Openvpn без прав администратора windows

My parents use a Win7 laptop. I have set it so that they are not administrators of the device, only I am. I have installed OpenVPN for them to access the home network resources when they are out. The problem is they cannot start the client without admin privileges, since the route cannot be added to the system without.

I made a workaround by letting the OpenVPN client start from scheduled tasks with a trigger when somebody logs in. That works while they’re out, but breaks their network connectivity at home. On top of that, since the client is at that time started as a different user, the UI is not visible.

What would be the best way to provide them with the OpenVPN client, without giving them more privileges?

asked Nov 13, 2012 at 20:24

Tom Ribbens's user avatar


OpenVPN can be run as a service which can either be run automatically at startup or you can give certain users permissions to control the service. Below is a link to an article describing this configuration:

HowTo Run OpenVPN as a non-admin user in Windows

Also see the install notes on running OpenVPN as a service to see some limitations.

answered Nov 13, 2012 at 20:55

heavyd's user avatar


63k18 gold badges155 silver badges177 bronze badges

I have found there is another way to provide users with the ability to start OpenVPN without granting them full admin privileges. To achieve this you can use mmc with the Local Users and Groups snap-in and add a specific user to the Network Configuration Operators group. This provides the said user with the ability to change the routing table (which is critical to VPN) but does not escalate privileges beyond network configuration (e.g. they cannot install software, modify the registry, etc.).
To launch OpenVPN the user has to right-click the OpenVPN icon and select Run as administrator, then they need to provide their password.

answered Feb 13, 2014 at 10:28

Erathiel's user avatar


5725 silver badges11 bronze badges

If you log in as an admin, right click on the OpenVPN shortcut, and select Properties you should be able to go to the Compatibility tab and change the settings for all users (Run As Administrator). I’m not 100% sure if this will work for a limited user, I’ll try to test later today.

answered Nov 13, 2012 at 20:28

Jim G.'s user avatar

Jim G.Jim G.

3,25015 silver badges19 bronze badges


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Tom Ribbens

Мои родители используют ноутбук Win7. Я настроил так, чтобы они не были администраторами устройства, только я. Я установил OpenVPN для доступа к ресурсам домашней сети, когда они отсутствуют. Проблема в том, что они не могут запустить клиент без прав администратора, так как маршрут не может быть добавлен в систему без.

Я сделал обходной путь, позволив клиенту OpenVPN запускаться из запланированных задач с триггером, когда кто-то входит в систему. Это работает, пока они отсутствуют, но нарушает их сетевое подключение дома. Кроме того, поскольку клиент в то время запускался как другой пользователь, пользовательский интерфейс не отображается.

Как лучше всего предоставить им клиент OpenVPN, не предоставляя им больше привилегий?

3 ответа на вопрос


I have found there is another way to provide users with the ability to start OpenVPN without granting them full admin privileges. To achieve this you can use mmc with the Local Users and Groups snap-in and add a specific user to the Network Configuration Operators group. This provides the said user with the ability to change the routing table (which is critical to VPN) but does not escalate privileges beyond network configuration (e.g. they cannot install software, modify the registry, etc.). To launch OpenVPN the user has to right-click the OpenVPN icon and select Run as administrator, then they need to provide their password.

Jim G.

Если вы вошли в систему как администратор, щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по ярлыку OpenVPN и выберите «Свойства», вы сможете перейти на вкладку «Совместимость» и изменить настройки для всех пользователей (запуск от имени администратора). Я не уверен на 100%, будет ли это работать для пользователей с ограниченными правами, я попробую проверить позже сегодня.

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Группа «OpenVPN Administrators» это не администраторы, а как раз те, кому можно запускать OpenVPN. Добавляйте.

  • Oopss

    @Oopss Автор вопроса

    Добавил но

    В лог ничего не пишется, права на лог дал для пользователя и для группы OpenVpn Administrators

    Там нет паролей, вход по сертификатам, от Администратора все подключается.

  • Oopss

    @Oopss Автор вопроса

    PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> net localgroup "OpenVpn Administrators"
    Имя псевдонима     OpenVpn Administrators
    Команда выполнена успешно.

  • ky0

    Oopss, значит, у пользователя, под которым запускаете, нет доступа к чтению сертификата или ключа.

  • Oopss

    @Oopss Автор вопроса

    ky0, ввел в заблуждение извини, это был старый лог, в лог ничего не пишется. Может ли быть проблема из-за Windows Home

My parents use a Win7 laptop. I have set it so that they are not administrators of the device, only I am. I have installed OpenVPN for them to access the home network resources when they are out. The problem is they cannot start the client without admin privileges, since the route cannot be added to the system without.

