Приложение новости для windows 10

Используйте приложение MSN Новости для Windows 10, чтобы всегда оставаться в курсе последних новостей! Узнавайте о событиях в вашем регионе из предпочитаемых местных источников и следите за мировыми событиями, создавайте категории на основе ваших предпочтений и получайте оповещения об экстренных новостях.

Вот несколько простых действий, которые помогут использовать приложение MSN Новости максимально эффективно.

  • Для начала проверьте подключение к Интернету. Если вы используете мобильное устройство и находитесь вдали от хот-спотов Wi-Fi, проверьте подключение к сети оператора мобильной связи.

  • Затем войдите в учетную запись Майкрософт и убедитесь, что она совпадает с учетной записью на устройстве, на которое вы хотите передать информацию.

  • Если вы используете приложение впервые, оно может скачивать обновления, из-за чего некоторые функции будут работать медленнее обычного.

Отправляйте ваши предложения по улучшению приложения

Мы будем рады услышать ваше мнение! Отправляйте свои пожелания, комментарии и другие отзывы непосредственно из приложения.

Если появится сообщение об ошибке, отправьте нам отзыв из приложения и включите в него это сообщение.

Нужна дополнительная помощь?

Нужны дополнительные параметры?

Изучите преимущества подписки, просмотрите учебные курсы, узнайте, как защитить свое устройство и т. д.

В сообществах можно задавать вопросы и отвечать на них, отправлять отзывы и консультироваться с экспертами разных профилей.

by Madalina Dinita

Madalina has been a Windows fan ever since she got her hands on her first Windows XP computer. She is interested in all things technology, especially emerging technologies… read more

Updated on

With so much going on in the world of technology, politics and not to mention the unending celebrity drama, a robust Windows 10 news app is a must have on your PC. Gone are the days when people used to visit the vendor’s shops pretending to buy the newspaper only to cast a brief look at the news headlines. Today, there is a respectable collection of Windows 10 news apps that break the news for you even before it hits the press.

These news apps can be linked to a news reader that pulls news from different sources or dedicated to a single news agency. Some apps target a certain niche such as sports only while others cover every story that has made the headlines ranging from politics to sports, pop culture to medicine and more. Some of these titles are very familiar and you may have heard of them while others are very new but you’ll realize that they have quite a lot to offer. In this roundup, we’ll only mention the news apps that are available in the Windows 10 store.

Related: 5 Best Windows 8, Windows 10 RSS Reader Apps

The Top 5 Best Windows 10 News Apps



There are many news apps for Windows 10 and Windows mobile but none beats NewsFlow. The app is a new player in the game and comes with a beautiful user interface, the kind that you’ve not seen before on RSS readers. NewsFlow strictly follows all the Windows 10 UI guidelines which partly explain why it has such a clean and really nice user interface. But the secret is not in the UI, but in what the app brings on the table.

NewsFlow comes with a ton of features all geared to give you an unparalleled user experience. It brings all the news from your favorite website in one central place, so you don’t have to browse the internet looking for additional information. Below find a few of the top features you will find in this app.

  • Favorites and read later lists
  • Portrait and landscape orientations
  • Live tile with the latest news
  • Notifications for all the top news
  • Offline news storage
  • RSS, RDF, and ATOM support
  • Standalone feeds synchronization engine

Even better, NewsFlow is one of the few news apps that do not include in apps advertisements. The app is 100% free and is available on the Windows store.

How we test, review and rate?

We have worked for the past 6 months on building a new review system on how we produce content. Using it, we have subsequently redone most of our articles to provide actual hands-on expertise on the guides we made.

For more details you can read how we test, review, and rate at WindowsReport.

Get NewsFlow

Discovery News

best news apps, Discovery News

Discovery News is your solid source of information in the world of science and technology. As the name suggests, Discovery News is a product of the Discovery Channel and it was specifically designed to unravel the science mysteries and bring the answer right into your fingertips. The interface is stunning, yet very informative. The home page is divided between the latest featured stories and the various news channels.

News stories and videos are added on regular basis. Countless videos are added on daily basis and you also get the lowdown every weekday from hosts such as Anthony Carboni. In addition to videos, you can swipe through a large catalog of HD photo galleries. You also get a dose of crazy facts that you might not find elsewhere.

