Qt creator offline installer windows

We recommend you use the Qt Online Installer for first time installations and the Qt Maintenance Tool for changes to a current install.

  • Qt6 source packages
  • 5.15.x source packages
  • 5.12.x Offline Installers
  • Qt Creator
  • Other downloads
  • Pre-releases

Qt6 Source Packages

Qt 6.5.3 Source Packages:

The source code is available:

  • For Windows users as a single zip file (1.2 G) (Info)
  • For Linux/macOS users as a tar.xz file (761 MB) (Info)

You can get split source packages from here. Or visit the repository at code.qt.io.

Older Qt Versions

All older versions of Qt are available in the archive.

Qt 5.15.x Source Packages

The source code is available:

  • For Windows users as a single zip file (962 MB) (Info)
  • For Linux/macOS users as a tar.xz file (560 MB) (Info)

You can get split source packages from here. Or visit the repository at code.qt.io.


Looking for Qt 6.6 RC? Packages can be downloaded from here. 

We have shared the offline installer setup of QT Creator here and free download links are available for download. You can install it on Windows 32 & 64-Bit. QT Creator For Windows is a free and easy-to-use integrated development environment (IDE) for application developers. It provides everything you need to build cross-platform applications for desktops, mobile devices, and embedded platforms. It is available in both open-source and commercial versions.

Qt Creator is an IDE that supports the development of a wide range of applications with the help of various programming languages. It also features a debugging mode that allows you to examine the current state of your application. The program also offers various tools for design and code analysis, as well as an integrated profiler for identifying performance bottlenecks. You can also develop multiple operating systems and use version control software to manage your code.

Project Creation

Project creation in Qt Creator For Windows is a fast and simple process that involves choosing the type of project to create, as well as selecting a location for it and defining the project’s settings. A wizard guides you through the process, which makes it easier to set up new projects. Creating a kit for a device is another feature that is offered by Qt Creator For Windows. A kit is a compilation and debugging solution that contains the necessary references to the compiler, the Qt Framework, and the debugger for your target platform. In addition to this, you can add files to a kit to provide more configuration information.

Once you have created a kit, the tool will automatically generate a build and debug configuration. This configuration will include the relevant file locations, compiler options, and Qt Framework files. However, it is advisable to review this configuration before you start building your app. This is because the configuration may not work correctly and you could end up with an error message when trying to run the application.

Free & Open-Source

The Qt Company recently released a major update to the open-source, free, and cross-platform Qt Creator IDE for GNU/Linux, macOS, and Windows. The update includes experimental Clangd support as the backend for the C/C++ code model and supports building and running apps in Docker containers.

Before you download Qt Creator For Windows, make sure to read the license agreement. This will ensure that you’re not violating any laws. Qt Creator For Windows is an excellent tool for coding and designing. It features a powerful suite of tools that meets the needs of beginners and professionals alike. Its straightforward layout helps you to create connected devices, UIs, and applications that are sure to exceed user demands.

How To Install

You can install Qt Creator For Windows by downloading the program from here or its official website. The installation process requires an internet connection and a valid license. Qt Creator For Windows is an Open Source program that is released under the GPLv3 license. It is free to use and distribute, and anyone can download it from the website of the Qt Company or a third-party provider. It is a very efficient tool that has been recommended by many PC users.


Для сборки (компиляции) программ которые могут работать снашими контроллерами, а также написания интерфесов (QML) рекомендуется использовать среду разработки Qt Creator.

Windows. Установка на примере Qt5.12.2:

1. Рекомендуем скачать offline инсталятор с нашего сайта. https://wldev.ru/data/other/qt/qt-opensource-windows-x86-5.12.2.exe . – Это иснталятор которому не нужно подключение к сети интернет.

2. Перед началом установки рекомендуем отключить сеть, чтобы инсталятор не пытался сделать вам аккаунт с подтверждением итд.

3. Запускаем инсталятор. Жмём далее…..И выбираем следующие (минимальные) параметры установки.

4. Установка закончена.


