Open command window here windows 10

Вернуть пункт "Открыть окно команд" в Windows 10В Windows 10 версии 1703 пункт «Командная строка» в контекстном меню «Пуск» изменился на PowerShell, а пункт контекстного меню проводника (который появляется, если удерживать Shift при нажатии правой кнопки мыши) «Открыть окно команд» — на «Открыть окно PowerShell здесь». И если первое легко меняется в Параметры — Персонализация — Панель задач (пункт «Заменить командную строку оболочкой Windows PowerShell»), то второе при изменении данной настройки не изменяется.

В этой инструкции — пошагово о том, как вернуть пункт «Открыть окно команд» Windows 10, вызываемое в Проводнике при вызове контекстного меню с удерживанием клавиши Shift и служащий для запуска командной строки в текущей папке (если вызывать меню в пустом месте окна проводника) или в выбранной папке. См. также: Как вернуть панель управления в контекстное меню Пуск Windows 10.

Возвращаем пункт «Открыть окно команд» с помощью редактора реестра

Для того, чтобы вернуть указанный пункт контекстного меню в Windows 10, проделайте следующие действия:

  1. Нажмите клавиши Win+R и введите regedit для запуска редактора реестра.
  2. Перейдите к разделу реестра HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\cmd, нажмите правой кнопкой мыши по имени раздела и выберите пункт меню «Разрешения». Просмотр разрешений раздела реестра
  3. В следующем окне нажмите кнопку «Дополнительно». Дополнительные настройки разрешений
  4. Нажмите «Изменить» рядом с пунктом «Владелец». Изменение владельца раздела реестра
  5. В поле «Введите имена выбираемых объектов» введите имя вашего пользователя и нажмите «Проверить имена», а затем — «Ок». Примечание: если используется учетная запись Майкрософт, введите адрес электронной почты вместо имени пользователя. Ввести имя нового владельца раздела реестра
  6. Отметьте пункт «Заменить владельца подконтейнеров и объектов» и «Заменить все записи разрешений дочернего объекта», затем нажмите «Ок» и подтвердите действие. Применить изменение владельца раздела реестра
  7. Вы вернетесь в окно параметров безопасности раздела реестра, в нем выберите пункт «Администраторы» и установите отметку «Полный доступ», нажмите «Ок». Предоставить полный доступ администраторам
  8. Вернувшись в редактор реестра, нажмите по значению HideBasedOnVelocityId (в правой части редактора реестра) правой кнопкой мыши и выберите пункт «Удалить». Вернуть пункт Открыть окно команд в редакторе реестра
  9. Повторите шаги 2-8 для разделов HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background shell\cmd и HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shell\cmd

По завершении указанных действий, пункт «Открыть окно команд» вернется в том виде, в котором ранее присутствовал в контекстном меню проводника (даже без перезапуска explorer.exe или перезагрузки компьютера).

Пункт открыть окно команд в папке Windows 10

Дополнительная информация

  • Существует дополнительная возможность открыть командную строку в текущей папке в проводнике Windows 10: находясь в нужной папке, введите в адресную строку проводника cmd и нажмите Enter.

Окно команд можно открывать и на рабочем столе: Shift + правый клик мышью — выбор соответствующего пункта меню.

windows-10Если вам требуется запустить командную строку Windows не просто с правами (от имени) администратора, а открыть её при этом в текущей папке, то далее рассмотрим, как это сделать.


Командную строку от имени администратора в Windows 10 можно запустить одним из нескольких способов, а если же требуется просто открыть её в текущей папке, то достаточно ввести: «cmd → нажать Enter» в адресной строке проводника, чтобы командная строка открылась именно в той папке, которая вам нужна (узнать подробнее), но в этом случае она будет запущена с правами пользователя, а это не совсем то что надо. Ведь иногда, для запуска команды с определённым параметром, требуется открыть командную строку в текущей папке именно от имени администратора, как, например, в этом случае (см. как заблокировать установку браузера Edge на базе Chromium в Windows 10 c помощью Blocker Toolkit).

Для того, чтобы запустить командную строку именно от имени администратора в текущей папке (применимо к последней версии Windows 10 1909) можно воспользоваться штатными возможностями проводника Windows, или же, внеся небольшую правку в системный реестр Windows 10, добавить новый пункт в контекстное меню операционной системы, который позволит быстро открывать командную строку с правами администратора там, где это необходимо.

