My windows are cleaned twice a month

Test 3. Rewrite the senteces using HAVE SOMETHING DONE


1.  My windows are cleaned twice a month.
2.  The star’s latest film has just been released.
3.  Their swimming pool will be drained.
4.  The carpets must be laid in our flat by Monday.
5.  The brakes on my bike have been oiled.
6.  Our desk are being painted at the moment.
7.  Her bookcase was delivered last week.
8.  A new computer has been ordered for me.
9.  Annie’s sculptures are going to be exhibited tomorrow.
10. A skateboard was being made for Tim.


1.  I have my windows cleaned twice a month.

2.  The star ahs had her latest film released.

3.  They will have their swiimming pool drained.

4.  We must have the carpet laid in our flat.

5.  I have had the brakes on my bike oiled. 

6.  We are having our desks painted at the moment.

7.  She had her bookcase delivered last week.

8.  I have had a new computer ordered.

9.  Annie’s going to have her sculpture exhibited tomorrow.

10.  Tim was having a skateboard made.

Tags : Knowledge, English, Grammar

Rewrite the sentences using have something done. Example: My windows are cleaned twice a month. I have my windows cleaned twice a month. 1. The star’s latest film has just been released. 2. Their swimming pool will be drained. 3. The carpets must be laid in our flat by Monday. 4. The brakes on my bicycle have been oiled. 5. Our desks are being painted at the moment. 6. Her bookcase was delivered last week. 7. A new computer has been ordered for me. 8. Annie’s sculptures are going to be exhibited tomorrow. 9. A skateboard was being made for Tim. 10. He told the student to clean the board.

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Главная » Английский язык » Rewrite the sentences using have something done. Example: My windows are cleaned twice a month. I have my windows cleaned twice a month. 1. The star’s latest film has just been released. 2. Their swimming pool will be drained. 3.

Causatives Have/Get Something Done

Causatives Have/Get Something Done

Causative verbs cause something else to happen.

We use a causative verb when we want to talk about something that someone else did for us or for another person. It means that the subject caused the action to happen, but didn’t do it themselves. Maybe they paid, or asked, or persuaded the other person to do it. For example, we can say:  I cleaned my house. (This means I cleaned it myself).

If I paid someone to clean it, of course I can say: A cleaner cleaned my house. But, another way is to use a causative construction. So I can also say: I had my house cleaned.

Using a causative verb is similar to using a passive. The important thing is that the house is now clean. We don’t focus on who did the cleaning.

We usually use ‘have something done‘ when we are talking about paying someone to do something for us. It’s often used for services. The form is ‘subject + have + object + past participle‘.

  • I had my car washed.
  • John will have his house painted.

We can also use ‘subject + get + object + past participle‘. This has the same meaning as ‘have’, but is less formal.

  • The students get their essays checked.
  • I’ll get my hair cut next week.
  • He got his washing machine fixed.

Have practice using causatives have/get something done

Exercise 1. Change these sentences into the structure ‘have + object + past participle’ or ‘get + object + past participle’.

Example: I cleaned my kitchen (have) → I had my kitchen cleaned.

  1. I washed my car. (have)
  2. I cut my hair. (get)
  3. I typed the documents. (have)
  4. I fixed my washing machine. (get)
  5. I cut my grass. (have)
  6. I painted my bedroom. (get)
  7. I repaired my fridge. (have)
  8. I tidied my garden. (get)
  9. I edited the article. (have)
  10. I cleaned the carpets. (get)
  11. I printed the photo. (have)
  12. I checked my teeth. (get)
  13. I cleaned the windows. (have)
  14. I made the necklace. (get)
  15. I delivered the furniture. (have)
  16. I repaired the roof. (get)
  17. I wrote the report. (have)
  18. I dyed my hair. (get)
  19. I sent the money. (have)
  20. I built the shed. (get)

I’m getting my hair cut.

Exercise 2. Rewrite these sentences using causatives have/get something done

  1. The hairdresser is cutting my hair on Tuesday. – I am having my hair cut on Tuesday.
  2. Did a professional make the cake for you?
  3. Somebody stole my car last weekend.
  4. An electrician fitted the new lights for Sandra.
  5. The woman had asked the waiter to bring the bill to the table.
  6. They employed a plumber to fit the shower.
  7. Have you asked the secretary to fax the contract to Mr Brown?
  8. Alan’s mum washes all his clothes.
  9. The mechanic at the garage serviced their car.
  10. He told the student to clean the blackboard.

Exercise 3. Rewrite these sentences using causatives have/get something done

  1. My windows are cleaned twice a month. – I have my windows cleaned twice a month.
  2. The star’s latest film has just been released.
  3. Their swimming pool will be drained.
  4. The carpets must be laid in our flat by Monday.
  5. The brakes on my bike have been oiled.
  6. Our desks are being painted at the moment.
  7. Her bookcase was delivered last week.
  8. A new computer has been ordered for me.
  9. Annie’s sculptures are going to be exhibited tomorrow.
  10. A skateboard was being made for Tim.

Exercise 4. Rewrite these sentences using causatives have/get something done

  1. Holly is going to ask Mary to sew her dress. – Holly is going to have her dress sewn.
  2. Someone has tidied the garden for Mark.
  3. When will they fix his telephone?
  4. Pat pays someone to clean the windows every week.
  5. Can you tell someone to move those boxes?
  6. When will they deliver Dan’s sofa?
  7. Howard should ask someone to deliver the package.
  8. When will you service the car?
  9. Pay someone to make the curtains for you.
  10. Someone has shortened Alice’s skirt.

Based on:

I form 11 (UNIT 1)


Task 1.
Translate into English.

