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Navi Sailor 5000 Windows 7 Torrent

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A flexible and redundant solution for the mariners.

NaviSailor 4000 ECDIS

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Download Software Informer Client

Transas Navi Sailor 4000 является профессиональной программой для навигации и управления судном, разработанной компанией Transas. Это одно из самых популярных и надежных решений для моряков и капитанов, которые работают на торговых судах, танкерах и других судах в различных частях мира.

В данной статье вы найдете подробное руководство и инструкцию по использованию программы Transas Navi Sailor 4000 на операционной системе Windows 7. Здесь вы узнаете, как настроить программу, импортировать карты и планы плавания, создавать маршруты, управлять судном и выполнять другие важные операции на борту.

Независимо от того, являетесь ли вы опытным моряком или новичком в морской навигации, руководство к программе Transas Navi Sailor 4000 поможет вам максимально эффективно использовать эту программу. Вы научитесь точно определять положение судна на карте, следить за погодными условиями, расчитывать пути и выбирать наиболее безопасные маршруты.

Обратите внимание, что данное руководство предназначено исключительно для пользователей, работающих на операционной системе Windows 7. Если у вас установлены другие версии Windows или другие ОС, могут присутствовать определенные отличия в функционале и использовании программы.

Transas Navi Sailor 4000 представляет собой мощный инструмент для современных моряков, который помогает им в навигации и обеспечивает безопасность плавания. Это комплексное решение, которое объединяет в себе картографические данные, интегрированные системы управления и контроля, а также дополнительные функции, такие как резервирование данных и репликация баз данных.


  1. Основные функции программы
  2. Установка и настройка программы
  3. Интерфейс пользователя

Основные функции программы

Transas Navi Sailor 4000 для Windows 7 предоставляет широкий спектр функций для навигации и управления морскими судами. Ниже перечислены основные функции программы:

Функция Описание
Электронные карты Программа предоставляет доступ к огромному количеству электронных карт различных регионов мира. Вы можете выбирать масштаб, прокладывать маршруты и отображать дополнительные данные, такие как глубина, отметки и т.д.
Радиосвязь Программа позволяет установить радиосвязь с другими судами и наземными станциями через устройства, подключенные к компьютеру. Вы можете общаться с другими участниками движения, передавать и получать сообщения и оповещения.
Автоматическая и ручная трассировка Navi Sailor 4000 автоматически трассирует маршрут на основе выбранных критериев, таких как желаемая глубина, пространство между судами и т.д. Также в программе доступна ручная трассировка, позволяющая изменять маршрут в режиме реального времени.
Система предупреждения о приближении к опасным объектам Программа отображает на карте опасные объекты, включая подводные скалы, рифы и препятствия. Вы получите предупреждение, если ваш маршрут приближается к этим объектам, помогая вам избежать аварийных ситуаций.
Система сигнализации и тревог Navi Sailor 4000 предоставляет различные системы сигнализации и тревог, такие как тревога при приближении к берегу, установление чрезвычайной ситуации или утрата связи. Эти системы помогают поддерживать безопасность и обеспечивать эффективную работу судна.
Интеграция с другими системами Программа может интегрироваться с другими навигационными системами и устройствами, такими как система автоматической идентификации судов (АИС), симуляторы судового движения и другие. Это позволяет производить совместные операции, обмениваться данными и улучшать эффективность навигации.

Вышеуказанные функции являются лишь примерами возможностей программы Transas Navi Sailor 4000 для Windows 7. Программа также обладает множеством других функций, которые позволяют повысить безопасность и эффективность навигации морского судна.

Установка и настройка программы

Установка и настройка программы Transas Navi Sailor 4000 на операционной системе Windows 7 очень проста и не займет много времени. Следуйте инструкциям ниже, чтобы успешно установить и настроить программу.

Шаг 1:

Сначала вам нужно скачать установочный файл программы Transas Navi Sailor 4000 для Windows 7 с официального сайта Transas. Выберите подходящую версию программы для вашей операционной системы и нажмите на ссылку для скачивания.

Шаг 2:

Когда скачивание завершится, откройте загруженный файл и следуйте инструкциям мастера установки. Нажмите «Далее» для продолжения.

Шаг 3:

Прочитайте пользовательское соглашение и примите его условия, если вы согласны. Нажмите «Далее».

Шаг 4:

Выберите папку, в которую вы хотите установить программу, или оставьте предложенное место установки по умолчанию. Нажмите «Далее».

Шаг 5:

Выберите компоненты, которые вы хотите установить. Мы рекомендуем оставить все компоненты отмеченными, чтобы иметь доступ ко всем функциям программы. Нажмите «Далее».

Шаг 6:

Подтвердите параметры установки и нажмите «Установить».

Шаг 7:

Когда установка будет завершена, нажмите «Готово» и программа Transas Navi Sailor 4000 будет успешно установлена на ваш компьютер.