Запуск в текущей папке через Windows PowerShell

Ранее (до Windows 10 1703) командную строку от имени администратора можно было запустить, используя меню «Файл» проводника, в последних же версиях Windows 10 эта возможность была упразднена. Однако всё прекрасно работает и через Windows PowerShell:

Как добавить возможность запуска командной строки от имени администратора в контекстное меню Windows 10

Вы можете внести небольшую правку в системный реестр (предварительно сделайте его резервную копию). В результате в контекстном меню Windows 10, которое можно вызвать кликом правой кнопки мыши, появится новый пункт «Командная строка (Администратор)».

Что для этого потребуется:

  • Скачайте файл «open_command_window_here_as_administrator.reg»;


На этом всё. Теперь, когда вы кликните правой кнопкой мыши, у вас будет доступ к новому пункту контекстного меню «Командная строка (Администратор)».


С его помощью вы сможете быстро запустить командную строку от имени администратора в текущей папке или на рабочем столе.

Кстати, название пункта «Командная строка (Администратор)» вы можете поменять на любое другое, которое вам нравится больше.


Для этого достаточно открыть файл open_command_window_here_as_administrator.reg с помощью любого текстового редактора (штатного блокнота Windows 10 или, например, Notepad plus plus).

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Дата: 2019-12-24 | Размещено в Статьи

On Windows 10, Microsoft continues to fade out Command Prompt in favor of PowerShell. Although you can still use the console, you’ll notice that the option is no longer available on the Power User menu (Windows key + X), on the File menu for File Explorer, or in the extended context menu (Shift + Right-click).

While there is an option in the Settings app to add Command Prompt to the Power User menu, you won’t find an option to bring it back to the extended context menu. However, it’s still possible to re-incorporate the option in Windows 10, if you’re comfortable modifying the Registry.

In this Windows 10 guide, we walk you through the steps to bring back the «Open command window here» option to the context menu.

How to add ‘Open command window here’ to the context menu

Adding the «Open command window here» to the extended-folder context menu is a two-step process. First, you need to bring back the option when you open the menu when right-clicking a folder, and second, using similar steps, you need to return the option when right-clicking the background of a folder.

Adding ‘Open command window here’ to the folder context menu

In order to re-incorporate the option to launch Command Prompt on the extended context menu, you’ll need to modify the Registry using the following steps:

Warning: This is a friendly reminder that editing the registry is risky, and it can cause irreversible damage to your installation if you don’t do it correctly. We recommend making a full backup of your PC before proceeding.

If you’re ready, follow these steps:

  1. Use the Windows key + R keyboard shortcut to open the Run command.
  2. Type regedit, and click OK to open the Registry.
  3. Browse the following path:HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\cmd
  4. Right-click the cmd (folder) key, and click Permissions.

  1. Click the Advanced button.

  1. On «Advanced Security Settings,» click the Change link next to «Owner.»

  1. Type your account name in the provided field, click Check Names to verify you’re typing the account name correctly, and click OK.

  1. Check the Replace owner on subcontainers and objects option.

  1. Click Apply.
  2. Click OK.
  3. On «Permissions,» select the Administrators group.
  4. Under «Permissions for Administrators,» select Allow for the Full Control option.

  1. Click Apply.
  2. Click OK.
  3. Inside the cmd (folder) key, right-click the HideBasedOnVelocityId DWORD, and click Rename.
  4. Change the DWORD name from HideBasedOnVelocityId to ShowBasedOnVelocityId, and press Enter.

Once you complete these steps, using the Shift + Right-click combo on a folder will display the «Open command window here» option.

At any time, you can revert the changes following the same instructions, but on step No. 16, make sure to rename the DWORD from from ShowBasedOnVelocityId to HideBasedOnVelocityId, and press Enter.

Adding ‘Open command window here’ to the background context menu

The instructions mentioned above add the option to open Command Prompt on the folder context menu, but not when you Shift + right-click the background of the folder that is currently open.