Для установки в среде линукс нужно последовательно выполнить несколько комманд для установки.


sudo apt install qt5-default
sudo apt install qtcreator
sudo apt install qtdeclarative5-dev
sudo apt install libqt5serialport5-dev
sudo apt install qtscript5-dev
sudo apt install qtmultimedia5-dev
sudo apt install libsdl2-dev
sudo apt install libqt5multimedia5-plugins


sudo apt install qtbase5-dev qtchooser qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools
sudo apt install qtcreator
sudo apt install qtdeclarative5-dev
sudo apt install libqt5serialport5-dev
sudo apt install qtscript5-dev
sudo apt install qtmultimedia5-dev
sudo apt install libqt5opengl5-dev
sudo apt install libqt5multimedia5-plugins

Qt is an open-source software development framework used to create user interfaces and applications. It can be installed without an account, as long as you have the appropriate setup files downloaded from their website. First, download the Qt installer package for your operating system (Windows or Mac).

Then run it to install Qt on your machine. The installation will take a few minutes and requires basic configuration settings such as language selection and directory choice. Once finished, you should be able to access all of Qt’s features without needing to sign in with any accounts.

Installing Qt without an account is possible and relatively straightforward. All you need to do is download the installer from their website, then run it on your computer. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to access all of Qt’s libraries and tools without needing to create or sign into an account.

This makes getting started with Qt incredibly easy – no extra steps required!

Install Qt Without Account

Credit: www.wikihow.com

Do I Need an Account to Install Qt?

If you’re looking to install Qt, the leading cross-platform application and UI framework, then the answer is yes – you do need an account. Qt has been around for over 20 years, providing developers with a powerful set of tools for creating visually stunning applications that run on multiple platforms including Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android and iOS. To get started with Qt development requires setting up an account on their website.

This will give you access to all the necessary downloads as well as resources to help get your projects off the ground quickly. Once registered and logged in you’ll be able to download a version of Qt suitable for your development platform (Windows/Linux etc.) along with any necessary dependencies such as compilers or libraries needed to build your app. You can also find free tutorials available online which provide step-by-step guidance on installing & configuring Qt plus lots of helpful tips and tricks from experienced developers who have already gone through this process before!

In short if you want to make use of what Qt has to offer then getting yourself setup with an account should be one of your first steps towards success!

How to Install Qt Manually?

Installing Qt manually can be tricky, but with the right instructions and tools, it can be done quickly. First you need to download the latest version of Qt from their official website. Once downloaded, unzip the file and make sure all its contents are in one folder.

You then need to open a terminal window and navigate to that folder using the ‘cd’ command. Run the configure script by typing ‘./configure’ followed by any additional options or flags necessary for your system. Next type ‘make’ in order to compile Qt into an executable form on your machine.

Finally type ‘sudo make install’ which will copy all files from Qt into their respective paths as dictated by your configuration settings before running ldconfig so that dynamic linker is aware of them in order for applications built on top of them work correctly when launched later on. With this process completed successfully you should now have a fully functioning installation of Qt up-and-running on your system!

How to Install Qt Creator for Free?

Qt Creator is a powerful open-source integrated development environment (IDE) for creating applications with the Qt framework. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for developing cross-platform applications, making it an ideal choice for those who want to create professional and feature-rich software. Installing Qt Creator is free and easy, so anyone can get started on their project right away!

To install the latest version of Qt Creator, you’ll need to download the installer from its official website. Once downloaded, simply launch the installer program and follow its prompts to complete installation. During setup, you will be asked whether or not you want to include additional components such as documentation and examples – these are recommended if this is your first time using Qt Creator but are entirely optional.

Once all required fields have been filled out, click Finish and wait while the application installs itself onto your computer system. After completing installation, you can now launch Qt Creator from either your desktop shortcut or Start menu entry – whichever works best for you! With that done, users can now start building amazing graphical user interfaces in no time at all!

Can I Use Qt for Free?

Yes, you can use Qt for free. Qt is an open source software development framework developed by the Qt Company and used to create applications with graphical user interfaces (GUIs). It is available under both commercial and open source licenses.

The open source version of Qt includes its own development tools such as a code editor and debugger, as well as libraries that are necessary to build applications on multiple platforms. As an open-source framework, it offers developers the freedom to develop their own apps without any restrictions or fees. With Qt’s cross-platform support and wide range of features, it has become one of the most popular frameworks for developing GUI applications.

