Python для windows 7 service pack 1

I can’t install Python 3.8 on windows 7 32 bit with SP1 error Log says detected windows 7 sp1 without kb2533625 and I searched for this update all day but found nothing any Help?

Basj's user avatar


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asked Oct 24, 2019 at 19:33

Mohamed ِRadwan's user avatar

Mohamed ِRadwanMohamed ِRadwan

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I think this is typo from Python Developers the update is kb2533623 not kb2533625
and you can download it from here then restart your machine and try to install python 3.8 or 3.7 it will work like a charm

Update As @ClassicOcean said the update for kb2533623 no longer available you can now install this update to solve the problem

answered Oct 24, 2019 at 19:33

Mohamed ِRadwan's user avatar

Mohamed ِRadwanMohamed ِRadwan

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To install Python 3.7 or 3.8, in windows 7 operating system, you need to install Windows 7 Service Pack 1 first and then Update for Windows 7 (KB2533623) (if not installed already).

Your system is missing the Update for Windows 7 (KB2533623), hence in your Python installation log file it is showing detected windows 7 sp1 without kb2533625, although it should have been detected windows 7 sp1 without KB2533623, I think this is a mistake from Python developers.

Go to: My Computer -> Properties and check the System Type. If it is 64-bit Operating System:

  1. For Windows 7 Service Pack 1, download the file windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe from Windows7 Service Pack-1 download page
  2. For Update for Windows 7 (KB2533623), download it from this link of Microsoft’s official website

If your OS is 32-bit:

  1. For Windows 7 Service Pack 1, download the file windows6.1-KB976932-X86.exe from Windows7 Service Pack-1 download page
  2. For Update for Windows 7 (KB2533623), download it from this link of Microsoft’s official website

answered Dec 14, 2019 at 21:04

itsAllPassion's user avatar

I can’t install Python 3.8 on windows 7 32 bit with SP1 error Log says detected windows 7 sp1 without kb2533625 and I searched for this update all day but found nothing any Help?

Basj's user avatar


41.5k101 gold badges389 silver badges683 bronze badges

asked Oct 24, 2019 at 19:33

Mohamed ِRadwan's user avatar

Mohamed ِRadwanMohamed ِRadwan

7772 gold badges8 silver badges17 bronze badges

I think this is typo from Python Developers the update is kb2533623 not kb2533625
and you can download it from here then restart your machine and try to install python 3.8 or 3.7 it will work like a charm

Update As @ClassicOcean said the update for kb2533623 no longer available you can now install this update to solve the problem

answered Oct 24, 2019 at 19:33

Mohamed ِRadwan's user avatar

Mohamed ِRadwanMohamed ِRadwan

7772 gold badges8 silver badges17 bronze badges


To install Python 3.7 or 3.8, in windows 7 operating system, you need to install Windows 7 Service Pack 1 first and then Update for Windows 7 (KB2533623) (if not installed already).

Your system is missing the Update for Windows 7 (KB2533623), hence in your Python installation log file it is showing detected windows 7 sp1 without kb2533625, although it should have been detected windows 7 sp1 without KB2533623, I think this is a mistake from Python developers.

Go to: My Computer -> Properties and check the System Type. If it is 64-bit Operating System:

  1. For Windows 7 Service Pack 1, download the file windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe from Windows7 Service Pack-1 download page
  2. For Update for Windows 7 (KB2533623), download it from this link of Microsoft’s official website

If your OS is 32-bit:

  1. For Windows 7 Service Pack 1, download the file windows6.1-KB976932-X86.exe from Windows7 Service Pack-1 download page
  2. For Update for Windows 7 (KB2533623), download it from this link of Microsoft’s official website

answered Dec 14, 2019 at 21:04

itsAllPassion's user avatar

Unofficial Python Installers for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2

Officially, Python 3.9 to 3.11 are not supported on Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2. Here, you can obtain unofficial Windows installers that bring back support for these older Windows versions.

For each Python version, this repository includes the following.