If you want to Shift + right-click a background to open the location using Command Prompt, you need to follow these extra steps:

  1. Use the Windows key + R keyboard shortcut to open the Run command.
  2. Type regedit, and click OK to open the Registry.
  3. Browse the following path:HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\cmd
  4. Right-click the cmd (folder) key, and click Permissions.

  1. Click the Advanced button.

  1. On «Advanced Security Settings,» click the Change link next to «Owner.»

  1. Type your account name in the provided field, click Check Names to verify you’re typing the account name correctly, and click OK.

  1. Check the Replace owner on subcontainers and objects option.

  1. Click Apply.
  2. Click OK.
  3. On «Permissions,» select the Administrators group.
  4. Under «Permissions for Administrators,» select Allow for the Full Control option.

  1. Click Apply.
  2. Click OK.
  3. Inside the cmd (folder) key, right-click the HideBasedOnVelocityId DWORD, and click Rename.
  4. Change the DWORD name from HideBasedOnVelocityId to ShowBasedOnVelocityId, and press Enter.

Once you complete these steps, when using the Shift + right-click combo on a folder background you will see the «Open command window here» option.

You can revert the changes following the same instructions, but on step No. 16, make sure to rename the DWORD from from ShowBasedOnVelocityId to HideBasedOnVelocityId, and press Enter.

Thanks @johannesmp (Windows Central reader) for this part of the tip!

You’ll also notice that using the above steps will bring back the «Open command window here,» but it’ll keep the «Open PowerShell window here» too.

If you want to remove the PowerShell entry from the extended context menu, do the following:

  1. Use the Windows key + R keyboard shortcut to open the Run command.
  2. Type regedit, and click OK to open the Registry.
  3. Browse the following path:HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\PowerShell
  4. Right-click the PowerShell (folder) key, and click Permissions.

  1. Click the Advanced button.

  1. On «Advanced Security Settings,» click the Change link next to «Owner».

  1. Type your account name in the provided field, click Check Names to verify you’re typing the account name correctly, and click OK.

  1. Check the Replace owner on subcontainers and objects option.

  1. Click Apply.
  2. Click OK.
  3. On «Permissions,» select the Administrators group.
  4. Under «Permissions for Administrators,» select Allow for the Full Control option.

  1. Click Apply.
  2. Click OK.
  3. Inside the PowerShell (folder) key, right-click the ShowBasedOnVelocityId DWORD, and click Rename.
  4. Change the DWORD name from ShowBasedOnVelocityId to HideBasedOnVelocityId, and press Enter.

After completing these steps, using Shift + Right-click will only show the «Open command window here» option.

To bring back the PowerShell option, follow the same instructions, but on step No. 16, make sure to rename the DWORD from HideBasedOnVelocityId to ShowBasedOnVelocityId, and press Enter.

Wrapping things up

While you can run the majority of the commands using PowerShell, a lot of people still prefer Command Prompt, and the context menu option provides a quick way to open the utility in a specific location without having to type a long command to navigate to a folder path. But now, thanks to a hidden option in the Registry, you can bring that experience back to Windows 10.

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Mauro Huculak is technical writer for His primary focus is to write comprehensive how-tos to help users get the most out of Windows 10 and its many related technologies. He has an IT background with professional certifications from Microsoft, Cisco, and CompTIA, and he’s a recognized member of the Microsoft MVP community.

In the recent versions of Windows 10 (Creators Update and higher), the “Open Command Prompt here” context menu entry has been removed and is replaced by “Open PowerShell window here”.

Microsoft, in an effort to bring the best command line experiences to the forefront for all power users, has made PowerShell the de facto command shell.

This article tells you how to add “Open command window here” to right-click menu in Windows 10. Optionally, you can also remove the Open PowerShell window here from the context menu.

You may also be knowing that since the preview build 14971, “Command Prompt” and “Command Prompt (Admin)” entries in the Win+X menu (the menu which appears when you right-click Start) were replaced with PowerShell links.

Quoting Microsoft:

It (PowerShell) replaces Command Prompt (aka, “cmd.exe”) in the WIN + X menu, in File Explorer’s File menu, and in the context menu that appears when you shift-right-click the whitespace in File Explorer. Typing “cmd” (or “powershell”) in File Explorer’s address bar will remain a quick way to launch the command shell at that location.