Настройка программы:

После установки вы можете настроить программу Transas Navi Sailor 4000 для Windows 7 под ваши нужды. Откройте программу и следуйте инструкциям мастера настройки. Вы можете задать параметры отображения карты, языковые настройки, единицы измерения и другие параметры в соответствии с вашими предпочтениями.

Поздравляем! Теперь у вас установлена и настроена программа Transas Navi Sailor 4000 на операционной системе Windows 7.

Интерфейс пользователя

Transas Navi Sailor 4000 предлагает интуитивно понятный и удобный в использовании интерфейс пользователя, который позволяет морякам быстро ориентироваться в программе. Интерфейс разделен на несколько основных компонентов, которые обеспечивают удобное взаимодействие с программой:

1. Навигационное меню: расположено в верхней части экрана. Здесь находятся основные команды и функции программы, такие как открытие и закрытие карт, настройки отображения, поиск объектов и другие.

2. Область отображения карты: занимает центральную часть экрана. Здесь отображается выбранная морская карта с подробной информацией о районе, погодных условиях и других объектах.

3. Панель инструментов: расположена справа от области отображения карты. Здесь сосредоточены различные инструменты и функции, позволяющие пользователю осуществлять различные действия, например, изменять масштаб карты, отображать дополнительные данные, выбирать режимы отображения и др.

4. Панель статуса: расположена в нижней части экрана. Здесь отображается информация о текущем статусе программы, такая как координаты и скорость судна, состояние подключенных дополнительных устройств и другие данные.

Все компоненты интерфейса максимально адаптивны и настраиваемы, что позволяет пользователям настраивать программу под свои потребности и предпочтения. Также в программе предусмотрены различные языковые настройки и параметры отображения, чтобы обеспечить лучшую работу и комфорт пользователя.

RS6B computer has now comes to its End of Life

From 28th of February 2022 this product will no longer be supported.
Stock of spare parts of RS6B computer is sold out with last made orders.

RS6B computer has now comes to its End of Life

From 28th of February 2022 this product will no longer be supported.
Stock of spare parts of RS6B computer is sold out with last made orders.

RS6C computer has now comes to its End of Sale phase. RS8 is successor.

From 28th of February 2022 this product will be phased out during 2022.

New sales will be possible as long as stock available on first come first served basis.
RS8 Marine computer is successor for RS6C with smaller form factor. Contact your Wartsila sales representative for more details.

RS6C computer has now comes to its End of Sale phase. RS8 is successor.

From 28th of February 2022 this product will be phased out during 2022.

New sales will be possible as long as stock available on first come first served basis.
RS8 Marine computer is successor for RS6C with smaller form factor. Contact your Wartsila sales representative for more details.

RS6C computer has now comes to its End of Sale phase. RS8 is successor.

From 28th of February 2022 this product will be phased out during 2022.

New sales will be possible as long as stock available on first come first served basis.
RS8 Marine computer is successor for RS6C with smaller form factor. Contact your Wartsila sales representative for more details.

RS6C computer has now comes to its End of Sale phase. RS8 is successor.

From 28th of February 2022 this product will be phased out during 2022.

New sales will be possible as long as stock available on first come first served basis.
RS8 Marine computer is successor for RS6C with smaller form factor. Contact your Wartsila sales representative for more details.

Transas T-105 AIS front view

Transas T-105 AIS End of Life exclude RS-class projects

Transas T-105 AIS has now comes to it’s End of Life due to MED certificate is expired and will not be prolonged any more.
From 10th of November 2020 Transas T-105 is no longer available for sales excluding RS-class projects, covered by RMRS certificate, valid till 12/04/2023.

RS6B computer becomes End of Stock

From November 2020 this product will no longer be available.

Stock of RS6B computer (new and second hand) been shipped out for last orders.
RS6C computer is successor for RS6B with same form factor.

RS6B computer becomes End of Stock

From November 2020 this product will no longer be available.

Stock of RS6B computer (new and second hand) been shipped out for last orders.
RS6C computer is successor for RS6B with same form factor.

RS6B computer becomes End of Stock

From November 2020 this product will no longer be available.

Stock of RS6B computer (new and second hand) been shipped out for last orders.
RS6C computer is successor for RS6B with same form factor.

RS6B computer becomes End of Stock

From November 2020 this product will no longer be available.

Stock of RS6B computer (new and second hand) been shipped out for last orders.
RS6C computer is successor for RS6B with same form factor.

Effected product (11118003) Transas Gateway

Transas Gateway UTM-1 EDGE End of Life Notification

Started from 1st of August 2020 supporting of UTM-1 EDGE will be discontinued, there will be no further connection to Central Management System and units will not get updates, but devices will continue to be operational autonomously providing minimal level of cyber security onboard.

Wartsila TransLink solutions are suitable replacements with up-to-date cyber security levels providing.

  • 11118011 TransLink
  • 11118012 Wartsila Translink CSR460
  • 11118009 Wartsila 460-Gateway

Transas Gateway UTM-1 EDGE End of Life Notification

Started from 1st of August 2020 supporting of UTM-1 EDGE will be discontinued, there will be no further connection to Central Management System and units will not get updates, but devices will continue to be operational autonomously providing minimal level of cyber security onboard.