  • 64-bit executable installer (e.g. python-3.9.0-amd64-full.exe)
  • 32-bit executable installer (e.g. python-3.9.0-full.exe)
  • 64-bit embeddable zip file (e.g.
  • 32-bit embeddable zip file (e.g.
  • 64-bit NuGet package (e.g. python.3.9.0.nupkg)
  • 32-bit NuGet package (e.g. pythonx86.3.9.0.nupkg)
  • Windows help file (e.g. python390.chm) (3.9 and 3.10 only)

For the more technical among you, these installers were built from the source distributions published at, with the following modifications.

  • Include the file api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll in the distribution. This file was obtained from and is necessary for Python to run on older Windows versions.
  • Create full installers that include debugging symbols and debug binaries without needing to download them.
  • Allow the installer to proceed on Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
  • For Python 3.11 or higher, remove the usage of features that are not available on Windows 7.
  • Fix a few bugs in the build scripts.

See for more specific details about how I built these installers and how you may build them yourself.

Git History

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These files are provided under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt.

Who am I

I am Aohan Dang (, a professional software developer and Python enthusiast.

Python — один из самых популярных языков программирования в мире. Он широко используется для разработки веб-приложений, анализа данных, машинного обучения и других задач.

Для пользователей операционной системы Windows 7 с пакетом обновления 1 есть несколько способов установки Python. В этой статье мы рассмотрим самый простой и распространенный способ установки Python на Windows 7.

Для начала нужно скачать установочный файл Python с официального сайта. Версия, которую мы рекомендуем установить, — Python 3.9. Эта версия является последней стабильной версией на момент написания статьи и содержит множество новых функций и улучшений.

Ознакомьтесь с лицензионным соглашением перед установкой, чтобы быть уверенными, что вы принимаете его условия.

После скачивания установочного файла Python, запустите его и следуйте инструкциям мастера установки. По умолчанию Python будет установлен в папку C:\Python39\. Однако, вы можете выбрать любую другую доступную папку.


  1. Python для Windows 7 с пакетом обновления 1
  2. Установка Python на Windows 7 с пакетом обновления 1
  3. Настройка Python на Windows 7 с пакетом обновления 1
  4. Использование Python на Windows 7 с пакетом обновления 1

Windows 7 с пакетом обновления 1 (SP1) — это одна из наиболее популярных операционных систем от Microsoft на данный момент. Он предлагает множество функций и улучшений по сравнению с предыдущей версией Windows 7.

Установка Python на Windows 7 с пакетом обновления 1 проста и занимает несколько простых шагов:

  1. Перейдите на официальный сайт Python ( и скачайте установщик Python для Windows.
  2. Запустите установщик Python и следуйте инструкциям на экране. Установщик автоматически выберет соответствующую версию Python для вашей операционной системы.
  3. При выборе опций установки рекомендуется оставить значения по умолчанию, если вы не уверены, что вам нужны дополнительные инструменты и библиотеки.
  4. После завершения установки Python вы можете проверить, что он успешно установлен, открыв командную строку и введя команду python --version. Если вы видите версию Python, значит установка прошла успешно.

Теперь вы готовы использовать Python на своем компьютере с Windows 7 с пакетом обновления 1. Вы можете создавать и запускать программы Python, используя IDLE (интегрированная среда разработки Python) или любую другую среду разработки по вашему выбору.

Python на Windows 7 SP1 предлагает широкие возможности для разработки программного обеспечения, создания веб-приложений, обработки данных и многое другое. Не стесняйтесь использовать Python для решения своих задач и расширения своих навыков программирования.

Установка Python на Windows 7 с пакетом обновления 1

Установка Python на операционную систему Windows 7 с пакетом обновления 1 достаточно проста. Ниже приведены шаги для успешной установки:

Шаг Описание
1 Перейдите на официальный веб-сайт Python (
2 Перейдите на страницу загрузки Python.
3 Выберите версию Python, совместимую с вашей операционной системой Windows 7 (32-бит или 64-бит).
4 Нажмите на ссылку загрузки для выбранной версии Python.
5 Скачайте установочный файл Python на ваш компьютер.
6 Запустите установочный файл Python.
7 Выберите пункт «Установить для всех пользователей», если требуется глобальная установка.
8 Выберите папку для установки Python или оставьте значение по умолчанию.
9 Убедитесь, что флажок «Добавить Python в PATH» установлен.
10 Нажмите на кнопку «Установить», чтобы начать установку Python.
11 Дождитесь завершения установки Python на ваш компьютер.
12 После завершения установки вы можете проверить работу Python, открыв командную строку и введя команду «python —version».

