Обновление service pack 2 для windows 7 64 bit

Download Windows 7 Service Pack 2 and install it on your computer without any problems. It is available for offline installation.

A set of updates known as Windows 7 Service Pack 2 may be downloaded and installed on Windows 7 machines. It is Windows 7’s second service pack, and it was made available in October 2009.

Service packs are offered to assist your machine in working with the most recent Microsoft upgrades and features. They also assist in resolving issues that could arise with the operating system.

Installing Windows 7 SP2 as quickly as possible is the best way to protect your computer against various threats to its security and other issues.

Size 475MB, 316MB
Name windows6.1-kb3125574-v4-x64
Released date July 22, 2009
Developed by Microsoft
License Freeware
Platform 32/64Bit
Update No future updates

? Safe & Secure

What are the Features and Benefits of Windows 7 SP2?

1. Microsoft’s Security Essentials Software

Windows 7 Service Pack 2 includes Microsoft’s Security Essentials software, which helps protect your PC from viruses and other malware. Microsoft recommends this antivirus software for all Windows users, so it’s great to see it included with the operating system.

2. Automatic Driver Updates

Windows Update automatically updates device drivers when you’re online instead of requiring you to download them manually. This feature can be helpful if you have older hardware or devices that newer drivers don’t support. However, if you prefer to manage your driver updates, you can disable automatic driver updates through Windows Update options in Control Panel.

3. Better Reliability for File History and System Restore

The reliability of File History and System Restore has dramatically improved in Windows 7 SP2. With this new service pack, you can now recover files from your desktop and documents folders even if they were deleted accidentally or were damaged by malware. You can also retrieve your system to a previous point in time if it becomes unstable or infected with viruses.

4. Improved Usability

Improved usability is one of the essential features of this service pack. It allows users to navigate different applications and find what they need quickly. For example, if you have multiple windows open, you can see them all at once on your screen. You may also decide to hide any that you are not currently using so that they do not occupy unnecessary screen space.

How To Install Windows 7 SP2?

1. Check to verify that your computer satisfies the minimal criteria for installing this service pack before you do so. You are running with Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 installed. You have at least 5 gigabytes worth of unused space on the disk that your operating system is stored on. You have the KB3020369 update installed.

2. To access the System and Security Options, select Control Panel from the Start menu’s drop-down list of programs, and then click the button that corresponds to the specific choice you want to make.

3. The following dialog box will display; choose the Windows Update option from inside, and then hit the button.

4. In Dialogue Box, Important updates are available. Click on that link.

5. If it is not displaying for you, you may check for changes by visiting the link that has been supplied.

6. After clicking the link, the Windows 7 Updates List will appear in the Service Pack 2 installation window.

7. Select the Service Pack 2 installation option before beginning the process. It is expected that installing the software will take anywhere from twenty to thirty minutes to finish.

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Windows 7 Service Pack 2 – Free Download & Install Guide

Everything you need to know about the roll up update

by Ivan Jenic

Passionate about all elements related to Windows and combined with his innate curiosity, Ivan has delved deep into understanding this operating system, with a specialization in drivers and… read more

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Reviewed by
Alex Serban

Alex Serban

After moving away from the corporate work-style, Alex has found rewards in a lifestyle of constant analysis, team coordination and pestering his colleagues. Holding an MCSA Windows Server… read more

  • The Windows 7 Service Pack 2 is a roll up update that contains all the previous updates in one package.
  • With it, you can install any update you have missed at once and only wait for future updates.

windows 7 service pack 2

The roll-up tool, Service Pack 2 for Windows 7, simultaneously installs all previously released updates for these systems.

The convenience rollup update contains all the patches from February 22, 2011 (the release date of Windows 7 Service Pack 1) to 12 April 2016.

When you download the tool, it will install all previous updates for Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, so you don’t have to install them one by one.

This update pack serves as a Service Pack 2 for Windows 7. It contains almost all previously released non-security updates for the system, released after Windows 7 SP1. The update is dubbed KB3020369.

