Transfer files, access and update the Nokia phone»
Are you a Nokia fan? Do you want to download an application which will give you all the support when it comes to the effective functioning of the mobile device? It is a complete set which comes as a tester, checker, repair as well update functions. This is a tool which comes in handy to help in data management of the application. It is a tool which also supports multiple IMEI reader- which is a special phone identification tool.
This is a plug and uses application which comes in handy to aid in the functioning of this application. The interface is simple with all the function available in just a single window. In fact, you can un various update functions within this tool to ensure the function run smoothly and are updated. You can access data using this application which includes images, photos, videos and music files of any file format.
Just in case you are stuck, you can as well use the support function within this application to run all the update function of this tool. It is a simple and intuitive application ideal for all users. It is just a tool for Nokia mobile device.
Nokia Care Suite is licensed as freeware for PC or laptop with Windows 32 bit and 64 bit operating system. It is in nokia category and is available to all software users as a free download.
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Author |
Last Updated On |
September 10, 2020 |
Runs on |
Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista / XP |
Total downloads |
3,133 |
License |
Free |
File size |
38,77 MB |
Filename |
Nokia_Care_Suite_eng_web.exe |
Nokia Care Suite – это официальное приложение финского производства, выпущенное для линейки мобильных телефонов компании Nokia. Программа позволяет работать с различными файлами и отвечает за обновление прошивки смартфонов, является бесплатной, доступна для скачивания в сети.
Данный девайс необходим в первую очередь для того, чтобы пользователь мог закачивать доступные обновления на устройства Nokia. Совместимость программы установлена с любыми моделями, которые созданы на базе таких чипов, как BB5 и QUALCOMM, а также с устройствами линейки Lumia, платформа которых Windows Phone 8.
Nokia Care Suite следует использовать для вышеперечисленных моделей, в случае, если приложение применяется для работы с телефонами других производителей, разработчик не только не дает гарантий, но и указывает о возможности полного прекращения работы устройства.
Программное обеспечение приложение позволят перепрошить девайс. При этом, разработчики позаботились о том, что при необходимости прошивку можно не только обновить до новой версии, но и сделать откат до первоначальных настроек. Реализовать данную функцию удалось благодаря отсутствию в программном обеспечении встроенной базы, содержащей прошивки. Это означает, что все прошивки дополнительно скачиваются из сети. Чтобы определиться с прошивкой, потребуется Product Code устройства и RM-модель. По этой теме в интернете собрано множество статей, так что проблем возникнуть не должно. Перед прошивкой программа попросит пройти регистрацию, которая не является обязательной. Если желание в регистрации отсутствует достаточно перейти к работе в режиме оффлайн. Пока идет процесс обновления, который занимает несколько минут, не стоит отключать мобильный от компьютера. По окончании загрузок устройство перезагрузится и будет готово к работе.
Итак, коротко о главном в приложении Nokia Care Suite. Оно с легкостью позволять прошивать устройства компании Nokia, для этого достаточно скачать прошивку. ПО является официальным, поэтому при работе с мобильными Nokia, оно полностью безопасно. Плюс оно абсолютно бесплатно и доступно для скачивания. Снабжено инструментом IMEI, отвечающим за чтение, позволяет собирать коды ошибок устройства. Nokia Care Suite – новое слово в работе со смартфонами, оно не только облегчает пользователю работу по установке обновлений, но и экономит время владельца устройства.
Nokia Care Suite — официальная утилита, предназначенная для «прошивки» и устранения неполадок различных устройств от Nokia. Она поддерживает WCDMA, CDMA, GSM устройства и содержит целый набор модулей, предназначенных для установки новых версий прошивок. К слову, обновления программного обеспечения можно загружать непосредственно с серверов Nokia Care Servers, тем самым избегая поиска нужной прошивки на сомнительных веб-ресурсах. Изначально Nokia Care Suite была ориентирована исключительно на технических специалистов, работающих в сервисных центрах. Тем не менее, разобраться в ней вовсе несложно и под силу любому пользователю.
Итак, программа служит для обновления программного обеспечения девайсов Nokia на платформах QUALCOMM и BB5. Так же в ней имеются инструменты прошивки/восстановления файлов PRI и PRL, а также инструменты синхронизации записей календаря и телефонной книги. Несмотря на прекращение поддержки Nokia Care Suite разработчиком, ее последняя версия работает со смартфонами линейки Lumia, использующими операционную систему Windows Phone 8. С более свежими версиями мобильной операционки она, к сожалению, уже не дружит.