1.      продвинутый

2.      делать

3.      обязательный

4.      исследовать

5.      окончательный

6.      ряд

7.      так

8.      иметь
дело с чем-либо

9.      разочаровывать

10.  как
бы то ни было

Task 2.Choose the appropriate
words to complete the sentences.

People of teaching (job/ profession/
occupation/ career) are mainly woman.

Neither of her books (have/ has) been bought.

They are thinking about (whether/ if) the plan
is good.

(None/ No one) knows where she is.

Both kittens were so wonderful that I was
prepared to take (either/ any).

The box (contains/ includes) old letters.

He wasn’t at home, (either/ neither) were his

Task 3.Rewrite the sentences using «have something

Example: My
windows are cleaned twice a month.

I have
my windows cleaned 
twice a month.

1. The
star’s latest film has just been released.

Their swimming pool will be drained.

3. The
carpets must be laid in our flat by Monday.

4. The
brakes on my bicycle have been oiled.

5. Our
desks are being painted at the moment.

4.Complete the sentences using «neither/either»


1.      ___ Peter
___ Mary could go to the party.

2.      Julian
told me that I could ___ have a vacation ___ take a day off.
What a pity! 

3.      What
day is it today — the 18th or the 19th? ____. It’s the 20th.

 ___ my parents ___ my brother take advantage of my

5.      When
shall I phone, in the morning or afternoon? ___ I’ll be in all day.

6.      Where’s
Liz? Is she at work or at home? ___. She’s away on holiday.

7.       It’s
nice with ___ yellow ___ red

Task 5. Вставьте предлоги for, in, out, up

1.      Could you
call_____ at the bank after 4 p.m.?

2.      The man on a chair
was calling_____ the names of the race participants.

3.      I don’t think
Brian will call_____ on us on Sunday.

4.      Many people
call____ a ban on nuclear tests.

The picture in the magazine
called_____   memories of our summer holidays.

6*. Ask at least 5 questions about the opponent’s future

I form 11 (UNIT 1)


Task 1. Translate into

1.      подавать заявление о приеме на работу

2.      обязательный

3.      исследовать

4.      детский сад

5.      обучение, плата за обучение

6.      так

7.      иметь
дело с чем-либо


9.      продвинутый

10.  карьера

Task 2.Choose the appropriate
words to complete the sentences.

Her (job/ profession/ occupation/ career) as a
driver came to an end after a bad accident.

Either Ann or Alice (is/ are) responsible for
this job.

He can’t decide (whether/ if) to go to London
in winter.

(None/ No one) of my friends has paid their
tuitions at the university.

She had to (practice/ practise) the violin
every day.

We have two bedrooms but (neither/ no one) is
comfortable enough.

 (Either/ Neither) his son nor his daughter
were at the party.

Task 3.Rewrite the sentences using «have something

Example: My
windows are cleaned twice a month.

I have
my windows cleaned 
twice a month.

1.      Her
bookcase was delivered last week.

2.      A new
computer has been ordered for me.

3.      Annie’s
sculptures are going to be exhibited tomorrow.

4.      A skateboard
was being made for Tim.

5.      He
told the student to clean the board.

4.Complete the sentences using «neither/either».

can ___ stay ___ leave. 

I was so shocked that
I could ___ laugh ___ cry. 

3.      I asked two people
the way to the station, but ___ of them could help me.

___ James ___ Diana works here.

I was
invited to two parties last week, but I couldn’t go to __ of them.

6.       Sarah and I play
tennis together regularly, but ____ of us can play very well.

___ Frank ___ his
neighbor has the key of the letterbox. We don’t know where it is.

Task5. Вставьте
предлоги for, in, out, up

1.      I would like you
to raise your hands when you’re ready with your answers, but don’t call_____

2.      Sebastian
calls_____ at his grandparents’ once a week.

3.      All sensible
people would call_____ peace and struggle against war.

4.      I’ll be very
grateful if you call  in ____ us one of these days.

5.      Teachers don’t
expect pupils to call answers ____.

6*. Ask at least 5 questions
about the opponent’s future job.



Перепишите предложения, используя что-то сделанное. Пример. Мои окна очищаются два раза в месяц. У меня мои окна очищаются два раза в месяц. 1. Последний фильм звезды только что был выпущен. 2. Их бассейн будет слит. 3. Ковры должны быть уложены в нашу квартиру к понедельнику. 4. Тормоза на моем велосипеде были смазаны маслом. 5. На данный момент наши столы расписаны. 6. Ее книжный шкаф был доставлен на неделе. 7. Мне был заказан новый компьютер. 8. Скульптуры Анни будут выставлены завтра. 9. Для Тима делался скейтборд. 10. Он сказал ученику очистить доску.

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I spend a lot of time with my family. We often come together, especially on holidays and evenings. We give gifts to each other for his birthday and new year. I help my parents with washing dishes, cleaning the apartment.

I really like spending time with my family


Я провожу много времени со своей семьей. Мы часто собираемся вместе, особенно в праздничные и вечерние дни. Мы дарим друг другу подарки на день рождения и новый год. Я родителям с мытьем посуды, уборкой квартиры.

Мне очень нравится проводить время с семьей



У вас есть 30 минут, чтобы сделать это задание. Вы получили письмо от вашего англоязычного друга по переписке, Энн. … У нас есть особые традиции в нашей семье. В последние выходные каждого месяца мы готовим еду вместе: мои родители, моя сестра Дженни и я. На этой неделе это тыквенный суп и имбирное печенье … Как вы проводите время всей семьей? Когда вы дарите друг другу подарки? Что вы делаете, чтобы своим родителям по дому? Напишите ей письмо и ответьте на его 3 вопроса. Напишите 100-120 слов. Помните правила написания письма.

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