Additionally, many third party libraries have been released which make it even easier for developers to use this powerful toolkit in their projects. So if you’re looking for a reliable way to develop your application with no cost involved then using the freely available version of Qt might be perfect solution for you!

How to install QT in Windows 10 without an account

Qt Offline Installer

Qt Offline Installer is a great tool for developers who need to install the Qt framework and its libraries on their computers without an active internet connection. The installer package includes all of the components needed, such as the development tools, libraries, documentation, examples and demos. It also provides support for compiling applications written in C++ or QML with Qt Quick Compiler (qmlscene).

With this offline installation method, developers can be sure that they have everything they need to start building cross-platform applications with Qt.

Install Qt Ubuntu

Installing Qt on Ubuntu is a simple process that can be done with the help of the command line. The first step is to download and install the necessary packages, which include Qt libraries, development tools, and dependencies. Once these are installed, you will need to configure your environment variables so that Qt applications will know where to look for its files.

Finally, you should build and install Qt from source code or use a pre-built version available in your Linux distribution’s package manager. With these steps complete, you’ll be ready to develop applications using Qt on Ubuntu!

Qt Download

Qt is a free and open-source software development framework that can be used to create applications with cross-platform capabilities. It is available for download from the Qt Software website, where you can choose from several different versions depending on your needs. With Qt, you have access to various tools including an integrated development environment (IDE), a code editor, and an extensive collection of libraries for creating user interfaces.

Qt Creator

Qt Creator is an integrated development environment (IDE) that can be used to develop applications with the Qt framework. It provides a complete suite of tools for creating, debugging and deploying applications on desktop, embedded and mobile platforms. The IDE features a powerful code editor, integrated debugger and profiler as well as extensive integration with popular version control systems such as Git and Subversion.

Qt Creator offers many useful features including syntax highlighting, autocompletion, code refactoring tools and custom build steps.


In conclusion, installing Qt without an account is a relatively easy process that can be accomplished by any user with basic computer knowledge. It is important to note that while this method of installation may not provide access to all the features and tools available on the official website, it still allows users to benefit from many of Qt’s great capabilities. With this in mind, you should now feel confident enough to start downloading and using Qt right away!

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Qt — это кросс-платформенный фреймворк, с помощью которого можно создавать программное обеспечение, которое будет компилироваться в исполняемые файлы для различных операционных систем без изменения или с минимальным изменением кода. Первоначально платформа Qt создавалась для работы с кодом на языке программирования C++, однако вскоре появились наборы расширений для программирования на PHP, Python, Ruby и Java.

Являясь объектно-ориентированной средой программирования рассчитанной на мультиплатформенную разработку, Qt распространяется вместе с классами и библиотеками необходимыми для разработки элементов интерфейса в различных платформах, поддержки работы с сетью и подключения к базам данных, что делает его пригодным «из коробки» для создания большинства прикладных программ. Как и у большинства современных сред разработки и фреймворков, при необходимости функциональность Qt можно значительно расширить с помощью подключаемых плагинов и виджетов.

Фактически после выхода версии 4.5.0, которая получила интегрированный модуль Qt Creator, фреймворк стал представлять собой полноценную мультиплатформенную среду разработки в которой можно полноценно писать код, разрабатывать графические интерфейсы  режиме визуального редактора с помощью модуля Qt Designer, разрабатывать кросс-платформенную справку воспользовавшись Qt Assistant и локализировать своё приложение на множество языков с благодаря модулю Qt Linguist.

Как и в случае с большинством свободно распространяемых программ, вы можете скачать исходный код Qt с официального сайта и собственноручно собрать нужные модули с персональными пожеланиями, однако в большинстве случае достаточно скачать Qt в виде автоматизированного установщика и просто выбрать, какие именно компоненты вам необходимы

Большинство модулей фреймворка Qt распространяются по лицензии LGPL v3 и GPL v3 с открытым исходным кодомLGPL v3 и GPL v3 с открытым исходным кодом и его можно скачивать и использовать бесплатно. При этом нужно иметь в виду, что лицензия некоторых модулей требует, чтобы создаваемый вами продукт так же распространялся под лицензией совместимой с GPL. Подробности лицензирования можно уточнить на официальном сайте фреймворка.

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