Os path join python windows

The proposed solutions are interesting and offer a good reference, however they are only partially satisfying. It is ok to manually add the separator when you have a single specific case or you know the format of the input string, but there can be cases where you want to do it programmatically on generic inputs.

With a bit of experimenting, I believe the criteria is that the path delimiter is not added if the first segment is a drive letter, meaning a single letter followed by a colon, no matter if it corresponds to a real unit.

For example:

import os
testval = ['c:','c:\\','d:','j:','jr:','data:']

for t in testval:
    print ('test value: ',t,', join to "folder"',os.path.join(t,'folder'))
test value:  c: , join to "folder" c:folder
test value:  c:\ , join to "folder" c:\folder
test value:  d: , join to "folder" d:folder
test value:  j: , join to "folder" j:folder
test value:  jr: , join to "folder" jr:\folder
test value:  data: , join to "folder" data:\folder

A convenient way to test for the criteria and apply a path correction can be to use os.path.splitdrive comparing the first returned element to the test value, like t+os.path.sep if os.path.splitdrive(t)[0]==t else t.


for t in testval:
    corrected = t+os.path.sep if os.path.splitdrive(t)[0]==t else t
    print ('original: %s\tcorrected: %s'%(t,corrected),' join corrected->',os.path.join(corrected,'folder'))
original: c:    corrected: c:\  join corrected-> c:\folder
original: c:\   corrected: c:\  join corrected-> c:\folder
original: d:    corrected: d:\  join corrected-> d:\folder
original: j:    corrected: j:\  join corrected-> j:\folder
original: jr:   corrected: jr:  join corrected-> jr:\folder
original: data: corrected: data:  join corrected-> data:\folder

it can be probably be improved to be more robust for trailing spaces, and I have tested it only on windows, but I hope it gives an idea.
See also Os.path : can you explain this behavior? for interesting details on systems other then windows.

The proposed solutions are interesting and offer a good reference, however they are only partially satisfying. It is ok to manually add the separator when you have a single specific case or you know the format of the input string, but there can be cases where you want to do it programmatically on generic inputs.

With a bit of experimenting, I believe the criteria is that the path delimiter is not added if the first segment is a drive letter, meaning a single letter followed by a colon, no matter if it corresponds to a real unit.

For example:

import os
testval = ['c:','c:\\','d:','j:','jr:','data:']

for t in testval:
    print ('test value: ',t,', join to "folder"',os.path.join(t,'folder'))
test value:  c: , join to "folder" c:folder
test value:  c:\ , join to "folder" c:\folder
test value:  d: , join to "folder" d:folder
test value:  j: , join to "folder" j:folder
test value:  jr: , join to "folder" jr:\folder
test value:  data: , join to "folder" data:\folder

A convenient way to test for the criteria and apply a path correction can be to use os.path.splitdrive comparing the first returned element to the test value, like t+os.path.sep if os.path.splitdrive(t)[0]==t else t.


for t in testval:
    corrected = t+os.path.sep if os.path.splitdrive(t)[0]==t else t
    print ('original: %s\tcorrected: %s'%(t,corrected),' join corrected->',os.path.join(corrected,'folder'))
original: c:    corrected: c:\  join corrected-> c:\folder
original: c:\   corrected: c:\  join corrected-> c:\folder
original: d:    corrected: d:\  join corrected-> d:\folder
original: j:    corrected: j:\  join corrected-> j:\folder
original: jr:   corrected: jr:  join corrected-> jr:\folder
original: data: corrected: data:  join corrected-> data:\folder

it can be probably be improved to be more robust for trailing spaces, and I have tested it only on windows, but I hope it gives an idea.
See also Os.path : can you explain this behavior? for interesting details on systems other then windows.

OS module in Python provides functions for interacting with the operating system. OS comes under Python’s standard utility modules. This module provides a portable way of using operating system dependent functionality. os.path module is sub-module of OS module in Python used for common pathname manipulation.
os.path.join() method in Python join one or more path components intelligently. This method concatenates various path components with exactly one directory separator (‘/’) following each non-empty part except the last path component. If the last path component to be joined is empty then a directory separator (‘/’) is put at the end. 
If a path component represents an absolute path, then all previous components joined are discarded and joining continues from the absolute path component.

Syntax: os.path.join(path, *paths) 
path: A path-like object representing a file system path. 
*path: A path-like object representing a file system path. It represents the path components to be joined. 
A path-like object is either a string or bytes object representing a path.
Note: The special syntax *args (here *paths) in function definitions in python is used to pass a variable number of arguments to a function. 
Return Type: This method returns a string which represents the concatenated path components. 