Поздравляем, у вас теперь установлена последняя версия Python на вашем компьютере с Windows 7 и пакетом обновления 1. Вы можете приступать к использованию Python для разработки приложений и написания сценариев!

Настройка Python на Windows 7 с пакетом обновления 1

Шаг 1: Загрузка установщика Python

Перейдите на официальный веб-сайт Python ( и выберите последнюю версию Python для Windows. Убедитесь, что вы выбираете версию, совместимую с Windows 7 SP1.

Шаг 2: Запуск установщика

После того, как загрузка установщика Python будет завершена, откройте загруженный файл. Начнется процесс установки.

Примечание: Во время установки у вас может быть предложено выбрать различные параметры установки. Если вы не уверены, что выбрать, дополнительную информацию можно найти на официальном веб-сайте Python.

Шаг 3: Добавление Python в переменную среды PATH

После успешной установки Python откройте панель управления Windows и найдите раздел «Система». Внутри найдите раздел «Дополнительные параметры системы» и нажмите на кнопку «Переменные среды».

В открывшемся окне выберите переменную «Path» в разделе «Системные переменные» и кликните на кнопку «Изменить».

В появившемся окне кликните на кнопку «Новый» и добавьте путь к папке установки Python (например, C:\Python39\). Нажмите «ОК», чтобы закрыть все окна.

Шаг 4: Проверка установки Python

Для проверки установки Python откройте командную строку Windows и введите команду «python —version». Если Python успешно установлен, вы должны увидеть версию Python, которую вы установили.

Теперь вы готовы использовать Python на вашей системе Windows 7 с пакетом обновления 1. Успехов в программировании!

Использование Python на Windows 7 с пакетом обновления 1

Шаг 1: Загрузка Python:

Перейдите на официальный веб-сайт Python и загрузите установочный пакет Python для Windows 7 с пакетом обновления 1. Убедитесь, что вы загружаете версию Python, совместимую с вашей системой.

Шаг 2: Установка Python:

Выполните загруженный файл установки Python и следуйте инструкциям на экране. Убедитесь, что в процессе установки вы выбрали опцию «Добавить Python в переменную среды PATH». Это позволит вам запускать Python из командной строки без необходимости указывать полный путь к его исполняемому файлу.

Шаг 3: Проверка установки:

После завершения установки откройте командную строку и введите команду «python». Если вы увидите интерактивный интерпретатор Python, значит установка прошла успешно.

Шаг 4: Начало работы с Python:

Теперь, когда Python установлен на вашем компьютере, вы можете начать использовать его для разработки приложений. Вам понадобится текстовый редактор, чтобы создавать и редактировать код Python. Например, вы можете использовать Notepad++, Sublime Text или PyCharm.

Шаг 5: Написание и выполнение кода:

Откройте выбранный вами текстовый редактор и создайте новый файл. Напишите в нем свой первый код на Python. Затем сохраните файл с расширением «.py».

Чтобы выполнить код Python, откройте командную строку, перейдите в каталог, где находится ваш файл с кодом, и введите команду «python имя_файла.py» (замените «имя_файла» на фактическое имя вашего файла).

Шаг 6: Ваш первый программный код:

Поздравляю! Вы только что запустили свою первую программу на Python на Windows 7 с пакетом обновления 1. Теперь вам предстоит изучать язык Python и использовать его для создания больших и сложных программ.

Примечание: Если вам нужно установить дополнительные пакеты Python, вы можете воспользоваться инструментом установки пакетов pip. Откройте командную строку и введите команду «pip install имя_пакета» для установки необходимого пакета. Не забудьте заменить «имя_пакета» на фактическое имя пакета, который вы хотите установить.

