Playstation remote play windows 11

Наслаждайтесь играми для PlayStation® на PS5™, PS4™ и любых совместимых устройствах с операционными системами Apple iOS или Android, PC и Mac.

Ваши любимые игры для PlayStation сразу на нескольких экранах

Транслируйте свои игры PlayStation1 с консоли на телефон, планшет, ноутбук, компьютер и консоли PS5 или PS4.

Оставайтесь в игре даже вдали от дома1

Играйте в свои любимые игры на консолях PS5 и PS4 с возможностью в любой момент поставить игру на паузу и продолжить играть на любом другом устройстве – вам больше не придется быть привязанным к телевизору. Приложение PS Remote Play доступно на смартфонах и планшетах с операционными системами Android, iPhone или iPad, PC с операционными системами Windows и Mac, а также на консолях PS5 и PS4.

Вы можете использовать приложение Remote Play по мобильной сети или Wi-Fi. Требуется соединение с Интернетом со скоростью загрузки не менее 5 Мб/с. Для лучшей работы дистанционного воспроизведения рекомендуется использовать соединение со скоростью не менее 15 Мбит/с по Wi-Fi или мобильной сети. Если вы решите использовать мобильную сеть для доступа к функциям дистанционного воспроизведения, то передача данных будет происходить в рамках вашего тарифа. Если вы превышаете лимит объёма передачи данных, ваш оператор мобильной связи может взимать с вас дополнительную плату. Чтобы управлять объемом данных, передаваемых по мобильной сети, игроки могут выбрать качество видео для мобильной сети. Качество и возможности подключения для дистанционного воспроизведения могут различаться в зависимости от сети вашего оператора мобильной связи и характеристик сети.

Загрузите бесплатное приложение PS Remote Play прямо сейчас

Перейдите в магазин приложений для выбранного устройства, установите приложение начинайте играть.

Для трансляции ваших игр на другие устройства требуется консоль PS4 или PS52. Вы можете использовать приложение Remote Play по мобильной сети или Wi-Fi. Требуется соединение с Интернетом со скоростью загрузки не менее 5 Мб/с. Для лучшей работы дистанционного воспроизведения рекомендуется использовать соединение со скоростью не менее 15 Мбит/с по Wi-Fi или мобильной сети.

Что такое дистанционное воспроизведение PS?

Функция дистанционного воспроизведения для PS позволяет транслировать и играть в игры для PS4 и PS5, переключаться между играми, просматривать начальный экран и меню консоли на любом совместимом устройстве, подключенном к той же широкополосной сети или мобильной сети передачи данных.

Это значит, что вы можете начать играть на своей подключенной к телевизору консоли PlayStation, затем поставить игру на паузу и в приложении PS Remote Play выбрать свое устройство и транслировать на него изображение, чтобы продолжить играть с того места, где и остановились. Или вы можете включить свою консоль PlayStation и начать играть прямо в приложении, даже не включая телевизор.

Для трансляции ваших игр на другие устройства требуется консоль PS4 или PS52.

Что мне нужно для этого?

Функция дистанционного воспроизведения PS доступна для использования на всех консолях PS4 и PS5. Что вам понадобится:

  • Консоль PS5, PS5 без дисковода, PS4 или PS4 Pro2, подключенная к вашей широкополосной сети.
  • Совместимое устройство, также подключенное к этой сети. 
  • Бесплатное приложение PS Remote Play. 
  • Беспроводной контроллер DUALSHOCK 4, DualSense или DualSense Edge.
  • Соединение с Интернетом со скоростью загрузки не менее 5 Мб/с – для наилучших впечатлений мы рекомендуем использовать соединение со скоростью загрузки 15 Мб/с. Если вы решите использовать мобильную сеть для доступа к функциям дистанционного воспроизведения, то передача данных будет происходить в рамках вашего тарифа. Если вы превышаете лимит объёма передачи данных, ваш оператор мобильной связи может взимать с вас дополнительную плату.
  • Совместимая игра для PlayStation1.

Какие устройства совместимы?

