Регистрация ocx в windows 10 64

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Файлы OCX являются расширением программных файлов и позволяют пользователям операционной системы Windows выполнять обычные задачи, вроде изменения размера окон и перемещения полосы прокрутки. Их также называют формами ActiveX Controls или OLE (технология связывания и внедрения объектов в другие документы и объекты) Control Extensions. OCX также используют в наборе программирования. С их помощью разработчики могут внедрить в программу дополнительные функции, вроде отображения в программе миллиона цветов или улучшения подключения к интернету. Устанавливая программу, содержащую файлы OCX, регистр операционной системы автоматически установит и зарегистрирует их. Если вы получите сообщение об ошибке, связанной с файлами OCX, или просто хотите убедиться, что файлы OCX правильно зарегистрированы, сделайте это собственноручно. Читайте далее и вы узнаете, как зарегистрировать файлы OCX на компьютере с ОС Windows.

  1. Изображение с названием Register OCX Files Step 1


    Найдите файл OCX, который хотите зарегистрировать. Откройте папку с файлом, если знаете, где он хранится, или запустите поиск.

    • Чтобы найти файл в Windows XP, сначала откройте меню «Пуск», а затем нажмите на «Поиск». Когда появится диалоговое окно помощника по поиску, нажмите на «Файлы и папки». Введите критерий поиска и нажмите «Найти».
    • Чтобы найти файл в Windows 7, откройте меню «Пуск» (логотип Windows) в нижнем левом углу окна. Когда появится всплывающее окно, введите критерий поиска в поле в самом низу, а затем нажмите на иконку лупы справа, чтобы запустить поиск файла.
  2. Изображение с названием Register OCX Files Step 2


    Выберите файл OCX, который хотите зарегистрировать. Зажмите на клавиатуре клавишу Shift и нажмите на файл OCX правой кнопкой мыши. Когда появится всплывающее меню, нажмите «Открыть с помощью…».

  3. Изображение с названием Register OCX Files Step 3


    Нажмите в появившемся окне на «Выбрать программу из списка», а затем нажмите «ОК». В следующем диалоговом окне нажмите «Обзор».

  4. Изображение с названием Register OCX Files Step 4


    Найдите файл RegSvr32.exe. Найдите и откройте папку Windows, а затем откройте папку «System32». Нажмите на файл RegSvr32.exe, а затем нажмите «ОК». Затем вы увидите окно подтверждения, в котором будет написано, что файл OCX был успешно зарегистрирован.

  5. Изображение с названием Register OCX Files Step 5


    Если после регистрации файла на экране появится сообщение об ошибке, перезагрузите компьютер и повторите снова.



  • Если несколько попыток регистрации файла OCX оказались безуспешными, возможно, файл поврежден. Скачайте более новую версию файла с надежного источника, например, с сайта Microsoft.



  • Проводя чистку файлов на компьютере, не удаляйте файлы OCX, поскольку они связаны с программами, которые без них работать не будут. Удаление файлов OCX также может привести к проблемам при включении компьютера. Если вы считаете, что файл OCX поврежден или содержит вирус, запустите антивирусную программу, чтобы проверить наличие или отсутствие вируса, и лишь потом удаляйте файл.


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Click Start > All Programs > Accessories and right-click on “Command Prompt” and select “Run as Administrator” OR in the Search box, type CMD and when cmd.exe appears in your results, right-click on cmd.exe and select “Run as administrator” At the command prompt, enter: REGSVR32 “PATH TO THE DLL FILE”

Do OCX files need to be registered?

ocx file must be registered correctly for it to work correctly.

How do I use an OCX file?

Follow these steps to use your OCX file in LabVIEW:

  1. Open the Controls Palette and select . NET & ActiveX»ActiveX Container.
  2. Right-click the container and select Insert ActiveX Object.
  3. Select the desired OCX file from the list. The OCX file will appear in the list once it has been registered with the operating system.

How do I know if OCX is registered?

– Go to Start > Run > Regedit. – Go to Edit > Find… and paste in the value. – Click Find Next to search the registry. Expand the entry and select the InprocServer32 key to reveal the full path to the OCX file.

How do I register crystl32 OCX on Windows 10 64-bit?

How do I register crystl32 OCX on Windows 10 64-bit?

  1. Go to system32.
  2. Set details view for this folder.
  3. Right click on column header (Any will work)
  4. Click More.
  5. Find something on this list that could show you connection between your ocx and other required files*
  6. Copy all those files to system32.
  7. Try register original one.

