Nox синий экран windows 10

If you encountered the BSoD problem after update Windows 10 to 1809/1903, please try the following method.

  1. Open “Control Panel” > “Programs” > “Turn Windows features on or off” to turn off the Hyper-V and Windows SandBox.

2. Disable Hyper-V

i) Copy the existing boot option settings

Run the “Command Prompt” as administrator

Execute the command “bcdedit /copy {default} /d “Windows Without Hyper-V

ii) Turn off Hypervisor

Copy the ID generated in step 1, then execute the command “bcdedit /set {ID from Step 1} hypervisorlaunchtype off

After all these processes, reboot your computer at least 2 times to make the settings take effect.

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Йон Эрби

нужно включить виртуализацию в биос
и попробовать разные версии блюстакса
и конечно же его устанавливать автоматом на диск С


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Это невероятно тупо, но программа делает папку по умолчанию диск D. Во первых как ты вообще это понял, во вторых спасибо за помошь, теперь работает


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Йон Эрби

да у самого не работало когда ставил на другой диск, там справа можно выбрать в мелком шрифте, который почти не видно


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у мнея не работает помоги врубаю эмулятор просит включить VT и потом синий экран смерти


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Йон Эрби

значит надо включить виртуализацию, смотри как в Гугле (в Биос) (у всех обычно свое меню Биоса, посмотри пример по своей матплате или ноуту(?))
некоторые эмуляторы сами врубают или вырубают, или тогда попробуй другую версию эмулятора)


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Art Sc

Так. А зачем оно надо?
При таком железе, разве недостаточно хорошо будет работать WSA?
P.S. Просто интересно


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Да и про WSA слышу впервые если честно)


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Art Sc

А ну тогда понятно. Можно в WSA не лезть


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Первое что в голову пришло, просто дичь какую-то проверить решил, парится не хотел


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Art Sc

Так WSA же в этом плане еще большая дичь. Установить в систему Android приложение, норм же.
Я себе поставил уже PlayMarket, VK Музыку и переводчик Microsoft. Автономно сохранил пару языков, загрузил несколько плейлистов, с треками из Gothic и Age of Wonders. Прикольно было)


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Можешь включить дампы памяти при бсод и попробовать подробнее глянуть причину (сервис)


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Можешь попробовать AVD, если Bluestacks совсем не пойдёт – он идёт вместе с Android Studio


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Go to noxappplayer


NoxPlayer is a free Android emulator dedicated to bring the best experience for users to play Android games and apps on PC. It has the highest compatibility and fluency of almost every apps and games.



So I have installed and reinstalled nox player on my new laptop. On my old laptop I had nox and it was just fine and I could play many games so obviously I’m planning to re get it. I install it and when it’s finally done I click the nox icon. It’s loading up pretty fine until it blue screened me. I thought something just went wrong so I tried opening it up again after my laptop restarted. The same thing. I reinstall it thinking some things weren’t properly installed only for the same thing to happen when I open it up. I’ve looked into this and some people say Avast! Stops it from loading but I don’t have that and I’ve tried disabling hyper v launcher to no avail. I’d love to play again and if snoyone knows an answer to this problem I would be very grateful to hear a response. Thanks in advance


77k times

today after i got an update of avast i could not launch any android emulator anymore (Bluestacks 3 and NOX). When i try to launch an emulator after like 80-90% of the engine loading of the emulator nothing happens then i get a messagge of the emulator that the engine could not launche and it gives me 2 options (restart engine or restart computer) both will get my sistem to crash and i get a blue screen with errorcode 0x00000667 (not sure if i miss a 0). I already tried to disable the antivirus and to retry but got the same problem, i reinstall the android emulator but got the same result. And worst of my problems are that my computer didn’t had the file protection active to restore to an prewvie point, so im stuck now and i prefer not to reset my whole computer. Any suggestion what could i do? im really in trouble here and i hope this is the right place to ask for my problem.

  • windows
  • android-emulator
  • blue-screen-of-death

asked Oct 4, 2017 at 16:52

Franco Asole's user avatar

Franco AsoleFranco Asole

1231 gold badge1 silver badge4 bronze badges


  • Ok, i solve it alone xD after avast updated it activates me 2 things Service reputation and CyberCapture (not sure if the names are the same in english, im from italy btw) and after deactivating this 2 options now it runs smothly like it did before. I hope this can help someone in the future with my same problem.

    Oct 4, 2017 at 17:27

  • I got the same problem today so unchecking the 2 things mentioned didn’t solve my problem, i uninstalled avast and now it works so i guess it was avast fault

    Oct 5, 2017 at 11:40

9 Answers

Turning off hyper-v in your pc will fix the problem. Run the CMD in administrative mode and run this command bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off.

Jawand Singh's user avatar

Jawand Singh

1,9281 gold badge24 silver badges21 bronze badges

answered Mar 9, 2018 at 7:16

Sadhurshan's user avatar


2492 silver badges3 bronze badges


  • Also, if «Virtual Machine Platform» is off, try turning that on in Control Panel->Turn Windows features on or off.

    Jul 14, 2019 at 14:45

  • Should we enable it again after we’re done with the emulator?

