Openfoam скачать для windows 10

The packaged distributions of OpenFOAM for Ubuntu can now be installed directly on Microsoft Windows 10 using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).  WSL provides a full compatibility layer for running Linux applications on Windows by performing real-time translation of Linux system calls into Windows OS system calls.  The system can support graphical Linux applications, such as the version of ParaView that includes the OpenFOAM reader module, with additional X server software (see below).  Running OpenFOAM applications in parallel using WSL is reported to work effectively.

Note: We do not support older versions of Windows, e.g. 7 or 8, because Microsoft does not support them.

Activate Windows Subsystem for Linux

  • Follow the Guide to Install WSL and install the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Linux Distribution.
  • Make a note of the WSL version you are running, either v1 or v2.
  • Launch the Ubuntu distribution through WSL.

Installing OpenFOAM

The packaged distributions of OpenFOAM on Ubuntu Linux can now be installed from within the Bash environment.  We recommend users install the Ubuntu pack of the latest version of OpenFOAM (currently v11) or the current development version (or both).

  • Installing OpenFOAM 11
    sudo sh -c "wget -O - | apt-key add -"
    sudo add-apt-repository
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install openfoam11
  • Installing OpenFOAM-dev
    sudo sh -c "wget -O - | apt-key add -"
    sudo add-apt-repository " dev"
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install openfoam-dev

Compilation Tools

In order to compile applications and libraries in OpenFOAM, the user should install additional compilation tools by the following command:

sudo apt-get install build-essential

User Configuration

In order to use the installed OpenFOAM package, the user needs to set their environment for OpenFOAM as follows.

  1. One Time Only: At the bottom of the user’s .bashrc file, source the bashrc file in the OpenFOAM installation which contains the environment settings.  For openfoam11, the following command avoids the need to open an editor (for OpenFOAM-dev, replace openfoam11 with openfoam-dev):
    echo ". /opt/openfoam11/etc/bashrc" >> $HOME/.bashrc
  2. One Time Only: register the change to the .bashrc file by typing at the terminal prompt (note the dots):
    . $HOME/.bashrc
  3. Test that the simpleFoam application, from the OpenFOAM package, is working by typing
    simpleFoam -help
  4. A “Usage” message should appear. Your installation and user configuration is complete.

If more than one OpenFOAM package is installed, e.g. both openfoam11 and openfoam-dev, the user’s .bashrc file should contain only the source... command for the version they currently wish to use.

Enabling Graphical Applications

To run graphical Linux applications, such as ParaView or the gedit editor, requires the installation of X server software.  The most popular X server software for Windows is VcXsrv, which can be installed as described below.

  • Download the VcXsrv installer.
  • (if the above link does not work, go to the VcXsrv files page and download the latest vcxsrv-64.X.X.X.X.installer.exe file).
  • Run XLaunch that was installed by VcXsrv.
  • Open the “Extra settings” window and: a) Deselect (uncheck) “Native opengl”; b) Select “Disable access control”.

When a bash shell is opened, the DISPLAY environment variable needs to point to the X server that is running.  To make this addition permanent, set the DISPLAY in the user’s .bashrc file by the following command:

  • for WSL v1
    echo "export DISPLAY=:0" >> ${HOME}/.bashrc
  • for WSL v2
    echo "export DISPLAY=$(awk '/nameserver / {print $2; exit}' /etc/resolv.conf 2>/dev/null):0" >> ${HOME}/.bashrc

Source the .bashrc file again, i.e. execute one time only:

. $HOME/.bashrc

With graphics enabled, users may wish to install other useful supporting graphical applications for OpenFOAM, such as the gedit file editor, the GnuPlot graph drawing package, and mplayer video player (and mencoder encoder) software, e.g.

sudo apt-get install gedit gedit-plugins
sudo apt-get install gnuplot gnuplot-x11 gnuplot-doc libgd-tools
sudo apt-get install mplayer mencoder

Problem running ParaView

Try to start ParaView from a terminal by typing:


There is a bug in WSL v1 only which may cause ParaView to fail to open with the message:

/opt/paraviewopenfoam510/lib/paraview: error while loading shared libraries: 
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

If this occurs, enter the following commands (copy/paste) in the terminal:

sudo cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /opt/paraviewopenfoam510/mesa/lib/
sudo strip --remove-section=.note.ABI-tag /opt/paraviewopenfoam510/mesa/lib/

Next Steps

See OpenFOAM on Ubuntu: Getting Started.  If the user has enabled graphical applications, they can open the gedit editor in the background (&) with

gedit &

Otherwise without graphical support, 3 popular editors which can work through a terminal are:

  • nano: the easiest of the 3 editors for the purpose, see nano basics guide;
  • emacs: powerful editor that uses a more complex set of key commands, emacs basics;
  • vim: another editor with arguably a less familiar set of key commands, see vim quick guide.