You can check out the latest updates for Windows 7 from our constantly updated table:

KB number Release date Notes
KB4530692 December 10, 2019 Security-only update
KB4530734 December 10, 2019 Monthly Rollup
KB4525251 November 19, 2019 Preview of Monthly Rollup
KB4525233 November 12, 2019 Security-only update
KB4525235 November 12, 2019 Monthly Rollup
KB4519972 October 15, 2019 Preview of Monthly Rollup
KB4520003 October 8, 2019 Security-only update
KB4519976 October 8, 2019 Monthly Rollup
KB4524157 October 3, 2019 Monthly Rollup
KB4516048 September 24, 2019 Preview of Monthly Rollup
KB4516048 September 24, 2019 Preview of Monthly Rollup
KB4516033 September 10, 2019 Security-only update
KB4516065 September 10, 2019 Monthly Rollup
KB4512514 August 17, 2019 Preview of Monthly Rollup
KB4512486 August 13, 2019 Security-only update
KB4512506 August 13, 2019 Monthly Rollup
KB4507437 July 16, 2019 Preview of Monthly Rollup
KB4507456 July 9, 2019 Security-only update
KB4507449 July 9, 2019 Monthly Rollup
KB4503277 June 20, 2019 Preview of Monthly Rollup
KB4503269 June 11, 2019 Security-only update
KB4503292 June 11, 2019 Monthly Rollup
KB4499178 May 23, 2019 Preview of Monthly Rollup
KB4499175 May 14, 2019 Security-only update
KB4499164 May 14, 2019 Monthly Rollup
KB4493453 April 25, 2019 Preview of Monthly Rollup
KB4493448 April 9, 2019 Security-only update
KB4493472 April 9, 2019 Monthly Rollup
KB4489892 March 19, 2019 Preview of Monthly Rollup
KB4489885 March 12, 2019 Security-only update
KB4489878 March 12, 2019 Monthly Rollup
KB4486565 February 19, 2019 Preview of Monthly Rollup
KB4486564 February 12, 2019 Security-only update

Here’s what Microsoft said on releasing the rollup package for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1:

“This convenience rollup package, available to download from Microsoft Catalog, contains all the security and non-security fixes released since the release of Windows 7 SP1 that are suitable for general distribution, up through April 2016.  

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We have worked for the past 6 months on building a new review system on how we produce content. Using it, we have subsequently redone most of our articles to provide actual hands-on expertise on the guides we made.

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Install this one update, and then you only need new updates released after April 2016.

And since this update can be injected into Windows 7 SP1 media, it’s fully supported to mount a Windows 7 SP1 image (WIM file), then inject this update into it.  See https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd744559(v=ws.10).aspx for the details of how to do this.

This convenience update is completely optional; it doesn’t have to be installed and won’t even be offered via Windows Update — you can choose whether or not you want to use it.

We hope that you find this convenience rollup package useful. This same convenience rollup also applies to Windows Server 2008 R2.”

What is Windows monthly quality rollup?

Besides showing us this ‘convenience rollup tool,’ Microsoft also introduced the idea of monthly rollups.

Monthly rollups are released at the end of each month and will contain all non-security updates for Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 released during that month.

Monthly rollups are offered to users through Windows Update, WSUS, SCCM, and Windows Update Catalog.

Read more about this topic

  • Are Windows 11 Product Keys Backward Compatible?
  • Windows 7 Simulator: How to Run & Test the OS Online
  • Internet Explorer Not Opening? 7 Ways to Quickly Fix it

Another way of forcing people to upgrade to Windows 10?

We’ve reached the point where every Microsoft action related to Windows 7 or 8.1 is recognized as another attempt to force people to upgrade to Windows 10.

While it does not necessarily have to be true in this case, some facts point out the opposite.

With the convenience rollup tool, Microsoft will install absolutely every previously released update to Windows 7 or 8.1, including updates designed to push to Windows 10 upgrade!

As users have no control over which updates are installed and have to install everything, avoiding these updates is impossible.

We’re sure this wasn’t Microsoft’s primary goal when releasing KB3020369, as the main purpose is to deliver missed updates and save people’s time and effort.

On the other hand, Microsoft is aware that the new tool installs Windows 10-related updates, and it surely doesn’t mind that.

Also, Microsoft will end the extended support for Windows 7 on January 14, 2020, so it does seem that the company is somehow forcing people to upgrade to Windows 10.

What do you think, is the new rollup tool just a way for people to keep their systems updated, or another Microsoft’s well-camouflaged effort to force people to upgrade to Windows 10? Tell us in the comments.