Download Discovery News

MSN News


MSN News is the official news app created by Microsoft Inc. and it brings curated news stories from many sources and customizes it to suit your topics of interest. The app has a clean interface and is renowned for bringing news, sports, and weather right to your desktop. The stunning interface has a live tile support that delivers the current headlines of the day, gathering information from global sources.

MSN News has a layout that allows you to quickly tap to your news of interest. All the news categories are displayed across the top of the screen with the menu buttons on the left side. Microsoft gives you the option to edit the categories so as to hide the ones that are of no interest to you. The menu bar will help you navigate to your topics of interest and also has the option to send feedback to Microsoft. You can use the arrow key to navigate between articles and the action button to share any article on social networks.

Read also: MSN News App gets serious improvements in Windows 10 

Download MSN News

CBS News

Best news apps-CNS News

CBS News is a free universal app available for both Windows mobile and Windows 10. The CBS News app delivers on-demand videos from the company’s award-winning news program including CBS This Morning, CBS Evening News as well as CBSN—the 24/7 digital streaming network from CBS news.

The CBS News app covers many news categories including US News, World News, Entertainment, Health, Technology, Science, Politics, and more. The app also brings you live news shows such as Face the Nation and 60 Minutes. You can also bookmark or share the stories of interest through the hamburger menu.

USA Today


USA Today is a popular news app that brings what you would expect to find in a newspaper to your Windows 10 PC and Mobile devices. The app covers daily news stories from vast categories including politics, technology, travel, money, lifestyle and more. Clicking on each category will open into more refined sub-categories, for instance in Sports, you will find NFL, NCAA, NBA and other sports leagues.

The USA Today app has an intuitive interface and the layout consist of the hamburger menu nested on the top left corner. Clicking on the hamburger menu opens many options to choose from. You can share the stories, tag as favorites, or save to read later. The app also allows you to use keywords to search for specific news stories. USA today is a no compromise app that brings the top news and trending stories right into your Windows 10 PC.

Download USA Today


The world has evolved so much such that almost everything that used to be done manually has a digital platform that simplifies the way things are done. The list above only highlights the top apps and is by no means exhaustive. Other top news apps that you should also check out include ESPN Sports, READIY, Redditting, News Republic, CNN, and Flipboard. Feel free to toss out your recommendations if you have a favorite news app that you feel deserves a place on the list.

newsletter icon

Окружающий мир стремительно меняется. Без регулярного доступа к новостям большинство из нас не знали бы о различных событиях, происходящих как на местном, так и на мировом уровне. Новости Microsoft позволяет пользователям просматривать все новости и заголовки в одном месте. Итак, давайте рассмотрим приложение и посмотрим, как его использовать и настраивать по своему вкусу.

Обзор приложения Microsoft News

Приложение Microsoft News — это название новостной системы Microsoft, которая поддерживает знакомые сайты, такие как MSN.com. Позвольте нам провести вас через следующие процессы.

  1. Настройка Microsoft News
  2. Главная страница приложения Microsoft News
  3. Управление уведомлениями приложения Microsoft News
  4. Управление приложением новостей Microsoft Новости поблизости

Приложение Microsoft News работает с более чем тысячей премиальных издателей и более чем 3000 брендами на всех основных мировых рынках. Он играет важную роль в объединении лучших новостей, видео, фотографий и другого контента и бесплатной доставке их людям по всему миру.

1] Настройка приложения Microsoft News

Приложение Microsoft News

После запуска на главном экране приложения вас попросят войти в свою учетную запись Microsoft, чтобы приложение могло синхронизировать ваши интересы и настройки на разных устройствах, однако это необязательно и не обязательно.

После этого вы пройдете через серию экранов настройки. Вам будет показан список тем новостей, и вам будет предложено выбрать ваши интересы.

Вы можете найти свой любимый интерес, чтобы прочитать о нем в «Мои новости’. Вы можете переключаться между другими интересами, чтобы следить за ними и переставлять их, чтобы получить более персонализированный опыт.