How do I register 32 bit OCX on 64-bit?

please note that you need to put the 32-bit version of ActiveX control in the SysWow64 folder and run the regsvr32 (from that folder) to register that version. Put the 64-bit version of in the system32 folder, and run that folders regsvr32 to register.

What is the difference between DLL and OCX?

An OCX is based upon the COM (Component Object Model) technology and is often referred to as ActiveX control. A DLL can be based upon any number of technologies, including COM, . NET, standard Windows libraries, etc.

What is an OCX file?

An OCX file contains a reusable software module, called an ActiveX control, which can be used within Windows software programs. ActiveX controls can be created for various purposes, such as user interface forms, webpage widgets, online games, and multimedia viewers.

Where are OCX files stored?

The OCX file may be put in any location on the disk. The OCX file must then be registered by Windows before it can be used. Registration of OCX and DLL files is done by the program Regsvr32.exe, which can be found in the windows\system or windows\system32 directory.

How do I register ActiveX DLL?

How to Register an ActiveX DLL using regsvr32

  1. Using a text editor, create a . bat file in the same directory as the 32-bit DLL.
  2. Insert this line in the .bat file: regsvr32 “%CD%”\myActiveX.dll.
  3. Run the . bat “as Administrator”.

How do I register a component in Windows 10?

How do I register . DLL files in a Windows 10 64-bit?

  1. Go to the Search window and type cmd, right click on Command Prompt and choose Run as an administrator option.
  2. Type the following command in the command window and hit Enter – regsvr32

What program opens OCX files?

Download and install Microsoft Visual Studio

Select Microsoft Visual Studio or one of the recommended programs (for example, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Visual Basic) and download it from appropriate source and install on your system.

Where are OCX files stored in Windows 10?

To register a 64-bit OCX file, you will need to use the 64-bit version located in the “System32” folder, not the 32-bit version located in the “SysWoW64” folder.

How do I open a ActiveX control file?

Enable ActiveX controls in the Backstage view

  1. Click the File tab.
  2. In the Security Warning area, click Enable Content.
  3. Under Enable All Content, click Always enable this document’s active content. The file becomes a trusted document.

How do I register crystl32 OCX on Windows 10 32 bit?

ocx (Go to Start -> Run-> Type Command. It will open DOS Mode. then go to C:WindowsSysytem32.: Type Regsvr32 crystl32. ocx ) or re-install the program it will work for sure.

How do I know if ActiveX control is installed?

You can view the ActiveX controls you have installed by clicking the gear menu in Internet Explorer and selecting Manage Add-ons. Click the box under Show and select All add-ons.

How do you check if DLL has been registered?

If you have one machine where it is already registered, you can:

  1. Open regedit and search for your DLL filename.
  2. If it is registered, you will find filename under a key that is under the TypeLib. The key will look like: {9F3DBFEE-FD77-4774-868B-65F75E7DB7C2}

1 Answer

  1. C:\Windows\SysWOW64> regsvr32 Vsppg7.dll /u.
  2. C:\Windows\SysWOW64> regsvr32 Vsppg7.dll.
  3. C:\Windows\SysWOW64> regsvr32 vsStr7.ocx /u.
  4. C:\Windows\SysWOW64> regsvr32 vsStr7.ocx.

How do I run an OCX file as administrator?

Register Or Unregister DLL Or OCX Files In Windows 10/8/7

How do I register comdlg32 OCX in Windows 10?

Replies (4) 

  1. Press Windows key + X, select Command prompt (Admin) to bring up elevated Command prompt.
  2. Put in your credentials for UAC prompt.
  3. In the command prompt type in “regsvr32 comctl32. ocx” then press ENTER.

How do I edit an OCX file?

How to Edit an OCX File

  1. Right click on the OCX file.
  2. Click on “Open With.”
  3. Select the “Choose Default Program” option.
  4. Select the development software that you wish to use.
  5. Click on “Browse” only if Windows does not display the software.
  6. Click on “OK.” Your OCX file will open.

What does dll file contain?

A DLL is a library that contains code and data that can be used by more than one program at the same time. For example, in Windows operating systems, the Comdlg32 DLL performs common dialog box related functions. Each program can use the functionality that is contained in this DLL to implement an Open dialog box.

How do I activate Mscomctl OCX on Windows 10 64 bit?


  1. If you are using 64 bit Windows copy the MSCOMCTL.OCX to C:\WINDOWS\SYSWOW64. (If you are using 32 bit Windows copy MSCOMCTL.OCX to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32) .
  2. Open a CMD or PowerShell prompt (as an administrator) and change into C:\WINDOWS\SYSWOW64. .
  3. Type. regsvr32 mscomctl.ocx.
  4. Press ENTER.
  5. Enjoy.