Below are the Windows 7 Service Pack 2 (SP2) download links for 64 bit and 32 bit PCs:

  • KB3020369 for Windows 7 64-bit
  • KB3020369 for Windows 7 32-bit

Windows 7 End of Support

Important Note: Microsoft will officially end mainstream Windows 7 support on January 14, 2020. In other words, your Windows 7 PC will no longer receive software and security updates.

Your device will function normally, but the risk of getting infected with malware increases exponentially. However, if you still want to use Windows 7 after January 2020, open this guide to learn how you can keep using the OS indefinitely.

On the other hand, business users running Windows 7 Enterprise and Windows 7 Pro can benefit from Extended Security Updates until January 2023.  To learn more about Windows 7’s ESU, you can check out this in-depth guide.

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Главная » 2016 » Май » 20 » SP2 на Windows 7, обновление KB3125574

Всем привет, Microsoft выпустила новое
кумулятивное обновление для операционных систем Windows 7 Service Pack 1
(32bit и 64bit) и Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (64bit). Чисто
формально обещание, данное в 2012-м году, выполнено: данный пакет
обновлений называется не Service Pack 2, а «Convenience rollup update for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1». Номер обновления — KB3125574. Но уж очень сильно данный пакет похож на SP2. Он не качается через Windows Update, имеет в наборе много очень важных обновлений и скачать его можно только через IE.

Данное обновление недоступно в автоматическом режиме в Windows Update, для его установки необходимо вручную загрузить программный пакет. Нужно учесть, что Microsoft поступила в своём стиле: предыдущая  ссылка работает только в браузере Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Размер загружаемого обновления составляет 316 Мбайт для 32-битной
редакции Windows 7 и 477 Мбайт для 64-битных редакций Windows 7 и
Windows Server 2008 R2.

учесть, что данный пакет не включает в себя некоторые ранее выпущенные
«заплатки», а также могут возникать некоторые проблемы при его

Скачать SP2 для Windows 7

Вот что исправляет данный пакет (выделил самые важные для обычных пользователей, перевод с оф.сайта):

2620264 Ошибка неудачи запуска любых приложений RemoteApp под управлением Windows Server 2008 или более поздней версии сервера терминалов, или шлюза удаленных рабочих столов
2646060 Доступно обновление, которое выборочно отключает функцию парковки ядра в Windows 7 или Windows Server 2008 R2
2647954 Ошибка если не отображается диалоговое окно PIN-кода или представлены не все сертификаты в хранилище при попытке доступа к серверу WebDAV в Windows 7 или Windows Server 2008 R2
2663685 Изменения, которые не реплицируются на нижестоящих серверах теряются на вышестоящий сервер после автоматического восстановления выполняется в среде репликации DFS в Windows Server 2008 R2
2695321 Ускорение сеанса IPsec, теперь это занимает 5-6 минут для подключения контроллера хранилища на компьютере под управлением Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 или Windows Server 2008 R2
2727994 Ошибка при которой не удается открыть или сохранить документы Office 2010 на файловом сервере WebDAV на компьютере с системой Windows 7 или Windows Server 2008 R2
2728738 Ошибка которая возникает во время входа в систему, при попытке входа в систему под управлением Windows 7 или под управлением Windows Server 2008 R2 клиентского компьютера, использующие мобильные профили
2750841 Полноценная поддержка IPv6, доступна для Windows 7 и Windows Server 2008 R2
2752259 Доступно обновление, повышающее производительность средство командной строки Printbrm.exe в Windows 7 или Windows Server 2008 R2
2891144 Стабилизация работы интерфейса сеансов удаленных рабочих Столов в Windows Server 2008 R2 с пакетом обновления 1