Вы можете использовать функцию дистанционного воспроизведения PS на любом из этих устройств, если они подключены к вашей широкополосной сети или к мобильной сети:

Смартфоны и планшеты Android

На устройствах с ОС Android 9 и выше можно играть в игры с функцией дистанционного воспроизведения для PS, используя экранное управление. Устройства с ОС Android 10 и выше поддерживают подключение беспроводного контроллера DUALSHOCK 4 по Bluetooth4. Беспроводной контроллер DualSense поддерживается на моделях с ОС Android 12 и выше5. Устройства с ОС Android 10.0 и выше совместимы с контроллером Backbone One — PlayStation Edition.

Чтобы узнать, какие устройства Android поддерживают контроллеры DualSense и DUALSHOCK 4, обратитесь к производителю вашего устройства.

iPhone и iPad

Любое устройство Apple с операционной системой версии iOS 14 или выше может воспроизводить игры при помощи функции дистанционного воспроизведения и беспроводного контроллера DUALSHOCK 4 через Bluetooth или экранные элементы управления. Устройства с iOS 14.5 и выше поддерживают подключение беспроводного контроллера DUALSHOCK 4 по Bluetooth5. Устройства с iOS 15 и выше совместимы с контроллером Backbone One — PlayStation Edition.

ПК с ОС Windows и Mac

На любой компьютер или ноутбук можно установить приложение PS Remote Play, чтобы дистанционно играть в игры при помощи беспроводного контроллера DUALSHOCK 4, DualSense или DualSense Edge.

Пользователи ПК с Windows или Mac могут использовать для управления клавиатуру, будто она подключена напрямую к их консоли PS4 или PS5.

Больше способов для игры

Консоль PS5

Транслируйте свои игры для PS5 на другую консоль PS5 или PS4 с подключенным контроллером DualSense через домашнюю широкополосную проводную сеть. Необходимо войти в одну и ту же учетную запись PlayStation Network на обеих консолях. Вы найдете приложение Remote Play на начальном экране своей PS5.

Консоль PS4

Играйте в любимые игры для PS4 на PS5 с подключенным контроллером DUALSHOCK 4, транслируя их по домашней широкополосной проводной сети. Необходимо войти в одну и ту же учетную запись PlayStation Network на обеих консолях. Вы найдете приложение Remote Play для PS5 на начальном экране своей PS4.

Начните сеанс дистанционной игры с помощью приложения PS App

Начните сеанс дистанционной игры с помощью приложения PlayStation App на мобильном устройстве. Одним нажатием кнопки в приложении PlayStation App вы сможете быстро и плавно погрузиться в игру – вы также можете запустить ее прямо в приложении PS Remote Play.

1Игры, для которых необходима гарнитура VR (PlayStation VR или PlayStation VR2) или другие периферийные устройства (кроме беспроводных контроллеров DUALSHOCK 4, DualSense или DualSense Edge), не поддерживают функцию дистанционной игры PS Remote Play.
Требуется последняя версия системного программного обеспечения.
Контроллер DualSense поддерживается только на устройствах Android (ОС Android 12 или выше), iPhone и iPad (iOS 14.5 или выше), Mac (ОС 11.3 или выше) через Bluetooth, а на Windows ПК – через USB-соединение. Контроллер DualSense Edge поддерживается на устройствах Mac или Windows PC через USB-соединение. Контроллер DUALSHOCK 4 поддерживается на устройствах Android (ОС Android 10 или выше), iPhone и iPad (iOS 14 или выше), Mac (ОС 10.15 или выше) через Bluetooth, а на Windows ПК – через USB-соединение.
Такие функции DUALSHOCK 4, как сенсорная панель, датчик перемещения, световая панель и вибрация, могут быть недоступны. Чтобы узнать, как подключить контроллер DUALSHOCK 4 к другим устройствам, перейдите на сайт
. Доступность таких функций DualSense, как вывод аудио и тактильная отдача, может отличаться во время дистанционного воспроизведения на Android, ПК, Mac, iPhone или iPad; некоторые функции могут быть недоступны. Чтобы узнать, как подключить контроллер DualSense к другим устройствам, перейдите на сайт .