Встроенный инструмент диагностики и устранения неполадок, способен «решить» большинство проблем, касающихся программной части устройства. В случае проблем с аппаратной частью придется довольствоваться исключительно отображением кодов обнаруженных проблем и обращаться с ними к техническому специалисту.
This software gives Nokia users a very comprehensive option to manage their phone. This application allows users to troubleshoot issues that are affecting their Nokia and find solutions to fix those issues. It includes an updater to make sure that all aspects of the phone are properly up to date and therefore, will not interfere with the phone’s performance. It also ensures that the phone is properly backed up before performing other operations so that the user can have confidence they will not lose any data.
It is a great product for Nokia users because it gives them the ability to diagnose and fix problems with their phone from the comfort of their home and not having to go out and find a Nokia dealer. This saves consumers a tremendous amount of time. It is also freeware so there is no cost incurred with downloading or using this product.
There is a simple support function on the product as well so if a user is having issues figuring out the software, help is not a button away.
Users should, however, use a good amount of caution with this software product. It needs to be used properly. Misuse could potentially damage their Nokia phone and very possibly void any warranty that currently exists.
Overall, this software product can be very useful to nearly all Nokia phone owners. This product is very comprehensive and can do a variety of tasks to help the user get more from their Nokia phone. Even with the words of caution, this product’s many pros outweigh the cons. Most Nokia phone owners will be very pleased and excited once they have done their homework and learned how to properly use the piece of software.
1. Operating System: Windows 7 or higher.
2. Minimum RAM: 1GB.
3. Internet connection for updates and support.
4. Minimum free disk space: 500MB.
Offers easy firmware updates for Nokia devices.
Provides comprehensive device diagnostics.
Features a user-friendly interface.
Only compatible with specific Nokia phones.
Difficult to use for non-tech savvy individuals.
Limited functionality compared to similar software.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
Nokia users who need a very comprehensive option to manage their phone, Nokia Care Suite would help them.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
I think the idea of the software is good, but there is a message stating that misuse of the software could damage the phone. It should not have high-risks of damaging the phone since that is the sole purpose of the software itself, to aid in it’s function.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
This is a program formulated to help troubleshoot your Nokia phone. It includes four different modules but has a use at your own risk statement that seems quite risky. So, in other words, it could backfire and actually damage your phone. It states that it can refurbish the phone but once again states that there is a caution with using it. So there is clearly a huge risk with using this product.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
Nokia Care Suite is a free application for Windows. It allows users the ability to connect their PC or laptop to their phones and manage it from the PC or laptop. It helps users do updates off their home network while their phone is being charged at the same time. It also lets users examine their phones information and access customer support.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
This product allows you to manage your Nokia Phone through your PC. Itunes also helps you in this software as well. This software is great for people who just got a Nokia phone or are having trouble organizing their software on their computer. I would download this product very quickly and use it on my computer especially since it is free.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
Nokia care suite makes it easy to keep all the firmware on your Nokia phone up to date. It also lets you transfer files to and from your device. It has an easy, no frills installation package you can leave standard or customize the way you want. Download to your Windows computer and your set. Nokia care suite is also freeware!
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
Nokia owners at last have something to smile about with the launch of this software. Nokia Care Suite for windows is an application that can run in PCs both 32 and 64 bit. The program comes with a checker, tester and update functions. The application basically discerns when your device needs an Upgrade, checks for device problems, Tests your device`s functionality whenever you feel like it and many other Nokia phone maintenance functions. You don’t know how to use it? no problem at all, The application comes with user support and you can never be stuck. This app is basically everything you need if you use Nokia devices. Its the connection you have with the creators, its their way of making your device functions perfectly. an app in my opinion that you should not fail to have.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
The review of the Nokia Care Suite for Windows gave a more positive review on the product and how helpful the feedbacks was for consumers that are interested in the product before purchase.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
Nokia Care Suite for Windows allows you to download many, many maps and offers free talking navigation for most GPS equipped Nokia phones. its indeed the only legit suite i can very well recommend
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
You are a Nokia user and you want to manage your phone or solve problems through a Windows web site, here you have the solution.
*Update the version of your phone.
*Backup to back up your phone’s data.
* Diagnostic and repair function without going to the dealer’s store.