Code: Use of os.path.join() method to join various path components 


import os

path = "/home"

print(os.path.join(path, "User/Desktop", "file.txt"))

path = "User/Documents"

print(os.path.join(path, "/home", "file.txt"))

path = "/User"

print(os.path.join(path, "Downloads", "file.txt", "/home"))

path = "/home"

print(os.path.join(path, "User/Public/", "Documents", ""))



Reference: https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.path.html

Last Updated :
31 May, 2021

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Python os.path.join() method is “used to intelligently join one or more path components.” It concatenates several path components with precisely one directory separator (‘/’) following each non-empty part minus the last path component.

If the last path segment to be joined is empty, then a directory separator (‘/’) is placed at the end.


os.path.join(path, *paths)


  1. path: A path-like object representing a file system path.
  2. *paths: A path-like object representing a file system path. It represents the path components to be joined.

Return Value

The os.path.join() method returns a string that represents the concatenated path components.

How to join paths in Python?

To join the path in Python, use the os.path.join() function. The os.path.join() method is frequently used with os methods like os.walk() to create a final path for a file or folder.

To use the os.path.join() method in Python, import the os.path sub-module, and use that sub-module’s join() method.

The os.path.join() inserts any required forward slashes into the file pathname.

To join two paths in Python, use the os.path.join() method. The os.path.join() function concatenates two path components with a directory separator (‘/’).

Example 1

import os

path = "/Users/krunal/Desktop/code/"

print(os.path.join(path, "pyt", "database", "app.py"))



Example 2

To get a current working directory in Python, you can use the following file pathname.

import os

cwd = os.getcwd()




Example 3

import os

cwd = os.getcwd()

app = os.path.join(cwd, "app.py")




os.path.join: os is not defined

Python “NameError: name ‘os’ is not defined” occurs when we use the os module without importing it into our program. To solve the ‘os not defined error in Python’, import the os module before using it.

os.path.join not working

The os.path.join function won’t work if a component is an absolute path because all previous components are thrown away, and joining continues from the absolute path component.

The path strings shouldn’t start with a slash. If they start with a slash, they are believed to be an “absolute path”, and everything before them is dumped.

Therefore, doo does not use forward slashes at the beginning of path components except when referring to the root directory.

os.path.join(base_dir ‘templates’)

If you are working with Django, in your settings.py file, the terminal shows the following error.

File “/home/pipo/Desktop/mysite/mysite/settings.py”, line 116, in <module> [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ‘templates’)]

NameError: name ‘os’ is not defined

To fix the NameError: name ‘os’ is not defined in Django, add the import os line at the beginning of the settings.py file.

That’s it.

Krunal Lathiya - Computer Science Expert

Krunal Lathiya is a seasoned Computer Science expert with over eight years in the tech industry. He boasts deep knowledge in Data Science and Machine Learning. Versed in Python, JavaScript, PHP, R, and Golang. Skilled in frameworks like Angular and React and platforms such as Node.js. His expertise spans both front-end and back-end development. His proficiency in the Python language stands as a testament to his versatility and commitment to the craft.

Getting started with Python os.path.join() Method

When working with file paths in Python, it’s essential to handle them in a way that is independent of the operating system you’re operating on. This is where the Python os.path.join() function comes into play. This function provides a reliable method for joining different parts of a file path, making your code both cleaner and more portable. In this article, we will delve into the nuances of Python os.path.join(), explore its importance, and discuss how you can utilize it effectively in various programming scenarios.

Function Signature and Syntax

The function signature of os.path.join() is as follows:

os.path.join(path, *paths)


  • path: This is the initial or starting directory or file path. It serves as the base to which other path segments are added.
  • *paths: This is a variable-length argument that represents additional directory or file paths that should be joined to the initial path. You can pass one or multiple paths, and they will be joined in the order they are provided.

Here’s how to use os.path.join() in practice:

Basic Use-Case:

os.path.join("folder1", "folder2", "file.txt")

This joins the path segments to form "folder1/folder2/file.txt" on Unix-based systems and "folder1\\folder2\\file.txt" on Windows.

Variable-Length Arguments:

segments = ["folder1", "folder2", "file.txt"]

This does the same as the basic use-case but demonstrates how you can pass a list of path segments by unpacking it with the * operator.

