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Выполните восстановление или сброс параметров системы, чтобы устранить проблемы, вернув компьютер к предыдущей или исходной
конфигурации. Убедитесь, что другие возможности восстановления системы работают на вашем компьютере, затем закажите носитель
для восстановления на компакт-дисках, DVD-дисках или накопителе USB по необходимости.
В зависимости от возраста компьютера, статуса гарантии и станы/региона вы можете заказать носитель для восстановление в течение
нескольких лет после выпуска продукта. Вследствие ограничений на лицензирование программного обеспечения компания HP и ее
партнеры могут предоставлять комплекты для восстановления только в течение ограниченного периода времени.
Восстановление или сброс параметров компьютера без носителя для восстановления
Прочитайте один из следующих документов для получения информации о вариантах восстановления системы или сброса ее параметров
без использования диска или накопителя USB.
Создание собственного носителя для восстановления
Если на вашем компьютере открывается ОС Windows, ознакомьтесь со следующим документом, чтобы узнать, как создавать накопители
USB или диски для восстановления.
Заказ носителя для восстановления в компании HP в США и Канаде
Закажите носитель для восстановления для используемой вами модели компьютера на сайте службы поддержки клиентов HP.
Перед заказом носителя для восстановления узнайте код продукта и серийный номер компьютера. Эти номера обычно указываются
на этикетке, расположенной на нижней или задней панели компьютера или на коробке, в которой он поставляется. Номера указываются
на этикетке рядом с надписями Product No. или p/n и Serial No. или s/n.
Дополнительные сведения можно найти в документе «Поиск устройств и серийных номеров для компьютеров, принтеров и дополнительных принадлежностей HP».
Общее название семейства продуктов, указанное на корпусе, рядом с клавиатурой или на рамке вокруг экрана, не позволяет получить
достаточные сведения для заказа носителя для восстановления, подходящего для определенной модели.
Перейдите на сайт Загрузки ПО и драйверов HP, затем введите код продукта, чтобы посмотреть программное обеспечение и драйверы, доступные для загрузки для вашего компьютера.
Если вы обновили операционную систему до новой версии Windows, на панели Выбранная операционная система нажмите кнопку Изменить, выберите исходную операционную систему, которая поставлялась вместе с компьютером, и нажмите кнопку Изменить.
Проверьте список доступного программного обеспечения на наличие пункта Заказ носителя для восстановления — CD/DVD/USB.
Если носитель для восстановления доступен, выберите его, нажмите Заказать носитель, затем следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы оформить заказ.
Если носитель для восстановления отсутствует в списке доступного программного обеспечения, это означает, что в настоящее время
носитель недоступен. Перейдите на сайт Служба поддержки клиентов HP, чтобы связаться с HP и получить информацию о возможных вариантах действий.
Заказ носителя для восстановления в компании HP в странах/регионах Европы, Ближнего Востока и Африки
Если устройство не отвечает, используйте носитель для восстановления HP для восстановления или повышения быстродействия устройства.
Перейдите на сайт Best2Serve, чтобы заказать носитель для восстановления HP.
Заказ носителя для восстановления HP в Бразилии
В зависимости от возраста вашего компьютера и статуса гарантии может оказаться возможным заказ комплекта для восстановления
в компании HP.
Обратитесь в Служба поддержки клиентов HP, чтобы выяснить доступность комплекта для восстановления для вашего компьютера.
Время доставки комплекта для восстановления зависит от адреса назначения, даты заказа и даты оплаты. Уточните стоимость доставки
в службе поддержки клиентов HP. Указанная стоимость может быть изменена без предварительного уведомления.
Заказ носителя для восстановления в компании HP в Латинской Америке (за исключением Бразилии)
В зависимости от возраста вашего компьютера и статуса гарантии может оказаться возможным заказ комплекта для восстановления
в компании HP.
Обратитесь в Служба поддержки клиентов HP, чтобы выяснить доступность комплекта для восстановления для вашего компьютера.
Заказ носителя для восстановления в компании HP в Азии и Океании
В зависимости от возраста вашего компьютера и статуса гарантии может оказаться возможным заказ комплекта для восстановления
в компании HP.
Обратитесь в Служба поддержки клиентов HP, чтобы выяснить доступность комплекта для восстановления для вашего компьютера.
Получение носителя для восстановления из других источников
Если комплект для восстановления недоступен в компании HP или у ее партнеров, его можно найти на сайтах интернет-аукционов
или интернет-магазинов.
Прежде чем заказывать комплект для восстановления не в компании HP, попробуйте все прочие возможности восстановления системы.
Будьте предельно осторожны, приобретая решения для восстановления, не относящиеся к компании HP. Проверьте код продукта на
идентификационной этикетке компьютера, чтобы убедиться в том, что носитель для восстановления подходит для используемой вами
/Guides /HP Recovery Disk: Guide for Windows 10, Windows 11, XP, Vista, 7, 8
This guide is about HP recovery disks for the following versions of Windows: Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8.
A recovery disk is also known as a restore disc, repair disc, boot disc or rescue disk.
Looking for a recovery disk for HP? Download Easy Recovery Essentials, our recovery and repair disk for HP computers.
If you have a computer from Compaq (Compaq was acquired by HP in 2002), you can also follow the Compaq Recovery Disk guide.
Download alternative recovery disk for HP
Easy Recovery Essentials works with any HP or Compaq computer model and it’s compatible with the following Windows versions:
- Microsoft Windows 8 (read more on our Windows 8 Recovery Disk and Repair Disc Download article)
- Microsoft Windows 7 (read more on our Windows 7 Recovery Disk and Repair Disc Download article)
- Microsoft Windows Vista (read more on our Windows Vista Recovery Disk and Repair Disc Download article)
- Microsoft Windows XP (read more on our Windows XP Recovery and Repair Disk article)
- Microsoft Windows Server 2003, 2008 and 2012 (read more on our Windows Server 2008 and 2012 Recovery Discs Download article)
You can burn Easy Recovery Essentials directly to a CD, DVD or a USB flash drive and use its Automated Repair function to automatically find and fix boot errors.
Download Easy Recovery Essentials for HP
Note: Easy Recovery Essentials can not be used to install or reinstall Windows.
Create a HP recovery disk
HP users can create a recovery disk using their built-in Recovery Creation software or the hidden recovery partition, depending on what Windows version you’re running.
You can create the recovery disk for HP computers only once! If you lost your disk you will not be able to create it again. Consider using an alternative recovery disk to fix boot errors or to access and backup your files – details here.
The recovery media can be saved on CDs, DVDs or USBs:
- CDs or DVDs for a Windows XP recovery media (you may need up to 10 CDs or 2 DVDs). It’s recommended that you use DVDs.
- CDs or DVDs for a Windows Vista recovery media (you may need up to 11 CDs). It’s recommended that you use DVDs. You need up to 2 DVDs.
- DVDs or USB flash drives for a Windows 7 recovery media. CDs are not compatible. You may need up to 4 DVDs.
- DVDs or USB flash drives for a Windows 8 recovery media. CDs are not compatible for creating the Windows 8 media. You’ll need up to 4 DVDs.
Create the disk for Windows XP
Windows XP users can make a recovery disk for their HP computer by following these instructions:
- If you’re able to access Windows XP, follow the Making the disk from Windows XP instructions
- If you’re not able to access Windows XP, follow the Making the disk from Command Prompt instructions
HP is using the Recovery CD Creator software to create the recovery disks for your system.
Notes before you start:
- You can create a recovery disk for your computer only once. If you already have one, use that disk; otherwise you won’t be able to create a new disk.
- You can only use CDs or DVDs, not USB flash drives. It’s recommended to use DVDs, as you need about 2. If not, you’ll need up to 10 CDs.
- The Recovery CD Creator software will not work with the following types of CDs/DVDs: mini-discs, DVD-RW, DVD+RW.
- The HP recovery partition of your computer must be intact (not corrupted or removed) to create the recovery media.
If your recovery partition is corrupted or deleted, use an alternative recovery disk to fix boot errors. Download Easy Recovery Essentials from here or see its full list of features here.
Making the disk from Windows XP (if you’re able to access Windows XP)
- Boot into Windows XP
- Close all programs running on your computer
- Disconnect from the Internet
- Click Start and then go to All Programs
- Find the PC Help & Tools folder
If your computer series is Pavilion and Media Center, the folder you’re looking for might be Hewlett-Packard and then the HP PC Recovery CD Creator item.
If your computer is a Compaq, find the Compaq folder and select the Compaq PC Recovery CD Creator item or the Recovery CD Creator.
- Select the Recovery CD-DVD Creator item
- When the Recovery CD-DVD Creator software opens, click Next
- Click Next again
- The next screen that appears will ask you to select what type of media you plan to use: CDs or DVDs. It will also show how many CDs or DVDs you need to have.
- Click OK
- Insert your CD or DVD and close the drive tray
- Click OK
- The process will now begin. Do not power off your computer!
- When writing the first DVD has completed, the software will ask you for the second DVD. Remove DVD #1, insert the blank DVD #2 and close the drive tray. You’ll need to click OK when the drive tray is closed.
- When the recovery disks are created successfully, click OK. You can remove the last CD or DVD from the drive tray.
- Label your CDs or DVDs and keep them safe. Label them in order: DVD #1, DVD #2 etc.
Making the disk from Command Prompt (if you’re not able to access Windows XP)
This method requires only CDs! It will not work with DVDs.
If your Windows XP displays boot errors, you can use Easy Recovery Essentials’ Automated Repair feature to automatically find and fix boot errors. Download Easy Recovery Essentials from here.
- Boot your computer
- Press the F10 key multiple times (about once every second)
- A Starting PC Recovery screen should appear. A progress bar should be positioned in the bottom of the screen.
- When this software is loaded, select Start PC Recovery and then click Next.
- Now press the Alt key and the D key at the same time. The Command Prompt should appear
- Type
and press Enter, ifc:
is the letter of your drive where Windows XP is installed. If you’re not sure, you can typelist volume
to get a list of available drives. - Type
cd windows
and press Enter - Next, type
cd creator
and press Enter - Now type
"CD Creator.exe"
(include the quotes!) and press Enter - Depending on the computer model, you now should click on Start Creation or on Next. On some models you may need to press Enter to start the PC Recovery software.
- Follow the wizard instructions: see instructions on PC Recovery for Windows XP users that can access the system.