In short a useful complement to have in your computer.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
I have a Nokia cell phone and recently I downloaded Nokia Care Suite for Windows to help me maintain my phone. It was designed for technicians who repair the phones so it’s very useful. The only thing is using Nokia Care Suite by myself can void the warranty if something goes wrong. I’ve used it to back up data.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
I love using Nokia Care Suite for Windows because it’s a program that offers a lot of features to monitor and keep tabs on your phone. Not only can you manage and troubleshoot issues that pop up with your Nokia device, but you can also get guidance and solutions to resolve them. You can also use the software to figure out any aspects of your phone that need updating.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
Nokia care suite is a software product for Windows that basically is a troubleshooter for Nokia Phones. It is a tool for customers which includes updates for the firmware. It is very user-friendly. It also has some little features that are really impressive like backup and an advanced self-test. It is fast and secure and can be downloaded from the Nokia Care Servers.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
Nokia PC suite one stop solution to manage nokia mobile phone one click root- root to your android phones and tablets to take full control of your device. fully compatiable with 3000+ android devices from samsung, LG, HTC, Huawei, Motorla, sony. An alternative to MS Office 602pro PC suite is a good trail version window software that belongs to the category business software.. NCS includes tools such as data package manager, multi IMEI reader, multi software updater and product support tool for store.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
Great for backing up your phone content, well worth using it. It’s an alright bit of software if you give it a chance and it certainly does do the job it advertises however it regularly handle good.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
Harris D.
The Nokia Care Suite is a suite of software programs designed to help customers maintain and support their Nokia mobile devices. It includes a wide range of features such as software updates, device diagnostics and repair, contact backup and restore, device customization, and other features. The software can be used to manage and troubleshoot a wide range of Nokia mobile devices.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
Harris L.
Nokia Care Suite is an easy-to-use, feature-rich software package for managing Nokia phones. It offers a wide range of tools for managing, updating, and unlocking Nokia phones. The user interface is intuitive and straightforward. It is also very responsive and doesn’t take too long to complete tasks. The backup and restore features are also quite handy. The software is also compatible with most Nokia compatible phones. It also supports multiple languages. Overall, Nokia Care Suite is a reliable and useful software package for managing Nokia phones.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
Jay Maros
Nokia Care Suite is great for troubleshooting and repairig Nokia phones, but the interface isn’t very intuitive and can be a bit confusing sometimes.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
Matthew F.
Nokia Care Suite is a reliable and user-friendly software that provides comprehensive tools for managing and repairing Nokia phones.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
Lucas N.
Nokia Care Suite software is a comprehensive tool for servicing and updating Nokia devices.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
Nokia Care Suite is a robust technical service software designed for advanced configuration, maintenance, and troubleshooting of Nokia devices. Its indispensable feature is the capability to access and download the latest firmware updates directly from Nokia’s servers, ensuring your devices are always up-to-date. Additionally, it offers comprehensive tools for data backup, device resetting, and restoring.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
Helpful for troubleshooting and updating phone software, but can be complex for beginners to navigate.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
Easy-to-use interface, efficiently manages phone data.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner
Reliable, user-friendly, efficient mobile servicing.
Nokia Care Suite is the business’s official mobile solution for repairing and also blinking Nokia devices. It includes assistance for GSM, CDMA and also WCDMA devices as well as consists of a bunch of components focused on installing or updating Nokia firmware.
Numerous threats that must be thought about
To start with, the application is based on Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package, so you should see to it is mounted on your system, yet the program configuration plan provides a download connect to conserve you some effort.
Nokia Care Suite for Windows
At first established for specialized mobile solution facilities, Nokia’s item was developed for technicians that have the necessary experience and training to carry out such intricate procedures. Nevertheless, it quickly became available to the wide public, which has both favorable as well as unfavorable effects.
Here are some screenshots and Features of Nokia Care Suite
Some individuals discover it remarkable that they can ultimately have accessibility to a device that can be utilized to solve numerous mobile related problems in the comfort of their home at no charge. On the other hand, in the hands of the unskilled, the application can cause significant damages as well as void phone service warranty.
In other words, users could take advantage of it at their own danger. If used effectively, it can accomplish wonderfully the tasks it was developed for. Its primary objective is to flash your Nokia tool or fixing existing firmware, but note that these tasks must be performed only after previous documentation in this regard.
Modules consisted of in the plan
Nokia Care Suite includes 4 major modules, specifically: Fuse, Multi IMEI Viewers, Multi Software Application Updater and the Product Assistance Device for Store. The very first one takes care of the links in between your phone and also your computer system, while the second energy can be used to watch the IMEI (International Mobile Terminal Devices) number of your device.
Nokia Care Suite PC Windows
With the Multi Software Program Updater, you need to be able to upgrade or refurbish settings for several phones at the same time. As well as ultimately, the most popular component is the Product Assistance Device, which assists you in downloading and install ROMs for your design and blinking your device.
Back-up procedures
Before attempting to do any modifications, take into consideration supporting your data, such as calls, messages, schedules, due to the fact that the flashing procedure typically erases everything up to the factor where it leaves you with a factory-fresh phone.
Bottom line