Wartsila TransLink solutions are suitable replacements with up-to-date cyber security levels providing.

  • 11118011 TransLink
  • 11118012 Wartsila Translink CSR460
  • 11118009 Wartsila 460-Gateway

From 15th of June 2020 DCU6 (301000) Data Collector Unit is End of Sale. Stock of spare parts is discontinued.

Sufficient successor is DCU450 (301001). DCU450 is equipped with 8 NMEA bi-directional ports.
DCU450 is available for both MNS 34 and MNS 35.
MNS35 – full support since R4.2 with some improvements coming in R5.2
MNS34 – limited support, for details please contact @Wartsila Voyage Customer Support

From 15th of June 2020 DCU6 (301000) Data Collector Unit is End of Sale. Stock of spare parts is discontinued.

Sufficient successor is DCU450 (301001). DCU450 is equipped with 8 NMEA bi-directional ports.
DCU450 is available for both MNS 34 and MNS 35.
MNS35 – full support since R4.2 with some improvements coming in R5.2
MNS34 – limited support, for details please contact @Wartsila Voyage Customer Support

From 15th of June 2020 DCU6 (301000) Data Collector Unit is End of Sale. Stock of spare parts is discontinued.

Sufficient successor is DCU450 (301001). DCU450 is equipped with 8 NMEA bi-directional ports.
DCU450 is available for both MNS 34 and MNS 35.
MNS35 – full support since R4.2 with some improvements coming in R5.2
MNS34 – limited support, for details please contact @Wartsila Voyage Customer Support

From 15th of June 2020 DCU6 (301000) Data Collector Unit is End of Sale. Stock of spare parts is discontinued.

Sufficient successor is DCU450 (301001). DCU450 is equipped with 8 NMEA bi-directional ports.
DCU450 is available for both MNS 34 and MNS 35.
MNS35 – full support since R4.2 with some improvements coming in R5.2
MNS34 – limited support, for details please contact @Wartsila Voyage Customer Support

From 10th of June 2020 ES6 (18151701) keyboard is End of Sale. Stock of spare parts is discontinued.

Sufficient successors are ES6C (18151726) or ES8 (18151725) keyboard with trackball.

From 10th of June 2020 ES6 (18151701) keyboard is End of Sale. Stock of spare parts is discontinued.

Sufficient successors are ES6C (18151726) or ES8 (18151725) keyboard with trackball.

From 10th of June 2020 ES6 (18151701) keyboard is End of Sale. Stock of spare parts is discontinued.

Sufficient successors are ES6C (18151726) or ES8 (18151725) keyboard with trackball.

From 1st of February 2019 Transas M3 will be replaced with Transas/ Wärtsilä T-105 model

M3 and T-105 have same dimensions. T-105 is additionally equipped with GPS/ GLONASS receiver. GPS/ GLONASS antenna is included into delivery set of T-105

From 1st of February 2019 Transas M3 will be replaced with Transas/ Wärtsilä T-105 model

M3 and T-105 have same dimensions. T-105 is additionally equipped with GPS/ GLONASS receiver. GPS/ GLONASS antenna is included into delivery set of T-105

Effected product (11118003) Transas Gateway

All Transas Gateway units have been sold out and further manufacturing is not possible.

Effected product
11118003 Transas Gateway

Suitable replacement
11118011 TransLink

Suitable replacement (11118011) TransLink

All Transas Gateway units have been sold out and further manufacturing is not possible.

Effected product
11118003 Transas Gateway

Suitable replacement
11118011 TransLink

From 1st of November 2017 this product will no longer be supported.

Stock of spare parts for RS6 computer is sold out with last made orders.
RS6C and RS6B computers are successors for RS6 with same form factor.

From 1st of November 2017 this product will no longer be supported.

Stock of spare parts for RS6 computer is sold out with last made orders.
RS6C and RS6B computers are successors for RS6 with same form factor.

All RS7 main units been sold out and further manufacturing is not possible.

Effected products


Suitable replacement

18131116 RS7 Marine Computer
18131120 RS7 Basic Station
  18131505 RS6C Basic Station
12288040 NS4000 ECDIS Standard Plus 19 RS7   TBA
12288041 NS4000 ECDIS Standard Plus 24 RS7   12288070 ECDIS Silver Offer (single)
12508003 NS4000 ECS Blackbox RS7   12508001NS4000 ECS MFD Blackbox
18131109 TFAP (Transas Firewall & Antivirus Protector)   11118011 TransLink

Last time buy — Current model: 15 of August 2017

There is no End of Life information for the moment and we will continue to maintain RS7 based systems during warranty period, but RS7 based product will not be available for new sales.

Details and Restrictions

RS6C is a successor to RS7, RS6A and RS6B. RS6C is form and fit with RS6A/B, but have bigger height, than RS7 computer. Exact dimensions to be checked before order. Translink is successor to TFAP product and have more compact size with DIN and wall mounting kits.