Create the disk for Windows Vista
Windows Vista users of any HP computer can create a recovery disk by following these instructions.
If your Windows Vista displays boot errors and you’re not able to boot into Vista, you can download Easy Recovery Essentials and use the Automated Repair feature to automatically find and fix boot errors. Download Easy Recovery Essentials from here.
Notes before you start:
- You can only use CDs or DVDs, but not USB flash drives. It’s recommended to use DVDs (you need about 2). If you opt for CDs, you may need up to 10 CDs to create the recovery disk.
- The CDs or DVDs must be blank
- Mini-discs are not compatible
- You can create the recovery disk only once. If you already created it and lost it/deleted it, you will not be able to create a new disk.
- Your computer’s recovery partition must be uncorrupted to create the recovery disk.
The instructions:
- Close any programs your Windows Vista is running, e.g. music player, movies
- Disconnect from the Internet
- Click Start and go to All Programs
- Find the PC Help & Tools folder and click on the Recovery Disc Creation item. If you don’t have a PC Help & Tools folder, look for a Recovery Manager folder and click on the Recovery Media Creation.
- Click Next
- Insert your first blank disk and wait for the Next button to become active. The Recovery Disc Creation software will show how many DVDs or CDs you need to complete the creation of the recovery media.
If Windows Vista automatically opens the AutoPlay window, close it.
- The software will confirm what type of media you inserted – CD or DVD. Click Next at this screen.
- The recovery process will now start. If you’re running into errors at this step, go to Troubleshooting for more.
- The software will ask you for the second DVD (or another CD). The drive tray will open automatically for this step. After you added a new blank DVD, wait a few seconds and then click Next.
If AutoPlay opens again, close it.
- The Recovery Disc Creation software will confirm that the disks are created successfully by displaying this message: “System Recovery Discs Creation complete“.
- Click Finish
- Label the disks and keep them safe!
Create the disk for Windows 7
HP users with Windows 7 installed can create their recovery disk by following this set of instructions.
Notes before you start:
- Depending on the available software (details below), you can use only DVDs or USB drives to create the Windows 7 recovery disk.
- You may need up to 4 DVDs.
- The DVDs or USB must be blank with no data added.
- The USB drive should be at least 32GB in available size. It must not be labeled as compatible with Windows 8.
Do not use if your USB flash drive package has the following logo:
- The recovery partition must be intact (not corrupted or deleted) to create the recovery disk.
- You can create only one set of recovery disks per computer model. If you have already created the disks, you will not be able to create them again.
Before you start, check for your computer’s available options (DVDs or USBs) by following these instructions:
- Click Start
- Click All Programs
- Search for the Recovery Manager folder
- Check the name of the available software:
- If the software is named as Recovery Disc Creation, you can use only disks (DVDs).
- If the software is named as Recovery Media Creation, you can use both: either DVDs or USB flash drives.
Here are the instructions:
- Close any running programs and disconnect from the Internet (e.g. unplug the cables or turn-off the WiFi)
- Click Start
- Enter the following text in the Search field: recovery manager
- If the User Account Controls (UAC) window appears, click Yes (and enter Administrator’s password). It’s best to disable UAC for the duration of this process: see Troubleshooting, The disk creation process cancels on how to disable UAC.
- The Recovery Manager software screen appears
- Select Recovery Disc Creation (or Recovery Media Creation, if this is enabled for your computer) from the list (usually on the right side of the screen).
If the above item is grayed out (unable to click it) it means that a set of recovery disks have already been created. See A set of recovery discs has been created for this PC for more details.
- If you clicked on Recovery Disc Creation, click Next on the next screen. If you clicked on Recovery Media Creation, you can choose the type of media to use for this process:
Create recovery media using blank DVD(s) or Create recovery media with a USB flash drive.
After you made your selection, click Next.
- If you opted for a DVD, the software will now show how many DVDs you’ll need to complete the process. It’s usually 2 DVDs.
If you opted for a USB flash drive, the software will ask you where to create the recovery media and a list of available drives will appear. Select the drive where your USB flash drive is available and free to use.
A verification message will appear after you select your USB drive and click Next.
- This step applies to those who opted for DVDs: Insert the first blank disk and click Next.
If AutoPlay opens, click it. See AutoPlay opens when I add the CD or DVD for more details.
- This step applies to those who opted for DVDs: A confirmation screen appears, click Next to continue
- The creation process will now start.
- This step applies to those who opted for DVDs: The software will ask you for the second blank DVD when the following confirmation message appears: “Disc 1 of 1 was successfully created“. The drive tray will open automatically. Insert the second disk, wait a few seconds, close the AutoPlay (if it opens) and then click Next on this screen.
- This step applies to those who opted for DVDs: The creation process will now continue with the second DVD.
- When the confirmation message appears (Recovery Manager successfully created the recovery discs), click Finish.
- Your recovery disks are now created. Label them in order (Disk 1 of 2, Disk 2 of 2 etc.; or mark the USB) and keep them in a safe place!
Create the disk for Windows 8
Windows 8 users can create a HP recovery disk by following the next set of instructions:
- If you have a HP laptop, follow Creating the disk if you have a HP notebook (laptop)
- If you have a HP desktop, follow Creating the disk if you have a HP desktop
Notes before you start:
- You can use only DVDs or USB drives to create the Windows 8 recovery disk.
- You may need up to 4 DVDs, if you opt for the disks option. The DVDs must be blank.
- The USB drive must have at least 32GB of available space. It must not be labeled as compatible with Windows 8.
Do not use if the USB flash drive package has the following logo:
- Your computer recovery partition must be uncorrupted to create the recovery disk.
- You can create only 1 set of recovery disks per computer. You won’t be able to create the disks again if you have already created them.
Creating the disk if you have a HP notebook (laptop)
The following instructions apply if you have a notebook (laptop) from HP:
- Close any running programs and disconnect from the Internet.
- When you are at the Start screen start type the following text to open Windows 8′ Search charm: recovery manager. Simply start typing, Windows 8 will automatically show the Search.
- The HP Recovery Manager should be listed. Click to open the software.
- The HP Recovery Manager software will now open.
- Click on Recovery Media Creation item (usually on the right list from the screen) to start the creation process.
If the following message – A set of recovery media was previously created for this computer – appears after you clicked on the above item, read A set of recovery discs has been created for this PC for more details.
- A warning message will appear. You need to check the I Accept checkbox and then click Continue.
- You may be prompted for the Administrator password. If you don’t have an Administrator account, use any user account that has administrative rights to the system.
UAC (User Account Controls) may also appear asking if you want to allow the program to make changes to the system. If so, click Yes.
- The software will ask you to select what type of media you want to use to create the recovery disk: USB, DVD or DVD-DL.
The software will also display how many DVDs you need or the minimum amount of space required for the USB flash drive.
Selecting your media will highlight the choice (by changing the background color).
- Once you selected your choice, click Yes at the “Continue to highlighted media?” question to continue the process.
- The creation process will now start.
- If you opted for DVDs, you’ll be asked to insert the next set of DVDs to finish the process. Your drive tray might open automatically. Insert your second blank DVD and then click OK. And so on for each DVD required.
- When the creation process is finished, click OK.
- Click Finish to quit the HP Recovery Manager software.
- Label your DVDs or your USB flash drives. Keep them safe.
Creating the disk if you have a HP desktop
The following instructions apply if you have a desktop computer from HP:
- Close any programs you may be running.
- Disconnect from the Internet.
- Start typing the following text to open Windows 8′ Search charm: recovery manager. You can simply start typing without an active enabled box to type in. Windows 8 will automatically show the Search.
- The HP Recovery Manager should be listed. Click to open the software.
- The HP Recovery Manager software will now open.
- Click on the Recovery Media Creation item from the list on the right.
- If this is grayed out or an error appears when you click it (error message is A set of recovery media was previously created for this computer) read A set of recovery discs has been created for this PC for more details.
- You may be prompted to enter your Administrator’s password (if you don’t have an Administrator account, use any user that has administrative rights to the computer).
If you have User Account Control enabled, you’ll need to click on Yes to allow the software to make changes to the system.
- Select what type of media you want to use to create the recovery disk: USB or DVDs.
- Select your choice and then click Next.
- If you opted for DVDs, the next screen will notify you how many DVDs you’ll need. Insert your first blank DVD and then click Next.
If you opted for a USB flash drive, the next screen will allow you to select what drive to use. Select the drive that has your USB and then click Next.
- If you opted for DVDs, the next screen will confirm what type of DVD you added. Click Next to continue the creation process.
If you opted for USB, the next screen will be a warning message where you need to confirm that the USB will be reformatted during the creation process. Click OK.
- The creation process will now start.
- The drive tray will open automatically during the process to insert the required DVDs. The software will display a “Disc 1 of 2 was successfully created” screen. Add the next blank disk and then click Next.
- When the software confirms the creation process, at the “Recovery Manager successfully created the recovery media” screen, click Finish to quit the program.
- Label the DVDs or the USB. Always keep them safe!
The disk creation process cancels
If the creation process cancels, you may need to disable the UAC of your Windows Vista. UAC stands for User Account Controls.
You can disable UAC by following these instructions:
- Click Start.
- Enter “account” in the search field.
- The User Accounts items should appear in the list. Click on User Accounts to access it
- Click on Turn User Control on or off item (usually the last item from the list).
- Make sure the following checkbox is unchecked so UAC is disabled: Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer. If the checkbox is checked, UAC is enabled.
- Click OK.
You can now start the disk creation process again.
A set of recovery discs has been created for this PC
HP limits the creation of recovery disks only once per computer model.
If the Recovery Disc Creation software displays this error it means that you have already created a set of recovery disks for your computer. You will not be able to create the disks again.
US and Canada customers can order a set of recovery disks (for free) from HP.
You can also download an alternative recovery disk, if your computer displays boot errors or you need to access and backup your files.
Easy Recovery Essentials, our recovery and repair disk, allows you to access and backup files if you’re not able to boot into Windows. The Automated Repair feature automatically finds and fixes boot errors your computer may experience.
Download Easy Recovery Essentials from here.
AutoPlay opens when I add the CD or DVD
Ignore the AutoPlay message Windows shows when you add the blank CD or DVD. Simply click the X icon from top right to close the window.
The disc you inserted is not blank
If this error appears while running the Recovery Creation software make sure you only use new, blank CDs or DVDs.