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  • Latest Python 3 Release — Python 3.12.0

Stable Releases

  • Python 3.12.0 — Oct. 2, 2023

    Note that Python 3.12.0 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32 -bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.11.6 — Oct. 2, 2023

    Note that Python 3.11.6 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

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    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32 -bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.11.5 — Aug. 24, 2023

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    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32 -bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.10.13 — Aug. 24, 2023

    Note that Python 3.10.13 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.9.18 — Aug. 24, 2023

    Note that Python 3.9.18 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.8.18 — Aug. 24, 2023

    Note that Python 3.8.18 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.10.12 — June 6, 2023

    Note that Python 3.10.12 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.11.4 — June 6, 2023

    Note that Python 3.11.4 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32 -bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.7.17 — June 6, 2023

    Note that Python 3.7.17 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.8.17 — June 6, 2023

    Note that Python 3.8.17 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.9.17 — June 6, 2023

    Note that Python 3.9.17 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.10.11 — April 5, 2023

    Note that Python 3.10.11 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32 -bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.11.3 — April 5, 2023

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    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32 -bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.10.10 — Feb. 8, 2023

    Note that Python 3.10.10 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

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    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32 -bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.11.2 — Feb. 8, 2023

    Note that Python 3.11.2 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32 -bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.11.1 — Dec. 6, 2022

    Note that Python 3.11.1 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32 -bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.10.9 — Dec. 6, 2022

    Note that Python 3.10.9 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32 -bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.9.16 — Dec. 6, 2022

    Note that Python 3.9.16 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.8.16 — Dec. 6, 2022

    Note that Python 3.8.16 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.7.16 — Dec. 6, 2022

    Note that Python 3.7.16 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.11.0 — Oct. 24, 2022

    Note that Python 3.11.0 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32 -bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.9.15 — Oct. 11, 2022

    Note that Python 3.9.15 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.8.15 — Oct. 11, 2022

    Note that Python 3.8.15 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.10.8 — Oct. 11, 2022

    Note that Python 3.10.8 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32 -bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.7.15 — Oct. 11, 2022

    Note that Python 3.7.15 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.7.14 — Sept. 6, 2022

    Note that Python 3.7.14 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.8.14 — Sept. 6, 2022

    Note that Python 3.8.14 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.9.14 — Sept. 6, 2022

    Note that Python 3.9.14 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.10.7 — Sept. 6, 2022

    Note that Python 3.10.7 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32 -bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.10.6 — Aug. 2, 2022

    Note that Python 3.10.6 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.10.5 — June 6, 2022

    Note that Python 3.10.5 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.9.13 — May 17, 2022

    Note that Python 3.9.13 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.10.4 — March 24, 2022

    Note that Python 3.10.4 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.9.12 — March 23, 2022

    Note that Python 3.9.12 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.10.3 — March 16, 2022

    Note that Python 3.10.3 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.9.11 — March 16, 2022

    Note that Python 3.9.11 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.8.13 — March 16, 2022

    Note that Python 3.8.13 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.7.13 — March 16, 2022

    Note that Python 3.7.13 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.9.10 — Jan. 14, 2022

    Note that Python 3.9.10 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.10.2 — Jan. 14, 2022

    Note that Python 3.10.2 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.10.1 — Dec. 6, 2021

    Note that Python 3.10.1 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32 -bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.9.9 — Nov. 15, 2021

    Note that Python 3.9.9 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.9.8 — Nov. 5, 2021

    Note that Python 3.9.8 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.10.0 — Oct. 4, 2021

    Note that Python 3.10.0 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.7.12 — Sept. 4, 2021

    Note that Python 3.7.12 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.6.15 — Sept. 4, 2021

    Note that Python 3.6.15 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.9.7 — Aug. 30, 2021

    Note that Python 3.9.7 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.8.12 — Aug. 30, 2021

    Note that Python 3.8.12 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.9.6 — June 28, 2021

    Note that Python 3.9.6 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.8.11 — June 28, 2021

    Note that Python 3.8.11 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.7.11 — June 28, 2021

    Note that Python 3.7.11 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.6.14 — June 28, 2021

    Note that Python 3.6.14 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.9.5 — May 3, 2021

    Note that Python 3.9.5 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.8.10 — May 3, 2021

    Note that Python 3.8.10 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.9.4 — April 4, 2021

    Note that Python 3.9.4 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.9.3 — April 2, 2021

    Note that Python 3.9.3 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.8.9 — April 2, 2021

    Note that Python 3.8.9 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.9.2 — Feb. 19, 2021

    Note that Python 3.9.2 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.8.8 — Feb. 19, 2021

