Node js для windows 7 какая версия


142k times

I am trying to install NodeJS for windows 7. I tried installing the most recent NodeJS but it is not compatible with Windows 7. I was wondering if anyone knows what is the latest version of NodeJS you can install on Windows 7?
Thank you.

Top-Master's user avatar


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asked Jun 5, 2020 at 10:01

Franky McCarthy's user avatar

Franky McCarthyFranky McCarthy

7351 gold badge6 silver badges5 bronze badges


Update: Oct 2021, the latest versions working with below "trick" are:

  • Node v14.16.1 (or older but not below v14.5.0)
  • Node v15.8.0 (or older but not below v15.0.0)

Because Node updated from libuv v1.40 to v1.41,
and with that, causing Win7 errors:
ws2_32.dll does not have GetHostNameW function (or something alike).

The workaround Method (for versions mentioned above)

The v12.x branch seems to continue supporting Win7 (tested 2021 with Node v12.22.7).

But I needed 14.x version-branch and ended solving problem;
I just installed Node 14.15.0, like:

  • Go to Node-downloads
  • Download the Windows Binary (.zip) (either 32/64 bit)
  • Extract it in the directory where your node is installed and say yes to replace all files (remember that the zip comes with npm, which is in node_modules/npm directory; I didn’t copy from the zip because I already updated npm before replacing the files)
  • Create an Environment variable called: NODE_SKIP_PLATFORM_CHECK and set it to 1
  • Ready to use Node in Windows 7 for now.

Top-Master's user avatar


7,7205 gold badges40 silver badges72 bronze badges

answered Oct 31, 2020 at 20:21

tttony's user avatar


It seems that v13.14.0 is the last installer that works on Window 7

go here and select the package related to your version of windows 32 / 64 bits:

answered Feb 16, 2021 at 10:18

Giovanni Paolin's user avatar

Предыдущие версии

io.js & Node.js

Релизы от 1.x до 3.x выходили под именем «io.js», так как они были частью форка io.js. Начиная с Node.js 4.0.0, предыдущие версии io.js перешли с Node.js 0.12.x в унифицированные версии Node.js.

Ищете последнюю версию ветки версии?

Version LTS Date V8 npm NODE_MODULE_VERSION[1]
Node.js 20.8.0 10.1.0 NODE_EMBEDDER_MODULE_VERSION ReleasesСписок измененийДокументация
Node.js 19.9.0 9.6.3 111 ReleasesСписок измененийДокументация
Node.js 18.18.0 Hydrogen 9.8.1 108 ReleasesСписок измененийДокументация
Node.js 17.9.1 8.11.0 102 ReleasesСписок измененийДокументация
Node.js 16.20.2 Gallium 8.19.4 93 ReleasesСписок измененийДокументация
Node.js 15.14.0 8.6.395.17 7.7.6 88 ReleasesСписок измененийДокументация
Node.js 14.21.3 Fermium 8.4.371.23 6.14.18 83 ReleasesСписок измененийДокументация
Node.js 13.14.0 7.9.317.25 6.14.4 79 ReleasesСписок измененийДокументация
Node.js 12.22.12 Erbium 6.14.16 72 ReleasesСписок измененийДокументация
Node.js 11.15.0 6.7.0 67 ReleasesСписок измененийДокументация
Node.js 10.24.1 Dubnium 6.14.12 64 ReleasesСписок измененийДокументация
Node.js 9.11.2 6.2.414.46 5.6.0 59 ReleasesСписок измененийДокументация
Node.js 8.17.0 Carbon 6.2.414.78 6.13.4 57 ReleasesСписок измененийДокументация
Node.js 7.10.1 5.5.372.43 4.2.0 51 ReleasesСписок измененийДокументация
Node.js 6.17.1 Boron 3.10.10 48 ReleasesСписок измененийДокументация
Node.js 5.12.0 3.8.6 47 ReleasesСписок измененийДокументация
Node.js 4.9.1 Argon 2.15.11 46 ReleasesСписок измененийДокументация
Node.js 0.12.18 2.15.11 14 ReleasesСписок измененийДокументация

[1]: NODE_MODULE_VERSION относится к номеру версии Node.js ABI (двоичный интерфейс приложения), который используется для определения того, в какие версии скомпилированных двоичных файлов C++ Node.js можно загружать файлы без необходимости перекомпиляции. Раньше он хранился как шестнадцатеричное значение в более ранних версиях, но теперь представляется как целое число.

v18.15.0 for Windows 7

30 Mar 17:25





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Could not load tags
Nothing to show

{{ refName }}

v18.15.0 for Windows 7


Build of Node.js 18.15.0 for Windows 7


v16.20.0 for Windows 7

30 Mar 16:01





Choose a tag to compare

Could not load tags
Nothing to show

{{ refName }}

v16.20.0 for Windows 7

Build of Node.js 16.20.0 for Windows 7


v14.21.3 for Windows 7

30 Mar 15:13





Choose a tag to compare

Could not load tags
Nothing to show

{{ refName }}

v14.21.3 for Windows 7

Build of Node.js 14.21.3 for Windows 7


v16.13.0 for Windows 7

06 Nov 18:52





Choose a tag to compare

Could not load tags
Nothing to show

{{ refName }}

v16.13.0 for Windows 7

Build of Node.js 16.13.0 for Windows 7


v14.18.1 for Windows 7

06 Nov 15:49





Choose a tag to compare

Could not load tags
Nothing to show

{{ refName }}

v14.18.1 for Windows 7

Build of Node.js 14.18.1 for Windows 7


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51 632

Привет! Рассмотрим установку Node.js на Windows 7 и протестируем его работу.