The recovery disks can’t be created on already used media. Consider using an alternative recovery disk – details here
The USB drive is not detected
The HP Recovery Manager, used for Windows 7 and Windows 8, might not work with USB flash drives larger than 32GB in available size.
Also, do not use any USB that is labeled as compatible with Windows 8 (these USB are not recognized as external media devices because of Windows 8’s To Go feature).
More Information
Support Links
- Easy Recovery Essentials for Windows – our repair and recovery disk.
It’s an easy-to-use and automated diagnostics disk. It’s available for Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista. It’s also available for Windows XP and Windows Server.
Read more at Windows Recovery Disks.
- The NeoSmart Support Forums, member-to-member technical support and troubleshooting.
- Get a discounted price on replacement setup and installation discs: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.
Applicable Systems
This Windows-related knowledgebase article applies to the following operating systems:
- Windows XP (all editions)
- Windows Vista (all editions)
- Windows 7 (all editions)
- Windows 8 (all editions)
- Windows 8.1 (all editions)
- Windows Server 2003 (all editions)
- Windows Server 2008 (all editions)
- Windows Server 2012 (all editions)
Applicable Models (HP)
This HP-related knowledge base article applies to the following computer models:
- Pavilion series: G6-1B67CL, 2000 (2000-100CA, 2000-104CA, 2000-120CA, 2000-140CA, 2000-151CA, 2000-210US, 2000-216NR, 2000-217NR, 2000-219DX, 2000-227CL, 2000-239DX, 2000-239WM, 2000-299WM, 2000-329WM, 2000-369NR, 2000-369WM, 2000-412NR, 2000-416DX, 2000-417NR, 2000-425NR, 2000-427CL, 2000-428DX), 2000z (2000Z-100, 2000Z-400), A6100Y, A6110E, A6150E, A6614F, A6620F, CQ60-514NR, D4650E, D4990Y, D5000T, DM1-2010NR, DM1-4010US, DM1-4013NR, DM1-4051XX, DM1Z-4000, DM3-1040US, DM3-1044NR, DM3-1047CL, DM3-1047NR, DM3-1130US, DM3-1131NR, DM3T-1000, DM3Z-1100, DM4-1165DX, DM4-1265DX, DM4-2165DX, DM4-2180US, DM4-2191US, DM4T-1100, DV1000, DV1001AP, DV1001XX, DV1001XX, DV1002AP, DV1002XX, DV1002XX, DV1003AP, DV1004AP, DV1005AP, DV1006AP, DV1007AP, DV1008AP, DV1009AP, DV1009XX, DV1009XX, DV1010AP, DV1010CA, DV1010US, DV1012LA, DV1013AP, DV1014AP, DV1015AP, DV1016AP, DV1017AP, DV1018AP, DV1019AP, DV101EAP, DV1020AP, DV1021AP, DV1022AP, DV1023AP, DV1024AP, DV1025AP, DV1026AP, DV1027AP, DV1029AP, DV1030AP, DV1031AP, DV1032AP, DV1033AP, DV1034AP, DV1035AP, DV1036AP, DV1037AP, DV1040CA, DV1040US, DV1042QV, DV1049CL, DV1060US, DV1065US, DV1100, DV1115LA, DV1117LA, DV1125LA, DV1130CA, DV1130US, DV1131WM-B, DV1133WM, DV1135LA, DV1150US, DV1156CL, DV1170CA, DV1170US, DV1175US, DV1180US, DV1207US, DV1210US, DV1215WM, DV1217US, DV1220US, DV1225CA, DV1227US, DV1240CA, DV1240US, DV1245CL, DV1300, DV1310US, DV1311SE, DV1315CL, DV1315LA, DV1320US, DV1321US, DV1330CA, DV1331SE, DV1340US, DV1399XX, DV1399XX, DV1410US, DV1411SE, DV1420CA, DV1420US, DV1427US, DV1430US, DV1432US, DV1439US, DV1440CA, DV1440US, DV1507CL, DV1510CA, DV1510US, DV1515CL, DV1519US, DV1520CA, DV1520US, DV1530CA, DV1530US, DV1532US, DV1540CA, DV1540US, DV1550SE, DV1580SE, DV1600, DV1610US, DV1620US, DV1622NR, DV1624NR, DV1629US, DV1635CA, DV1648US, DV1650CA, DV1650US, DV1656US, DV1657CL, DV1658US, DV1659US, DV1660CA, DV1660SE, DV1670US, DV1680CA, DV1680US, DV1688US, DV1699XX, DV1699XX, DV1700, DV1708NR, DV1710CA, DV1710US, DV1712US, DV1738OD, DV2-1030US, DV2-1033CL, DV2-1039WM, DV2-1110US, DV2-1118NR, DV2-1134NR, DV2-1199US, DV2000, DV2000Z, DV2015NR, DV2020CA, DV2020US, DV2025LA, DV2025NR, DV2035US, DV2037US, DV2040CA, DV2040US, DV2050US, DV2097EA, DV2110RS, DV2116WM, DV2120US, DV2125NR, DV2130US, DV2171CL, DV2174CL, DV2200, DV2210US, DV2213CL, DV2214US, DV2220US, DV2225NR, DV2310US , DV2312US, DV2313CL, DV2315NR, DV2315US, DV2317CA, DV2320US, DV2402CA, DV2404CA, DV2408CA, DV2410CA, DV2410US, DV2412CA, DV2413CA, DV2413CL, DV2415NR, DV2415US, DV2416US, DV2418CA, DV2418NR, DV2419US, DV2420US, DV2432CA, DV2500T, DV2500TV, DV2500TW, DV2610US, DV2612CA, DV2613C, DV2615NR, DV2615US, DV2617US, DV2620US, DV2660SE, DV2700T, DV2700TV, DV2700TW, DV2700TY, DV2710CA, DV2710US, DV2713CA, DV2715NR, DV2718US, DV2724CA, DV2728CA, DV2736US, DV2740SE, DV2742SE, DV2745SE, DV2807NR, DV2810US, DV2815NR, DV2840SE, DV2845SE, DV2890NR, DV2910US, DV2911US, DV2913CL, DV2915NR, DV2917CL, DV2940SE, DV2941SE, DV2945SE, DV2949SE, DV2990NR, DV2Z-1100, DV4-1014NR, DV4-1020US, DV4-1028US, DV4-1117NR, DV4-1120US, DV4-1123US, DV4-1125NR, DV4-1144US, DV4-1147CL, DV4-1220US, DV4-1222NR, DV4-1225DX, DV4-1235EE, DV4-1275MX, DV4-1379NR, DV4-1400, DV4-1430US, DV4-1431US, DV4-1433CL, DV4-1433SB, DV4-1433US, DV4-1435DX, DV4-1444DX, DV4-1465DX, DV4-1514DX, DV4-1540US, DV4-1541US, DV4-1543SB, DV4-1548DX, DV4-1548NR, DV4-1551DX, DV4-1555DX, DV4-2140US, DV4-2141NR, DV4-2142NR, DV4-2145DX, DV4-2153CL, DV4-2155DX, DV4-2160US, DV4-2161NR, DV4-2162NR, DV4-2164US, DV4-2165DX, DV4-2167SB, DV4-2169NR, DV4-2170US, DV4-2173NR, DV4000, DV4000XX, DV4001XX, DV4004XX, DV4005US, DV4005XX, DV4006XX, DV4007XX, DV4015CL, DV4018CL, DV4020US, DV4030CA, DV4030US, DV4040CA, DV4040US, DV4100, DV4125US, DV4129US, DV4130US, DV4150CA, DV4150US, DV4155CL, DV4155US, DV4165CL, DV4170CA, DV4170US, DV4180US, DV4200, DV4201TU, DV4201TX, DV4201XX, DV4202TU, DV4202TX, DV4202XX, DV4203TU, DV4203TX, DV4203XX, DV4204TU, DV4204TX, DV4205TX, DV4206TX, DV4207EA, DV4207TU, DV4207TX, DV4208TX, DV4209TX, DV4210TX, DV4211TX, DV4212TX, DV4213TX, DV4214TX, DV4215TX, DV4216TX, DV4217CL, DV4217TX, DV4218TX, DV4219TX, DV4220TX, DV4221TX, DV4222TX, DV4223CL, DV4223EA, DV4223TX, DV4224TX, DV4225EA, DV4225NR, DV4225TX, DV4226EA, DV4227EA, DV4230US, DV4232EA, DV4234EA, DV4235EA, DV4236EA, DV4241EA, DV4243EA, DV4245EA, DV4246EA, DV4250CA, DV4250EA, DV4250US, DV4251EA, DV4253EA, DV4253US, DV4254EA, DV4257US, DV4261EA, DV4264EA, DV4266EA, DV4268EA, DV4269EA, DV4269US, DV4270CA, DV4270EA, DV4270US, DV4271EA, DV4272EA, DV4272US, DV4273EA, DV4275EA, DV4275NR, DV4276EA, DV4277EA, DV4280EA, DV4282EA, DV4283EA, DV4284EA, DV4285EA, DV4287EA, DV4288EA, DV4289EA, DV4290EA, DV4291EA, DV4294EA, DV4295EA, DV4296EA, DV4305US, DV4307CA, DV4307CL, DV4308WM, DV4310US, DV4320US, DV4330CA, DV4330US, DV4335NR, DV4340CA, DV4400, DV4401RS, DV4410US, DV4419US, DV4420CA, DV4420US, DV4I-2100, DV4T-1000, DV4T-1100, DV4T-1400, DV4T-1500, DV4Z-1200, DV5-1000US, DV5-1002NR, DV5-1002US, DV5-1003CL, DV5-1003NR, DV5-1004NR, DV5-1007CL, DV5-1008CA, DV5-1010US, DV5-1015NR, DV5-1017NR, DV5-1098NR, DV5-1099NR, DV5-1113US, DV5-1119NR, DV5-1120US, DV5-1125NR, DV5-1127CL, DV5-1132US, DV5-1138NR, DV5-1140US, DV5-1159SE, DV5-1160US, DV5-1166US, DV5-1183CL, DV5-1224US, DV5-1233SE, DV5-1234SE, DV5-1235DX, DV5-1250US, DV5-1251NR, DV5-1253CL, DV5-1254US, DV5-1392NR, DV5000, DV5000T, DV5001XX, DV5017CL, DV5020CA, DV5020US, DV5029US