Nested Calls:

os.path.join(os.path.join("folder1", "folder2"), "file.txt")

This example demonstrates how os.path.join() calls can be nested, although this is less readable than passing all segments in a single os.path.join() call.

Combining Absolute and Relative Paths:

os.path.join("/absolute/path", "relative/folder", "file.txt")

If an absolute path is provided among the relative paths, os.path.join() will discard the accumulated path and reset it to the absolute path, joining any subsequent paths to it.

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Accepted Arguments

The os.path.join() function is quite flexible when it comes to the types of arguments it can accept. However, it’s primarily designed to work with strings, as it is a string manipulation function for file paths. Here’s a breakdown:

  • String Arguments: These are the most commonly used. Each string represents a segment of the file path. Example: "folder1", "file.txt"
  • Variable-Length Argument Lists: You can pass a variable number of arguments to the function. These will be joined in the order they are provided. Syntax: os.path.join(arg1, arg2, ..., argN)
  • Unpacked Lists or Tuples: If you have a list or tuple of string segments, you can unpack them using the * operator. Example: segments = ["folder1", "folder2"]; os.path.join(*segments)
  • Nested Function Calls: While not a different ‘type’ of argument per se, it’s worth noting that you can nest os.path.join() function calls. Example: os.path.join(os.path.join("folder1", "folder2"), "file.txt")
  • Variables: You can pass variables that contain string values, making the function more dynamic. Example: base_folder = "base"; os.path.join(base_folder, "file.txt")
  • Constants: It’s possible to use string constants like os.sep or os.pardir if needed, although the main benefit of os.path.join() is that it handles platform-specific separators for you. Example: os.path.join("folder", os.pardir, "another_folder")
  • Empty Strings: An empty string effectively means ‘current directory’, so it will not impact the resulting path but might be useful for conditional logic. Example: os.path.join("", "folder1")

Return Value

The os.path.join() function returns a single string that represents the concatenated path components passed as arguments to the function. The return type is a string (str).

The format of the returned string varies depending on the operating system:

  • Unix-based Systems (Linux, macOS): The forward slash / is used as the path separator. Example: If you join «folder1» and «file.txt», the returned value would be "folder1/file.txt".
  • Windows: The backslash \ is used as the path separator. Example: If you join «folder1» and «file.txt», the returned value would be "folder1\\file.txt".

Additionally, the function intelligently handles redundant separators and single-dot (.) directory names, simplifying them where possible. However, it does not resolve double-dot (..) directory names or symbolic links; for that, you would use additional functions like os.path.abspath() or os.path.realpath().

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Version-Specific Information

  1. Python 2.x: os.path.join() is available in Python 2.x and functions in a manner similar to its Python 3.x counterpart. However, it’s worth noting that Python 2.x treats strings differently, which could lead to Unicode encoding/decoding issues.
  2. Python 3.x: In Python 3.x, os.path.join() has better support for Unicode and bytes-like objects. The function is available in all Python 3 versions, starting from 3.0.
  3. Python 3.4+ and pathlib: Starting with Python 3.4, the pathlib library was introduced as a more Pythonic way to handle file paths. While not a direct counterpart to os.path.join(), it offers similar functionality through an object-oriented approach.
  4. f-Strings in Python 3.6+: Though f-Strings can be used to concatenate paths, as mentioned in the alternatives, they became available starting from Python 3.6.
  5. Type Annotations in Python 3.5+: Python 3.5 introduced type annotations, which can help in defining the types of arguments that functions like os.path.join() accept, although the function itself does not enforce these types.
  6. Python 2 to 3 Transition: If you are transitioning code from Python 2 to 3, using os.path.join() ensures that path manipulations are handled consistently across versions, which is especially important for codebases that need to be compatible with both.
  7. Python 3.9 and PEP 585: Python 3.9 introduced more flexible type annotations for built-in collections, which can be useful if you want to specify what types of arguments a function like os.path.join() should take in a more explicit way, although this is not directly related to the functionality of os.path.join() itself.
  8. Cross-Version Compatibility: One of the strengths of os.path.join() is its consistent API across different Python versions, making it a reliable choice for projects that might span multiple versions of the language.

Common Use-Cases for os.path.join() with Practical Examples

Below are some common scenarios where using os.path.join() can be extremely beneficial, each followed by a simple, practical example:

File Operations

Reading a text file named data.txt from a directory called documents.

file_path = os.path.join("documents", "data.txt")
with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
    content = f.read()

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Directory Navigation

Listing the contents of a nested directory, src, under projects/python.

directory_path = os.path.join("projects", "python", "src")
files = os.listdir(directory_path)

Web Scraping

Storing an image in a sub-directory called images within a downloads directory.

image_path = os.path.join("downloads", "images", "picture.jpg")
# Code to download and save the image would follow

The image would be saved at "downloads/images/picture.jpg".