    Note that Python 3.8.8 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.6.13 — Feb. 15, 2021

    Note that Python 3.6.13 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.7.10 — Feb. 15, 2021

    Note that Python 3.7.10 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.8.7 — Dec. 21, 2020

    Note that Python 3.8.7 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.9.1 — Dec. 7, 2020

    Note that Python 3.9.1 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.9.0 — Oct. 5, 2020

    Note that Python 3.9.0 cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.8.6 — Sept. 24, 2020

    Note that Python 3.8.6 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.8.6rc1 — Sept. 8, 2020

    Note that Python 3.8.6rc1 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.5.10 — Sept. 5, 2020

    Note that Python 3.5.10 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.7.9 — Aug. 17, 2020

    Note that Python 3.7.9 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.12 — Aug. 17, 2020

    Note that Python 3.6.12 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.8.5 — July 20, 2020

    Note that Python 3.8.5 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.8.4 — July 13, 2020

    Note that Python 3.8.4 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.8.4rc1 — June 30, 2020

    Note that Python 3.8.4rc1 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.7.8 — June 27, 2020

    Note that Python 3.7.8 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.11 — June 27, 2020

    Note that Python 3.6.11 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.8.3 — May 13, 2020

    Note that Python 3.8.3 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.8.3rc1 — April 29, 2020

    Note that Python 3.8.3rc1 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 2.7.18 — April 20, 2020

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.7.7 — March 10, 2020

    Note that Python 3.7.7 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.8.2 — Feb. 24, 2020

    Note that Python 3.8.2 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.8.1 — Dec. 18, 2019

    Note that Python 3.8.1 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.7.6 — Dec. 18, 2019

    Note that Python 3.7.6 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.10 — Dec. 18, 2019

    Note that Python 3.6.10 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.5.9 — Nov. 2, 2019

    Note that Python 3.5.9 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.5.8 — Oct. 29, 2019

    Note that Python 3.5.8 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 2.7.17 — Oct. 19, 2019

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.7.5 — Oct. 15, 2019

    Note that Python 3.7.5 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.8.0 — Oct. 14, 2019

    Note that Python 3.8.0 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.7.4 — July 8, 2019

    Note that Python 3.7.4 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.9 — July 2, 2019

    Note that Python 3.6.9 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.7.3 — March 25, 2019

    Note that Python 3.7.3 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.4.10 — March 18, 2019

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.5.7 — March 18, 2019

    Note that Python 3.5.7 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 2.7.16 — March 4, 2019

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.7.2 — Dec. 24, 2018

    Note that Python 3.7.2 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.8 — Dec. 24, 2018

    Note that Python 3.6.8 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.7.1 — Oct. 20, 2018

    Note that Python 3.7.1 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.7 — Oct. 20, 2018

    Note that Python 3.6.7 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.5.6 — Aug. 2, 2018

    Note that Python 3.5.6 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.4.9 — Aug. 2, 2018

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.7.0 — June 27, 2018

    Note that Python 3.7.0 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.6 — June 27, 2018

    Note that Python 3.6.6 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 2.7.15 — May 1, 2018

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.6.5 — March 28, 2018

    Note that Python 3.6.5 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.4.8 — Feb. 5, 2018

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.5.5 — Feb. 5, 2018

    Note that Python 3.5.5 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.6.4 — Dec. 19, 2017

    Note that Python 3.6.4 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.3 — Oct. 3, 2017

    Note that Python 3.6.3 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.3.7 — Sept. 19, 2017

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 2.7.14 — Sept. 16, 2017

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.4.7 — Aug. 9, 2017

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.5.4 — Aug. 8, 2017

    Note that Python 3.5.4 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.2 — July 17, 2017

    Note that Python 3.6.2 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.1 — March 21, 2017

    Note that Python 3.6.1 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.4.6 — Jan. 17, 2017

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.5.3 — Jan. 17, 2017

    Note that Python 3.5.3 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.0 — Dec. 23, 2016

    Note that Python 3.6.0 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 2.7.13 — Dec. 17, 2016

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.4.5 — June 27, 2016

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.5.2 — June 27, 2016

    Note that Python 3.5.2 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 2.7.12 — June 25, 2016