All RS7 main units been sold out and further manufacturing is not possible.

Effected products


Suitable replacement

18131116 RS7 Marine Computer
18131120 RS7 Basic Station
  18131505 RS6C Basic Station
12288040 NS4000 ECDIS Standard Plus 19 RS7   TBA
12288041 NS4000 ECDIS Standard Plus 24 RS7   12288070 ECDIS Silver Offer (single)
12508003 NS4000 ECS Blackbox RS7   12508001NS4000 ECS MFD Blackbox
18131109 TFAP (Transas Firewall & Antivirus Protector)   11118011 TransLink

Last time buy — Current model: 15 of August 2017

There is no End of Life information for the moment and we will continue to maintain RS7 based systems during warranty period, but RS7 based product will not be available for new sales.

Details and Restrictions

RS6C is a successor to RS7, RS6A and RS6B. RS6C is form and fit with RS6A/B, but have bigger height, than RS7 computer. Exact dimensions to be checked before order. Translink is successor to TFAP product and have more compact size with DIN and wall mounting kits.

Starting from MNS 34, Chart Assistant will have its End Of Life. Chart Assistant has for many years been the program installed with the Transas ECDIS and used for Chart Management like charts and updates installation and update.

Navi-Planner 4000 will replace Chart Assistant and from MNS34 Navi-Planner 4000 will be found on TRANSAS MNS 34 DVD.

Navi-Planner 4000 is intended for creation of the safe route, voyage and schedule plan with using all of weather, cartographic, requirements of port of entry and tides\currents data. Navi-Planner 4000 can be installed on a separate workstation intended for Voyage Planning, so called Planning Station [BoB – Back of Bridge computer] or together with MFD software on one of MFD workstations in the network.

Charts installation, updating and reporting processes in Navi-Planner are fully compliant with the latest editions of IEC61174 and IHO ECDIS related standards.

Navi-Planner operations with charts (installation and update) are clearly described in ECDIS Quick Reference, available on TRANSAS MNS 34 DVD and also in Navi-Planner own Quick Reference Guides which can be obtained from your Transas Distributor.

Existing Chart Assistant users may continue using Chart Assistant, but if they have a software upgrade, Chart Assistant will no longer be offered. All further development of Chart Assistant including bug fixing will also be stopped from MNS34.

The Hatteland Display SERIES 1 26 inch display is no longer being use for new systems due to stop of model production.

Only the SERIES X HD 26T21 model will be available in the 26 inch format.

Effected products


Suitable replacement

SERIES 1 — JH 26T11   SERIES X -HD26T21


No restrictions for supply

The Navi-Sailor 2400, 2500, 3000, 3100 series have now come to its End of Life. From 1 July 2014 these products will no longer be supported.

Effected products

Replacement products

Navi-Sailor 2400  
Navi-Sailor 2500  
Navi-Sailor 3000 ECDIS-I  
Navi-Sailor 3100 ECDIS-I  
Navi-Sailor 3000 ECS-I NS4000 MFD product range
Navi-Sailor Office-I  
Navi-Sailor 3000 ECDIS  
Navi-Sailor 3000  
Navi-Fisher 3000  
Navi-Conning 3000  
Navi-Radar 3000  

The Inmarsat D+ network will be switched off in December 2014. All Inmarsat D+ equipment using this service will need to be replaced before this time to ensure continuation of services.

Effected Products

Satamatics Hardware

  • Transas ShipGuard v2
  • Transas ShipTrack v2
  • Satamatics Ocean Alert
  • Russian T400 SSAS

Inmarsat Serial Numbers :

  • DST001xxxxxx

Skywave Hardware

  • Pole Star DSAS
  • Transas ShipGuard v3
  • Transas ShipTrack v3

Inmarsat Serial Numbers :

  • DCC004xxxxxx
  • DCC007xxxxxx

Replacement Hardware Details

Transas ShipGuard v4 or ShipTrack v4 are available to replace existing equipment. This new SSAS equipment operates identically to the ShipGuard v3, but has slightly different functionality as the ShipGuard v2. The v2 uses a local reset to cancel SSAS status(by depressing) the alert buttons), however the v3 & v4 use a remote reset sent from the shore user interface


The new R5 systems from SAAB are now available and the old R4 Systems will be removed from our product range.


Transas AIS Class B

The new Transas AIS Class B M4-N will replace previous Transas AIS Class B version; M4-B.


Effected products


Suitable replacement

SAAB R4 AIS class A kit   R5 SUPREME AIS Transponder System
SAAB R4 AIS Class A kit with J4 comprising   R5 SUPREME AIS Transponder System
R4 GPS Navigation System Kit   R5 SUPREME GPS Navigation System
R4 DGPS Navigation System Kit   R5 SUPREME DGPS Navigation System
R4 DGPS Navigation Add-on Kit   R5 SUPREME DGPS Add-on Kit
J4 AIS Junction Box   R5 AIS Junction box
Transas AIS Class B M4-B Kit   Transas AIS Class B M4N

Last time buy — Current model(s): n/a

SAAB R4 AIS class A-, R4 GPS Navigation System-, R4 DGPS Navigation System- and Transas AIS Class B M4-B kits will not be included in Transas AIS/GNSS products portfolio from February 2013.