It is worth knowing the command to exit the editor you use in case a problem arises:

  • nano exits with C-x (C=Control key)
  • emacs exits with C-x C-c (preceded by C-g, if needed)
  • vim exits with ESC :q!


From OpenFOAM-v1706, users can now run OpenFOAM using Bash on Ubuntu on Windows. This utility, referred to as the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) uses the genuine Ubuntu image provided by Canonical, the group behind Ubuntu Linux. Bash on Ubuntu on Windows does not support graphics directly. For GUI-based processing users are recommended to download and use the ParaView Windows native build.


Activate Ubuntu Bash and create a user account. Note: this will require a computer reboot. Additional guidance can be found in

To run OpenFOAM under the Windows10, users should have the latest Ubuntu bash (16.04 or above). Version information can be found using the command in the bash terminal

lsb_release -a

Install OpenFOAM

  1. Click on the link OpenFOAM-v2012-windows10.tgz to download OpenFOAM-v2012.
  2. Start Bash on Ubuntu by typing bash in search toolbar, and click on the Desktop app Bash on Ubuntu on Windows
  3. In the bash-terminal, copy OpenFOAM-v2012-windows10.tgz from the Download folder to the local bash-environment by typing command
    cp -ar /mnt/c/Users/<USER>/Downloads/OpenFOAM-v2012-windows10.tgz .


    • Replace the string with your own user name when copying the file, e.g. here shown by the user pgh
    • The final dot (.) is required to specify the current location
  4. Untar the OpenFOAM installation by running the following command
    sudo tar -xvzf  OpenFOAM-v2012-windows10.tgz -C /opt/
    sudo chown -R $USER /opt/OpenFOAM

    Enter your linux password to allow the process to start.

    • it may take some minutes to complete the process
    • if tar is not installed, please install it using the command
      sudo apt install tar
  5. Install the additional dependencies
    sudo apt install bison flex m4

Configure the bash-shell to run OpenFOAM

Run the following command to set the OpenFOAM working environment (once only)

echo "source /opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v2012/etc/bashrc" >> ~/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc

Check everything is OK

The installation can be verified by running your first OpenFOAM tutorial.

mkdir -p /mnt/c/Users/<USER>/tutorial
cd /mnt/c/Users/<USER>/tutorial
cp -ar $FOAM_TUTORIALS/incompressible/icoFoam/cavity/cavity .
cd cavity
touch cavity.foam

The case can then be visually checked using ParaView.

OpenFOAM is available from the OpenFOAM Foundation which licenses it free and open source under the General Public Licence.  The OpenFOAM downloads are produced and maintained by us — CFD Direct — on behalf of the Foundation, in two forms for Ubuntu, Other Linux, macOS and Windows:

  • OpenFOAM Version 11: the latest version release.
  • OpenFOAM Development Line (OpenFOAM-dev): weekly builds with cutting-edge technology.

Ubuntu Linux

Packaged version of OpenFOAM for Ubuntu Linux, with a simple installation using the Apt package manager.

Other Linux OS

Simple installation of the OpenFOAM package for Ubuntu on other distributions using the Docker container environment.


Simple installation of the OpenFOAM package for Ubuntu on macOS using the Docker container environment.


Installation options for Windows with Bash on Windows 10


  • Mesh Generation
  • Incompressible flows
  • Multiphase flows
  • Buoyancy-driven flows
  • Conjugate heat transfer
  • Combustion
  • Compressible flows
  • Particle methods (DEM, DSMC, MD)
  • Turbulence modelling
  • Transport/rheology models
  • Thermophysical models
  • Lagrangian particle tracking
  • Reaction kinetics / chemistry
  • ParaView and VTK post-processing
  • Run-time post-processing
  • Third-party post-processing
  • Parallel computing

Project Samples

Automotive aerodynamics with OpenFOAM


GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)

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Free, natively compiled package for running OpenFOAM® in Windows

OpenFOAM® for Windows is a comprehensive CFD software package allowing to run OpenFOAM® (originally designed for Linux) in Microsoft Windows. OpenFOAM® for Windows is free of charge.

At CFD Support we understand the challenges of modern companies workflow. Our long term goal is building bridges between top-class development and real practice. In the past we have received many requirements on providing and supporting OpenFOAM® software under Microsoft Windows. As a result, we have delivered to the market OpenFOAM® for Windows.