Remote Play provides an easy way to stream video and audio from PS4 games to your Windows PC, Mac, Android phone, or iPhone.  It works for desktop and laptop computers.  With Remote Play, the action never has to stop.  A TV is not your only option with Remote Play.


  • Easy USB or wireless connection
  • Can be paired with DualShock controllers
  • PC, Mac and Android mic and sound support
  • DS4 wired connection support to PC
  • DS4 wireless connection support (with wireless adapter)
  • Readily available downloads for multiple platforms
  • PC, Mac laptop and desktop apps
  • Android and iPhone apps

With Remote Play and a DualShock 4 wireless controller, your PS4, games, home screen, and more can be streamed via your home broadband network.  This app allows one to use your existing WiFi to mirror and play PS4 games on a variety of devices, including your Android phone, iPhone, iPad, laptop, or desktop!

A hassle-free way to stream your gameplay from the makers of the PS4

You can even use your PS4 controllers through existing Bluetooth connectivity.  Connecting your iPhone or Android phone is only an app away, and the instructions for connecting it to your PS4 is a matter of following an easy set of instructions that capitalize on features that already exist on your phone or PC.

There are a variety of options for connectivity, including both wireless and wired USB connections.  Wired USB connections are possible for your phone as well as your Windows-based PC or Mac laptop or desktop. 

No more fighting over the family TV.  Remote Play gives you many more options to play your favorite PS4 games virtually anywhere on portable devices such as your phone or laptop.  One can take their favorite PS4 DualShock controller to make the gameplay as viable as it is using a TV.  It opens a completely new and flexible game playing system that doesn’t require one to drag along a TV or to dominate the TV for those that want to watch it.  Best of all, the downloads for the apps are free and readily available. 


— PC or Mac laptop or desktop

— Android or iPhone

— Wireless adapter (optionally)

— DualShock controller (optionally)

Allows gaming on different devices, enhancing portability.

Stream gameplay with minimal latency.

Free to use with PS4 console.

Limited to Sony devices and Windows PC or Mac.

Connection stability heavily depends on internet speed and quality.

Some games don’t support the feature and have limited functionality.


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Nicole Thordsen

PS4 Remote Play is so convenient because you can use your Android or iPhone to connect through your Bluetooth and play. You can also play through your laptop so you don’t have to worry about waiting to use the TV screen.

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This was super easy to set it up — just a download and a few clicks of the mouse. If you are like me, and travel a lot, you can play your games on your PS4 games via your laptop while you are in the hotel room. So cool. It works with apple and windows computer to all your MacBook friends out there!

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This software is really handy for me personally. I tend to be on my laptop more than ever nowadays, so being able to play my PS4 while not having to leave it is really helpful. I am able to do the tasks I need to on my laptop while also being able to jump right into a game without much difficulty! I would recommend you use this tool if you’re in a similar situation to me, as it is really convenient!

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Console and PC players have been separated for far too long, and PS4 Remote Play aims to solve that issue. Using this application someone can control their PlayStation 4 device from their computer with no added hassle of setting it all the way up. Hence, gamers can enjoy a rich gaming experience from their laptops without the added need of being at a television to do so.

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the update version 3.0 is good but devolved the version at the more involving the activities at the remote play for windows the mainly used for the android and ios users are used the software and developing the update version and additional moves are adding the data and developing the good added the generating the points.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


PS4 Remote Play is a helpful little device for PlayStation support gamers that permits you to stream and distantly mess around from your PlayStation 4 to a Windows PC. An initial step for setting it up is to refresh the firmware for your comfort. When this is finished, you should Enable Remote Play on the PlayStation. Peruse the total arrangement in the accompanying article. In the case everything is prepared, yet you need more assistance setting up or fixing a game, simply visit our Gaming Hub to discover the arrangement. For additional aides, fixes, and tips, look at our instructional exercise center where you can discover bunches of aides on the most well-known issues. PS4 Remote Play is a helpful little device for PlayStation comfort gamers that permits you to stream and distantly mess around from your PlayStation 4 to a Windows PC. It’s incredible on the off chance that you need to, for instance, feel some PS4 special features on a PC.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


PS4 Remote play allows you to control your console from anywhere in your home that WI-FI can reach. This is beneficial to players because then you aren’t tied to one room to play. You can use it anywhere and continue to enjoy your games. This software is great technology since players these days are on the go and not always sitting in their room. It will also allow them to let others play as well without having to unhook equipment and reset it all up to another location.