2] Главная страница приложения Microsoft News

После того, как вы выбрали свои интересы, вы можете читать все на вкладке «Новости». Хорошей особенностью чтения новостей в приложении Microsoft News является то, что размер шрифта достаточно велик для чтения. На каждой странице представлены легко читаемые заголовки статей и другая информация, например об источнике статьи и дате ее публикации.

Также есть «Узнать больше’, Отображаемый в правом верхнем углу экрана, который позволяет вам получить доступ к другим параметрам, таким как,

  • Поделиться — позволяет быстро поделиться с ближайшими друзьями или коллегами
  • Копировать ссылку — не требует пояснений
  • Темная тема — для просмотра содержимого в темном режиме. Опция отображается в виде значка луны в форме полумесяца.

3] Управление уведомлениями приложения Microsoft News

Чтобы управлять уведомлениями, перейдите в «Настройки’ > ‘Уведомления’. Здесь вы можете уведомить себя о

  • Последние новости — ведет запись всех основных новостных событий.
  • Главные новости — Аккаунт основных заголовков новостей и интересных материалов для чтения
  • Daily Brief — дайджест историй, подобранный редакторами Microsoft News.

4] Управление приложением Microsoft News Новости поблизости

Неважно, уезжаете ли вы на время за город. Вы можете отслеживать свой родной город через приложение Microsoft News. Вместо того, чтобы полагаться на ваш IP-адрес, чтобы определять, какие местные новости вы предпочитаете читать, приложение позволяет вам указать ваше местоположение. Таким образом, становится возможным оставаться в курсе последних событий в вашем городе и его окрестностях, даже если вас там нет.

Вы можете указать свое местоположение, щелкнув вкладку «Местоположение» на левой панели и выбрав значок булавки в верхней части окна.

Microsoft постоянно дорабатывает и улучшает возможности приложения Microsoft News, чтобы лучше удовлетворять потребности людей и партнеров по всему миру. Попробуйте приложение и поделитесь с нами своим мнением!

Приложение Microsoft News

Microsoft has been in the news business for more than 23 years. When we launched MSN in 1995, the news industry was just beginning to provide content online. The period that followed was one of dramatic change and reinvention, forcing news organizations to re-think their programming and business strategies. We changed, too, from a feature of Windows 95 to a network of web and app experiences that now reaches nearly half a billion people in more than 140 countries and 28 languages. As we’ve evolved, our central mission has remained the same: to keep our audience informed in an easily accessible, comprehensive and trustworthy way.

Today, we’re excited to share the next step in our evolution – Microsoft News.

Microsoft News Editors at Mexico City Editorial Hub

Microsoft News Editors at Mexico City Editorial Hub

What is Microsoft News? 

Microsoft News is the new name for our news engine that powers familiar sites like MSN.com, and our newly redesigned Microsoft News app for iOS and Android. Microsoft News also powers news on Microsoft Edge, the News app in Windows 10, Skype, Xbox and Outlook.com.

Microsoft News represents the ways we keep people informed across the web, phone and PC, using our long-tested approach of curating news via publishing partnerships, human editors, and AI. We work with more than a thousand premium publishers and more than 3,000 brands in all major global markets – like USA Today, The New York Times, FOX News, The Washington Post, The Guardian, Le Monde, Die Welt, El País, BBC News, Kyodo News, and many more – to aggregate the best news, videos, photos and other content and deliver it, for free, to people all over the world.

MSN, powered by Microsoft News

MSN, powered by Microsoft News

Microsoft News makes it easy for you to personalize your news experience, including prioritizing your favorite topics on MSN.com or selecting interests to follow in your news feed on the Microsoft Edge Start page and our apps on Windows 10, iOS and Android, so you can quickly get to the information you want most when and where you want it. We also enable our many publishing partners to connect with new audiences and earn money for their content at a time when that is crucial to the survival of the industry – so they can continue to invest in high-quality, credible journalism.

Microsoft News for iOS and Android

You can experience the best of what Microsoft News has to offer in our newly redesigned Microsoft News app for iOS and Android, available today. The app makes it easy to get news wherever you are, focused on the topics you care about most – like having your own portable newsroom.