The SAAB R5 SUPREME AIS system is designed for SOLAS vessels and advanced applications such as Secure and Warship AIS. It fully utilizes our fifth generation transponder technology, building on the success of the R4 AIS system, which is in operation aboard some 20,000 ships worldwide. The key features are:

  • 7” ultra-bright high contrast colour LCD
  • Touch screen, keypad or USB keyboard control
  • Ethernet, RS-422 and USB interfaces
  • Optional additional display units for redundant or slave operation
  • Use USB memory for quick software upgrades, data logging and more
  • Automatic, manual or remote dimming
  • Pilot plug integrated in display
  • Full AIS-SART support
  • Text messaging
  • VHF communication test function
  • R4 Navigation Sensor Compatible
  • Gimbal or flush mounting
  • Weather-proof design

The new R5 SUPREME NAV products are self-monitoring and extremely user friendly. The R5 SUPREME NAV system is utilizing the highly versatile R5 CDU and together with the proven R4 Sensor and modern antennas it represents one of the most flexible navigation systems on the market.

  • 7″ ultra-bright high contrast colour touch LCD
  • Touch, Keypad or USB keyboard control
  • Display of latitude, longitude, speed over ground and course over ground
  • Capability to handle and store up to 4000 individually named waypoints and up to 100 different routes
  • Man Over Board (MOB) and Event Mark functionality
  • Two trip log counters with indication of average speed and accumulated time during motion
  • Scheduled Alerts, user configurable time alarms and time to ETA alarms

Transas AIS Class B M4N

The M4N AIS is the world’s smallest and toughest AIS Class B transceiver. M4N AIS offers exceptional best in class field performance, low power consumption and reliability. M4N AIS is constructed of light weight yet extremely tough marine grade plastics and is certified waterproof (IPx7). The onboard 50 channel GPS is complemented by an integrated GPS antenna making an external GPS antenna optional. NMEA2000®, NMEA0183 and USB interfaces are included to simplify installation. M4N AIS is fully certified and type approved for global use in accordance with published AIS standards.

27″ WS ECDIS display AC and 27″ based product range

The 26″ ECDIS Multi Power Display is now available and we plan to phase out the 27″ WS ECDIS Display AC from our product range.

27 WS ECDIS display

Effected products


Suitable replacement

NS4000 ECDIS MFD 27   NS4000 ECDIS MFD Premium 26
4000 MFD Slave Station 27   4000 MFD Slave Station 26
NR4000 MFD 27   NR4000 MFD 26

Last time buy — Current model(s): 15 of June 2012

Last delivery date of 27” Display and 27” Systems is currently expected to be 30 June 2012.
27″ Display and 27″ based systems will not be the part of Transas NAV products portfolio from June 2012.

Note: From 1st of January 2013 27” Series 1 Displays are not available anymore from Hatteland and can’t be ordered even for specific projects due to the end of sales by manufacturer.


JH26 is not included in existing Transas Radar certificate. Updated Radar certificate is expected Q3-2012.

Series 1 Displays and ECDIS/RADAR/SLAVE product range

The new Series X Displays (19X, 24WX, 26WX) from Hatteland-Display are now available and we plan to phase out 19”, 23”, 26W” Series 1 Displays from the Transas NAV our product range.

Displays 1

Effected products


Suitable replacement

19 ECDIS Display AC   19X» ECDIS Display LED, Multi Power
19 ECDIS Display DC   19X» ECDIS Display LED, Multi Power
NS4000 ECDIS MFD Premium 19   NS4000 ECDIS MFD Premium 19X
4000 MFD Slave Station 19   4000 MFD Slave Station 19X
NR 4000 MFD 19   NR 4000 MFD 19X
NR4000 MFD 24WX

Displays 2

Effected products


Suitable replacement

23 ECDIS Display LED, Multi Power   24WX ECDIS Display LED, MultiPower
NS4000 ECDIS MFD Premium 23   NS4000 ECDIS MFD Premium 24WX
4000 MFD Slave Station 23   4000 MFD Slave Station 24WX
NR4000 MFD 23   NR4000 MFD 26WX

Displays 3

Effected products


Suitable replacement

26W ECDIS Display,
Multi Power (JH26T11 TRD)
  26WX ECDIS Display LED, MultiPower
NS4000 ECDIS MFD Premium 26W   NS4000 ECDIS MFD Premium 26WX
4000 MFD Slave Station 26W   4000 MFD Slave Station 26WX

Last time buy — Current model(s): 30 of November 2012

From 1st of December we will start to phase out old system with Series 1.
Series 1 based systems can be ordered after 1st of December on project basis, but the delivery time will be 8-12 weeks upon order.
Navi-Radar systems will be based on Series 1 Displays until the updated DNV Med-B certificate is in place.