, DV5030US, DV5035NR, DV5040US, DV5050EA, DV5088XX, DV5100, DV5110CA, DV5110US, DV5115NR, DV5116NR, DV5117CA, DV5117CL, DV5120US, DV5123CL, DV5129US, DV5130CA, DV5130US, DV5135NR, DV5139US, DV5140CA, DV5140US, DV5150US, DV5163CL, DV5167CL, DV5170US, DV5200, DV5210CA, DV5210US, DV5215CA, DV5215US, DV5216CA, DV5216CL, DV5218NR, DV5220CA, DV5220US, DV5222NR, DV5223OM, DV5224NR, DV5225CA, DV5226CA, DV5229OM, DV5229US, DV5230CA, DV5230US, DV5235CA, DV5236OM, DV5237CA, DV5237CL, DV5240CA, DV5240US, DV5250CA, DV5250US, DV5T-1000, DV5T-1100, DV5T-1200SE, DV5TSE-1100, DV5Z-1000, DV5Z-1200, DV6-1030US, DV6-1054CL, DV6-1149WM, DV6-1230US, DV6-1234NR, DV6-1238NR, DV6-1240US, DV6-1243CL, DV6-1245DX, DV6-1247CL, DV6-1250US, DV6-1253CL, DV6-1259DX, DV6-1260SE, DV6-1263CL, DV6-1268NR, DV6-1280US, DV6-1334US, DV6-1350US, DV6-1351NR, DV6-1352DX, DV6-1353CL, DV6-1354US, DV6-1355DX, DV6-1359WM, DV6-1360US, DV6-1362NR, DV6-1363CL, DV6-1375DX, DV6-1378NR, DV6-2150US, DV6-2151CL, DV6-2152NR, DV6-2155DX, DV6-2157WM, DV6-2162NR, DV6-2170US, DV6-2171NR, DV6-2173CL, DV6-2190US, DV6-2192NR, DV6-3001XX, DV6-3010US, DV6-3012HE, DV6-3013CL, DV6-3013NR, DV6-3017NR, DV6-3019WM, DV6-3020US, DV6-3022US, DV6-3025DX, DV6-3030US, DV6-3031NR, DV6-3032NR, DV6-3033CL, DV6-3033HE, DV6-3034NR, DV6-3037NR, DV6-3037SB, DV6-3040US, DV6-3050US, DV6-3051XX, DV6-3052NR, DV6-3053HE, DV6-3055DX, DV6-3120US, DV6-3122US, DV6-3123CL, DV6-3124NR, DV6-3132NR, DV6-3134NR, DV6-3145DX, DV6-3210US, DV6-3216US, DV6-3217CL, DV6-3225DX, DV6-3230US, DV6-3236NR, DV6-3259WM, DV6-6110US, DV6-6115NR, DV6-6117DX, DV6-6119WM, DV6-6123CL, DV6-6131US, DV6-6135DX, DV6-6140US, DV6-6144NR, DV6-6145DX, DV6-6146NR, DV6-6149NR, DV6-6157CL, DV6-6173CL, DV6-6183NR, DV6-6185NR, DV6-6C10US, DV6-6C29WM, DV6-6C35DX, DV6-6C57NR, DV6-7010US, DV6-7013CL, DV6-7020US, DV6-7024NR, DV6-7027NR, DV6-7029WM, DV6-7043CL, DV6-7051XX, DV6-7112HE, DV6-7114NR, DV6-7115NR, DV6-7122HE, DV6-7134NR, DV6-7135NR, DV6-7136NR, DV6-7137NR, DV6-7138US, DV6000, DV6000T, DV6000Z, DV6058CL, DV6102OD, DV6103NR, DV6103OD, DV6103US, DV6104NR, DV6105US, DV6107US, DV6108NR, DV6108US, DV6109OM, DV6110US, DV6112US, DV6113US, DV6115US, DV6117CC, DV6117US, DV6119US, DV6120CA, DV6120US, DV6125OM, DV6125SE, DV6129US, DV6130CA, DV6130US, DV6131OD, DV6133NR, DV6133OD, DV6134US, DV6135CA, DV6135NR, DV6139US, DV6140CA, DV6140US, DV6149US, DV6150CA, DV6150US, DV6165CL, DV6171CL, DV6174CA, DV6174CL, DV6200, DV6200XX, DV6205CA, DV6205US, DV6206US, DV6208NR, DV6213CL, DV6215CA, DV6215US, DV6225US, DV6226US, DV6227CL, DV6233SE, DV6235CA, DV6235NR, DV6235US, DV6236US, DV6243CL, DV6244US, DV6245CA, DV6245US, DV6246US, DV6247CA, DV6247CL, DV6253CL, DV6255CA, DV6255US, DV6256US, DV6258SE, DV6263CL, DV6265CA, DV6265US, DV6267CL, DV6275US, DV6299XX, DV6305CA, DV6305US, DV6306RS, DV6307CA, DV6308CA, DV6308NR, DV6315CA, DV6324US, DV6325CA, DV6325US, DV6326US, DV6327CA, DV6327CL, DV6335CA, DV6335US, DV6337CL, DV6338SE, DV6345US, DV6353CA, DV6353CL, DV6353US, DV6355CA, DV6355US, DV6358SE, DV6363CA, DV6365US, DV6375US, DV6400, DV6400A, DV6401CA, DV6402CA, DV6403CL, DV6404CA, DV6405CA, DV6405US, DV6406CA, DV6406NR, DV6408CA, DV6408NR, DV6409CA, DV6409US, DV6409WM, DV6410CA, DV6415CA, DV6415US, DV6416CA, DV6418CA, DV6423OM, DV6424CA, DV6425CA, DV6425US, DV6426CA, DV6426US, DV6427CL, DV6428CA, DV6433CL, DV6435CA, DV6436NR, DV6439NR, DV6445US, DV6446US, DV6447OM, DV6448SE, DV6448US, DV6449US, DV6450US, DV6452SE, DV6458SE, DV6470US, DV6500T, DV6500Z, DV6563CL, DV6565CA, DV6565US, DV6567CL, DV6568SE, DV6575CA, DV6575US, DV6585CA, DV6597XX, DV6598XX, DV6600, DV6600XX, DV6601NR, DV6602NR, DV6603CA, DV6604CL, DV6604NR, DV6605CA, DV6605US, DV6607CL, DV6607NR, DV6607RS, DV6608CA, DV6609WM, DV6611CA, DV6612CA, DV6618CA, DV6622CA, DV6623CL, DV6624CA, DV6625CA, DV6625US, DV6626CA, DV6626US, DV6627CA, DV6627NR, DV6627OM, DV6628US, DV6629CA, DV6629US, DV6629WM, DV6631CA, DV6631NR, DV6632NR, DV6633NR, DV6633US, DV6634NR, DV6636NR, DV6640US, DV6642CA, DV6643CL, DV6645CA, DV6645US, DV6646US, DV6647CL, DV6647NR, DV6648SE, DV6653CL, DV6654US, DV6660SE, DV6662SE, DV6663CA, DV6663CL, DV6663US, DV6670CA, DV6672US, DV6675US, DV6700, DV6700T, DV6700XX, DV6700Z, DV6701CA, DV6701US, DV6702US, DV6702XX, DV6704CA, DV6704NR, DV6705CA, DV6707US, DV6713CA, DV6714CA, DV6716CA, DV6718CA, DV6724CA, DV6725CA, DV6725US, DV6727CA, DV6728CA, DV6729CA, DV6729US, DV6736NR, DV6744CA, DV6745US, DV6746CA, DV6746US, DV6747CL, DV6747NR, DV6748CA, DV6748US, DV6749US, DV6751US, DV6752US, DV6753CA, DV6753CL, DV6753US, DV6755CA, DV6755US, DV6756US, DV6757CA, DV6758US, DV6768SE, DV6770SE, DV6772NR, DV6773CL, DV6775US, DV6780CA, DV6780SE, DV6785CA, DV6785SE, DV6807US, DV6809US, DV6809WM, DV6810US, DV6811NR, DV6812NR, DV6815NR, DV6823US, DV6830US, DV6833US, DV6835NR, DV6837CL, DV6838NR, DV6839CL, DV6853CL, DV6870US, DV6871US, DV6875SE, DV6880SE, DV6883CL, DV6885SE, DV6910US, DV6911OM, DV6911US, DV6913RS, DV6915NR, DV6917CL, DV6917NR, DV6918SE, DV6920US, DV6926NR, DV6928US, DV6929NR, DV6929WM, DV6930US, DV6933CL, DV6936US, DV6937CL, DV6938SE, DV6940SE, DV6958SE, DV6985SE, DV6T-1100, DV6T-1200, DV6T-1300, DV6T-2100, DV6T-2300, DV6T-3000, DV6T-6100, DV6T-7000, DV6Z-1000, DV6Z-1100, DV6Z-3000, DV6Z-6100, DV7-1016NR, DV7-1020US, DV7-1023CL, DV7-1025NR, DV7-1127CL, DV7-1129WM, DV7-1130US, DV7-1133CL, DV7-1134US, DV7-1135NR, DV7-1137US, DV7-1157CL, DV7-1170US, DV7-1175NR, DV7-1183CL, DV7-1232NR, DV7-1240US, DV7-1243CL, DV7-1245DX, DV7-1247CL, DV7-1260US, DV7-1261WM, DV7-1262US, DV7-1264NR, DV7-1267CL, DV7-1270US, DV7-1273CL, DV7-1275DX, DV7-1279WM, DV7-1285DX, DV7-1426NR, DV7-1444US, DV7-1448DX, DV7-1450US, DV7-1451NR, DV7-1464NR, DV7-1468NR, DV7-2001XX, DV7-2040US, DV7-2043CL, DV7-2045DX, DV7-2111US, DV7-2170US, DV7-2173CL, DV7-2177CL, DV7-2180US, DV7-2185DX, DV7-3051XX, DV7-3057NR, DV7-3060US, DV7-3061NR, DV7-3063CL, DV7-3065DX, DV7-3067CL, DV7-3067NR, DV7-3069WM, DV7-3078NR, DV7-3079NR, DV7-3079WM, DV7-3080US, DV7-3085DX, DV7-3089NR, DV7-3160US, DV7-3162NR, DV7-3163CL, DV7-3164CL, DV7-3165DX, DV7-3166NR, DV7-3167NR, DV7-3169WM, DV7-3171NR, DV7-3173NR, DV7-3174NR, DV7-3180US, DV7-3183CL, DV7-3183NR, DV7-3186CL, DV7-3187CL, DV7-3187NR, DV7-3188CL, DV7-4003XX, DV7-4070US, DV7-4071NR, DV7-4072NR, DV7-4073NR, DV7-4077CL, DV7-4080US, DV7-4083CL, DV7-4087CL, DV7-4157CL, DV7-4165DX, DV7-4169WM, DV7-4170US, DV7-4177NR, DV7-6135DX, DV7-6156NR, DV7-6157CL, DV7-6157NR, DV7-6163CL, DV7-6163US, DV7-6169NR, DV7-6175US, DV7-6177DX, DV7-6178US, DV7-6179US, DV7-6185US, DV7-6187CL, DV7-6191NR, DV7-6195US, DV7-6198NR, DV7-6199US, DV7-6B56NR, DV7-6B57NR, DV7-6C27CL, DV7-6C95DX, DV7T-1000, DV7T-1100, DV7T-1200, DV7T-2000, DV7T-3000, DV7T-3100, DV7T-3300, DV7T-4000, DV7T-6100, DV7Z-1000, DV8000, DV8000T, DV8013CL, DV8013XX, DV8040CA, DV8040US, DV8040XX, DV8099XX, DV8100, DV8100Z, DV8110US, DV8113CL, DV8120CA, DV8125NR, DV8130US, DV8135NR, DV8140US, DV8200, DV8210CA, DV8210US, DV8213CL, DV8220CA, DV8220US, DV8225CA, DV8225NR, DV8230CA, DV8230US, DV8233CL, DV8235NR, DV8240US, DV8280US, DV8300, DV8301NR, DV8305CA, DV8305US, DV8309US, DV8310CA, DV8310US, DV8315CA, DV8315NR, DV8320CA, DV8320US, DV8327CA, DV8327CL, DV8328CA, DV8330US, DV8333CL, DV8339US, DV8380US, DV8408US, DV9000, DV9000T, DV9000Z, DV9001EA, DV9002US, DV9004US, DV9005CA, DV9005US, DV9006OM, DV9007US, DV9008NR, DV9008US, DV9009CA, DV9009CL, DV9009NR, DV9009US, DV9010CA, DV9010US, DV9013CA, DV9013CL, DV9023US, DV9030US, DV9033CL, DV9034NR, DV9035NR, DV9040US, DV9060US, DV9074CL, DV9200, DV9200XX, DV9201CA, DV9205CA, DV9205US, 