Program too big to fit in memory в windows 7 как исправить

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Сеанс записи: 15.07.2012 13:46:03 — 13:46:17

Этапы проблемы: 4, Пропущенные этапы: 0, Другие ошибки: 0

Операционная система: 7601.17803.x86fre.win7sp1_gdr.120330-1504

Этап проблемы 1: Пользователь щелкнул «Проводник (кнопка меню)» левой кнопкой мыши
Программа: Проводник, 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255), Microsoft Corporation, EXPLORER.EXE, EXPLORER.EXE
Элементы пользовательского интерфейса: Проводник, Выполнение приложений, Выполнение приложений, MSTaskListWClass, Выполнение приложений, MSTaskSwWClass, ReBarWindow32, Shell_TrayWnd

Этап проблемы 2: Пользователь щелкнул «System32 (элемент списка)» левой кнопкой мыши
Программа: Проводник, 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255), Microsoft Corporation, EXPLORER.EXE, EXPLORER.EXE
Элементы пользовательского интерфейса: System32, Диспетчер задач, TaskListThumbnailWnd

Этап проблемы 3: Пользователь дважды щелкнул «Имя (редактируемый текст)» левой кнопкой мыши в «System32»
Программа: Проводник, 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255), Microsoft Corporation, EXPLORER.EXE, EXPLORER.EXE
Элементы пользовательского интерфейса: Имя, cmd, Просмотр элементов, DirectUIHWND, ShellView, SHELLDLL_DefView, CtrlNotifySink, DirectUIHWND, DUIViewWndClassName, System32, ShellTabWindowClass, System32, CabinetWClass

Этап проблемы 4: Пользователь вводит данные с клавиатуры в «[Inactive cmd.exe]» […]
Программа: NTVDM.EXE, 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255), Microsoft Corporation, NTVDM.EXE -I12, NTVDM.EXE
Элементы пользовательского интерфейса: [Inactive cmd.exe], ConsoleWindowClass

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SOLVED: Fix the “Program is to big to fit memory” Issue

You might be experiencing a problem whiles installing a program with the message “program is to big to fit memory” shown in the command prompt interface just like the featured image on top, or the message might appear in flash within a second and vanishes when you try reading


The program you are installing is a 64bit (x64) processing application program whiles your computer system hardware is a 32bit (x86) processing system.

Therefore, you need to get the 32bit version of the application program for it to work.


Step 1 – Go to System Properties – > Click “Advanced system settings”


Step 2 – The below dialog-box opens – Click “Settings”


Step3 – Switch to “Advanced”


Step 4 – Click – “Change”

Step 5 – Click the check-box “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives” to uncheck


Step 6 – Select your “System managed” drive and click the custom size radio button


Step 7 –  Specify the initial size (MB) to 5000 and the Maximum size (MB) to 6000


Step 8 – Your Virtual Memory dialog-box should appear this way below, after clicking “set”


Step 9 – Click “OK” and restart

This should solve the problem.
If it helped please comment and share!


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  • #1

I have Window 7 (32 bit) professional installed in my PC. When I ran .exe files of any software i.e utorrent,adobe reader, sublime text etc. it will pop up that «Program too big to fit in memory». I searched many forums but it didn’t help me. How to fix this issue, kindly help.

  • #2

Eliminate as many programs as possible, that are not used.

Plug in more memory, or get a different motherboard.

Use a Quad core computer…


Jul 28, 2016




  • #3

Have you tried all of the tips on this page:

Seems like some useful tips on that post.

  • #4

I have Core 2 with 4 gb of RAM and 3 GHz processors.

  • #5

[quotemsg=18714498,0,2344081]I have Core 2 with 4 gb of RAM and 3 GHz processors.[/quotemsg]

Your processor is overloaded.

You are running too many programs.

  • #6

[quotemsg=18714465,0,2296378]Have you tried all of the tips on this page:

Seems like some useful tips on that post.[/quotemsg]

I follow the moboy post upto step 5 then i got confused and leave it..kindly help to follow his answer.

  • #7

[quotemsg=18714503,0,301864][quotemsg=18714498,0,2344081]I have Core 2 with 4 gb of RAM and 3 GHz processors.[/quotemsg]

Your processor is overloaded.

You are running too many programs.[/quotemsg]

I had installed window and today and just after installing I ran exe file of adobe reader and i got popped up.

Jan 23, 2015




  • #8

[quotemsg=18714516,0,2344081]I had installed window and today and just after installing I ran exe file of adobe reader and i got popped up.[/quotemsg]

If you just installed it and are in the process of setting things up, go back and re-install 64-bit Windows. It will utilize all 4 GB of your RAM.


Nov 7, 2011




  • #9

are you installing 64bit or 32bit software?

  • #10

[quotemsg=18714544,0,1887759][quotemsg=18714516,0,2344081]I had installed window and today and just after installing I ran exe file of adobe reader and i got popped up.[/quotemsg]

If you just installed it and are in the process of setting things up, go back and re-install 64-bit Windows. It will utilize all 4 GB of your RAM.