При попытке установить последнюю версию Node.js на Windows 7, в моем случае v14.15.4 LTS (ссылка), возникает ошибка о том, что приложение поддерживается на Windows 8.1. и выше:

1. Находим более раннюю версию, которая подойдёт для Windows 7, перейдем по ссылке (на сайт

2. Скачиваем версию для вашей операционной системы (у меня ссылка на v13.14.0-x64.msi). Открываем этот файл для установки:

3. В открывшемся окошке подтверждаем свою готовность к установке нажатием кнопки Next:

4. Соглашаемся с условиями лицензионного соглашения, ставим галочку и нажимаем Next:

5. По умолчанию, установка Node.js происходит в папку C: \Program Files\nodejs\ на Вашем компьютере. Поменяйте, при необходимости, и нажимайте Next:

6. Далее идут пользовательские настройки. Предлагается установить дополнительные инструменты — на Ваше усмотрение. Оставляем как есть и нажимаем Next:

7. Видим сообщение об успешной установке, нажимаем Finish:

Мои поздравления 🙂 Node.js установлен.

1. Через Пуск открываем стандартную программу Windows Выполнить , если не нашли Командную строку:

1.1. Командой cmd открываем консоль:

2. Теперь пишем в консоли node -v — так проверяем работу Node.js. Видим на экране установленную версию, в моём случае v13.14.0:

3. Дальше командой npm -v проверяем наличие npm. Видим версию, в моем случае 6.14.4

Всё отлично, мы решили проблему: установили Node.js на Windows 7 и проверили его работу.

Голосов: 102, Средняя оценка: 4.8

  • Introduction to Node.js for Windows 7
  • Which Version of Node.js Should You Install?
  • Tips and Tricks for Installing Node.js on Windows 7
  • Comments from the Community
  • Is Windows 7 the Right Platform for Node.js?
  • Node js for Windows 7 — Video

Node js for Windows 7

Node.js is a powerful and popular JavaScript runtime that has become a go-to choice for many developers. However, if you’re running Windows 7, you may be wondering if Node.js is still a viable option for you. The good news is that it is possible to install the latest version of Node.js on Windows 7 and get it up and running smoothly.

In this article, we will explore how to install Node.js on Windows 7, how to make it work seamlessly, and how it differs from installing on newer Windows versions like Windows 10. So, whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, read on to learn how to get Node.js up and running on your Windows 7 machine.

Introduction to Node.js for Windows 7

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, and highly popular JavaScript runtime that has become a mainstay for developers around the world. But what about those who are still using the older Windows 7 operating system? Is it still possible to install and run Node.js on a Windows 7 machine? The answer is yes, it is still possible to install the latest version of Node.js on a Windows 7 PC and start using it right away.

To get started, you will need to download the latest version of Node.js installer file from the official website. This installer file can be found by doing a quick search on Google or through the official Node.js website. Once you have the installer file, follow the step-by-step instructions to install Node.js on your Windows 7 machine.

While some newer versions of Node.js may no longer be compatible with Windows 7, the latest release of Node.js is still fully supported and compatible with Windows 7. This means that you can run Node.js on your Windows 7 machine without any issues or need to upgrade to a newer operating system like Windows 10.

If you encounter any issues during the installation process, there are many online tutorials and resources available to help you troubleshoot and get up and running with Node.js on your Windows 7 machine. You can also find comments and feedback from other developers who have successfully installed Node.js on their Windows 7 PCs, which can offer valuable insights and tips to help you get started.

So if you’re still running Windows 7 and want to start using Node.js to develop and deploy software, don’t let your operating system hold you back. With the latest version of Node.js and a bit of patience, you can install and run Node.js on your Windows 7 machine and start enjoying the immediate value and benefits it can offer.

Which Version of Node.js Should You Install?

Choosing the right version of Node.js for your development needs can be a critical decision, and it’s essential to select a version that is compatible with your operating system and any other software you may be using. If you’re running Windows 7, the latest version of Node.js that is compatible with your operating system is the version 16.x.x release.

However, if you’re working on a project that requires an older version of Node.js, you may need to install a previous release. In that case, it’s important to consult the Node.js release schedule and find the specific version that matches your needs.

In general, it’s recommended to install the latest version of Node.js whenever possible to ensure you have access to the most up-to-date features and bug fixes. However, keep in mind that some new releases may not be compatible with all software or operating systems, so it’s important to do your research and carefully consider your options before upgrading.