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A300N, A300Y, A302X, A305W, A306X, A307X, A310E, A310N, A316N, A317X, A320N, A324X, A330N, A335W, A336N, A340N, A342N, A345C, A345W, A347X, A350E, A350N, A350Y, A362N, A365C, A367C, A375C, A376X, A384X, A387X, A400N, A400Y, A404X, A405N, A406X, A408X, A410E, A410N, A410Y, A412N, A414X, A418X, A420N, A422N, A424X, A4302F, A4308F, A430N, A4310F, A4311F, A4313W, A4316F, A4317C, A4327C, A434N, A445C, A445W, A446X, A450E, A450N, A4511F, A462X, A465C, A465W, A475C, A500N, A500Y, A510E, A510N, A518X, A520N, A522N, A523X, A524X, A527X, A530E, A530N, A532X, A535W, A545C, A550E, A550Y, A556X, A562N, A564N, A566N, A574N, A6000N, A6000Y, A6009N, A600N, A600Y, A6010E, A6010N, A6013W, A6019H, A6028X, A6030N, A6037C, A6040N, A6042N, A6045X, A604X, A6050E, A6050Y, A6057C, A605X, A6077C, A6109N, A610E, A610N, A610Y, A6110N, A6112N, A6113W, A6114X, A6118X, A6119H, A6120N, A6123W, A6124X, A612X, A6130N, A6137C, A6138X, A6142N, A614N, A6150Y, A6152N, A6157C, A6167C, A6177C, A618X, A6200N, A6200T, A6202N, A6203W, A6207C, A620N, A6210Z, A6212N, A6213W, A6214X, A6217C, A6218X, A6219H, A6220N, A6223W, A6228X, A622N, A6230N, A6234X, A6235X, A6237C, A6238X, A6242N, A6244N, A6245N, A6248X, A624X, A6250T, A6250Z, A6257C, A6300F, A6300T, A6302F, A6303W, A630N, A6312P, A6313W, A6314F, A6317C, A6318F, A6319FH, A6323W, A6330F, A6332F, A6333W, A6334F, A6337C, A6342P, A6345F, A6347C, A6350Z, A6352F, A6357C, A635W, A6360T, A636N, A6400F, A6402F, A6403W, A6407C, A640N, A6412P, A6414F, A6417C, A6418F, A6419FH, A642N, A6430F, A6432F, A6433W, A6434F, A6437C, A643N, A6442P, A6452F, A6457C, A645C, A645W, A646C, A647C, A6500F, A6500Z, A6502F, A650E, A650Y, A6510T, A6512P, A6514F, A6515F, A6518F, A6519FH, A6522F, A6524F, A6528P, A6530F, A6532F, A6534F, A6535C, A6537C, A6542P, A6544F, A6547C, A6552F, A6554F, A6560T, A6560Z, A6567C, A656X, A6600F, A6600Z, A6602F, A6603W, A6604F, A6607C, A6610T, A6614F, A6618F, A6619F, A6620F, A6622F, A6624F, A6628F, A6632F, A6634F, A6637C, A6638F, A6642P, A6645F, A6647C, A6648F, A6650F, A6652F, A6655F, A6658F, A6660T, A6660Z, A6667C, A6683W, A6700F, A6700Y, A6700Z, A6702F, A6703W, A6704F, A6707C, A6708F, A6710T, A6712F, A6719F, A6720F, A6720Y, A6724C, A6734F, A6742P, A6745F, A6747C, A6750F, A6750T, A6750Y, A6752F, A6755F, A6755Y, A6757C, A6763W, A6767C, A6803W, A6807C, A6813W, A6814Y, A6826F, A6827C, A6838F, A6847C, A6857C, A6863W, A700N, A700Y, A705W, A706N, A708N, A710E, A710N, A712N, A714X, A720N, A724N, A730N, A732N, A735W, A736N, A737N, A742X, A744X, A747C, A749C, A750E, A750Y, A752N, A762X, A767C, A775C, A785C, A800N, A800Y, A804N, A805N, A807W, A808X, A809RS, A810E, A810N, A810Y, A813W, A814X, A815N, A817N, A818N, A819N, A820N, A822N, A824N, A830N, A832N, A839N, A844N, A845W, A847C, A850E, A850Y, A867C, CQ5700F, CQ5700Y, CQ5720F, D1000E, D1000Y, D4000E, D4100E, D4100E (PX191AV), D4100Y, D4500E, D4500Y, D4600Y, D4650E, D4650Y, D4790Y, D4890Y, D4995T, D4996T, D4999T, D5000T, D5000Z, D5200T, D530, D538, DC5000, DC5000S, DX5150, E9100Z, E9105F, E9105Z, E9107C, E9110T, E9120F, E9120Y, E9127C, E9137C, E9140F, E9150T, E9160F, E9180F, E9180T, E9220F, E9220Y, E9227C, E9230F, E9230Y, E9237C, E9240F, E9260F, E9262F, E9270F, E9280F, E9290F, E9300Z, G60-445DX, H8-1010, H8-1020, H8-1040, H8-1120, H8-1200Z, H8-1202, H8-1205, H8-1210T, H8-1220T, H8-1230Z, H8-1240T, H8-1241, H8-1256S, H8-1260T, H8-1280T, H9-1100Z, H9-1110T, H9-1120T, H9-1130, H9-1150T, H9-1170T, H9-1180, HP515N, IQ804, IQ840, IQ846, IQ846T, M1000Y, M1050E, M1050Y, M1070N, M1072N, M1080N, M1082N, M1090N, M1095C, M1160N, M1170N, M1171N, M1180N, M1195C, M1264N, M1265C, M1270N, M1277C, M1280N, M1295C, M1297C, M260N, M270N, M300Y, M370N, M376N, M377N, M380N, M385C, M390N, M400Y, M470N, M476N, M480N, M490N, M495C, M7060N, M7063W, M7067C, M7070N, M7077C, M7087C, M7100E, M7100Y, M7160N, M7163W, M7167C, M7170N, M7177C, M7183C, M7246N, M7248N, M7250N, M7257C, M7259C, M7260N, M7263W, M7265C, M7267C, M7277C, M7287C, M7300E, M7300Y, M7330N, M7334N, M7350N, M7357C, M7360N, M7360Y, M7363W, M7367C, M7434N, M7457C, M7463W, M7467C, M7470N, M7480N, M7490N, M7500E, M7500Y, M7557C, M7560N, M7560Y, M7567C, M7570N, M7580N, M7590N, M7600E, M7600Y, M7640N, M7643W, M7650N, M7657C, M7658N, M7659N, M7660E, M7664X, M7667C, M7674N, M7680N, M7680Y, M7684N, M7690E, M7690N, M7690Y, M7747C, M7750N, M7757C, M7760N, M7763W, M7780N, M7790E, M7790Y, M8000E, M8000N, M8000Y, M8010Y, M8013W, M8020N, M8047C, M8100E, M8100N, M8100Y, M8109N, M8120N, M8125X, M8147C, M8167C, M8187C, M8200N, M8204X, M8226X, M8247C, M8277C, M8300F, M8307C, M8325F, M8327C, M8330F, M8357C, M8400F, M8407C, M8417C, M8425F, M8430F, M8457C, M8517C, M8525F, M8530F, M8532F, M8547C, M8714F, M9000T, M9000Z, M9040N, M9047C, M9060N, M9077C, M9100T, M9100Z, M9150F, M9152P, M9160F, M9177C, M9180F, M9250F, M9252P, M9260F, M9277C, M9280F, M9300T, M9300Z, M9340F, M9350F, M9357C, M9360F, M9400F, M9400T, M9400Z, M9402F, M9405F, M9417C, M9425F, M9426F, M9428F, M9450F, M9452P, M9457C, M9458F, M9500F, M9500T, M9500Y, M9500Z, M9505F, M9510F, M9510Y, M9515F, M9515Y, M9517C, M9520F, M9520Y, M9525F, M9528C, M9550F, M9550Y, M9552P, M9650F, M9660F, M9715F, MS213, MS214, MS220Z, MS225, MS227, MS230Z, MS235, MS237, OMNI 120 (OMNI 120-1123W, OMNI 120-1133W), P2 (P2-1013W, P2-1033W, P2-1049, P2-1105, P2-1113W, P2-1119, P2-1122, P2-1134), P6 (P6-2016, P6-2100Z, P6-2120, P6-2120T, P6-2133W, P6-2143W), P6100Z, P6101F, P6102F, P6107C, P6110F, P6110T, P6110Y, P6112P, P6115Y, P6116F, P6120F, P6120T, P6122F, P6124C, P6126F, P6127C, P6128F, P6130F, P6130Y, P6133F, P6140F, P6142P, P6144F, P6150T, P6152F, P6157C, P6177C, P6180T, P6202F, P6203W, P6204Y, P6207C, P6208F, P6210F, P6210Y, P6211F, P6212F, P6213W, P6214Y, P6216F, P6217C, P6218F, P6219F, P6226F, P6228P, P6230F, P6230Y, P6234F, P6236F, P6240F, P6241F, P6242F, P6243W, P6245F, P6247C, P6257C, P6267C, P6277C, P6300Z, P6302F, P6310F, P6310T, P6310Y, P6311F, P6313W, P6314F, P6317C, P6318F, P6319F, P6320F, P6320Y, P6330F, P6331P, P6332C, P6334F, P6336F, P6340F, P6340Y, P6342F, P6347C, P6350Z, P6367C, P6370T, P6380T, P6387C, P6402F, P6404Y, P6500Z, P6501C, P6501F, P6503F, P6504F, P6505F, P6506F, P6507C, P6510F, P6510T, P6510Y, P6511F, P6514F, P6516F, P6517C, P6518F, P6519F, P6520F, P6520Y, P6521C, P6522F, P6523W, P6524F, P6527C, P6530F, P6531C, P6531P, P6532F, P6533W, P6534F, P6536F, P6537C, P6540F, P6540Y, P6542F, P6547C, P6550Z, P6557C, P6570T, P6577C, P6580T, P6597C, P6604F, P6604Y, P6605F, P6606F, P6608F, P6610F, P6612P, P6614F, P6616F, P6617C, P6620F, P6621C, P6622F, P6623W, P6624Y, P6625F, P6630F, P6631P, P6632F, P6633W, P6636F, P6640F, P6641F, P6642F, P6644Y, P6649C, P6653W, P6654Y, P6674Y, P6677C, P6687C, P6700Z, P6703W, P6710F, P6711F, P6715F, P6716F, P6720F, P6726F, P6726F-B, P6730F, P6733W, P6740F, P6741C, P6754Y, P6777C, P6803W, P6823W, P7-1001, P7-1003W, P7-1007C, P7-1010, P7-1011, P7-1017C, P7-1020, P7-1026, P7-1037C, P7-1054, P7-1110, P7-1120, P7-1126S, P7-1137C, P7-1147C, P7-1154, P7-1174, P7-1202, P7-1203, P7-1205, P7-1207C, P7-1210, P7-1215, P7-1218, P7-1219, P7-1220, P7-1225, P7-1226S, P7-1227C, P7-1228, P7-1229, P7-1231, P7-1233W, P7-1234, P7-1235, P7-1236S, P7-1238, P7-1240, P7-1243, P7-1244, P7-1245, P7-1246C, P7-1247C, P7-1251, P7-1252, P7-1254, P7-1256C, P7-1257C, P7-1258, P7-1261, P7-1267C, P7-1268C, P7-1269C, P7-1270T, P7-1280T, P7-1287C, P7-1297C, P7-1298C, P7-1299C, S3000E, S3000Y, S3012N, S3020N, S3023W, S3027C, S3037C, S3100E, S3100N, S3100Y, S3120N, S3122X, S3123W, S3127C, S3137C, S3200N, S3200T, S3200Z, S3220N, S3223W, S3242X, S3300F, S3300T, S3300Z, S3301F, S3307C, S3320F, S3321P, S3323W, S3330F, S3400F, S3401F, S3407C, S3420F, S3421P, S3430F, S3500F, S3500T, S3500Z, S3505F, S3507C, S3521P, S3530F, S3600F, S3600T, S3620F, S3650F, S3700F, S3700Y, S3700Z, S3707C, S3710T, S3712F, S3713W, S3720F, S3720Y, S3750F, S3750T, S3750Y, S3816F, S5-1010, S5-1020, S5-1021P, S5-1024, S5-1110, S5-1126, S5-1200Z, S5-1205Z, S5-1210T, S5-1217, S5-1224, S5-1234, S5-1260, S5100Z, S5107C, S5110T, S5112F, S5113W, S5114F, S5116F, S5117C, S5118F, S5120F, S5120Y, S5122F, S5123W, S5133W, S5150T, S5160F, S5202F, S5212Y, S5213W, S5216F, S5220F, S5220Y, S5227C, S5247C, S5257C, S5300Z, S5302F, S5304Y, S5305Z, S5310F, S5310T, S5310Y, S5311F, S5350Z, S5360F, S5361F, S5370T, S5380T, S5412P, S5414Y, S5500Z, S5501F, S5503W, S5508F, S5510F, S5510T, S5510Y, S5514F, S5514Y, S5550Z, S5560F, S5562F, S5570T, S5580T, S5601F, S5610F, S5610Y, S5613W, S5614F, S5620F, S5621F, S5657C, S5660F, S5703W, S5704Y, S5705F, S5710F, S5713W, S5753W, S7210N, S7220N, S7310N, S7320N, S7400N, S7410N, S7415C, S7420N, S7421C, S7500E, S7500Y, S7510N, S7517C, S7520N, S7527C, S7530N, S7600E, S7600N, S7600Y, S7605N, S7612N, S7613W, S7617C, S7620N, S7627C, S7700E, S7700N, S7700Y, S7712N, S7713W, S7727C, SR5505F, SR5507F, SR5508F, SR5510F, SR5518F, SR5548F, SR5550F, SR5552F, XE732, XE734, XE736, XE738, XE742, XE744, XE746, XE748, XE749, XE763, XE783, XE824, XE839, XG814, XG823, XG833, XG834, XG836, XG838, XG843, XG922, XL733, XL754, XL756, XL759, XL761, XL773, XL844, XL847, XL848, XL866, XL876, XL912, XL916, XL918, XL946, XP983, XT846, XT853, XT856, XT858, XT868, XT878, XT913, XT914, XT919, XT921, XT923, XT926, XT928, XT930, XT931, XT933, XT934, XT936, XT938, XT948, XT953, XT958, XT963, XT966, XT967, XT970, XT973, XT983, XT993, XV886, XV888, XV976
- Mini series: 1000, 1001XX, 1030NR, 1035NR, 110 (110-1000, 110-1001XX, 110-1002XX, 110-1012NR, 110-1014NR, 110-1020NR, 110-1022NR, 110-1023NR, 110-1024NR, 110-1025DX, 110-1026NR, 110-1030NR, 110-1031NR, 110-1032NR, 110-1033CL, 110-1034NR, 110-1036NR, 110-1037NR, 110-1045DX, 110-1046NR, 110-1047NR, 110-1050NR, 110-1100, 110-1109NR, 110-1129NR, 110-1212NR, 1100CM), 110C (110C-1001N, 110C-1001NR, 110C-1006NR, 110C-1040DX, 110C-1048NR, 110C-1100DX), 1115NR, 1116NR, 1125NR, 1130CM, 1140NR, 1141NR, 1150CM, 1160CM, 1170CM, 1180CM, 311-1037NR
- Small Form Factor series: DC5000, DC5100, DX5150
- Pavilion Elite series: HPE H8-1010, HPE H8-1020, HPE H8-1040, HPE-110F, HPE-110T, HHPE-112Y, HPE-120F, HPE-127C, HPE-130F, HPE-137C, HPE-140F, HPE-141F, HPE-142C, HPE-150F, HPE-150T, HPE-170F, HPE-170T, HPE-171F, HPE-175Z, HPE-180T, HPE-190T, HPE-204F, HPE-209F, HPE-210F, HPE-210Y, HPE-230F, HPE-235F, HPE-240F, HPE-250F, HPE-257C, HPE-270F, HPE-300Z, HPE-310T, HPE-337C, HPE-341F, HPE-342F, HPE-350T, HPE-360Z, HPE-361C, HPE-367C, HPE-371F, HPE-372F, HPE-380T, HPE-390T, HPE-400F, HPE-400Y, HPE-410F, HPE-410Y, HPE-421F, HPE-430F, HPE-431F, HPE-440F, HPE-441F, HPE-442F, HPE-447C, HPE-450F, HPE-467C, HPE-470F, HPE-477C, HPE-500F, HPE-500Z
- TouchSmart series: 100 (100-5155, 100-5157), 200 (200-5251), 300 (300-1003, 300-1007, 300-1017, 300-1020, 300-1025, 300-1100Z, 300-1120, 300-1122, 300-1124, 300-1125, 300-1128, 300-1129, 300-1200Z, 300-1205, 300-1205Z, 300-1223), 310 (310-1124F, 310-1125F, 310-1125Y, 310-1126, 310-1155F, 310-1155Y), 610 (610-1030F, 610-1030Y, 610-1031F, 610-1032F, 610-1050F, 610-1050Y), IQ504, IQ505, IQ506, IQ507, IQ524, IQ525, IQ526, IQ527, IQ546T, IQ804, IQ840, IQ846, IQ846T
- Desktop series: D220 MT, D510, XW4300, XW4400, XW8200, XW8400
- Omni series: 120 (120-1100Z, 120-1105Z, 120-1120T, 120-1123W, 120-1124, 120-1125, 120-1133W, 120-1134, 120-1135, 120-1136, 120-1150XT), 200 (200-5000T, 200-5100T, 200-5110, 200-5150T), 220 (220-1125)
- Business series: D538, D350
- HP Compaq series: D220, D530, DC5100, DC5700, DC5750, DC5800, DC7100, DC7600, DC7700, DC7800, DX2200, NX6110, 6515B, 6730S, 6830S, 6910P, 8710W, NC6000, NC6120, NC6220, NC6230, NC6320, NC6400, NC8000, NC8230, NC8430, NX5000, NX6110, NX6325, NX7010, NX7400, NX9005, NX9008, NX9010, NX9110, NX9420
- MicroTower series: D325, DC5000, DC5000MT, DX2000, DX2300M, DX2450, DX7500
- Compaq Presario series: 1600, 4402, 1700, 1200, 2100, 2500, 1500, c500, c700, cq60, cq62, cq56, cq61, c300, c762nr, 700, 2200, sr1000, cq50, cq70, cds 524, 900, 1400, 1800, 1900, 2700, 2800, 300, 3000, 3020, 425, 433, 4410, 4600, 4800, 5000, 5200, 5400, 5460, 5500, 5528, 5536, 5600, 5700n, 722us, 800, a900, c304 nr, c5000, c502tu, c742tu, c769us, cds 510, cds 520, cds 924, cds 942, cds 982, cdtv 520, cdtv 524, cdtv 528, cq20, cq35, cq40, cq41, cq42, cq43, cq45, cq57, cq58, cq5814, cq71, sg1008il, sg3730il, sr1139uk, sr1239uk, sr1530il, sr5710y
- Compaq Evo series: d300, d310, d311, d320, d380, d381, d500, d510, d520, n1000, n150, n160, n180, n200, n210, n400, n410, n600, n610, n620, n800
- ProBook series: 450 G1, 4545s, 4540s, 4530s, 6570b
- Split series: 13t-m100, 13t-g100
- Spectre series: 13t-h200
- Pro series: 3500
- Slate series: 21
- ProOne series: 400 G1
- ProDesk series: 400 G1, 405 G1, 600 G1
- Compaq Pro series: 6305
- EliteDesk series: 800 G1
- EliteOne series: 800 G1
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HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility for Windows 10 – Learn how to download & install HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility on Windows 10 PC/laptop in simple way. HP provides a utility that can create a system recovery solution on a USB. Now, this Compression and Backup app is available for Windows 7 PC/laptop.
