Restart windows service from service

Is there any way to restart a windows service from the same service , as Application.Restart() in Windows forms, I don’t want to launch another process from the service to restart the service.

bobbymcr's user avatar


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asked Dec 6, 2009 at 17:20

Priyan R's user avatar


I am a developer for an open source windows service hosting framework called Daemoniq. Setting service recovery options is one of its features. You can download it from

Current features include:

  • container agnostic service location via the CommonServiceLocator
  • set common service properties like serviceName, displayName, description and serviceStartMode via app.config
  • run multiple windows services on the same process
  • set recovery options via app.config
  • set services depended on via app.config
  • set service process credentials via command-line
  • install, uninstall, debug services via command-line


answered Dec 10, 2009 at 18:58

jake.stateresa's user avatar

You also can add Custom Action to Commit folder of Custom Actions in your setup project. It must be a primary output of class library project with class inherited from System.Configuration.Install.Installer with [RunInstaller(true)] attribute. In this class you need to override one base method:

    public override void Commit(IDictionary savedState)
        ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo("sc", "failure \"You service name\" reset= 60 actions= restart/1000");
        psi.CreateNoWindow = true;
        Process proc = Process.Start(psi);

It’s configuring your service to restart automaticaly after failure.

Than when you need to restart your service you can do

Environment.FailFast("Self restarting service...");

But it has one drawback — it will be fired an error message in event log.

answered Jun 14, 2015 at 11:31

Vladimir Shiyanov's user avatar

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  • i got guide line to restart the windows service using below line. now i want to plug the code into my win service and call those code when a specific condition will satisfy but i am not sure that can we restart windows service from the service itself?

    if any problem would occur then please advise me in advance. thanks

    private void RestartWindowsService(string serviceName)
            ServiceController serviceController = new ServiceController(serviceName);
                if ((serviceController.Status.Equals(ServiceControllerStatus.Running)) || (serviceController.Status.Equals(ServiceControllerStatus.StartPending)))


  • Your application should try to recover internally. If it encounters an exception, deal with it. If you don’t know how to handle the exception, debug your application to find out exactly what is causing the exception.

    In other words, don’t paper over your bugs. Just blindly restarting your service is a poor way of dealing with errors.

    Having said this, there are scenarios where there may be justification to restarting an application that has failed. There are a couple of approaches, none of them particularly appealing. Your service can simply exit, but then you need a watchdog service,
    which is completely separate, who’s sole responsibility is to watch for the service, and restart it if it fails. Another approach is for your service to launch a separate application, which will perform the shutdown/restart, when it encounters an unanticipiated

    • Marked as answer by

      Wednesday, October 8, 2014 7:48 PM

Is there a way to restart a Windows service from the command prompt?

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

asked Jun 24, 2011 at 17:54

Joe's user avatar

You can use net stop [service name] to stop it and net start [service name] to start it up again basically restarting the service.

To combine them just do this — net stop [service name] && net start [service name].

There is also a command built specifically for messing with services: sc

        SC is a command line program used for communicating with the
        Service Control Manager and services.
        sc  [command] [service name]  ...

        The option  has the form "\\ServerName"
        Further help on commands can be obtained by typing: "sc [command]"
          query-----------Queries the status for a service, or
                          enumerates the status for types of services.
          queryex---------Queries the extended status for a service, or
                          enumerates the status for types of services.
          start-----------Starts a service.
          pause-----------Sends a PAUSE control request to a service.
          interrogate-----Sends an INTERROGATE control request to a service.
          continue--------Sends a CONTINUE control request to a service.
          stop------------Sends a STOP request to a service.
          config----------Changes the configuration of a service (persistent).
          description-----Changes the description of a service.
          failure---------Changes the actions taken by a service upon failure.
          failureflag-----Changes the failure actions flag of a service.
          sidtype---------Changes the service SID type of a service.
          privs-----------Changes the required privileges of a service.
          managedaccount--Changes the service to mark the service account
                          password as managed by LSA.
          qc--------------Queries the configuration information for a service.
          qdescription----Queries the description for a service.
          qfailure--------Queries the actions taken by a service upon failure.
          qfailureflag----Queries the failure actions flag of a service.
          qsidtype--------Queries the service SID type of a service.
          qprivs----------Queries the required privileges of a service.
          qtriggerinfo----Queries the trigger parameters of a service.
          qpreferrednode--Queries the preferred NUMA node of a service.
          qrunlevel-------Queries the run level of a service.
          qmanagedaccount-Queries whether a services uses an account with a
                          password managed by LSA.
          qprotection-----Queries the process protection level of a service.
          delete----------Deletes a service (from the registry).
          create----------Creates a service. (adds it to the registry).
          control---------Sends a control to a service.
          sdshow----------Displays a service's security descriptor.
          sdset-----------Sets a service's security descriptor.
          showsid---------Displays the service SID string corresponding to an arbitrary name.
          triggerinfo-----Configures the trigger parameters of a service.
          preferrednode---Sets the preferred NUMA node of a service.
          runlevel--------Sets the run level of a service.
          GetDisplayName--Gets the DisplayName for a service.
          GetKeyName------Gets the ServiceKeyName for a service.
          EnumDepend------Enumerates Service Dependencies.

