Net send не работает windows 10

Microsoft Windows provides an effortless method for sending messages to other computers on the local network, called Net Send. In this article we will show you how to make the most of this feature.

How to send a message to another PC on a local network?

If you wish to send a message to another computer in your network, follow these steps:

  • Start command prompt (cmd) – type cmd in the searchbox and run the app
  • Type the following command as:
msg /SERVER:DestinationPC * /TIME:60 “This is the message to be sent to a PC named DestinationPC and closes in 60 seconds."
  • You will need to replace DestinationPC with the name of the desired PC (you can find this in the list of computers that are currently sharing your network, if you don’t already know the PC name).
  • Now, replace the value for TIME with how long you want the message to appear on the other screen for. For example TIME:30 for 30seconds
  • Then replace the text between the quotation marks and the message you want to send.
  • Finally, you can hit enter, and the message will be sent.

How to use Net send to send messages?

Here is the first alternative way of sending messages that may work if you have an older version of Windows. Here’s how:

  • Click Start > Run.
  • Type cmd, and press Enter
  • In the window that opens, type Net send followed by the computer’s name to which you wish to send the message.
  • Next, enter the message. For example, the format should resemble «Net send PC01 can you read this message?»

How to send messages with cmd prompt?

It is easy to send messages through cmd prompt to other systems here is the answer first we have to set our systems messenger ACTIVE. For it, follow these steps:

  • 1. Go to RUN
  • 2. Type
  • 3. Scroll down and right click on MESSENGER
  • 4. Select PROPERTIES
  • 5. Then for enabling it go to STARTUP TYPE and select AUTOMATIC
  • 6. Then OK

And this should be performed on both sides (SENDER & RECEIVER). After that if you want to send message then do the following steps:

  • 1. Go to cmd prompt
  • 2. Type syntax as follows:
     net send <ipaddress of reciever>  <message to be send>


net send "hello" 

How to fix Error 5, Error 1825

When using the msg command, the following error may occur: Error 5 when getting session names or Error 1825 when getting session names.

These error messages indicate a failure in the connection to the recipient of the message. To correct these errors, you need to act on the side of the recipient. Run the command regedit to open the registry editor on the recipient’s computer and navigate to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server

Here change AllowRemoteRPC from 0 to 1.

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Я опытный пользователь Windows с давних времен. Мой главный компьютер — Windows 7 Pro. Мы купили новый компьютер для нового офиса; на нем, конечно, установлена ​​Windows 10 (Home). Я работал над новым ПК и хотел отправить результат того, что я делал — IPv6-адрес принтера — обратно на ПК с Win 7. Я хотел использоватьNET SEND но это не доступно на Win 10 (или Win 7, как выясняется).

Исследования показали, что MSGкоманда должна (вроде) делать то, что NET SENDделали в старые времена. Пример веб-сайта показал окно командной строки с текущим каталогом C: \ WINDOWS \ SYSTEM32 и показал результат MSG /?предоставления синтаксиса команды — как раз то, что я хотел.

Но запуск MSG /?на Win 10 box сказал, что MSG не был распознан как команда. (Это работает на Win 7, с MSG.EXE в SYSTEM32.) Немного копания MSG.EXEв каталоге под WinSxS —


но он не работает правильно даже с этим набором в качестве текущего каталога. Кажется, что-то нужно для его установки — хотя в онлайн-образце, который я нашел, не было ничего подобного.

Я проверил «Программы» (что раньше называлось «Программы и компоненты») и не увидел в нем что-то, что я мог установить.

В чем дело? Как мне сделать это полезным? Каким другим коммадам нужно сделать такое же волшебство, чтобы они работали из обычной командной строки?

Спасибо за любую помощь.

3 ответа на вопрос


Вы, очевидно, используете на всех компьютерах версию Home. Эта версия не включает команду MSG. Команда доступна только в версиях Windows, начиная с Pro.

В качестве дополнительного замечания, протестированного на Windows Enterprise, даже старая команда «net send» все еще существует в этой версии.

Судя по всему, попытка трансплантации msg.exeс более высоких версий Windows на Home не работает, поэтому нет простого обходного пути.

Однако вы можете написать свой собственный.

Используя бесплатный psexec, вы можете выполнять код на удаленных компьютерах, который создает всплывающее сообщение.

Посмотрите пост Показать всплывающее окно / окно сообщения из пакетного файла Windows для нескольких идей.