How do I register a DLL file?

Register 32 or 64-bit DLLs in Windows

  1. Step 1: First click on Start, then Run.
  2. Step 2: Now all you have to do to register a DLL file is to type in the regsvr32 command, followed by the path of the DLL file.
  3. Step 3: Now click OK and you should get a confirmation message that the DLL has been registered successfully.

How do I register MSCOMM32 OCX in Windows 10?

Type: regsvr32 /i MSCOMM32. OCX. Hit enter. This will re-register your file.

How do I register a COM component?

Place the COM component in the folder from you want to register and also your executable is placed e.g. “C:\TFS\Code\bin\” in the example below. You should get a prompt that the register/unregister command succeeded. This command can be used to register/unregister DLL or OCX files.

What does class not registered mean in Windows 10?

Class not registered error in Windows is an error that usually occurs when trying to open an app or program in Windows. The error occurs mainly due to unregistered DLL files within the app or program. Sometimes, the file may become unregistered for certain reasons. It may appear in Windows 10, 8, and 7.

What is the use of Regasm exe?

You can run a command-line tool called the Assembly Registration Tool (Regasm.exe) to register or unregister an assembly for use with COM. Regasm.exe adds information about the class to the system registry so COM clients can use the . NET Framework class transparently.

What is ActiveX control in Internet Explorer?

ActiveX controls are small apps that allow websites to provide content such as videos and games. They also let you interact with content like toolbars and stock tickers when you browse the web. However, these apps can sometimes malfunction, or give you content that you don’t want.

What is ActiveX Installer?

ActiveX is a platform for developing small programs or plug-ins that give web browsers and Microsoft products increased functionality. Microsoft warns that ActiveX controls can be used to spy on your computer, damage data, or install malicious software.

What does runtime error 339 mean?

Runtime error 339 is an error that usually occurs when the . ocx file is missing from a software application that you are trying to install on your computer. The error may not necessarily appear during the installation but when you try to use the application for the first time.

How do I activate ActiveX on Windows 10 64 bit?

ActiveX Control Registration

  1. Search for Command Prompt in the Start Menu and right click >> Run as Administrator.
  2. Enter the following in the command box: regsvr32 ”<. ocx file path>”, including quotations.
  3. A dialog will pop up to confirm it succeeded.

How do I register regsvr32 on Windows 10?


  1. Step 1: First click on Start, then Run(Open command promot)
  2. Step 2: Now all you have to do to register a DLL file is to type in the regsvr32 command, followed by the path of the DLL file.
  3. Step 3: After Enter and you should get a confirmation message that the DLL has been registered successfully.

How do I enable ActiveX on Chrome?

How to activate ActiveX on Google Chrome

  1. Open your Google Chrome browser.
  2. 2nd step.
  3. Click on Settings.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Advanced.
  5. Go to the System section.
  6. Select Open proxy settings and a new pop-up window will appear.
  7. Download the ActiveX plug-in for Mozilla here.

How do I enable ActiveX in PowerPoint?

Change ActiveX-control settings in Word, Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Visio

  1. Click File > Options.
  2. Click Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > ActiveX Settings.
  3. Click the options you want, and then click OK.

How do I run ActiveX on my Mac?

How to Get ActiveX to Work on a Mac

  1. Launch the Internet browser on your Mac computer.
  2. Click the “Download” tab, and the ActiveX download begins on the computer.
  3. Double-click the downloaded Mac ActiveX download in the “Downloads” window (or double-click the desktop icon) to launch the installation.

How to register your .OCX files

To register a .ocx (Dynamic Link Library) file in Windows, you can follow these steps.

.OCX File Registration

.OCX files are an essential component of Windows operating systems as they enable programs to share code and data, thereby improving efficiency and conserving disk space. To register a .OCX file, the user needs to use the Command Prompt and execute the «regsvr32» command. However, to ensure successful registration, the user should have administrative privileges and know the file’s name and location.

To register an .OCX file, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Command Prompt: Click on the Start button in the Windows taskbar, type «cmd» in the search bar, and then click on the «Command Prompt» option in the search results. Alternatively, you can press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box, type «cmd» in the text box, and then press Enter.
  2. Run Command Prompt as administrator: To register a OCX file, you need administrative privileges. Right-click on the «Command Prompt» option and select «Run as administrator» from the context menu.
  3. Navigate to the directory where the .ocx file is located: Use the «cd» (change directory) command to navigate to the directory where the .ocx file is located. For example, if the .ocx file is located in the «Downloads» folder under the «username» account, you can type «cd C:\Users\username\Downloads» and press Enter. This will change the working directory to the «Downloads» folder.
  4. Register the .ocx file: Once you are in the directory where the .ocx file is located, type «regsvr32 [filename].ocx» and press Enter. Replace «[filename]» with the actual name of the .ocx file, including the .ocx file extension. For example, if the .ocx file is named «myocx.ocx», you would type «regsvr32 myocx.ocx» and press Enter.
  5. Verify that the .ocx file has been registered: A message should appear indicating that the .ocx file was registered successfully. If there are any errors or issues, you may need to check that the file name and location are correct, or that the OCX file is compatible with your operating system.