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Works really well for me, I use it on an old Lenovo laptop lol. I’ve heard it does ok on mac from my buddies. Does not have VR support yet. Bummer. Other than that please just upgrade to Windows 10, and it will work fine, don’t know why anyone is still on windows 8.1.

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This is an interesting and exciting software designed to let people play their ps4 games on their computer. This is a nice way to take the gaming anywhere which is incredibly helpful in mobile gaming and revolutionary in taking entertainment anywhere. I like concepts like this as you can be able to now play your favorite games on any device.

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PS4 Remote Play for Windows allows you to play your PS4 from the comfort of your computer. The setup is super easy and takes only a few minutes with no HDMI cable required. Connect to the monitor of your choice for hours of playing with PS4 Remote Play for Windows. It makes it much easier to play with your friends as well with a handy set of notification options!

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This app is a must have for all gamers! You can easily control your PS4 console from wherever you are. You can get fast an easy access through your phone to your PS4 from wherever you are. Play games in any setting with this free app. The only downside is that you cannot use this over your network settings, and it must be used through a high-speed Wifi.

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PS4 Remote Play is a utility software that allows users to connect a PS4 console with a computer or laptop.  It is built for casual and serious PS4 gamers.  The program allows the streaming of games around a network, the hosting of local multiplayer games, communications though voice or typed messages, and the transfer of saved PS4 games or progress to any device.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


PS4 Remote Play lets you remotely control your PlayStation console from a different location on a device. You can control your PlayStation 5 or PlayStation 4 console on your Windows PC in another room or if you’re out, you can use your smartphone. The only downside to this is that not every game supports Remote Play, and you can’t remote play when you’re sharing your screen, playing a DVD or Blu-ray, or when you’re using PS VR in VR mode.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


The PS4 Remote Play for Windows has taken the PS4 experience to all new highs. An amazingly good software which will allow its users to control their PlayStation controls using a device as long as their is a high speed internet connection. This application is interesting and allows flexibility for its users. It is innovative and allows its users to have more fun and interact in all types of surroundings.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


I think this is a very convenient thing to use when it set up for the PS4. It does seem like a lot of steps for the set up process but then it is okay for those who are more technology savvy. It is a good idea. I like things simple though and I am sure other people do as well.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


PS4 gamming app is applicable for all types of devices(mobile, tablets and windows etc..). It works with both mobile data and wi-fi connections. It is highly efficient and strong if you have strong wi-fi connections. I recommended it to all game addiction players.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


PS4 Remote play you can control your play station console remotely where ever you have a high speed internet connection and stream your PS4 games to any compatible device. this is free to download ,very safe and secure platform
more flexible and easy to use ,user friendly and unique user interface .i download this software very fast and super gaming experience ,so please download it and enjoy well.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


I love using PS4 Remote Play for Windows because it’s a program that lets me use my PC device to control and manage games on my PlayStation 4. All you need to do is install this application on your device in order to be fully immersed in the world of PlayStation. I appreciate that it’s compatible with both Macs and Androids as well.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


This software is a gaming tool which can be installed in windows and also it supports multiple platforms .It can be used in wifi,mobile data or broadband with atleast 5 mbps is required.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


PS4 Remote play helps to control placestation remotely.It is very much useful for gamers. They can use this wherever they have speed internet connection.It is such a user friendly software. Persons who play placestation games can use this application.It is more easy to install.The processing is more easy and simple.There is also a application available now for s PS4 Remote play

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


I love using PS4 Remote Play for Windows because it allows me to play games that were specifically built for my console directly from my computer. I don’t need to boot up anything special to be able to play from my PC; all I need to do is hook up my console using this program. It’s compatible with a variety of platforms as well, including my Apple iPhone.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


PS4 remote play app helps to control play station from PC connected to a high speed network. Its just a remote play app. It can be used with a mobile data connection or WiFi. Broadband internet connection speed minimum of 5 mbps or if we need high speed then mbps should be high. Mobile data allowance is used to access remote play features. This play station app will let into the game quickly and very easily.