OpenFOAM® for Windows goes well together with CFD Support’s other products and services: Turbomachinery CFD created to enable a quick and efficient design optimization of turbomachinery components. Turbo Blade Post created to enable an efficient visual postprocessing of turbomachinery.

We also recommend our OpenFOAM® Training which may help you to upgrade your OpenFOAM® skills to proper level.

OpenFOAM® for Windows is fully supported, see General OpenFOAM® Support. OpenFOAM® for Windows is maintained regularly updated together with latest OpenFOAM® versions.

OpenFOAM® for Windows was primarily tested in Wndows 10 and also quite well tested in Wndows 7 and Wndows 8.1. Installation instructions can be found here.

Technical Specifications & Software Features

  • Free for All

  • No Cross-Compilation Linux->Windows

  • Native Windows Compilation

  • Windows 64-bit

  • Full Functionality

  • Regularly Updated with latest OpenFOAM®

  • Support Available

  • Already Compiled, just download and go

OpenFOAM® for Windows includes:

  • Complete set of instructions — how to run OpenFOAM® under Microsoft Windows

  • Compiled OpenFOAM® — all the project executables *.exe and dynamic libraries *.dll

  • Source Code — all the OpenFOAM® source code allowing further developing and understanding the functionalities

  • Other software — supporting OpenFOAM® workflow under Windows

  • Long-term Support Available — highly recommended, also includes regular software updates and maintenance

  • Training Available — both on-site and off-site trainings

Install OpenFOAM® for Windows

When running OpenFOAM® in Windows we recommend to use Cygwin software to keep the workflow consistent with Linux as much as possible. There are many other ways of using OpenFOAM® for Windows, depending on your previous experiences, preferred applications and other circumstances. This page describes just one of those ways.

After downloaded OpenFOAM® for Windows installation file, simply run it. We recommend to follow the installation default options.

Example 1 : first case run

  1. run OpenFOAM for Windows
  2.  $  mc  

    mc command runs midnight commander, which is truly powerful tool when working in terminal, note you can always switch by ctrl+o to command line to run commands and again ctrl+o back to manage files

  3.  $  run  

    run alias jumps to your working directory

  4.  $  cp -r $FOAM_TUTORIALS/incompressible/icoFoam/cavity/cavity ./

    copy the cavity tutorial case here

  5.  $  cd cavity

    change directory to cavity

  6.  $  blockMesh.exe

    create the computational mesh

  7.  $  icoFoam.exe

    run the solver

  8.  $  paraFoam

    view results in ParaView

OpenFOAM for Windows cavity Example 1

Example 2 : run OpenFOAM for Windows in parallel

  1. run OpenFOAM for Windows
  2.  $  mc  
  3.  $  run 
  4.  $  cp -r $FOAM_TUTORIALS/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDaily ./
  5.  $  cd pitzDaily
  6.  $  cp -r $FOAM_TUTORIALS/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike/system/decomposeParDict ./system/
  7.  $  blockMesh.exe
  8.  $  decomposePar.exe
  9.  $  mpiexec -n 6 simpleFoam -parallel
  10.  $  reconstructPar.exe
  11.  $  paraFoam

OpenFOAM for Windows Example 2 pitzDaily 1 x250

Example 3 : create new solver (compilation)

  1. run OpenFOAM for Windows
  2.  $  mc  
  3.  $  run
  4.  $  mkdir myFirstWindowsOpenFOAMSolver
  5.  $  cd myFirstWindowsOpenFOAMSolver
  6.  $  cp -r $FOAM_SOLVERS/incompressible/icoFoam/* ./
  7.  $  sed -i "s/\/icoFoam/\/myFirstWindowsOpenFOAMSolver/g" Make/files
  8.  $  wmake
  9.  $  run
  10.  $  cp -r $FOAM_TUTORIALS/incompressible/icoFoam/cavity/cavity ./
  11.  $  cd cavity/
  12.  $  blockMesh.exe
  13.  $  myFirstWindowsOpenFOAMSolver.exe
  14.  $  paraFoam

OpenFOAM for Windows cavity Example 1 x250 1

Example 4 : motorBike

  1. run OpenFOAM for Windows
  2.  $  mc  
  3.  $  run
  4.  $  cp -r $FOAM_TUTORIALS/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike ./
  5.  $  cd motorBike
  6.  $  find ./ -type f | xargs sed -i "s/WM_PROJECT_DIR/OPENFOAM_INSTALL_PATH/g"
  7.  $  ./Allrun
  8.  $  paraFoam

OpenFOAM for Windows motorBike case example 4 1

Download OpenFOAM for Windows

This offering is not approved or endorsed by OpenCFD Limited, producer and distributor of the OpenFOAM software and owner of the OPENFOAM® and OpenCFD® trade marks.

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