2898851 Описание обновления безопасности для платформа.NET Framework 3.5.1 в Пакет обновления 1 для Windows 7 и Windows Server 2008 R2 Пакет обновления 1 2898851
2907020 «Местоположение недоступно» Ошибка при доступе к подключенному сетевому диску, после ожидания Windows или возобновления работы
2918833 Исправлена ошибка сторонних редакторов IME, они не дают незащищенный доступ пользователей к системе под управлением Windows 7 или Windows Server 2008 R2
2923766 Исправлена ошибка черный экран при подключении монитора на компьютере, или открытия крышки портативного компьютера, на котором выполняется в Windows
2925489 Исправлена ошибка при которой не удается установить подключение IPsec с некоторых устройств сторонних производителей в Windows
2990184 Исправлена ошибка при которой не удается сохранить FIPS-совместимых пароль восстановления в Доменных службах Active Directory для BitLocker в Windows 7 или Windows Server 2008 R2
2781512 Исправлен сбой операции WinRM, Hyper-V на компьютере под управлением Windows 7 с пакетом обновления 1 или Windows Server 2008 R2 с пакетом обновления 1, установлен Windows Management Framework 3.0
2823180 Обновление для Windows Management Framework 3.0 в Windows 7 с пакетом обновления 1, Windows Server 2008 R2 с пакетом обновления 1 или Windows Server 2008 SP2
2802886 Исправлена ошибка при которой не удается зарегистрировать имя участника службы в Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2 или клиентский компьютер под управлением Windows Server 2012 в не пересекающихся в пространстве имен
2842230 Исправлена ошибка «Недостаточно памяти» на компьютере, который установил настраиваемые квоты MaxMemoryPerShellMB и установил WMF 3.0
2887064 Исправлен процесс запуска, игнорирует командной строки «-ожидания» параметр когда командная строка запускается удаленно на компьютере Windows 7 с пакетом обновления 1, Windows Server 2008 R2 с пакетом обновления 1, Windows Vista с пакетом обновления 2 или Windows Server 2008 SP2, установлен Windows Management Framework 3.0
2889748 Исправлено использование памяти процессом Svchost.exe после установки Windows Management Framework 3.0 на компьютере под управлением Windows
2830615 $MyInvocation.MyCommand имеет значение null, при запуске сценария с помощью PowerShell 3.0 в Windows 8 или Windows Server 2012

Этот накопительный пакет также не включают обновления для обозревателя Internet Explorer. Если требуется обслуживания обновления для обозревателя Internet Explorer, можно загрузить и установить последнее обновление безопасности для обозревателя Internet Explorer.

занимает примерно 15 минут ( на системе Intel Core i5-2500, 16 Гбайт DDR3-1600, SSD Crucial  240 Гбайт), в ходе которых производится две перезагрузки.
Версия семерки не меняется: «сборка 7601, Service Pack 1».

Видео по установке SP2 на Windows 7:


У кого не будет получаться скачать обновы через IE, вот прямые ссылки (могут перестать работать в любое время):

  • windows6.1-kb3125574-v4-x86 (для Windows 7 SP1 x86);
  • windows6.1-kb3125574-v4-x64 (для Windows 7 SP1 x86-64 и Windows Server 2008 R2 x86-64).
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

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Просмотров: 339584 |

| Теги: SP2, установить, Обновление, кумулятивное обновление, KB3125574, скачать, Windows 7, Windows Update
| Рейтинг: 3.9/27

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  • Windows 7 Service Pack 2 Download and Install (64-bit/32-bit)

By Daisy | Follow |
Last Updated

Although now Microsoft has ended the support for Windows 7, there are still some Windows 7 users who want to download Windows 7 Service Pack 2. This post from MiniTool provides a detailed guide.

Windows 7 Service Pack 2

There is a set of updates called Windows 7 Service Pack 2, which was launched in April 2016. It is Windows 7’s second service pack, and the first one is Windows 7 Service Pack 1.  Windows 7 Service Pack 2 is a rollup update that includes all essential updates released by Microsoft after 2011 in one package.

Features of Windows 7 Service Pack 2:

  • Windows 7 Service Pack 2 includes Microsoft’s Security Essentials software, which helps protect your PC from viruses and other malware.
  • Windows Update automatically updates device drivers while you are online without requiring you to download them manually.
  • The reliability of File History and System Restore has been significantly improved in Windows 7 SP2. You can now recover files from your Desktop and Documents folders, even if they are accidentally deleted or corrupted by malware.


Tip: Microsoft ended support for Windows 7 ends on January 14, 2020. It’s recommended to you use the latest Windows operating system – Windows 11 to continue receiving security updates from Microsoft.

Whether you choose still to use Windows 7 or upgrade to Windows 11, you had better back up your Windows operating system regularly to prevent your important data from losing. You can try MiniTool ShadowMaker, a professional backup program, to finish the task. It supports Windows 11, 10, 8,7, etc.

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Windows 7 Service Pack 2 Download and Install

Before downloading and installing Windows 7 Service Pack 2, you should make sure your PC meets the below requirements:

  • Your PC is running Windows 7 SP1.
  • There is at least 5 GB of free space available on your system disk.
  • Your PC has installed KB3020369.

How to get Windows 7 Service Pack 2 download? The following is a full guide. 