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.4.4 — Dec. 21, 2015

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.5.1 — Dec. 7, 2015

    Note that Python 3.5.1 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 2.7.11 — Dec. 5, 2015

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.5.0 — Sept. 13, 2015

    Note that Python 3.5.0 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 2.7.10 — May 23, 2015

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.4.3 — Feb. 25, 2015

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.7.9 — Dec. 10, 2014

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.4.2 — Oct. 13, 2014

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.3.6 — Oct. 12, 2014

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.2.6 — Oct. 12, 2014

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 2.7.8 — July 2, 2014

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.7.7 — June 1, 2014

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.4.1 — May 19, 2014

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.4.0 — March 17, 2014

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.3.5 — March 9, 2014

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.3.4 — Feb. 9, 2014

    • Download Windows X86-64 MSI Installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI Installer
  • Python 3.3.3 — Nov. 17, 2013

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.7.6 — Nov. 10, 2013

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows X86-64 MSI Installer
    • Download Windows X86-64 MSI program database
    • Download Windows x86 MSI Installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI program database
  • Python 2.6.9 — Oct. 29, 2013

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.3.2 — May 15, 2013

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.2.5 — May 15, 2013

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.7.5 — May 12, 2013

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.2.4 — April 6, 2013

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.3.1 — April 6, 2013

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.7.4 — April 6, 2013

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.3.0 — Sept. 29, 2012

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.6.8 — April 10, 2012

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.2.3 — April 10, 2012

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.1.5 — April 9, 2012

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 2.7.3 — April 9, 2012

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.2.2 — Sept. 3, 2011

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.2.1 — July 9, 2011

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.1.4 — June 11, 2011

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.7.2 — June 11, 2011

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.6.7 — June 3, 2011

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 2.5.6 — May 26, 2011

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.2.0 — Feb. 20, 2011

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.7.1 — Nov. 27, 2010

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.1.3 — Nov. 27, 2010

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.6.6 — Aug. 24, 2010

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.7.0 — July 3, 2010

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.1.2 — March 20, 2010

    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.6.5 — March 18, 2010

    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.5.5 — Jan. 31, 2010

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 2.6.4 — Oct. 26, 2009

    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.6.3 — Oct. 2, 2009

    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.1.1 — Aug. 17, 2009

    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.1.0 — June 26, 2009

    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.6.2 — April 14, 2009

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.0.1 — Feb. 13, 2009

    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.5.4 — Dec. 23, 2008

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.5.3 — Dec. 19, 2008

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.4.6 — Dec. 19, 2008

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 2.6.1 — Dec. 4, 2008

    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.0.0 — Dec. 3, 2008

    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.6.0 — Oct. 2, 2008

    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.3.7 — March 11, 2008

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 2.4.5 — March 11, 2008

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 2.5.2 — Feb. 21, 2008

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.5.1 — April 19, 2007

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.3.6 — Nov. 1, 2006

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 2.4.4 — Oct. 18, 2006

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.5.0 — Sept. 19, 2006

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.4.3 — April 15, 2006

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.4.2 — Sept. 27, 2005

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.4.1 — March 30, 2005

    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.3.5 — Feb. 8, 2005

    • Download Windows installer
  • Python 2.4.0 — Nov. 30, 2004

    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.3.4 — May 27, 2004

    • Download Windows installer
  • Python 2.3.3 — Dec. 19, 2003

    • Download Windows installer
  • Python 2.3.2 — Oct. 3, 2003

    • Download Windows installer
  • Python 2.3.1 — Sept. 23, 2003

    • Download Windows installer
  • Python 2.3.0 — July 29, 2003

    • Download Windows installer
  • Python 2.2.3 — May 30, 2003

    • Download Windows installer
  • Python 2.2.2 — Oct. 14, 2002

    • Download Windows installer
  • Python 2.2.1 — April 10, 2002

    • Download Windows installer
  • Python 2.1.3 — April 9, 2002

    • Download Windows installer
  • Python 2.2.0 — Dec. 21, 2001

    • Download Windows installer
  • Python 2.0.1 — June 22, 2001

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows installer


  • Python 3.12.0rc3 — Sept. 19, 2023

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32 -bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.12.0rc2 — Sept. 6, 2023

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32 -bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.12.0rc1 — Aug. 6, 2023