        The following commands don't require a service name:
          boot------------(ok | bad) Indicates whether the last boot should
                          be saved as the last-known-good boot configuration
          Lock------------Locks the Service Database
          QueryLock-------Queries the LockStatus for the SCManager Database
        sc start MyService

        If the query command is followed by a service name, the status
        for that service is returned.  Further options do not apply in
        this case.  If the query command is followed by nothing or one of
        the options listed below, the services are enumerated.
    type=    Type of services to enumerate (driver, service, all)
             (default = service)
    state=   State of services to enumerate (inactive, all)
             (default = active)
    bufsize= The size (in bytes) of the enumeration buffer
             (default = 4096)
    ri=      The resume index number at which to begin the enumeration
             (default = 0)
    group=   Service group to enumerate
             (default = all groups)

sc query                - Enumerates status for active services & drivers
sc query eventlog       - Displays status for the eventlog service
sc queryex eventlog     - Displays extended status for the eventlog service
sc query type= driver   - Enumerates only active drivers
sc query type= service  - Enumerates only Win32 services
sc query state= all     - Enumerates all services & drivers
sc query bufsize= 50    - Enumerates with a 50 byte buffer
sc query ri= 14         - Enumerates with resume index = 14
sc queryex group= ""    - Enumerates active services not in a group
sc query type= interact - Enumerates all interactive services
sc query type= driver group= NDIS     - Enumerates all NDIS drivers

Scott Chamberlain's user avatar

answered Jun 24, 2011 at 17:58

paradd0x's user avatar


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Please, note that if there are other services that depends on this service — usual net stop & net start will not restart them. net stop /y will stop all dependencies

Most common example — SQL Server & SQL Agent.

I do recommend PowerShell cmdlet to solve this:

powershell -command "Restart-Service MSSQLSERVER -Force"

After MSSQLSERVER starts — cmdlet starts all previously stopped dependancies.

PS: Make sure you are running command as admin

answered Mar 15, 2017 at 13:57

Dmitry Gusarov's user avatar


To restart a Windows service from the command prompt or scheduled tasks, use this:

cmd /c "net stop "Service Name" & sc start "Service Name""

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Feb 12, 2013 at 7:27

Kiki's user avatar


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You could also use PowerShell:


Gaff's user avatar


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answered Jun 24, 2011 at 18:12

devlife's user avatar


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To solve the annoying Wacom Intuous Driver not running Error I get on every reboot.

Windows key + R, paste, Bam!

sc stop WTabletServicePro && sc start WTabletServicePro

Simon E.'s user avatar

Simon E.

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answered Oct 20, 2014 at 3:45

George's user avatar


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The PsService utility from PsTools provides a restart command for services, with additional parameters to run it on another machine.

psservice [-accepteula] [\\Computer [-u Username [-p Password]]] restart <service-name>

The -accepteula flag saves you the EULA window just in case it’s the first time you use this utility with the current user.

answered May 22, 2018 at 16:00

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on August 15, 2010

We normally use Services.msc to start or stop or disable or enable any service. We can do the same from windows command line also using net and sc utilities. Below are commands for controlling the operation of a service.

Command to stop a service:

net stop servicename

To start a service:

net start servicename

You need to have administrator privileges to run net start/stop commands. If you are just a normal user on the computer, you would get an error like below.

C:\>net start webclient
System error 5 has occurred.
Access is denied.

To disable a service:

sc config servicename start= disabled

To enable a service:

sc config servicename start= demand

To make a service start automatically with system boot:

sc config servicename start= auto

Note: Space is mandatory after ‘=’ in the above sc commands.

This SC command works on a Windows 7 machine and also on the down-level editions of Windows i.e Windows XP/2003 and Windows Vista. Again, if you do not have administrator previliges you would get the below error.

C:\>sc config webclient start= auto
[SC] OpenService FAILED 5:
Access is denied.