Series X Displays offer the ultimate in performance, convenience, state of the art design and enduring quality for system integrators and boat builders. The Series X display range is a flexible monitor solution designed and type approved for the professional maritime segment, where reliability and long life time are key pre-requisites for the industry. The product range combines stunning design and technology with innovative features and options, making it all that the integrator needs for top class type-approved marine systems.
Series X displays feature Glass Display Control™, CCFL backlight technology, full dimming and multipower as standard, and can also accomodate and combine a number of options such as touch screen, optical bonding, sunlight readability and ECDIS calibration.
The modules used in Series X, are all qualified having undergone and passed extensive test program, which includes HALT testing. This means that the products are tested well outside the requirements in EN60945 and E10. The result is a more reliable product.


No restrictions for supply Series X Displays and complete systems for replacement. New monitors support both AC/DC power supply.

We’ve consumed all available stock of Deck mount console v5.4 is no longer to be used and will be replaced by Navigation Deck Console 6

The Navigation Deck Console 6 consists of: Monitor bracket 6, Keyboard housing 6, Base Console 6 and Transas thermos mug. Navigation Deck Console 6 will be available starting September 2012.

Console series 5

Effected products


Suitable replacement

Deck mount console v5.4   Navigation Deck Console 6
Foundation for Deck Console   no need
24″ Reduction frame for Deck mount Console   no need
Desk mount console 19″ v5   Keyboard housing 6 + Monitor bracket 6
Desk mount Console 23″ steel   Keyboard housing 6 + Monitor bracket 6
17-20″ Mounting Bracket Std Black   Monitor bracket 6
23″ Mounting Bracket Std Black   Monitor bracket 6
26” Mounting Bracket Std Black   Monitor bracket 6
17-26” Rotary Bracket   no need

Last time buy — Current model(s): 1st of September

Deck mount console v5.4; Desk mount console 19″ v5; Desk mount Console 23″ steel; Foundation for Deck Console; 24″ Reduction frame for Deck mount Console; 17-20″ Mounting Bracket*; 23″ Mounting Bracket*; 26” Mounting Bracket*; 17-26” Rotary Bracket* will not be included in Transas NAV products portfolio from September 2012.

*Note: Mentioned brackets will continue to be available from Manufacturer, but will not be the part of Transas NAV products portfolio from September 2012.


Navigation Deck Console 6 new design is recognized by some key features such as:

  • Modular design. Base console, Keyboard housing and Monitor bracket combined make the full deck mount console. The latter two alone will serve as a desk mount solution.
  • Flexible solution. One size fits all concepts that will make order process easier. Also possible to maintain stock and cut lead time. Monitor bracket will fit any screen from 19” up to 26”, in console or standalone anywhere on bridge.
  • Technical innovations. Console 6 is not only a metal tin for hiding cables and electronics. It has also been designed with silent temperature controlled mechanical ventilation for extended up time for ECDIS or Radar systems. Any Transas series 6 hardware will adopt easily in well-defined mountings to reduce installation time and easy access for service.


Navigation Deck Console 6 is planned to be available September 2012.

The TFAP is a PC-based hardware Firewall with 2 network ports, one for external (Internet) and one for internal (Navigational) Network.

Please be informed that the HW platform for the TFAP unit has been changed to RS7. Software and function remains the same.

Transas has tested and verified this new TFAP. The unit is IEC60945 approved at DNV.

Transas Firewall and Antivirus Protector (TFAP)

Effected products


Effective from: 1st of August 2012

Units manufactured after 1st of August 2012.

Shipping of units based on RS7 will start 1st of August 2012.


RS7 main unit is the same unit we use for NS4000 ECDIS Standard. The RS7 computer is based on the Intel® Celeron P4505 processor and has 2 Gigabit Ethernet ports to maintain Internal and External networks connection. The unit has a dual input power supply which will accept both AC and DC input, ensuring that they are compatible with all power systems on all vessels. If both inputs are connected, the units will be powered by AC. If AC power is disconnected, it will automatically switch over to DC without affecting the operation of the unit. It makes it possible to use AC as primary power and a 24V battery as secondary power, eliminating the need for expensive UPS systems when it is approved by Flag and Class. It is also fan-less with no moving parts inside which will prolong lifetime and reduce service costs.


No restrictions for supply new RS7 based TFAP as drop in replacement for existing.

The Transas AIS Class B, M4-B KIT is no longer available for purchase. Information about Class B successor will follow in September 2012.

Transas AIS M4 Class B

Effected products

Transas AIS Class B, M4-B KIT

Last time buy — Current model(s): N/A

There is no End Of Life information for the moment and we will continue to maintain supplied systems during warranty period, but Transas AIS Class B, M4-B KIT will not be the part of Transas NAV products portfolio from 1st of September 2012.

RS6 main unit and RS6 based product range

The RS6 main units comes to an end and we will change main unit to RS6B for all RS6 based Transas MFD Systems.