Ultimately, the best version of Node.js for you will depend on your specific needs and requirements, so it’s important to take the time to evaluate your options and choose the version that will work best for your development needs.

Tips and Tricks for Installing Node.js on Windows 7

If you’re looking to install Node.js on a Windows 7 machine, there are a few tips and tricks that can help ensure a smooth and successful installation process. Here are some helpful pointers to keep in mind:

  1. Make sure you have administrative privileges on your Windows 7 machine before attempting to install Node.js.
  2. Download the latest version of the Node.js installer file from the official website, and double-check that the file is compatible with Windows 7.
  3. Disable any antivirus software or firewalls temporarily during the installation process to avoid potential conflicts.
  4. Consider using a package manager like NPM (Node Package Manager) to manage your Node.js installations and dependencies, which can simplify the process and help ensure everything is up to date.
  5. Consult online tutorials and forums for additional troubleshooting tips and solutions if you encounter any issues during the installation process.
  6. Keep in mind that some newer versions of Node.js may not be compatible with Windows 7, so it’s important to do your research and select a version that is known to work with your operating system.

By following these tips and tricks, you can increase the likelihood of a successful installation of Node.js on your Windows 7 machine and start enjoying the benefits of this powerful JavaScript runtime.

Comments from the Community

The Node.js community is a thriving and active group of developers who are constantly sharing tips, tricks, and feedback on how to get the most out of this powerful JavaScript runtime. Here are a few comments and insights from the community that can help you as you explore Node.js:

  • «Node.js has been a game-changer for my development workflow, allowing me to streamline my code and improve performance on a wide range of projects.» — John, Node.js developer
  • «I was hesitant to try Node.js at first, but after a bit of research and experimentation, I quickly realized how powerful and versatile it can be. It’s definitely worth taking the time to learn.» — Sarah, web developer
  • «One of the great things about Node.js is its vast and active community, which provides a wealth of resources and support for developers of all skill levels.» — Tom, software engineer
  • «I’ve been using Node.js for several years now and have found it to be an invaluable tool for developing both front-end and back-end applications. It’s definitely a must-have for any serious developer.» — Jane, full-stack developer

By listening to the feedback and insights of the Node.js community, you can gain valuable insights and tips to help you get the most out of this powerful JavaScript runtime and take your development skills to the next level.

Is Windows 7 the Right Platform for Node.js?

While Windows 7 is a popular operating system, it’s important to consider whether it’s the right platform for your Node.js development needs. One important factor to keep in mind is that Node.js releases after version 16.x.x are not supported on Windows 7. This means that if you want to use the latest features and updates in Node.js, you will need to upgrade to a newer operating system.

In addition, some developers have reported performance issues and compatibility challenges when running Node.js on Windows 7. This can lead to frustration and delays in the development process, especially if you’re working on complex or resource-intensive applications.

That said, if you’re comfortable working with an older version of Node.js and are aware of the potential compatibility and performance issues, Windows 7 can still be a viable platform for Node.js development. Just be sure to do your research and carefully consider your options before committing to a particular setup.

Ultimately, the best platform for Node.js development will depend on your specific needs and requirements, so it’s important to take the time to evaluate your options and choose the platform that will work best for you.

Node js for Windows 7 — Video

Related video


What is Node.js, and why is it useful for Windows 7 users?

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that allows developers to run JavaScript code on the server side. It’s useful for Windows 7 users because it allows them to build web applications and other server-side software using JavaScript.

Can you install the latest version of Node.js on a Windows 7 machine?

No, the latest version of Node.js is not compatible with Windows 7. You will need to use an older version if you’re running Windows 7.

What are some tips for successfully installing Node.js on a Windows 7 machine?

Some tips include making sure you have administrative privileges, using the correct installer file, and following a step-by-step installation guide.

Is Node.js compatible with other versions of Windows, such as Windows 8 or 10?

Yes, Node.js is compatible with Windows 8 and 10.

What are some potential performance issues or compatibility challenges when running Node.js on a Windows 7 machine?

Some potential issues include slower performance and compatibility issues with newer versions of Node.js.

Can you use Node Package Manager (NPM) to manage Node.js installations on a Windows 7 machine?

Yes, NPM can be used to manage Node.js installations on a Windows 7 machine.

How do I know if I have administrative privileges on my Windows 7 machine to install Node.js?

You can check if you have administrative privileges by going to the Control Panel and clicking on User Accounts.

Are there any known security risks associated with running Node.js on a Windows 7 machine?

There are no known security risks associated with running Node.js on a Windows 7 machine.

Can you run Node.js on a Windows 7 virtual machine if you don’t have access to a physical machine?

Yes, you can run Node.js on a Windows 7 virtual machine.

What resources are available for troubleshooting and getting help with Node.js installation and usage on Windows 7?

Resources include online forums, documentation, and community support groups.Related Linkscss-techhelpcss-techhelpgithubgithubr-massiver-massive

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