How to unregister .OCX files

The «/u» option with the regsvr32.exe command is used to unregister a OCX file. When you unregister a OCX file, it removes the registration information from the Windows registry, which can be useful when you no longer need the OCX file or when you need to replace it with a newer version.

To unregister a OCX file using the regsvr32.exe command with the «/u» option, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Command Prompt with administrative privileges.
  2. Type «regsvr32.exe /u» followed by the path and name of the OCX file you want to unregister.
  3. Press «Enter» to execute the command.
  4. Wait for the message «OcxUnregisterServer in filename.ocx succeeded» to confirm successful unregistration.

It’s important to note that not all OCX files can be unregistered. Some OCX files are critical components of the operating system and cannot be unregistered without causing system instability or other issues. Additionally, some OCX files may not include an unregister function, in which case using the «/u» option with the regsvr32.exe command will result in an error.

.OCX Registration Tips

Here are some additional tips and notes for registering OCX files:

  1. Make sure you have administrative privileges: To register a OCX file, you need to have administrative privileges on your computer. If you’re not sure whether you have administrative privileges, right-click on the Command Prompt and select «Run as administrator.»
  2. Check the file name and location: Make sure you have the correct file name and location for the OCX file you want to register. If you’re not sure, you can use the «dir» command to list the files in the current directory.
  3. Be aware of potential compatibility issues: Some OCX files may not be compatible with your operating system or with other software installed on your computer.

Лучший ответ Сообщение было отмечено как решение


me007, так не получится. Системная команда «Запуск от имени Администратора» не подхватывает 2-го параметра командной строки, будучи запущенной из строки поиска в меню «ПУСК».
Скорее всего недоделка Майкрософт.

Ремарка. Если биботеку планируется использовать постоянно, то прежде всего поместите ее в ситемную папку (c:\windows\system32 для 64-битных или c:\windows\SysWOW64 для 32-битных библиотек).
После регистрации ее физическое расположение меняться не должно, иначе процедуру придется повторить.

Способ 1.
Запустите интерпретатор от имени администратора
Затем укажите программу-регистратор и через пробел в кавычках путь и имя файла-библиотеки», нажмите {ENTER},

regsvr32.exe "C:\users\Alex\Desktop\AniGIF.ocx"

Способ 2.
Ассоциируйте тип файла .OCX с программой regsvr32.exe
Тогда сможете регистрировать библиотеки простым двойным кликом.
Для этого:
1) Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши по библиотеке .OCX (или .DLL)
2) «Открыть с помощью…»
3) «Выбор программы»
4) «Выбор программы из списка установленных программ» -> OK
5) «Озбор»
6) В поле введите путь к программе-регистратору, например c:\Windows\System32\regsvr32.exe
Прим. библиотека должна находится в папке, к которой у текущего пользователя-администратора есть полные права на редактирование (например, рабочий стол).

Способ 3.
Используйте прилагаемый VBS скрипт.
Распакуйте и перетащите на скрипт регистрируемую библиотеку.
В скрипте использован принцип элевации прав через ShellExecute Runas объекта Shell.Application.