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32 -bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.12.0b4 — July 11, 2023

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32 -bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.12.0b3 — June 19, 2023

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32 -bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.12.0b2 — June 6, 2023

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32 -bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.12.0b1 — May 22, 2023

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32 -bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.12.0a7 — April 4, 2023

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32 -bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.12.0a6 — March 8, 2023

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.12.0a5 — Feb. 7, 2023

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.12.0a4 — Jan. 10, 2023

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.12.0a3 — Dec. 6, 2022

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.12.0a2 — Nov. 15, 2022

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.12.0a1 — Oct. 25, 2022

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.11.0rc2 — Sept. 12, 2022

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.11.0rc1 — Aug. 8, 2022

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.11.0b5 — July 26, 2022

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.11.0b4 — July 11, 2022

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.11.0b3 — June 1, 2022

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.11.0b2 — May 31, 2022

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.11.0b1 — May 8, 2022

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.11.0a7 — April 5, 2022

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (ARM64)
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.11.0a6 — March 7, 2022

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.11.0a5 — Feb. 3, 2022

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (ARM64)
  • Python 3.11.0a4 — Jan. 14, 2022

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.11.0a3 — Dec. 8, 2021

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.11.0a2 — Nov. 5, 2021

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.11.0a1 — Oct. 5, 2021

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.10.0rc2 — Sept. 7, 2021

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.10.0rc1 — Aug. 2, 2021

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.10.0b4 — July 10, 2021

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.10.0b3 — June 17, 2021

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.10.0b2 — May 31, 2021

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.10.0b1 — May 3, 2021

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.10.0a7 — April 5, 2021

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.10.0a6 — March 1, 2021

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.9.2rc1 — Feb. 16, 2021

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.8.8rc1 — Feb. 16, 2021

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.10.0a5 — Feb. 2, 2021

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.10.0a4 — Jan. 4, 2021

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.8.7rc1 — Dec. 7, 2020

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.10.0a3 — Dec. 7, 2020

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.9.1rc1 — Nov. 26, 2020

    • Download Windows embeddable package (32-bit)
    • Download Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows installer (32-bit)
    • Download Windows installer (64-bit)
  • Python 3.10.0a2 — Nov. 3, 2020