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Joseph T.

PS4 Remote Play is a software application that allows users to connect their PlayStation 4 console to their computer or mobile device, allowing them to play their favorite PS4 games remotely. The app allows users to access the PS4’s library of games, as well as access the console’s settings, achievements, and more. It also enables users to use the DualShock 4 controller to play their games and supports both 720p (HD) and 1080p (Full HD) resolutions.

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Oliver P******r

I have been using PS4 Remote Play for a few months now and I’m very happy with the overall experience. I love the fact that I can play my PS4 games on my PC. The connection is very stable, and I haven’t experienced any lag or delays. The audio and video quality are also top-notch. Setting up the software was quite easy and straightforward. I also like the fact that the app supports DualShock 4 controllers. Overall, I’m very pleased with the performance of this software.

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Nathan Shifter

I found PS4 Remote Play software to be quite usful for connecting my Playstation to my phone and playing games remotely. It was a bit tricky to set up however.

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Robbie Exford

I have been using the PS4 Remote Play software for a few weeks now and it’s pretty good, but it definitley has its flaws — connection issues and lag are quite frequent.

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Blair P.

I have used the PS4 Remote Play software and found it to be a convenient way to play my PS4 games on my computer, but sometimes experienced lag and connection issues.

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Logan V.

The PS4 Remote Play software allows for seamless gameplay on a computer or mobile device with minimal lag, making it a convenient option for those who want to play their favorite PS4 games on-the-go.

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Jaxon E.

I found the PS4 Remote Play software to be convenient and reliable when using it on my laptop to play games from my PS4 console.

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Ethan T*******m

The PS4 Remote Play software allows users to stream their PS4 games to their PC or mobile device, providing a convenient and potentially more comfortable gaming experience.

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PS4 Remote Play is an innovative software that enables streaming of PlayStation 4 games to various devices like smartphones, tablets, and Windows or Mac computers. Its standout feature is its ability to let users play their favorite PS4 games from a different device, ensuring that the gaming experience is never interrupted. The software utilizes the device’s Wi-Fi connection to transmit the gameplay from the PlayStation console to the connected device.

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Experienced smooth gameplay and decent graphics, but there were notable lags and connection issues occasionally.

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Easy setup, smooth gameplay, occasional connectivity issues.

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Smooth streaming, occasional connectivity issues.

Flexible gaming experience.

Over the years, Sony has been making great strides to bring PlayStation support to the Windows platform. At the moment, folks can play some of the best PlayStation-exclusive video games from a Windows 11 computer, but not only, but it is also possible to join a PlayStation party chat directly from your PC.

How to join a PlayStation party chat on Windows 11

When it comes down to joining a party chat on PC, you will need to own a PlayStation 5 or PlayStation t. You will also require the services of the PlayStation Remote Play app since it is important for getting things moving in the right direction.

Remote Play is great because it makes it possible for gamers to play their favorite PlayStation games from another device. For example, the PlayStation 5 system is located in the living room, but you are playing games from within the bedroom directly from a Windows computer.

It is possible to join a PS5 party chat via a Windows computer, but you’ll need the services of the Remote Play app, and most importantly, a PlayStation 5 console.

If you want to learn how to join a PlayStation party chat on Windows 11, then follow the steps laid out here:

  1. Install the PlayStation Remote Play app
  2. Connect the PS Remote Play app with your PlayStation 5
  3. Begin a Remote Play session on Windows 11
  4. Join a PS party chat on Windows

1] Install the PlayStation Remote Play app

PS Remote Play app install

The first thing you must do here is to download and install the PS Remote Play app on your Windows computer. Let us explain how to get this done in the easiest way possible.

  • Visit the official Remote Play website.
  • Download the file directly to your computer.
  • From there, proceed with the installation.

Bear in mind that this app is protected by both copyright and international treaties, so if you have any illegal intentions, you may want to think twice.

2] Connect the PS Remote Play app with your PlayStation 5

The next step to take here is to activate Remote Play from the PlayStation console. The feature must be enabled here first before attempting to have the console and the computer speak with each other.