Note that the service name is not the display name of a service. Each service is given a unique identification name which can be used with net or sc commands. For example, Remote procedure call (RPC) is the display name of the service. But the service name we need to use in the above commands is RpcSs.
So to start Remote procedure call service the command is:

net start RpcSsTo stop Remote procedure call service
net stop RpcSs

These service names are listed below for each service. The first column shows the display name of a service and the second column shows the service name that should be used in net start or net stop or sc config commands.

Display Name of the service ServiceName which should be used with ‘net’ and ‘sc config’ commands.
Alerter Alerter
Application Layer Gateway Service ALG
Application Management AppMgmt
ASP.NET State Service aspnet_state
Windows Audio AudioSrv
Background Intelligent Transfer Service BITS
Computer Browser Browser
Bluetooth Support Service BthServ
Bluetooth Service btwdins
SMS Agent Host CcmExec
Indexing Service CiSvc
ClipBook ClipSrv
.NET Runtime Optimization Service v2.0.50727_X86 clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32
COM+ System Application COMSysApp
Cryptographic Services CryptSvc
Cisco Systems, Inc. VPN Service CVPND
DCOM Server Process Launcher DcomLaunch
DHCP Client Dhcp
Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service dmadmin
Logical Disk Manager dmserver
DNS Client Dnscache
Lenovo Doze Mode Service DozeSvc
Error Reporting Service ERSvc
Event Log Eventlog
COM+ Event System EventSystem
Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Event Log EvtEng
Fast User Switching Compatibility FastUserSwitchingCompatibility
Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache FontCache3.0.0.0
Group Policy Monitor GPMON_SRV
Help and Support helpsvc
HID Input Service HidServ
ThinkPad PM Service IBMPMSVC
Windows CardSpace idsvc
IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service ImapiService
iPassConnectEngine iPassConnectEngine
iPassPeriodicUpdateApp iPassPeriodicUpdateApp
iPassPeriodicUpdateService iPassPeriodicUpdateService
IviRegMgr IviRegMgr
Server lanmanserver
Workstation lanmanworkstation
Lenovo Camera Mute LENOVO.CAMMUTE
Lenovo Microphone Mute Lenovo.micmute
TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper LmHosts
Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management Service LMS
McAfee Framework Service McAfeeFramework
McAfee McShield McShield
McAfee Task Manager McTaskManager
Machine Debug Manager MDM
Messenger Messenger
NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing mnmsrvc
Distributed Transaction Coordinator MSDTC
Windows Installer MSIServer
Net Driver HPZ12 Net Driver HPZ12
Network DDE NetDDE
Network DDE DSDM NetDDEdsdm
Net Logon Netlogon
Network Connections Netman
Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service NetTcpPortSharing
Network Location Awareness (NLA) Nla
NT LM Security Support Provider NtLmSsp
Removable Storage NtmsSvc
Microsoft Office Diagnostics Service odserv
Office Source Engine ose
Plug and Play PlugPlay
Pml Driver HPZ12 Pml Driver HPZ12
IPSEC Services PolicyAgent
Power Manager DBC Service Power Manager DBC Service
Protected Storage ProtectedStorage
Remote Access Auto Connection Manager RasAuto
Remote Access Connection Manager RasMan
Remote Desktop Help Session Manager RDSessMgr
Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Registry Service RegSrvc
Routing and Remote Access RemoteAccess
Remote Registry RemoteRegistry
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator RpcLocator
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) RpcSs
Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless WiFi Service S24EventMonitor
Security Accounts Manager SamSs
Smart Card SCardSvr
Task Scheduler Schedule
Secondary Logon seclogon
System Event Notification SENS
Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) SharedAccess
Shell Hardware Detection ShellHWDetection
Print Spooler Spooler
System Restore Service srservice
SSDP Discovery Service SSDPSRV
Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) stisvc
System Update SUService
MS Software Shadow Copy Provider SwPrv
Performance Logs and Alerts SysmonLog
Telephony TapiSrv
Terminal Services TermService
Themes Themes
ThinkVantage Registry Monitor Service ThinkVantage Registry Monitor Service
Telnet TlntSvr
On Screen Display TPHKSVC
Distributed Link Tracking Client TrkWks
TVT Scheduler TVT Scheduler
Windows User Mode Driver Framework UMWdf
Intel(R) Management & Security Application User Notification Service UNS
Universal Plug and Play Device Host upnphost
Uninterruptible Power Supply UPS
Volume Shadow Copy VSS
Windows Time W32Time
WebClient WebClient
Windows Management Instrumentation winmgmt
Portable Media Serial Number Service WmdmPmSN
Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions Wmi
WMI Performance Adapter WmiApSrv
Security Center wscsvc
Automatic Updates wuauserv
SMS Remote Control Agent Wuser32
Wireless Zero Configuration WZCSVC
Network Provisioning Service xmlprov

How to Restart the Service[s] in Windows Command Line

  1. Open PowerShell Terminal or PowerShell ISE as Administrator.
  2. Use the following Get-Service the command along with a -Name (or) -DisplayName parameter and List the Services you want to be restarted.