HP provides a utility that can create a system recovery solution on a USB
Table of Contents
HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility Latest Version Overview
HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility is a Compression and Backup application like Seafile, Sync, and Box Drive from HP Development Company, L.P.. HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility is an efficient software that is recommended by many Windows PC users. It has a simple and basic user interface, and most importantly, it is free to download.
Although there are many popular Compression and Backup software, most people download and install the Freeware version. HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility works with most Windows Operating System, including Windows 7. Don’t forget to update the programs periodically.
HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility has unique and interesting features, unlike some other Compression and Backup apps. This app is a fast, small, compact and innovative Freeware Compression and Backup app for Windows PC. It is developed to be simple for beginners and powerful for experts. You can get HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility free and download its latest version for Windows 7 PC from below.
HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility Technical Details
It’s better to know the app’s technical details and to have a knowledge background about the app. Therefore, you can find out if HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility will work on your Windows device or not.
App Name: | HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility |
Developer: | HP Development Company, L.P. |
Version: | HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility 2.0 |
Updated: | November, 1st 2019 |
Category | Compression and Backup |
File Size: | 6.5 MB |
File Type: | EXE file |
Requirement: | PC/laptop/tablet running Windows (Windows 7) |
License: | Freeware |
Download HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility (latest version) free for Windows 10 (64-bit and 32-bit) PC/laptop/tablet. Safe Download and Install from the official link!
HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility 64-bit and 32-bit download features:
- Compatible with Windows 10 64-bit and 32-bit
- Latest version update
- HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility direct, free and safe download
- Download HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility for your PC or laptop
HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility Setup Installer
Download & install the latest offline installer version of HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility for Windows PC/laptop. It works with both 32-bit & 64-bit of Windows 7.
✔ Safe & Free Download for Windows PC/laptop – 6.5 MB
Safety (Virus) Test:
✔ Tested and is 100% Safe to download and install on your Windows 7 device (PC/laptop/tablet).
What is New in the HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility Latest Version?
✓ Compatibilities improvement for new Windows update.
✓ Fixes bugs.
How to download and install HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility for Windows 10 PC/laptop
Now let’s just move to the next section to share the steps you have to follow to download HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility for Windows PC. So here we go:
- Download the HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility installer file from the link above.
- Save the downloaded file to your computer.
- Double-click on the downloaded HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility installer file.
- Now, a smart screen might appear and ask for a confirmation.
- Click “Yes” to confirm.
- Finally, follow the installation instructions until you get a confirmation notification of a successful installation process.
So those are all the processes that you have to follow to download HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility for Windows PC. Then let’s go on to the next section where we will discuss HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility itself. So you can understand the application and its features. So here we go:
Best Features of HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility for Windows PC
HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility is one of the most popular Compression and Backup alongside Syncthing, iCloud, and Dropbox. This app has its advantages compared to other Compression and Backup applications. HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility is lightweight and easy to use, simple for beginners and powerful for professionals. HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility application is free to download and offers easy-to-install, easy-to-use, secure, and reliable Compression and Backup applications.
This application’s primary functions are comprehensive and go beyond the features offered by others that can be considered as its rivals.
- HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility for PC – fast, reliable, and robust by HP Development Company, L.P..
- HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility Free & Safe Download.
- HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility latest version for the best experience.
- User-friendly Interface.
- Easy to Use.
- Lightweight and consume low resources.
- It works/compatible with almost all Windows versions, including Windows 7.
- Free of Cost!
- Privacy and Security!
- Best for Compression and Backup application.
- PC User’s choice!
How to uninstall HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility in Windows PC/laptop?
Steps to uninstall HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility in Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista
- Click the Windows Start menu.
- Locate and select the Control Panel menu, then select Programs.
- Under Programs, click the Uninstall a Program.
- Select HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility and then right-click, select Uninstall/Change.
- Then click Yes to confirm the HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility uninstallation process.
Steps to uninstall HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility in Windows XP
- Click the Windows Start menu.
- Locate and select the Control Panel menu, then select Add or Remove Programs icon.
- Select the HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility and then click Remove/Uninstall.
- Then click Yes to confirm the HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility uninstallation process.
Steps to uninstall HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility in Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000
- Click the Windows Start menu.
- Locate and select the Control Panel menu, then double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.
- Select the HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility and then right-click, select Uninstall/Change.
- Then click Yes to confirm the HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility uninstallation process.
Top HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility Alternative Apps for Windows
Isn’t HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility what you were looking for? We prepared a list of similar apps below!
Acronis Backup
Syncthing, iCloud, and Dropbox is the strong competitor of HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility. Otherwise, Acronis Backup and Yandex.Disk also quite good as the alternative of this software. There are also other similar apps such as Box Drive, Sync, and Seafile that also need to try if you want to find the best alternative of HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility.
In Conclusion
The HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility for Windows PC is unquestionably the best Compression and Backup that you can find nowadays. It also is the most reliable when it comes to performance and stability. You can find that out for yourself. That is why a lot of PC users recommend this app.
Get superb and impressive experience using this HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility application developed by HP Development Company, L.P.. HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility nowadays are already getting better each time.
If you have some questions related to this app, feel free to leave your queries in the comment section. Or you can share with us your experience when using this HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility on your Windows 10 PC. And if you know other people who want to experience HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility for Windows PC, you can share this article to help them. Enjoy using HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility for Windows PC.
Find other interesting articles that will help you how to download Syncthing for Windows 10 PC, install iCloud for Windows 10, Dropbox review, or about best Acronis Backup alternative apps for Windows 10.
HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q: What is HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility for PC?
A: For more information about this app, please go to the developer link on the above of this page.
Q: Is HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility free? If not, how much does it price to download this app?
A: Absolutely no cost! You can download this app from official websites for free by this website—any extra details about the license you can found on the owner’s websites.
Q: How do I access the free HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility download for Windows PC?
A: It is easy! Just click the free HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility download button in the above of this page. Clicking the download button will start the installer to download HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility free for a PC/laptop.
Q: Is this HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility will typically run on any Windows?
A: Yes! The HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility for PC will typically work on most recent Windows operating systems, including Windows 7 64-bit and 32-bit.
Q: What’s the difference between 64-bit and 32-bit versions of HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility?
A: The HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility 64-bit version was specially designed for 64-bit Windows Operating Systems and performed much better on those. The HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility 32-bit version was initially intended for 32-bit Windows Operating Systems, but it can also run on 64-bit Windows Operating Systems.
Q: What’s the importance of downloading the latest version of HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility?
A: We recommend downloading the latest version of HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility because it has the most recent updates, which improves the quality of the application.
HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility is an application that builds by HP Development Company, L.P.. All trademarks, product names, company names, and logos mentioned here are their respective owners’ property. This site (autotechint.com) is not affiliated with them directly. All information about applications, programs, or games on this website has been found in open sources on the Internet.
We don’t host or store HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility on our servers. Downloads are done through the Official Site. We are firmly against piracy, and we do not support any sign of piracy. If you think that the application you own the copyrights is listed on our website and want to remove it, please contact us.
We are always compliant with DMCA regulations and respect the application owners. We are happy to work with you. Please find the DMCA / Removal Request page below.
Привет друзья, сегодня мне в очередной раз принесли на работу ноутбук HP Pavilion с неработающей программой отката к заводским настройкам.
У людей срочно возникла необходимость продать ноутбук и даже нашёлся покупатель, но он поставил одно условие, на ноутбуке должна быть установлена родная Windows 8.1 с магазина, к сожалению, она была снесена и вместо неё установлена Windows 7, при установке последней все разделы на жёстком диске (включая скрытые с заводскими настройками) были удалены, а диск из GPT преобразован в MBR, это обозначало, что если люди не создавали дисков (или флешки) восстановления к ноутбуку, то восстановить его до первоначального состояния не получится и конечно дисков восстановления создано не было.
Спасло то, что на моём переносном винчестере нашлись заводские образы к данной модели ноутбука (кому-то делал в своё время) и они подошли.
Друзья, если вы купили ноутбук, то не поленитесь в первую очередь создать диски (или флешку) восстановления, тем более делается это очень просто.
В сегодняшней статье создаём диски восстановления и реанимируем с помощью них ноутбук HP.
В первую очередь подсоедините к ноутбуку адаптер питания.