Самые изящные, которые я нашел, были:

  • mshta.exe, среда выполнения для .htaприложений Windows HTML, принимает общий URL-адрес в качестве аргумента командной строки, включая javascript: URL-адрес протокола. Таким образом, вы можете выдать предупреждение с тайм-аутом в 10 секунд следующим образом:

    mshta "javascript:var sh=new ActiveXObject( 'WScript.Shell' ); sh.Popup( 'Message!', 10, 'Title!', 64 );close()" 
  • Используя файл VBScript, вызовите его с помощью CScript, например, в .vbsфайле:

    Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments messageText = objArgs(0) MsgBox messageText 


Запуск MSG /? на коробке Win 10 сказал, что MSGне был признан командой

Мы купили новый компьютер для нового офиса; на нем, конечно, установлена ​​Windows 10 (Home).

Домашние выпуски Windows не включают msg

Источник Msg — Windows CMD —

Какие другие команды должны сделать то же самое волшебство, чтобы они работали из обычной командной строки?

Этот вопрос «слишком широкий».


Программа MSG доступна только в Pro или Enterprise версиях Windows.
Его главная цель — уведомлять пользователей на терминальном сервере или подобных вещах. Он требует определенных прав, обычно доступных только администраторам (обычному пользователю может быть предоставлено право его использовать), то есть его основное предназначение — использование администраторами Windows для уведомления пользователей о завершении работы, проблеме и т. Д.

Подпапка внутри WinSxS — это Центр обновления Windows. Microsoft называет эту папку «Магазин компонентов», и дополнительную информацию о ней можно найти в этой статье:
Я смог найти ту же папку с msg.exe в моей системе. Глядя на это, он вовсе не выглядит как действительный файл .exe, он начинается с «DCS» при просмотре в шестнадцатеричном редакторе, но должен начинаться с «MZ», если это исполняемый файл. Я не смог найти никакой документации по этому заголовку «DCS».

В качестве альтернативы можно просто отправить письмо и открыть его в своем веб-почтовом клиенте, если оба компьютера имеют доступ к Интернету. Windows 7 и 10 также поставляются с возможностью предлагать помощь другим людям, ее можно открыть, запустив msra.exe. Если этот метод не работает, вы можете использовать другие инструменты удаленного управления, такие как Teamviewer . У Teamviewer есть возможность использовать только подключения к локальной сети, что означает, что для использования его в локальной сети Интернет не требуется.

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  1. Windows 10 and earlier versions of Windows do not have the NET SEND command.
  2. However, you can use the Windows PowerShell cmdlet Send-MailMessage to send email using SMTP.

how to send messages from 1 pc to another using net send

How to send messages using CMD on Windows 10 pro

How use net send in cmd?

net send [-options]

-tTL: Time to live. Specifies the number of hops (routers) between the sender and the destination. The default is 128.
-rR: Record route. Specifies that the message be sent with a route record. The default is false.
-n: Do not create a route record.

Does net send still work in Windows 10?

NetSend still works in Windows 10, but it is not recommended to use it because of the security risks.

How use net send in Windows?

Net send is a command line utility that can be used to send files from one computer to another. To use net send, you first need to create a connection between the computers. Then, you can use the net send command to send files between the computers.

What is net send command?

The net send command is used to send a file from one computer to another.

How do I enable net send?

To enable net send in Windows 10, open the Network and Sharing Center by clicking on the Start button, type “Network and Sharing Center” in the search bar, and then click on the Network and Sharing Center icon that appears.
In the Network and Sharing Center window, under the heading “Network Connections,” click on the connection that you want to enable net send on.

How do I enable net send on Windows 7?

To enable net send on Windows 7, follow these steps:
Open the Control Panel.
Under Network and Internet, click Network and Sharing Center.
Under Connections, click Local Area Connection or Wireless Network Connection.
In the properties box for the connection, click Advanced.
Under the TCP/IP section, select Use the following IP address. Type in a valid IP address and press Enter.

How do I send messages through Command Prompt Windows 10?

To send a message through Command Prompt Windows 10, you will first need to open the Command Prompt window. To do this, click the Start button and then type “cmd” into the search box. When Command Prompt appears in the results list, right-click on it and select “Run as Administrator.”
Once you are in the Command Prompt window, you will need to type “msg” followed by your message.

Does net send still work?

Net send still works, but there are some caveats. First, it’s not always reliable. Second, it’s not always possible to send large files over the network. Finally, it can be slow and expensive.

How do I send messages via remote desktop?

There are a few ways to do this. The simplest way is to use the Remote Desktop Connection client that comes with Windows. This allows you to connect to another computer and view or edit files on that computer. You can also use a program like VNC to connect to a remote computer. This allows you to view and control the computer from your own computer.