  • Navigate to the Home Screen of your PlayStation 5.
  • You are now required to select the Settings icon located at the top of the Home Screen.
  • Next, you must select System from the menu.
  • From the System menu, please select Remote Play, then ensure Enable Remote Play is turned on.
  • Return to the Settings area and choose Users and Accounts.
  • Next, you are required to select Other.
  • From there, please navigate to Console Sharing and Offline Play.
  • Choose the Enable option here.
  • Return to the Settings area, then go to System > Power Saving.
  • You should now move along to Features Available in Reset Mode.
  • Move to the next step by activating Stay Connected to the Internet.
  • Next, please select Enable Turning on PS5 from Network via the settings.

OK, so the app should now be connected, therefore, time to move on to the other steps.

3] Begin a Remote Play session on Windows 11

Now, with the PS Remote Play app up and running on your PlayStation 5, and installed on your Windows 11 computer, then it is now time to initiate a session. So, let us explain how to get this done in the fastest way possible.

First, you must open the PS Remote Play app on your Windows PC.

Click the Sign in to PSN button.

Sign In to PSN

Sign in with your official PSN account.

Ensure to limit what you share with Sony because the app collects a multitude of data.

Once you’ve signed in, you must choose the console you want to connect with.

Remote Play PSN Connect

Sit back and wait for the PS Remote Play app to search for your PlayStation 5.

It will connect in a moment.

4] Join a PS party chat on Windows

Once the connection is made, you will see the PlayStation user interface from within the PS Remote Play app via your computer. Connect your DualSense or DualShock controller to interact with the user interface.

  • Ensure the Microphone icon is not muted.
  • Do this by moving the cursor over the PS Remote Play app.
  • On your controller, press the PlayStation button.
  • This will open up the Quick Menu.
  • Choose the Mic icon, and then set the mic to Remote Play Device.
  • Next, you must navigate to Game Base > Parties.

From here, choose a party to join, or you can choose Stary Party in order to create a new party chat.

That’s it, you’re done. You can now communicate with your friends directly from your Windows 11 computer.

READ: Xbox Game Pass vs PlayStation Plus: Which is better?

Do you need PS Plus for party chat?

No, it is not required to have a PS Plus account in order to take advantage of the party chat feature. However, if you want to party chat and play multiplayer games at the same time, then a subscription is required.

★ ★ ★ PS Remote Play Overview



What is PS Remote Play?

The PS Remote Play app allows users to access their PS5 or PS4 consoles from their mobile devices. Users can display their console screen on their mobile device, use the on-screen controller or connect their DUALSHOCK 4 or DualSense wireless controller, join voice chats, and enter text using their mobile device’s keyboard. However, the app may not be compatible with some games, and users need a fast and stable internet connection to use it.

Software Features and Description

1. • Connect your DualSense™ wireless controller to mobile devices with iOS 14.5 or iPadOS 14.5 or later installed.

2. For mobile devices with iOS 13 or iPadOS 13 installed, use the on-screen controller to use the PS button and the touch pad function.

3. • Use the on-screen controller on your mobile device to control your PS5 or PS4.

4. • Join voice chats using the mic on your mobile device.

5. • Enter text on your PS5 or PS4 using the keyboard on your mobile device.

6. • Display the PlayStation®5 or PlayStation®4 screen on your mobile device.

7. • You need to grant this app access to connect to devices on your local network.

8. • Depending on your carrier and network conditions, you may not be able to use Remote Play.

9. • Remote Play uses a lot more data than most video streaming services.

10. • Connect your DUALSHOCK®4 wireless controller.