Определитесь, что вы будете создавать, диски или флешку, если создадите диски, то понадобится четыре чистых DVD-R болванки, если будете создавать флешку, тогда возьмите USB-флеш устройство объёмом не менее 16 ГБ, но флешкой после этого лучше не пользоваться. По моему вариант с дисками выглядит предпочтительнее, если конечно в ноуте есть дисковод.
Включаем ноутбук и входим в интерфейс «Метро», находим программу HP Recovery Manager.
Жмём на кнопку
Я хочу принять меры безопасности.
Создание дисков восстановления системы.
Разрешается создать только один набор дисков для восстановления. У почти всех производителей ноутбуков нет такого ограничения, но у HP есть.
Ставим галочку на Принимаю и Продолжить.
В данном окне нас последний раз спрашивают, что именно мы хотим создать, флешку или диски.
Продолжить с выбранными носителями? Да.
Начинается запись образа восстановления на компакт-диск.
Создание каждого диска происходит в три фазы:
1. Подготовка данных.
2. Запись данных.
3. Проверка дисков.
Создание диска восстановления 1 из 4 завершено.
Вынимаем диск из дисковода, пометьте его маркером как первый диск из четырёх.
Вставляем второй диск в дисковод и жмём ОК,
Вынимаем диск, помечаем его как второй и вставляем третий диск. ОК.
Третий диск готов. Вставляем четвёртый диск и ОК.
Носитель для восстановления создан, разрешается создать только один набор для восстановления.
Прячем диски подальше, чтобы с ними ничего не случилось.
В следующей статье мы с вами разберём как восстановить ноутбук HP с созданных нами дисков восстановления.
If you are an HP user, you may want to know how to create an HP recovery disk so that you can perform a system recovery or factory reset when something goes wrong with your system. Here, MiniTool will show you a guide on HP recovery disk creation as well as alternatives.
Nowadays computer system always goes wrong, for example, it crashes, malware or viruses attack it, system performance gets slow, etc. In many cases, it is necessary to restore the PC to factory settings or perform a system recovery.
If you are using an HP laptop or desktop, a recovery disk is required to do these two things. It can boot your HP computer when Windows fails to boot. Well then, how to make an HP desktop or laptop recovery disk? The following guide is for you.
How to Create HP Recovery Disk in Windows 10
Use HP Recovery Manager to Make an HP Recovery Disk
For HP users, the software – HP Recovery Manager is familiar. It is a software program for Windows that comes with HP computers. With it, you can reinstall drivers or applications, create recovery media, perform computer maintenance, run system reset, perform a system restore, etc.
To get an HP recovery disk, you can ask HP Recovery Manager for help.
If you install or update to Windows 10, you may find HP Recovery Manager is not working and you may receive an error message, saying “Can’t open file: X:\sources\Recovery\tools\HP\Rita-tool\”.
This issue happens when pressing F11 to select HP Recovery Manager or searching for and choosing HP Recovery Manager, then clicking Windows Recovery Environment.
Thus, to use this software to create a recovery disk for HP, you need to do one thing in advance – download HP Recovery Manager Update.
- For laptops, download HP Recovery Manager Update SP 74123
- For desktops, download HP Recovery Manager Update SP 74124
- For business laptops or desktops, download HP Recovery Manager Update SP 74138
Tip: The supported recovery media includes a USB flash drive, CD, or DVD. That is, you can create a recovery image on discs or USB drives with HP Recovery Manager. In the following paragraphs, we will show you how to create the recovery disk for HP with a USB device.
Just follow the instructions below:
Step 1: In Windows 10’s search bar, type HP Recovery Manager and click the result.
Step 2: Choose Create recovery media to go on.
Step 3: In the pop-up window, check I Accept and click Continue.
Tip: You are only allowed to create one set of recovery media due to license restrictions. If you have created a recovery image before, a warning may appear to tell you that a set of recovery media was previously created for this computer.
Step 4: You may be asked to enter the admin password or offer confirmation. Just do it. Besides, click Yes if you get a window to ask if you want this program to make changes to the computer.
Step 5: This software asks you to insert a USB drive, a CD, or DVD. Just connect your USB flash drive to the PC and continue.
Step 6: Follow the instructions on the screen to finish the creation.
1. The USB drive should be larger than the required minimum capacity that is displayed on the computer screen. For example, if the minimum amount of data required shows 20GB, use a 22GB for better results.
2. Creating an HP recovery disk requires an uncorrupted recovery partition. That is, the partition isn’t removed or modified.
3. The creation process may take 30 minutes.
How to use HP recovery disk? You can insert the USB drive, turn off the PC, power it on, and immediately press the Esc key repeatedly to open the Startup Menu. Then, choose the correct boot order. Then, choose Run program from media and then enter the HP Recovery Manager’s main interface. Next, you can choose a module to start a factory reset or system recovery.
For more information on HP recovery, read this help document – HP PCs – Performing a System Recovery (Windows 10).
Use Windows 10 Built-in Tool to Create an HP Recovery Disk
From the above part, you know HP Recovery Manager has an obvious limitation. It only allows you to create a set of recovery media. Besides, creating an HP desktop or laptop recovery disk in Windows 10 with the program is a bit troublesome.
So, here we recommend using another tool to make an HP recovery disk. In Windows 10, there is a built-in tool called Recovery Drive. It allows you to create a recovery USB drive so that you can start your computer in case of a problem. The drive contains Windows system recovery tools to restore the PC from a system image or recover Windows from a serious error.
The following is how to create a recovery drive in Windows 10.
Step 1: Plug your USB flash drive to your computer. Note that the USB drive should be larger than 8GB.
Step 2: Type create a recovery drive to the search box and click the result to get the following interface. Here, it is recommended to choose Back up system files to the recovery drive.
Step 3: This Windows 10 tool will detect your USB drive. Just choose your USB drive and click Next.
Step 4: Click Create to start creating the USB recovery drive for your PC. Everything on the USB drive will be deleted during the creation process. So, make sure you don’t save important data to the device.
Tip: Sometimes you may fail to create a recovery drive along with an error message saying “A problem occurred while creating the recovery drive”. To fix the issue, go to this post – Can’t Create Recovery Drive Windows 10? Solutions Here!
Step 5: Wait a few minutes until the process is completed. And finally, click Finish.
When Windows 10 cannot boot, you can connect the drive to your computer and boot it from the created HP recovery disk. Then, choose Recover from a drive or Advanced options under the Troubleshoot window.
Recover from a drive can be used to clean install the Windows system and all the data & apps are lost. While the Advanced options page offers some options including system image recovery, system restore, command prompt, startup repair, and go back to the previous build. Just choose an option based on your needs to perform the repair.
Create an HP Recovery Disk via a Handy Freeware
The limitation of HP Recovery Manager makes you frustrated since one set of recovery media can be created. As for creating a USB recovery drive in Windows 10 with the built-in tool, sometimes you may fail to do the thing.
Is there another method to create a recovery disk for HP PCs? Of course, keep reading.
MiniTool ShadowMaker is a good choice. It allows you to create a bootable USB drive or CD/DVD disc so that you can boot the PC when the system is unbootable. As a PC backup software, you can use it to back up your Windows system, disks, partitions, files, and folders.
If your computer fails to boot due to serious errors, you can boot it from the bootable media and restore the PC from created system backup. Now, free download MiniTool ShadowMaker and install it on your computer.
MiniTool ShadowMaker TrialClick to Download100%Clean & Safe
Next, let’s see how to create an HP recovery disk with MiniTool ShadowMaker.
Step 1: Connect your USB drive or a CD/DVD to the computer.
Step 2: Launch this freeware and click Back up Now to enter its main interface.
Step 3: Go to the Tools page, click Media Builder to continue.
Step 4: Click the option – WinPE-based media with MiniTool plug-in to continue.
Step 5: Choose the medium you have connected to your computer. Here, choose the USB drive and click Yes. Then, MiniTool Media Builder is building a USB bootable disk for you.
After creating a bootable USB drive, now you need to back up the Windows operating system with MiniTool ShadowMaker.
Step 1: Go back to the main interface and click Backup in the toolbar.
Step 2: You see this freeware has selected system-related partitions under the Source section. To create a system backup, ignore this and just go to Destination and choose a storage path like an external hard drive.
Tip: If you need to back up your important files, you can click Source > Folders and Files and check the items you want to back up.
Step 3: Click Back up Now in the Backup page to start the system backup. In the Manage page, you can see the backup progress.
Now, you have an HP recovery disk that contains a system image created by MiniTool ShadowMaker. Once your Windows fails to boot, you can use the bootable drive to start the PC and then enter the Restore page of MiniTool ShadowMaker. Next, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the system image recovery.
To know much information on how to restore the system with the bootable USB drive, read our previous post – Restore System Image from External Hard Drive in Windows 10/8/7.
“MiniTool ShadowMaker is helpful to me since it allows me to create a bootable disk and back up system. With it, I restore my PC to a normal state in case of a system crash. It is worth recommending.”Click to Tweet
Now, three methods to create an HP recovery disk are told to you. From this part, you know HP Recovery Manager has a limitation. Its two alternatives – create a recovery drive and back up system along with creating a bootable USB drive can be good choices.
Just choose one of these three methods based on your needs. When the PC is unbootable, you can use the recovery disk to easily perform a system recovery.
Bottom Line
A recovery disk for HP is very important since it allows you to run Windows when the system fails to boot and perform a recovery operation. Three different methods to create an HP recovery disk for desktops or laptops are for you to choose.
Besides, if you have any suggestions on HP recovery disk or problems when using MiniTool Software, let us know by contacting [email protected] or leaving a comment in the below section.
HP Recovery Disk FAQ
Will HP send me a recovery disk?
HP doesn’t include a recovery disk in its computer cases but you can use its HP Recovery Manager to create a set of recovery disk (on USB, CD, or DVD) by yourself.
How do I make an HP recovery disk?
Usually, HP Recovery Manager is helpful for you to create a recovery disk. But it only allows you to create a set of recovery media. So, you can create a recovery drive with the built-in tool or use MiniTool ShadowMaker to create a bootable media including a system image.
How do I restore my HP desktop to factory settings without a disk?
- Power off the HP desktop.
- Press F11 during the startup until the PC goes to Recovery Manager.
- Start to perform the factory reset.
How do I restore Windows from a recovery drive?
- Boot your PC to the Windows Recovery Environment.
- Go to Troubleshoot > Advanced options and then start the PC repair by clicking the corresponding section.