How do I force restart a Windows service?

  1. Click the Start menu.
  2. Click Run or in the search bar type services.msc.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. Look for the service and check the Properties and identify its service name.
  5. Once found, open a command prompt. Type sc queryex [servicename].
  6. Press Enter.
  7. Identify the PID.
  8. In the same command prompt type taskkill /pid [pid number] /f.

How do you restart services in Windows 10?

This document highlights steps on how to restart a Windows service, which can sometimes be done in lieu of restarting your computer.

  1. Open Services. Windows 8 or 10: Open Start screen, type services. msc and press Enter.
  2. In the Services pop-up, select the desired application and click the Restart Service button.

How do I restart a service remotely?

You can use mmc:

  1. Start / Run. Type “mmc”.
  2. File / Add/Remove Snap-in… Click “Add…”
  3. Find “Services” and click “Add”
  4. Select “Another computer:” and type the host name / IP address of the remote machine. Click Finish, Close, etc.

How do I restart a Windows Powershell service?

Stop and then restart one or more services. Syntax Restart-Service { [-name] string[] | [-displayName] string[] | [-inputObject ServiceController[]] } [-force] [-include string[]] [-exclude string[]] [-passthru] [-whatIf] [-confirm] [CommonParameters] Key -name string The service names to be restarted.

How do I restart Windows?

Use Ctrl + Alt + Delete

  1. On your computer keyboard, hold down the control (Ctrl), alternate (Alt), and delete (Del) keys at the same time.
  2. Release the keys and wait for a new menu or window to appear.
  3. In the bottom right corner of the screen, click the Power icon.
  4. Select between Shut Down and Restart.

How do I restart Winmgmt service?

How do I restart WMI?

  1. Click Start , click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
  2. Stop the Windows Management Instrumentation service or at the command prompt, type net stop winmgmt, and then press ENTER.
  3. At the command prompt, type winmgmt /resyncperf, and then press ENTER.

How do I restart a Windows process?

How to restart Windows Explorer

  1. Open Task Manager. If you right-click on the task bar at the bottom of the screen, Task Manager should appear as an option.
  2. In Task Manager, click on the field labeled “Windows Explorer.”
  3. In the bottom right corner of Task Manager, click the button labeled “Restart.”

How do I force a service in Windows 10?

To start a service on Windows 10, use these steps:

  1. Open Start.
  2. Search for Services and click the top result to open the console.
  3. Double-click the service that you intend to stop.
  4. Click the Start button. Source: Windows Central.
  5. Click the Apply button.
  6. Click the OK button.

How can I access a service from another computer?

To connect to a remote services MMC, click the Services name in the left pane, go to Action, then Connect to another computer… Once connected, you can operate the services just like you do on the local system.

How do I run a Windows process remotely?

tasklist.exe /S SYSTEM /U USERNAME /P PASSWORD To execute, click on Start \ Run… and in the run window type cmd to open a command prompt. Then type the tasklist command, substituting SYSTEM for the remote computer you want to view processes, USERNAME and PASSWORD with an account/password on the remote Computer.

Can we restart Windows service from service itself?

Make the service restart itself: Open the services applet. (Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services) Find the service you wish to restart and right click on it. Choose Properties from the menu. On the first, second and subsequent failures dropdown boxes, choose your desired action to take when the service fails.

How to shutdown/reboot computer in CMD?

How to Shut Down or Restart Another Computer Using CMD Method 1 of 4: Using CMD. Click the Start button . It’s the button with the Windows icon in the lower-left corner. Method 2 of 4: Using the Remote Shutdown Dialog. Click the Start button . Method 3 of 4: Enabling Printer and File Sharing Through the Windows Firewall. Open the Control Panel. Method 4 of 4: Editing the Registry. Click the Start button .

How do you restart the Windows Update service?

Here are 2 Ways to Restart Windows Update Service in Windows 10 –. Step-1: Type Services in the Taskbar Search box. When the result appears, click on Open. Step-2: On the following Window, Scroll down through the list of services there and find Windows Update. Right-click on Windows update and click on Restart.

How do I start Windows Installer service?

Start the Windows Installer service. Click Start, type Services.msc and press {ENTER}. Double-click Windows Installer. Set the Startup type of Windows Installer to Manual. Click Start to start the service.

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