How can I remotely access another computer using cmd?

There are a few ways to remotely access another computer using the command prompt. One way is to use the “ping” command to check if the remote computer is online. You can also use the “netstat” command to see if any ports are open on the remote computer. Finally, you can use the “cmd” command to run specific commands on the remote computer.

How can I send message through LAN?

There are a few ways to send messages through a LAN. One way is to use a program like PuTTY or SSH to connect to the other computer and send the message. Another way is to use a network message service, like SMTP or POP3, to send the message.

WHAT IS NET USE command?

The net use command is used to view the current network usage for a user account on a computer.

How do I send a message to all users in Terminal Server?

The easiest way to send a message to all users in Terminal Server is to use the “mail” command.

What is Session name in MSG command?

There is no one answer to this question as everyone’s hair texture and hair care needs are different. However, some general tips that may help include using a conditioner that is specifically designed for curly hair, using a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioning treatment, and avoiding excessive heat styling.

What is the command to send message to all users who are logged in?

There are a few things you can do to improve your sleep habits.
Make sure that your bedroom is dark and cool, with a comfortable bed and soft sheets.
Establish a regular sleep schedule and stick to it as much as possible. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bedtime. These stimulants can disrupt your natural sleep patterns.

Does Net Send still work on Windows 10?

Net Send is not supported on Windows 10. However, there are other messaging services on the internet.

How do you send a message to all computers on a network?

Click Start > Run. Type cmd, and press Enter. In the window that opens, type Net send followed by the name of the computer to which you wish to send the message. Next, enter the message.

To send NET SEND messages, you need to open a Command Prompt and use the NET command with send parameter. Go to the Start menu, click Run, type cmd, and hit ENTER. Type NET SEND and specify the name of a user or a computer name followed by the message text.

How do I enable Net Send?

Click the plus sign next to Services and Applications, and then click Services. Double-click “Messenger“. Click the “General” tab and select “Automatic” from the Startup type list, and then click “Apply“. Under Service status, click “Start“, and click “OK“.

How can I send a message to everyone using my WIFI?

msg * – This will send the message to everyone on the server. msg username – sends message to the particular user. msg @filename – Useful in group messaging, “filename” is the file which contain all the Usernames/Sessions/Session ID’s that you want the message delivered to. msg session -.

What is the net send command?

Net Send is a command within the Microsoft Windows XP Professional operating system’s Messenger Service. Net Send allows messages to be sent to network computers, users and messaging names. MSG.exe replaced Net Send, as Messenger Service is not supported by Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.

How do I send a ping message to another computer?

Click “Start,” type “command” into the search field and then choose “Command Prompt” from under Programs. Type “ping [x]” (without quotation marks) into Command Prompt. Replace “[x]” with the IP address or host name of the target computer. Press “Enter” to ping the remote computer.

What does net view command do?

Displays a list of domains, computers, or resources that are being shared by the specified computer. Used without parameters, net view displays a list of computers in your current domain.

How do I see other computers on my network Windows 10?

To find computers connected to your PC through a network, click the Navigation Pane’s Network category. Clicking Network lists every PC that’s connected to your own PC in a traditional network. Clicking Homegroup in the Navigation Pane lists Windows PCs in your Homegroup, a simpler way to share files.

What is the net command in Windows?

The net computer command is used to add or remove a computer from a domain. Use the net config command to show information about the configuration of the Server or Workstation service. The net continue command is used to restart a service that was put on hold by the net pause command.

How do I use messages on Windows 10?

The Msg command has the following syntax: msg {UserName | SessionName | SessionID| @FileName | *} [/server:ServerName] [/time:Seconds] [/v] [/w] [Message] UserName – Specifies the name of the user that you want to receive the message; SessionName – Specifies the name of the session that you want to receive the message;.

How do you show messages in CMD?

To display a message that is several lines long without displaying any commands, you can include several echo <message> commands after the echo off command in your batch program. After echo is turned off, the command prompt doesn’t appear in the Command Prompt window. To display the command prompt, type echo on.

How do you send files through IP address?

Solution 2 – Sharing via IP address Assign a static IP address to the computers that you want to have access to. Open up a Run window (Start > Run) and type in \\ followed by the IP address of the computer that you want to access.

How do I enable Net Send on Windows 7?

Click the Windows logo in the taskbar to open the startmenu. Once in there, type “CMD” in the search box, and then push Enter . Now once in the command prompt or CMD window. Type in “MSG” and push Enter you will now see a list of commands which you can use for this command.