11. If you haven’t already, you can do this from the Settings menu on your iOS or iPadOS device.

12. Liked PS Remote Play? here are 5 Entertainment apps like Tobidy Music; IPTV Player Pro: play m3u file; 247 IPTV Player; Katrina Music — Music Player For Cloud Platforms from Box Drive; GoTV — M3U IPTV Player;

Download and install PS Remote Play on your computer

Hurray! Seems an app like ps remote play is available for Windows! Download below:

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Not satisfied? Check for compatible PC Apps or Alternatives

Or follow the guide below to use on PC:

Select Windows version:

  1. Windows 7-10
  2. Windows 11

Download and install the PS Remote Play app on your Windows 10,8,7 or Mac in 4 simple steps below:

  1. Download an Android emulator for PC and Mac:
    Get either Bluestacks or the Nox App >> . We recommend Bluestacks because you can easily find solutions online if you run into problems while using it. Download Bluestacks Pc or Mac software Here >> .
  2. Install the emulator on your PC or Mac:
    On your computer, goto the Downloads folder » click to install Bluestacks.exe or Nox.exe » Accept the License Agreements » Follow the on-screen prompts to complete installation.
  3. Using PS Remote Play on PC [Windows 7/ 8/8.1/ 10/ 11]:
    • Open the Emulator app you installed » goto its search bar and search «PS Remote Play»
    • The search will reveal the PS Remote Play app icon. Open, then click «Install».
    • Once PS Remote Play is downloaded inside the emulator, locate/click the «All apps» icon to access a page containing all your installed applications including PS Remote Play.
    • Now enjoy PS Remote Play on PC.

  4. Using PS Remote Play on Mac OS:
    Install PS Remote Play on your Mac using the same steps for Windows OS above.

How to download and use PS Remote Play App on Windows 11

To get PS Remote Play on Windows 11, check if there’s a native PS Remote Play Windows app here » ». If none, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the Amazon-Appstore » (U.S only)
    • Click on «Get» to begin installation. It also automatically installs Windows Subsystem for Android.
    • After installation, Goto Windows Start Menu or Apps list » Open the Amazon Appstore » Login (with Amazon account)
  2. For non-U.S users, Download the OpenPC software »
    • Upon installation, open OpenPC app » goto Playstore on PC » click Configure_Download. This will auto-download Google Play Store on your Windows 11.
  3. Installing PS Remote Play:
    • Login to your computer’s PlayStore or Amazon AppStore.
    • Search for «PS Remote Play» » Click «Install» to install PS Remote Play
    • PS Remote Play will now be available on your windows start-menu.

Minimum requirements Recommended
  • 8GB RAM
  • SSD Storage
  • Processor: Intel Core i3, AMD Ryzen 3000
  • Architecture: x64 or ARM64
  • 16GB RAM
  • HDD Storage

PS Remote Play On iTunes

Download Developer Rating Score Current version Adult Ranking
Free On iTunes PlayStation Mobile Inc. 12738 3.47252 6.5.0 4+

Download on Android: Download Android

PS Remote Play functions

— Display PS5 or PS4 screen on mobile device

— Use on-screen controller on mobile device to control console

— Connect DUALSHOCK 4 or DualSense wireless controller

— Join voice chats using mobile device’s mic

— Enter text on console using mobile device’s keyboard

— Requires mobile device with iOS 13 or iPadOS 13 or later installed

— Requires PS5 or PS4 console with latest system software version

— Requires PlayStation Network account

— Requires fast and stable internet connection

— May not be compatible with some games

— Users need to grant app access to connect to devices on local network

— Controller may vibrate differently than when playing on console.


— PlayStation Now is cheaper than GameFly’s advertised price for just one game out at a time.

— Remote play with a MacBook and PS4 DualShock controller is easy and functional.

— The app has a lot of potential for the future.

— It allows for playing games from a separate room or while doing other activities.

— It works great for controlling apps and services.


— GameFly is slow with their shipping of games and not sending the right game when a new release was coming out.

— It is not possible to play while the PS4 is off.

— Long-distance play is not allowed (unless it is already in the works).

— Using the screens control can be tiring and there is no option to connect a PS4 wireless dual shock controller.

Top Pcmac Reviews

  • Lots of Potential!

    By InvisibleFace (Pcmac user)

    This app has a lot of potential for the future. After attempting to give it a test with Apex Legends, I came to the realization that I simply cannot press all the buttons needed at the same time when under combat. The controls disappeared after a few seconds and I ended up pressing outside the button boundaries. I have not yet tested an external BT controller, so I might see if it has this functionality at a later time. But as for using it to control apps and services. It works great. The chat function works great, but it would be a nice feature addition to use it for only chat with no game audio or video. The quality and framerate is amazing if you have a 100mbs+ internet connection from both host and target networks. As this app was just released this morning, I’m sure there are lots more features and functionality planned as the technology evolves. Overall, this app works great as a way to play simple arcade or basic controlled games and is a nice remote, but not ideal for playing FPS or more robust games where you need better hand eye coordination. We’ll see what time has to offer.