Step 1: Go to the  Microsoft Update Catalog official website.

Step 2: Search for KB3020369. Select the Download link that corresponds to your version of Windows 7. 

download KB3020369

Step 3: Double-click the double-click the file, and follow the on-screen instructions.

Step 4: Then, go to the Start menu > Control Panel.

Step 5: Go to System and Security > Windows Update > Check for updates.

click Check for updates

Step 6: If any important updates are found, select the link to view available updates.

Step 7: Click Install updates and follow the on-screen instructions to install Windows 7 Service Pack 2.


Note: Remember, since Microsoft isn’t calling this update a service pack, the version number listed in System Properties will remain Windows 7 SP1.

Final Words

How to get Windows 7 Service Pack 2 manual download? How to install Windows 7 Service Pack 2? This post provides detailed steps for you.

About The Author


Position: Columnist

Having been an editor at MiniTool since graduating college as an English major, Daisy specializes in writing about data backups, disk cloning, and file syncing as well as general computer knowledge and issues. In her free time, Daisy enjoys running and going with friends to the amusement park.

The following article is about Windows 7 Service Pack 2 download and steps on how to integrates into Windows 7 service packs one iso.

windows 7 service pack 1 update

Whenever users perform a clean installation of Windows 7 operating system on their machine, even the installation media they’re using already merged with SP1, it takes lots of time (ages I guess) to download and install all the essentials security fixes and updates. The primary reason why lots of users avoid installation of Win 7 SP 1, especially when the users have genuine Windows 7 ISO or installation media.


When users perform a clean installation of Windows 7 using genuine installation media, the system starts downloading all the security updates and fixes released by Microsoft after 2011. It’s because Windows 7 was first launched in the same year. If you don’t know about the release date of Windows 7, then it is February 22, 2011

By doing this, the operating system not only consumes lots of data in GBs, but you have to make various system reboots to update the system.

please do not power off or unplug your machine installing update

This is an annoying issue and Windows 7 users looking for an update from Microsoft in the form of Windows 7 Service Packs 2 so that they can install it on a single go.

To deal with this situation, the software giant comes up with a solution named as Convenience Rollup Package for Windows 7 SP1, the latest service pack for windows 7, and people also called it Windows 7 SP 2

What is Convenience Rollup Package for Windows 7 SP1?

It is a service pack 2 for Windows 7 which has all the critical security fixes and updates for core components required for the proper functioning of the Windows OS. This is the update released by Microsoft after Windows 7 SP1.

The Convenience Rollup update package for Windows 7 is a cumulative update which means after you install this update, there is no need to download and install all the pending updates released up to 2018. The update is released by Microsoft under the ID name KB3125574. It acts as a Windows 7 Standalone update

The Window Service Pack 2 has all the essential updates which Microsoft has released after 2011.

The Convenience Rollup update (ID – KB3125574) is optional for those users running up to date Windows 7 operating system on their machine. Since all the critical security updates and fixes are already installed on the computer via Windows Update, and you don’t need to install them again.

Minimum Requirement to Get Windows 7 SP2 Download

To get convenience rollup update (KB3125574) users are required to install service stack update 2015 (KB3020369) for Windows 7 on your machine.

Download Convenience Rollup update (Win 7 SP2)

Windows 7 users can easily download convenience rollup update (KB3125573) on their machines from Windows Update Catalog.

To grab the update, you’re required to launch any web browser (Recommended – Edge and Internet Explorer) and open this link in the browser (Download Windows 7 Convenience rollup).

On this page, you will find three different links to download convenience roll-up update. You can click on the download button to grab one that meets your system requirements.

In case, you need direct links to download Windows 7 convenience rollup update; then I also managed to get those for you. Following are the direct download links:

  • Convenience Rollup Package (Windows 7 Service Pack 2 Download 32-Bit)
  • Convenience Rollup Package (Windows 7 Service Pack 2 Download 64-Bit)

Also, if you want to the direct links to download Windows 7 KB3020369 update, the following are links:

  • KB3020369 for Windows 7 64-bit
  • KB3020369 for Windows 7 32-bit

Once you have installed Convenience Rollup Package update a.k.a Windows 7 SP2 after performing clean installation of Windows 7, then you don’t have to install security updates and fixes which company provided after the day Windows 7 SP1 update was released.

That’s it!