I made a workaround by letting the OpenVPN client start from scheduled tasks with a trigger when somebody logs in. That works while they’re out, but breaks their network connectivity at home. On top of that, since the client is at that time started as a different user, the UI is not visible.

What would be the best way to provide them with the OpenVPN client, without giving them more privileges?

asked Nov 13, 2012 at 20:24

Tom Ribbens's user avatar


OpenVPN can be run as a service which can either be run automatically at startup or you can give certain users permissions to control the service. Below is a link to an article describing this configuration:

HowTo Run OpenVPN as a non-admin user in Windows

Also see the install notes on running OpenVPN as a service to see some limitations.

answered Nov 13, 2012 at 20:55

heavyd's user avatar


61.9k18 gold badges152 silver badges174 bronze badges

I have found there is another way to provide users with the ability to start OpenVPN without granting them full admin privileges. To achieve this you can use mmc with the Local Users and Groups snap-in and add a specific user to the Network Configuration Operators group. This provides the said user with the ability to change the routing table (which is critical to VPN) but does not escalate privileges beyond network configuration (e.g. they cannot install software, modify the registry, etc.).
To launch OpenVPN the user has to right-click the OpenVPN icon and select Run as administrator, then they need to provide their password.

answered Feb 13, 2014 at 10:28

Erathiel's user avatar


5625 silver badges11 bronze badges

If you log in as an admin, right click on the OpenVPN shortcut, and select Properties you should be able to go to the Compatibility tab and change the settings for all users (Run As Administrator). I’m not 100% sure if this will work for a limited user, I’ll try to test later today.

answered Nov 13, 2012 at 20:28

Jim G.'s user avatar

Jim G.Jim G.

3,19214 silver badges19 bronze badges


My parents use a Win7 laptop. I have set it so that they are not administrators of the device, only I am. I have installed OpenVPN for them to access the home network resources when they are out. The problem is they cannot start the client without admin privileges, since the route cannot be added to the system without.

I made a workaround by letting the OpenVPN client start from scheduled tasks with a trigger when somebody logs in. That works while they’re out, but breaks their network connectivity at home. On top of that, since the client is at that time started as a different user, the UI is not visible.

What would be the best way to provide them with the OpenVPN client, without giving them more privileges?

asked Nov 13, 2012 at 20:24

Tom Ribbens's user avatar


OpenVPN can be run as a service which can either be run automatically at startup or you can give certain users permissions to control the service. Below is a link to an article describing this configuration:

HowTo Run OpenVPN as a non-admin user in Windows

Also see the install notes on running OpenVPN as a service to see some limitations.

answered Nov 13, 2012 at 20:55

heavyd's user avatar


61.9k18 gold badges152 silver badges174 bronze badges

I have found there is another way to provide users with the ability to start OpenVPN without granting them full admin privileges. To achieve this you can use mmc with the Local Users and Groups snap-in and add a specific user to the Network Configuration Operators group. This provides the said user with the ability to change the routing table (which is critical to VPN) but does not escalate privileges beyond network configuration (e.g. they cannot install software, modify the registry, etc.).
To launch OpenVPN the user has to right-click the OpenVPN icon and select Run as administrator, then they need to provide their password.

answered Feb 13, 2014 at 10:28

Erathiel's user avatar


5625 silver badges11 bronze badges

If you log in as an admin, right click on the OpenVPN shortcut, and select Properties you should be able to go to the Compatibility tab and change the settings for all users (Run As Administrator). I’m not 100% sure if this will work for a limited user, I’ll try to test later today.

answered Nov 13, 2012 at 20:28

Jim G.'s user avatar

Jim G.Jim G.

3,19214 silver badges19 bronze badges



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01.08.2015, 14:18. Показов 11337. Ответов 2

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Добрый день. Всех с прошедшим днем СисАдмина
Есть зоопарк из 60 пк. Пользователи ежедневно пользуются программой equifax. Для доступа на сайт нужен запуск от имени администратора программы EquifaxVPN GUI.
Если запускать Оpen VPN без прав админа то в логе будет строки

Sat Aug 01 14:04:53 2015 NOTE: FlushIpNetTable failed on interface [10] {479B7486-6A3F-4A13-97B3-F53C36F90357} (status=5) : Отказано в доступе.
Sat Aug 01 14:04:55 2015 TEST ROUTES: 8/8 succeeded len=8 ret=1 a=0 u/d=up
Sat Aug 01 14:04:55 2015 C:WINDOWSsystem32route.exe ADD MASK
‡*Їа®иҐ***п ®ЇҐа*жЁп вॡгҐв Ї®ўлиҐ*Ёп.