Effected products


Suitable replacement

RS6 Basic Station   RS6B Basic Station
NS4000 ECDIS MFD Premium xx   NS4000 ECDIS MFD Premium xx
4000 MFD Slave Station xx   4000 MFD Slave Station
NR4000 MFD xx   NR4000 MFD xx
ECDIS Upgrade Kit (1-8)   ECDIS Upgrade Kit (1-8)

Last time buy — Current model(s): 31 of August 2012

Last delivery date of RS6 main unit and RS6 based Systems to Customers is currently expected to be in September 2012.

There is no End Of Life information for the moment and we will continue to maintain RS6 based systems during warranty period, but RS6 main unit and RS6 based systems will not be the part of Transas NAV products portfolio from 1st of September 2012.


RS6B is a successor to RS6 and has the same form fit with it. RS6B is a fan-less computer with a SSD disc. RS6B as a newer Intel i5 processor. RS6B has Intel HD graphic adapter.


No restrictions for supply RS6B as RS6 drop in replacement.

Transas SVDR 3200 and Transas VDR 3200

New products Transas-Netwave SVDR 4000 and Transas-Netwave VDR 4000 are ready for sales and we plan to phase out Transas SVDR 3200 and Transas VDR 3200 from our product range.


Effected products


Suitable replacement

Transas SVDR 3200   Transas SVDR 4000
Transas VDR 3200   Transas VDR 4000

Alternative product

Rutter VDR 100G3
VDR/SVDR 4000 have limitation in video recording were only one video channel is available. If more than one video source is recorded the Rutter G3 VDR must be used.

Last time buy — VDR/SVDR 3200: 30 of July 2012

The Navigation Console 27WS is coming to its end of life and we have no plans to continue using it has the new Navigation Deck Console 6 will be available soon.

Navigation Console 27WS

Effected products


Suitable replacement

Navigation Console 27WS   Navigation Deck Console 6

Last time buy — Current model(s): N/A

Navigation Console 27WS is not included in Transas NAV products portfolio from June 2012.


The Navigation Deck Console 6 new design is recognized by some key features such as:

  • Modular design: Base console, Keyboard housing and Monitor bracket combined make the full deck mount console. The latter two alone will serve as a desk mount solution.
  • Flexible solution: One size fits all concepts that will make order process easier. Also possible to maintain stock and cut lead time. Monitor bracket will fit any screen from 19” up to 26”, in console or standalone anywhere on bridge.
  • Technical innovations: Console 6 is not only a metal tin for hiding cables and electronics. It has also been designed with silent temperature controlled mechanical ventilation for extended up time for ECDIS or Radar systems. Any Transas series 6 hardware will adopt easily in well-defined mountings to reduce installation time and easy access for service.


Navigation Deck Console 6 is planned to be available Q3-2012.

ES2/ES3/ES4/ES6 Desktop Housing

ES6 Keyboard and Trackball Desktop Housing and ES6 Trackball Desktop Housing are now available and we plan to phase out ES2/ES3/ES4/ES6 Desktop Housing from our product range.

Desktop Housing

Effected products


Suitable replacement

ES2/ES3/ES4/ES6 Desktop Housing   ES6 Keyboard and Trackball Desktop Housing
N/A   ES6 Trackball Desktop Housing

Last time buy — Current model(s): 30 of June 2012


ES6 Keyboard and Trackball Desktop Housing is specially designed to fit ES6 dedicated keyboards for desktop placement.

Benefits are:

  • Size and weight
  • Horizontal surface rather than slanted (a horizontal keyboard/trackball surface gives better ergonomics than a slanted surface)
  • Availability, price and lead time


It doesn’t have back compatibility with ES2/3/4. No restrictions for supply ES6 Keyboard and Trackball Housing as ES2/ES3/ES2/ES6 Desktop Housing replacement to fit ES6 keyboard and Trackball.

MOXA Switch 8xRJ45 TA for ECDIS/MFD and EDS-308 based product

MOXA Switch 8xRJ45 TA for ECDIS/MFD is no longer being use for new systems. The new version: Network Switch 8xRJ45 TA for ECDIS/MFD and Network Switch 8xRJ45 TA for ECDIS/MFD are now used with all new deliveries.

Ethernet Switch

Effected products


Suitable replacement

MOXA Switch 8xRJ45 TA for ECDIS/MFD   Network Switch 8xRJ45 TA for ECDIS/MFD
N/A   Network Switch 8xRJ45 TA for ECDIS/MFD GIGABIT
Single Network Installation Kit   Single Network Installation Kit
Dual Network Installation Kit   Dual Network Installation Kit
ECDIS Upgrade Kit (1-12)   ECDIS Upgrade Kit (1-12)

Last time buy — Current model(s): N/A

There is no End Of Life information for the moment from manufacturer and we will continue to maintain EDS-308 based systems during warranty period, but EDS-308 and EDS-308 based products will not be the part of Transas NAV products portfolio from June 2012.