I reinstall window 2 time but i got same error, I don’t wanna reinstall window again. Kindly tell another solution to fix it.

  • #11

[quotemsg=18714600,0,600985]are you installing 64bit or 32bit software?[/quotemsg]

It didn’t mention there. but same setup I installed at different Laptop of 32 bit OS and it works fine.


Nov 7, 2011




  • #12

[quotemsg=18715140,0,2344081][quotemsg=18714600,0,600985]are you installing 64bit or 32bit software?[/quotemsg]

It didn’t mention there. but same setup I installed at different Laptop of 32 bit OS and it works fine.[/quotemsg]

Not the Os

the «When I ran .exe files of any software i.e utorrent,adobe reader, sublime text etc.»

  • #13

[quotemsg=18715149,0,600985][quotemsg=18715140,0,2344081][quotemsg=18714600,0,600985]are you installing 64bit or 32bit software?[/quotemsg]

It didn’t mention there. but same setup I installed at different Laptop of 32 bit OS and it works fine.[/quotemsg]

Not the Os

the «When I ran .exe files of any software i.e utorrent,adobe reader, sublime text etc.»[/quotemsg]

both the OS and .exe files are 32 bit.


Nov 7, 2011




  • #14

how much usable ram does your windows 7 see?

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  • So, I’ve run into a problem with a program I’ve been trying to install. This program worked when I had XP installed. When I try to install it in W7 I get this message.

    Thus I figured I was going to have to dual boot which I really don’t want to do. Then I didn’t really want to spend a load of time setting up a VM so I found Windows Virtual PC by accident and though it was awesome. But sadly when I went to install the program on the VM command prompt pops up for a second and then goes away. I ran command prompt and ran the file to see what it was doing and this is what I got.
    Anyone know what the issue could be I’ve tried upping the memory on the VM I gave it a gig but still same problem.


  • Same result I’m going to install it on my Vista x86 machine and see if copying the program folder over will work it is an old app and probably doesn’t use the registry.

    • Помечено в качестве ответа

      5 августа 2009 г. 13:46

I’m new here. Here’s my problem:

I installed MinGW on my Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit Netbook with Intel Atom CPU N550, 1.50GHz and 2GB RAM.

Now I made a file named hello.h and tried to compile it via CMD with the following command:
«gcc c:\workspace\c\helloworld\hello.h -o out.exe»

It compiles with no error, but when I try to run out.exe, it gives me following error:
«program too big to fit in memory»

Things I have checked:

  • I have added «C:\MinGW\bin» to the Windows PATH Variable
  • I have googled for about one hour, but ever since I’m a newbie, I can’t
    really figure out what the problem is.
  • I have compiled the same code on my 64-bit machine, compiles
    perfectly, but cannot be run due to 64-bit <-> 16-bit problematic.

I’d really appreciate, if someone could figure out, what the problem is. Btw, here’s my hello.h:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void){
    printf("Hello, World\n");

… That’s it. Thanks for your replies.
Cheers, Boris

neatnick's user avatar


1,4891 gold badge18 silver badges29 bronze badges

asked Sep 23, 2012 at 9:36

Boris's user avatar


Just rename your file to hello.c

The .h files are headers in C programming and you should put some things like the signatures in them and the body of your methods should be in a .c file

answered Sep 23, 2012 at 12:38

Kozet's user avatar


1,1031 gold badge11 silver badges19 bronze badges


By default, files with .h extension are treated as header files by GCC. Normally, header files are not supposed to be fed to the compiler directly. They are supposed to be #included into implementation files.

However, GCC implements a special functionality when it sees a header file being fed to it directly. Specifying an .h file in the command line makes GCC interpret it as a request to generate a pre-compiled header file for that .h file. By using an -o option you forced the compiler to give the resultant pre-compiled header file a specific name out.exe.

Nevertheless, the resultant file is not an executable file, it is a pre-compiled header file. You can open it in a hex editor and see that it begins with gpch, which is a GCC’s pre-compiler header signature. Any attempts to «execute» that file will lead to meaningless results. (This is basically like trying to rename a completely random file to .exe extension and then «running» it.)

answered May 12, 2014 at 1:11

AnT stands with Russia's user avatar

In order to fix this issue, you have to add the C:\TDM-GCC-32\bin to the %PATH% variable.
For me it’s on E: so it will be: E:\TDM-GCC-32\bin

1. Copy the path of TDM-GCC\bin folder
enter image description here

2. Open Computer Properties
enter image description here

3. Navigate to Advanced

4. Click on Environment Variables button
enter image description here

5. Select variable PATH and click the Edit button
enter image description here

6. Append the copied TDM-GCC path at the end. Don’t forget the semicolon.
enter image description here

After all of those steps, hit Ok, Ok, Apply, Ok. And you’re set!

Here’s the result in Command Prompt:
enter image description here

answered Oct 6, 2018 at 16:43

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