Cross-Platform Development

Creating a directory that works on both Windows and Unix-based systems.

new_dir = os.path.join("user", "downloads")

A new directory downloads would be created inside the user directory.

Data Processing Pipelines

Reading a CSV file named sales.csv from a datasets directory for data processing.

csv_path = os.path.join("datasets", "sales.csv")
df = pd.read_csv(csv_path)

A pandas DataFrame df would be populated with data from "datasets/sales.csv".

Log File Management

Creating a new log file with the current date.

log_file = os.path.join("logs", f"log_{date.today()}.txt")
with open(log_file, 'w') as f:
    f.write("Log started")

A new log file would be created in the logs directory, named with today’s date, e.g., "logs/log_2023-08-27.txt".

Backup Systems

Backing up user1’s files.

backup_path = os.path.join("backups", "user1", "files")
# Code to copy files to backup_path

Files would be backed up to the "backups/user1/files" directory.

Configuration Files

Reading a configuration file from a directory named config.

config_path = os.path.join("config", "settings.json")
with open(config_path, 'r') as f:
    config = json.load(f)

A Python dictionary config would be populated with settings from «config/settings.json.

FTP/SFTP Operations

Uploading a CSV file to an FTP server to a directory named

remote_path = os.path.join("remote_folder", "data.csv")
# FTP code to upload file to remote_path

The file would be uploaded to the "remote_folder/data.csv" directory on the FTP server.

Alternative Methods for Concatenating Paths in Python

While os.path.join() is often the recommended approach for combining paths, several alternative methods exist that serve similar purposes. Below are some of them, along with how they differ from os.path.join():

String Concatenation:

  • You can manually concatenate strings using the + operator.
  • Difference: This method is not cross-platform and prone to errors, as you have to manually handle path separators.
path = "folder1" + "/" + "file.txt"  # Not recommended

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String Formatting:

  • The %s and format() methods can be used.
  • Difference: Similar to string concatenation, these methods require manual handling of separators and are not cross-platform.
path = "%s/%s" % ("folder1", "file.txt")
path = "{}/{}".format("folder1", "file.txt")

f-Strings (Python 3.6+):

  • You can use f-strings to embed variables in strings.
  • Difference: f-strings also don’t handle OS-specific separators and are thus not recommended for path concatenation.
folder = "folder1"
file = "file.txt"
path = f"{folder}/{file}"

os.path Functions:

  • Functions like os.path.abspath(), os.path.dirname(), and os.path.basename() can also be used to manipulate paths.
  • Difference: These functions serve specific purposes and aren’t as flexible as os.path.join() for general path concatenation.

pathlib Library (Python 3.4+):

  • The pathlib library provides an object-oriented interface for handling filesystem paths.
  • Difference: While it’s more Pythonic and as reliable as os.path.join(), pathlib requires you to work with Path objects, which can be an advantage or disadvantage depending on the use-case.
from pathlib import Path
path = Path("folder1") / "file.txt"

os.sep and os.altsep:

  • These attributes can be used to get the current OS-specific separator.
  • Difference: These would still require manual concatenation, making the solution less elegant compared to os.path.join().
path = "folder1" + os.sep + "file.txt"

shutil and glob Libraries:

  • These libraries also have certain functions that can build or manipulate paths.
  • Difference: These libraries are often used for more specialized tasks and are not designed specifically for path concatenation.


The os.path.join() function is a versatile and reliable utility for handling file and directory paths in Python. Built into Python’s Standard Library, this function is designed to be cross-platform, enabling consistent path manipulations across different operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux.

The function accepts multiple arguments and concatenates them into a single path string, considering the operating system’s specific path separator.

os.path.join(path1[, path2[, ...]])

It can accept any combination of strings, bytes, and os.PathLike objects as its arguments, intelligently handling the path separators based on the host operating system.

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The function returns a string that represents the concatenated path, which you can directly use in other file or directory operations. It ensures that the appropriate path separators are used, thus making your code more robust and maintainable.

While alternatives like string concatenation, f-strings, and the pathlib library exist, os.path.join() remains a standout option due to its simplicity, readability, and cross-platform compatibility.

Further Reading

Python OS module
Python OS path method
Python OS methods

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