Network Switch 8xRJ45 TA for ECDIS/MFD is a successor to MOXA Switch 8xRJ45 TA for ECDIS/MFD and it has the same form fit with it. The main difference is that MOXA Switch 8xRJ45 TA for ECDIS/MFD has an alarm output (not used in our application) and new Network Switch 8xRJ45 TA for ECDIS/MFD does not have this output.
Network Switch 8xRJ45 TA for ECDIS/MFD GIGABIT is new 1Gbit network switch recommended for configurations with CCTV streams, advanced quantity of RADARs and/or workstations in MFD network. All switches MOXA Switch 8xRJ45 TA for ECDIS/MFD , Network Switch 8xRJ45 TA for ECDIS/MFD and Network Switch 8xRJ45 TA for ECDIS/MFD GIGABIT are listed in latest ECDIS TA certificate.


No restrictions for supply Network Switch 8xRJ45 TA for ECDIS/MFD or Network Switch 8xRJ45 TA for ECDIS/MFD GIGABIT as MOXA Switch 8xRJ45 TA for ECDIS/MFD replacement.

Software compliance with IHO standards

Navi sailor 5000

Navi Sailor 3000 ECDIS-I v.4.00.07 + NS 4000 ECS 1.11.005 + WF 43, 44 + корректура за 01.02.2010.

NaviSailor 3000 ECDIS-I – современный продукт многолетнего успешного опыта Транзас в области морских навигационных систем, программного обеспечения и векторной электронной картографии, способный удовлетворить любые запросы и требования профессионального судоводителя. Navi-Sailor 3000-I может использоваться как самодостаточная изолированная система, так и как часть Интегрированной навигационной системы. Navi-Sailor 3000-I разработана в соответствии с требованиями Конвенции SOLAS и Резолюции IMO , имеет сертификаты Российского морского регистра судоходства , Российского речного регистра и норвежского сертификационного общества DNV .
Год: 2010 Название Программы: Navi Sailor 3000 ECDIS — I v.4.00.07 + NS 4000 ECS 1.11.005 + WF 43, 44 + корректура за 01.02.2010 Версия программы: NS 3000 ECDIS-i 4.00.07, b.7867, NS 4000 ECS 1.11.005 Последняя Версия программы: NS 4000 ECS 1.11.005 Разработчик: transas.
Лечение: в комплекте Тип лекарства: замена файлов Системные требования:
Успешно работала на 266 Мгц и 386 Мгб.

На HDD занимает менее 2 Гб, минимум 800х600, поддержка широкоформатных мониторов (например 1280х800). Совместимость с Vista,7 : да (совместимость при установке с Windows XP SP2) Размер: 2,68 Гб.
Navi-Sailor 3000 позволяет проводить различные операции с картами (автоматическая загрузка, масштабирование, вкл./выкл. различных слоев информации), осуществлять автоматическое ведение судового журнала, получать информацию по навигационным объектам, планировать переход, вести учет течений и погодных условий, включать тревожную сигнализацию, создавать планы поисково-спасательных операций, работать с оборудованием АИС, включать режим Истинного/Относительного движения, осуществлять ориентацию по «По норду», «По курсу», «По маршруту» и др.
Navi-Sailor 3000-I позволяет использовать и одновременно отображать на экране карты различных форматов: Векторные карты формата TX-97 (производство Транзас) Векторные карты формата ENC/S57 (официальные карты, выпущенные Гидрографическими службами в соответствии с требованиями IMO) Векторные карты формата SENC CD-8, конвертированные компанией Транзас из официального ENC-формата Векторные карты формата DNC/VPF (выпуск Американского военного картографического агентства NIMA) Растровые карты формата ARCS (выпуск Британского Адмиралтейства) Растровые карты формата NDI/BSB (карты Гидрографических служб США и Канады) Растровые карты формата NOS/GEO, Seafarer (выпуск Гидрографической службы Австралии)
Существует возможность одновременного отображения на двух картографических панелях одной карты в разных масштабах и с различной ориентацией. Для удобства пользователя каждая панель отображается отдельно с собственными режимами управления и линейкой инструментов.

Ориентация карт позволяет отображать любую комбинацию следующих режимов движения судна: -По норду -По курсу -По маршруту -Истинного/Относительного движения.


  • Navi sailor 5000
  • Navi sailor 5000
  • Метка: программы




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    Как подключить GPS приёмник к Navi-Sailor ECDIS

    • Maxim в Технические средства судовождения

    В наших кругах большую известность имеет программный продукт Transas Navi Sailor ECDIS. Бывает так, что нужно подключить к Navi-Sailor какие-то датчики. Я опишу процесс добавления gps приёмника в Navi-Sailor 3000.

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    В настоящее время бурно развивается новое техническое направление, связанное с созданием электронных картографических навигационных информационных систем (ЭКНИС), на английском языке это называется Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS).

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    На этой странице вы можете узнать местоположение судов по данным АИС (Автоматическая идентификационная система), который передает позицию судна, скорость и курс, и статическую информацию, такую как имя судна, его размеры. АИС предназначен для повышения безопасности мореплавания, эффективности судовождения, а также для эксплуатации центра управления движением судов (ЦУДС). АИС является обязательным для судов водоизмещением свыше 300 …

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