  • Welcome to the 21st century

    By CRAZYMESCAN26 (Pcmac user)

    I have to say I was a sceptic at first with the playstation now service being a GameFly customer for so many years but there is one thing that I noticed and I’m glad I made the switch. GameFly has always and I mean always been slow with their shipping of games and even worse not sending the right game when a new release was coming out. I got tired of it and canceled my subscription and a couple of months later I signed up for playstation now which is way cheaper than Gamefly’s advertised price for just one game out at a time. Last night I decided to try out the remote play just to see if it was all the hype that I heard about being able to use the PS4 DualShock controller with a MacBook, all I can say is bravo Sony once again for blowing my mind. This is the best thing I have ever experienced besides VR but just the ease and functionality of it has impressed me tremendously. I strongly recommend downloading this app if you have playstation now because it is worth the money especially if your still a Gamefly customer.

  • Minimal use

    By DontHallucinate (Pcmac user)

    This is a super exciting little gadget, our household doesn’t watch tv so the entertainment equipment has a separate room upstairs. It’s nice being in the kitchen and while I’m making food or laying in bed, I can access my game from my phone and doddle around. It’s great for doing menu work in fallout 76, I played the witness for several hours in bed. And path of exile just came out, sat my couch in my living room and slayed some monsters. Using the screens control (slight delay and my fingers take up most the screen) got tiring and I started googling how I can connect my PS4 wireless duel shock only to discover I can’t. It’s a real bummer, and I feel it’s a really missing of the mark on this app.

    All in all it works but expect delayed controls as it’s just streaming to your phone. No controller really kills it. But it’s super awesome of fiddle farting through menus. Would be perfect for old school rpgs or any game that doesn’t require precious movements. 4/5 will be my rating. First review of an app. Fun gadget

  • Welcome to the 21st Century

    By ExtienoGaming (Pcmac user)

    This app is truly a great advancement in the world of video games, especially due to the new iOS update that allows you to connect a PS4 controller through Bluetooth. PlayStation is the only true OG console, and the massive jumps that Sony makes with their technology is amazing, from PlayStation VR, to online game shopping, and now this. Microsoft is no match for this ingenious company. Although this is a averagely new app, and the amount of effort it would take to make these additions is overwhelming, I would recommend a couple of things to add to the app to make it even more enjoyable. If it is even earthly possible, I would like to be able to play while the PS4 is off, so I don’t have to leave it on if I go somewhere, which brings me to my next recommendation of allowing long-distance play (unless you do anyway, because I haven’t tried) I wouldn’t be surprised if Sony already had this in the works. I would also like to see being able to use cellular data to play. Otherwise this app is 10/10

PS Remote Play is a Windows program that allows users to play PS4 and PS5 games on a remote desktop screen. Moreover, it is possible to stream the video signal from Playstation to PS Vita handheld devices, iOS and Android smartphones as well as to certain TVs.

Console connection

After starting the app you are prompted to type in the Sony account credentials and, if necessary, enter the two-factor authentication code. The next step is to select the correct console model. Please note that PS5 requires enabling the Remote Play functionality in the device settings beforehand.

It is possible to link the console manually in case of technical issues. To do so, users can enter the registration number into the corresponding text field in the main window. The correct value is displayed in the Remote Play Connection Settings section of the console configuration menu.

You are able to add online capabilities to older Sony video game consoles with the help of XLink Kai.

Wireless DualShock gamepads can be connected to the computer via USB cable for controlling the console. You are able to play any installed PS4 or PS5 games while using a remote desktop display. There is support for HDR video broadcasting.


  • free to download and use;
  • provides instruments for playing PlayStation games remotely on a desktop screen;
  • there is support for all PS4 and PS5 models;
  • you can use a DualShock gamepad to control the remote console;
  • compatible with modern versions of Windows.

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