For those who prefer to use Command Prompt, you can opt-out of the WIN + X change by opening Settings → Personalization → Taskbar, and turning “Replace Command Prompt with Windows PowerShell in the menu when I right-click the Start button or press Windows key+X” to “Off”.

win x replace powershell with command prompt

Although you can run the old commands in the PowerShell window, you need to use the “.exe” suffix when running certain commands. For instance, running the “SC” command under the PowerShell window gives different results than what you get when running the same command from a regular Command Prompt shell.

SC” is understood as the alias for “Set-Content” PowerShell cmdlet. So to manage services using the SC (SC.EXE) command in the PowerShell window, you’ll need to type the file extension — .EXE. Whereas the regular Command Prompt (CMD.exe) shell knows SC is nothing but SC.EXE, assuming no file of the same name and with a .COM extension exists in the path.

Add Command Prompt to the Context menu

If you’re fond of the old Command Prompt (cmd.exe), you can add the traditional “Open Command window here” option back in the context menu for file system folders and drives, using a Registry edit.

Method 1

This method creates a new menu item named “Open command window here” by adding the necessary context menu registry entries.

  1. Open Notepad.
  2. Copy the following lines and paste them in Notepad:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    @="cmd.exe /s /k pushd \"%V\""
    @="cmd.exe /s /k pushd \"%V\""
    @="cmd.exe /s /k pushd \"%V\""
  3. Save the file as “cmdhere.reg
  4. Double-click the file to apply the settings to the registry.

Alternately, you can download the following registry file:

  • Download

This adds the “Open command window here” option to the right-click menu for folders and drives, which, when clicked, opens a Command Prompt window at the current drive or directory path.

add cmd here to right-click menu

To have the Command Prompt context menu icon, apply the cmd-here-windows-10-with-icon.reg file included in the zip file.

Additional Tip: Add “Open command window here” as an extended menu

If you want to show the “Open command window here” as an extended or hidden menu (to reduce clutter), use this registry file instead:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="cmd.exe /s /k pushd \"%V\""


@="cmd.exe /s /k pushd \"%V\""


@="cmd.exe /s /k pushd \"%V\""

An “extended” menu appears only when you press and hold the Shift key when right-clicking on a folder or drive.

Method 2

The “Open command window here” context menu registry entry still exists by default in Windows 10. But it’s been made inactive with a registry value named HideBasedOnVelocityId.

In this method, we change the HideBasedOnVelocityId registry value to 0 using the HKEY_CURRENT_USER override. This will enable the built-in and dormant “Open command window here” in the right-click menu.

  1. Open Notepad.
  2. Copy the following lines and paste them in Notepad:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
  3. Save the file as “cmdhere2.reg
  4. Double-click the file to apply the settings to the registry.

That’s it. This enables the “Open command window here” context menu item (with icon) for directories and drives.
cmdhere context menu icon
This method works only for the current user account — i.e., per-user account basis.

(For the Windows 11 version of this article, check out the page How to Add “Open command window here” Option in Windows 11.)

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When you open the command prompt by going to Run –> cmd, you will notice that by default, it opens in the user profile directory path. Sometimes, the user needs to open the command windows with the currently opened folder path. This article explains the exact scenario.

Command Prompt is the command-line which enables users to execute different programs and commands. Microsoft is slowly removing command prompt support from all its major Windows platforms. PowerShell is the alternative to Command Prompt which supports almost all the commands of DOS and much more. Some users still insist on using Command Prompt instead of PowerShell.

If the program you want to run in Command Prompt is not listed in the PATH variable, the Command Prompt will give you an error that it could not find the executable file. For this, we need to manually go to the folder where that particular program is located. One way of doing this is to type in the complete path of the file. Another way is to directly open the command prompt windows inside the folder. The second approach is more visual and easy to implement.

Pro Tip: If you are using Windows 10, just open the folder and go to File menu –> Open Windows PowerShell. You also have the option to open Windows PowerShell as Administrator.

Open PowerShell in folder

Open PowerShell in folder

Table of contents

  • Add Open Command Window Here to the context menu using Registry Editor
  • Add Open Command Window Here using the REG file
  • Open Command Prompt In A Folder Using Keyboard Shortcut?
  • Using CMD command in File Explorer to open Command Prompt Window
  • Add «Open Command Window Here» with Administrative privileges in the context menu
  • How to get back Command Prompt in Win+X menu?

