NVIDIA GeForce 8400M GT (Sony VAIO)
(14 ноя 2016)
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Windows Vista
NVIDIA GeForce 8400M GT (Sony VAIO)
(14 ноя 2016)
Файл *.inf:
Windows Vista
В каталоге нет драйверов для NVIDIA GeForce 8400M GT (Sony VAIO) под Windows.
Скачайте DriverHub для автоматического подбора драйвера.
Драйверы для NVIDIA GeForce 8400M GT (Sony VAIO) собраны с официальных сайтов компаний-производителей и других проверенных источников.
Официальные пакеты драйверов помогут исправить ошибки и неполадки в работе NVIDIA GeForce 8400M GT (Sony VAIO) (видеокарты).
Скачать последние версии драйверов на NVIDIA GeForce 8400M GT (Sony VAIO) для компьютеров и ноутбуков на Windows.
На данной странице ниже есть ссылки, чтобы скачать последние бесплатные драйверы для видеокарты NVidia GeForce 8400M GT, которая входит в серию GeForce 8M (Notebooks). Файлы взяты с официального сайта и подходят для: Windows 7, 10, 8, 8.1, XP, Vista 32/64-bit (x86/x64).
Для удобства выбора нужного драйвера ниже указана версия вашей Windows и ее разрядность («битность»).
Ваш компьютер работает на:
- Скачать (286.79 МБ / версия 341.96 (GeForce 341.96 Driver) / дата выпуска 16.08.2016)
- Windows 7 32-bit
- Windows 8 32-bit
- Windows 8.1 32-bit
- Скачать (340.45 МБ / версия 341.96 (GeForce 341.96 Driver) / дата выпуска 17.08.2016)
- Windows 7 64-bit
- Windows 8 64-bit
- Windows 8.1 64-bit
- Скачать (286.79 МБ / версия 341.96 (GeForce 341.96 Driver) / дата выпуска 17.08.2016)
Для Windows 10 32-bit
- Скачать (340.45 МБ / версия 341.96 (GeForce 341.96 Driver) / дата выпуска 17.08.2016)
Для Windows 10 64-bit
- Скачать (149.23 МБ / версия 307.83 (GeForce 307.83 Driver) / дата выпуска 26.02.2013)
Для Windows XP 32-bit
- Скачать (185.23 МБ / версия 307.83 (GeForce 307.83 Driver) / дата выпуска 26.02.2013)
Для Windows XP 64-bit
- Скачать (173.96 МБ / версия 307.83 (GeForce 307.83 Driver) / дата выпуска 26.02.2013)
Для Windows Vista 32-bit
- Скачать (222.14 МБ / версия 307.83 (GeForce 307.83 Driver) / дата выпуска 26.02.2013)
Для Windows Vista 64-bit
Помогли с поиском? Пожалуйста, лайкните или проголосуйте!
Запасной вариант — получите драйверы с помощью программы GeForce Experience
Данный вариант удобен тем, что GeForce Experience сама подберет и загрузит последние рабочие драйверы, которые подходят для вашей видеокарты Nvidia и под вашу версию Windows. Программа создана компанией Nvidia, ссылку на скачивания взята с ее официального сайта.
- Установите и запустите программу.
- Нажмите на вкладку «Драйверы», которая находится в меню сверху.
- Кликните на кнопку «Проверить наличие обновлений».
- Если драйверы устаревшие или их нет, то появиться уведомление о наличии обновления. Кликните на кнопку «Загрузить».
- После окончания загрузки нажмите на кнопку «Экспресс-установка» и установите драйвер.
No guarantees as Windows 7 64-bit is not supported by Sony on your model — but I would try the following drivers: —
nVidia Graphics Driver 64-bit from the Windows 7 downloads for the VGN-AW11Z from here: —
I know the AW11Z has the 9600M chip but I would expect it to install.
The memory card drivers are not OS dependent so you just need a 64-bit Texas Instruments Memory Card Driver. Sony have made someunofficial Vista 64-bit drivers available. I think you need Download: EP0000140007.zip from here: —
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First let me say; GOD I hate Sony. To plan on offering no Windows 7 drivers for my laptop is ridiculous! Can anyone point me to a driver for my model #VGN-FZ290CTO laptop that they know will work with Windows 7? Can’t really afford to buy a new laptop.
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Guest Shawe
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First let me say; GOD I hate Sony. To plan on offering no Windows 7 drivers for my laptop is ridiculous! Can anyone point me to a driver for my model #VGN-FZ290CTO laptop that they know will work with Windows 7? Can’t really afford to buy a new laptop.
Same problem for me with VGN-FZ38M, in Sony Vaio website say that drivers for Windows Vista must be work. Maybe with Windows 7 32bits, but NOT with 64bits that Sony don’t provide.
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Guest random_guest
Guest Bob
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you can either use official drivers from sony site, though a little tricky to find:
or use any of the newer drivers listed in this site. The 19*.** versions on this site work fine for me.
Can anyone point me to the exact driver that they knows works for the GEForce 8400M GT in a Vaio. Would hate to upgrade to 7 then not be able to find a driver. I that happenss is there a way to roll back to vista or??
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Guest tderouet
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Can anyone point me to the exact driver that they knows works for the GEForce 8400M GT in a Vaio. Would hate to upgrade to 7 then not be able to find a driver. I that happenss is there a way to roll back to vista or??
I have exactly the same trouble. The right answer from MS is to setup again your computer with Vista especially with Sony Disc Recovery and after that you will have to apply all the patch (SP1 + SP2) and then you will be able to setup 7 without any trouble. I hate this kind of answer. To my point of view i will try with 7 64 and drivers for Vista 64 bits designed for VAIO.
I hope we will find a better solution
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You can find drivers in this section. Read the guide/FAQ on how to install modified drivers.
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Guest William
- 4 weeks later…
Guest pavlos koukoulomatis
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First let me say; GOD I hate Sony. To plan on offering no Windows 7 drivers for my laptop is ridiculous! Can anyone point me to a driver for my model #VGN-FZ290CTO laptop that they know will work with Windows 7? Can’t really afford to buy a new laptop.
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- 8 months later…
Guest sicktodeath
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Sony are a total waste of time as far as looking after their customers, not only have the pulled the plug on my satnav, but now I have loaded Windows 7(64bit) onto my laptop VGN-NR38S I find I cannot update my graphics driver, heres one customer who will never buy another sony product.
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I have a Sony VGN-AR870 that I upgraded to Windows 7 x64 and there is no driver for it either, you can use any of the WHQL drivers from MS Update (197.45, 198.01, 198.05, 257.41, etc.) or if you want the very latest you can use a modded INF from this site
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OS: Windows 7 32bit drivers
I upgraded my OS from vista to win7 but not able to fix the nvidia drivers upgrade, nvidia was working fine in Vista but its not picking up its software drivers in current OS i.e. win7 x32.
I tried to search out and downloaded some versions from Nvidia website (E.G. 186.81 270.61 275.33 280.26 285.38 285.79 285.62 101.19 101.70 181.72 270.61 101.19 97.59 176.60 259.93 etc etc) but none of them detected according to my hardware, tried lot of nvidia drivers versions but their .exe files are not working and saying conflict with hardware installed on my notebook.
following errors coming up whereever i try these versions.
«The Nvidia setup program could not locate any drivers that are compatible with your current hardware. Setup will now exit«
«the graphics driver could not find compatible graphics hardware»
Please help out…………………..
Please if someone can give me a link for my suitable version of win7 (32 bit) plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Many Thanks.