Microsoft News app for Android – dark theme

Microsoft News app for Android – dark theme

The app has been completely redesigned into a modern and beautiful experience tailored to iOS and Android devices. Here are some of our favorite new features:

  • New personalization upgrades, including the ability to tailor interests to follow in your news feed – such as World News, Personal Finance, Fitness and many more – and to roam interests across devices and local news options for top cities
  • Easy to configure breaking news alerts
  • A new dark theme, enabling better night reading
  • Simplified access through seamless integration with iOS and Android widgets
  • Continuous reading, for a smooth content experience

Get the app now.

Supporting the publishing ecosystem and quality journalism

We know we can’t do it alone. We may have decades of news experience under our belt but there are many institutions that have been at it much, much longer. These institutions have defined what we think of as quality journalism through years of essential reporting.

We believe that a free, well-funded press is a critical part of our social fabric and are proud to partner with the world’s best news brands, offering a business model that gives people access, at no-cost, to trustworthy news and provides a sustainable source of revenue for publishers. In just the past four years we’ve delivered more than $600 million back to our publishers, enabling them to focus on what they do best: quality journalism.

“Microsoft has been a great partner over the last several years, working closely with our newsroom and collaborating as they consider new features and services. We appreciate partners like Microsoft who value trusted reporting and seek ways to elevate and share premium journalism to millions of readers who are looking for information from a reliable source.”

Maribel Wadsworth, publisher of USA TODAY and president, USA TODAY NETWORK

“Microsoft is a great partner for us because it offers both impressive reach and a well-earned reputation as a trusted source of news.”

Rich Kennedy, SVP of Business Development, Business Insider

“We are very happy that Microsoft is investing further in highlighting valuable and trusted sources of news. The launch of Microsoft News is another positive proof point of publisher-platform relationships strengthening and we look forward to seeing what’s to come.”

Matt Dornic, VP for Communications and Digital Partnerships, CNN

“Microsoft has been a valued partner in delivering CBSN’s live, 24/7 news coverage and analysis to an expansive audience that’s hungry for quality news and information. We look forward to continuing our strong relationship.”

Christy Tanner, Executive Vice President and General Manager, CBS News Digital

“MSN delivers premium content at scale and high ad viewability that truly performs for our advertisers.”

Jeff Lucas, Head of Americas Sales and Global Teams, Oath

“As part of our strategic partnership with Microsoft, Taboola powers content recommendations across Microsoft’s consumer properties in 55 markets and localized for 22 languages. We work together to create highly personalized experiences for consumers, drive engagement, monetization, increase awareness for Microsoft’s internal promotions and enable audience growth. We have seen in our three years of partnership that Microsoft audiences are incredibly valuable. When looking at Microsoft News users discovering content, as opposed to people coming from social or search, they engage 2-3x more, and in many ways are ‘super users’.”

Adam Singolda, Founder and CEO, Taboola

Curated news by editors

Every day, our publishing partners send us more than 100,000 unique pieces of content.  Our AI scans the content as it arrives, processes it to understand dimensions like freshness, category, topic type, opinion content and potential popularity and then presents it for our editors. Our algorithms suggest appropriate photos to pair with content to help bring stories to life. Editors then curate the top stories throughout the day, across a variety of topics, so our readers get the latest news from the best sources.

This curation process is global, using editors with local expertise. Today, there are more than 800 editors working from 50 locations around the world – including editorial newsrooms serving multiple regions in India, Germany, France, Mexico, Canada and Spain. Many of our editors have extensive backgrounds in media and journalism and have worked at a variety of news organizations including The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, Globe and Mail, Newsday, NBCSports.com, Seattle Times, Asahi Shimbun and Associated Press.

Microsoft News Editors at Delhi Media Center

Microsoft News Editors at Delhi Media Center

Diversity, in our newsroom and in the publishers we partner with, is a key ingredient of the Microsoft News experience. We carefully compose our pages every day to present multiple sides of a story and consciously curate a wide variety of opinion pieces so that our readers can explore issues via new and different perspectives. We believe thoughtful opinion pieces—which we clearly mark as such—help readers better understand the news. With that goal in mind, we’re always assessing our network of partners to ensure that we provide the most diverse, credible and well-rounded content available.

At Microsoft News, we’re constantly refining and improving our experiences to continue to serve the needs of people and partners around the globe. We hope you will visit MSN.com, the Microsoft Edge Start page and give the new app a try!

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