In this article, we will discuss different techniques by which we can open command windows in a folder, the most popular being “Open Command Windows Here” context menu item. Let’s start.

Add Open Command Window Here to the context menu using Registry Editor

  1. Click Windows + R then type regedit. This will open Windows Registry editor.
    4 Ways To Open Command Prompt Window in a Folder In Windows 10 1
  2. Registry editor window will open. After that go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. Further go into Directory\shell\cmd
    4 Ways To Open Command Prompt Window in a Folder In Windows 10 2
  3. and right click Permissions. The following window will appear.

    permissions window
  4. Then click on the Advanced option.
    4 Ways To Open Command Prompt Window in a Folder In Windows 10 3
  5. After that, click on change at the top of the window
    4 Ways To Open Command Prompt Window in a Folder In Windows 10 4
  6. Type your username in “Enter the object name to select” and then click on the check name to validate that name.
    4 Ways To Open Command Prompt Window in a Folder In Windows 10 5
  7. Press Apply and then OK. When you are done with those Administrative modes in Group or user names of permissions for cmd window and tick Allow on Full control. Click Apply and then OK
    4 Ways To Open Command Prompt Window in a Folder In Windows 10 6
  8. Once you are done with it, click on HideBasedonVelocityID and rename it ShowBasedonVelocityId
    4 Ways To Open Command Prompt Window in a Folder In Windows 10 7
  9. Now when you click the Shift key and right click you will see the option “Open Command Window here
    4 Ways To Open Command Prompt Window in a Folder In Windows 10 8

This will permanently add “Open Command Window here” to the Windows Context menu. After editing the Registry, you will be able to open the command prompt by right clicking inside any folder and selecting “Open Command Window Here”.

Add Open Command Window Here using the REG file

This is basically the same method listed above. For your ease, we have created a REG file for all the actions mentioned above. You just have to download and run the REG file. It will automatically add the desired values inside the Windows Registry.

4 Ways To Open Command Prompt Window in a Folder In Windows 10 9  Add Open Command Window Here to Context Menu.reg (304 bytes, 20,246 hits)

If the value does not come after running this file, please try restarting Windows Explorer or the computer.

Open Command Prompt In A Folder Using Keyboard Shortcut?

If you are in a hurry then this is the easiest method of opening Command Prompt inside the folder. Just follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the required folder.
  2. The press Shift + right click mouse button anywhere in the folder window.
  3. Select the “Open command window here” option from the context menu.

Using CMD command in File Explorer to open Command Prompt Window

You can open a command prompt in any of your desired folder by using the file explorer location bar.

  1. Go to your desired folder and click on the location bar of Windows Explorer.
  2. Then type cmd and press Enter key.
  3. The command prompt will be opened in the folder.
    4 Ways To Open Command Prompt Window in a Folder In Windows 10 10

One drawback of this technique is that it will open the command prompt in the regular user privilege mode and not in the administrative mode. To open it in administrative mode:

Select Windows + R and type cmd.

Click Ctrl+Shift+Enter instead of just hitting enter to open the Command Prompt in administrative mode.

You can also open PowerShell window using the same technique. Just go to the folder and then type powershell in the File Explorer address bar. This will open PowerShell in the same folder location or path.

Add “Open Command Window Here” with Administrative privileges in the context menu

In order to “open Command Window here ” with administrative privileges you  can download the following file.

4 Ways To Open Command Prompt Window in a Folder In Windows 10 9  Open Command Window Here (Administrator) to context menu.reg (215 bytes, 12,183 hits)

This will add a context menu option for the admin command prompt.

How to get back Command Prompt in Win+X menu?

In order to change the Windows Powershell options with Command Prompt go to Settings –> Personalization –> Taskbar.  After that turn off the option of “Replace Command Prompt with Windows Powershell Option in the menu when i right click the start button or press Windows key +X”.

4 Ways To Open Command Prompt Window in a Folder In Windows 10 12

The Command Prompt still remains an important part of Windows Operating System and using the methods discussed above, you will be able to make productive use of your time by using shortcuts. What is your favorite method of running command prompt without typing in the folder paths?

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