click Add or remove programs.
  4. Now locate the program or Acer Quick Access in the list of displayed applications.
  5. Click the program, and then click Uninstall.

Remove software in Windows 10

RMSvc.exe MCRD RM service fix

How to tell if RMSvc.exe (MCRD RM service) was uninstalled cleanly

After uninstalling, restart your computer. Then start Windows Explorer and see if there is still a folder with the name of the software under C:\Program Files. Be sure to check the Registry as well for remnants of MCRD RM service. To do this, start «Regedit», then look under «HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE» > «Software» for MCRD RM service or the name of the producer. Always keep in mind that only a computer professional should ever directly delete entries in the Windows Registry.

What to do if a program does not uninstall

The easiest way to remove any kind of software cleanly and accurately is to use an uninstaller tool. Because the uninstaller automatically creates a backup, there is no risk of anything going wrong.

The genuine RMSvc.exe file is a software component of Microsoft Windows by .
Microsoft Windows is an operating system; a piece of software that acts as a bridge between the hardware and software counterparts of a computer. RMSvc.exe runs the Media Center Extender Resource Monitor, a program that tracks system resources allocated to the Media Center to analyze its performace. This is a critical Windows component and should not be disabled or removed.

The Microsoft Windows operating system exhibits a graphical user interface and made its first appearance in November, 1985. It was developed using a GUI system shell for MS-DOS to target the growing market for graphical user interfaces. Microsoft Windows eventually took over the market with a 90% share, taking over large competitors such as Apple. It is currently available in over 137 languages.

Microsoft, founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975, is the world’s largest software maker with respect to revenue. Microsoft is best known for the Windows operating system. The company quickly rose to fame and fortune following the success of its 1986 public share offering turning three people into billionaires and an estimated 12,000 Microsoft employees into millionaires. Microsoft is headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA.

RMSvc stands for Media Center Extender Resource Monitor Service

The .exe extension on a filename indicates an executable file. Executable files may, in some cases, harm your computer. Therefore, please read below to decide for yourself whether the RMSvc.exe on your computer is a Trojan that you should remove, or whether it is a file belonging to the Windows operating system or to a trusted application.

Click to Run a Free Scan for RMSvc.exe related errors

RMSvc.exe file information

Windows Task Manager with RMSvc

RMSvc.exe process in Windows Task Manager

The process known as MCRD RM Service or RMSvc belongs to software Microsoft Windows Operating System or Acer Quick Access by Microsoft (www.microsoft.com) or Acer (www.acer.com).

Description: RMSvc.exe is not essential for the Windows OS and causes relatively few problems. The file RMSvc.exe is located in a subfolder of C:\Windows (for example C:\Windows\ehome\).
The file size on Windows 10/11/7 is 28,160 bytes. https://www.file.net/process/rmsvc.exe.html 
The program has no visible window. It is not a Windows core file. It is located in the Windows folder, but it is not a Windows core file.
Therefore the technical security rating is 50% dangerous.

Recommended: Identify RMSvc.exe related errors

If RMSvc.exe is located in a subfolder of «C:\Program Files», the security rating is 10% dangerous. The file size is 449,768 bytes.
The process can be removed using the Control Panel’s Add\Remove programs applet. The file has a digital signature. The RMSvc.exe file is not a Windows system file. It is a Verisign signed file. The program has no visible window.

Uninstalling this variant:
If you experience any issues with installation of RMSvc.exe, you might want to do the following:
  1) uninstall Acer Quick Access software via Windows Control Panel/Add or Remove Programs (Windows XP) or Programs and Features (Windows 10/8/7)
  2) use the software publisher’s support site
  3) make sure that you have installed the latest version.

Important: Some malware camouflages itself as RMSvc.exe, particularly when located in the C:\Windows or C:\Windows\System32 folder. Therefore, you should check the RMSvc.exe process on your PC to see if it is a threat. We recommend Security Task Manager for verifying your computer’s security. This was one of the Top Download Picks of The Washington Post and PC World.

Best practices for resolving RMSvc issues

A clean and tidy computer is the key requirement for avoiding problems with RMSvc. This means running a scan for malware, cleaning your hard drive using 1cleanmgr and 2sfc /scannow, 3uninstalling programs that you no longer need, checking for Autostart programs (using 4msconfig) and enabling Windows’ 5Automatic Update. Always remember to perform periodic backups, or at least to set restore points.

Should you experience an actual problem, try to recall the last thing you did, or the last thing you installed before the problem appeared for the first time. Use the 6resmon command to identify the processes that are causing your problem. Even for serious problems, rather than reinstalling Windows, you are better off repairing of your installation or, for Windows 8 and later versions, executing the 7DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth command. This allows you to repair the operating system without losing data.

To help you analyze the RMSvc.exe process on your computer, the following programs have proven to be helpful: ASecurity Task Manager displays all running Windows tasks, including embedded hidden processes, such as keyboard and browser monitoring or Autostart entries. A unique security risk rating indicates the likelihood of the process being potential spyware, malware or a Trojan. BMalwarebytes Anti-Malware detects and removes sleeping spyware, adware, Trojans, keyloggers, malware and trackers from your hard drive.

Other processes

internet manager.exe honeygainupdater.exe trailerwatch.exe RMSvc.exe myclouddesktop.exe hpsmhd.exe cnap2rpk.exe minisearchhost.exe autoroaming.exe fileops.exe optimumdesk.exe [all]

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