Я пробовал

Windows Batch file
runas /user:LaptopAdmin /savecred "C:Program Files (x86)EquifaxVPNbinopenvpn-gui.exe"

Пароль сохранил но программа все равно не запускается

AdminLink тоже не помог. Ярлык выдает ошибку it maybe.executable file was changed due to virus or hacker attack
Планировщик задач программу не запускает.

Помощь в написании контрольных, курсовых и дипломных работ, диссертаций здесь


4330 / 2120 / 661

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01.08.2015, 23:10


pintoxin, Надо в зоопарк взять директора в качестве админа или наоборот.



78 / 79 / 21

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07.07.2016, 14:47


Нужно писать

Windows Batch file
C:WindowsSystem32runas.exe /user:my_compadmin /savecred "CMD /C start "" /B "C:Program FilesOpenVPNbinopenvpn-gui.exe""

вопрос как сюда вставить параметр запуска клиента?


OpenVPN needs admin rights to add routes and configurations. Although there are few other tactics to save you from this and run OpenVPN without admin rights. You can use a beta version of OpenVPN-interactive service, which can run without admin rights and you would be able to run OpenVPN without admin rights.

Is there a GUI for OpenVPN?

The official OpenVPN release for Windows ships with a GUI frontend called simply “OpenVPN-GUI” and can be found in the . Please note the GUI will start the VPN process in the context of the running user.

How do I run OpenVPN as administrator in Windows 10?

OpenVPN – Run as Administrator – Windows

  1. Easiest.
  2. Right click on the OpenVPN connect Icon, click properties.
  3. Click the Compatibility tab, in the Privilege Level box, tick Run this program as an administrator, click OK.

How do I enable OpenVPN GUI?

OpenVPN Settings Right-click on the system tray icon and select Settings…, then in the window that pops up tick the box that says Launch on Windows startup. This way the OpenVPN GUI utility can automatically launch and add itself to the system tray area, every time Windows boots up.

What is OpenVPN interactive service?

OpenVPN Interactive Service, also known as “iservice” or “OpenVPNServiceInteractive”, is a Windows system service which allows unprivileged openvpn.exe process to do certain privileged operations, such as adding routes. This ensures that OpenVPN and the GUI run with limited privileges.

What does OpenVPN GUI do?

OpenVPN GUI is a graphical frontend for OpenVPN running on Windows 7 / 8 / 10. It creates an icon in the notification area from which you can control OpenVPN to start/stop your VPN tunnels, view the log and do other useful things.

How do I OpenVPN client?

Navigate to the OpenVPN Access Server client web interface.

  1. Login with your credentials.
  2. Click on the Windows icon.
  3. Wait until the download completes, and then open it (the exact procedure varies a bit per browser).
  4. Click ‘Run’ or ‘Open’ to start the installation process.
  5. Click Install.

How do I connect to OpenVPN?

How do I install the client directly from my Access Server?

  1. Navigate to your OpenVPN Access Server client web interface.
  2. Login with your credentials.
  3. Select ‘OpenVPN Connect for Windows’.
  4. Wait until the download completes, and then open it (specifics vary depending on your browser).

How do I disable OpenVPN GUI?

press F4 (it’s listed in the title bar of the command window). That’s the correct answer: When you’re starting openvpn.exe on command line, the only way to disconnect is to hit F4.

How do I install OpenVPN as a service?

Configure OpenVPN client as service on Windows

  1. Step 1 – Editing your OpenVPN client configuration.
  2. Step 2 – Storing your credentials in a file.
  3. Step 3 – Import edited .ovpn file and user.auth file to OpenVPN config folder.
  4. Step 4 – Configuring OpenVPN service to start automatically on boot.

Do you need admin privileges for OpenVPN GUI?

This is a bit out of date but gives the overall gist. If you have installed 2.4 and the interactive service is running your user should be able to use openvpn. You may need to add the user to a new Windows group called “Openvpn Administrators”. it does not confer any administrative privileges to users in the group.

How to run OpenVPN as a non admin user in Windows?

If you want OpenVPN-GUI to auto-start when you logon, move this short-cut to your “Startup” folder on the Start->Programs menu. You will then be prompted for username and password directly every time you log on. Create a “RunAs” short-cut in Windows XP that saves the administrator password

How to give user the right to start and stop OpenVPN service?

To give the user “John” the right to start and stop the OpenVPN service, log on as administrator and run the following command: subinacl /SERVICE “OpenVPNService” /GRANT=john=TO. You can also give a user right to control a service through the use of Group Policies.

How do I get OpenVPN GUI to auto start?

If you want OpenVPN-GUI to auto-start when you logon, move this short-cut to your “Startup” folder on the Start->Programs menu. You will then be prompted for username and password directly every time you log on. I’m not aware of any way to save the credentials so you don’t have to type them every time in Windows 2000.

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