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.10.0a1 — Oct. 5, 2020

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.9.0rc2 — Sept. 17, 2020

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.5.10rc1 — Aug. 22, 2020

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.9.0rc1 — Aug. 11, 2020

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.9.0b5 — July 20, 2020

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.9.0b4 — July 3, 2020

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.7.8rc1 — June 17, 2020

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.11rc1 — June 17, 2020

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.9.0b3 — June 9, 2020

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.9.0b2 — June 9, 2020

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.9.0b1 — May 19, 2020

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.9.0a6 — April 28, 2020

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 2.7.18rc1 — April 4, 2020

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.9.0a5 — March 23, 2020

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.7.7rc1 — March 4, 2020

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.9.0a4 — Feb. 26, 2020

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.8.2rc2 — Feb. 17, 2020

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.8.2rc1 — Feb. 10, 2020

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.9.0a3 — Jan. 24, 2020

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.9.0a2 — Dec. 18, 2019

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.7.6rc1 — Dec. 11, 2019

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.10rc1 — Dec. 11, 2019

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.8.1rc1 — Dec. 10, 2019

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.9.0a1 — Nov. 19, 2019

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.5.8rc2 — Oct. 12, 2019

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 2.7.17rc1 — Oct. 9, 2019

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.7.5rc1 — Oct. 2, 2019

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.8.0rc1 — Oct. 1, 2019

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.5.8rc1 — Sept. 9, 2019

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.8.0b4 — Aug. 29, 2019

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.8.0b3 — July 29, 2019

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.8.0b2 — July 4, 2019

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.7.4rc1 — June 18, 2019

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.9rc1 — June 18, 2019

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.8.0b1 — June 4, 2019

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.8.0a4 — May 6, 2019

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.8.0a3 — March 25, 2019

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.7.3rc1 — March 12, 2019

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.4.10rc1 — March 4, 2019

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.5.7rc1 — March 4, 2019

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.8.0a2 — Feb. 25, 2019

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 2.7.16rc1 — Feb. 17, 2019

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.8.0a1 — Feb. 3, 2019

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.7.2rc1 — Dec. 11, 2018

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.8rc1 — Dec. 11, 2018

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.7.1rc2 — Oct. 13, 2018

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.7rc2 — Oct. 13, 2018

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.7.1rc1 — Sept. 26, 2018

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.7rc1 — Sept. 26, 2018

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.4.9rc1 — July 20, 2018

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.5.6rc1 — July 20, 2018

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.6.6rc1 — June 12, 2018

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.7.0rc1 — June 11, 2018

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.7.0b5 — May 30, 2018

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 2.7.15rc1 — April 15, 2018

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.6.5rc1 — March 13, 2018

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.7.0b2 — Feb. 28, 2018

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.7.0b1 — Jan. 31, 2018

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.4.8rc1 — Jan. 23, 2018

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.5.5rc1 — Jan. 23, 2018

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.7.0a4 — Jan. 9, 2018

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.4rc1 — Dec. 5, 2017

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.7.0a3 — Dec. 5, 2017

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.7.0a2 — Oct. 17, 2017

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.7.0a1 — Sept. 19, 2017

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.3rc1 — Sept. 19, 2017

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.3.7rc1 — Sept. 6, 2017

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 2.7.14rc1 — Aug. 27, 2017

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.5.4rc1 — July 25, 2017

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.4.7rc1 — July 25, 2017

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.6.2rc2 — July 7, 2017

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.2rc1 — June 17, 2017

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.1rc1 — March 5, 2017

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.5.3rc1 — Jan. 3, 2017

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.4.6rc1 — Jan. 3, 2017

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.6.0rc2 — Dec. 16, 2016

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.0rc1 — Dec. 6, 2016

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 2.7.13rc1 — Dec. 4, 2016

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.6.0b4 — Nov. 21, 2016

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.0b3 — Oct. 31, 2016

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.0b2 — Oct. 10, 2016

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.0b1 — Sept. 12, 2016

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.0a4 — Aug. 15, 2016

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.0a3 — July 12, 2016

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.6.0a2 — June 13, 2016

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 2.7.12rc1 — June 13, 2016

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.5.2rc1 — June 13, 2016

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.4.5rc1 — June 13, 2016

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.6.0a1 — May 17, 2016

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.4.4rc1 — Dec. 7, 2015

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.5.1rc1 — Nov. 23, 2015

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 2.7.11rc1 — Nov. 21, 2015

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.5.0rc4 — Sept. 9, 2015

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.5.0rc3 — Sept. 8, 2015

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.5.0rc2 — Aug. 25, 2015

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.5.0rc1 — Aug. 11, 2015

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.5.0b4 — July 26, 2015

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.5.0b3 — July 5, 2015

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.5.0b2 — June 1, 2015

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable zip file
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.5.0b1 — May 24, 2015

    • Download Windows AMD64 embeddable installer
    • Download Windows AMD64 executable installer
    • Download Windows AMD64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable installer
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 2.7.10rc1 — May 11, 2015

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.5.0a4 — April 20, 2015

    • Download Windows amd64 embeddable installer
    • Download Windows amd64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows amd executable installer
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86 embeddable installer
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.5.0a3 — March 30, 2015

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.5.0a2 — March 9, 2015

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.5.0a1 — Feb. 8, 2015

    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
    • Download Windows x86 executable installer
    • Download Windows x86 web-based installer
  • Python 3.4.3rc1 — Feb. 8, 2015

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.7.9rc1 — Nov. 26, 2014

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.3.6rc1 — Oct. 4, 2014

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.2.6rc1 — Oct. 4, 2014

    • No files for this release.
  • Python 3.4.2rc1 — Sept. 22, 2014

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 2.7.7rc1 — May 17, 2014

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.4.1rc1 — May 5, 2014

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.4.0rc3 — March 10, 2014

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows debug information files for 64-bit binaries
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.3.5rc2 — March 2, 2014

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer
  • Python 3.3.5rc1 — Feb. 23, 2014

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    • Download Windows x86 MSI Installer
  • Python 3.3.5rc1 — Feb. 23, 2014

    • Download Windows debug information files
    • Download Windows help file
    • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer
    • Download Windows x86 MSI installer

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