Can router send messages?

The SIM card for LTE Routers not only can connect the router to the mobile network for Internet access, but also allows the network administrator to send and receive SMS messages from the router’s interface.

How do I find the computers on my network?

Click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Properties. The computer name appears under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings.

How do I ping a Windows server?

For Windows 10, go to Search in the taskbar and: Type “cmd” to bring up the Command Prompt. Open the Command Prompt. Type “ping” in the black box and hit the space bar. Type the IP address you’d like to ping (e.g., 192. XXX. X.X). Review the ping results displayed.

How do you ping a laptop?

How to Do a Ping Test on a Windows 10 PC Open the Windows Search Bar. Then type CMD into the search bar and click Open. Type ping followed by a space and an IP address or domain name. Finally, hit Enter on your keyboard and wait for the ping test results.

How do you ping messages?

To run a ping, open the command prompt by pressing “Windows-R” and entering “cmd.” At the prompt, type “ping” without quotes, enter a domain name, such as “” and press “Enter.” The tool sends several pings and displays how long each takes to return. If the ping fails, try using an IP address, such as “64.233.

How can I use net share?

Net share command: List / create / delete network shares from command line Create a network share from command line. Delete network share(i.e to disable sharing of the folder) from command line net share sharename /delete. List the shared created on the local computer net share.

How do I use ipconfig?

On a Windows computer, use the following information to release and renew your IP address: Go to “Start > Run” and type ” cmd ” (no quotes), then select “OK” Type ” ipconfig /release ” (no quotes) and press “Enter” Once the prompt returns, type ” ipconfig /renew ” (no quotes), then hit “Enter,”.

What is Net View all?

View File Shares, Printer Shares and sessions. Net View / ALL allows you to enumerate all the shares on a remote computer, similar to the old ShareUI utility.

Why can’t I see all the computers on my network?

For most Windows users, the biggest cause of hidden PCs on a network is due to the network discovery settings on Windows. When this setting is disabled, your PC is hidden from the local network, and other PCs are hidden from you. You can check whether network discovery is enabled by opening Windows File Explorer.

How do I access another computer on the same network?

Open File Explorer and select a file or folder that you wish to give other computers access to. Click the “Share” tab and then choose which computers or which network to share this file with. Select “Workgroup” to share the file or folder with every computer on the network.

Why can’t I ping my computer?

According to users, if you’re unable to ping other computers, the issue might be related to your network. To fix the problem, be sure that your PCs are properly connected and able to access the Internet. In addition, you might want to try restarting your network devices and check if that solves the issue.

Does Net Send still work in Windows 10?

Net Send is not supported on Windows 10. However, there are other messaging services on the internet.

How do I figure out my computer name?

On the desktop, right-click the My Computer icon and select Properties from the menu that appears. Click on the Computer Name tab in the dialog box that appears. The computer name will be listed in the Full Computer Name field.

How do I ping a message to an IP address?

Here’s how it is done:

  1. Press the Windows key on your keyboard then start typing cmd.
  2. In the search results, you should see the Command Prompt app. Click it.
  3. Type “ping,” add one space, and type an IP address or domain name you want to test your connection with. When you type all that, hit “Enter” on your keyboard.

What does net view command do?

Displays a list of domains, computers, or resources that are being shared by the specified computer. Used without parameters, net view displays a list of computers in your current domain.

How do I enable Net Send?

Click the plus sign next to Services and Applications, and then click Services. Double-click “Messenger“. Click the “General” tab and select “Automatic” from the Startup type list, and then click “Apply“. Under Service status, click “Start“, and click “OK“.

How can I send messages via command line in net?

LanTalk NET can send messages and even files via command line. Msg command does not require messenger service to be enabled (since Windows Vista messenger service is removed from the system). Msg command has been designed to send messages to the terminal sessions on the same server or the other servers that you know.

What is MSG command in Windows Server 2016?

Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016. Microsoft has removed net send command starting from Windows Vista and this command has been replaced by msg command (msg.exe), but only professional and business editions have ability to send network messages via msg command.

What is the best alternative for MSG command?

Note: You can try our advanced replacement for msg command – LanTalk NET messenger with command line utility. LanTalk NET can send messages and even files via command line. Msg command does not require messenger service to be enabled (since Windows Vista messenger service is removed from the system).

Is C:\\> NET helpmsg 34 34 a valid Windows network message number?

Insert %2 (Volume Serial Number: %3) into drive %1. C:\\> NET HELPMSG 34 34 is not a valid Windows network message number. More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3871. Still, it’s better than nothing.

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