Also, if you want to merge Windows 7 Convenience rollup into Windows 7 SP1 iso image; then you can also do that. These steps will help you in creating following iso images:

  • Windows 7 Service Pack 2 Download 64-bit iso
  • Windows 7 service pack 2 download 32-bit iso

Merge Windows 7 Convenience Rollup update into SP1 ISO

The users can install the CR update directly after installing the Windows Services Pack 2 and KB3020369, still interested users can re-create installation media and integrate Windows 7 Convenience Rollup into SP1 ISO for future purposes. Here is what you need to do:

1. Firstly, create a new folder and copy the Windows 7 SP1 setup media files into it. It can be like C:\ISO\Win7SP1

2. Launch Elevated Command Prompt. Learn how to do that.

3. In the CMD terminal, you need to copy and paste the following command:

Dism /Get-WIMInfo /WimFile:C:\ISO\Win7SP1\sources\install.wim

4. Now you need to mount the offline Windows image. For that, you need to execute the following command:

Dism /Mount-WIM /WimFile:C:\ISO\Win7SP1\sources\install.wim /Name:”Windows 7 Professional” /MountDir:C:\ISO\unpacked

Once you run the above command, it will mount the Win 7 SP1 edition files to the folder named as C:\ISO\unpacked.

Make sure the following folder must exist on the system or correct the path.

5. Now you need to integrate KB3020369 update for Windows 7. For that, you need to type the following command:

For KB3020369 update for Windows 7 64-bit

Dism /Image:C:\ISO\unpacked /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\packages\Windows6.1-KB3020369-x64.msu

For KB3020369 update for Windows 7 32-bit

Dism /Image:C:\ISO\unpacked /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\packages\Windows6.1-KB3020369-x86.msu

Note: If required, then you can also correct the file names and paths. I’m using the file names and paths just like on my system.

6. To integrate KB3125574 package into Windows 7 ISO image, then you need to execute following commands:

For 32-bit Windows 7 Service Pack 1, run the following command:

Dism /Image:C:\ISO\unpacked /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\packages\windows6.1-kb3125574-v4-x86_ba1ff5537312561795cc04db0b02fbb0a74b2cbd.msu

For 64-bit Windows 7 Service Pack 1, run the following command:

Dism /Image:C:\ISO\unpacked /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\packages\windows6.1-kb3125574-v4-x64_2dafb1d203c8964239af3048b5dd4b1264cd93b9.msu

Note: If required, then you can also correct the file names and paths. I’m using the file names and paths just like on my system.

7. Once done with integration, you need to execute the final command to apply the changes and unmount the WIN7 iso image. Here is the command you need to run:

Dism /Unmount-WIM /MountDir:C:\ISO\unpacked /Commit

You’re done.

Note: In the above tutorial, used Windows 7 Professional edition to create an iso image of Windows 7 SP2 for pro edition. Using the same steps, you can also create iso for other editions like:

  • Windows 7 Home Premium Download Service Pack 2 iso
  • Windows 7 Professional Download Service pack 2 iso
  • Windows 7 Enterprise Download Service Pack 2 bit iso

In case, you’re expecting Service Pack 3 download for Windows 7, then we would like to tell that you that it’s impossible because Microsoft has officially announced that they will no longer release updates.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Question – How many service packs for Windows 7
  • Answer – Officially, the company has released a single service package Called Windows 7 Service Pack One on February 22, 2011. Later, they rolled out Convenience rollup” for Windows 7 a.k.a Windows 7 Service Pack Two in May 2016. This single package combines all previously released updates from the release of SP1 to April 2016
  • Question – What is the latest SP for Windows 7
  • Answer – Convenience rollup for Windows 7 a.k.a Windows 7 Service Pack Two is the unofficial service pack available for Windows 7.
  • Question – Is there a Service Pack 2 for Windows 7 64 bit?
  • Answer – Yes, but Microsoft call it call it Convenience rollup, instead of Service Pack 2.
  • Question – What is the difference between Windows 7 Service Pack 1 and 2?
  • Answer – Windows 7 Service Pack 1 contains Security and Performance updates to protect your operating system till 2011 from the date of release. On the other hand, Windows 7 Service Pack 2 contains all the security and performance updates till April 2016.
  • Question – Is there a Windows 7 SP3 Download Available?
  • Answer – There is no Service Pack 3 for Windows 7. In case, if the company ever plans to release it, then we will update it.

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