Развернуть код…

Visual Basic
'Alan dot Kaplan at VA dot Gov 6/23/10
'This scriptlet shows you how run a vbscript with a UAC prompt
'and to permit choice of script host.  If OS pre-VISTA then UAC is ignored.
Option Explicit
Dim wshshell: Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
If WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 Then
    Wscript.Echo "Перетащите библиотеку .DLL (.OCX) на этот скрипт" 
end if
'0 Don't change host
'1 Run with Cscript
'2 Run with Wscript
ReRunUAC 2
'script continues...
'Demo code
WshShell.Run "regsvr32.exe " & """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """",0,False
Sub ReRunUAC(iHost)
    If isElevated Then Exit Sub 
    Dim quote: quote=chr(34)
    Dim oWMI:  Set oWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
    Dim oShell: Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    Dim iWindow: iWindow = 0 '1 normal 2 minimized.  0 is bad, hidden
    Dim oOSInfo, OS
    Dim strHost, strArgs, i
    Select Case iHost
        Case'Don't change
            strHost =  wscript.FullName
        Case 1
            strHost = "Cscript.exe"
        Case 2
            strHost = "Wscript.exe"
        Case Else
            strHost = wscript.FullName
    End Select
    'Get list of arguments
    If WScript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then 
        For i = 0 To WScript.Arguments.Count-1
            strArgs =  strArgs & space(1) & WScript.Arguments(i)
    End If 
    'based in part on code at [url]http://support.microsoft.com/kb/958149[/url]
    ' On Vista and higher, handle UAC
    Set oOSInfo = oWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT version FROM Win32_OperatingSystem")
    For Each os in oOSInfo
        If Int(Left(os.Version, 1)) >= 6  Then
            'pass a fake argument if none for shellexecute
            If  WScript.Arguments.length = 0 Then strArgs = ""
            ' Use ShellExecute with runas verb to prompt for elevation
            Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")    
            oShell.ShellExecute strHost, quote & WScript.ScriptFullName & _
                quote & space(1) & strArgs, "", "runas", iWindow
        Else ' OS is pre Vista
            'if host does not matter and no UAC, continue
            If iHost = 0 then Exit Sub 
            'if running as Wscript and choice is Cscript, rerun as Cscript
            If IsCScript = False And iHost = 1 Then                 
                WshShell.Run "CScript.exe " & quote & WScript.ScriptFullName & quote & space(1) & strArgs, iWindow, false
            End If 
            'if running as Cscript and choice is Wscript, rerun as Wscript
            If IsCScript = True and iHost = 2 Then 
                WshShell.Run "Wscript.exe " & quote & WScript.ScriptFullName & quote & space(1) & strArgs, iWindow, false
            End If 
        End If
        Exit For
End Sub 
Function IsCScript()
    If (InStr(UCase(WScript.FullName), "CSCRIPT") <> 0) Then
        IsCScript = True
        IsCScript = False
    End If
End Function
Function isElevated ()'test whether user has elevated token  
    'based on [url]http://stackoverflow.com/questions/235822/vbscript-detect-whether-uac-elevated[/url]
    Dim oExecWhoami, oWhoamiOutput, strWhoamiOutput
    Set oExecWhoami = wshShell.Exec("whoami /groups") 
    Set oWhoamiOutput = oExecWhoami.StdOut 
    strWhoamiOutput = oWhoamiOutput.ReadAll 
    If InStr(1, strWhoamiOutput, "S-1-16-12288", vbTextCompare) Then 
        isElevated = True 
        isElevated = False  
    End If 
End Function


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When you install software that contains OCX files, the Windows registry will automatically install and register those files. However, if you receive error messages about an OCX file or you just want to make sure your OCX files are registered correctly, we can help you register them yourself!

  1. Image titled Register OCX Files Step 1


    Locate the OCX file you want to register. Go directly to your file if you know where it’s stored on your computer, or use the Windows search feature.

    • Search in Windows XP by clicking on the Start menu, then clicking on «Search.» When the Search Companion dialog box appears, click on «All Files and Folders.» Type in your search criteria and click on «Search.»
    • Search in Windows 7 by clicking on the Start menu (Windows logo) in the bottom left. When the pop-up window appears, type your search criteria in the field on the very bottom and click on the magnifying glass on its right to begin your search.
  2. Image titled Register OCX Files Step 2


    Select the OCX file you want to register. Hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and right-click directly on the OCX file. When the pop-up menu window appears, click on «Open With.»


  3. Image titled Register OCX Files Step 3


    Click on «Select the Program from a list» in the new pop-up window that appears, then click «OK.» In the next dialog box that appears, click on «Browse.»

  4. Image titled Register OCX Files Step 4


    Locate the RegSvr32.exe file. Navigate to and open the Windows folder, then open the System32 folder. Select the file named RegSvr32.exe by clicking on it, then click on «OK.» You will then see a confirmation pop-up window saying that the OCX file was successfully registered.

  5. Image titled Register OCX Files Step 5


    Restart your computer and retry the registration process if you see an error message appear after registering the OCX file.

  6. Advertisement

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  • If you are unsuccessful at registering an OCX file after multiple attempts, it’s possible that the file is corrupted. You may want to download a fresh version of the OCX file from a trusted source such as Microsoft.

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  • Avoid deleting any OCX files from your computer when performing maintenance on your file folders because they are linked to applications that will no longer work upon deleting the OCX files. Deleting OCX files may also result in problems when you try to boot your computer. If you suspect an OCX file is corrupted or contains a virus, run your computer’s virus or malware scanner to verify any malicious activity before deleting the OCX file.


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