    Nov 13, 2019 at 9:25

  • This fixed my problem

    May 21, 2020 at 19:34

  • It’s the problem. take me 5 hours of efforts

    May 26, 2020 at 9:14

  • After running this command, restarting and attempting to launch an emulator via Android Studio, I get an error in Android Studio that HAXM is not installed. :(

    Jun 21, 2021 at 20:14

Jawand Singh's user avatar

Jawand Singh

1,9281 gold badge24 silver badges21 bronze badges

answered Jun 29, 2018 at 1:58

Saiful Azhar's user avatar


  • Virtualization is Hyper-V virtualization isn’t it? What differences between your virtualization (Step1) and hyper-v virtualization?

    Jun 29, 2018 at 2:23

  • I guess Saiful meant the bios/UEFI setting for virtualization in step one

    Sep 19, 2018 at 5:49

  • I had to do steps 1. and 2. (don’t forget to restart PC), then upgrade HAXM and download another/fresh Android System Image.

    Aug 6, 2020 at 9:29

Run the CMD in administrative mode and run this command bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off.

answered Jun 20, 2019 at 23:14

Mahmoud Gamal's user avatar

I had the same problem.
Run the CMD in administrative mode and run command
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off.

But just this step didn’t work.

As a second step, I checked whether Intel X86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM installer) is installed on the SDK Manager > SDK Tools. I saw the «update available» and updated it.

Problem is solved.

answered Mar 18, 2021 at 11:00

Gulsah D's user avatar

answered Oct 12, 2017 at 15:55

sandsawks's user avatar


  • Your URL is about Avast slows down BlueStacks, but not about BSOD.

    Mar 13, 2018 at 12:09

  • Irregardless of the title, the steps still resolved the issue of the application crashing. Avast was certainly conflicting with bluestacks. I have since moved off of that anti-virus and use bitdefender and I have no issue with blue stacks anymore. I live stream in on youtube almost every night.

    Mar 14, 2018 at 16:53

disable hyper-v and restart then open nox try again in windows 10 disable
Press Windows key.
Type «Turn Windows features on or off»
Deselect checkbox next to Hyper-V.
Select OK.
Select Restart now.

answered Feb 12, 2019 at 1:13

Chainrocker's user avatar

Never expected that this would work, but it worked for my good old fasion i7-2600k which does not support VT but has Hardware acceleration.

  1. Make sure Hyper-V is disabled in Windows Features

  2. Uninstall NoxPlayer (probably similar to Bluestacks)

  3. Disable Hardware Acceleration in your BIOS

  4. Install NoxPlayer, do a first run with an emulator.

  5. Restart and enable Hardware Acceleration in your BIOS again to improve performance.


answered Aug 12, 2019 at 21:08

CularBytes's user avatar


9,9648 gold badges76 silver badges101 bronze badges

The problem can easily be solve by using following steps:

  • Turn off battery saver mode if it ON.
  • Close the bluestack application.
  • Open task manager or Press Ctrl+shift+Esc and end all Background process with bluestack.
    (The 3-4 process are

    • Bluestack 4
    • Bluestack Agent
    • Bluestack Android host
    • Bluestack Server Interface
  • Close all applications.
  • Restart the bluestack application.

answered Jul 17, 2020 at 6:02

Mayuresh Khemnar's user avatar

I also faced the same issue on my new spec: R5 5600X on MSI B550M.

This is how i solved it:

  1. Uninstall windows updates: Didn’t Work.
  2. Enable SVM(Must be enabled anyway): Didn’t Work.
  3. Refresh Windows(Download from Cloud): Worked :)

answered Mar 28, 2021 at 4:34

Rugstokas's user avatar

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  1. admin

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    You may be searching for this if you are trying to install Bluestacks & NoX App Player on Windows 10 and getting BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) error. If you have Windows 10 Anniversary update, chances are high that you may get a Blue Screen error while installing new Bluestacks & NoX App player. There is a simple fix and your installation will be done within seconds! There is nothing serious about this. Just one setting and you are done. In this article, we will discuss the settings which you have to make on your Windows 10 in order to install Bluestacks & NoX App Player.

    Blue Screen error appears when we try to install the Bluestacks & NoX App Playerin Windows 10. It occurs mostly on Windows 10 Anniversary update PCs. So if you have Windows 10 Anniversary update, you may get this error. You may be searching for this error and many other sources give different solutions which don’t work. Here, we are giving you the simple and straight solution which the official Bluestacks & NoX App Player suggests. So check this out.

    Fix Bluestacks & NoX App Player Windows 10 BSOD Error

    • Assuming that you already downloaded the Bluestacks & NoX App Player executable file. If not, then download the latest Bluestacks & NoX App Playerand keep it on your desktop. Do not install now. Just save it in any directory.
    • Now right click on your Windows start button.
    • Click on “Control Panel”.


    • After that click on “Programs”. See below image.


    • Inside Programs, you may get many options. Click on “Turn Windows features on or off”.


    • You will get a new window. There will be an option called “Hyper-V”.
    • Uncheck that option. The BSOD error is generating because of this. You can enable it again in future if you need.


    • After uncheck, click on “OK”. It will take some time to save.
    • After saving the settings, restart your PC.
    • Now try installing your Bluestacks & NoX App Playerby double clicking on the Bluestacks & NoX App Player installer file.

    That’s it. Now your Bluestacks & NoX App Player will complete the installation process without throwing any error!

    This error was generating because the Window’s Hyper-V and Bluestacks & NoX App Player were conflicting. Hyper-V is the component for virtualization. If you use VMware also, then you have to enable it again after installing Bluestacks & NoX App Player because VMware won’t work without Hyper V. Bluestacks & NoX App Player will find the solution for this in the upcoming update. So do not worry, it will be fixed permanently soon.


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